Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1911, EDITORIAL, Page 19, Image 19

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Where in the World is Mutt Going to Raise Five Hundred Dollars? m W By "Bud" Fisher
rm: ri:H: omaiia. satukday. pkckmuku ?. ion.
. . - - rewnxxtna -r tftw H"
ceN yVv r vi, .e yKU .. I- V I J-k f r. piiur no I L'?VV. 1
a Jilt Hhffl- i-l Ife
Jlissouri Valley Athletic Conference
j Divides Territory.
Northern Circuit Consists of JSe
i braska, Amn and Drake, SontU-
era of Missouri, Kansas
and Washington.
I KANSAS CITy, rx.. Pc. 8 -Po far as
basket ball Is concerned the Missouri
yalley Athletlo conference was divided
alnto two circuits at a meeting of repre
sentatives of the six schools which com
pose It In this city today. The two
divisions are to be termed the Northern
ftnd the Southern conference!, the north
ern to consist of Nebraska, Ames and
llrako universities, and the southern of
Missouri, Kansas and "Washing-ton uni
versities. Each Institution of each divi
sion will play four games with each of
the others in that division. Then the
winners of each division will fight It out
for the championship of the valley.
Today's sphsIoii was devoted entirely to
the basket ball situation. The question
Df holding tho game closer to the original
rules was discussed. This afternoon the
task of arranging the basket ball sched
ules for next year was begun.
Tomorrow morning a meeting will be
held. In Lawrence, Kan., when the -question
of admitting other schools to the
conference and other matters pertaining
to the general athletic situation In the
Jillssourl valley will be dlscused.
Sullivan Will Direct Choosinj of
American Contestants.
t atted States Will Be Represented
at Stockholm for First Time la
All Kvents Hnlplu Team
Big Garage is to
i Be Built on North
i Twentieth Street
The invasion of the Omaha residential
kM4iu 7 commercial gaiatfea, in flat
jtwirtry n the West JVrnam vrntvlov
tie Electric Garage company, was given
riew impteus Friday, when the National
Automobile Training association bought
ground on the west side of Twentieth
street. Just south of Locust street.
This Company bought from the Byron
liced company for approximately $1,500
a tract thirty-eight and three-fourths
feet wldo by 298 fe.H long, on which it
plans at once to erect a brick garage to
care for the gasoline and electrlo autoa
of tho surrounding neighborhood. It will
also conduct its training school for chauf
feurs in connection with the business.
" The garage will be "strategically lo
cated," the location being the only one
available on Nineteenth or Twentieth
streets within a short distance south of
Kountze Place, In which garages are for
bidden by the building restrictions.
Kountze Place boasts a large number of
motor cars.
The other garage In the residence dis
trict, fiat of the Slectrlo Garage com
pany, is in course of construction at
fortieth and Farnam.
NEW YORK, Pee. 8.-At a meeting of
the executive committee of the Ameri
can Olympic committee tonight, James
E. Sullivan of this city was chosen as
chairman of the team selection committer
for the games to be held in Sweden next
Matthew P. Halpln of the New Tork
Athletlo club, who served as mamiger for
the American teams h. Athens and Lon
don, was chosen to Til the same position
at Stockholm and Michael C. Murphy,
trainer for the University of Pennsyl
vania, was selected as trainer for the
American athletic team of 1912.
It was decided to hold tryouts In Boston
Chicago and Ban Francisco at a date yet
to be selected, which will not conflict
with the Intercollegiate championships or
any dual meets, as far as possible. Try-
outs for the Pentathlon will be held on
April 13 and for the Decathlon on April
19 and iO.
The national American Athletic union
and intercollegiate indoor swimming
championships and the national swimming
championships, outdoor, for 1911, will be
taken Into consideration when the team
of swimmers is selected. It will not be
possible to hold swimming tryouts out
doors, as It will be too cold. For the
first time the United States will be repre
sented in all events, horse riding, fencing,
oycllng, etc.
The following were appointed as a na
tional team seiectir coreiiUm
Des Moines Five Eoll
New Team Record
Vii& MOt:ES, fee. S.-A new high
score In the flve-nien team events of the
Midwestern Bowling tournament was es
tablished tonight when tho Alexandria
f tars of Pes Moines rolled a total of 1,773.
beating by three pins the high mark
made by tho old I.ynrh Hyea cf St. Luul
the first day of thu tournament. The
Wavelands of iJes Mulnes wore second,
with 2,7ir.. j
In tho doubles. Overman and Vernon
rolled the high score, finishing with l.lxs,
and Hlddell and IStaff were second, with
1,110. All are of Divs Moines.
C. V. Smith won the high score In the
Individual events today, rolling C19.
meeting of the stockholders of the Rock
Island Base Ball association today It was
decided to surrender the franchise In the
Three-I league and Manager John
Gondlntf was given his release. The city
probably will not have professional base
bull next season.
Annonl Gross Receipts of Steel
Trust Kxreed Those of the
.... .frrssec Airr VmIiX. r -'f;Hjm&
J illson V. Armour. TAlitrago; EarteW Tne United Sti
Although the United SUten Steel cor
poration has been popularly known since
Its organisation as the biggest corpora
tion in the world, it Is doubtful If the
immensity of its operations in sheer
weight of monetary values has been gen
erally understood. Grons receipts have
ranged as high as $767,014,767 in a single
year, and from the date of organisation,
on April 1, 1901, t the close of the last
fiscal year, j)ecember si, l9io, have
M te:vW.:o f
Amerloan! "A Stranger In Strange
Boyd i "Elektra."
Brandelsi "The roho."
Oayetyi Bnrlesqns.
Xrugi Burlesque.
Orphoural Vaudeville.
Matinees at the oayet7, Kraft sad
Orphean, theaters.
".Much Ado About Nolhlna'' at the
Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Noth
tng" was ably presented by the Coburn
players at tho Boyd latt evening.
They brought out tho comedy of every
scene In a skillful fashion, but spicy re
marks or laughable situations were never
overworked. This is one of the best
attributes of the Coburn playera-they do
not overdo or go to extremes, ineir
comedy brings home the real humor of a
situation and fully Interprets tne meaning.
Mr. Coburn played the title masculine
role of Benedick, a young gentleman ui
Padua, and brought forth considerable
applause, especially when he made,, the
sturtllng declaration in the final act that
for a man to cure himself of the tooth
ache ho should get married.
Mrs. Coburn, in the part of Beatrice,
the young woman who Is loved by Bene
dick, with her haughty demeanor and
flighty actions toward her lover, was ex
ceptionally amusing. Charles Fleming, as
Dogberry, tho head constable, furnished
some laughable situations, especially In
the prison scene. George Gaul carried a
heavy part as Claudlo, a young gentle
man of Padua.
The Greek tragedy, "EleUtra," will be
given this evening.
li lK lit and Katurilny night uiul lit a har
guiu matinee on rStituruny. Jtuinihe. De.vo
mil riankur Woods are sutu to grent
dRiitK .n thu leading rolex. '1 lie com
pany piiwenttng tills musical comedy is
an ixveilunl oliu.
Worba and Luesihet, the young New
York iuanu:!H of Louis Mann In "Kle
uil:in A Jimtmud, ' -Ahtcli at inn
lliunueU tin lit rr tiin firm half of next
week, have a number of other produc
tions, nniM of which will be seen hero.
Onw .if their new off-r.liiK Is l.ulu Olaser
In "Minn lMidvlxuck. ' winch promises to
snual in interest anil popularity tliolr
production ot The Hpilng MhhI" and
'Little Mlxa Flx-ll." Wel ba and l.nosetier
have given Mr. Mann a magnificent
beenie. production for his new piuy and
surrounded him with a notable company
of player. i. A matinee will be given on
Martin Kmery Co.'s production of
"The Red Mill'' this eriisou Is presented
on a scale of lsvlnlinens that dwarfs the
organlxation of lust season. The scenery
has been built upon thu largest scale, the
eovtumes all replueed by new costly
designs, while tho company of principal
have been mont carefully selected and
embraces m any names' to tiicatei
gocers. Thi chorus of forty M suld to
be one of the bent ever organized, it Is
safe to assume that III niiagenietit at
the Lioyd next week will prove one of th
most brilliant theatrical events ot the
California Crop Comes Enrly and is
Heavier Than Usual.
Supply and Demand to Hare Noth.
Ingr to llo with tost to ton.
suiurr, It llelua Regulated
by the Trust.
Pioneer Lawyer of SontU Dakota
Dies ot Taralysis.
Wm Mlalater to Austria During;
Cleveland's Hceoud Administra
tis aasd Hold Manr Other
Tubllo Offlr
Concert liy Anoilo Club.
The Apollo club, an organization of
Omaha young men who sing, la to give a
The talents of MIms I,lly Ina. the
EngllKh singer who will be one of the
headllno attraction at the (irpheum
theater next week llo in directions out
side of kinging charming songs. Changes
of costume which she, moke with each
song owe their distinction of coloring
and style to her original tanU', for she
selects I hem nil to the smallest detuU.
lief hats which look so attractive and
slmplo are the result of her own thought
aim sometimes the smart touch whicli
her fingers add to them. The rapidity
with which Miss lena's costume changes
are made shows that she understands
sotno system the secret of which Is re
vealed In the three immense hooks that
she uses on her bodices Instead of the
dozen or so on the regular blouse. Among
her most attractive gowns Is a white
Californhins lire III the midst ot the
orange crop harvest and the shipments
are moving eastward at a rapid rate,
about onu week earlier than usual. The
district around I'ortervllle Is one of the
first to get fruit onto the market In
any large quantities, shippers from this
section now sending out an average ot
1M curs per day.
Tho movement of oranges from around
Redlunds, Ontario. Tulare and Vtsalla
is expected next week. y.hen the ship
ment will bi moro than double what
they are at the present time.
While the California orange crop Is re
ported to be one of the best In many
years, no reduction In price Is expected
during the winter. Tho Indications are
that while seconds may be a bit lower
than at the present time, rmoes on
choice and medium navels will continue
firm. It is even predicted that choice
fruit for Christmas, while plentiful
enough, will retail In this market and
elsewhere at as high as 60 cents, while
tho medium will not get below SO to 40
cents per doxen.
Hnpply and Demand Don't Count.
' This firmness In prices has nothing to
do T.lth tho supply and demand. Bupply
and demand no longer cuts a figure all
prices being regulated by the associations,
or fruit trusts, to whiou the growers, who
are members, belong.
In California at the present time, It la
said that every shipping point, no matter
how small, has Its association, and every
T.1KKTOW. R D., Doc. 8.-Speclat
Telo-rsu..; Toge Hnrtlett Tripp died at '
jus home hor this morning at 7. to from
a sircko of parolyula which he suffered
Krtdny. Judge Tripp was born in Maine
Sixty-nine years ago and had lived In
Yankton slnrt. IWj He was one of the
incorporator ot Yankton college and
rved on the first board of regents ot
the University of Houth Dakota. He also
served as prtrfdent of tha first constitu
tional convention in 18RJ and wa chief
Justice of eouth. Dakota supreme court
from 1M6 to IMS. During Cleveland's eo
ond administration he waa United States
minister to Austria, Btnce his return,
from Kuropo he haa practiced law In this
Weeks, New York; Edward jt Babb, Bos
ton; Gustavu T. Klrby. New torK;
Julian W Curtlss, New York; Frederick
B. Pratt, 'New York; Joseph B. Maccabe,
Boston; Thomas f. Riley, Boston;
Komevn Brey, New Y'ork; Thornton Ger
rlsh, Philadelphia; H. 1. Geyeltn, Phila
delphia; George F. Pawling. Philadelphia;
Dr. Luther It. Gullck, New York;, K. B.
Hall, 'New York; C. A. Painter, Pitts
burgh; F. W Kublen, New York; P. J.
Conway. New York; W. F. Garcelon,
Cambridge; James K. suiiivan, mew
West Everett C. Brown, Chicago: A. A.
Stagg, Chicago; Theodore Bland. St.
Louis; Dr. 11. A. Williams, Minnesota;
W. P. Munay, Cleveland; W. C. Johnston,
St. Douls: K. C. Racey, Chicago.
Coast W. F. Humphries, San Fran
cisco; John J. Elliott, San Francisco; J.
B. Franklin, Dos Angeles; A. S. Gold
smith, Seattle; T. Dunne, Portland: Prof.
E. O Nell, Los Angeles; Lir. rang Anson.
fcouth Dr. B. Merrill Hopkinson. uaiu-
mure; L. De Bonnedelto, .ew urieans;
E. F. Dugosli. Texas.
Also Dr. Graeme Hammond, New York,
for fencing Interests;. H. H. Sayre, New
York, for shooting; C W. Williams, New
York, clay bird shooting; It. F. Kelsoy,
New York, cycling Interests.
Business Men Play
Hard at Hand Ball
The preliminary and first rounds of the
business men's noon class hand ball tour
nament; ; at the Young Men's Christian
association have been finished and, judg
ing from the Interest taken In this form
it exercise, the tournament will be com
pleted by January 6. the scheduled time.
This game is proving one' of the moit
Jiooular in tho gymnasium and many are
rfvlng up busktt ball and running to ex
ert their energy on pounding the bund
ball. The tournament wjs planned by
J. T. Maxwell, physical director.
Following are the results of .pluy al
ready finished In the noon class:
i Neville defeated Foster, 21-13. 21-19.
I DeliorJ defeated Kepler. 21-7, 21-X.
, Thompson defeated Harris by default.
Remington defeated Turner, 21-13,
BS-21, 21-1.
I ris defeated Kandberg. 21-1S, 21-11.
McCarthy defeated Miller, 21-11. 21-14.
I Evlon defeated Barnes, 21-10, 21-12.
1 Anderson detested Lice. 21-11, 21-11.
With the Bowlers
The Derby Woolens took three from
the Betselin Mixers. Amsden took all
honors for the night, high single and
total 196 and 617. W. Pchnelder got high
single and totals with 178 and 4S7 for the
Mixers. Scores:
1st. 2d. M.
Amsden 1 1S7 1M
Hollo H'J ' m l.iO
Lemon 177 1.-1 1
Totals E23 440 4ti2
ates government's total
receipts from customs and all other
sources of revenue In the fiscal' year
ended June 30 last were only S700.109.906,
a total which the Steel corporation not
only exceeded In Its banner year, 1907,
but again In the year' ended December
31 last, when the gross earnings were
703,'1,424. The next largest corporate
earnings in this country, if not in the
world, are those of the big railroad sys
tems, and there uio only a fraction of
the Steel corporation's showing. The
Pennsylvania system, lor instance, which
comes next In lino, showed gross earn
ings last year of si41.Z15,O00. The South
ern Taciflc, which is nwl, showed for
the fiscal car tnded Jute St) lat gross
earnings of $12 620,000. and the Atrhlnon.
Topeka &. Banta Te, ;07,C",O). All three
ot U.eie. aggrcgnted only I'M, 400,000.
rexhaps a more Impressive measure of
the corporation's position in the indus
trial world is the fact that its output
of steel la larger than that produced In
all the plants of Germany, more than
twice as large as great Britain's, and
more than three times as largo as that
of France. The latest sUU.iticg available
for foreign countries are those of 1909.
In that year, one of low-pressure produc
tion in this country, the United States
Steel corporation turned out 1.1,345,189
tons of steel Ingots, against Germany's
11.8W.000 tons, the Vnited Kingdom's
5.931,000 tons and France's 0.OJS.O0O tons,
last year the corporation's output was
I4,179,3(i9 tons. New York Times.
1rVf of 4h-ra cumpari oom-mr. t;t;trlCcrtl in gold and s.ivtr grower who t'ings his fruit to
lug season. The first ot these wd oc , 0r!y. rfOPmailw- remain lnt point Is a member. At each of these
Tuesday evening next, December at of ,. )f ..A pirBnger In a Htrauge points a secretary who draws a liberal
the First Congregational church, nine
teenth and Davenport streets. No tickets
are for sale, but the concert are open to
"associate members" of the club, each of
whom la given two tickets for each con
cert given by the club. A. N. Carstensen
Is president of the club, Ross U. Johnson
Is treasurer and Frederick v. r reeuiantui
Is It conductor.
Dates for Thomas Orchestra.
John Collins of the management of the
Theodore Thomas orchestra was In
Omaha Thursday, conferring with the
management of the Mendelssohn choir as
to the dates for the musical festival to
be held during the coming spring. Mon
day and Tiieadoy, April 22 and 23, were
definitely fixed upon as the dates. This
is made necessary by the fact that the
orchestra i under contract to ploy at
Cincinnati for the biennial musical festi
val there the first ten day in May. The
dates are very satisfactory to the execu
tive committee of the Mendelssohn choir,
and preparation for the festival will now
be actively entered upon. j r.tnue ?ote.
imlv three more performance Of that
dancing musical comedy. "The Echo.'
will be given at me oranueia iumki, w
Land," which has proven so popular at
the American this week. It will be of
tered for the last time on Saturday night,
and for the next week, beginning with
the matlnre on Sunday afternoon, "Her
Great Match," Clyde Fitch's greatest
comedy, will be offered, with Miss Lang
In tho role of Jo Sheldon.
The matter of taking out all the empty
seats In the popular Uayciy luxt HHtur
day night because of their not being
needed during the run this week ot "Tho
World of Pleasure" hss proven to be a
wise precaution as llio big musical ex-
travugiinza Is doing a land office bust
ness. it Is attracting a cIhms of patron
age whit li nny tlinater sdoiild be proud
to Dave as Its retuuir clientele, ar.fl bct
of ull, tho probability in that they will
continue to he regular once-a-week
patrons, Ladies' matinee dally.
For several hours yesterday it looked
as though "The Missouri Girls" show at
the Krug would lose the six ponies of
the chorus. An offer was made to the
young women to .loin the chorus of a
muslcs.I comedy that Is billed for this
city next week. The six little choristers
last season were with tho "Barnyard
Borneo" act. In vaudeville, and are con
sidered very high class iKinles. The man
agement of the current Krug attraction
perhuaded tlio chorus youngnters to re
main with his show. It is rumored that
lie gavq tsetn a substantial Increase In
Great Interest la bulng taken In what
the Metz bowling team will do at the
JUd-Wet Bowling tournament today
The Metz team this year has been going
at a rate of speed seldom seen In Omaha.
The high team total for the city was
broken one night by the Mets team when
they rolled over 2,900. Two week later
they came back and broke their own rec
ord by rolling the high total of 3,0", I,
which eclipse the high team total at
J) Moines for the tournament by over
About ton bowler left yesterday after
roon for Dea Moines and about thirty
iiiore will leare tomorrow morning. To.
night I Omaha night at tho tournament
and It 1 expected that the Omaha
howler will come away with a large
percental of the money.
With thirty-six years between them,
Carl y. Sorensen and Miss Grace M. Paul
secured a marriage license from "Cupid"
Furay and were married yesterday.
Poreaaen ia 12 and bis bride 10. Both have
been living In Omaha, but their future
home will In Tampa, Fla.
1st. 2d. Sd. Total.
Pearson 141 112 I'.l 407
lllgglns 137 127 l: 3i4
VV. Schneider 134 147 17i 457
Totals 412 3S6 460 1.2."!
In the Commereisl league the Jetters
Gold Tons won three straight from the
St. James. Gilbreath took high totals
with i7 aj-.d also high single with 221.
For the St. James, Hester was high with
S07 . Scores :
Klanek .
Bsehr ....
3d. Total.
Totals 911 SCO S73
1 raster
Straw .
Straw .
, 104
3d. Total.
Occasion, Method and Apt Illustra
tion Are Deftly Moron
Total 774 7S5 m 2,420
CRESTON, la.. Deo. s. taipeclal.j--Charle
Hoyt of Greenfield, known In
athletlo circle a "Bon" Hoyt, the state
champion 100-yard daah sprinter of Iowa
High schools, sustained a bad injury 1n
the Thanksgiving game of foot ball be
tween Greenfield and Vllllsca. which it
1 la feartd will put him cut of athletlcf
for soii)e time. The tendons of his knet
were broken and his physician give but
little hop ot a permanent recovery. It
Is feared hi knee will be stiff. Hoyt's
Mends urged him not to play foot ball
this year, but a he is a star player am
was needed on the team he yielded to the
entreaties of the team and helped them
out He had escaped all forma of Injury
until this last game of the aeason. -
Iowa Nm Notes.
CHARLES CITY-Tho smallest tag sal;
In the history of th county waa hej-l
hern yesterday, at wblch sale only otrht
pieces of property wa old. amounting
to but tl71.U.
KENT Albert Rolpa. an Adam oovaty
tanner, euddenly went Insane at bl
near her Tuesday afternoon and uttaaae-l
his wife, besting and bruising her qu!c
badly. Wednesday he waa isnen r
I'larfnda for treatment. He la 6l rear
of age and ha a family of four cld'orar.
Feveral years ago lie nnu an nni ui
dementia. It 1 said to be brougtt m Ur
broodlng over religion.
Masculine Stunners Viewed by
Woman Throne" Glass cf
"Diplomacy Is hard to define," said
Senator Curtis at a luncheon In Topeka,
Kan. "It is. however, easy to Illustrate.
Here la an Illustration of diplomacy:
"A Topeka girl one brisk autumn even
ing sat beside the warm and clunking
radiator with a young man. This young
man a as a good catch. But, though he
called often, and though he showed many
evidences of affection for the girl, he had
not yet mentioned marriage. Ho seemed
uncertain. He seemed to be still on the
"Well, tho brisk evenics I'm speaking
of, at about' 0 o'clock, the cook knocked
al the parlor door, entered and tald,
' 'What shall I give your father for
his breakfast In the morning, -i?'
' 'Deviled kidney, I think, Hannah,'
said the Topeka girl. 'Father, these cold
mornings. Is so" fond of deviled kidney.'
' 'Yes, miss; and would you mind tell
ing me how to prepare it, miss?'
' 'Soak the kidney," was the reply, 'for
three hours in cold water, changing the
water twice. Then cut Into slices, sea
sun ' highly with salt and pepper, and
fry a light brown. Now add a llttlo
warm water and stew very gently. Mean
while prepare the sauco four- tablespoon-
fuls of cold gravy, one f.f Chutney paste,
one of ketchup, one of linegar, two tea
spoonfuls cf made mustard, two of suit
and'ioJr of butter. Mix well, pour on
to tha kidney and stew gently again till
" 'Ob, thank you, mips.' said the cook,
"The cook 'had hardly gone ahen the
young man. a new and tender light shin
ing from hi eyes, flopped down on one
"'Alls Cosgrove Mildred dear one,'
he began." St. uis Globe-Democrat.
He was ot good blood, breeding anil
broad education. I met him In an artist's
studio, and he seemed conceit and all
so vers much like a part of the scenery
there that I was frankly delighted. On
analyzing him, though, now that my rage
ha subsided, I find that he was not
different from other men In tho particular
characteristic that started my little rage
pot boiling, but only a little exaggerated
by hi tage setting an enlargement for
Illustration, so to speak.
le asked permission to call, and 1
granted It. And when he cam he brought
along his picturesque good looks, his
swsgger and his mental looking glass of
colossal conceit, which lie carried to gaze
upon himself withal. Just a a woman
carries her little Nanlty bag only she
takes an occasional peek, while his was
a continuous performaneo.
I used to laush at him, perry ab
surd compliments, clances, Hljjhs or.d pro
testations, and it never euteied my bead
that lie waa anything but tu operatic
rolo or a studio "prop." V.'lnn he would
say, "Ah. Mis l.oxse, your nune is nui
tho ccresn of sunbeams on a rose, 1
would ay, "How can It be clr.erwlso
when you are neur?" Juet to see tiie till
ing elanccs und the uttiludo. I some
time wondered, though, why hn didn't
recent my rather broad futi at Ills ex
pense. Then it began to dawn on mo that he
wa not doing It merely as a funny
"stunt." but that lie thought he was a
lady killer, and was trying to ravitili my
poor little heart. That was funnier than
tver for a wuilo.
But at lust I got .tlied of seeing him
manipulate hi eyes. I knew how tho ma
chinery worked by now und could turn
on glane, Hlgli or tittiiuue at w:u. i
thoua-ht he wouid drop It If I stopped
"acting ud" to him. Hut ha kept It up,
and that bored me, and I thawed It.
One night bo said, "Ah, MUs Louise,
you are Carmen. But do you remember
what came to Carmen in the end? Do
you remember the knife In her heart?"
This was more than ever liko an op
eratic fart, so I forgot my boredom tor
a second and laughed.
He got in the last word, too. for tho
next day I received a package queriy
enough shaped to be an lnfsi-nal ma
chine. I opened It, and there lay a flat.
red, plnciishiony heart with a frill a:
the top and a tussel at U:e bottom and
a gilt dagger through It letting ron:e of
the sawdust out. I am sure his Is Just
like it. It developed, though, that It was
meant to represent my organ of emotion,
fur accompanying It was a noto that
read, "Goodbye forever. I leave Carmen
for Micaela. I return your heart. You
see It gets the knife In the end. Hut re
gret, not I Ifor I have Micaela) shall put
It In."
I still breathe hard alien I think cf
that, and I say things. Then I tit down
and think'.
Isn't that Just masculine nr.d not
"artistic temperament" at all? It may
have hurt studio decorutlons-lilce the
Mi! und the tassel but wasn't It Just
Than, I renumber unoUier a prac
tical br.elncus man, with whom 1 refused
to gv out t dine, lie walked a chorus
;iat lhs houso three times the next
say. An army offi-rr tiled to iriHke me
JeUvii by ti:r.l;ig wl:!i a woman Willi
a husband aid forty years to l.rr credit.
A staid che:alcil expert cneo td I n
Iksu ha k.isw I was r.otMng but fin
ished, hardened coa'ietle, because wh-n
he prcpokrd to me on the fourth day of
our acquaintance I mu'ely laughed and
chanced the subject. He aald I was
hardened, lucausi) ho had not been ublw
to inulto my pulse beat one tauter after
four dav:i, forsooth!
Another bachelor, aged somewhere
about 70, proposed, and was s i Incredu
lous of the genuineness of my refusal
thst he wrote me a sixteen-page letter
accusing tne of having toyed with hi
loung affec lloii:, and of having huid
"yc." with my eyes while doing other-
wire v. Itli my li).'i.
What did he think? What ih all the
othr men thin!-.? that women, poor,
adoring women, i io jui-t holding their
..aiMimlrfir null. l:f.:L iluwii tend hav
ing a hard timo to d I.) till uoi.m lord I
of creation nocks :i fin';er at (hen? And I
lhat they are uo li 'resist iiilo ioat oi.o
glance I. ill ujiave and Inn kill'.'
They'd tay, "t'our gi ape." N w York I
points a secretary
salary is employed. Hla duties are to
look after the shipments. In all of the
larger cities east of California the gn
eral organization, which Is msd up of
the smaller ones, has it sale agent. By
telegraph he Is advised of every orange
shipment out ot southern California and
Its destination. If a car of fruit I con
signed to a certain point and If it so
happens that while Ibis car Is en rout
the niaiket happens to become over
stocked or sales are slow, It Is diverted
and sent to ono otl:' city r.her (lie
surpiy Is short. In this way. in no f'.Mn
and st no time Is (bo market glutted riti
orange and conseimtnUy chea,) onrft
have, becomo a thlni; of tho past.
Pittsburgh Wants
to Store Flood Walters
CHICAGO. Dec. 7.-Tm I".ttb-.rgti
flocd coramltaioa urged th national trrw
gaUon Non(rreu to Join with It In wotklcf
lo Induce the government to undertake; a
national policy of wo tor slcraga at the
meeting of tu congress totlajr. Oavrgt
If. Maxwell, membar of tlvs comimsaton,
declared tha ooiutnlaalon had dded In
favor cf a polloy of bullOiug reacrrolia
In the v. a' of th Ailffbaur e-pj
Monongabein river, which, at a coat of
',0.0i,000 vcsiid make Pittsburgh Irhx
rM i)
aw W :
mune from floods, check th flood of th
lower Mississippi vn.!ley and put the
water In the Mississippi In Lhe summer
when it Is ncoded to float boata
Culled from the Wire
The House 5f Commons passed the third
rending of the naval prise bill. A motion
for it rejection was dofeated, 172 to Hi.
The Cunard liner Mauritania, whlcn !
went airround near Dingle during a storm !
hint night, was floated Thursday mornlr.g
uninjured. I
Kcnlury Flat university students to
the nuinuer of more than 1.000. by a vote
uf more than 2 to 1, adopted a system of
Charles W. Penrose, a member of the
council of the twelve apostles of tho Mor
mon church, was appointed to auecend
the lain John bmlth as seeond counsellor
to Jose.pli K. Kuillh, president ot the
Lewis S. Cupp, ehancellr of Christian
university of t'ar.tori. Mo., ajinouiiowl a
gift of l-.M hv a ft. Ixvais woman to ba
u n d in providing a syranssium lor tb I
limtttntlon. in'. r-m laun:vu;rea two
weeks ago gate the uidveisity l-'O.ooO for
a dormitory.
Fine Suit or Overcoat
Sa!o Price
$1 Jf "
Buy "Ailed Trousers"
Get F reo Belt
Expert Clcihcs Fitters
107 South 16th Street
Onco a year It baa been my custom to offer to tha gentlemen
of Omaha tit least to tbst portion which, are particular & to their
clothing a rare opportuoll;-' lu made to iueauro thlrts. I now an.
nouuee kucU ail opportunity tor 1912. During tho rnoncU of l)e
ceinber, I offer uureetrlcted ciiotr ot a number ot tb hlgheflt qual
ity fabrics
6 for $14.00
3 for . $7.00
I fc!e uiy personal guarantee, as to perfect fit. ru&itrlaJs t
Batitjfiu-tion. I further venture tho u.a.rtlou that, uK DieM vrlce.
till U tl. t;r.:e to li ty I'iKAh shirt t t. VKTVY leal e-tvlrK.
A Fu.l Winter l.ino rf the cxlebrattxl Dr. DeJjrl I'ndArwa-,
Albert Cahn
1322 Farnam Street (.Upstairs)