Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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Qoucrally Fair
Explosion in Main Shaft of Cross
Mountain System in Tennessee
Entombs Hundred Men.
Coining and Going in Omaha-
r M
WSJt sou. ...
Delegates from Eight Provinces
Make Draft of Proposed Funda
mental Law for Republic.
vl tiff,
Body of Fan Plant Operator Found
in Cavein in Afternoon.
Fire and Smoke Stop Squads After
Advancing Half Way.
Noise Give3 First Warning to Men
in Lateral Shaft.
President of Corporation Aaserts
Fnllnre of Urtr nmher of
.Itinera to Arrive on Time
frevrntn Iliac Death Mat.
BIUCEVILLE, Tenn.. Doc 9.-The body
of Le Folston 'U found burled In the
cave-In In the main shaft of the Cross
Mountain mine this afternoon. He was
the operator of the mine fan plant. He
leaves a wife and two children. The body
a terribly mangled and partially dis
membered. No other bodies have been
KNOXVILLK, Tenn.. Dec. 9.- "dim"
oxploHlou in the main min of the Cross
mountain system near Brireville early
today entombed a lartre number of work
er who had Just entered for the day's
The mine la usually manned by 2(0
miners, but whether all had entered the
shaft prior to the "dust" Mast has not
lieen determined.
The explosion waa about two -miles
from the entrance to the mines. It is not
yet possible to ascertain the number
Killed, but it is feared the loss of life
'vill bs very heavy.
Slsscuo preparations Immediately were
ticguii and at 10 o'clock gangs of miners
from other "works" In the district had
none Into the main Crocs Mountain mine
by three entrances. . - r . , ; .
Tito mine Is owned and operated by the
Knusvillo Iron cmpanv and. W .about
thirty-five, miles from Knoxvllle. , ' newa oi the explosion, spread
a)nut th-a Brlcevllie district throngs of
women and children rushed to the mtne
nuances and clamored to bo allowed to
make their way inside to aid in the
rescue. Many of .the women knew their
husbands had entered the mine before
the blast. Most of these wives, however,
maintained brave hearts. The majority
of them had witnessed almost similar
scones. One woman, vwho gathered others
about her, attempted to cheer her weep
ing sisters.
"Now, I know my old man aint dead,"
win) asserted. It 11 take more than a
dust explosion to kill him."
Interior of Mine on Fire.
liescue work temporarily was checked
before 11 o'clock. Great billows of flame
began to belch from the opening so that
the rescue parties were hurled back by
the flames. .
Members of rescue euiuada who were
driven from the mine by- flame and smoke
declared they had advanced a mile Into
the main shaft before they were forced
to retire, and that they had discovered
no .signs of the Imprisoned men. i
Just before the rescuers were driven out
they encountered a cave-In In each of
the entries. It was of such character as
almost positively to confirm the early
theory that "dust" had caused the- cx
Three Men ICarape.
Of all the men who went Into the mine
three have escaped. They were John
Lang, Samuel Farmer and Bert Hal
maker. They were in one of the lalerul
shafts. Warned by the noise they es.
caped before being overtaken by flafnes.
These men observed bad ".signs as
they entered the mine. They believe the
exact location of the blast Is -at least
two miles in tho Interior and kuO feyt
from the mountain crest.
The jiumber of men entombed Is now
variously estimated at Ji to 268.
Because of the cave-in and the smoke
end flumes. It is impossible for volunteer
rescuers to proceed Into the mine. Thty
must await the coming of the federal
(Continued on fcevumi Fuye.
The Weather
For Nebraska Generally fair west,
rain eant portion; cooler.
For lows. Unsettled with rain; cooler
We.'t portion.
1 riuuera t are at oniaia Venterilay.
& a. m..
6 a. m
7 a. m
s a. m
a. m
10 a. m.,....
11 a. m
12 m
1 p. in
2 p. in
3 p. m
4 p. m
i p. in '. ..
p. m
.... S!
.... 32
.... -Jl
.... Si
.... 33
. ... lit
.... :i
.... J
.... St
.... 39
7 p. m r.
Comparative Loral Mreord.
1U. 1K10. ISO.
jllgheat yesterday V) 30 37
Iiwvat yesterday So 1911
Mt-an tempsraiur 'H 0 31
1'iw ipUstiou -i Tr.00 ,ou
i riupe.mure and preclpltatliu depar
t .res Iioiu the normal:
.Normal teniuerat ure 3)
Kxcexs for I lie c.iy
Total excers slru e March 1 L (,
.oi mat pi e' ipltuti n... i r S inch
):irra fur the d 1 incn
Total rainfall !n e March 1. ... l.'I.M Inches
) leflcirncy since. March 1 I .9 Inches
Jieiu lency f..r c ir. perH.d. 1310.14.tst mches
ti e.s, lur cur. period. U 9 4. U inches
'I' i.-.dtculca t'ace of preclp.l jtiou.
luuicates hflow xeio.
U A. WtLsli, Local Fvrtcaater.
A?' f
w rim
i ... "
Committeeman Would Keep Office
Holders Out of Republican
Protest Will -lo lie Matle Against
Old. 'threat to Heduce IJcle.
Rotlona friin Kuutliern
WASH1NOTOX, Dec. 9.-A conference
of about twenty-five members of the re
publican natlonul committee will hold
here Monday night to protest against tho
old threat to reduce southern representa
tion in republican national conventions.
National Committeeman Cecil Lyon of
Texas, who called the meetlne will pre
sent a resolution calling on the national
committee to forbid election of federal of
fice helders as delegates, '
The fight to keep federal office holders
out of the national convention promises
to make the ' meeting pf the national
committee next Tuesday one ot the live
llett In recent years. Much of the protest
against the largo southern delegation
has been bared on tho fact that federal
office holders have jiredomlnated and
have been ""swuiik" Into line"" to support
existing admlnlfctiuttons. . Coionel l.yon
hopes that by keeping tho office holders
off the delegations, the representation of
the southern states will not bu Impaired.
Another move to be made by Colonel
Lyon and h!s rsnoclates will be to nullify
the selection of any delegates tnado prior
to the call of the convention by the na
tional committee. This aeHwn was -suggested
by the election of Taft delegates
from Alabama several months ago at a
meetlns called by the postmaster of Mo
bile, a member of the committee from
ltourne Hrsurrects Threat.
The threat to reduce the southern dele
gations has been resurrected by Senator
Bourne of Oregon.
"I am going to use my best efforts to
have the forty delegates from Texas se
lected from republicans who are not in
debted to any administration becauso of
the employment by the government,"'
said Mr. I.yon.
"There will be no federal office-holders
in the . delegation from Texas if I can
prevent It.
"Personally, I am going' to Insist that
the candidate for president who gets our
votes shall come out against tho Jiourne
proposal to cut down our representation.
"I am going further and Insist that no
city be given lUe convention whose state
delegation Is willing to cut down our
strength in the convention."
The prospective fight appeared to have
thrown the strength of the southern mem
bers of the committee to EL. Louis as the
convention city, although t'hlcagp still
seems re be favored by a majority. Den
ver and Cincinnati also have put ifi bids.
The Missouri delegation, it was said,
could be counted on to oppose any re
duction In the sjuthern delegations.
Several national committeemen called
at tho White House and talked politics
both with the president' and Secretary
Hilles. President Taft vill give a dinner
to the committee Monday.
Veteran Throws Self
From Skyscraper
NEW YORK, Dec. 9.-The man who
somersaulted frum tho dome of the
World building to death on the side
walk last Wednesday was identified to
day as Price Lewis, said to be the first
federal upy of the civil war.
Charles Newklrk of Jersey City made
the identification and said Lewis was S3
years old, lived In Jersey City 'and he
ihought to escape poverty after the re
jection of his application for a pension.
Newklrk (-aid Lewis had recounted to
aim many thrl'.llng experiences of thw
civil wur. Many times, Ncakirk said,
i.ewls wus the bodyUdid bf President
The county coiumlsiloners balked at
paying J. 8. lligglns 1192 for guarding
a prisoner In the county hospital for
thirty-two daya at $ti a day and rut the
bill in half when It waa presented. They
aalr Hlgglns got hi 4 boar J and room
while at work and the;- thought an ul
lov.ance of $3 a day would be plenty.
IliSglna guarded Cuar't i Madden, who
faced a charge of highway robbery, arid
en account oZ waa transferred
frcrn tho county jail to the county bos-
Ipital. He died bc'ora bu ran rewgi to
tK - i
fry'' !l -
TJie National Capital
Eaturdsy, December 9, 1911.
Saturtlny, lleeemltrr It, 1011.
Not Jn Fesslon; meets 2 p. m. Monday.
More witnesses for the defense heard
at Lorimer Inquiry.
Met at noon.
Controller Buy charges flnallydismlssed
b Investigating committee.
Sugar trust Inquiry continued with evi
dence that "the trust" Is disponing of
some beet and cane factory holdings.
Kree raw material doctrine attacked
In speech by Representative Burgess of
Pieparatlon of appropriation bills be
gun. Investigation of entire Interior depart
ment proposed by Mr. Graham of Illinois.
Debate on Sherwood bill to Increase
pensions Is resumed.
Rev. F. W. Sanford
is Found Guilty of
Causing Six Deaths
PORTLAND, Me., Dec. 9. Itev. Frank
V. gandford, leader ot the Holy tihost
and lis aooiety,. was found guilty of
liiK the death of aix persons on board (he
yacht Coronet by the jury In tho. United
States district court today, Handford will
be sentenced this month.
The Jury was out less than an hour and
returned a verdict of guilty on each of
the six counts. The penalty for each of
the offenses Is a fine not exceeding 10,000
or imprisonment for not exceeding ten
years or both. Sandford was released on
110.000 ba'.l.
SanJford said he had no witnesses to
offer, but he was permitted to make a
He declared that High Heaven was
watching to sen that a fuir trial wus bo
Ing given. Snndford declared that the
destination of the Coronet was determined
before the wreck of the ship Kingdom
took place. It was expected to sail for
Hudson Bay, Greenland, etc., he said, and
all were greatly disappointed at the wreck
of the Kingdom on Mud island, off the
coast of Africa. The destination Of the
Coronet wy unchanged by the wreck of
the Kingdom. With earnestness Bandlord'
told of his Instructions from God to con
tinue. He Bald:
"I said, Father, what next? What next?
Now thut. we have tills company on
"I received this answer, and I make this
statement advisedly, knowing what 1 am
doing, I received this answer:
"I understand Its meaning to be to go
on with the work. It was thoroughly dis
cussed and finally it was decided to go
on with the work, which took us to the
far north."
Sandford'a manner was that of a
preacher rather than a witness.
Revenue Cutter .
Hunts Filibusters
NKW OJtLKANS, Dec. 9 The United
States revenue cutter, Davey, was hur
riedly dispatched from Now Orleans last
night to starch for a filibustering expe
dition along the Gulf coast concerning
which well denned rumors are aaid to
have reached secret service agents. The
supposed expedition Is said to be aimed
at the Mexican government.
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Dec. 9.-A report
today from Corrale. Mexico, between
Cumargo and Matainoras, In the state of
Tamaullpas, Is that a party of six, sup
posid to have been headed by General
Bernardo iteyes, had purchased six
hoises from a ranchman and started for
San Juan and Monterey.
Dr. Eliot Operated
On for Appendicitis
BOSTON, Dec. . A dispatch was re
ceived here today stating that I'lesident
Lmeritus Cliarles W. Kliot of Harvard
was operated on for appendicitis at
Kandy, Ceylon, today. The dlspulch
stated the operation was apparently suc
cessful and that a quick recovery was
expected. Dr. Kliot left here a mouth
ago for a tour around the world, aicoin
panted by his wife, Ilia daughter, a niece
and bis private secretary.
CHICAGO. Dec. 9 -Sa:t Luke City was
namid lis next year's place of meeting
of the National Irrigation congress, and
l.'nitod t-.'.alf.i .-ina tor NeulanJ of Ne
vada was elected president today. Di
Harvey W. Wiley urged sanitation of
streams ued-f or Irrigation pit. poses. He
declared fresh fish and oyster beds are
being, contamlnaud by sswaga.
Trill n
Doirr roRCCT
Red Banner of Insurgency is Flunj
to Breezes at Annual
( .
Supreme t'oart I Iteealled. Sowar
Trust I'ullrd Apart and Steel
Trust Sentenced for (otl
Ilrlrklns; Teddy.
"rtound the table are officers fair;
I'lesident and congress ail are there.
Look them over, you Insurgent horde:
And take them ail if you have the sword."
This touching little parody of a verso
from Wllttler's poem, "Barbara
Frltchle," gave tho keynote to the
December dinner of tho Gridiron club
tonight. The red banner of insurgency
was flung to the breexe and every skit
and gibe was super-charged with the
spirit of revolt against present conditions,
political, social and ptrsonal. Nothing
was too sacred to escape the Irony and
wit of the actors who played their parts
on the small slugo and tho choristers
who chanted to the tune ot popular airs
the grievances of the common people
and the glowing promises of the reform
ers, j '. -
That venerable body, the I'nlted States
supreme court, came In for Its share of
attention early In the evening. After
an overwhelming majority vote of the
diners had vanquished all of the regular
candidates and placed Dr. Wiley In the
piesldontlal chair, the supremo court
found Itself completely recoimtructed,
having pussed through the process of
"recall." The new court was headed
by "Hutlt House John" Coughlln, as
chief justice, and among the associate
Justices were lOugene Debs, "Ulnky
Dink" Kenna, Earn Gcmpers, "Flngey"
Connois, Charlie Murphy, Btulibs of Kun
tus, Ex-Senator Aldrlch and Theodore
When the attorney for the sugur trust,
which was on trial before the court,
sought to call attention to the law In
the case he was chilled by the chief
Justice with "Can that chatter about the
law. We make our own laws."! The
trust was convicted and ordered "pulled
Steel Trust rs Vletliu.
Tho steel trust was the next victim.
charged with having "gold-brlcked T. R.,"
although the Justice of that name vio
lently protested that "they didn't gold
brick me." Th a protest did not avail
and the president of the trust was sen
tenced to four hours private conversa
tion with Attorney General Wlckcrsham.
An appeal for an Injunction to prevent
Bryan from again running for the presi
dency was denied by Justice Aldrlch, who
said: "Oh, let him run. What difference
does It make?" Attorney General Wlck
crsham asked for an Injunction to re
strain Champ (Mark from annexing
Canada, but one of the Justices suggests!
reciprocal action by Inviting Canada to
annex Champ Clark.
A petition to prevent the Taft boomers
from grabbing the presidential nomina
tion from linb La Follette was denied on
the ground that "It is no crime to take
candy from a child."
In the stirring ballad of "Barbara
Frletchltf," which was dramatized for this
occasion, was shown the rough window
of the llttlfl cottage In Frederick, Md.,
when Stonewall Jackson's troops passed
through tho old town. Framed In the
casement, was the face of "Uncle Joe"
Cannon, representing the "atandpat" cle
ment, while the confederate leader waa
depicted as La Follette In the little mili
tary procession. With melodramatic ef
fect tho troops halted and musketry
Then Barbara leaned out on her window
And shook her banner with a royal will.
"Shoot if you this old gray head.
But spare your party's flag," she said.
As the troops withdrew the reader gave
the last stanza as follows:
The parly f!ags niHy come and go.
The nation lives and fears no foe.
(Continued on Second i'age.)
Announcement of.
Winners in
Second Bee
will be made in
Ths Omaha Sunday Bee
December 17
tuf; w:d ckogs stamps
Lawyer Says Harvester Agent Of
fered Money to Stop Tax Suit.
Attempt to Show that Combine Is
Hark of Flabt on Senator
Man Aeenaed Denies the
I harse.
WASHINGTON', Dec. -Maxwell Kd
gar, a Chicago lawyer, who In 11J? led a
legul fight to force thu International
Harvester company to pay more taxes,
testified today before the iHiriiner sen
atorial Investigating committee that he
had been offered 10,C0U to desist. He
said the offer was made by a Chicago
lawyer name Tone, who claimed to rep
resent Clarence S. Darr.iw and Kdgar
A. Bancroft, tlw latter an attorney for
the company.
Kdgar declared ho believed Bancroft
had . used Darrow us u go-between. The
fight culminated he said, In an Increase
of the taxes on the McCormlck fumlly's
International Harvester stocks from prac
tically nothing to about I7ri.000.fl. year and
compulsory payment of about l,V)0,000 back
Kdgar' a testimony came unexpectedly
and a UvelytJjaJrt.Aifj, precipitated over
Its admissibility. V . "' . .'
udge II alley, counsel for Senator I.uli
tir, heat'euiy declail d that' If allowed
to Introduce II, he would show that the
tax fight had been charged Indirectly to
Senutor I.orlmer und his frjenda by the
principal owners of the harvester com
pany and that It was the basis of the
charges of corruption against Lorimer.
Kdgar testified further that pressure
to quit the fight had been brought to
bear on him by officials of Hearst news
papers In Chicago.
Tone Contradicts Story.
CHICAGO, Dec. 9.-D. K. Tone, at
torney, suld Kdgar's statement was not
"The facts were these," said Mr. Tone.
"Acting as counsel for the Chicago
Teachers' Federation, I brought a man
damus suit against the Cook County
Bourd of Review to compel It to assess
the franchises and capital stock of the
International Harvester company for back
taxes. We Joined forces with Kdgar, who
represented the Tax Reform association.
"Clarence B. Darrow, representing the
company, asked us to compromise, say
ing the company was willing to pay a
reasonable amount. Including the expense
of prosecution. The whole thing was sub
mitted to the teachers1 federation and
the Question of attorneys' fees was ap
proved by the court. ,
"The result was that the company paid
$175,000. There were no dealings except
j those of which our clients and the court
were fully aware."
Six Men Accepted '
For Packers' Jury
CHICAGO, Dec. 9. Klx members of the
Jury that will try the Chlcugo packers
Indicted for alleged violation of the
Sherman anti-trust act had been accepted
tentatively by both government and de
fense today when an adjournment until
Monday was taken. Five others had been
examined and passed by the defense and
will bu given t the government after
tho panel i.l concluded, l'osxllilllly that
the venire might be dismissed and an
other summoned was teen when M. B.
Vealu of Malta said he had been ap
proached by another venireman and
asked his opinions.
Thaw Jewels Are
Returned by Thieves
, riTTSHl KGll, iK-. 'J.-.xcgoiial.uii
Were lepoited to have bee a concluded to
day by which Jewels valued at I'-i.OuO,
stolen from the residence of Mrs. Wil
liam Thaw, Jr., January M last, while
the family wus at dinner, were returned.
The robbery was committed by thieves
of International reputation who hastened
to Chicago from rittHburgh and offered
to return tho Jewels If Mrs. Thaw paid
the price demanded, ubout tM.Oti. Mis.
Thaw refused to confirm or deny the
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9 Former Gov
ernor Hi tiry A. Buchtel of Colorado In a
ttatemciil today vigorously denied that
conditions aiMU ouiiitug peonage cxtfcled
In thwColmudu sonar beet fields.
He referred to the testimony of James
bodkin before the house committee that
men and women were worked sixteen
hours a day at bark-breaking labor.
Governor Buchtel explained thut theso
pet sons who Itusxians or Italians win,
worked by the Job, not by tn day.
k A 1:.
Officers Decide Against Attempt to
Have McNamaras Testify
Before Grand Jury.
rroliabltilr that thw Two Dyna
miters Will He Taken to Baa
Uuentln Prison Within
Few Honrs.
LOS ANGKLKS, Cal., Dec. 9.-Sheriff
Ilammel announced at noon today that
the McNamaras might be on their way
to San yuenlln some tlmo between now
and tomorrow morning.
"I um walling for a special steamer,'
said the sheriff.
The McNamara brothers probably will
testily beiore the lederal grand Jury
here. Oscar Lawler, special prosecutor
tor the government announced today that
the grand jury which Is Inquiring Into
the alleged dynamite conspiracies would
not convene again until next Tuesday
and It was said to be curtain that by that
llirm James B. and John J. McNamara,
unereturv-treatiurer of tha International
. T
Association of lMg and Btruetural
Iron .Workers. woiWd have begun at the
San Uuentln state fciison their sentence
of life Imprisonment and fifteen years,
respectively, for ths crimes 16 which thsy
confessed week ago.
Tho futility of usklng the McNamaras
to testify now In view of their emphatic
declaration that they would not dlvllugo
what they know of the alleged conspiracy
Is said to have resulted In a plan to take
the McNamaras to the state penitentiary
either today or tomorrow.
Whether their deposition wilt taken
at the state prison at some future date
after they have beuu In prison and have
served a part of the long sentences ahead
of them Is a possibility that has been
Scores of witnesses appeared In town
today In response to summons. It la
known that most of the ban Francisco
labor leaders will be asked to appear
before the grand Jury here. The names
of those summoned have been carefully
guarded, but It is supposed that among
them are Olat A. Tveitmoe, treasurer of
Ilia State Building Trades council; An
ions Johannsen, organizer of tha same
organisation, with headquarters In Ban
Francisco: Andrew Gallagher, secretary
of the Centrab Labor council of Ban
Francisco; J. K. Munsey, business agent
of the International Association of Bridge
and rUruclural Iron workers at Salt Lake
City; II. B. Hockin, a men. bur of tho
exccutlvo board of Iho same organiza
tion, and I. J. Bmltli, business agent of
the same union at Cleveland.
Though McMuulgal fur two days thus
far bus testified before tho grand Jury,
the probabilities are thut lie lias not
finished his testimony.
Franklin Will I'lrnit Galltr.
With tha trial of A. B. Maple. Bert
Connors and 1. Ira Bender, charged with
attempting to blow up the Hail of Rec
ords In August, ltilO, postponed until Jan
uary 4, tiie only thing remaining here
pcrtuiiilnC to tho McNamara rane besides
the gland Jury investigation in tha case
of Belt 11. Franklin, charged with hav
ing bribed a prospective Juror for the
McNamara trial. Both District Attorney
Fredericks and Ai-sistant District Attor
ney Ford today declared that Frunkliu
probably would plead guilty because of
tiie strength of the evidence again, t lilni.
Thu preliminary examination of Frank
lin will be continued on Monday.
Iilrnlll) of M lluriara Gaardrd.
The utmost care Is being taken by tha
fedciul authorities here to guard the iden
tity of tho witnesses appearing before tha
fciond Jury. J. XV. Kalher of Muncle,
Ind., the man who Is tuiprtosed to have
bold nltroglycerliiu to tho McNamaras
and McMaiiigal, today was in the custody
of detectives. When he emusged from
the grand jury rnoin toduy he refused to
tell his iiume, and the detectives would
nut give Information concerning him. One
of tho newspuper men, however, recog
nlxid him ua Kaiser, and his connection
with the i use Immediately became, .ip-
Attorney Liwier dccldisl the identity of
witnesses would not bu divulged becuusc
it wus fiaitd that if the people "on the
other side'' learned v.i.o wai testifying
uguiust them, they might luUw trouble
for tho witiietbe In their home cities.
Witnesses who knew of the circum
stances surrounding the bridge explosion
In I'eoiiu. ill., and the vtrocklng if n-j
Municipal tower at f-'piini;(ield, .Mum.,
are siid to bg hero and ready to testify
when the grand Jury reconvenes on Tif -day.
INDIANAI'OLIH. Ind., Dec. 9. TubuU
CuJ! exhibiting letters alleged to I in pi left..
I many persons throughout tho country In
j explosion direc ted against the pruprrty
of imploveis of nonunion Iron v.otittr
is being prepared for presentation to (.lit
Instrument Must Be Approved by
Convention Within Six Months.
City Within Twelve Miles of Peking
Burned by Revolutionaries.
Man Who Helped Conduct Imperial
Defense at Nanking Killed.
Nevr Local Assembly Will Take Ores
oWera of Old! Coancll Revola
tlonary Soldiers Clamoring;
for Their Pay.
LONDON. Dec. . Further details of
the draft of the constitution of the pro
posed Chinese republic, drawn up by tho
chiefs of the revolutionary movement dur
ing their conference with Wii Ting-Fang,
aro given In a special news dispatch re
ceived here today. Klght provinces were
represented at the conference.
Tha draft, besides providing: for tha
election by the provisional government
of a provisional president, says that he
must call a convention of tha people
within six months to confirm the con
stitution. All tho acts of the national
assembly, which is to be composed of
representatives appointed by tha provi
sional governments, must bs confirmed
by the president of the republic before
going Into effect.
Ths president of the republic Is to b
eomminder-tn-chlef of ths army and Is
to possess the power, with tha concur
rence of the national assembly, of declar
ing war, making treaties, appointing
diplomatic representatives and bring
courts of Justice.
Ths Chinese revolutionaries have rte
atroyed Chang Haln, about twelve mile
southwest of Peking, according, to m
special pews, dispatch- from Tien Ti!n.
All foreigners axs safo.
Impsrlal fleasrat s.ssasslnrtotf .' :'. -
fnm,.Hhanhai, ivport the' SK'uHHlnaC'-Mi
of Ocner&l Cllung Ilsttn, wiio heU"". eon '
duct the ImpcrlBlC nVferu'e' V. ' .h',"-'ing.
Viceroy Chasgjeii t'it.Ar.rvt. w-' Mi.n-
ihu general. Tleh l.lans;,-who ei.faned
from Nankins; uion its capture, are-said
to have taken refuge In southern Man- .
) Moderates win at Anioy.
AMOV, Dec. . Mod orates are declared
to have carried by large majority yes
terday's election for a local assembly
to taka over the powers ot the old execu
tive council. .
The new assembly's first problem will
be to meet the demand for funds with
which to pay the soldiers who aro clamor
ing for money. An attempt Is being
made to re-establish the old llkln or
provincial customs tax, , whk-h was
abolished by the new regime In the first
flush of success.
Advices front Bwatow, a faw miles down
tha coast, announce that a serious con
flict between revolutionary factions la
feared there. Two thousand Cantonese
are arrayed againt the local troops.
Mhona at Canton Looted.
HONG KONG, Dec. 9. Bandits today
looted tha works shop of tha Canton
Hankow railroad, killing one foreman, a
foreigner and several workmen.
All about Canton, the bandits ara con
tinuing their activities. Tha river
pirates, however, appear to hava been
effectuully suppressed and at '11 points
along tho West liver Is quiet.
A force ot 3,000 revolutionary troops is
preparing to leave Canton tor the north,
to join the army at Wu Chang.
MARSIIALLTOWN, la.. Dec. . (Spe-
clal.) Four people were Injured In three
accldonts that happened within a few
hours neur here today. Mrs. Jmes Bar
ton, Jr., and sirs. Albert Jtobertson of
!Sl. Anthony were thrown out of an auto
mobile and received serious Injuries when
the car ran Into a ditch and turned over.
While uttemptlng to stop a runaway
team, Volney A. Keese of Ferguson wss
knocked down, drugged and trampled Ly
thu Three ribs were broken ami
ha wus injured Internally.
Whllo adjusting a gasoline engine
( "buries Clay ot Gilman got his arm
caught In the gearing, crushing his hand
so badly It had to be amputated.
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