Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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Troblera of Manager! is to Find Suf'
ficient Exhibit Room.
Indication Are th (omlni hnv
Will Far fturpa Any of It
Pmlror.i.or In MnvnW
tude and nrnotr.
H hen the sixth annual Automobile
l-ow opens at tlie Auditorium February
J people attendlntr th liow will be given
an opportunity to witness, a irlxpW of
car more munificent and beautiful than
etcr before seen in Omaba. This how
promises to far excell all previous exhibi
tions In every way.
' Po numerous have been the requests of
automobile companies In the city for
Kpace reservations Manager Olllan of the
Auditorium lias found It necessary to
rlrar the basement of the building and
use it In connection with the upper floor.
Matay companies desiring reservations
have been refused by the board of di
rectors of the show because of scarcity
of room. Tn previous years but a por
tion of the basement of th Auditorium
w-a. used by the show. This year all the
scenes and other property of the Audi
torium which have been stored In the
basement will be removed ao as to allow
more apace for display. This year the
apaoe to be allowed to each company will
be less than In previous years and there
will be more cars on display.
During the last six years the decorating
of the Auditorium has been the same.
This year the board of directors have
arranged to have the building decorated
In a new anu magnificent manner, far
surpassing the decorations of former
'ine main floor will be used for display
of automobiles and th basement will b
devoted to the exhibition of commercial
Firms to Exhibit.
So f;ir the following companies have
been granted floor space for their dis
plays: Apperson Auto company.
Baum Iron company.
jCadllao Auto company.
John Deere Plow company.
I'erlght Auto company.
JOlectrlc Oarage company.
K, M. F. Auto comapny.
Firestone Rubber company.
Freeland. Auto company.
lrtj Motor company. '
Krederlckeon Auto company.
Huffman company.
International Harvester company.
, JohriBon-Danforth company.
JVR. Kimball Auto company.
KlsseIl Auto, company. j,"'.
.Inlnger Implement company. ,
Mitchell Motor company.
.Andrew Murphy & Co. - '
jMarion Auto company. .; r
',-Vtbraska Bulek Auto- company!
jJ,U. Northwall company. i
'Omaha Auburn Auto company. ,
Omaha Rubber company.
Powell Supply company.
Kambler Motor company.
Guy L,. Smith.
United Motor company.
Warlon Auto company.
Van Brunt Auta ompany.
i.i R. Wilson Auto company.
"Aj'allace Auto company.
AVestern Auto Supply ompany. . ,
Th following have applied for'flior
tar,,but space has not yet been allot
ted to them: 'v' v
Xtrawka Regal Sales comapny. ''
Traynor Auto company.
("nrter Car company.
'.Interstate Auto company.
Jack Sharp
Ureat Western Auij company.
Molina Auto company.
The companies which will have exhi
bitions in the basement are:
Andrew Murphy.
lerlght company."
J,, G. , Northwall company.
Jqhnson-Dunforth company.
Ttebrauka Bulek company.
W' U Huffman comapny.
IJlectrlo Garage company.
Jnlerratlonal Harvester company.
'"Time In Its flight has treated lightly
Mitchell cars of ancient vintage," sold
I Dick Stewart in talking of his car. ."One
, of the most satisfactory proofs was evl
, denced by our receiving' parts order for a
I Model B, two-cylinder vertical air cooled
J runabout, which we manufactured In 1903.
The gentleman who originally purchased
i thla car sent In the order for repairs and
says that he is not ready yet to give up
his little runabout. He is using It daily
arijj he hopes to continue It in use for
' sotrotlme to come.
, "fn the season of 1903 we manufactured
, eighty-four curs, to be exact, and this at
the present time would hardly make more
than a good day's work."
Test for Tire.
The road conditions on the GUdden
tour were exceptionally hard on hard
tires owing to the large amount of new
macadam road and the numerous fords
through which the car was forced to
pass, All of these fords were of the rock
bottorn variety. In spite of all difficul
ties riot a moment's trouble was experi
enced" with the Goodyear tires and they
are apparently due for considerable mlle
V Motorcycle Moles.
Chicago can boast of 2,tiS8 enthusiastic
Hetiry . Kaxwlale of Pan Angelo, Tex.,
recently ' completed a 2,8.00-mlie motor
cycle Irlp to Syracuse, N. Y.
The Illinois Valley Motorcycle club
recwitly parsed resolutions condemning
the use ol- the open muffler on the city
. Tne Carpenters' union of Houston, Tex.,
added a motorcycle to Its equipment re
ft nily to aid its officers in the work in
If all the (notorcyclists of London,, were to organize a club there
would be &t.OH) member, for th largest
city jn the world calms ' that many
The Riverside (Cal.) Motorcycle club
believes in the good will of city officials,
it recently tent a communication to the
city council thanking it for Improving a
public highway.
1 Savannah, Oa., motorcyclists recently
received F. A. M. cards ami pins hi the
Chamber of Comrueive. tnere, following
their attlllatlon wit a tlie national organ
isation. The Birmingham (Ala.) Humane society
recently enaorsed the motorcycle as a
means to laci.itate prompt reponses In
csaes or 111 treatment to aulmais in all
tarts ct tne ciiy
The motorcycle la aiding the telcgrsph.
A tx-legtapn ofticn In Ke.llunda, Cal., Is
IE latent to inxtsll machines for the
ULlefc ticliveiy of ineMtisei to persons
.i.tDrf in the uutulttrt' ut thu city.
Motorcycle I'olii'eman I.lnebaugh of
York, 1'a., rode v.tAA miles on Ina iiui-cUlii-3
in fivu nvmtns end uiaJu fiity
I Ml v arrtajti. Two other members of tlie
lurc i owtroii ovtr i vtj mile In a year,
wltU illly arrtstj esclt Ijf U1J: 'six
High Honors for
Car Which Takes
Three Top Places
Kver since the Tledeman trophy race,
which opened Snvannnh's nnnual carnival
of motor speed, men have beMi cuilsrlins;
their memories ami frisking the records
to flmt an Instance of another event In
which three motor cars of the same make,
comprising an entire team, finished a big
race In first, second and third positions
at the finish. They have all given It up.
The performance of the 1C-M-K "30 s"
driven, respectively, by Witt, Kvans and
Towen Is absolutely unique in the annnls
of road racing and approached only by
the grand prise performance of the Hens,
which last year won first and second,
though falling to cop the third position.
Accurate record was kept of the fuel
and oil consumption of the cars. The
170 miles of speeding were covered on an
lavrrsge of nine gallons of gasoline and
.Tour of lubricating oil. ItenmiknMe
figures when It Is recalled that. In the
I straight stretches the cars ivere coci-
pcllel often t "'beat It" atfawter than
seventy-five miles an hiir to make up
for the tortuous lurhs "on the Course,
some of which required slow downs to a
rate of only thirty-five.
The Packard Transcontinental truck,
which was the first heavy duty vehicle to
cross from ocean to ocean, Is now touring
the raet, and will be exhibited at the
New -York show in January.' Since arrlv
Ing back In letrolt, after completing lii
remarkable Journey, the truik has been
exhibited In Cleveland, Buffalo. Cvwhcs
ler, Syracuse. Albany, Sprlnjfl.-ld pnd
Boston. Its picturesque appcii'.i i'e lias
attracted crowds In every city it has visited.
Good Roads Double
Automobile Sales
The reut agitation on good i,.,ls
has provoker con si clem He conjecture as
to Just what would be the situation In
the automobile business in the I'nlted
StHlc If we had as gotxl rouits ns our
cousins in F.nglnml. tine eminent man
In the profession, who has Just returned
from an extended trip V Knrope In the
Interests of American made c.irs, re
marked last week If we had as go.d
roads as are found In l:tmlnd the auto
mobile business In this country would he
"This statement may nound Venture
some." said Secretary J. V.. I.ahihert of
the Regal Motor Car company, w ho made
It, "but I am firmly convinced that It Is
Onaerte Tlnilnar of limr llnanetn.
"A very slight alteration In the mag-
tioto will hae h rnnshlcrahM effect In
increasing the speed of the car." said
Charles Splltilorf, head of the famous
house of Splltilorf. "Advancing the mag
neto one tooth will Increase the speed
sliflve five miles nn hour, yet by ad
vancing two teeth n knock may remit
Ihat will Imperil every rod and hearing
In the eiiKlne. Caatlotia experimenting Is
the only way to learn the correct adjust
from an American point of view one of
tho most striking features of the recent
lierlln show was the entire absence of six
cylinder cars. Not a single German ex
hibitor exhibited a rar of this type, the
only one shown being en Kngllsh lalniler
six-cylinder chassis equipped with a
Knight engine.
Another very marked tendency was the
oTliiRlng out of low powered and low
price models by nianv of the
manufacturers with the evident Inlonllon
of M-e ontlmr the cantuie of this cIhhs ot
trade bv the American manufacturer,
who are now niakin-r a strong effort to
secure the market for Ion- priced cars.
e Itenirit for nnderlillf Ilm'C.
Seventy-four and se en-tenth miles per
hour was the nvetage upeed of Mnlfoid's
l.oilir. winner of the l?'ll Vanderhllt up
iscc, setting a new mark for the distance.
Close behind the winning car came lie
I'alina In hi Mercedes, and he also broke
the former refolds, ns did Spencer Wi.Mi
art In another Mercedes. It was a gixst
race, and Giant's I.ozler, Parker's Flat
and IHsbrow's Pope Hummer, finishing
In the order named, made fast enough
time to win ony ordinary contest. Kvery
car to finish was eiiuipped with Michelln
Aeto nnlaes tlood.
After a two months' sojourn In Kurope,
luring which he visited litigland, Scot
land, I'rance and Germany. C. J. Butler,
vice prrslrlent of the l'n1td State Tire
company, Is back In Detroit, fcellnii
pretty well satisfied with automobile
trade conditions as they exist In this
American Made Cars
Near thejforth Pole
Northern Norway Is the nearest ap
proach Overland have made to the north
pole and southern Africa I the nearest
to the south pole. Thriving Overland
de.ilcrs ere at each place.
Ncnrly hi! tars will go to New Zealand
for 1IM2 delivery. Fight Overland have
been shipped recently to Porto Rico to bo
used In government service. Fifteen car
have been ordered from Denmark and
what In believed to be the largest single
shipment ever made to the Philippine
consists of thirty-two Overland now In
"'ffii-iS Gas rub b1; -? fczzi ic.fcia fcd bg tes
'. PFTP1 frirrm CCCI i HmmnM. l..!trv. ''i2"Fi.. p.......rT.nri..r.Mim ' ' -CC3 ECr i
m r" "I iir.ira 1 1 . - o - - - - bv wua, Twr
til UiW"1
1 Hapmobile Long-Stroke "32" Fire Passenger Touring Cafe $900
F.O. B. Detroit, Including equipment of windshield, gas lamp end generator, oil lamp, tools and bora.
Three speeds forward and reverse; sliding gear. Four cylinder motor. 3V(nch bore x 4-tnch stroke.
Boacb magneto 19inch wfeedbue. 30 x 3'i-iach tires. Color Standard Kupmobil blua
Tk naw touring ear wfU V first exhibited at
th Grand Central I'alac New York. January
iu-ii: maa suDeequentty at toe principal auto
suaws Uifougiuiut La country.
A car that gives yon a tbMlly new idea of
what yon ought toTget for $900
A new and larger Hupmobile which immediately thrusts upon your attention a score of tangible superiorities which set it in a class apart from cars of its price.
A five-passenger Touring Car for $900 which rejects every characteristic of commonplace construction ; and makes clear its invasion of the field above that price ;
by points of difference and departure which no motorist can mistake.
Evolved out of the experience which has built thousands of the Hupmobile Runabout the quality car today, as it always has been, of the runabout class.
Designed by E. A. Nelson, Chief Engineer of the Hupp Motor Car Company, since its inception and designer of the original Hupmobile Runabout. To him
and the skilled shop organization which he has continuously maintained, we owe the inimitable lines, the marked simplicity, the efficiency and the high
quality of workmanship incorporated in the Runabout
Impressed with the same strong individuality as the Runabout ; and still further removed from comparison by :
Firt, the small -bore, Second, the body design and construction which attains the purpose Third, the Americanization, after close study abroad, of inval
long stroke motor. of the "underslung" and avoids all of its disadvantages ; and uable engineering principles entirely new .to this country
Some of the points which make the price unprecedented
The three chief characteristics of the mew Hupmobile
are Durability, Efficiency, and Ability.
Bv durability we mean that we believe that there are
r m a. A. MM f a ... a .a a
ine Hupmobile cranksiialt has three large mam bearings,
more years of quiet, competent service, and a greater
capacity for withstanding hard knocks in this Car
than have ever before been incorporated in a car at
any figure near this price because every part is
made of good material and more than amply strong
for a car of this size and weight.
By efficiency, we mean lower oiland gasoline consump
tion : a lesser tire cost ; and a smaller outlay for repairs.
By ability, we mean 60 more pulling power for moun
tain work and heavy roads; 4 to 50 miles of speed
at any time and all times; and ability to throttle in
stantly to a wajking gait or to pick up quickly with
out feeling the weight of the car.
These latter advantages are due in large measure, of
course, to the motor, one of the first of the small
bore, long-stroke type peculiar to the finest foreign
cars, ever manufactured in this country.
bronze back, Babbitt lined less wear fewer adjust
menis longer lire.
Other bearings include high duty Hyatt roller and F. &. S
annular; while the wheels are mounted on Bower
The valves all on one side are enclosed by a pressed
steel cover, which keeps oil in and dirt out ; and because
dirt is kept out, the valves remain noiseless, show mini
mum wear and require minimum adjustment
Many a car of 50 to 60 horsepower carries a clutch no
larger than the clutch of the new Hupmobile. Multiple
disc type, with 13-inch discs gives positive action and
starts the car smoothly and easily.
Transmission gears are amply large for a 40 horsepower
car; run slowly and are quiet at all speeds.
This excess strength extends also to the full-floating
rear axle large and strong enough for a seven
passenger car. The gears have an unusually large
number of teeth Another precaution against wear
and the possibility of trouble.
Oil is fed to all parts and bearings of the unit power
plant under pressure the flywheel runs in oil and its
centrifugal force takes the place of a pump. One
kind of oil is used for engine, clutch and transmission
instead of oil and grease, and it circulates and lubri
cates until it is literally worn out a self-evident
Body and chassis design embody a low center of grav
ity, and minimize skidding.
The springs are strong and unusually flexible; the rear
spring is, the patented Hupmobile cross type; the
upholstering is deep and soft all features that add
to the comfort of those in the car.
Hupp Motor Car Company, Detroit, Michigan
Huffman Automobile Co.,
Omaha, Keb Sioux City, la.
Distributers for Nebraska, South
Dakota and in Iowa west of and in
cluding these counties: Dickinson,
Clay, Buena Vista, Sac.' Carroll,
Audubon, Cass, Adams and Taylor.
Hupmobile Runabout $750 F. 0. B. Detroit,
including top, windshield, gas lamps and gen
erator, three oil lamps, tools and horn. Four
cylinders, 20 1 1. R, sliding gears. Bosch magneto.
In the new Hupmobile plant now rearing com
pletion, which will hive when finished a capac
ity of 15,000 to 20,000 car ayear. the Runabout
always a car of unprecedented popularity
will continue to occupy the same large part in
our manufacturing plans that it does at present.
Hupmobile Coupe Chassis same as Runabout
Si 100 f. o. b. Detroit
Hupmobile Roadster Chassis same as World
Touring Car $850 f. o. b. Detroit.
M'fl IH '.'') -
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