Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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' 7
J Root Frlnt It.
j tmh OiBirti Xocpital, Done. 858.
yptun CboeolrtM 30c. Myer-blllo.i.
! E,- Vltnr... larnii OriBlm
! llT,r Iiir. oui. riatii,, co. u:o33.
J lf Chnrch DiBBtr-T; 0.i.. of
the Flret Vrr h t,v-i i hurrli will hnM
their tui koy ,,,,. i. ,.,,,,. from
ll.cO to I p. m at u,o clnurl,. The haar
i or ChilstrriH!. n.vl,, ,vln hv lu,,(, H (Sv
, Bank Clerk Bett.r-Ksnie u. Ureen.
I the youiiK l.nnk , 1,-rk who sh..t himself
ecidentally Tuemlay nlshl while trvlnn
:to repair a revolver In the Tiiltrd States
rational hank hiillUiim. I repmted to
be recoxerluB at the Omaha General hF
plUI. Mis ronflKlon. however. Is etlll
1 eerlon.
nffr l Sentenced lltiun - Hanger,
convliteil of mnatiltltits Ms divorced wife
Tilth murderous Intent, was sentenced by
Jwriae Kntclle In the criminal division of
.the district court. The sentence for the
offense Is two to fifteen years in the en
lt Hilary. Hanr'H defense was that Ills
vile HttnrUed him when he wont to her
i 1 ome to nxk for the children.
Dillon Baa Harrow rcpe 1'ati ol
I (.'undiietur 1'etcr IMIUm narrowly escaped
, eerloiia injury Wednesday afternoon when
runaway team ran Into the police patrol
at Tenth and Howard streets. The team
! was KOlnK at a gallop w ith un express
,waKon. The shafts of the wagon pierced
. the side of the patrol and struck the
! cushion at the back of Officer Mllon.
Gould Will Build V. n. Gould has
bought a lot at Forty-eighth and Chl
' cago streets, Dundee, from Or. Whitman,
thrnuRh Tukey & Poll, and will build 8
1 residence on it.
Two Home Sold Mrs. A. I'. .Smith
jliae told two houses at Twentieth and
Willis avenue to Ben W olf, through
.Tukey & Sou and Hoblnson & Wolf.
Data for Qiao Club Concert The
'Omaha High School Glee club will give
Its first concert of the year under the
auspices of. the mid-term class of the
I high school at the First Christian church,
ion Twenty-sixth and Harney streets, on
! Friday evening, December '.9.
I Colored Man Seeha Relatives Sper
1 rial Peyton Brooks, an acted colored man
I is seeking Information as to the where
abouts of his mother and relatives, who
he last heard from In Foppleton. W. Va.
'He says that when a lad his mother gave
I him away to a neighbor to raise, and"
;then she moved away, lie says that he
(has fifteen brothers and sister and he
'would like to get in touch with some of
Trio Tined and Fired 1 'red Harri
et n. Mable Donovan and J. A. Arnold.
I the three shoplifters who were arrestee"
in Brandels store Tuesday afternoon.
Iwere "fined (25 and costs each In police
' court yesterday morning: by Judge Craw
jfoid. They were also warned not to stay
I In this city.
I Frank Larson Tells
' How Killed Brother
; TEKAMAH. Neb.. Dec. 7. Frank Lar
son, on trial in the district court here on
j the charge of niurdoring his brother, to
day fold the story of the killing, saying
the felt he bad done no wrong.
Without a sign of emotion he admitted
I lie had summond the brother to his home,
I accused him of misconduct with his wife,
:and demanded of him a written confess
.(lion,-e and tan agreement to leave the
icountry. The' brother. Charles Larson,
! refused to comply with these conditions,
land when he threatened to kill him,
iCharles 'dared Frank to fire the shot.
Angered by the refusal he shot him dead
I in the presence of his wife.
FREMONT. Neb., Dec. 7. (Special Tele
gram.) Gertrude Rlchter. Iti-year-old
daughter of-Caroline Rlchter, whose new
.born baby Is alleged to have been killed
by Louis Rogers, took the stand today
and denied that the baby was born in
Omaha. She declared that from her own
'knowledge she did not know the child's
Mrs. Rlchter. Rogers' co-defendant, tes
tified the child was born in Fremont
jAugust 6. but what became of It she did
not know. Judge Hollenbeck, at the open
ing of court today, ordered all minors
excluded from the room during the hear
ing of the Rogers case. Many women
we in the court room. They came early
t)nd while Mrs. Rlchter was testifying
eome stood up in order to catch every
'void. of the witness.
OFrom a Staff Correspondent.) .
LINCOLN, Neb., Dec. 7. Special.)
W. G. Stumm of this city filed today as
a candidate for the democratic nomina
tion for state railway commissioner. Mr.
jtitamm la the head of the local public
ifctrvlce league and has for several yeari
Ipajht been prominently identified with the
'German democratic work in Lancaster
jcounty. Stanim was foi; several years in
the employ -of the Pennsylvania railroad
and lias inado more or less of u study
vf railroad problems.
Injured Man Is llruil.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Dev. 7. (Spe
cial.) Frank Gardner, a lailroad employe
at North 1'latte, who wan severely In
jured about a week ago in that city and
brought to the ."t. Francis hospital in
this city, panted away last night. Gard
lier'a parents live near Ixlngton. lie
was employed on the car repairers' crew
at North Platte and while at work under
a car the train moved up.
For Beautiful nair
and Lovdy Sk n
( "I'arlslenne" in Woman's Journal.)
"Lons, abundant and glossy hulr Is
often the result of dry shampooing.
loap and water 'lake the life out' und
leave it brittle and colorless. 'r a
dry tthampoo mix four ounces of
thcrox with four ounces of corn ineul,
of with four ounces ot powdered or.
n root. Spi inkle a tablespooiiful on
the head and brush it out and the scalp
nd hair will be clean, wavy and
"To have a ilcar, velvety complexion,
li:aaee the lae, neck and arms dally
with a solution made by dissolving ai
oiiginal package of muyatoue in alglit
ounces of w il.-h-hazel. It makes the kin
lovely and soft.
"For chips, cold sr,ie plmpUri nd
kin diseases there is nothing better
than Mother's i-'alve. It heals cuts,
burns, sralda and acres Vnd Is a won
ilerful cure for coughs, colds and
jatarrh." Ada-.
Berka Says Councilmen Favor the
Proposed Changes.
Twelfth Mnril Is (w k far Konr
r rrccincl. ns tmr liters
.o llnte t tin llHint
Tnu .Miles.
Judge Louis lierk.-i. president of the
city council, says tha: coimcilmen
from the Twelfth. F.Ieventh. Seventh and
Sixth wards liave reported that thoir
cctistlluents ale In favor of a change In
(.lection precln:-t boundaries ami that
several new prcc'ncu v.lll be created.
"Four new prccln.'tx v.lll be provided
in the Twelfth ward,' ald .Mr. lleiiui,
"as Councilman Davis of tl at ward re
ports the consensus ot opinion to be in
favor of II. There arj now five precincts
In the ward, but man) voters are com
pelled to as far as two miles before
they can roach a pollhig place"
Couik lltnan Sheldon from the Sixth and
Councilman Schroed.r from the .SevcMh
ward also will i r oinniend the cri titlon
of new precincts an 1 the 'establishment
of a greater number of polling places.
Councilman Fu.'ikhou:Jcr of the F.Ieventh
ward, which now has but four precincts,
will ask for two more voting places to
be established before the next election.
White Ribboners
Plead for Ballot in
Suffrage Meeting
. Mrs. George W. Covell, vice president
of the Omaha Woman Suffrage society
and state organizer of the Nebraska
Woman's Christian Temperance union,
and Mrs. D. C. John, president of the
Douglas County Woman's Christian Tem
perance union, led one of the most spirited
woman suffrage meetings ever held in
Omaha at the Young Women's Christian
association building yesterday.
After a brief review of Sylvia Tank
hurst's book, "The Suffragette," Mrs.
Covell launched into a general suffrage
talk. She declared that the suffragettes
who stuck pins Into policemen and lashed
them with dog whips In the suffrage war
on I'arllament were martyrs to their
cause and pointed the finger of reproach
at American women who say they are
ashamed of their British sisters.
"You never hear men say that they are
ashamed of their sex, no matter what
they do," said Mrs. Covell. "I hate to
hear women say that men will lose their
chivalry toward women when women
have the vote. 1 would prefer to have
Justice 'and let men keep on their hats."
Mrs. John gave the stand of the Wom
an's Christian Temperance union on
woman suffrage.
, "With the Woman's Christian Temper
ance union woman suffrage is simply a
means to an end. Tiie end is the abolition
of the liquor traffic," said Mrs. John.
Millie Ryan's quartet sang "The March
of the Women." the British woman suf
frage song. The motion to ask financial
aid of business men who pledged the
guaranty fund for the Tankhurst lecture
in Omaha was voted down. Mrs. Covell
was appointed chairman of the member
ship committee and Mrs. Charles I. Voll
mer, chairman of the newly instituted
public health committee.
Patients at Beatrice
Institute Treated to
Prevent Typhoid
RKATRJCK. Neb., Dec. 7-(Scclal Tele
gram.) Three hundred Inmates of the
Feeble Minded Institute here were tonight
given a treatment of bactcrlne, the new
preventative for typhoid fever. The local
physicians tendered their services free In
administering thcTbacterlne. Dr. Thomas,
the superintendent, who Is recovering
from an attack of the disease, Is in such
a crippled condition that he is unable to
attend to his duties.
AUBURN, Neb., Dec. 7.-(.Special.)-Thc
district court convened here . yesterday
with John B. Raper of Pawnee City on
the bench. A Jury was immediately em
paneled and the trial of the case of Bold
against Randall commenced. It is esti
mated that It will take two weeks to get
through the Jury work, and a week on
.he equity work.
The cases set for trial are, atate
against dayrr, criminal assault; atate
Jgainst Lewis R. lJilloii, for assauit and
nattcry, an appeal from county court;
state against Grorgc Weldoti Shiveley,
wherein the defendant is charged with
selling sixty head of cattle mortgaged for
1,5C), without the consent of the mort
gagee, and converting the proceeds; state
against Alfred Holing, criminal assault.
In this case the defendant married ids
cousin under fourteen years of age, and
the charge grows out of thhi marriage.
There are seveial dialiuigc district ruses,
but probably only one will bo tried.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Deo. 7
tbpecial.) The preparations are complete
for the seventeenth annual meeting of the
Neblu?-Ia Htate. Association of County
Commissioners, Superviuoia and Clerks, to
be held In this city on December L
Among the prominent speakers will be
Governor Chester II. Aldrich on the
topic, "Honiu Rights of Our Ktate Which
Should be Preserved," and Ross L, Ham
mond of Fremont. Fulled States collec
tor of internal revenues, on "Our Gov
ernment." The banquet will con'ludt with
a banquet at Klks hall on Thursday even
ing, Decceinber H.
Geneva. .Man Injured.
GENLVA. Neb., Dec. 7. (Special. )-G.
Si. Sprague, an electrician of tills city,
was seriously hurt yesterday. He and
G. F. Sklnkle were driving to Hastings
in a new automobile und when Juki west
of Clay Center the machine turnid over
lighting on the wheels. Mr. Spiugue had
his shoulder blade and three ribs broken.
Mr. SUlnkle v. us unhurt.
Mr. Sprague was brought home last
night and if .iot Internally injured will
soon recover.
Miss Annie Leon. South Nineteenth
I ttrect, doubled up her fist, pointed a
thlrty-to- allbrc revolver at the lltt
finger of her lelt hand und pulled the
trigger at C o'clock last night, giving
police Smgeon Pepiers a cauterisation
experiment. Prior to the shooting the
young woman had taken the bullets from
the revolver all but one. It un
noticed until it pierced her luind.
' l
STANTON. Nel. Dec. T-'SpeclaM-l.ast
tii Kiit the rlt i:g-,ts na;n began to
lull n and Kerosene lamp ie discarded.
The city board has hired August Zander
to furnish power for the city with hi
threshing machine engine and It does the
ork In fine shape.
i v rv
The porters and kitchen employes of the
Commercial club will have a fat Chris
mas If contributions to the "Christmas
box" St the club keep up the way they
have, started. II. L. F.cderlckson started
the fund with Si and those who have
followed him so far hate put down their
names for u like amount.
The house committee forbids tipping
aud club members are usually quite wil
ling to drop a handsome sum In the box
In lieu of a year's tips.
John Robert Gregg, the originator of
the world-famous Gregg shorthand s s
ttm, Is In Omaha on his wav to New
York City. He visited the local high
school, Boyles college, the Omaha Com
mercial college and the Van Sant school.
F. A. Nash, general western agent '(
the Milwaukee, Is back from Chicago.
Useful Christmas Presents
Including Bags, Si. t
Caves. Trunks. A ut -n
.oldie Shawls. I.up
Robes, Horse B'a.,
Kets, Harness and
Saddles. We are spil
ing a lot of Fur
Robes at a big dis
count from
$13 to $20
Automobile sl.e.
Alfred Cornish & Co.
'il'i Tsrnsm Street.
rboua Doug. 8314.
To bo sluikon like a coriiot
lfr in tlit nsli
D..: . i.. ir
Dunning Hardware Co. S
1G12 Harnev St.
1 '
top yoir hunting!
You'll find the true Christmas Gift
at the -
Christmas Fair of the Churches
in the
Beautiful Court of The Bee Building
A perfect treasure-house of gifts with
something to delight everybody and all
for sale at the most reasonable prices.
The variety, the exquisite beauty and the fancy
conceptions give the Christmas Fair a great range
of articles from which to select a particular little
gift that will be treasured as a remembrance for
many years to come.
Here are water color novelties, fancy paintings,
aprons, hand-painted china, handkerchiefs, comforts,
fancy baskets, Mexican stamped pocketbooks, fancy
dusting caps, porcelain ware, handsome baskets,
dolls' outfits, home cooking, candies.
The Gift You Should Buy Is Here
The following churches will have charge December 8 and 9:
North Presbyterian,
.Mr-t. VaI. McKiitlntiii, 1M07 Wirt St., W. 1 172.
Clifton Hill Presbyterian,
.Mm. '. V. N ai li. M, .) .Military Ave., W. 317.
Casteliar Street Presbyterian, i St. Mcry:s Ave. Congregational,
.Mm. Win. JiuiioM, S. S'Uli hi., I. H. .Ml. Jolin Kiilin. .u. 1, Tbe I'oltor, II. K8!.
Under Auspices of The Omaha Dee
i -
Do Mutt and Jeff
interest you?
"SHI v
They are goin to do a
double strip of pictorial
stunts in pink section of
The Omaha Sunday Bee
To laugh? You can't help it.
Then in the four-page colored
comic section, those funny
funsters, the Katzenjammer
Kids, are going to make "fool
ishness mit der Captain." Up
roariously funny, indeed.
Two Big Features All !
To boost Christmas business, !
tell shoppers of your goods.
Women Will Read
Mid-Winter Fashions
By Lady Duff-Gordon,
greatest living creator of fashions
"My Secrets of Beauty"
by Mmc. Cavalieri,
the most famous living beauty.
Scores of Other Things
to amuse, interest and instruct every-
body who can read.
.! ;iT! 'I'll: '
The Omaha Sunday Bee
Increases Business j
It goes into more Omaha !
homes than all other Omaha j
Sunday papers combined. '
r i
Women read The Sunday !
Bee because its special fea- J
tures surpass all others; men ;
read it because its news is
clean and reliable; children :
. read it because they are de-
lighted with th e funny j
pictures and the fea- I
tures for the youngsters.
Your store message in The Sunday Bee
will mean enlarged sales next week