Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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4 '
Tl I L' 1 I.' I.' . (III LMil'I'Mliif lii'i'iMiiirii ..
ma vmuiii. nu uiuMi, im ivw m,H j:uj.
A man wauts,. a
practical pift. The
most sensible tiling
to buy is some
thing that will give
him a year or more
of good 'service.
Clothing Sale
All Our Highest Grade Overcoats and
Suits for Men and Young Men Have
Been Greatly Underpriced for this Sale.
Stocks Must be Reduced Before Invoice
These rat offers embrace every hlta dans make in the house. All the
HoKerwIVot ... Clothe all tli Illrsli-Wii kwlro & Co. Suit and Over,
touts nil the ItoHcwoM & Well make and nil flic Kcimit k System Clothes.
Iluy these OverroatB and Stilts early In December Just when you need
them for as little as you would expect to pay In February.
' N. W. Cor. 16th & Douglas
All Our
Men's , Suits
That have been
selling: at $30, $35,
$40 and $45, at
All Our
and (
Men's Suits
That have been
selling at $22.50,
$25 and $27.50, at
All Our
Men's Suits
That have been
selling 'at $15.00,
.$17.50 and $20.00,
at '
Men's Smoking Jackets and House Coats
Neat plain shades, all satin piped etlnes. silk frogs and loops
all band tailored; special q5 no fl 1 n
fro, yo up to $10
Men'sWinter Suits
These are serviceable, warm, well
made worsteds and cheviots In
new patterns, worth
up to $15.00,
ueviuis m
Men's Overcoats
'Extra Long Overcoats, regular
Bnd convertible collars, In black,
oxford and fancy
mixtures; $12. SO and
$15 values, at;
M-tnn Hats Brandels Stores
are agents. price ls..S.1.Kn
Wilkin's KnullMh Hats For
men who appreciate the econ
omy of the best of Its kind.
Select a Wilson English Hat.
t ..M.M
Ksssjr V
Sale of Traveling Bags and Suit Cases
Kntlre sample lines of hlph .rade traveling bags and suit
cases from Abel & nach, Milwaukee, Wis., known as the best
and finest on the market. ' 1
There is an immense assortment of traveling bags and
suit cases for meu and women. "
Prices on these bags and suit cases are 08 UP to $22.50
Winter flats and Caps for Men "and Boys f
Suitable Gifts .
Velour and Scratch lp Hats
$3.00 values at $2.00
Genuine) Iteaver and Imported
Frrnrli Yclour Hats
t 91.00 $5.00
Men's $2.00 and &J.OO Hats
soft and stiff styles at J)8?
Men's ft. OO and 91.50 Caps
Silk lined with fur under-
bands 50J
Men's 00 Fur Ops,,. $1.50
Men's and Jloys' Caps, worth 50c
t ' 150
Men's Winter Shoes
Just received a shipment of shoes from
one of the big eastern factories at a 25
discount. They come in dull calf, light
and heavy lau calf, patent leather and
kid skin all sizes and width in button
,,.ar lace styles. $4.00 valuea, QC-
' f ..PAOO
BojV High Cut Wios In tan and black
leathers; shoes that "will give good ser-
'" VStSf. .$l-.75-$3:50' '
MKX'H 8LHTFJW . .. . tr
Operas, Everettes, " Romeos and Cavalier
Boots, handsomely finished fl-i Ai
all sizes, at J)lAy
December Sale Shirts
Wo have made great preparations for this fehirt Sale and
have bought many odd lines from manufacturers at notable
This is an exceptional opportunity to buy high grade shirts
in strictly now patterns for Christmas gifts.
Here are iJiirts that are all new fall models no seconds c
soiled samples shirts with pleated or plain bosoms, coat el vies
nem iigures ana stripes; also white pleated bosoms
omns wonn up to M.w, at
79C and $1-15
Sale of Men's Hosierv
Entire surplus stock from an eastern wholesale
Men's Cashmere and Imported Lisle Hose
In all shades nnd all Blzes; regular 25c and 35c 1 r
values Saturday, old store, at pair ..Iv)C
Men's lure Thread 811k Hose in tans, black and mixtures;
regular 50c values, at pair
....25c fjiiiiiiy
Practical Christmas Gifts for Men
t. from the importer, in both Terry and
-Men's Sample Bath Robe3. boudit direc
; blanket cloths.
; Robes, worth $4, at.. $1.98 Robes, worth up
Men's1 All Wool Blanket and
Silk and Worsted Bath and
Lounging Robes, specials
at .... 357.50 to $29.50
Men's Night Shirts and Py
jamas Specially priced
at 98c up to $10
Men's and Boys' Sample
Sweater Coats, An oxford,
tan, navy and fancy
trimmed; values up to $1.25,
at 50c
Men's Dress Gloves, Ferrin's,
Dent's and Fownes' make, per
pair $1.00 to $3.00
A large shipment of fine slllt
neckwear in four-in-hands in all
new shades 60c valupft riia-
at . . . , '2x
to $5, at. .$2.50 .Robes, worth up to $7.50, at Sl.i8
bilk Aeckwcar, Made of Imported
Silks French folds and four-in-hands,
60c and 75c values, at .
35c, 3 (ot $1
Men's Suspender Sets-Garters
and armbands, special at 50c,
73c and '. . . . . $1
Silk Ilose, Silk Tie and Silk Hand
kerchief Sets, Bpccials, at.. 73c
$1.00 up to . .$3.50
1,000 Dozen Sets of Jilsle Hose
with tie to match, 50c values,
special, at per set. ...... . .'.20c
Fine Ooaso Leather Case, with
Silk Hose and Silk Tie to Match.
in colors, at $1.50 to $fJ.SO '
Men's and Boys' Fur and Fur
Lined Gloves. . . .08c to $22.50
Men's 75c NegliKro Shirts Bluo
chambray, madras and percale,
t 35e
Men's $1.25 extra heavy all wool
underwear, at a garment. . .75c '
Boys' Winter Overcoats and Suits
Boys' All r'ool CUlncJillU OrercoaU in
Russian or Reefer styles grey or blue. grey .mixtures; No
Hoys' Overcoat Worth, un to
$8.00, at.
M'inter Suits In browns, blues and
Korioik or double-breasted
10 r-r
BoSV $0.50 .Suits at"$4.50 All r a rf
wool fabrics, blue serges Included . Ji4--r)l J
Boys' Overcoats, ajfes 3 to 8 Boys' WlnUr Orarooats, worta 4 and $8
13 values, alno Uoys' Winter Kuniilan ntvlo rnr .n.n k- -...lTT
Hults. 14 values, at.... 91.88 collar coats for larger boys' ... ...93.93
Hoys' atld nirla In. JP
dlan and Cowbov ....j
Suits, 91. 91.50, 91.98 iwi::f.!lilllii
Gsldea Opportanitlei-for Bachelors
of the Eight Class. -
Some Fortune Uud Hrackt mt
Kalk(B 4)tbrr frmpl
fiallaate lo Show Tkrlr
If some altocethor dnlralili man should
corns along-, guaranteed heart whole and
fancy free, with no previous attachments
asalnst his affwtUms that mlfilit Inttrters
with a new ene, thin ceuntry has soma
nillllonaira widows who might be suffi
ciently Intei-eeted to look hlin over.
Now, that's about as far aa 4ny legltl
roe to etaUmont of the r mm can properly
go. Pfrhsps ,thst aUosether dealrable
and1ilE1o ftlitht win one of thoee widows;
perhaps he mltrlitn't; for the millionaire
widow Is the very woman who, from her
experience of life, readies the com luolon
that It my try all It plenties to put her
on the matrimonial bargain counter, but
he is going, to dodge aa long aa site la
The real reluctance of thene women to
wed aaln xoemcto be due to a general
condition of spirit which makes them all
the more deatrable.i They all appear to
retain, wlth.tha acquisition of their mil
lions, that peculiarly feminine attribute
I of financial common srnu which prevent
women rrom being siHiiilthrinn. Vnlexa
their marriage has saddled them with a
Hon! de Castellans and they a so com
pletely enamored as Anna Oould, they all
dlapluy'a notable faculty for keeping what
they have, which ja neither avarira nor
penurlousneas, but merely practical self
defense. The girl making her debut Into papa's
wealth Is only too liable to bo dassied by
Impecunious nobility. Hut her mother,
widowed and Inheriting the family for
tune. Is prone to regard It a sort of sacred
truat. That Is why only the man who la
altogether dealrable liaa anything Ilk a
chance to remove the mourning veil that
covers her.
Everybody thought that the beautiful
and young Mrs. William U. Ieed, widow
1 ,
Neither can you build
up your nerves with
alcoholic remedies.
To be Self-Reliant,
nerves must have a
food-tonic that nour
ishes' and builds up
the entire system.
is the World's Standard
Builder ana
all DKuaaiara
of the Mnplato magnate, at whoso death
ha Inherited the bulk of his estate, would
take to matrimony, aguiu )ik a duck to
wuter. Captain Pnget, son of General Blr
Arthur I'aget, Lurd Alexander Thynno.
aereral other Kngllahmen and various dis
tinguished members of Europe's nobility
all thought so, too. She went to Kngland,
cut a swath In society and gave every
innioalloit or being, If not eager, at least
willing to accept the suitor who could
offer her social advantages commensurate
with her million. About every week or
so the cables had a new candidate for the
honor of marrying the tlnplato widow,
until this fall, when she gently explained
fhat she really thought tko good old
t'nlted States would bo the best place
In which to rear her boy to be a ttsaful
citlxen and remove herself as far aa pos
sible from the bargain counter.
in nrst Mrs. Leds. who she sun
planted In tho tlnplato magnate's fancy,
nas a million of her own the piles a
hlch ho consented to release tho hua.
band whose, affection for her had been
weaned by tho sight pt another pretty
ice. ,o unworthy rival of tho many
mlllloned aecoml Wra. IxxhIs was tho first,
whatever Mr. Ieeda' taste In wives was
When the pair of them ran afoul of each
Otner at 1'alm Heach, the orlirinal Mrs,
i" complacent grans widowhood
nil the second in the glory of her trt
emph, th first one turned loons gown
Her gown until her successful, rival had
10 can on Mr. Ixds for cart blanch
... in iinwi rnougn to aorvo as
first aid to her injured feelings. The
drt-seo cam, and Mra. Leeda No. 1 was
ouipmyed in th eyes of the amused
throng of faahlonables. But sho left tlie
imprvmioii ineradicable that her former
iiusoaiia hud moreiy boon- caught
......r.. vl ivuiurca. not py any
loiity In real beauty. .
Nuitur Loao Oat.
The unralllng wonder of Pails, for her
constancy to widowhood. Is tbs btautlfut
... wvnpun viuurauu. WI1MO. crare
nvo oecn laiuied by admirers for several
years, while her Income, SJOO.000 a ) ear-f
ine uuis or her father's IH.OHO.OOO havln
been left to her mother, whoso heiress
an i naa mica .cores of smbltlOu
aUltors with a covetousnra equal to their
genuine eagerneua for her charming self.
Khe may be regarded now,, like the second
Mia. t-reos. aa wedded to her celibacy-
the defeat of her wooers has been too
Not more then half a doneu years have
passed elnca Mrs. Ogdt-n Uoelet. mother
of th duchess of Jioxburghe. was re
ported to be engaged to the Count de
Coutunl-lUroii. Well, the wasn't. Hut
she Svasanothi r widow the fortune in
her can. being VMXM) and an additional
income of tlX.Ort) a year whom popular
opinion regaidod as possibly lulling but
bound to surrender to tho very r'gl)t man
Een the hillilant W. Roiirk Cockran
did not win Hi. famous Mr. Jack Oard'
nr of lioston, when their engagement
i aa reported, a Utile after the Ooelet
H!r n mutch. The l ulted Slates govara
meiit gut nearly Vo.ouJ from her when
he I'uld the tax gu tho works of art
lu lu-r ini.4um. Th san, 111 furtun ha.
attended lb r':rtiur that J. J, N'aa AU
was to marry Mrs. J. B. French, widow
of a former partner of J. Plerpont Mor
gan. Aosne I.ara Prises.
Marshall Field s widow, whom he mar
ried when he was 70 years old, received
about S3.O0O.O0O out of his estate of more
than S100.0u0.fti0. The direct bequest to
lier In his will was for $1,000,000; It sup
plemented a nuptial gift of II.OOO.OOO. As
Mrs. Cuton she had been his next door
neighbor for thirty years, and his lone
liness In age finally , brought them to
getber. ' Not an overpowerlngly wealthy
woman aa modern fortunes go, Mrs. Field
became tho owner of a fortuno who
also wss tho same as thst left to his
widow by tho late James Henry Smith,
the "Silent Bmlth," who married the for
mer Mrs. Rhinelander Btewart. mother of
Anita Btewart, now Duchess da Vlseu.
Th same level-head ednesa has character
ised Mrs. Bmlth, even though h grati
fied her ambition, and her daughter's, by
letting Anita .wed her Portuguese fMnc
de Bragansa." fcUie hastened to let her
self out of allnmatxlmonlal engagements
and she kept herself out, with equal pos
Itlveness, of the princely ambitions of
her son-in-law's family by refusing to
finance him for the upset throne. Bb
squelched all that talk by stating that I
was Just silly, and th hopes that were
based on 'the portion of the Bmlth mil
lions that cams to her went a-gllmmer
Anions- the, wealthiest widows In the
world, not excepting Mrs. Itusselt Bage,
and even. Mrs. Ileity Ureen. is Mrs. Mary
W. Harrlinau, whose fortune, at first ap
praised at f il.000.000. Is now believed to
bo between 1125.000,000 '. ajid tlM.000.0O0.
fndrr thw will of tho- great railway king
she Is absolute mistress of It all. But
under his onfidende In her sho Is aa ab
solutely removed front chances of mar
riage aa It ho wer still alive. Far less
given to society thaa Mrs. PotUr Palmer,
the widow with S-0.0D0 a year as her ln-
ome.' Mrs. Jlarrlmaa Is-accepted aa br
Ing ult ip'llTfereot to any possibility
of changing th slngl-f tat that baa
come to har-rl'hiladelphla North Amerl
Kills Wffo ad Himself, t ;
JIOL.TO.V. Kan.. Doc. a William ' Scott,
farmer llvlns: four miles east ot this
1ucl shot and killed' his wife suid then
committed auieldo today. It la believed
Scott wws Insane.
Marrtac l.looa. :
The follow Inn marrlava license, hav
been granted.
Name and Residence. -' Are.
awrence T. Mdwell. Ulenwood, la....- SS
lot one MUler, Ulenw ood, la.
Carl V. Sorensen. Omaha.
c.raoo M, Paul, Omaha..
arl Unisa Aj-llns-toiK Neb.
Stella rnieka. Arlington, Neb.
Hans M.islev. Uretna. Neb.
eVtphl Bauinan, Uretna, Neb...
Ilerroaji Kuehir. Murdock. Neb.
Itattl Walllnger. Klmwood, . Neb.
stalldlasj rralt.- '
T. W. Hasen. two frama dsrelllnra
nd mS-Kussle street. UUuO: Duntltt.
-umber romi any, ' Forty-slth and Far-
nam street, four lumber sheds. 13.000; C
i.-orkiiiti. rvj Pratt vtrcet. frame dwell-
ngn tijM JUnioly C. Nordln. .it to lYatt
irevi. irnino uwening. fl.uoe; f,iirpn
Ceal Htate coiupai.y. m (j.nh Tuonty.
avventti street and 1 Mouth Twnnty-
seventh street to frame dwellings. V.iUl;
j. wn. liui iXwlsi sirvtl. frame
BJOaiDf. UeA
n s
ssb lsibs -assasssasks-'
.: Buy your wife, sister, mother or sweet
heart Furs for Christmas.
(pome here and choose the best Furs that
money can buy. : We sell to honest people on
credit. You wonkt miss the money.
- Come in and -get acquainted with
Bentley's Better Bargains in Furs.
m i .,.,, .1,1
1521 Dodge St.
Rausmittem Suits
BillyiBourke won't carry
into January anything he
can sell in December.
Hence price-cuts before
the season is half done.
About 75 Suits here $18
kind $13.50, $20 sort-$15,
$25 lines $18.75. ' '
Benjamin stuff
Is low priced at
tho . start; but
th best feature
about' all Bourke
Huff is that bt
willingly r.p
open sesms ' an-i
Troves up.
! Good assortment
of lines qnd sizes.
Should also hav a Sajfs &aj4it
- Box In our vault to plaoo thelu la
when not worn. bafty agbiitat lo
by tir or burglar deu.and iuA
Convnlntiy looatod bu can
if "r'JTJjf1 i(Mir rews
Sl of tt-OO.
pur vault attenrttat trtl '"ha
p!ated lo shc-w thecu '
Elrsst lv cntrsJic te rmaitU.
1SU I'ataass St.
lllsrjrVCamvr.- ' , iiu.m .yiHi i ' !"...' 'J .. IL.. iniinnw j i ,i 1 1 ,p i.m .iLU 1.1 .11.1 1. mnii i ...". . , '' ' B
J '" rmnniwn lIlismsMFTinT
I ' " - ' '
I ssssssssssssss-
Artists' Materials
If In your city, the dealer si not of
CataloKUJ i culn.
!;.""t "si's H iir.tori O
i .or i a is cHt!.f..l .?o!e
t I ti;.'4.
a 18 outh ISth
O.'Kulin's (Jrtat IIor.e. Tain-r