Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Boast of J. B. McNamara Led His.
Companion to Confeis.
curded m fflcUnt il Tin
MrNsniara. Mny Be
at Oner n Prison.
tho name train comma; to thopv1,,stn 1st fc m ileifKutrd II. tai l; oflwrft brouglit A tlrM days' confer' me f)
h Amrrlran 1'Skii sr.-won iwntjna; tlto fUrlpwr Hml nriilnali'i?i ' t!m ronvrntlon city for l.'lil.
of coiirr tliey knew Hi , wltniMn f t'i.. ni i .il.'.rMt...! At tti liiualia roiifi n-ni active work
3 l M?.nlal'a i ct !at iom t.nuK'it. will t'p done towarl thn nwukFrlns; of
Hufnii! I,. Urowiip, chief ln rn Itrator iil.'Hprrml lntrit In the HumL-ty school
fir Ilntrt( t Attottiry John I. Krerterli ks mnvrmotit MirmiKhout Nebraska att'I the
In tho McNnniaia trial, nsvrrrd today sli rounding Muter.
1.0S ANCKI.E?. "al., Dec. . "I've ot
hundreils of thousand, of dollnrs and ths
AiunHn ldcratl"ii of Lbor back of
im It tok only $".00ff to clear Vincent
Altiran of Chlcaso. and If they could
not coiivli t lilni. they can't convict me."
This p.Tt, attributed ytsterday by te
t.vtlvr. Mulrnlm Mrlren to Jamca B.
5!-.-Nani.-r:i. ns the lattrr being taken
on a trui.i from Prtrott to Chlrasjo on tha
n'.kht of April 12 laat. csussd Ortla E.
M. Manlg&l. then also under arrt, to
become sneered at McNamara for his
Indiscreet statement and wss tho first
circumstance that leJ McManlgal to break
from Iiia companion, and eventually to
rr.iif.-ts his connection with varloua dyna
ni.i'n? explosions throuirliout the country.
McManlfal real confession had been
raved fr 1 1 . trlala of James B. and
John J. McNamara. now under aentencc
rf llfn Imprisonment, and fifteen year,
respectively, but thin evidence. n well
ax thn.t which had been leathered by the
(tle naa turned over today it the Vnlted
4ata government.
Tho federal grand Jury beard Mellaril
Bal'a Hory all day and will hear more
nt It tomorrow, laying the foundations
for the proceeding In the alleged dyna
miting conspiracies that extend from
Ooa-t to co.ift In the laet three years.
Ilrotbrra Mar Xot Appear.
The MfXainaraa were not brought be
fore the federal grand Jury, and It may
b that McManlgal'. story will be re
Rnrdnd aa aufflclcnt, and the other two
will be removed to Kan Quentln without
Interrogation hrre.
. John J. MrNnnura told Jailer Gallagher
today that i: r no rlrcumstancea would
he glvs tho K. ci ul grand Jury any Infor
liiatlon of m.y lilnd.
)lt wait understood that Jamea B. Mo
TVamara would refiiaa to give testimony
to the fedeial grand Jury.
: Dotal! of what McManlgal knows of
tlie alleged conspiracy were given to the
grand Jury today. That lila story 1m
pllcatea other men In the International
Association of Bridge and Structural Iron
Workers became known through various
sources. McManlgal alleges that persona
'other than John J. McNamara, the secretary-treasurer,
paid him for the twenty
"Jobs" of dynamiting which he aaya he
aecompllahed line 1907. Aa the question
had been raised aa to competency of tes
timony from oonvlotsd felons. It was con
sidered unlikely that the revelations of
the McNamarga would be of consequence,
for auch testimony could not be used In
vourt against those Indicted.
Ths story of McManlgal, who has not
ye( been brought to trial, will be of rreat
valu to the government's Investigation
and the stats will not try him on the In
dlctmenta against him until the federal
authorities are through.
Kven then, it was asserted tonight on
good authority. .District Attorney Fred-'
ricks will reeoromend Jils discharge on
account or signal service rendered.
' tory ,. of . ArrMt.
Malcolm McLaren. , the detective who
arrested J. B. McNamara and McManlgal.
and who baa soen In cloas. co-operation
witn uecar Lswler tht special attorney
appointed by the proaeoutor In the fed
eral Investigation, today gave a complete
version of the evidence and clroujustancM
which led up to the arrest of MeManlgal
wltU McNamara In Detroit.
Mclaren told In mlnuto detail the dates, 1
hours and places of his shadowing of No
Manlgal for a long period prior to his
arrest. When ho confronted McManlgal
with the knowledge that, he had thus
gained the dynamiter decided to breaJc
from his companion and tell all he'knew.
, "About the seventh or eighth of April
lal." said McLaren, "I picked up Mc
Manlgal at tits home In Chicago, lie had
Juit arrived ' from prlngfleld, Mass.,
where, he afterward said, be had blown
up the Municipal tower, lie had stopped
at Indianapolis and, he said, obtained Ifcx)
from J. i. McNamara for the Springfield
Job smd the una at Milwaukee.
"Wa ahadowed him the next day aa
he went downtown with his wife to the
Hibernian bank.
' "Wo tra'lnd McManlgal and his wife
the next day again as they walked with
their children, looking Into shop windows
aaJ final))' vlaltlng a shoe store.
I Meets J. II. NcVimin,
; "McManlgal left horns carrying a suit
case and 1 took a train with him tc
Toledo, keeping well away front his sight
II the time. When we arrived In Toledo,
Jamea U. McNamara was waiting for
McMtttilsvU ,,t the station exit. They
shook, hands and sat down In the stutloc
for a talk. McManlgal pulled out a mar
which I saw was of Detroit aa I naaee4
thorn. They traced over It with a lead
pencil, but finally went to the Mcyerhoff
hotel. J. It. registered as V. Caldwtl'
J. B., as soon as I had located hint, so
and McManlgal aa Q. Poster.
"I had received Instructions to srresj
I called up Chicago on tho long distance
telephone for Instructions ar I got Kay
mood Burns on the other end. Ho toll?
ms to call In a half hour, and In the
meantime got into communication over
tho telephone with bis father who was
la Boston. Itaymonl Burns cams ftoic
Chicago with Detective Sergeants Bid
dinger and Jteed.
"We stopped at a hotel on tho opposite
aide of tho street but. aa tha police In
Toledo were But la sympathy with us we
were afraid to risk an arrest theio and
determined to foiiuw them to the neat
"The next luornliig MrMaiagal left the
hotel with J. U. Mc.Namuiu. AUManll-'a1
bad a suitcase and ut the station, J...B.
got a small grip from the check stand.
'lny bought tickets for Iietrott. The
police off litre there were our friends and
wo felt happy as we boarded a train at
U o'elock that morning for Detroit. Mc
Msnigai ana Mosmara eat rive seatr
ahead of us iu the seme day coach.
'trrrl4 at Uetrolt.
"We rti hed Uetrolt at noon and they
went to tue Oxford hotel. We decided
to make I he arrest there. We did so a
thst hotel snd took them to ths depot,
Luli'g t!ckt for Chicago.
J Li. kept hollaijDg about being kid.
I.- ped and finally attracted the attention
i f mine police officers, so we all had tc
to latk to the police station. Ths et
ft the afternoon we worked hard trlni
to get them away, and finally McUanlral
vl o had his money In Chicago, persuaded
McN'itnsr they would te better off Ir
aia home town, and J. B. signed a we!ver
tii proceedings In Detriot.
"We left on the night of April 13 In a
drawing room ear. Ban Johuaoo, Artie
i CouiiaWcy and other base ball tuaguate
vo io on
upciilliK of
nt Ietrc!t.
dclcrtive crjteant with us and natumlly
w. hail to tell them lvho we :ftd. We
'."aid tlu v wne a couple f yecsrs whom
v.e had jiottcii for safe keeping.
"Later on Jamej II resented that re
mark, wMrlj he overheard, and aald to
us in tlm drnwlnf; room that h-) hml never
blown ii! eafo or robbed one in his life,
and that every dollar had iM-en paid to
him l.y the man upstair. '
"lli R..t a bit talkative then and said;
Tin another Vincent Altman. I uniler
Kiind It took to clear him utul I've
Ki't ruiKireus cr tiiotisanUK or iionais unci
l.e .mcrlcaii Federation of lbor back
o,' me. Clarence ft. L'anow will le my
attorney. They did not convict Altman
ai t' they never can tnnvlct me. You fel
louci' don't want me for no safe biowliiK.
You want me for that Job In Los Angeles."
"Hire It waa that McMantcal reached
out from the top berth and grabbed Jlc
Namar.a by the hair, saying. "Say. fellow,
do you k now what you are talkln;; about?
"'I kr' what I'm lathing about, yo
pin head,' answered J. H , and McManlgi tl
dropped n itlt Into his berth With the r -mark:
'Alt riKht If you do, go ahead.'
"McManliVil had nothing inro to r i.y.
Along townn's morning J. B. took a dif
ferent tack. 'All you fellows.' he xald to
us. "have you.' price, now what, is It?'
Illddinger told V'lm It would tdV a Kreat
deal ns there weva a lot of us.
"J. It. finally of.'ered 3(j.(iO0 If would
let him off beforw reaching Chi i ago and
give him llilrty-sl hours to r tch 'the
man upstairs' of w.iiom he hae I spoken.
Kemember I've got a lot of backing,' he
added, 'and if you fellows do. I't come
across, we'll gi t you and you s hd you.'
And he pointed to each of us t broaten
liiKly. "After ws reavhed Chlcsgo, Burns
talked with McMaMgal and ,1. I!. sepa
rately. 1 tipped my chief that Mc'fanlKal
was the more likely ut the two to l live up,
as he had a family, whereas J. B. didn't,
iiurna tallied to .Mc.Uiiltfal all aftrrnoon.
giving him details t what -we had on
him, how wo had trailed his movrmmts
and knew everything ho had dutio for
some time. Then Bun si told Mr.Majilgal
to send for htm when he got roady to
give his answer, and left.
I had a long talk with McManlgal. too.
and told him that I had seen him say
goodbye to his wlfo and children. I de
scribed how hs had kissed them and In
formed him that there was a good chanoo
that he never would see tltem again as
a free man and that It was his duty to
save them.
That night at t o'clock McManlgal
sent for Mr. Burns and In th presence
f a secretary gave my chief a Dong state
Assistant District Attorney Tord, to
ci incernlng a trip to Pan rianclsco, with
p ssalhlo nrreKts In view, nn.l finally did
ti ot Kl.
" The next arrest lii tills race will be a
; Hither up.'" be aid. "A man well
I mown In the labor world utul It will
t like place soon."
HALT IKi; CITY. Vie?:, 1'ec 7 -The
king arm of the f-Oorit: government
reached Salt Lake Oty today and caih
treil In wl at may prove, to be oral ami
tlocumenlary evidence for the kibikI jury
it Los Ancelrs, called to Investigate In
dustrial dynamiting. Deputy l'nited
States marshals took possession of the
books of tlm Iron workers' local union
thi. nflernoon.
A summons to appear before the crar.d
Jury was nerved upon J. V'. Munsey, tho
buxliiCHS nKcnt "f the union. Munncy is
known to have been Intimate with James
B. McNamara and Is raid to have kept surplus of IUZ.0J1.93') a year from first.
.McNamara at IiIm hou ie after the Timet j i lass matter, Including letters, while st
explosion nt Los Angeles. the same time the sum of l''.3a,62 Is be
ing lost each ear on the carrying of
Plan Increases in
Newspaper Postage
CLEVELAND. O., Dec. S.-hpeuklng di
rectly for the I'ostofflre department and
as the personal representative of Pom
tnaHter tjeneial Illtrluock, James J. Brltt.
asHlbtmit postmaster general, tonight be
fore the Cleveland Association of Credit
Men, declared that the department,
through tho uprclul postal commission, In
tended to recommend to congress within
a few days that the rate on all news
papers and periodicals be increased from
1 to 2 cents a pound and Increased by
denrees later on UHtil they paid a rate
peering the cost to the government of
handling them.
"Tho government Is now making a
Mrs. Larson Testifies
to Save Her Husband
TICKAMAJI. Neb., Dec. .-(Sper!ul Tel
egram.) Mrs. Wank Larson on the wit
ness staid In the trial of her husbimd
for shooting his brother, Charles Larson,
today declared she had told iter husband
of Illicit relations that had existed be
tween heme If n nd Charles, who was
killed. Mrs. Larson Is a woman of
about 35 years, apparently of timid and
shrinking disposition. Her two children,
aKed 12 and 9 years, are In the court
room during the propress of the case.
Tho state In Its run .-examination of
witnesses is seeking to show that the de
fendant was actuated more by Jealousy
of the prosperity of his brother than by
Jealousy over family relations, seeking
to threw doubt on the truth of the testi
mony of the wife In her husband's be
half. Fhe, howeve-, was scarcely ques
tioned after her direct testimony.
It Is believed arguments will be reached
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Dec. .-(Speclal
TVlegram.) The Presbyterian Sunday
Fchool Missionaries' society of the north-
second -class matter," said Mr. Brltt.
(From a Staff Corrspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. 8. (Special.) Has the
Hate. Board of Irrigation power to give
permission to take water from tlx? rivers
of the commonwealth? Such a case came
up before the supreme court today for
Over two years sgo Ec I Kirk of fcloux
City made application to the Nebraska
Plate Board of Irrigation to take certain
water out uf the Niobrara river, for
power purpoHes, the point of division be
ing in Knox county. ' The plan was to
utilize this power for Ploux city enter
prises. For a short time after thus the state
board granted the right .to Mr. Kirk, but
according to section 42, article 2 ot the
Nebraska Irrigation laws, such a grant
could net be made by the stcte board.
After this defeated Mr. Kirk's plan he
appealed to the district court of Knox
county, and hero the Irrigation law was
sustained. Accordingly, the case waa
taken to the supreme court, where Kirk
takes tho position that the state legisla
ture can take in measures it may see fit
In a case of this kind, but that the State
Board of Irrigation has no legal right to
do other than what Is prescribed by the
We Bake .Thfogs,CToo9
Mrs.- Housewife.
. nf1
Bread, biscuit, pastry every
thing. We are doing it evet-y day.
That's how we found out just
the flour that you wanted.
Now we know.tlie wheat that
makes it
Now we know how to grind it.
Every kernel goes through twenty
sets of rolls.
Now we sift it ten times
through ten sheets of silk cloth
to sift out the perfect flour.
' That flour and that only goes
, in bags branded "Gold Medal."
Our baking insures its unvarying goodness.
Wc test out each batch of flour.
And millions know the result.
Every bag of Gold Medal Flour is exactly the same as
the best bag that ever went out.
That's why the best-selling flour today in the world is
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Gifts at Low Cuts for a Day
Christmas gift seekers will find here Saturday three
special bargains. They are cut low for this single day
and are bargains in every sense.
$2.75 Smokers' Outfit $2.00 -This smokers' outfit (like cut)
is inude of metal imported from (Jermany and is prettily trim
med iu brass. It consists of a tray, ash box, two cigar holders
and match box.
$3.50 Table Covers $2.00 These table covers are made in
, imitation of prayer rug?, and are the most choice designs.
They never have sold below $3.50.
$2.00 Spanish Leather Hassocks $1.25 These Hassocks are
made of genuine Spanish leather and are superior in quality.
Tho bargain price of $1.25 is wonderfully low.
Furniture Recommendations for Christmas
Furniture is being purchased this season in larger
quantities for Christmas gifts than ever before. We
offer a few gift suggestions here:
$68.00 Settee Selected oak;
length, G feet; genuine leather
cushion; two leather pillows. . .$39.00
Smokers' Trays and Cigar Out
fits Well made'. 0c and Up.
Imported French Lamp Shades
Various sizes .$6.50 and Up.
Sectional Book Cases Gunn
and Macey makes $12.00 Wid Up.
Mahogany Smokers' Stands
"Well constructed $3.50 and Up.
Ladies' Desks Oak and ma
hogany $12.00 and Up.
Children's Chairs' Fine oak,
atv .'...$1.25 and Up.
Medicine Cahinets Selected
oak ....$3.50 and Up.
Children's Rockers Selected
oak $1.25 and Up.
Bed Room Rockers Oak and
mahogany $1.25 and Up.
Ann Rockers Oak and ma
hogany $3.25 and Up.
Wing Chairs Finely uphol
stered $20.00 and Up.
$G2.00 Wing Chair Makogany
frame," denim upholstering $35.00
$45.00 Mahogany Clock Mag
nificent article; height, 7 feet
G inches .....$35.00
$34.00 Craftsman Clock Excel
lent quality $27.00
Italian Marble Pedestals Fin
est quality , .'. . .$7.50 and Up.
Mahogany Tea Tray Artistic
designs $5.50 and Up.
Brass Jardinieres Iligh grade,
at 90c and Up.
McDougall Kitchen Cabinets Sanitary leg base, removable flour bins, all
metal sifter flour bins, metal bread and cake box, white enamel linings, lower
tilting bin, glass cereal and spice jars, self -feeding sugar bin; grill work on
rippled glass doors, wire sliding shelves, moulding boards; door racks, etc.,
at .-. , . . : .$20.00 and Up.
- . s
Remember Good furniture may be cheap, but "cheap" furniture cannot be good
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Hon to Ksoss tli wlii this itOtotUj um UslO.
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