New Books Fiction. TUB LIKE EVF.niASTINO. By Marie l.orelll. 43$ Pp. 11.35. Ueorge II. Doran lompmy, Tha story la told In the first person by the heroine. In Itsftf, It Is a simple love story, but the story Is only an escimf for a dissertation. The text i, "There Is no drath, what seems so Is transition." The lovers have been lovers through Keveral Incarnations, but have been sepa rated through their own heltnncy or errors. They see visions of approaching happiness, but the heroine longs to reach the plane of perfection with Rafel Kan tori, and like him become master of all the forces of nature. Concentration of thought, command of the will, hypnotic suggestion, all play their parts. ItOSE OF OLD HAHPrfTH. By Maria Thompeon lavlss. 313 Pp. $1 2'v Bobbs Merrlll company. The scene Is laid In the south, where a very sweet, strong young woman Is ttylng to help some old people to save their home from the fangs of a mortgage. A mining engineer from New York finds a deposit of cobalt on the farm and puts through the necessary business Just In time to save the place and prevent the girl from making that sacrifice of her self which would stay the hand of the man who holds the mortgage. ' SOMETHING liI.SK. By J. Ilrecken lldge Ellis. 43d Vp. $1.3 A. C. Mo Clur & Co. Irving Payne Is a New York boy, whose only spiritual preoccupation In an other wise happy-go-lucky existence, Is the mystery of his parentage. The promise of the revelation of that mystery Is given nlm In a letter from an old lady who keeps a boarding house, and who turns out to be as untrustworthy as she Is prim and respectable. Once started on the trail, his Interest deepens, transforms hlr inner life, and brings him Into mysterious contact with men of the underworld and kings of finance. . TUB LOTUS UNTEHN. By Mary Taylor and Martins Sabine. 30$ Pp. 31.25. Little, Brown & Co. The scene of this story Is laid In Japan. Lieutenant John Holland, a military at tache of the British embassy, and be trothed to the daughter of the British ambassador, while witnessing the Bud dhist festival of lanterns, symbolizing ships of the souls of the dead, meets Vme-San, who has been sold by her rala- Uvea and has become a geisha girl In a Tokyo tea-garden. A plot' has been formed to place her in the", power .of an unscrupulous and cruel Japanese prince. Holland's sympathy Is first enlisted, and finally he forms a passionate love. for the little Japanese girl, who Is pure, sweet, and devout, notwithstanding her surroundings. VAGABOND CITY. By Winifred Boggs. 3M Pp. $1.35. Q. P. Putnam's Sons. The hero of this story Is of an Inde pendent stamp, who will not accept the hundrum standards that govern the ma jority, and who lives a life free and un trammelled. Between him and his wife, .w ho Is an embodiment of the conventions, comes another woman, the dream woman. , TUB NINE-TENTHS. By James Op penheim. 330 Pp. $1.25. Harper Brothers. The scene of this story Is laid In New York, and the real quality rf the hero, Joe Blaine, Is laid bare when a fire sweep through the building, and he feels himself responsible for the girls who worked on the floor above. Joe and his mother go down among the poor to live, 'and he seeks to wield an influence through a paper which he establlshes'and 'edits. He and his work become a center for factory workers, and finally for the wealthy who are interested in humanity. LOVE IN A LITTLE TOWN. By J. E. Buckrose. 360 Pp. 31.25. O. P. Putnam's Sons. The heroine of this romance Is a spoilt heiress who Is sent back to the little town to find reality among her grand father's people. How she bears the Im mense change from wealth and position to Mr. Wallerby's circle and surround ingswhether the lover proves faithful under the altered conditions and what Cella really finds In the. little town, are the questions upon which the story hangs. THE LOSER PAYS. By Mary Open shaw. 340 Pp. tl. 25.. .Smart,, May nard fc Co. This novel Is written aroundthe French revolution. Wo are introduced to such celebrities as Louis XVI and Marie Anllo nette, alao Napoleon Boneparte in his days of obscure poverty, the Marquis de Lafayette and Rouget de Lisle, composer of the "Marseillaise." Tho other char acters, not so celebrated, are typical of the various social ranks of that theatrical period. JaveallV. FIREBRANDS. By Frank E. Martin and George M. Davis. 219 Pp. $1.20. Lit tle. Brown & Co. v TMs volume has been written for the purpose of teaching children how to avoid setting a fire, how to extinguish one and how, to hold one In check until the arrival of help. The stories are full of vivacity and animation, and none of them are-over the heads of young read ers. TWO NOBLE LIVES. By Laura K. Ulchaids. 76 Pp. 60 cents. Dana lf.stes & Co. ... In loving memory this author of tales for readers of all f ages haa pictured for the young her own, earliest, recollections and Impressions of th character and persrmaHJv of her distinguished parents, Samuel Grldley and Julia Ward Howe. These reminiscences of these two wonder, ful individualities are of universal inter est. TIM MY TINKER'S BOOK. By Mary Trances Ellalsdrll. 177 Pp. 60 cents. Ut ile. Brown Co. Tommy Tinker and little Polly Flinders spend many a happy day together, with Sliep and Spider, Rosebud and Mr. Teddy Bear for their playmates. They go nut ting In the woods, they maka pumpkin ack-o'-lanterna to, frighten their friends, tiey have a May party and a Christmas ;ree, they build a bird house for Mr. and Mrs. Sparrow and feed the birds through the cold winter weather. A CHEVALIER OF OLD FRANC E. 3y John Harrington Cox. 1S1 Pp. $1.20. kittle, Brown at Co. The thrilling story of the valor of Ro land and Oliver, the treachwy of Guene lon, and the avenging mifcht of Charle magne will never grow old, and one gets frcm (his translation the atmosphere and the soul of the age of chivalry. NIBBLES POPPELTY-POPPE TT. By Edith B. Davidson. 63 Pp. 70 cents. Lit tle.. Brown at Co. i Nibbles t ' a a nice, plump little mouse, wltb blight, black eyes, and a silky coat of toft gray fur." He live with his mother and his brothers and sister. Sniffy and Snuffy, the twins: Gobble, who Is very greedy, and little Topsy, the baby. Mrs. Poppelty-Poppett being poor. Nibbles goes out Inio the Tiorld to bcc'k his fortune. YELLOW STAR. Itv Elnine Goodale Eastman. I7i Pp. $1.25. Little. Brown Co. "Yellow Star." or Stella, an unknown waif, found alive In the arms of lis dead mother after the wiping out of the In dians at Wounded Knee. At the opening of the etory Yellow Star Is brought to a New England village by her adopted mother. She becomes one of the most popular girls In the village, lending all In scholarship, quickness, grace and re sourcefulness. After completing her course at the academy, she goes back to her own people as a fie! matron for the government. ALYS-ALL-ALONR. Bv Cna McDonald. 301 Pp. $1.00. u C. Page & Co. A delightful, well-written, happy-ending story which will gladden the hearts of many a reader. Though dearly loved above all else, a IllHe girl. Alys, must be left somewhat alone. Indeed she feels and call herself "Alys All Alone." The story closes with the little girl happily established In a real home. FAIRMOUNT QIRT.8 IN SCHOOL AND CAMP. By Maud Tousey. 371 Pp. $1.0. Little, Brown t Co. In this third volume of the "Falrmount Girl Series" many of the leading Incidents, In the school portion, are a country club winter carnlvul with a bob-sled contest a masquerade party, the comical occur rences at the Rosebuds' clothing sale, and the complications caused by a new girl. The vacation chapters deal with the gay camping party taken west by Mr. Archer In his private car and on abandoned mine near which they camp and a mystery connected with It. THE OAK STREET BOYS' CLt'B. Bv Warren U Eldred. 344 Pp. $1.00. Lothrop, Ie & Shepard company. The author tells of rival clubs In the same parish, and for the triumph of com mon sense and business-like methods over Jealousy and Intrigue, though In the face of great odd- The power to be exerted by one boy possessing the qualities of a leader and the value of having such a boy on the right side are strikingly shown. THE AIRSHIP unvs' nmr.iv nrrn By H. L. Sayler. 827 Pp. $1. The Reflly c Brttton company. This story haa to do not only with aerial navigation, but also with the workings of a great newspaper. Mr. Sayler knows bout newspaper work and also about ilrshlp. In consequence of which he has produced an Interesting tale. " Corn Pours Into the Omaha Market One hundred and thirty-one cars ar rived on the Omaha Grain exchange mar ket yesterday, the record for the 1911 crop so far, and the largest amount ever re ceived In one day this early In the season. Over 50 per cent of the new corn grades No.. 3, the highest It can grade until It has dried out more. Another cold snap of two or three days would make nearly all of It grade No. 3, eaya Chief Inspector George B. Powell of the exchange. Students Present Christmas Program A program featuring In the representa tion of "Christmas In Many, Lands" was given by the Lowell society of the high school In the assembly room at the school yesterday afternoon. About twenty-five members and friends were present. Following Is the program: Recitation Holland and Norway Marie Rowley Piano Solo Frances Johnson Recitation How Christmas is Spent in - Other Lands Tena Dorrance Piano Solo Maud Whltely BOONE GIVES FEAST TO NORTHWESTERN MEN S. F. Miller, general passenger and freight agent of the Northwestern if back from Boone, la., where he went ti attend a banquet given by the Commercial club of .that city. ' The Boone banquet was tendered the officials of the Northwestern and was at tended by about fifty of them. A number came on from Chicago and In addition thero were those from the Iowa and sev eral from the Nebraska divisions. The guests rat down at the tables at 9 o'clock Thursday night and did not leave until after midnight. There was a most sump, tous dinner, which was followed byv nu merous speeches. r Saturday Only Of I on '. Jowolry Sllvorwaro Cut Glass This special inducement given to promote early shopping. Nothing re marked. See our windows for proof. No extra charges for ENGRAVING. Extra Special Saturday Only Fancy ladies' back combs, worth to $2.50 50c WOLFJEWELRYflO. "1 1I(U f.4k f tlh U f t Jfze vs, THE XMAS STORE "; "Greatest clothing store in the West" is what everybody says about BergV bigstore. That is the remark you will h&ir every day, because the business policy or this establishment has always been above reproach. Honest meth ods, honest merchandising and honest selling have made this clothing store the greatest in the West. Quality, value and service is the par amount issue here our success has been phenomenal the public is with us and we maintain the public's confidence hence we are placing on sale Saturday a few hundred suits and overcoats at prices below actual cost. ( Win i D M 18!) Men's Overcoats, this season's latest creations all colors 1(5 to 5l2 inches long, with plain, velvet or convertible collars. The overcoats come in broken lots and sold at $18.00 to $22.50- Choice Saturday $14.50 2!)5 Men's Suits, this sea son's newest creations, brok en lots that sold from $15.00 to $22.50, all colors and sizes !:. .V! J -: Iff i r Uihl . Choice Saturday $11.50 Other Overcoats and Suits From $10 to $40 VTVJ A Q fjf fT'sTQ Xtiyor bofo, in l,e "istory of Omaha stores has there been such array JLkkNf vJBaJL. 1 W of Holiday (lifts on display as will be found in this big store. A new nov elty in displaying merchandise will be of interest to the public we call it a Christmas booth, wherein will be dis played hundreds of the very newest and latest gifts suitable for men. The sen ice here duriug tho holiday rusii will have no equal up waiting for packages no waiting for change no waiting for salesmen. .We are prepared. See our windows and interior decorations. U. P, Shopmen Are Working Full Time Nine and one-hair .ours per day an.l seven days per week Is now the rule at the I'nlon Pacific shops In this city. According to Union Pacific officials th Omaha shops. are working the full quota of men, as are all of the other shops on the system. There Is no longer a half holiday on Saturday, but Inwtend the men are working full time every day In the week, Including Sundays. SANTA CLAUS ORDERS - N HIS GOODS BY WIRELESS Santa Claus does not propose to be saught with a toy supply that does not meet the demand. While he Is acting as his own advance agent In Urandeis Toy- land he Is keeping his North Pole toj i shops and warehouses Hdvlscd by meant of tils own wireless telegraph. It Is a real wireless Instrument h which Santa Claim sends his mesHRgeo The flagpole at the northenut corner 01 the Brandels building serves an the up right for the station and connections havi Jimt been made that enable the flashing of code messages. The sending and re ceiving Instrument Is In Banta Ciaut house In Brandels basement. Victor I, $25 r Victor-Victrola VIII, $40 IBP 9 Don't let this Christmas 1 - o bv without fretting a ictor or Victor-Victrola With a Victor-Vio trola as low as 15 and others gradually ranging up to the magnificent Victor-Victrola at $200, and with Victors from $10 to $100, na home need be without the ex quisite music produced by these greatest of all musical instruments. Victor-Victrola $15. $25. $40, $50. $75. $100, $150, $200. Victors $io, $17.50, $25, $32.50, $40, $50, $60, $100. Any Victor dealer will gladly play these instruments for you, and if you want to buy lie will arrange terms to suit your con venience, if desired. Victor-Victrola XVI, $20C Victor Talking Machine Co. Camden, N. J. Always ut Victor Rscerds plarsd with Victor Net diss thsrs Is no other way to get ths uasqualsd Victor tons. t&Alll ecords, Machines and Ac cessories, On Sals at Here's a Way to Save Honey On Eyery One of Your Christmas Purchases- From now until Christmas, we are going to offor q.ulte ex ceptional values In tho most suitable of all Christmas Goods High Grade Jewelry. You ran present Jewelry really worthy pieces, and spend less money than you would have to spend In almost any other line. The hundreds of people who have al ready solicited our assistance in making up their Christmas Lints, havo been delighted with the suggestions which wo have made, and the goods we have shown. We have established thts store as one in which reasonable prices have a plauea very prominent place. For Instance, we are offering for Saturday only IMue WliKh Diamond Itinw. Tiffany or fancy setting, regular price IH'JO.OO LnilivN 0 wi.e Klgln UO-ycar Watch, hunting case, legiiliir price IM.VOO, Mnturriny , $14.75 $8.75 Fritz Sandwall Jewelry Co. (In Omaha and Kouth Omaha 20 Vcnis.) 308 South 15th Street Omaha 8 aiiVrS ! W M 8 Sensational illinerySale flTlSiiiiiV 250 Htts Values Up to $25.10. All must go Nothing Resenred. , THREE LOTS WF B Values to $7.50, ai..$t.,0.0 ' Values to $15.00, at S2.50 .VJ, ...HI' U 'V Wll II mm a a . i MM? - .ww w Values to $25.00, at $5.00 Don't miss thin opportunity. You can't afford to. SL City Rational Bank Buildinj Engraving Jobs Solicited. Prompt and Accurst Work Guaranteed. k mm Company CEO. E. MICKEL, Manager 1 5th and Harney Sts., Omaha J 334 Brosdway, Council Bluff 1513-15 Douglas St, OMAHA, NEB, MRS. RICHARD! 2d Floor-City National Bank Bldg. Omaha's Exclusive Candy Shop As a delicious confection that la absolutely pure and clean, our candy stands preeminent. Packed In fancy basket! and boxes In true I'hrlntmas style. NOVEL TREE TRIMMINGS lOuropeun ami Domehtic Novelties. DYB ALL'S 'jwpgugiaist. Tip c- Savifl for Womzn 1 W J-T ltl.UJr d'VHll'nK our work when f, r A Oread ... 5c at all firocerj l