Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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Stewart &
Beaton Co.
The Gift to be remembered
is the gift that will endure
Tlio pructical utility of
furniture recommends the
selection of some article
for Christmas from the
large stock iu this store.
Here are displayed in
wide variety of designs,
combining usefulness and
beauty, all articles of fur-,
niture that should go into
every home. "We invite a
visit here, and urge that
you come before making u
final decision to buy. The
highness of the quality
and moderate prices will
convince you of the worthy
character of the goods we
Solid Mahojtny Sewing
Table $17.00
Two drop leaves; heavy
base; two large drawers,
with compartment in top
drawer for sewing mater
ials. Fine bargain.
Smoker's Stand $4.09
Made of fumed oak and
modestly finished; endur
ing quality; equipped with
ash tray; match holder
and extra cigar receptacle.
Special shelf and drawer.
Mahogany Tea Tra;
Beautifully finished; in
laid; heavy glass forms
top cover of tray; hand
some design.
Smoker's Sland $2 2j
Fumed oak ; attractive
model; equipped with ash
tray, cigar holder and
match receptacle; extra
shelf; special drawer; fine
These are only a few
Christmas hints; this is
the house of a thousand
gift suggestions.
1 Remember, (lood furni
ture may be cheap; but
"cheap" furniture cannot
bo good.
Stewart fic
Beaton Co.
EsUb!isk: 1884
413.15.17 S. 16th Street
Deposits Increase Ncarlv Four Mil.
i i; t- ... ' :
livus vomparcQ wun iear Ago.
trmhrr, This I. 1 .1 pre tr.l,
a Maury a Horklit (
Mow (ropi,
Omaha Bnd 8uih Ornnba nation il
1 Mnks have alnrl 3.tSi..' n deposit
lard U.1T7.4SJ In loans over a war airo
according to utatem. ntt mailr- to thr
comptroller of the iiirrrmy today for
the dote of liiisinrsa Iircrmher 6.
Aa compared with Dip 11(11 f.ill siste
menl. Peptrmber 1. tiler a loss of ,i deposits and S2.H0.0J0 In loans.
This In pxpri'tcd. as the lere:nlrr statr
nient always shows up lighter than the
fVptemher statement, for the fall Is the
hlKh tide for the year fc;r bank d.poflta.
The incney that ha' loft the Onaha bunks
lrtmecn September 1 and now Is out
moving the crops.
According? to todnj's stntomcpts. V
are S.V.M,iitM. compared with $-.!.-SC6.F35
for the nearest c.irrevponiitnK fUId
ment of 11110. thHt of Nov miner R Lrf.ans
nre Kfti.313.oa, compare vltli $;',3.1M.5M
for the rtatcrn.nt tr Xovrmbi-r 10. 1910.
The folun-lnff tables show dcialul com
pail'ona; Deposit.
Uec. 3. 1911. Sil t. 1.1'Ml.
Omaha National SlL' fi: :;.:( fiTii
r irsi .National ll.OJI,,:!!
I', f. National Jit.:71,9;i
Merchants National.. H, 1 1 ',iea
Mock Yards National t;,4l;Mt'
'"It y Matlnnal S4jl.t'sl
Parkers National .... 'j.-!.Hi
Nebraska National... I'.O.lllo
'orn Exch. National 1.4M;.l'jj
Uve titock National 1.438,574
t; v9t;.c.'i.t
Totals J.k.49?,'6S
Dee. 5. 1911.
Omaha National 512.Ofti.Mn
Kim National ll.0l!t.;;S!
V. S. National lO.-t.'.i'.'L
Merchants National. li.112.0Mt
?."(.', 2?::,70
jn. :.."), i:ii
:!. 701
Htock ards National
So. Omaha National
City National
Packers National
Nebraska National...
V. S. Y. National...
U. 471.977
1,;! 22.954
t'orn Kxrh. National l.Vi(i,122
Ijvo flock National l,4:t674
Totals 55.493,0.'i8 Tl,S0ii.83j
I'onsolidatffd later Into Stock YarUa
National..;...! T.W9.:'7
I 7.11,04.1
3. 574.377
BSD. 324
eirst National 7.12X.I42
I". 8. National 7,Wi:i,192
Merchants National.. 4.M2.02S
Stock Yards Natlo.ul 4.120.27:1
t'lty National l,5t8,4S.i
Packers National.... ,3ol.l23
Nebraska National... l.l.Mi.OIH)
t'orn Exch. National l.lOT.SOO
Live Stock National f6G,545
, ,J3ii.313,0IU
Dec. 5.1911.
Omaha National ....$ 7. 609.387
Nov. 10.1911.
J ,;2.775
" 1.926,493
1,241 .
Kirst National 7,128.152
I . S. National 7.WB.192
Merchants National.. 4,f32.V2
Stock Yards National 4,120,273
So. Omaha Natlo.ial
City National 1,688,485
Packers National 1,351.123
Nebraska National... l,lti,Wn
T. H. Y. National v.
Corn F.xch. National 1,107,800
LJvc Stock National SH6,Mj
Totals S3fi.313,03 3u,13:..5Xl
Consolidated later into Stock Yards
Trainload of Meat
for the Philippines
A special trari. of twelve cars loaded
with Armour meat for the Philippines
left over the I'nlon Pacific for San Fran
cisco Wednesday night. The consignment
arrive thaic on the morning- of December
13, to be loaded into a boat that sails
the following day.
The shipment of meats by the Armour
company Is one of the largest consign
ments ever sent out of Omaha, so far as
fresh stock Is concerned. In the tdilpmcnt
tl.ere are two or three cars of canned
and cured meats, but the bulk of It is
la frozen. It goes to San Francisco In
refrigerator cars and thence across the
ocean In the freezing rooms of the
"In eaylns that Omaha Is the best con
vention city In Nebraska or Iowa. I do
not mean to cast reflections upon any of
the other cities, but personally 1 don't
believe that there is any place else In
which we could have had half so Kood a
time or such flno treatment. I, for one,
am t'la4 that 11 was the unanimouH wish
of the hotel clerks to return to Omaha
next year."
This statement was inado by Samuel 3.
Foster of Waterloo, la., who was one of
the clerks elected to office. Mr. Kostcr's
remark v.oie heartily seconded by Karl
talyer, .resident of the Twin t'lty Hotel
Clerks' association, who t-ald: "Wo ei
treated splendidly by every one we came
In contact v.lth Mid the newspapers es
pecially were kind to i:h. We could nut
have made a hotter selection for the iia.t
Motion for an order of court for Im
mediate rehearing of the divorce action
of (leorge P. Cronk against Cora 1..
Cronk, in accordance with the recent
mandate of the supreme court, was filed
in district court by Mrs. Cronk. The
motion also asks that I'lonU be ordered
to pay Mrs, Cronk money for llvim; cx
penses and suit money pending the fur
ther hearine and final adjudication of
the case. The motion will be argued be
fore Judge A. C. Troup Saturday morn
ing. Cronk was gianted a divorce in di
trlct court and Mrs. Cronk appealed.
The ca?e was remanded for further bear
ing when Mrs. Cionk filed affidavits that
she and Cronk had lived together mntv
the granting of the dpcreo In district
Members of the Omaha Manuacturers'
association are responding freely to the
request of the association for food con
tributions lo the home products dinner to
be held by. the association at the Com
mercial club on December 13. Milk, b it
ter, meat, crackers and other eatables are
being contributed In large quantities.
Frank Judsou of the Midland Glass &
ralnt co.r.pany wrote that 'lie would pay
for four plates at the banquet, unless the
banquet committee would take some c!
his paint, which he surmised, could not
be eaten, but could be ust vsmiah
ibe dlnlnf chairs.
rm: r.KK:
Young People in Comedy
IhLiitu.. i- -lift. h... ii .; i iii-i m-ifi nirkM'.iif lfniama ifinr i il 'VV NMk fmj tt
I ' . '.
The yolniK M:opli of the 'Westminster
church will g!ve a! two-act comedy In the
parlors Friday evening ot s o'clock. The
title of the play, is "(iraduatlon l'ay at
Wood Hill .School." Miss Anne Roberts
Omaha Officers in Wild Chase to Ap
prehend Minden' Banker, .
Now !be is Doing the Courting; with
Deinnnd for lfr.O,0 to Heal
n , Jlrokcn Heart llotli
1'roniliiciit I'eople,
Notice of suit for JjO.OOO for. breach xt
promise, Instituted by Miss May Crouch
of Minden, Neb., was served upon Calvin
S. Rodgcrs, son of a Mtnden banker and
cashier In his father's .bank. Wdiiesda'
afternoon. The service marked the end
of a game of hide-and-seek that lusiei
an hour and a half, Rodgera being the
hlder and Miss Crouch, her mother, her
attorneys, H. C. Murphy and S. L. Win
tera, and Deputy Sheriff Thompson be
ing "it."
Miss Crouch's petition sets out that she
came to Omaha a few duys ago with the
understanding that Rodgera would come
and marry her, having wooed her, since
she was a 15-year-old girl, five years ago.
Heretofore, says the petition, Rodgcrs
baa promised to wed Miss Crouch an I
set the day, but for one reason und an
other he has secured postponements. Mlis
Crouch alleges that Instead of coming to
Omaha and 'marrying her Rodgers cainc
and flatly declared he never will marry
Ihe Trap la Set.
Miss Rodgera employed Murphy & Win
ters. Hhe thought Rodgeis had gone back
to Minden Wednesday, but when she
learned he was in town she notified thu
attorneys. On their instruction she got
Rodgers to promise to meet her at the
Myers-Dillon drug store. Sixteenth and
Farnam streets, fo.- a (onsultation at i.'M.
Murphy e Winter drew up a petition iu
double quick time, feot a praecipe for
summons Issued and got Deputy Hiierlff
Thompson to iirconipany them lo the
drug stoic. When they got tlie.e Mis
Crouch said Rodgers h;ul been there and
gone. The attorneys and tho deputy
sheriff dashed out of the store, spied
Hungers and started out in hut pursuit.
He board'. d a car. Thoy were too far
behind to catch it. Murphy took the
next car. Winters and Thompson waited
on tin) corner. Murphy got a glimpse of
Rodgers on o car pneslng In tho opposite
diioctjon. When he got ba-k to town
Rodgers hBd i e-c:itered tho store for fur
ther consultation with Mlsa Crouch and
Thompson had served I ini with notice of
suit. Negotiations for settlement now
ate under way.
Citizens Have Right
to Arrjpst Youths
"Citizens &h .'i.d understand," n.1,1 a city
nffirlnl yesterday, "that they lave po
lice powers In the mutter of preventing
destruction of properly, and should' not
hcultato to exercise such power when
they s-o (Ministers breaking street
"Facli resident who has been Incon
venienced by the depredations of hoys
who are breaking Yt street lights each
I month, l -aving inanv streets In darkness,
should icport at i.ti'-n what destruction
has been done und who the probable of
fender Ir. '
South Omaha Paving
Case is Being Argued
The l'arkK-Ix'fler company's mandamus
action I'j compel Ma ur 1. J. Tralnor of
Houth Omaha and Hie Mouth Omaha, i lty
council to consummate a contract to pave
two Kmlii i .nuili paving districts with
Uiiffalo brick blot k is being beard by
Judge Howard Kennedy, of the equity
dhi-lon of the dlsiri, l emit.
liollillnu I'crmila.
C. F. Krlckson Till: t -seventh and
Kanras street, frame store and dwell
ing. Jl.boO; A. I. Hoot nio-l;'-14-l(i Howard
street, repair" to Ui.OOu; W. I!.
Iloman. ;;)'( Kou'h Ixteent Ii slieel. i e
palrs to duelling. .': W. It. Unman,
2M4 Chicago street, repair to dwelllna,
joe; W. It. Unman, I'd'i Dorcas street. i.
pal.t l tlwellrng, l-'M
omaha. fuidav. dkckmrkk s. i:ui.
,1 'v-.'OMO
tulies Hie par of Fiora I.. Oluberry, who
should have been picked long agn. ' Mis.'i
Clara Jones end Miss Charlotte Nollnmn
have Important roles und Ir. McMHlun
Junes opprars as J.' I'eppcr Jones,
Votes to Issue Just Enough to Pay
the Purchase Price.
!S Delay Is Occasioned lr the foil
Filed Aaklnw that the Issue
of Ibe Bonds He K.n
i Joined.
At a meeting of the. Omaha. Water
board Wednesday afternoon a resolution
was passed authorizing the issuing ;of
$0.303, ISy bonds for the purchase ot (lie
Water works.
"Other bonds," said Secretary Koenlg of
the Water boarit, "will be Issued as we
need theih. This lssuo will cover the
ucttal cost of tho plant to the city." '
The Hoard passed another resolution
specifying needs of Improvements In tlte
present service, notably the cotuiectlon
demanded at the School for the Deaf,
and called on the water company to pro
vide the service.
No delay In the procedure toward the
floating of the first Issue of bunds has
been occasioned by the suit against the
board asking that the Issue be enjoined.
Miss Jontz Issues
Call for. Odd Jobs
The last week ha brought so many
applicants for odd jobs to the office of
the Associated Charities that Miss Id
V. Jontz, secretary of the association, Is
ending out appeals for help to clttxenr
who hove work to be done, fine requests
all who have odd Jobs to telephone to the
charities and list them and workmen will
be provided In a very short lime.
llryan Will Lecture in Klngrstnn.
K I XtlhTON, Jamaica, leo. 7. William
J. llryan attended an agricultural fair
in the central part of the Island yesterday
as tho governor's guest. Air. jilt van has
arranged to deliver two publli: leclutca
In Kingston before proceeding ,ti( I'anania.
am a.
Began with Itching. Spread Fast.
Fingers Fairly Bled. Cried Night
and Day. Tried Cuticura Soap and
Ointment and Was Entirely Cured.
"Eight years ago I got eczema all over
B)y hands. My lingers fairly bled and it
twhed until It almotl drove me frantic.
The eruption began witj
Itching ur.der the .kin. II
spread fait from between
the fingers around the mils
and all over the srhcla
bundi. I got a pair of
rubber gloves la order to
wsth dune. Tben it
spread all over the left side
til m; (tot, A fine doctor
trested the trouble t0
k. but did lue nvgood.
I tried nlunt sod day.
Then I derided to try
Cuticura bop and Hint.
mnt. but without inurM
hope as I had gone so king. There, as a marked
change the second day, and so on until I J
enure, y cured. The Cuticura rioap e have
alwar kept In our borne, and we derided
after thtt lnuon tbst It is a cheap eosp in
Crlre and the very beet In quality. Vy hus
cud a ill use no other soap in his shaving mug.
'! have always used Cuticura Hotp and no
ether for my bsby, and he ties never had a
Bore of any kind. lie don nut even rliafe as
moat babies do. I feel tbst It is all owlr.g
to Cntirura fxiap for he 1 tine and healthy,
and hin five months old won a prue la a
bsbr conUit. It makes ray heart ache to go
Into so n ov homes and see a swell faced
jby with I fie whole top of Its head a solid
of e urf , caused by tbe us of poor soap.
I alwavt recommend f iitlrura, and nuie
Vmeaoul of len tu neit lime I seethe mother
hs uri 'Obi I srn so 1 you told me tt
utirurv'" fS'lgnrd) M-i. O. A. Eelby,
Juduodo Ueai U, Lai.. Jan. IS, lill.
Cuticura twisp aud Ointment are for sale
throughout tl.e wond, but to those wbo
l ie eiiffe'ed nnrh, lo-t hope and are wlih-
it ftith la any treatuient, a liberal sample
l earn together with .l.'-p. bo .k let on tin
rare and tn-sttnent of the skin and rc.p will
t mailed free. 01. application. Address i'ot
W iiug CiMU. CttV- S4A. UvmKt
If Hs Omaha Democrats Will Accept
Nomination for Governor.
lint the Lincoln Man lie Will
N (il Hake itn Aetlte (nniiialgn
Itrforo llnte of llrmo
ratio I'rlmiirlrs.
IlithHrd 1.. Metcalfe of l.liicoin will bei
i candidate for the demiatl' ni'iiiliva-l
tlon for guvrttior. Wo i In a
letter wrlttrn t-ntti .- to prominent Omaha,
deinoenitM in iiipunse l llirlr lOQUiat
that he br.-omp a cindidatc. Ills letter Is
a follows:
I.INCOl X. Xd . lec. 7 .--lion. John J
Sullivan Hon. '. . Miinmomcry ami
in her I 'e!noci'at t inn deei'lv sensible
of the honor von have done nie 1n llnu-
in iny nsltie with the oilice of .''-cl'llur
of Nebisskn Ihe ii'Rl t '
the Kift of ihe people of the state.!
The Modesty of Women
Naturally makes them shrink from the indelicate questions, the ob
noxious examinations, and unpleasant local treatments, which some
physicians consider essential in the treatment of diseases of women.
Vet, if help can be had, it is better to submit to this ordeal than let
i. - j: l J 'r"t- - Li. . t
inc disease grow aim sprcau. 1 11c irouoic is mar so ottcn tne worn- I x-:
an undergoes all the annoyance and shame for nothing. Thousands sr-A
of women who have been cured by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- V ps
tion write in appreciation of the cure which dispenses with the exam- ( T
inations and local treatments. There is no other medicine so sure
and safe for delicate women as1 " Favorite Prescription." It cures
debilitating drains, irregularity and female weakness. It always helps. It
almost always cures.
"Favorite Prescription is strictly non-alcoholic, nonsecrct,
t all its ingredients betn& printed on Its bottlcwrappcrt con
tains no deleterious or hahitTorminS dru&s, and every native
medicinal root entering Into Its composition has the full en
dorsement of those most eminent in the several schools of
medical practice.
Some of the numerous and strongest of professional endorsements of its ingredi
ents will be found in a pamphlet wrapped around the bottle, also in a booklet
mailed free on request, by Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y. These profes
sional endorsements should have far more weight than any amount of the ordi
nary lay, or non-professional testimonials.
The most intelligent women now-a-days insist on knowing what they take as
medicine instead of opening their mouths like a lot of young , birds and gulping
down whatever is offered thefm. ' "Favorite Prescription" is of KNOWN COM
POSITION. It makes weak women 6trong and sick women well.
Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser is 6cnt free on receipt of stamps to pay ex
pense of mailing only.: end to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., 31 one-cent
stamps for cloth-bound copy. 1
If sick consult the Doctor, free of charge, by letter. All such communica
tions are held sacredly confidential.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets invigorate and regulate stomach, liver and
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, eay to take as cahdv.
Sr Braiideis Stores K,r;.
A Bath Robe or House Gown for Christmas
Here are- garments that arc pretty ns they are practical. Every woman needs neg
ligee garments and delights in dainty, attractive ones. f
Fleece Lined Kimonos, fancy and
m I u II If 0
Trans-Pacific Service via Tsnconvsr, B.C.
The Shortest and
Smoothest Route
Japan aA China
Shortest by Six Days
and pulnts In
Ilawaii-Australia-New Zeland
Around the World Tours
hallin.?, Ilatts anil l.itrialjro ou ui.
Iiliiatlun tu
C!0 A. WALTON, Giacul Ata'
334 Koutn Clark Btrsst, CXIOAOO. ILL.
1'ianklv, there am many pe-nonal tea
sons why 1 prefer not to beome a can.
dl.late for this office, but 1 l.av per. I
inltte.l these considerations to be out-i
weldhr.l by the opinion advanced ly yon I
and concurred In by other den.oerats nton
whose JudKinent 1 rely thst my candi
dacy would bo of service to tho demo
cratic party and the stale.
Thanking you fur your kind words, I
accept the iMmmlsslmi you give me 1 I
hall submit inv natne to the democratic .
piimarlp to bo held April 1. 1K12 t!
shall not Inuke an active contest Oeforoj
n i'i ...ibi it., jih ii ( ii v ueiuui taiB in
this state feel that 1 can serve them c,ni
see fit to give mu the nomination, I will
do Iny best to lead ins party to victory
in the fall campaign.
If elected I will strive to dlschMige the
duties of the office with cohsclrni Ions
consideration for all sections and Inter
ests of the state and In such a wav as to
reflect credit upon our great common
wealth, contribute to our party's perma
nent success and leuve yon and all others
without res et that they thought of me
In connection with this high honor.
KlCllAlUl 1.. MKTCALyrC.
l-rinss liureli Hums.
1'KKIN, 111., Dec. tl.- The Uerman M. K.
church was completely gutted by fire to
:nht. Thu leu Is rrtlmated at Md.W.
special for
Free Land
Tho Tu'ontioth Century Farmer, to meet the demand
of its readers for land information, has gathered ami
compiled data on soils, climate and fanning condition
in all parts of the country. 3t is willing to give out this
information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry.
Do You Want to Know
About government land laws, location of land of
fices, etc.
How to get irrigation lands, location of projects,
laws governing eame, etc.
liost tactions for fruit growing, general farming,
stock raising or dairying.
Your questions will get prompt attention. State
plainly and specifically what you want to know. iWrite,
Land Information Bureau
The Twentieth Century Farmer
Omaha, Nebraska
The B
ee for
Oil Company Takes
Quarters in Omaha
to Conduct Business
The Franco-Wyoming Oil romps ny,
through Jeromo Mngee, Its tiniah man
ager, has leased from the Omaha Wool
and Storage conipilny part of tho spnoo In
111 wool warehouse on Ihe Chlcngo (Ireat
Western termlnalM for Its temporary oil
storage warehouse, pending tho erection
of a larger house.
"Tho company will begin shipping oil
eurly lit January," .nld Mr. Miij:ee. "At
first it will come In barrels, later In
tunks. Wo are Hii'iinglng to supply sev
eral On. ah. I lunnuf neturprs with fuel oil,
to be used for operating llirlr plants In
stead of coal, but we cannot give their
names until conlrnrls have been slanrd."
Tho key ti success In business Is tlio
.liii'.icloos and persistent tiso of newspaper
sV .
plain colors. 88c, $1.98 and $2.50
Crepe Kimonos, plain colors, 98c
Fleece Lined Kimonos, empire ef
fects, at $1.50 to $3.50
Fancy Crepe Kimonos, empire or
straight effects. .$1.75 to $3
Blanket Robes, in large, fancy de
signs $2.98 to $7.50
Eiderdown Robes, plain colors
satin trimmed $3.50 to $6.98
Children's and Misses' Flannel.
ette Kimono3. .98c and $1.50
Children's and Misses' Blanket
Kimonos... $2.50 and $3.50
Children's and Misses' Eider
down Kimonos, $3.50, $3.98
FsUK'jr Long Jap mitl I'rcpo Silk, lace
and ribbon effects, albatross aud fancy
challlea, kimonos anil robts, g3.f)8.
$5.00. S7.50. SIO up t $10.
Your choice of hundreds ot taffeta ttud
raessallne silk petticoats la every
possible shade desired CO AO P,
Frjday, at VVi7U rf
All the Ito
i' f