Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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    "aMMI"M''i''WIW11"" i ii an u Miiiihi wni mmi msiwmi i miiii w '"'ssisa
Secretary of National Wool Growers
Comes to Convention.
i -
Jlrrinrf Talks of tho rrlre of M'ool,
Ike Tariff nd AVh the ton-
aninrr Has to Pay
Ilia (lothrn.
R. V. McCltiro of Hooding. U.i., secre
tary of tho National Wool Growers' as
snclaUon. reached Omaha Friday, this
time to stay until the national convention
next sock.
Mr. McOI-.ire rays the tariff la to he
the absorbing topic of discussion at the
incctltiK ainl has written the following on.
the BubJrt for The I'.ce:
"Ia-i us sco the tariff upon wool
Is cohtlnt? the American people, and
whether or not tho American wool grower
la In any way respoiidlblo for tho hi(;h
price of clothing at retail.
"flotli for men'a clothing welphs any
where from ton to sixteen ouncea to tho
yard. The average. welKht .of a yard of
cloth for medium weight Roods la fourteen
ouncea to tho yard. To tnako the average
man's suit of clothes consisting; of three
piece, three and one-half yards of cloth
ero required, "f that the wclKht cf the
cloth In this suit cf Clothes Is three pounds
and oner ounce. As the wool cornea from
the sheep It must be washed and scoured
1 before using. After this Is dono con
siderable wafte occurs in converting the
wool Into cloth, so that to make tills suit
weighing three pounds and one ounce ap
proximately ten and one-half pound of
greasy wool would be required.
"The averaKo price of wool in the west
this .year did , not . exceed 14 .cents tier I.
pound but in order to be fair let Vs RS"
Rtime '.that the wool grower' receives lfi
rents pr pound for his wool. If this bb
tcue, the,n for all the wool required to.
mak the average all wool suit of clothes,
the-: American wool grower received the
enormous sum of $1.6. Now, remember
that'thjg is an all wool suit, large enough
for vine average-sized man. It Is made
pure .American wool, and contain
neither cotton nor shoddy. This is a suit
that your tailor will charge you from
$-T to t for, and the storekeeper will
charge from $2U to $40. With hla show
ing Is It fair for the American people to
endeavor to destroy our sheep Industry
lythe removal of the little tariff that
we now get? '
."The tariff on wool baa probably In
creased the cost of the woo ,in this suit
of clothes about 30 "cents," and can yo
believe that If it were removed that a
$40 suit would then sll at W9.T.0? I think
Tipt. I am wearing a suit of clothes that
Asks Creamery to
, yioko Good on Some
Butter' Thrown Out
Whether the West Io!nt Creamery com
pany should reimburse the Jerpe Com
mission company for money psld the gov
ernment In fines because a lot of West
Tolnt butter was not up to first standard
is a question of law submitted to Judge
William A. Iledlck by attorneys In the
suit of the Vest lol;n company against
tho commission concern.
Tho suit 1 the outgrowth of a transac
tion had three years ago. The Jeipe
company bought butter from the Vet
Point concern and sold It to a local ex
chango that sofd It to local retailers.
Pure food inspectors nelzed It as "adul
terated" butter because it contained
moisture in excess of 18 per cent. One
firm was fitted $.'. and another lie
cuuse they were Innocent purchasers and
it wished to protect them and retain their
commercial good will the Jerpe company
paid the fines and the costs, a total of
$419. M. The Jerpe company then refused
to pay the West Point company $:09.'.H,
the price of the entire lot of butter, but
offered to pay $4S9.0. The Went Point
company sued for the total amount, the
Jerpe company defending with the con
tention fhat at law the creamery com
pany should make tho fines and costs
mu vm
the wool grower received SI. (IS for fur
nishing- the wool required for .making.
The manufacturer sold me the three and
one-hair-yards of doth-Jor $-i.&T. But the
tailor, .with!, me furnishing the feloth.
wanted'aa much as $16 to make ft into, a
"Wit of clothes. Let me say without fear
of contradiction that at the. present prices
there is. not a suit of . clothes in the citi
es Omaha that the American wool grower
received; as much as for furnlslfina
all the woo! required to make It, and It
matters juit what the suit was sold for.
The AmVrl.can rPlo may. remove all tho
duty from " w ool if they desire, but It
311 not-cheapen their 'clothing a single
nny, and it will destroy one of the na
tion's greatest Industries." ' T
Taft Republicans
to Meet Tonight at
the Rome Hotel
Permanent organization of the Taft
Republican club of Omaha will be ef
fected at a meeting In the banquet room
at the Hotel Koine tonight. Haw
ing prediction on the number of men
who have said they will attend, the lead
ers say the capacity of the room will be
taxed. John Iee Webster, W. F. Gur-
ley, A. W. Jefferls, and other prominent
Omaha republicans and Taft men will
be on the program. Officers will be
elected and ierrnannt committees named.
Delegates to tho . number of 100 will bs
elected to represent the club a the Taft
mass convention to be hold at the Lin
coln hotel in Lincoln, beeember 19.
Former Governor
Brown Nominated
By Georgia Voters
ATLANTA, Ga.. Dec. 8.--Unofficial re
turns from all the 146 counties of the
jstate show that cx-Governor J. M. Brown
.swept the state in the gubernatorial pri
mary today. The counties are appor
tioned as follows: ;
J. M. Brown, 84; Pope Brown, 40; Judge
R. B. Russell, 20.
The remaining two counties, Macon and
Charlton, were tied ' between Pope
Brown and Russell. The " eighty-four
counties give ex-Governor Brown 200 of
the 368 electoral votes. -
J iid go Russell was the . local option
candidate. .., A , -
A resolution condemning the action of
Cleorge AV". Shields, attorney In enjoining
the city from' selling the last issue of the
water bonds, was adopted, by the Twelfth
"Ward Improvement club. A resolution
asking other Improvement clubs of the
Hy to take united action in preventing
further unnecessary delay in acquiring
the plant was also. adopted. - '
V. B. Benson in speaking" of the' action
cf tho club said. 'Tho sentiment -frf the
club lfl unanimous ' ugalnst anything that
will in any way delay the taklrwr over
of the water plant by the city. We are
in absolute need of the water In the north
end of the city. : ".. .
the Gift
a certificate
for a pair
Walk - Over Shoes
The Kind He or She Prefers.
There will be
no 1 i s a p point
itient; no wishing
"lhey had been
bought elsewhere."
For Evening
Wear or for
Style, Service and Comfort
Walk-Overs Are It
For Men.
1'or Women.
Walk-Over Boot Shop
319 South 16th St.
Saturday Candy
40c Home Made assorted
C ream Wafers, per lb. -20
GOe "PriiHVf Kweota" -Chocolates,
per lb 39
Pur Vermont Maple Sugar,
, per pound 25
We have commenced to
make our preparations for
(;irHtmas Candy. Your order
on file early to avoid the rush
at the last moment will be
much appreciated and receive
our best attention.
Myers-Dillon DrugCo.
Wilson Says Book ,
. Was Not Doctored
The rU.! it Jvtnwe TV!! son, growing out
of alleged fraudulent rejlstratlon, was re
sumed before Judge Leslie yesterday after
noon, Wilson, cferlt of the rooming house,
and Ilasmus Andenon. who registered as
living in that house, both swore that the
register of the house nad not l?en doc
tored and that Anderson actually did live
there at the time ho registered as a voter.
A collection of old English engravings
is being shown at Hospe's Art store thlr
week by a representative of Arthur
Aekerman i Son, dialers In paintings
and rare rrlnts, London.
There arc fox hunting scenes picturing
the "bloods" gathering at their meets
against a background of ivy-clad church
and peaceful KngllHh elms, or acurrylng
across the open country with their packs
of bounds. There are prints of old beaver
hatted squires toppling down with muxzle
loaders, fat pheasants from the hedgerows
and partridges from the stubble. There
are pictures of steeplechases, cock fight
ing, derby rat inn and of coaching scne
of the royal residences, the colleges of
Oxford and Cambridge and the Klver
Thames. '
The Ackermon house which puts out
these prints la In the same .location in
the Strand. London, as It waa when
established In 17S3 by the pioneer of the
family. Rudolph A.kennan. It war
Kudolpli Aekerman who conceived the
Idea cf reproducing lxmdon scenes by
"aquatint" a process of engraving thep
practically unknown. With his "aqatlnl"
engraved plate he modernized and beuutl
(led bookj Illustrated and popularized
print production.
Ilubbi Frederick Cohn, pastor of Temple
Israel, heartily endorses the action taken
at the mass meeting held in New York
Wednesday nig-ht. In regard to the treaty
with Kusfia which was made In
"Abrogation of the treaty with ItuasU
la the only thing to do unlewi we wish to
penult KusMa to sny who shall be con
sidered an American ciOsn. As Coii
greatiinan Kulaer. author of ; resolu
tion adopted bays '"Every live American
must lend auoh aid an he can. for It Is
a qut-bUou which involves the foundation
principles of American government
liberty." Asked whether there would be any ac
tion taken in regard to the treaty in
Omaha, Rabbi Cohn stated that as far as
he can learn nothing will bu done, but
nevertheless the rustler Is attracting us
much attention her as It is in New
The railroad maps all show the moat
delightful weather throughout the west
and northwest, with temperatures rang
ing from freesing t degree above.
The Black Hills cornea In with a brand
of weather that la akin to summer, a GO
i degree temperature and a south wind be.
ling repoited from tber by the North'
' western.
All over Wyoming spring-like weatber
is reported, with nothing to Indicate any
'change 111 the near future.
Ome Moire Week Must See the End of
All Men's Suits and Overcoats Contained in.
f- m f JX i
The Culp-Langworthy
Bankrupt stock,even now,
depleted as it is, con
tains some of the very
swaggerest and best materialed
suits and overcoats ever offered
to the discerning Omaha public.
. I : . ...
Remarkable though It may eooiu, and despite
the crowds and crushes of the past week, eouio of
the CUEATHST values In tho Sale of" The llanU
rupt Stock of tho Culp-LaiiEworthy Clothes .Shop,
'are VET to be HAD. ,
'It wens as though tho easer buyers In their.
hurry, overlooked veritable treasures under, their
noses; some sizes were not to -bo found In the
haste; some garments were under tangled lots;
,but everything has been straightened around and f
really, the STRONGEST value. 'highest graded,'
finest tailored suits and overcoats of the Bale, are
still here to tempt "better dressers" at from $ 95
to $19.86 per garment.
' ' You 'USave $10. 00 Per Garment on This Item ' '
Last call on Culp-Lang-
worthy Suits and Over
coats, worth up to $20,
I ".i ' 1 n in iiaaaaasiaaisgsjj!
in styles of positive elegance.
MsMissafaiUniiiw.a-.ari. in 'l " "WJBaSBCW
"You'll Save About $12.00 on These Garments"
1 Ci
A magnet of a price on
Culp-Langworthy Suits
and Overcoats that
have cold until now at from
$22.50 to $23.00.
While you may
... .
It doesri t cost . any
thin to. SEE .'whether
'I J or not this stock still in
1 eludes a suit or overcoat
U. that will (it you and please
f you. The winter has scarce
commenced - otncr dom
ing houses wouldn't; dare to "cut'
prices yet, don't pay. "regular
prices while a Bankrupt sale of this
sort is going on.
The Location:
Get it fixed in
your mind firmly.
9 Twill pay you to
do so. i :
S. E. Cor. of 16 th
and Harney Sts.
Ground Floor of the
City National Bank
, Buiiaing.-;;.:.;,j,,;v;.M:-'
"You'll Save $10.00 to $15.00 on These Clothes"
For your choice of all of
Culp "Langwo rthy's
high class $25 to $30
. sj mil tl
duus ana uvercoats. ine
"popular" price of the sale.
"YouHl Save As Much As Half on These"
Is the Bankrupt Sale
price on all Culp-Langworthy
Suits and Over
coats that have brought $30
and $35, Exquisitely tailored clothes.
"You'll Save More Than '' on Some of These"
For the finest Suits and
Overcoats in uClothos
dom" - Culp-Langwor-
thy's former $35 $45 Suits
and O'coats. America's "Classiest"
Butler Wants Citv and County to
Unite in Purchasing Them.
Clr lrk mr lb' . u
brrat Kp-nae KhvU Vfr 1 .
nrnllng Homs for Klec
lon I)a.
ICth and Farnara Sts.
rerslKtrnt Advertiauiy Is lbe Jl'iad tu
Approi.rlations for a portable ctectlon
booth wtll bo requested of Omaha and(
Douglas county for n-xt yrar y City
Clark Dan 13. Uutler ami Cotinty ClprR
Frauk liewey. Mr. puller lias bcn
working ov-r the I'lun for weeks and
will present statiMios hhowine that a
coin"ldcrbl sum of money tun be saved
nn rentals.
We have a hard lime," nuiil Mr. Uut-
Irr, "Mvvui'liii; cofiv'nuiit roonw vot
Ina; places at election lime. There aic
tlfty-wven precinvts In the illy, earh
with a voting laoe. Wlieu we rent a
store or a vacant building we are uaually
expected to buy It and tiic owner limisW
on an exorbitant price.
"It costs more tlun $2,000 each year t,o
rent theso booths and with more precincts
next yeur will cot more. As there are
several elections each year It would be
a considerable saving to taxpayers to
hiiv. Si lin'ht, portablu both, which could
be cniiHtructed at a nominal covt and
tored In tho basement at the city hall
when not in use. We will have amplo
el. ace when tho voting machines are re
moved. As the commlpidun plan law pro
vides for the ballot the machines will bu
of no further use.
"The old tin portable booths we had
were too clumsy and heavy to be prac
tical, but wo are working out a plan to
build a very light booth which could be
taken to the voting place in th. precinct,
placed on th. sidewalk and, with little
expense, lined for Alt. day and at the
clone of the voting returned to the city
"W. will ak the city and county to
join, as they have don. in purchasing
th voting machines. In bearing the ex
pense, of tttes. booths, which a 111 cost
no more than the rentals for elections In
a year. They may be used either by
the city or the county or by both."
Soldier to Be Taught
Use of Hand Grenade
WASHINGTON, Uvc 8. Although this
in an g of high cxploMves, urinor
plerclnK projectiles, aeroplnnea and other
liiHtrumentn of scientific warfare, the
War detiiirtment has decided to adopt
some of the old primitive methods of
fighting and will train tho American sol
dier in llio art of throwing the liund
grenade, used In ancient times.
The grenade to lie used Is similar to
the old glint,' and is thrown lit the mime
tnacvlier. it is to be uned when fighting
at close range or when attacking an
enemy behind a wall r other obstruction.
Hrlgadler (Jeneral William Crosier, chief
of ordnance said dummies would be iwd
for practice In this work.
Riotous Scene in Court When Es
cape is Attempted.
Just aa Iturna nnil Wilson Are About
to lie Iteleaaed loas Officers
Come with lteii1ltlon
and Kiittit Follows.
Burke Jury Unable
to Reach Agreement
Thirty hours' deliberation of the Jury
in tho William 1.. iSurke manslaughter
caxe rtHuJjod In disagreement last night
und the Jury was discharged by Judge
K.ilclle at 1 o'clock. The foreman an
nounced the Jury stood hung at eight to
four and hud so stood since early yester
day morning. It was learned clfcht were
f ir acquittal and four for conviction.
Ecn H. Haker, attorney for llurke, says
he wlHies to go to trial ugaln as soon
a pontile and Monday would not be
too soon for him and his client.
English Woolen Mills
Store Opens Saturday
The. Krigllsh Woolen Mills will open
store Saturday at 1'--'i Fartiain street. In
the f'sxton block. As a feature of open
ing day, a suit or overcoat will be given
The Kngllsh Woolen Mills have ev.nty
elght stores In the principal cities of th.
l'nlud iata. Only union tailors are
employed. Clyde Bullivan will be in
charge of tho Omaha store.
Key to the t-ituaUun-Uee Advertising.
Lively maneuvering to prevent the r
cupe of a bi-ace of suspected baiii; lohbcrs'
all but caused a riotous chish between
tho alleged ycggincii find deputy sheriff;
In Judge Hears' court yesterduy morn
ing. James Wlluoli and Jcin 1;ui,i;a,
plek"d up by I he Omaha police " i Ua
plcinn of having blown i. : i 1 i..LLi-l the
bank lit Peril), Js., k . a:lit fice.loni
through huheas rorpt.s JToctHiiiig. '1 l.c
Judgn wus Just iilc. U l) ir.wta the :'in
when deputies f : um J'ert.y. II:ul
they been deluycd another moment Hie
prisoners v. ould hnve cscurcd. As Jt va
Wilson and Hums muJe a tlasperate nt
tempt to g t away.
Intercepted by Mirrlffs.
rending the arrival of the Iowa offe
rers, tho imuha pulley been holding
the men iih fupiiivcM from Jui't'.ec In a
foreign Hate. Their iillnne", A. H.
Illtchie had started tiie habeas corpus
action. Tim Omaha polieo ha. I not suffi
cient evidence to prove U'llum und llurus
were fugitives und Jcdo Hears dis
charged the prisoners. They rushed for
the door, but were Intercepted by fcheilff
II. Knsehretsen of l.ucas county. In
which l.erby Is located; Deputy Hherlff
Mellhorp of I.ucas county, Ieputy Sher
iffs Flunagun und Thompson of Omaha,
and half a dozen Iowa special officers
and Uankeis' Protective ussnclatlon de
tectives. Kngobretseii waa armed with
reiiiilsltlon papers which had been hon
ored by Governor Aldrlch. The alleced
yeggmen wrenched themselves free and
aimed blows at their captors, but rer
subdued before ony daniago was done.
'I'aUrii to ( onuell lllaffs.
Deputy Mullhnrpe took the men, heavily
Shackled, to Council J Huffs, thence to be
taken to lies Moines fur safe kecpltif
mil 11 they can bo tried In Charlton, the
county rent of l.ijoas county.
Hums and Wilton lire believed to bo the
nun who blew the Derby Ftste bunk and
uot uv.ny v. Ith &,Ui0 two weeks ago. They
ure supposed to have, nomo direct to
umalis. Hherlff I'tigebretsen fays he Is
kiirn they posltHcly can be Identified.
The kiy to success In buslnes Is the
I'.idiclous and pers:tu:t ub. of newbpapsr
sdvei tltlng.
Cured m One Day
A few doses ef r.renyon's Co'.J Jteio
tdy will break l. any cnhl und pievant
pneumonia. It rellevtii thn head, inroat
and lungs ain.ost. insta..y. t rio a
centu at uiiy drt-gg','. , or s.nt I'MipaUd.
If you lined Xleaieal A (.'!, vr.:te tu
Munyon's Doctors. They wtll catefully
dlMunoss your case anl '.ve va advice,
by n.ail &"! itsly free eq sjir dlise.
IS a and Jaffe.sun 3:s . PhlUilolpbls. p.
Auction Sale
at :io r. v. zvcmr trvsWYarrt.
plamonda, Vale baa. Jawetry and Cloth
lag sou u the HlgbM: UIak
Friedman's Loan Bank
Corns; I3t.i aa4 DeogbM.
Ask Your Doctor
Ayer's Hair Vi?or is composed of sulphur, glycerin, quinin, sodium
chlorid, capsicum, safie, alcohol, water, perfume. Not a einglt;
injurious ingredient in this list. Ask your doctor if this is not sc.
A hair tonic. A hair dressing. Promptly checks falling hair. Com
pletefy destroys all dandruff. Does not color the hair. iSLftluS:
Nemo Corsets at $2.00 1
Rare opportunity for economical wo- !
Won who lore perfect atjrla and comfort.
An bleal bolklay gift for any woman.
An afranca 1912 i sy ...
modeJ with two pleo- mWtff?Q
did new Nemo fea- r t' f'
turea. incJjdictf the Y-klAC
InpanioOH "Holtlt ri 5
Strapg"(inaidoof tha SPECIAU I
the moat comfortable tfliTy
upport even when 7J
me corset, is ugnuy
A good $4.00 value;
sold at half price to
introduco theue new
inventions, which will
be prominent fea- '
tares in the Nemos
next year.
Fino white eovrtil,
Bii3 IS to 25 only
I.'ot many at this
price coase tarty!
Hayden Bros.
Egyptian Chocolates
Our Latest Creation
None lletter ak Any TrU-e. Sold
In 1 AAd S l'onnd Coiee Only
I'rice HOo and $lMO.
If by Mall $1.00 aud 8S.0O.
Myers-Dil!on Drug Co.
ICth and Faunas? Sts,
Christmas Furs
Reduced Price
iI3 FamSt.