I Till? IJKK: OMAHA. SATUKDAV, PI-XEMnKIi 9, 1S-U1. u Strong Omaha and South Omaha Banking Institutions BANKS IN GOOD CONDITIONS i THE LIVE STOCK NATIONAL Bank. Summary of the RESOURCES Ixian 7,1J,U-'.s; Rankin? Hohc i 'JOo.finiUHi U. S. Bonds to Secure Circulation, L'OO.OOO.OO Ihio from Banks and ' U. S. Treasurer, $2,!MS,!)!i().(;(; U. K Bonds 1 .(), JW.(H) Other Bonds :UG,'j:!4.!U Cash VV.r2,m:M rif187,NJJU2 XVe pay 3i C. T. KOUNTZE. President. T. I.. DAVIS, Cashier. JOHN O. CRKIOHTON. , A. F. KOHNTZK. F. H. DAVIS, Vice-President. IRVINQ ALLISON, Asst. Cash MEN FOLK BUY AT THE FAIR Bee Rotunda it Crowded with Buy en for Christmas. OTHER CHURCHES SELL TODAY , , lkrf rmbilrrlmi mn ikm St. Mary's Aveee Conaeeaatloaal Phowln Pre-ltjr hrlat aaaa Vlli: Kven the men fIk find It hurd to pass by the attractive m-tldea displayed at the church beiars In the rotunda of The Hee biillilliiK. Yesterday a youns; bnrhelnr who lives at .the Young Men' Christian aaaoclatlon tuped at the fancy work counter of tbe Cherry Cungrnga tional chur;h. , eyed with Int'-rest the. array of bor'Ibboncd ami bci'-uf fled ' finery and finally srloctrd a handsome) hand cmhrnidered drearer aearf which M fated he, was solus; to liao In Ma room. Another man with lonrlnffa more material than aesthetic braveJy marched up to To the Policy Holders of the Union Fire insurance Co. (Lliitual) Lincoln, Neb.: The iattle is now on between the Policy Holders of the Union Fire Insurance Company (Mutual)' and the Directors of the Woodman Fixe Insurance Company of Lincoln, Nebraska, who paid $18,CC0 to the old directors of the Union to resign and elect them in their places. Tha question la, shall these men ho bouRht their wa Into office be iciauiou uyi me puiicy noiaers or ine i nioa to munage the company, or shall the policy holders elect a new board of directors who are not directly or Indirectly connected with another Insurance company? In other words can these belf constituted director.! fairly serve the mutual company aud the stock company at the same time when both companies are competing for business? Can they honestly serve two masters at the same time? To be fair with these self appointed trustees, they did not lnteh4 to serve both companies but. bought, their way Into the control of the mutual company o that they might merge tlte mutual Into a stock company aud tbuji put the mutual company out of eUsteucs. : To show this Intention I quote the following from a letter sent out to the special agents of the mutual four-1-any, dated Oct. 28th, 1911, and signed by Jos. W. Walt: hi la ! lutmtlon to retire insuranco Company issuing Union Fire stock In Its stead and' amending the articles of the Union Fire Co. so that it will- be the parent company in place of the Woodman. Wat will continue to operate the. Woodman Fire as an underwriters company of be Union for the purpose cf handling our Mercantile business and keeping a distinct agency plant over the state. Of course, It would not do for us to mention In our letters what our proposed ' , idea would bo with regard to the Woodman in view of possible undue reflections on our. agents and policy holders. However, , ' we are giving you this in, confidence so you can explain matters f If necessary. Such explanations to be kept absolutely confiden tial to the agents with whom you may converse." Are the policy holders of the Union going to muke a present of their $100,000 plant and JSO.OOO surplus to the Woodmen Cojmpany? If so jou should vole to re-elect the present de farto directors, but If not, you must attend the lieu meeting In pensou or send your proxy to myself or to someone whom you know will vote to preserve the mutual company I have been with the Union Fire for 17 years and during that time Lave been soliciting agent, special agent and adjuster and 1 know that the Union Fire Is the beat Mutual company In the state and can be per petuated as auch If properly and honestly managed. If you will send your proxies to me, I will vote thera for men whom I know to be honest, upright and of business ability; men who are In favor of mutual Insurance nnd appreciate thai a mutual company belongs to the policy holders ana not to Its officers; men who will keep the expenses down to the minimum and who will give to the policy holders their lnurauce at exact cost. Uelow will be sttached a blank proxy and I ask every policy holder who cannot personally attend the annual meeting to be held In the city of Lincoln on the 4th day of January? 1912, to cut out that proxy, aign it cud mail it to roe, Very truly yours, CI I AS, KOSK. (JKANI) ISLAND, NEBRASKA. 1 KNOW ALL 51 EN BY THESE PRESENTS. That 1 do hereby constitute and appoint Chaa. Rose my attorney and agent for me and in my name, place and stead, to vote as my proxy at any annual meeting of the stockholders of the UNION FIRE INSURANCE CO of Lincoln, Nebraska, and at any special meeting thereof, for the election of dliectors. and upon such other questions as may come before such annual or special meeting. I hereby revoke all former proxits given by me to any other person or agent. Dated at 1'oljcjr No.. , , , , , , . . 233d report to the U. DECEMBER 5, 1911 Interest on Tims Running for Twelve Months OrFKKKS AM) 1UKi;CTOIS. O. T. EASTMAN, Asst. Cash. E. M. ANDREESEN. L. L. KOUNTZE. Vlc.e-Ijres. O. T. ZIMMERMAN, Asst. Cash. W. 8. I'OrPLETON. the ptietry counter of the Mrt Christian church' aud bought an applo pie. Tha women of three Preniiylirlun fhurchna tha Cllftoh lllll. Castellar Street and North Presbyterlnn .nd the St. Mary'a Avenue Congregational church ura selling their Christmas wares today., , . At the-Ht.-Mary'a Avenue church bazar all nurt of Chinese, Japanese and Mexi can baskets and traya are being; aold, hansltiK bankets for flowers and fains, potato baskets, darnlim baskets; waste paper baskets and Jardinieres. Mm. J. V. Hholen'.la chairman uf the hasar. and she la assisted by Mr. W. C. Dean, Mra. IT. O. ICdwards, Mrs. J. W. Griffith and Mra. It J. Pollard. At the apron rounter of the . North Presbyterian church are Jits. W. if. Crawford., Mra. I). V. Mcrrow, Mra. 11. N. Cral(f, Mra. IS. I). Kvana, Mra. J. T. Imugherty and Mr. A. N. ICaton. Helling fancy wotk'are Mra. K, K. HiuenkUna- and Mra. J. L. Maglnn. Mr. W. If. Ander son. Mra. 8- V. Miller and Mrs. J. K. Salisbury are dispensing doughnuts, tiook lea. cuke, plea and bread. The- Caatellar l'reebyterlan church bus i the stock of the Woodman Fire Nebraska, this day of mi. . , S. Government LIABILITIES Capital Stof-k $300,000.0?) Surplus )U),000.00 Individual Profits .... 0S,740.05 Circulation . . 1 'J.V00.00 Deposits 11,021,731.33 $lL',713,!)72.tt Certificates sat a njacellaneoua exhibit of all kinds of fancy anTl useful aewed articles. Mra. llobrrt oraner la president of the Women's society of the church which mad them. She la assisted by Mrs. Mary Bell, Mra. I,. A. Doand. Mr. Hurry Uraner, , Mra. rani Blegclmeler, Mrs. Ralph Houseman, Mra. Corliss Hopper, Mrs. William Kunold and Miss Elizabeth Tanner. Aprons, handkerchief, dolly rolls, doll and cooked producta are the specialties shown by the women of the Clifton lllll Presbyterian church. Mra. Harry Rowley and Mrs. Charles 8extrm are In charge of the bread 'and cake. Mra. T. XI, Ureenlee and Mra. K. M. Zeller are aelllag candy. Mrs. Mary C. Campbell. Mra. Thomas JolniHton and Mr. K. Allstrum are at the aprqn aeetlon and Mrs. Will Heynanl la acTllpg djplta aqd, uoll goods. Mi s. ; H, D.; . JOIxtisAfti' JrH; Tred Unerne and Mrsl P. M, iudaan hava,tha handker chiefs. Mrs. t. ' Vt yorfleld." Mrs, f. C. White and Mra.' Fred Hartley are at'the fancy work counter. Benson Will Ask , for a Bigger Tax The Benson u!ty council will, decide next Thursday night whether aor not to levy an occupation tax on the .Nebraska Tele phone company, the Omaha & Council itluffa Htreet Railway comany, the Omaha Electric Light and Power com pany and all coal, hay and grain dealers. The ordinance haa passed two readings and will be up for third reading and paa sage Thursday night. Repreaentatlvea of the corporations affected are expected at the meeting. It Is proposed 'to make the corporations pay Into the city treasury 3 per cent of their groaa Income on Benson business and to lay a tax on hay, groin and coal merchants of $10 to 13 a year, aocording to the amount of ,buslnohs tliey do ' ' I Benson needs more money for munlclieU Improvements and cannot ralae ita prop erty tax Jvy, under the law, until It at tains a population of u.000. Though the liW censua showed only 1,200 people In Hanson, the counvllmen nay that 309 new houses have bean built this year and, tko population La now alose to 4,e3. Tha ordinance was ready for passage last. night, but action waa deferred. Police Keep Crowds i from Busy Streets Chief tf i'ollce Donahue haa given In structions to the police, department to keep the crowda out of tha street upon tha approach of street cars, 'to enforee this ruling two extra, traffic men have been atetloned at xtevnth and fr'arnam atreets. 'Sometimes all traffic Is blocked." said Chief lHinabue, "by "many people who will crowd out Into the street when the car Is half a block away, tot only Is trafflo Impedud, but the practice is a very diingeroua one for some automobile driver Is likely to loae control of hts machine sod dah Into tha crowd. Much an accident would result In serious injury and posvlble death to Uios In the street. "The tare will stop. Thure la plenty of time , land llila dangerous practice of crowding Into tha street must be stopped. We are going to educate the people to the need of more caution. .The ruling that wea recently made forbidding pedes trian to cut corners Is being Mem-rally obeyed and haa done much to wii tf accidents and lujuries. Thla is nex. an J the peopla will be comelled to heed It." ESTELLE WILL PROTEST AGAINST BURKE LICENSE !rotet against the renewal of the a loou license of the William L Hurke sa loon at Tenth and Davenport streets will le made by Judge Ie . Eatelle of the criminal division of the distiiet court unless the indite learns that the Board of lire and Police Commissioners will take coKiilsance of tha character of the pines and deny a renewal. The trial of Hurke for manslaughter for the death of Charles Forbes Kobert son. which resulted In disagreement of the Jury, was had before Judgo Kstelle. und while the evidence adduced Aid not Convince the Jury that Hurke killed Ftubr erlsun, tt did con vines the court that the aal on haa not been proparly 'ondu and thai-It was operated lu pracijei!v uptu vtolatlou of the Munday closing- iw. Report, to the Comptroller cf Cur rency Show Up Well. GBOWTH IN DEPOSITS AND LOANS Ciiparlon filve flattsfaetloaj to the Offlrem aid Coevlnee roblfce of Snnadnesa of the lastltatiees. The call of the comptroller of the cur-rfTi'-y on tlie national hanks for a state ment of tliHr business condition on cerr.ber S io-.tud tho Omaha and EJiHh On .il a lmriia !n excellent aii.ipe. It hits beon onn of the features of thvi commar rtal an-! indiist.-jal llfrt of Ifi two On:aha that the bnn!s are si toiiJ a ever l:i.iici! Institutions could he This l inie. of cntire. to the cr and frj dencr upa whh'h thHr affairs are ntan oned. Yet, with all t'.u corerv;t'.v6 a!!ifn!nea the banks are th' vr rrady kirvanta cf business ntul Uavc prr.veii their efficiency at all time by the ceiirlry tvtth which the sr,lrv,' re Hi'rei'.ents of -tho co:iim-Mr!yr and It tributary tnrrito: ar ptev'.,i for. An cscallrnt thovr'.ng of (.-mtvO 1) made. More thtta t'AfO I can led on di p'.,-j:t Ir. tiie local tans, while luv ;jet (PiuJe l.y ti-e-so lnt,iiutior ar,3 .:tund tt date cf t fiu'i a.-f,:'.-!leJ n.trs than iM,(fi . Tr.i. eliwe a'P,l f uii.l : to (.sir fcr the K.eat vol'ii.ia of I. ,,b;i.)i lint f.owj '.hjnntn Or.iuha, and j.Ido sId.vh a ;ieelhy empl.ijment of r.tcner In furthering rnlcrrvise la the v.oy of varlouo undrrtutlngtf. YIUIe the 'ol . I volume of bjaluejv Is not so sreit at that reported lu EciiUiabc;', It la sev eral n.lli:oa larger than one year ago, a ir.oit tiicou! gliig tlau. The First XatiOiial built of Omuliu aiends vo hlfrt se a' wll&y Swcidcd end coiiservaiivuly ccituMctod. ti;ns Inr atllntlen tl.it It l.ar.liy neda cemaier.flit- t: :i l.eie. I; in atoo-l hrat.-er irt all tft t-t cotnmercla: weather moro thaa half a cenii.;, mo.rU solidly and at the same i!r;;o axter.illr.i; ita Influence and srnpr. i:nul !l na n'rarUa with the really b r finaiKlsl house of. the country. Its facilities for caring for Its cuMomors were never surpassed and It la lu tho full power of Its usefulness. The IJve ' Rtock National of South Omaha has mude an Increase In Ha dc prslta since the call In September of more than IIOOOCO. and un equally larpe In crease In Us tdtal of loans, ahoninj a very gratifying Increase In Its total vol ume of business. This bank I fast lu!ld Ing up a clientele amonjr tho fcubstnntlcl cattlemen of the stoto and Its officers are confident that Its usefulness Is celcb llshed. ' i At the Puckers' National of South Omaha a most healthy lncteasa U noted, the deposits having grown by al.uost :.MO,0( smoe the call Inl Scptcfr.bcY. whtlo i the loans made era also considerably larger. This bunk has luniz been an bc tsbllshed factor In tho affairs of South Omaha and Its' Industries and has devel oped along with the growth of. the com munity it serves ao well, f ' The two younger national batiks of Omaha make excellent, showings.- t- the Cite National an incrcaso fn deposits, uf half a million Is shown tor the year, with 1 a gocd Increase since the rail in Septem ber lt. The loans of this Inatltutlo.-i alsa show a very healthy condition. Tho Corn Exchango National has made an In creuse in deposits of ,130,6it9 In the' last three montks, with an equally satisfac tory showing as t4 loan. The capacity of thhi bank for rarlti far the Interests of lis customers has been establfshed. Miss Jontz Will ' Play Santa Clans To play Santa' Claua to nil the children In tlie fourteenth division of tha service of the United States Is a bigger Job than Miss Ida V. Jonta of the Asso ciated Charities la willing to undertake. It Is estimated that there will be at least 2.000 letters written to Santa Claua by children In the fourteenth division. These letters will be sent to Omaha, as required by the flew ruling? Miss Jontx, signified her Intention of assuming the d,uty of anawerliir these letters, hut when aha discovered that Borne .of them, would be from remote comers ef neighboring states she hesitated and la yet undecided. "I think," aha said, "flint we'll luka chsrir 'of the letters from Nebraska and then send tne others to somebody In the Mate from which they come, or wilt wrtt a.ime association, giving the list of little writers iiuiii linn, . y. wo can l nanaio Z.'W Han la Clajis5jye from thl office with out additions!- help."- . . Will Inquire Why Marble Hasn't Come Irritated at the lung delay In getting tw.iM) worth of marble to -tiitiah tlte Court house the Hoard of County Cotn mlasloneie yesterday derided to send some one tq the quurrlea In Colorado to see why the marble haa not beeiv shipped. It was promised months ago, but only one cur hit arrived. CITY ENGINEER CRAIG IS FIGURING THE COST City Engineer Creg has begun an In ventory of the work accomplished duiinj the lust year by the atrvet tmprovemrat department, and three mra are gathtrliu; data with a view to finding how much ha been spent, for what It has been spent and to what purpose. Upon secur ing this data the ei;y eugineer will atriks a balance In the department for the work nf IIia V.MI- Anulnir ntlit- it.n which Information wilt be recured u the actual coat per square foot of. oemsnt walk, which will be compared with the cost In other year, with regard to price of material, labor and the amount of work accomplished. HOWELL GOES TO ST. LOUIS FOR HEARING OF BAIRD CASE United State Attorney K. 8. llowtll will leave for t. I.ouls Sunday morning to take charge of the proaevutloa of Fred erick 8- Balrd, a Chicago attorney con victed of conspiring to defraud the gov erumeat of public lands before Judge Munger a year ago. Jude Munuer lui pcaed e aentenre of alxty da tit tlie IKiugUs county .lull aiMl a five if fj'M and italrd carried the case to the circuit court of appeals. Mr. Howell auya tlte evldauce againat iiaird waa very stronj aad the piobatillitlea are that the de clateu ot Judgs Uunger wUl be fr'-' I - South Orr.tha, Nebraska AT THE GOVERNWSEN1 rJALt. December ". ISil AiiKJS. Lonna Banking House, Furniture nni Fixtures U. S. Bondi to secure ciniilation , . . Frcmlum on U. y. Bonds...... Overdrafts Redomptlon Fund due front U. S. "Treasurer U. 8. Gov. Bonds on hand...... Ca3h and due from Banks....... Deccml er December December December C. F. McGREW, President. T. E. GLEDHILL, Vice President. The Packers National Bank ; of South Omaha statement;. To Comptroller of Currency December 5. 1911 v AS SETTS Loans . . Bonds. . . .a.. : Keal Estate Bank ... Cash COMPARISON OF DEPOSITS - November, 1910 $1,807,427.00 December, 1911 2,692,081.78 N Gain over last year $ 825,254.78 : , . OFFICERS C. W. TRUMDLE. President J. F. COAD, Jr.. Vice Pros. W. A. C. JCjHNSON. Cashier ' . HARRY F. TRUMDLE, Asst. Cashier ) T. J. SHANAHAN, Asst. Cashier OIL COMPANY CHANGES NAME sa Standard Oil Company of Nebraska Effects Its Reorganization. ALLIMAN IS NEW PRESIDENT Com pa a r Oreeplea Office of Tvrrnty Klakt Hoema lu tbe Ilrandels Hattdlaa All Itecorda 'or Here. The Standard Oil Company of Nebraska went out of existence yesterday morning at 10:30 o'clock and was Immediately suc ceeded by the Standard Oil company (Ne braska) without a minute's cessation ot office routine.'- The board of directora of the company met in the couipany"s offices In Omaha and elected -the following; offi cers: C. I.. Allt-man, president and general manaaer; A. 11. Kicliardson, vice presi dent U A ass All e let- board of directors of said company 11. E. liohart has been appointed as sistant treasurer. C. iiolleatelle chirt clerk, James A. ' tilimore purchasing asent. Alleiuae President. W. P. Cutter of W Broadway. New York Cltv Is the outgoing president. C. j. Alleman was vice president and cencral niajiaaer of the old Nebraska roirpany; Mr. nichariison. treasurer and asjlstatt minacer: Mr. Smith, assistant treasurer. Tuo other officers of the new cbtiipany are old employe of the On,auji otrw. but held no ei'flclal title un!or the former nianlsStloR. All the officers and direc tors are now Oinnii i men. rhe new oi-Kan'.su'.ljrt H e result of fie dissolution by tbe United Bta'.ea supremi court ef the Standard Oil comveny i f New Jersey as a hokliux (oniwm for the stock of the Star.dan.1 Oil conipciuta nf the lojntry. "This tomfn-, said FreslJent A!lc uiau. "is now absolutely independent in oaueriiip and rnartar,tniit cf any oth tttnadard OH compsov. V have ealah IlKhed a stuck transfer tc)arirrent aud sit record are now in this offa and will t; George M. Smith, trea-svirer; Harold' I .f.U k .rfV V i Mleman. aocretary; James A. Gilmore, ! I 1 j J T 7. 3!llliir J Mant secretary. I mhW-aTO I of the above named men were nU"c I -UifwvVL "J ted dire to.e and they constitute the I mrlflf W!rHeCiWTr.rTll y'm ksiil bie v ..ou.-i v.. ? 5C0.M lt.0,000.00 ' . .-; t is . I tt'iividtj Tiflu 4,4;!2.lo rcvoeits 10.72. bit 4,650.00 ' - 19, 000. (Ml 70J.010.C2 5U77C.015.73 COMPARISON OP DETOajITS 5th, 1908. S 373,123.62 5th, 1900. 5'5G,3'j9.90 5th, 1910 " 699,000.20 5th, 1911 1,438,574.25 OFFICERS L. M. LORD, J. W. HASTINGS, Assistant Cashier. ..$1,351,123.67 V.. 150,000.00 33,341.35 50,000.00 1,108,216.76 $2,692,681.78 Deposits . The company now has twcnty-els'-.t rooms In tho ISrandels building, l.uviivf Inlcly aOdcd vix rocms to laUe care o' tho transfer department and record. President Allcm;m entered the emptor of the Standard Oil company nt Mim.c opolls In 1W3 nnd wa- sent to NebraMv In 1?5. He becuiuo vlco iresldent an i general ntanai;cr of t!m Nebraska cor poratloiu win u it w:is orjranlxed on July l:, 1AM. I'rior to that time tho StanilnrJ OH company nf Indiana had charKO cu' thu .Nebraska business. ROAD HOUSE PROPRIETOR . SHOT TO DEATH BY BANDIT?. r-ARTLESVILLlC. OU1.. De. T.-sind lr today shot to death J. C. Torry. i .- prietor of a t oad liou;-c near hei a 1c dim he attcmpte! to prevent their robui.-.:; U. O. lilalr, hotel man. and other tils, due to an inactive tot.d boo of tbe Liver, Ettunac) anU Bowels, nay be obtained snost pleaaanll and moat promptly by tulnt Syrup of Hi and Elixir of Senna. It is not a mw and untried remedy, but is seed by miflifrni ef weS-informed faetilics through out the world to cleanse and sweeten and sbeectH lb system wbestecr a laxatie raioady it acedod. Vees buyicv! not tbe fuQ aame ef the Company -CaHosme t'i Syrup Coy printad en ev-jty paJu(c ef tbe K RatuJerprie SC'pet bof. er to seedy. la sa! by aJ teaala; dmysuts. Mri U'm ItU.lsiVi.Mllftllk'i'i t;Au:Lrtiea , Iftj.CO.a:-. i.aet) .i,f f-C ill I .. aFefese s-f Cashier. LIABILITIES Capital ..;..$ 200,000.00 Surplus ' ?io6,ftob.tifl Profits ,; 18,978.77 Circulation 135.602.50 t ' . . v2,238, 100.5 1 : -$2,092,681 .78 G?t tha Original r! S.ub? UORLIGO HALTED mM. Tht Food-drink for VA J&es, For Infants, InvaliJs.aadOtrArrJHViVw PurcNutrition.upluildirttf t!.evaft!cS.'y. Invigorales tlie nurt in g mothc aid tl .e tvl. Rich milk, maJtrj in p-worr form. A quick lunch prernrej ra a mtoetev Takenotnbititute. Ailfor HOKLICK'3- Uot In Any milk Trust Only a Few Days Away Kemembor bow much trouble you had last year - how yon waited till the last minute to buy your Christmas preiciits---and hoTv cranky the tired clerks wove, and how you co:oj!ninfd that the goods were all picked over and soiled, and you re solved to shop early this year Do you? , On the want ad ppgesJ of Thu Bee Mill bo fount!, under ihh classification of :Fcr Christ mas," : vent mr,ny n:ercl;ants .vho are offering Lnrgtiins o you if yo.T uii'. e'.on c:ir!y. Turn to -thft v.uitad fragc uow,'