nii; omaha. saiTrpay. w:cEMm:u o. 1011. : RAILROAD MEN TO WYOMING ! They Will Be Largely Represented j at Meeting of Wool Ilea. !BIO DELEGATION COMING HERE At Conclusion of Krulom n Cker ) Dflrcatr. will Rnar.l m Train for Omaha to Attend ! tfce National Merlin. A dosen or mora prominent railroad men arc preparing to make their prea nee felt at the annual convention of the Wyoming Wool Growers' asscc!t;lon In Cheyenne next Monday. They will leave trre Sunday. The Burlington will b represented by Assistant General Freight Afcnt Mont morency and John Pet, general live lock agent, and all of the local live tock agents who cover westorn No biaaka and Wyoming. Among the North, western men will be General Freight nd Passenger Agent Miller; J. Lever, freight and passenger agent of the Wy oming llnea, and V. V. Cutler, general etock agent. While the Union Pa cific will not send any men from the general offices, nil of the live stock agents who work western Nebraska. Wyoming and Colorado, will be In at tendance. Here the Union Pacific freight men will resolve themselves Into a reception committee to assist In entertaining the delegates to tUo national convention of the Wool Growers' aoeoclatlon that con venes In Omaha Thursday, 't The Omaha men who to to the Chey enne meeting expect to remain until the ' close ol the convention, accompanying the delegates to this city. Of those who attend the convention at Cheyenne it Is expected that fully fW will come to Omaha for the national meeting. They will probably arrive 0:1 a special train over the Union Pacific some time Wednesday night or Thursday morning. They Arc Enthusiastic. Omaha railroad men are all enthusiastic , over both the Cheyenne and Omaha meet, ings. They anticipate a large attendance at both places ad two very Important and Interesting meetings. The say that the wool growing Industry of Wyoming and the states tributary to Omaha trade on the west has grown to such an extent during the last five years that at this time It completely overshadows the Im portance of cattle raising.- They point to the fact that all over the west cattle are etill raised, but Instead of the size of the herds having Increased they have constantly and gradually diminished. On the other hand, both the slxe and the number of the fiocka of sheep have In creased many fold. Up In the Medicine Bow country, 100 miles or mora north of the main line of the Union Pacific in Wyoming, where a few years ago all of the ranchmen were ongaged in raising cattle, most of them liave since turned their attentl n to sheep. At the present time In this section there are hundreds of thousands of sheep, most of which are eventually boumt to come to the Omaha market. Similar conditions exist along the line of the Northwestern from Casper all the way through to Lan der and along the Burlington from the Nebraska state line to the Big Horn basin. Omaha Finances Will Balance at End of the Year City Comptroller Cosgrovo will report to the city council within a week the fact that the city finances, for the first time In several years, will balance at the end of the year, with a small surplus In several funds and a deficiency In none. "This Is the first time this condition lias existed for several years," said Mr. Cosgroye. "Usually funds are overdrawn at the end of the year, but strict econ omy and by a hewing of expenditures In some Instances there will be no overlap of expenditures this year." In order to keep the expenditures within the appropriations heads of aome depart ments of the city government have prac ticed stringent economy toward the close Iowa Uni Debating Teams r h n.ot'Qil. TUAM TO MfcHT NEBRASKA. Ii:vi.v. "V if 1- MUiv...- . ;.;. r-. ': Jr. ; MASSON. ASHTON. TEAM TO MEET ILLINOIS. PATTON. Last evening the Iowa debaters held met Nebraska at Lincoln and Illlnoln at Iowa City. The eam at Lincoln had tli negative of the question, "resolved. That the ship subsidy Is necessary to tha American merchant marine.". The team at Iowa City supported the affirmative of the same question. of the year, the number of assistants being decreased to the minimum and the expenses curtailed as much as efflolency would possibly permit. J. Grant Pegg Wants Colored Assistant John Grant Pcgg. city Inspector of weights and measures, has directed a communication to the city council object ing to the appointment of a white man as assistant Inspector. He also objects to the appointment of two assistants, believ ing one other man will be all the help he will need. Mr. Pegg says: "As your appointee, at the head of the department of weights and measures, please allow me to make the following suggestions: ''It Is not necessary to appoint more than one assistant Inspector of weights and measures. I have consulted with Principal Dyett, Itev. John A. Williams, W. F. Botts and some of the leading negro business men In the city and they are of the same opinion. 'We think that the assistant should be a negro In order to Insure harmorty and diligent effort to pafform the duties of the office. We believe It Is a Job that rightfully belongs to a negro, at least until my term expires." This letter Is brought forth In objection to the appointment of Ralph Richardson, while, with II. T. AtmBtoad, colored, to nsslat Mr. Pegg, and to sfrve at a salary of ITS per month. The appointments were made by the mayor,' but have not been confirmed by the council. RINE GOES TO ST. LOUIS , -TO ARGUE VIADUCT CASE City-Attorney John A. nine will leave next week for St. Louis to uphold the city's side in the suit to compel the Mis souri Pacific: Railroad company to con struct a viaduct at Forty-fifth and Dodge streets. The city won In the fed eral courts here, but the case was ap pealed to the-appellate court at t. Louis. From Omaha's Near Neighbors . Blatr. Editor Fred Fassett of Herman was In Blair Saturday. ' Bernard Haller was a passenger to Omaha Sunday evenings Congressman Ixbeck's secretary, J. H. Hanley, was In Blair last week. Clarence Do!l of Lincoln spent Thanks giving pith his brother, Attorney George ioll. W. R. Williams, editor of the Blair Tribune, left on iuesday for a six weeks' trip to California. Attorney Clark O'Manlon and wife au totd to Arlington and ate turkey dinner with Judge Marshall and family. 1L A. Wentwoith, superintendent of the Blair railroad bridge, returned Sat urday from a trip to tne gult cou.H in 'i'exaa. Mr. and Mrs. F.arl Slanfleld of Omaha and Mrs. Fred Robertson of Herman were Thanksgiving visitors at the home cf A. C. Jone. John Bchmahling was elerted by the Modern Woodmen lodne as a delegate to the Chicago convention to protest against an Increase In rates. . The high school foot ball players and their beet girls wre entertained on Mon day evening at the home of County At torney Carrlgan by his daughter. M:s Phyllis. A letter. to Mr. and Mrs. Kvans from their son, C. O. Evans at Han KranciHco, aays he would leave the day for China as chief quartermaster on the Cincinnati. J. P. Gage of Fremont, grand secre tary of the Odd Fellows, visited Blair lodge No. It Thurxday evening and helped confer the third degree on tour candidates. Judge Troup, Mt a tes:oH of the Hh trli't court on Saturday, granted Mrs. Bertha Baker a divorce fiom Attorney F. 8. Baker, who Is located In the int ern part of the Elate. Klkboru. Mrs. A. McCirew and daughter, Mrs. 11. A. Alojkelinann, were at oinalia Tuesday. Albert Gemlrg and family of Tralnor, la., are visiting this week at the Bay and Clauwn homes. Casper Dellldotta lost a horse this week which he recently purchased, the animal having contracted a tevere case of dis temper. William Andersen Is Improving his res idence, recently purchased of Mrs. l.dv tngsioti, by adding new porches, fence, and papering. Mrs. K. J. Mr formic will occupy It until tpnrig at least. George Frost, in old resident of Ioug ls rountv, djd ' iast Friday at an omaha hospital, where he wa taken sev rl weer.s ao. He Waves three sons. William. Harry and Richard, all resi dents of this vicinity. The C. C. plub met with Mrs. ,J. A. Gibbons Thursday. The afternoon was vuciit at cards, there belnsj four tables. The first prlxe was won by Mrs. J. 1. gecfus. Mrs. Gibbons was aislsted by Mrs. J. E. Tate In serving a delicious lunch. The Royal Neighbors elected these offi cers Tuesday evening: Oracle, Mrs. A. J. IKeerson; vice oracle. Miss liamali; chancellor, Mrs. J. A. Gibbons: outer sen tinel, Mrs. Chase; Inner sentinel, Mrs. A. Grimm; marshal, Mis Freda Grimm. Trkaraabi Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Slsson were over Sunday visitors at Blair. iss Elizabeth O'Brien visited over Sunday with friends at Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. John pence and daughter, Miss Gertrude, spent two or three days last week with Mr. Pence's mother at liOHklllH. Editor J. R. Sutherland and ton. .Doug las, are in Texas thin wrvk, where they went partly on pleasuieind partly to spy out the country. Tekamah women flocked to Omaha yes terday to do some Chrlstma shopping. They report tho shopping district as crowded to suffocation. Waterloo. x Thomas Coates and sister. Miss Minnie, who are both working in Omaha, were here visiting over Sunday. Mlys Etta P. Ixiwell was In Suunders TCKIE'S OLD . GOLDEN COFFEE There are more cups to the pound in this coffee.' The (rrowths that enter into it are picked to give strength as well as splendid, enjoyable cup-quality. Roasted to the instant of coffee perfection. Be sura that ttis seal b unbroken There ar two kinds of spices, Tone'a and You'll be convinced by a single pound that it is not only tho most delicious coffee, but that it is most economical. - At your grocer' 35 a pounj. . TONE BROS., Da Moines, la. county over Sunday visiting her brother and family, who live near Colon. School resumed -Monday after the Thanksgiving holiday and the work was taken up with tho usnal Interest. Roscoe Morton and Charles labclsteln nnd two of the latter's sons, Hans and Fred, went to Omaha Wednesday. Rete Hlvely and family were here and at Elkhorn last week visltmg their rela tives and friends and left Saturday for their home at Bralnerd. Mrs. Bessie Chrlstenifon and.babv were at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thrane, over Thanksgiving and re turned to Omaha Sunday afternoon. Rub; Jordan was here from' Kansas City for the Thanksgiving holiday and left Tuesday to return to his work with the union Pacific construction gang. Charles Payne, whose folks formerly lived here with the family, his mother being Mrs. Thonm 1.lin. ha returned t V nlerloo to work In the seed houses. August Hrhnelder, Jr.. went to Omsha Paturday, rrrlng with him a large bundle of furs of wild animals he had caught trapping on the K.lkhorn nrr this fall. J. C. Robinson made a trip nn far west BS Lexington the first of the week, re turning 'i uesday evening. The car mot him at Fremont, as he came In on one of the fast trains. Miss Bird Claybatigh. who tenches near South Omaha, was home for Thanksgiv ing. She was acrompanlod home Thurs day morning by Mrs. V. W, Claybatigh and daughter, of Omaha. Lawrence Robinson left Sunday after noon for his school duties at the uni versity. Miss Vernon lllder, who had been visiting Miss Robinson over Thanks giving, also returned to Lincoln tltst aft ernoon to resume school studies ul the university. Valley. Miss May Nichols went to Otnalia Tues day. Miss Shrpard visited Rev. and Mrs. Klhott at North Bend last week. N Mrs. Neff and mm, Harold of Vtnnha, visited Mrs. Curtis the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hartford ate re joicing over the birth of a daughter l'e cember 1. Mrs. Margaret tlnldawnrth spent several days with her Ulster, Mrs. .1. Turk, In Omaha this week. Mr. and Mrs. II. Ilelmbach returned Monday from a visit with Rev. and Mrs. Zimmerman at Walthlll, Neb. Mis. Arthur PeTfpi of Colorado Sprlntts. Colo., visited Mrs. A. K. Hub bard and the Whit more fnmllles Satur day. Mrs. Horsey and daughter. Mls Acnes, came down from Fremont and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Kddy Sunday, Mr. Fye of the Otnal a Theological sem inary accepted the rail of the First Pres byterian church and will begin his charge llecetnber H. There will he no preach ing services until that dat. Mr. and Mrs. John Intll lrt Wednes day to visit Mr. lemon's parents at Woolsey, Kan. A telegiam arrlvrd Thursday announcing the death by acci dent of tho fnther. .1. V. I-nlell. Tho regular monthly meeting of (he ladles' Aid smrioty'of the ( Methodist F-plfcopal church was held at tho home of Mrs. M. W. Gaines Wednesday alter noon. Mrs. Susan Lewis a.slsted Mrs. Gaines In serving lunch. The Valley camp of the Woodmen of the World held Its annual meeting Tues day, electing the following officers: John L. Veager, C. C: W. T. Miller. A. U; John Mlnahan, clerk: W. K. Weekly, banker; B. J. Rice, K. : T. Taleott. W.: G. A. Burt. O. 8.; A. Gardiner, M.; John Hall, past C. C; Vr. J. C. Ageo, physi cian. Elk City. J. W. Khtimaker made a business trip to Omaha this week. Miss Florence McCrelght of Ashland Is visiting her slstor, Mrs. Odell. County Superintendent Yoder was visit ing the schools here Wednesday. Prof. Odell has organised a class for systematic Blblo study which meets every Thursday evening. -The regular monthly business meeting of the Epworth league was held at the Tallman home thla week. 'The Elk City church choir was called to the home of the late George Frost to sing at his funeral Monday afternoon. . Miss Cunningham and Miss Hlaco of Kennard, nieces of Mrs. Tallman, were visitors at tha latter's home this week. ' Mr. and Mrs, Henry Clinton and two oHMv.n returned Satcrdav fnui a four Thiitik'.:lvlng ms'i at l'nhcilty Place. A large number of Klk City people at-tei-.lnl ti e ladles' Aid society's basar at Washington Tuesday afternoon an. I even ing. The net pioeceds amounted to Ills. Sam nnd George (lelston left Monday for ("hlcsffo to attend the International stock show. Tl ev will lslt their brother Will at yulncv. 111., on their return t. p The Odd Fellows lode Mils week ilerted officers for tho trailing year as follows: M I,. Comiton. tuihle sriuul: It F. ialhes. h e grand; t'hr' ' 'hrl'Jtensen, secretary; Frol Moullorfc treasurer. Fred Moulton a long time guest of the Cnlp hotel, was the recipient of n surprise parly Saturday e coins. It being the oc casion of his fifty-first birthday annl veisary. A general good time was en joyed -at cards and other game. I'.e ficshmrnts rre srrvrd. Mlllerd. Clifford Harrow of Otnahn a fiif"t of VlWan Roberts on Sunday, lloadley Stuart spent the Thanksgiving holidays at his home In Council llluffs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murphy nnd son Lincoln are visiting with the Uuldwln family. William Von Imhren, sr.. Is visiting with his sou-ln-law, Mr. Tallon. at Rush vllle. Neb. Miss Hilda Anderson of Coiad. Neb., visited her sister. Mrs. t,rns Johnson, last week. Miss tlladvs BnUlwIn was out from Omaha Saturday l( lslt at hrr home over Sunday. Mis. 1!. A. Kosher and son visited srvetnl days this week with her mother at Wyniore, Nch. Henrv Von Dohren. J. W. Anderson and MuyniK Von I Milch B'.tended the dance at F.lkhom last week. Miss McCluro of Pnpllllon made her weekly visit to Millard Saturday to In uriii t her pupils In music. Misses l-jjlth and 1ols Anderson. Klsa Slert.-Mabel Koch and Tlllle Nelson went to Omaha Saturday morning. Arthur Vort and Miss Anderson of llcnson were guests of Huhla Htigctnuvn Saturday evening and, Sunday. Miss Wllhelmluo Koch, who teaches near Irvlngtnn. spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. nnd Mr. Koch. Mrs. Georgo lloyer and Hon of Papilllon spent Hrvcial da s lusl week with her parents, Mr, nnd Mrs. Herman Koch. Miss Mayme Von Pohren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. George Schomer of near Benson, returning Monday morning. Nrliankn. F. M. Pollard was a Lincoln visitor Thursday. Mrs. J. M. Palmer Is visiting in Avoca this week. P. Pi Adams, who has been sick for six weeks, is Improving. Mr. and Mrs. Vial I tnndo a flying auto mobile trip to Omaha Monday. Miss Nellie Blddleconee of Havelock Is spending tho week In Nehawka. Mr. and Mrs. George Sheldon have gone to housekeeping In their new home. Mr. Bonner has returned from a week's stay with his mother at Cambridge. Will Carroll of Portland. Ore., Is visit ing relatives In Nehawka this week. Mrs. St. John returned Monday from a short stay with her daughter at Peru. William Carroll, sr., has returned from a to months' visit with his son at York. s here attctidini; II." funeral of Gus W. Peters. John Shadendorf returned from a ten day visit to Scotts Bluff county. Henry Flegrnbaum was called to 'a thena. Kan., by the death of his mother. F.llinbeth O'Brien of the Tekaniah Jour nal, visited st the home of L. A. Pates over Sunday. Mr. nines' little girl had hrr eve almort put out by a shinny club In thn hands of an older brother. The boys' basket bull team of Klmwood won here by n sro-e of t'i 0 from thn high . Iich'I basket hall team. Gilbert Rolen, whn was Injired by y- unknown assailant In Fouth Omaha, at one time a resident of Sp: Inpfleld. John M. Finnur ded at the hospital In South tnnaha. The funeral was held Friday at Kiniiii-field. Interment wax In Falrview cemetery. The Springfield Monitor la getting one an annual, to lie published peoemher M to commemorate the thirtieth annl versa- of the founding of Springfield as a village. Uhy Jot Give Useful Presents? This Store (las Many Things Appropriate for Xraas Gifts MEN'S DEPT. Men's Suits, Christmas Neckwear. Men's Shoes. Suit Cases, Men's Overcoats, Hats and Shoes, Shirts and Underwear POPULAR PRICES IN ALL LINES Open a Charge Account Here prtnsrfleld. Pr. II. Y. Bates of Belgrade was here Thursday. Bart Wilson has sold his farm to Dent Smith for 1110 per acra. Mrs. A. II. ITnderwcW of Bt. Paul LADIES' DEPT. Ladies' Suits, Ladies' Coats, Fur Coats, Fur Sets, Fur Scarfs, Fancy Silk Waists and Petticoats, Ladies' Dresses and Separate Skirts A Wool. Will nww Dross You uuoil is? u O''l.aftaflaafljtf sr s V s s V V torala9 (Greatest Mm UNEQUALED STARTS Saturday morning at 8 o'clock in Hay den Bros. Piano Department. Great in numbers; great in qualities; great in beauty; great in tone; great in durability; great in low prices; great in satisfying terms of payment. So exten sive and diversified are the styles shown that any taste is easily satisfied. During this, our CHRISTMAS PIANO SALE we are able to quote the most extraordinary low prices on the most beautiful and artistic of high-grade Htandard pianos ever placed on pale. iq sale Is there any piano house in the west where you could se lect a piano from such n great gathering, .of well known and favored makes as the following: Everett, Knabe Bros., Sohmer, Estey, Fischer, Chickering' Bros., ""Wegman, Price & Teeple, 1 Ludwig-, Milton, Schaeffer, J H. P. Nelson, Ebersole, Wei- ler, Stark, Davenport & Tracy, Smith & Barnes, R. & S. Howard, Brinkerhoff. Here are a few prlcea on used ,' pianos which are now in first class condition, having been thor-' oughly overhauled: Wheat 45 CorniBh k)S Mueller $95 rami) & Co '. ChirkerliiK & Son Slit Kimball . $75 ' Vobe & Sons ............ $1115 Kimball MIOO Haines & Co 'Ale. i' Vflii u1. It A Special Piano For the Economical For the benefit of that largo number of eoplo who object to baying gootls that are wnd-hand and wbc at tho tam tirrw, desire in their prchiieea not n stoncil make, fcxi a hip:h grde piano, nro selling this year THE WELLER The Piano, for the ! Masses" ! Drand nw, r)tft from tJ-.a J factory, a tnorousnir rweC I piano, handsornu. n u r : I . . j tunfal and guiractoac! for m. f year by the factory; on ei (iiirlna; our (mt 5:cHU K- , position t SHIAT- nrt" I est pUiio vaico ever iftrt,&. Kindly ktoX at tKcra. j 5- The Gift Desirable Thall tUH We here quote a few prices oh hlgh-grado standard instruments that aro brand new. They uro pi anos that have been shipped to us as camples and on approval. We are authorized by the factories from which they come, to dispose of them at these extremely low prices rather than ship them back: One large oak 8130 One massive mahogany '. .8140 One colonial oak 147 One plain mahogany $138 One small colonial walnut 8107 One beautiful Loul-XIV. mahogany 8100 No matter to whom given, above nil other sifts. Is a picno, for the reasons of tho many different purposes to which Jt Is applied. First, a piano is a hsoduome pkre of furniture for tt.e homo. A pluno in the homo carries with It character. A ploo has a refinlu;; influence on every member of the htUMhold. It asxlstu mnieridiy in h entertainment of visitors; It !s a soarc of amusement and pleasuro to every member of tho hoire; -s an educator for tho children It is one of th fcTeva-tt hlps of the age. In all countries, and in till climes, the yltno In this ity Sa tbe bmao lu considered one of tho homes 6'st Ubnes sitles. In this holiday i-b!o of High-Grade Standard Instruments 'K .l'.lt.MKb: TO TK I'l lK II.Si:it a si'vlnit of from T .vi.t-fio Itoiiars to Two Htindicd an.l Ten L'oliers; amount of (he saving dcpcndlug upon the quality of the pl.ino ;iur lirikot!. 'o au 'ifiOL1 I:) 311 htKber qusllLirrt of plpnos for lau D'ona than others for tho simple reason thut we buy our i!ano outrifht. paying siot ca,ih u.r.d iflnup the benefit ot the ttwtury disi'ounts that I ho other denlciH Co 1101 K'l. Ca.'i t' our p(ai:o rooms a...1 yu w'.ii se for -oursflvn4 that onr piauo stock Is much larger; our piano are much more beautiful; our quaJliira srsj ot a imrb litKtwr grade; a.cA I! yes w.!) Inquire rou snil find, quality considered, that our (tiiccs aro In every Instance fioui 3iVi to 60 pr cnt lui tum ether dtaileo ant asking. a 1 that our terms are no convenient and satisfactory that even tho s;rail talar'od Tf :in can well afford to install la Sts ru 0 the world's greatest necesbltles A Piano Investigate the offerings of every other piano store In Nebraska- then call upon us see what we Lare to offer sn1 are assured of sale, provided quality, prices and terms aro what jou are looking for. S. v V. V? Prices that save you monev and at the same time do not sac rifice quality. HAYDEN BI Nebraska's Leading Piano Distributers Term so pjeMirt; f and easy vs tr satlsr";-1 tho most exKntln;. . i V 9 V ; i 4 aa aaaaasa mm a sh m "hJV,V'M"s"aJVVV-srsray,SafV "1 aT-j" rs-VsTsi st --srtrnr- jli'Vsr j-TOr-sf-srorsi -j 1 1 fX "1 ' fU J ft faT 1 sTarsTsOj-srs. ai -at in mj l .X m Tj-l T"L 1Aft 1.X 1 l L OJT-s-lriJT nm at