The Omaha Daily Bee NEWS SECTION PAGES 1 TO 12 WXATKtTs I UTvLT.AS'l Generally Fair VOL. XLl NO. 150. OMAHA, NATlKDAY MOHXJXU, OEOKMllKIt 1 'I'M ' XTY-FOIK PAdKS 'SIXULK COPY TWO CKNTb'. v.v LARSON GUILTV; . LIFE SENTENCE Ilea of ."Unwritten Law" and Insanity Fail to Win Jury'i Sympathy. DAY AGAINST "UNWRITTEN LAW" Court'i Instruction! Make Clear Snch Defense NotNRecognized in Law. ROGERS CASE GOES TO JURY Fremont Trial Ends and Matter Under Consideration. MRS. RIGHT ER AGAIN ON STAND "W oman . Extremely III and There la Poaalbllltr Arllon Against Her Mar Never Re Hronght to Trial. TEKAMAH, Neb.. Dec 8.-Speclal Telea-ram.) Frank Jargon, accused of murdering his brother. Charles Karson, nid triad, before Judge George A. Pay In tha district court here thla week, was found guilty of first degree murder by the Jury at S o'clock last night. ThJ Jury fixed the penalty at life ImprlsoV ment. The ca'o wrnt to the Jury yesterday niornli., .I'.nlr.e Pay. In Instructing the Jury, made li dear that the "unwritten ,Jaw" la not a U .1 defense to a charge of murder. Ills Instructions covering the Insanity plea were the well established statutory ones, but werr regarded as favorable to Larson, In view of some of the testimony Introduced In his behalf. JDROHS TAKK atODGERS CASE 3lan A conned of Mnrdrrlng C hild Will Soon Knovr Fate. FREMONT, Neb., Deo. 8.-SpeclaI Tel egram.) The Rogers murder . case was submitted to the Jury ut 5 o'clock this evening. This morning MWr Rlchter was called in rebuttal and testified in regard to statements to Sheriff Haumamf pre vious to her arrest about the birth of the hlld. She was very feeble and had to be assisted to her chair. Judge Stlnson made the opening argument for the state And Frank Dolezal and F. V.. Button ar gued for the defense. County Attorney Cook closed. Judge Hollenbcck In his Instructions to the Jury defined conspir acy and charged the Jury that If Rogers was implicated with Mrs. Rlchter in dis posing of- the child he was a- principal and guilty. Mrs. 'Rlchter Is suffering from nervous prostration and the effects if child birth, and it is probable that her condition is such that thet case agHinst kee will tried. ' ' DEPUTY UNITED' STATES . . , MARSHAL SHOT AT MEMPHIS MEMPHIS, Term., .Dec. 8.-Victor c. Benner, United States deputy marshal was killed and George W. IJllaway, deputy marshal, and Charles .MyCaJmap. railroad guard, were seriously wounded early today In an exchange of shots be tween a posse of deputy United States marshals and railroad guards In the Nohconnah yards of the Illinois Central railroad in the outskirts of Memphis. Conflicting reports were made as to the origin of the trouble, it Is presumed tfce I detail of railroad guards was mistaken In the dark by Benner and his force for negroes they had been summoned to dls- perse. The exchange of shots Immedi ately followed the arrival of the deputy marshals aboard a switch engine. DENVER MAN HOLDS RECORD FOR PHYSICAL STRENGTH NEW HAVEN, Conn., Dec. S.-The tests Just completed by Dr. Horn at the Tale gymnasium of the freshmen classes show that the strength test or Karle O. Klstler of Denver stands intact. H. A. Hum Jielly of Owego, N. Y., is the strongest nan In the college freshman class, with a total of 1,657.8 points. The record held by Klstier Is 2,270. At the time Dr. Born gave OHt Kistler's figures he said that the record Mood for tests "-made during five years, which was the pcrtpd In which the present system liad beenused. Klstler, who was coach of the fresh man foot nail team this fall, Is con valescent from typhoid fever at tha In firmary. ... The Weather FOR NEBRASKA Fair, cooler extreme southeast portion. FUJI iuVA Generally fair. Temperature at iimaM Yesterday-, Hour. Dee. u 6 a. m. 42 i a. in 44 7 a. in 41 8 a. m 4 a. m m Ma. m 4 ri, Jl 1 m 44 L 1 f- m 4i ti P- m 47 i-' 1 p. m FO D P- rn f,, 6 p. m 48 P. m 47 7 P. m 46 8 P. m 44 Comparative I. oral Record. 1811. 1910. 1RU9. ISHK Highest yesterday & 2H S 39 Lowest yesterday 42 5 f 21 1an temperature ' art 1 3u Precipitation .- T T .00 .00 Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Normal temperuture 89 Excess for the day Total excess since March 1 0.10 Normal precipitation wt Inch lietlclency for tfc,e dav " 01 inch Toial rainfall since March 4 13 J ,nc .es fieftdency since March 1 16.26 Inches Deficiency for cor. period If lo.U.ei Inc ,e Excess for cor. period. 1W0 t.M Inches Itevorts f rum Statloaa at T 1'. M. Etatlon and Stat Temp. High- Rain- of Waather. 7 p. rn. sat. fall. Cheyenne, clear SO 4ti .00 Jjavenpoi't. cloudy 63 H .to ) Oliver, clear 44 M .( Iks Moines, part cloudy,. 44 ho UJ Dodge City, cloar 42 It .0) uJer. cluar L'4 ti .ui North Platte, clear :9i IA .' llriiHlui. clear 14 hi T J'uhoIj, clear 4'i it .ixi Rapid City, clear u fri . hait l-k City, clear i :'K ., Hanta Ke. rltr ti 4 .i hlierldan. clear H ( I .00 r"loux City, clear 44 4 .i,) Valentine, clear jW ti .00 i' l.ulicataa traca of precipitation. linil.ate below tero. L. A. Wtl-tll. Ucal Forcastr. I TJic National Capital Friday, December S, 1ll. The Senate. Not In acsflfoii. Meets Monday at 2 p. in. lxrlmer senatorial Investigation con tinued with witnesses fur the defense. The House. Met at noon. Bret sugar farmers sunpoenaed by Puxar trust committer to refutn testi mony of peonage In Col-.n-ndu. Representative Moon of Pennsylvania denounced reports; he hud a "near fist fight" with Representative Thomas of Kentucky. . Bill for semi-annual tobacco census passed. General service pension bill debated. Mexicans Searching N Border. Towns for General Reyes NEW ORLEANS. Deo. .--Soon nfter the steamer Burstan had received clear ance papers today for Frontera, Mexico, agents of the I'nlted States customs and secret service-went along side In a gov ernment launch and a thorough search was made for evidence of a filibustering expedition to Mexico. MEXICO CITY, Dec. S.-Furthrr mys tery regarding the movements of General Reyes has been created by a news re port from Pan Antonio that he had passo.l through 8t. I.ouls, but the belief is still held that he Is in the vicinity of Browns ville, as was reported by a secret agent of the Interior department. fcmall uprisings are reported from Han Martin, in the state of TlaXiula and also in the neighborhood of Tchuacan in the state of Puebla as well as on the. southern border of Zacateca. To all of these dis turbances the milltiry authorities arc paying close attention. The situation In Vucatan is said to have Improved. SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Dec. 8.-H Is re ported here, this afternoon that tieneral Reyes, accused of violation of the neu trality laws, who disappeared from San Antonio early this week, is In Camargo. Mexico. Mexican turc-t service agents have been seeking Reyes for two days and 'have been close on his trail several times, It Is reported. Camargo' Is on tho National railway about 100 miles from" Brownsville, Tex. The distance by air lino to the American border, however, is not more than twenty-five miles. Reyes was believed to have been at Brownsville yesterday. Pinchot Praises , "VYork of Secretary Fisher in Alaska CHICAGO'. .Dec. 8.-In an address be fore the National Irrigation congress here today Olfford Pinchot commented briefly tin the trust problem and devoted himself Chiefly to Alaska and the conservation problems there. In that regard he braised the work or Secretary of the In terior Fisher and said the administration was certain, to defeat any effort to monopolize the valuable coal lands. Mr. Pinchot declart-d that "when you gain control of the- water problem In any country you haye solved all the physical problems ut that dountry." "Water power Is the thing that makes the world go round," said "Mr. Pinchot, "and with the bill that will surely be passed this session of congress conserv ing power and obtaining Just recom pense for the people for the power hith erto given gratis to great Interests, lies the solution." James It. Garfield, former secretary of the Interior, addrestod the congress on drainage and Irrigation differences anJ advised harmony. If not coalition, be tween the two congresses. Albert E. Bai tlttt of Cheyenne, Wyo., attacked the government's present conservation pol icy as fantastic and hampering the pres ent development of western, lands and resources In favor of problematic great grandchildren. He also declared It was, In effect, playing Into tha hands of land monopolists. ' Army Officer Missing trom Jt'ort itusseil WASHINGTON, Doc. S. The d!.)app,;Qr ance of Second Lieutenant Clubs I.ykes of the Ninth cavalry has puzied the War department officials, and Senator Tillman of South Carolina hns i appealed to the president to assist In solving the mys tery. Lieutenant Lykes. who waa'on duty at Fort D. A. iVussell In Wyoming, and left there In July on a month's leave cf ab sence, has friends at almost all of the army posts. The last word frcm him was a letter mailed at !St. Paul, July 31. Senator Tillman today expressed the be lief that If Lieutenant Lykes' affairs are straightened out, as the family Is anxious to do, the young man can safely return t duty. DRAFT HORSE PRIZES AWARDED AT CHICAGO CHICAOO. Dec. 8. Robert A. Fajrbarn, chairman of the National Horse Show association of New York, was today awarded the grand championship for Clydesdale American brtd marcs at the National Stock show here. The grand prize in the Percheron c las was won by J. Crouch of Lafayette, Ind., w'th the best group of five Imported horse. JERSEY CITY OFFICIALS ARE CHARGED WITH GRAFT JERSEY CITV. N. J. Dec. S.-The Hudson county grand Jury, which has been investigating the award of con tracts for furnishing supplies to the va rious county Institutions by the board of freeholders, today returned thirty sight Indictments against seven members of the board. John F. Cioshy. county clerk. Is one of thoe iodic ted. Mrs. Kirk to Marry Old nreilienrl KAROO. N. D.. Dec. . J. I'. Wlihani on. a well-known stockman of Satceni county, will marry Mrs. j. f-. Kirk, widow of the Cl.icago soap manufsetui-i-r, during tha holidays, it became known her today. Williamson and Mrs. Kirk were srhoolmatea In New orlt state and recently met again after many years. 0. ft M'MANIGAL FINISHES STORY Confessed Dynamiter Spends Another Half Day Before Grand Jury at los Angeles. RAILROAD OFFICIALS APPEAR Agents Are ftueitioned About Illegal ' Transportation of Dynamite. INDICTMENTS MAY Efi DELAYED Information Gathered There May, Be Used in Other Investigations. FRANK J. RYAN MAY BE CALLED Ofrielnla Are Taking Ureal Interest In the Movement of Ihe. Prcsl- detil of the Iron Work- , era' Ao t Ion. I.O.! ANOKI.F.S, Dec. S.-Crtle i-.. Mc- i Malu!1 ciafesst d dynatniur, iva. taken I befure the federal grind jur..- naln t - J day to resume his story of dynamite out rages throughout the t tilted State. McManlaal wns on the stanil until noon and It wns said that hs had completed his story. x Following the ilcpurture of MrManlgal reports were current that the McNamaras would be given their chance, but this ws:" not attempted In the morning. John Crulckshunk, district passenger agent of the San Pedro, l,os Angeles & Salt l.ake railroad, appeared today be fore the grand Jury. Many other railroad officials inuy be called upon In regard to the move'iients of those who United States District 1 torncj Regan and his colleagues believe to have been Involved In alleged l'kgul transportation of dynumltc. With '. I'nlted Staten Deputy marshals searching for 12S witnesses subpoenaed to appear before the federal grand Jury that body's second day of investigation Into the soures of nil' .nllegcj' nation wide dy nn nil In rom-phacy was taken up here today. Ortle K. McManlgal. who confessed to many of those dynumltlngs occupied the entire time of that body yes terday In telling Ills story. Indictments May He Delayed. It was sulci iodny that In till probability no Indictments would bo returned for a week and perhaps for even a longer time. The whereabouts of some of the men said to be sought as witnesses arc not def initely known and the list Is so long as to render It likely .hat many days will elaiise before all are heard. Information gathered here Indicated that the scope ot the Los Angeles In vestigation, Is not entirely determined by the Department of Justice at Washington-- In view of the similar Investiga tion in progress at Indianapolis it Is pos sible that the one hers will be Used 'to "clean Am"" the Pacific coast angles of the affair, leaving the wider range for the east. - . When the McNamiras would go to San Qiientln penitentiary was as. much a mystery today as at any time since sen tence was pronounced. It an May lie culled.. Members of the district attorney's office today -ere discussing the fact that F. M. Ryan, president of the Association of Urldgb and Structural Iron Workers, did not sli;n the statement of the conitnlttee of the American Federation of Labor made yesterday In Washington denounc ing the McNamara brothers. It was but one of a number of Instances where the district attorney's office has manifested an especial Interest In what Mr. Ryan says and does and where he goes. As head ' of the organization of which John J. McNamara was secretary and treasurer It was not unlikely that Ryan would be subpoenaed to appear aa a witness before the federal grand Jury. Ryan Denlea Report ot Friction. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Dec. . "There Is not a word of truth In reports of fric tion between Samuel Gompers or other officials of tha Americou Federation of Labor and myself.' said Frank M. Ryan, president of the International Association of the Bridge and Structural Iron Work ers, who arrived In this city vtoday from Washington. Asked why he had not signed the state ment Issued by the Federation of Labor officials in denunciation of the McNa mara brothers after a conference In Washington yesterday, Mr. Ryan replied: "I took very Ilttlo purt In the confer ence because of other business. I will not udd to lay first statement In regard to the McNamara case. I have nothing more to say." "Will ou cull a meeting of the execu tive board to consider the attitude of the association tov.nrl the McNamaras?" he wai usked. "I don't kno-.v," was the unswer. "Did you a.i ptfcsident know anything ot the detail Is uf tlio expenditure by John J. McNamara, as secretary of a fund ef $1,(KK a month appropriated for organiz ing purposes and forwhich no account was made?'' "That Is u mat toe that will take care of Itself." Mr. Ryan refused to comment tin the federal authorities' examination of the books of the association now proceeding In preparation for the grand Jury's ses sion beginning Dtcember 14. When he was asked If he knew a federal grand Jury inquiry was being made aa to whether or not others were associated with the McNamaras in Illegal transpor tation of dynamite, ho replied: "There is nothing 1 can say on that matter." Information is to t lie whrreabouts of Mr. Kyau was denied at the office of the association untd le had conferred with his counsel, Uu M. R.ippaport. II urn in Nriv Vork. NKW YORK. Dec. S Detective W. J. Rums left today for Philadelphia aftei holding a conference hero yesterday with Walter Drew, counsel for the National Erectors' association, lie will return to New York trf continue his Investigation of local cI.ks to the dynamiting casts. MOTZMHTI Or OCEAH STEAM EKI IVirt ArrivtJ. Hill. T a terrain. . rAtru it. . Vedrl. . .. furla . 1'lllllMl .u f. Canii'tuti'-j. , Mtnntailt, -tartjtuuia. .VF.W VOItK.... KKieVoltK.... KKV V'lKK NKW un,:.... NKW VllllK... sr.w viiiii..... PIRATIS PALKKMO UlNllOV UAkeKILLKS S AfM.KH WlVht . .A11M,0!A. . . Plm ... ..htilUgiB. v,- - From the Cleveland Pluln Dsaler. LORIMER WITNESS MIXED A. J. Bell, Called to Discredit White, Contradicts Himself. - STORY OF CHICAGO POLICEMAN J. J. O'Keefe Mors White Told Him that He Had .Sworn Falsely Against Lee O'Neill Brow, WASHINGTON, Dec. 8.-A. J. Hell, a Chicago street car conductor, testified befora the Lorlmer sensational Investigat ing committee today in an effort ot the defense to show that Sidney Yarbrough was In Chicago on trie night ot May H, 1909. Instead of lu a hotel room at Spring field, ill., with Charles A. White, tho stat lagitiator. who tnsdo oonfesnlon ot bribery. White had swvrn that he waa-itr Bprjng fleld. Rll corrdberated Mot or man tleorgo Oloim by sarln thHi saw Tarbrotigh on a trolley car the ftlg ht of May it. Bell is. one of the several' witnesses called by tha defense In Its effort to dis credit the testimony of White as to What happened at Springfield In 1909. When the legislature was balloting In the election which sent Mr. Lorlmer to the senate. Senator Lorlmer attended the hearing today. In Yds cross-examination Dell con tradicted much of his testimony. Refer ence to the record of the second Rrowne trial disclosed that his statement today were substantially different In answer to the same question. Senators Lea. Kenyon and Jones ques tioned the witness closely and he ad mitted that he had changed his testimony materially. At first lie maintained that he testified at the Browne trials from his memory, of having seen Yarbrough on the night of May "4. Under questioning he admitted that lie had fixed that date in his mind by talking with Gloss before he went to the stand In the second Browne trial. John J. O'Keefe, a policeman, attached to Mr. Wayman's office during the Browne trials, testified ' that White was In custody at the Ixlngton hotel In Chi cago between August 1 and August 10, 1910. White was In constant fear of the "Lorlmer crowd." he said. "I asked him why he was afraid and he said -It - was because of the testimony lie had given In the Browne trials. ' "White told me that If Browne were convicted lorlmer would be unseated: that State's Attorney Wayman would be governor of Illinois, and that he expected to be made warden of the state peniten tiary. He told me to keep my mouth shut and I would not have to stay In the police department. "White boasted that fcdward R. Wright, president of the Illinois Federation of Labor had brought hlin word from the governor of the state that he need not be afraid of being put In Jail for any testimony he had given." "ile meant that word had corr.o from Governor Deneen?" was nsked. "That's what he said." "Did Whit tell you that he had sworn falsely against lirownc?" asked Senator Kenyon. "Yes." "Did you report that to anybody?'' "Yes, to Wayman's assistant." "Why didn't you tell Browne or his at torneys?" "I don't know." "Yet you never told of this when Browne was on trial for his liberty?" "No, I did not." ORDER OF RED EAGLE IS CONFERRED ON MORGAN BERLIN, Dec. g. The bestiwal of the decoration of the fir-t class of tt.e Order of the Itfd Kagle on J. P. Morguti is officially announ-ed in tho Imperial Cast-Mo today. At the same tl:no the noti fication Is coiiKn ated that ti.o Red Kaflo of the third cluss had been given to Richard August Srlir.abel of Now York. The Insignia of the order was presented to Mr. Morgan during the yachting week. ELEVEN-YEAR-OLD GIRL ON TRJAL FOR MURDER HARTFORD, Ky.. D'C. 8. Uluven-year-old Nellie Powell, charged with tho mur-dn- of Gertrude -Klrby, a 12-yrar-oId play mate, wot placed on trial lire lodny. Tu Kirby glil 1 fui .-i'i doad In a rou;,i at Uq Dowcil KImuu lt Kun.Iay. A il-ot-gun tvus lying a. few feet from t'.ie body. Netlio Dowell said her plsymate's Uutli was the crsult of aa accident. 1 Do It Now Hunter Who Shot Girl Near Mitchell Finally Confesses MTTC'IIKI.L. S. D.. Pec. sV-fUpeclHl.)-The mystery of who shot Miss Lydla Kcllbaugh a week ago while she was In a cornfield has been cleared up, the guilty party making a confession when the evldcnoe lead to his door. Miss Kall baqgh Is still In a dangerous condition and there Is a possibility that she will lose her eyesight, as some of the shot penetrated her eyes. Hhortly after the shooting men went on the trail of the two men in the buggy who did the shoot-! Ing. Home ot the evidence pointed to -a man named l!e,nry Ihr, but when ac cused of the deed he denied It, but closer tluastlolilnf M to tils whereabouts at the time finally brought a confession from htnv-,. 1 ..... - - lhr stated that -they saw the girl In the cofnflMd It flfV.; but attar driving In another direction they lost sight ot her, and then spying what they thought was a rabbit, took a shot at It, only to find that It was the girl they had shot. Lehr stated that he was so frightened at what he had done that he never stopped, but tried io get away. He was In town the same night whejf the crowd of men wore looking for the person who did the shooting. Lehr owns 1S acres of land near Tripp and he deeded the same to the physician as a surety that he would pay ill dam ages of a civil action. Narragansett Bay Selected as Site for Great Navy Yard WASHINGTON. Dec. S. -Narragansett bay, Rhodo Island, has been sulccted as the alto of one of the three great At lantic coast navy yurds proposed by Hie. rutary of the Navy Moycr in hi. reor ganization plans, tho others being tit Nor folk and Ouantunamn. This will mean the elimination of the New York, tho Rostun and the Portsmouth, N. II.. ynrds. Mayor Fitzgerald of Boston today had a long conference with Hecrctary Meyer, who pointed out that when th" Panama canal was opened tho balllcihlp fleet 'Would divide much of Its time between (he east and west coasts of the I'nlted H tat ps and would lessen, the need for navy yards on the Atlantic side. Narragaiisclt bay win selected as the site for the northern yard because it was sufficient to provide liurbor ana for the anchoinga of the biggest fleet and its en trances could easily be protected. Rivers and Harbors Congress Asks for Systematic Policy WASHINGTON, Dec. 8-The National Rivers lunl Harbors congress closed Its eight li annual convention here today. Resolutions urging the adoption by the federal government of a broad, liberal and systematic policy of waterway Im provement were adopted ami were pre sented to President Tuft, Vice President Kherman and .Speaker Clark. Senator Newland attacked the Indif ference of congress to the demands for waterway Impi'ovrment. The offices of the contficss have Id n removed from Cincinnati to Washington and It is probable that tills city may be made the permanent meeting place. MAY LOSE RICH GOLD MINE ON TECHNICALITY WASHINGTON". Dftc. S.-Whether J. Potter Wh.uren t.ts c'ai:n to a rich gold mlu In Ali.aka because he held a peltry federal Jo'i. i,ov before the upiame couil of tho I'ni'ed tsf-a. Whit Iran first diaeofJ l:i Alaska tr. 'Vfl. lie Bo .-kid off tin cla.-u. ssit It ciisll half uu aoro too mic!-. wltuir u i'uifs. li U ois-.iceil thu title l.t the mi a bacataie In in&wX:s h houn ivjies t' tfit iwi' lr-. u-imrt bo ai . ci 'd1 tits la''i fr-:n "rulo'i Uo el. ha I !---1 1 mined. ,. I'.ir nest ;isi. al.e.i h lis .-overt .xl i wlt:iln Lh- i r.n r i ( jnS. V. hllfe:'. bail be ate a. .' r.'.-Jtrai d-niyi" ( II' ; I.'u t I ; Latai1. O'la Hal a nrid rtlnri. i J . Itm ut.'c t. tho !i In :ii'bl n i i i; t:.e g'D'ia.' that Whltfref. icst .-'.a:ni l.i ar.1 mi Ul.-oi u::t' fr i; i ,air'i g knottier after ho buia'.'.c dipuiy mineral Inspector KELLY CASE TO THE JURJ Judge Bradshaw Gives Lengthy Set of Instructions. SIX FORMS FOR THE VERDICT Jnrara InNtny Kvrat Mill Decide Whether Defendant Was la sane 'on Morning of the hooting. , fFrom a Staff Correspondent.) PKS MOINBH, Dec. S.-lHpeclal Tele gram.) At 6 o'clock tho Jury was still out In tho Kelly niiirdef case. The Jurors gave no sign to Indicate whether they were likely to reach a verdict. Judge Bradshaw finished his Instruc tions shortly before noon today. They ware unustially lengthy, as the Judge dis cussed every hhuse ot the rasa from a legal standpoint' and at the conclusion he submitted six forms of verdicts, any on of which may be returned by ilia Jury. The first one provides that tha defend ant be found guilty ot murder In the first degree and the penalty to be f lxed, t death, tho second guilty of murder In the first degroe Willi a punishment of life Imprisonment, the third guilty of murder In the second degree, the fourth guilty of manslaughter, the fifth not guilty on the grounds of Insanity and the sixth not guilty. In addition to these a special Interroga tory was submitted to the Jury which must be signed with the verdicts.. This was whether or not the defendant was Insane on the morning of March S3 last, which was the date he shot down the two Packers' Attorneys Ask Jurors to Define Many Large Words CHICAGO, Dec. 8. Attorneys for the Chicago packers now on trial for alleged violation of the Sherman anti-trust law, today demanded definitions of words used lu tho Indictments when th -y examined the tentative Jurors selected by the gov ernment. Tho veniremen questioned tlui:i far have been, farmers and the questions have been directed toward forming a U.yi for a challenge when the Jurors have l.ot the necesbury knowledge. ' f'lct.i Olson, u fanner, he-otalcd at tie fining "competition, elimination, refriger ation and Ilka words," although declaring ho knew the mewling of lUl uf them. He was excused. "Intendment, untrammelled, elimination and connivance" proved too much for Oscar t-icolt, a farmer, unci he was ex cused. Attorney Miller's questions were Uken to confirm the early heller that the de fense would attempt to have the farmers In the panel excused for cause. New Reichstag to Be Electd January el2 HKKI.1N, Iec, Decrees dissolving tho Helclislag and fixing the dale of the general elections for the new Ilelchstag on Junuary 12 are published today In the Imperial Gazette. The existence of what is known as "Prince von Iluelow's Ilelchs tag, " which was cUctcd under such dif ferent auspices In 1D07, Is thus ended. NEW POSTAL SAVINGS BANK SFOR THREE STATES (From a Htaff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Dec. .-tPpi.c1al Tels gt am.) Postal savings banks wi.i be es tablished on January 6 as follows: Nelji aku--Ali:wortli, Ciarks, Kuatls. Iox.a Haukeyc. Ike City, Now Vir ginia, I'ri-scolt. L'kIci. fiyuth Dakota H'licou a, Ocirlclir. The contract for the cortructlcn of t!: public .iiU1li,g at J'. -iron, H. D., has boeu swniil'vl lo tSo Noriheni Constitic tlon oT M'.Uauk-;-", Wls.T at I'JS.IUS. " GABLE PLEADS GUILTY TO SHOOTING REX KEBBLING MAJsijri CITV. la. Uic. i .--fi'-ps, lal Tai-I ' rtaM -The l-idli-.tnif r.t M,-aJ-it hltr, f ir I ititi;-.ptlr.g to uiiiider C:iif f Police I . W.- d sri.lxstaJ ldav itr.r". iLnbert i Cabl. thin sfte:iv plvuileil guilty v to j th. sttemi'teti niuntMf o'. Itai Aetibllug, a'l wll. teuiurroa- nioinli'., t, snir.:ir l r- ,'iuJg" tlar'.: Thirty )caiii Ine'i-r-( ui-uale a:iuaiu.e vt:i eWuht!3 be i.ictot , 6Ut. I PENSION DEBATE STARTS IN HOUSE Representative Adair Callj V. Sher wood Bill Granting Union Vet erans Dollar a Day. DISPUTE ABOUT FIGURES Republicans Say it Will Add Seventy-Five Millions to Roll. MANY FAVOR SULL0WAY B1LI. This Passed House Last Session, 'jr.t Was Lost in Senate. MAINE BLOWN FF.OX DUrSTO1 Joint A rm j r li ,lr ,Hkri ' Its llet-crt After ! 'lFt,i t.iistliiv fee Uf is. Months. v.'s-kingtun. hie ;.-rsi f.gU to cntabllsh a gene'-r.l srv;o pnscn ot I' n dnv for urhm veterans of tfce ctvli wae irnd In the house of inptesentatlvaa i.n.av vheii !:ri ex r.tsxlvs AOSJr ot ln inc.". iiil up Ihe rV.erwwid. bl In-Ir-ul-ji '.nt AiTti. i'vpuatii-sv't ' Ia4M Vntin objected t. tlxlnv any time "llm't and. the housi lxftui csnaldsrmtlpti cf the measure, with the prospect of a! long and vigorous de bate. A sharp alternation developed be tween former Speaker Cannon and Mr. Adair, the former demanding, an assur ance that the Sherwood bill would pass tho sennte oud the Sultoway bill would not ' "We have gained that ballet from talking with senators," said Mr, Adair, hut ho refused Mr. Cannon's demanC for names. Partisans of the . Kherwood bill whooped and yolleci when Mr. Adair de clared that Mr. Cannon, when apeaker, had refused to allow senators' names to be mentioned on the floor of the house. Mr. Adair estimated that the Sherwood bill Would add tlt.OUO.OUO to the annual pension budget and denied the charge that It would cost 7i,000,000 a year. "I have the proof here that It will," shouted Mr. Aiileraon of Ohio. Many members evidenced a purpose to vote foT the Hulloway- age pension bill, which provides a maximum ot 130 u month at the ago of 76. This bllkpaared the house last winter, but was lost lit the senate. Mr. Adair claimed that Its substitution would defeat pension login- latlon at this session. ( M'alne lllown from Outside. The battleship Main was blown up lu Havana harbor by an explosion from tho outside. Till l h t't ot a. shoti statement Issued by the Navy department today, baaed. ou findings-inudo by thu. Joint army ft rid. rift vy poard which spent evsral mohtht Irt Havana harbor Inves tigating the wreck. Hear Admiral Charles 15. Vreeland, president ot ths Maine Investigating board, had ftriort ftlk with President Taft today before the session ef th cabinet. The statemunt follows: "The board finds that tho Injuries t tho bottom ot the Maine were caused by , (he explosion of a charge ot low form . explosives . exterior to the ship vra.we frames Zl and 31, st ke H, portable. Vhla resulted lu Igniting and explodlnc la contents ot the six-Inch reeerva mgaJr . A-14-M, said contents Inohidlnj,' a laraa quantity of block powder. The more or less complete explosion of the contents of the remaining forward magasJne followed. The magazine explosion resulted In tho destruction of tho vessel." House Asks About IteelnrtMilty. The house, by resolution, called on President Tuft today fur. Information as to whether tho paper andW'P section of tha Cunudian reciprocity bill is now In foice und what other nations aro de manding the funic concessions given to 'i Canada. , ' Tho paper and pulp section of tho reciprocity bill be-amo effective even though the reciprocity agreement was re jected by Canada. The resolution drawn by Representative Harrison of New York and endorsed by the ways and meats comitiltlM aaaa fur full Information as lo tho prostnt opera tion of thu pulp and paix-T tariff. SHULTZ FOUND GUILTY OF SPYING 0NGERMAN NAVY I.KIPSIC, Saxony. Dec. S. Vel:-rls which have leaked out regarding' tl.i progress of thu espionage trial now taa Ing place before the Imperial ooort, l'. which the Kng!ii thXp bror, Vas Schiiultc, and four Ganxan aasoalaiai.. who we e urn ated ai l.-.a.'buj; es htaivh IS, are accuted of attemtloa. I proouie Information regarding Oisrmsui uaw secrets, say It hun been esMlahaa the. Kcliultx Is connected v'. Uwt gsoara' orgunlxatioti of ail -Erell! !r .'ro.!U bureau. ' i The activities of this lnstittitam e- r all the shipyards arid navrl i&aw'jtue works In foreign' countries and alia '. the discovery of every naval The sentences will be fix 6 tomorrow. It Is expected that rkhultu u..d two Oc-r-man cn-jlneors who are unions his ac complices will be punished severely. Want Ad, Christmas Gifts liy reading the want ails every da, you may flni your namo among the want ads telling you tl at a gift 1 waltiiu: fur you. No puslnw to solve nothing to do except to call at Tho Ilea of flco when your name appearr. There are other prizes these free gifts on the want ad pages. You may find your oppor tunity in the way of a altuatun. a bargain or valuable information. It Is a good habit to read the want ad pages every day. Dalzell's Ice Creanf Bricks Boxes of O'Brien's Candy