Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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I" ' m i m 1 " f I'"-Mn
m 1 .f ii ,
Offers you most pleasing selec
tions in all line at prices you'll
find less, quality considered.
Leather Goods
Assortments for selec
tion that cannot help but
please the most critical.
Values we're confident
you cannot duplicate at
the prices.
AU Latest XoTdties On Sale.
$1.00 Hand Hags at.-.49f
$1.50 Hand Hags at. ...
f2.0O Hand Bags at..-.)
92.25 Hand Bugs nt.$1.25
$3.00 Hand Bugs at.. .1,75
$5.0O Hand Burs at. . .$,2.08
Fancy Fitted Bags, $3 to $15
Fine Tapestry Bass
t 9S to $23
Big Hamplo Line of Fine
Hand Bags, $3.60 to $10.00
values, at $2 to $0
Velvet Bags at... to 57
Fancy Toilet Set, in the new
folders, at $7 to S20
Samples Bags
and Suit Cases
ISO ot them In the lot, $5.00
to $3.00 values, all leathers,
all shapes, at !4 to less
than real worth.
t 6.0ft values at a 3.95
I 7.50 values at a 5.6O
110.00 values at S 7.00
$15.00 value at $11.00
420.00 values at 913.50
(30.00 values at 930.00
Choice Styles in
if Dva
V 41
kA t V V?
law .IP1 U F 1
' Think What a Nice Gift a Plume Would Make.
Big Holiday Slipper Sale
Floor stocks of two of tho best slipper manufacturers
in Massachusetts on sale at about One-third off the regular
Men's $3.50 Faust's Black or Tan Slippers. . .... . . .$2.50
Men's $2.25 Romeo, Opera or. Everett Slippers. . . .$1.75
Men's $2.00 Borneo, Opera or Everett Slippers. .. .$1.50
Men's $1.50 Romeo, Opera and Everett Slippers. . . .$1.00
Men's 75c Imt. Alligator Everett Slippers 50c
.Women's '$1.50 felt fur trimmed Juliets in all colors; also
a $1.50 Kid Rubber Heel Juliet $1.00
.Women's Hand Crochet Fancy Slippers with cuffs, assorted
combinations r . . . $1.00
Men's or Women's all felt or plush Slippers, sold every
where at 50c 39c
Men's Shoes, worth up to $4.00..... $2.50
Women's Shoes, all styles and all leathers $2.50
300 pairs each for Men or Women, values up to $3.00 $1.08
Shoes for boys or girls in "kid or gnn metal; values up to $1.75, $1
All the new styles in Stetson or Oossett Shoes for Men and the
Grover and Queen Quality Shoes for Women.
Hayden's Make the Grocery Prices
For the
We do not belong' to any
association or truet
combination) oar aim
i the people.
Id lbs. best granulated
snKHr 11.00
e lbs. good Japan rlre,
for !3c
4 lhn. faury Japan head
lien, 10c quality ,.'i'c
Gallon cam Goldfh
IhIiIo syrup 3nc
J'ure honey put up In
Ala&on jars, per .1ar,
i0'. 40c and 75c
UronittnKOlon, Jlloon,
or jello. yV-e- 7 He
Large bottles Worcester
hauco, phkles. assort
ed or pure tomato cat
sup, hottle "So
Corn Flakes breakfast
food, j'Wfc- Ho
J-lb. cana assorted
soups . . . .7 Ho
Pried rrulte for your
Xmas puddings, pies
and cakes.
f'ienne.1 tJurrants. lb.
Muscatel raisins, lb. 10c
California seedless rai
sins, 16. 10o
Fultana bleached rai
sins, lb U'VjU
Cooking- flff. lb. . .8ic
Italian prunes, lb. ,.10c
Heeded raisins, pkg-. c
i pkss. condensed mime
meat 2&o
7-crown figs, lb. 12 4o
The best lemon, orange
and citron peel, lb. iOo
X M Ad. PER IB. U.o
Butter, Oneese and Bnt-
terlne Bale.
The best creamery but
ter, carton or bulk,
per lb :.18c
The beit country cream
ery, lb (4
The best dairy or roll
butter, at, lb 28c
Good tatl butterlne.
Mr lh 17V.C
, . . J "u
Good butterlne,
BOM BTSIBTO BXW riorlda Batsuma Oranres, ssedlsss, rloh flaord and
loicy. To Introduce these to the people we are going to sell them, per dos
ii t
en, Saturday, loo. meguiar prioe, boo,
No. S nickel plated Tea Kettles, l.fc
values, at
f 1 00 Copper nickel plateJ Range Tea
Kettles, at
0o njckel plated Itange Tea Kettles,
13.00 heavy copper or copper nickel
plated Coffee Machines, at . .as.98
7.00 heavy copper nickel plated Chef-
sua ' y
Gloves Make
Acceptable Gifts
You may select here from complete
Hues of Fownes, Rnynier, Derby nnd
Monarch Gloves; all shades.
Long Gloves at $2.50 to $3.50
Short Gloves at 98c to $2.00
Buy here a Glove Certif icat e and lot
her select her own gloves later; they're
for sale at the glove counter.
Ladies' Tan Cape Gloves, in all sizes,
$1.00 values, Saturday 49c
Kayser 811k Hose Best wearing
stockings made; regular or extra
sizes; on sale Saturday, pr. 08
Ladles Wayne Knit Silk Ltble
Hose Light or medium weight,
t 49 nd 35
Ladies' Sample Hose Made to
sell up to 75c; all kinds, sizes
and colors; at, pair 25
12 Pa'r 'or Heavy Fleeced
or Oshmet-e finished Slocking.
23 ,op ,I'IVT Wool Ribbed and
Cashmere Hose Saturday.
Children's Shawknlt 25c quality.
Stockings On sale, pr., 12
Ladles' Silk and Wool Union
Suits, Sterling, Harvard Mills,
Luzerne, Stratford and other
good makes, $3.50 S2.08
$2.50 and $1.08
Ladles' Fine White Wool Union
Suits, values up to $3.00, on
wlo $1.75 and $1.50
Women's and Children a Un
derwear of all kinds, at prices al
most Half Less than Regular Re
tail worth.
Ladles' Italian Silk Vesta, In white,
values to $5.00 on. sale at
Fine Millinery
Priced Saturday at a small
fraction of actual worth.
Beaver Hats, Velvet Hats, Ve
lour Hats, beautifully
trimmed with willow plumes,
French plumes or aigrettes;
values up to $40.00,
at.... ,.$5.00 and $10.00
New styles in 'Fur Trimmed
ff vv vv 4wvus v-a j j.;vuiai
special ..$5.00
n-.x tttjh ti . rt
wwuw jthjuio so.rgu.ias
TV Vl O Vl 1 rt" T1 nTTT llTA VI TTT
prices, $5, $7.50, $8.95
Full cream cheese. Ilk.
t 16o
The Fruit and Teretanle
Market of Omana.
FVchIi beets, carrots,
turnips or radishes, 3
bunches 10o
Fresh cabbage, rutaba
gas or Hubbard squash
Pfr lb mo
Old beets, turnips, car
rots or parsnips, lb.,
at !V4o
fancy Jersey aweet
potatoes, at lb. ,.SVic
I heads fresh hothouse
lettuce 5c
Fancy cauliflower, per
lb 7 Ho
Large cucumbers, eacli,
at 7 't c
Cape Cod crauberrli's.
quart lOo
Fancy rip tomatoes
lb 7H
Large green peppers, 3
for 10c
Klrhland livtl Oranges,
our (amous brasa, per
dosen ...15o, BOo, 36o
lb. 12c
Exceptional Bargains in Hardware
Ing Dishes, at
Nickel plated Chafing
Dish Trays,
Copper Nickel Plated
Pots TSe
copper nickel plated
Pots So
Genuine Lisle
cup Coffee
Genuine Lisa
(-cup Coffee
copper nickel platel
4-cup Coffee Pots B6o
IS &
heay cast aluminum Tea Ket-
k Jit " V"U
Ladle' and Children's Sweaters
A splendid showing of all new
est styles. You'll find them
matchless values.
Ladies Sweaters
at I... .$1.45 4.08
Hoys' Wool Sweaters
t 08 and SI. 45
Fancy Wool and Klderdowu Caps
for MisBos and Ladies, all col
ors, at 9S to $1.45
Newport Scarfs, all colors, values
to $2.00, on sale at 4J. 98
Children's Knit Toques, plain or
reversible, at 49
Ladies Outing Flannel Gowns,
Universal brand, white or colors,
values up to $3.50, on sale
at $1.45 and 98
Ladles' Knit Underwear, all wool,
$2.00 values, at 080
Dr. Denton's Sleeping Garments,
best for the little folks, special
at 40
Ladles' and Misses $1.00 quality
Outing Flannel Gowns at 49
pink or blue, hand embroidered
...-$1.50 $1.08 $2.08
0ury Toy Kingdom Now Open
A Veritable Fairy Land of Gifts for Little Folks
' Toys, Dolls, Games are here in almost endless variety;
everything and anything to gladden the hearts of the little
folks, at prices that will please the grown folks.
Grocery Stores
Toy Kitchens
Butcher Shops
Humpty Dumpty
Roly Poly Toys
Doll Kumlturs
Doll Trunk
Tool Chests
Black Boards
Toy O una
Large Jointed Dolls, with eye
lashes and moving; eyes, dressed
dolls with dainty costumes and
hats to match, special . 08
Children's Folding Table, large
size, special 49
$2.95 Doll's Go Cart, one motion
collapsible with hood and rub
ber tiro wheels $1.08
lteautlful Dressed Dolls 75
aa.oo Vapsr Mache Jointed Dolls, with
blsijue head and sewed wig, moving
eyes 9Bo
Soil Cradles, white enameled 49o
Boys' tut Hobby Horses, nicely
dappled, at saa
69o Wooden Bhoo-riy 90
Mlrrorscope Post Card Projeotor, oi
odlted metal, splendid letise, spe
cial valuer at i.bO
69o Meonanlcal Train Beta Locomo
tive, tender, passenger car and six
pieces of track, on sale Paturday
7So Xeatner Bid BoUs so
lOo Toy Brooms at 7o
30o Toy Pianos at Boo
Iron Polloe Patrols, 14 inches long.
1 men and horses soo
Christmas Ornaments, Candles, BeUs,
etc., big assortment at very lowest
Bring- Tour sack Dolls to Our Doll
Variety which leave nothing
to be desired ; prices which are
even lower titan you expert.
See our big line or Hand Painted
Mottoes.... 15 to 98
Pastel llcturca, $1.25 to $18
Jteligious Picture in oak, ma
hogany or gilt frames, at prices
from 25f. to $12.00
Harrison Fiolu-r Heads All the
latest productions at..lOt UP
Bring your Pictures here for
Fraruiog early so that we can de
liver them In time for Xmas.
i3 DlHcoimt In all Framing
Pictures Saturday.
one day only.
. . B3.4S
Di bhes,
, . .S1.O0
, . .l.i
, . .1.S
12 00
nickel plated
nickel plated Baking
11.00 Aluminum Coffee Pots,
slse, at
loo Aluminum Tea Pots,
size, at
fl.26 Aluminum Preserving
(-quart site, at
Comb and Brush Sets
Military Brush Sets
Comb, Brush & Mirror Sets
Complete Toilet Sets, In
cluding finest quality Manicure
Sets, etc., etc.
At About Half
Actual Worth
Over 1.500 different styles,
the complete sample line of the
Florence Manufacturing Co. of
Florence, Mass., (who are ex
clusive manufacturers of the
noted Keep Clean Brushes).
Every Piece Guaranteed
Perfect. No Two Alike.
Come Saturday and see the
Best Line of Holiday Goods
shown In Omaha.
Saturday Specials In Linens
72-Inch Bleached Tablo Damask,
pure linen; worth $1.60 yard,
at $1.00
Hemmed Pattern Tablecloths-
size 8x10, pure flax; worth $3
each $1.08
Mercerized Table Damask, good
width; elegant assortment pat
terns, worth 79c yard...50
Pure Linen Pattern Tablecloths,
assorted designs, German man
ufacture, silver bleach; worth
$4.50 each $2.08
Post Card
, Projector
Toy Animals
Iron Toys
8 team Toys
Mechanical Toys
Tea 8ets ,
Blocks I
Air Ships
Sleds '
Granite Dishes
Wash Bets
Doll Furnishings
Dolls oT'All
Big Drop in
Genuine Felt Mattress, roll
edge, 45 pounds, full size;
warranted 10 years, on sale
for $5.25
On account of our cutting
prices and starting a little price
war you can buy Mattresses
cheaper today than you ever will
Our Dreamland Felt Mattress
cut to $0.25
$15.00 Empress Mattress, genu
ine felt $8.25
Cotton -Top Mattresses, full size
and weight $2.50
Cotton Top and Bottom Mattress,
only $3.50
Coqton Combination Mattress,
only $4.50
Quartered Oak Polished Chiffon
ier, 6 drawers 89.85
Solid Oak Chiffonier ...$7.50
i 1
- f tp
Interesting Saturday Specials in the
Furnishing Goods Dept.
Men's Sweater Coats, all
kinds aud colors; values up
to $7.50, at
$1.98, $2.98 to $4.50
$3.50 Jersey Sweaters, $1.98
all wool in grey nnd blue
silk toppod at nock on
sale' $1.98
Boys' Fur Gauntlet Gloves,
$2.00 values, special Satur
day at, pair 98c
Men's Fur Gauntlet Gloves
and Mittens, values to $12.00
at $1.45 and 08c
Men's Gloves and Mittens,
in dress or heavy Vork;
$1.00 and $1.25 values, in
Saturday sale at 49c
Boys' $1.00 Gauntlet Gloves,
velours or leather, all col
ors, snap at. 49c
What's Nicer Than Furs for Gifts
Reliable Furs, carefully selected
from well known reliable houses,
and sold at a very close margin of
profitrecommended for just what
they are is the way we do business.
That's the reason of our big increase
in selling. You are guaranteed a
square deal here.
Compare Saturday 6 offerings
with values elsewhere. You
find them not overstated.
French Coney Fur Coats -$35
quality elsewhere, Hay
den price $22.50
Fine Russian Mink Coats 52
Inches long, $85 values else
where, our price Satur-
fiy 859.0O
Ca-in. Hudson Seal Coats
$175.00 values elsewhere, In
Saturday's sale ..$125.00
Slft.OO Lynx Fur Bets Large
shawl collar and pillow muff,
tt .... $8.05
ft 15.00 Blue Wolf Beta One of
the choicest values ever of
fered $8.05
All Other Fur
Coats Coats
$00 Long Novelty Cloth Coats,
$15.00 and $18.00 values, in
greys, browns and the new
combinations, great snap,
Saturday $7.95
Long Fur Lined Coats $15.00
values, on rale Saturday,
choice $8.95
Imported Novelty Coata 100
of them, no two alike, $25
to $4 5 values, on sale
at $14.90
Mens and IJoys Hats and Cars
matchless. Iks1 Caps In Chinchilla. Velvets,
Plush, Serge and fancies, values
to $1, on sale at ....... .494
Xmas Suggestions
in China
Taney plates, smoking sets, sugars
and creamers, Jarllneres, berry sets,
fern dishes, each
Tea sets, smoking sets, celery
trays, cake platea, cracker Jars, to
bacco Jars, each
Powder bones, hair receivers,
sugar and creamers, plates, tobacco
Jars, bun bons, salt and peppers,
salads, each
Fancy salads, rake plates, salt and
peppers, candlesticks, hat pin stands,
bon bona, hair iccelvors and powder
boxes, each
Beautiful line of Dinner War in
French, German, Austrian and
English; 100 Pleca Bets
set $G to $150
Full Una of Gss and Electric
Portables, complete, $5 to $35
Electric Domes, each, $5 to $35
More Mm
Only 13
AU useful gift suggestions.
Boat Shirt Bargains shown
in Qmaha this season, all
new, clean, perfect goods,
best brands.
Men's Fine Madras Shirts,
$2.00 to $3.00 values, choice
patterns nnd colors, on sale
in two lots at $1.45, 98c
Men's Colored Laundered
Shirts, regular values to
$1.50, in coat Btyle, fast col
ors, light, medium or dark,
at ... 49c
Men's California Flannel
Shirts, $2.00 to $3.00 values
in grey or blue, on sale
at.." $1.45 and 98c
Men's Outing Flannel Gown3
ulso boys' sizes; values to
$2.50 98c, 09c, 49c
Men's Fancy Suspendors in
all kinds; values to $1.00,
at, pair. . .49c, 39c, 25c
Men's Hose at Half Price
50o and 23c Hose
at 25c and IS Vic
Men's Union Suits in all
wool ; all colors and weights
values to $5.00
at $1.98 to $3.50
Men's $1.50 and $2.00 Union
Suits, on sale at 98c, 75c
Men's Undershirts and
Drawers at about Half Price.
Long Kusslan Pony Coals
$39.00 values elsewhere,
Hayden price ...-$29.00
XXXX Itusslan Tony I'oaU
$95.00 value elsewhere, beau
tifully marked, our price,
Saturday $50.00
S2-ln. Pony tor Goats $125
values elsewhere, In Satur
day's sale $80.00
Ited Fox Fur Sets - $25.00
values elsewhere, in Satur
day's sale $14.90
French Coney Fur Hearts
Well worth $2.00, Saturday's
ale, at 89
Scarfs Sets, 51uffs, at most Attractive Bargain Prices.
Manufacturers' Stock of
hPiece Dresses
Made to sell up to $25.00,
Silk Taffetas, Messallnes,
Silk Popllna, Chiffons,
Serges and other popular
fabrics, all newest colorings
and styles, not one worth
less than $15.00 and $23,
fine assortment for your
selection, all sizes, your
choice $5.05
A splendid Holiday Stock for Your
Men's Caps, an exceptional line ot
values In all the best materials,
and colors, at 50 to $1.50
Liquor Department Specials
Maryland Rya Whiskey, 6 yeari old Per full qt., 75c j per gal. $2.50
Schenly, Guckenhelmer, Jack Daw, Weldon Springs and Cedar Brook,
all 8 years old: Ber full quart $1.00. gallon $3.50
Tbe famous Bunklst California Wines, extra floe. Per full quart. ...... .BOo
Horn Made Orape Wine, red or white, per gallon flAO
Also a full line of Olna. Brandies, Cordials and everything else good for
You'll find ready to supply
your every Xmas need with
choicest quality merchandise.
Saturday will be a day
of big; special bargain giv
ing in Ladies' and Chil
dren's Handkerchiefs.
Children's Handkerchiefs, 2
for r
ladles Handkerchiefs. 2 for 5
Children's Bos Handkerchiefs,
3 for 25
Ladles' Box Handkerchiefs, 6
for 30
Initialed Handkerchief bar
gains, Saturday in 4 lots
5. 10S 15 and 25
60c quality Hand Embroidered
Linen Initial Handkerchiefs,
!? In fancy box; on sale Sat
urday at, box $1.00
Keal Lara Handkerchiefs al-
.most endless assortment
shown at 35k, 75k to $5
Buy your Ribbons Sat
urday. Prices on all Holi
day Ribbons just Half.
Books for Gifts
Tb Book lever's Opportunity.
fl.BO Copyright Books of yesterday
now at 60o
The Foreigner, The Barrier, Tho
Hungry Heart. The tmntcer Mark.
The Man from Hradley's, Infellce,
A Million a Minute. Uolllah of the
Known, The Calling of
: 50C
lan Mathews, The 8hep
nera or the nine, Tin
Fortune . Hunter. Th
jungle ami many others...
riotnre Books for the Utile rolks,
the blKKeet and beet line In Omaha,
St 3o to lO0
4 'ZJTlibKUllV. Ill It y . V i
Jap Mink St Offered elsewhere at $40,
great bargains In Saturday's sale.
$27.50 Fox Fur Sets lllack or brown, a
matchless bargain in Saturday's sale,
" $17.50
For the Children
500 heavy Cloth Coats, In
Kerseys, Friezes, Bearskins,
Plushes and fancies, newest
styles, all sires from 2 to 14
years, made to sell to ll'J.fitf,
choice $3.95
Children's Wool Plaid Losses
Worth to $4.00. sizes 6 to
14 years, Saturday ..$1.45
Children's Wool Serge' Drrasrs
Sizes 6 to 14 years, blues,
browns and reds, values to
$5.00, on sale at . . . .$2.05
Selection. Special Values. Simply
Our S2.BO Men's Hats are Sure
Winners Soft or stiff felts,
rough or finished styles, shapes
for all faces, others at $2 to $(J
For Father, Brother or
Friend a Nice House Coat or
Fancy Vest is Fine. We're
showing a splendid line in
our Clothing Department.
Fancy Vet in wash, mercerized,
silk and wool fabrics
'ron $1.45 to $5.00
House Coata at $, 4.00 and
$3.00. Big assortment for selec
tion; $5.00 to $7.50 values.
Full Dress Vests In white and
tints, for Informal wear
t $3.50 to $J.00
Men's Suits' and Overcoats
at lO.oo to a40.oo
Boys' Suits and Overcoats
at to lO.oo
Fur and Fur Lined Coats ! to $100