I rm; uek. omaha. kmday. dfxkmbku s. urn. Nebraska PLAN TO GREET DELEGATES lincoln Taft Club Holds Session to Make Arrangements. WILL BE GREAT GATHERING that Mffllm In Lincoln Hfwmhff 10 Will Draw Many Republicans to Ulr -Dale Set for State Fair. ' (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Dee. '.(Special.) Ilia "Lancaster County Republican club held a meeting tonluht at which the matter of selection of Taft delegates to attend the state mass convention here September 19 was taken up at length. Dans for the entertainment of the bin gathering Were discussed and It was decided to co-operate extensively -with the view of making the convention one of the largest political gatherings ever held In the state. He orts of the growth of the club since the initial meeting were read by Secretary Walter Dawson, which showed that ttie . increase had been more than MO per dent inc! the first gathering. rnmnnn Slay lie Playwright. Oliver P. Neumann, formerly a news paper man of this city, and the author of a story. "The Fortunes of the Sun,'" which appeared In late issues of the , Saturday Krenlng Post, may become a ' playwright, according to word which he ha, written to local friends. Mr. Neu ' inann la In New York at the present time , in regard to the matter and Is confident I that a big manager there will accept the , play .written-about the story. Dale for State Fair. Th Nebraska state fair for 1912 will be : keld September t to 6. Inclusive, accord ing to plans made by members of the state fair board, who attended a meeting !f stale fair and exposition managers at Chicago this week. C. H. Rudge returned i here with the news today. , At the Chi cago gathering a different classification of premiums and various alterations In transportation were taken up and con- ) aldered as advisable by these in attend- ance. 't To Judge Iotts Debate. Peaa Hastings and Trof. Conant of the College of Ijiw and Prof. Preslnge of the -American history department left, today for Iowa City, where they will Judge the llllnois-Iowa debate. Friday evening. The subject Is the shlpsld- question ,the same as that to be debated IS- Iowa and Ne biaska at Lincoln tomorrow evening. Corporations In Dad. Over 3j0 corproRttons, Including the ."Remington Typewriter company of New York and the Burroughs Adding Machine .! company of St. Louia lost their legal ; standing in Nebraska on December 1, according to the report Issued today by 'Secretary of tSate Walt, for failure to lay the occupation tax levied by the state. Over ICO of the corproatlons were chartered with home offices In Omaha and about forty were chartered In Lin coln. Han-gerty Born la Lincoln. John J. Haggerty, who was killed in tire Los Angeles Times explosion and for whose murder James B. McNamara was sentenced to Ufa Imprisonment, was born in this city In 1SS8. HIS father was track foreman for the Burlington. The family moved to oLs Angeles about twelve years go. NEWS FROMJJEBRASKA CITY Otoe Old "ettlers Association Elects Officers Woman Is Madly Horned. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Pec. 7.-At a meeting of the members of the Otoe County Old .Settlera' arsoclatlon the fol lowing officers were elected: President, Mrs. John C. Watson; vice president, Mrs. R. If. West, Mrs. O. C. Baker, Mrs. q. T. (iverton; treasurer, Mrs. R. E. Hawley; secretary, Mrs, C. M. Hubner; executive .' committee, R. E. Hawley, John Teten and Patrick Roddy., It was decided to jnake this association a part of the State . Historical society and a historian will be appointed. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hall were the oldest settlers present, they having come to this city In 1854 and mde it their I hums ever since. Mlsa Lucy Richardson, a colored woman residing on North Eighth street came near being cremated yesterday morning. She got up at 5 o'clock In the morning to tart a fir and her outing night gown caught fire. This set fire to her bed and everything waa ablase In a moment. She . threw the bed and bedding out of doors, but before accomplishing -this-was badly burned. The house was saved by the neighbors. ....... Ora Chandler, who was married to Wal ter Chandler at Ulciiwo'cd, la., June 20, IJuS, haa filed a suit in the dlvtrtct court asking for a divorce. She alleges failure to support and asks . to. be. given her maiden name, Ora Pel by. On au order from the sheriff at Sidney,' la., Frank Lyons was arrested here by the officers and held until this morning, when he was taken back to answer the charge of awaulting with Intent to kill Mm. Mead, who resides neanPerclval. Herman if. Meents and ' Miss Hilda Maria Eudberg were united In marriage this morning at the home of the bride's 1'arents, Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge Badberg, at Talmage. John True of Syracuse has filed suit In the district court against William Ii 1 .nd of Berlin, asking for 3.i"5 for In juries received because hW team became frightened at an automobile which was driven by the defendant, and ran away, wrecking bis vehicle and Injuring him. DSTld City Beildlnu Darns. DAVID CITY, Neb., Dec. 7.-(Spei lal.) The David City steam laundry and an adjoining taUor shop were burned to the ground yesterday. The blase started In the laundry, owned by Mr, Schoouover, who wes filling a gasollno Iron, when the gasoline, running over the sides of the tank, caught fire :mU before any thing could be dune the building was In flames. The tailor shop waa owned by Mr, Sochor. One of the unfortunate fea tures of the fire was that Mr. Schoon over had permitted some of his Insurance tu run out Tuesday noon. As it is, his loss will be about 12,5u0. Take Formaldehyde by Mistake. URAND ISLAND. Neb.. Dec. T.-( Spe cial.) James II. Foley, a long time resi dent In this city and well known through out this portion of the state. Is In s serious condition as the result of swal lowing a traeuoonful of formaldehyde niliitake. Ho went into the closet at hit home to take a ceilaln medicine an 1 grasped the wrong bottle. He at once noticed the mistake ami a physician waa summoned. The stomach was promptly drained, but Mr. Foley's condition Is still atiiou SON OF DICKENS TO SPEAK IN OMAHA NEXT WET" f mm ALFKKU Xbn.MiiU.V D1UKKNS. Rogers Takes Stand inHisOwuBeKalf KKKMONT, Neb., Dec. 7. (Special Tele gram.) Louis Rogers, defendant in the Rogers murder case, was on the stand this afternoon. In his testimony, which was, given In a careless, rather flippant manner, he admitted his relations to Mrs. Richtcr and denied all knowledge in re gard to the birth of the child except what he claimed she told him, which was, that the child was born In Omaha., He was cross-examined at considerable length in regard to conflicting statements made to County Attorney Cook and the sheriff soon after his arrest. He denied most of them and could not remember the others, though able minutely to detail everything his attorneys asked him. Drfl. Hatlam and Leake were called as experts, and In answer to hypothetical questions, stated that it was Impossible to determine whether the child was born alive, taut the latter. In answer to tlmllnr questions by the comity attorney, proved a good witness for the stste. Mrs. Rlchter was taken sick this noon and has been taken to the hospital. Her condition Is quite Berlous and may be such that she cannot be called by the state in rebuttal. FARMERS' INSTITUTE IN SESSION AT FAIRBURY FAIRBURY, Neb., Dec. 7.-(Speolal.)-The annual session of ' the Jefferson County Farmer' Institute opened in the Majestic theater Thursday at I p. ni. and will continue until Saturday. The program was furnished by the extennlon department of the state university at Lincoln. ,- The program for Thursday afternoon consisted of a talk by Prof. John Bower of Lincoln on the "Silo." W. C Ajulreas of Beatrice also made a talk on "Weed ing Out the I'nprofltable Cows" follow his lecture with a milk and cream testing demonstration. Friday V. W. Chase of Nebraska City will lecture on "Alfalfa in Eastern Ne braska" and Miss LouIpo -'abln of Bea trice will talk on "Helpful flints for the Busy Housekeeper." Saturday will be known a "Horse Day" and Dr. O. L. Carson of 'Norfolk, Neb., will bo the principal speaker. At 11 ai'm, Saturday he' wlft lecture o-n "Horses." At 1:30 p. m. there will be a horse Judging demonstration by Dr. Car son. At 2:30 p. m. will occur the cult show. Quite a number of valuable prizes have been offered by prominent Jefferson county horsemen and farmers for the best colts on exhibition. Quick Jostle at Ida Grove. IDA GROVE, la., Dec. 7.-(Special.)-James Callahan, wanted here for robbing J. P. Illtchings, a farmer for whom 'he worked last summer, was arrested on the streets of Ida. Urovc In the morning, was Indicted by the grand Jury In the after noon, when arraigned pleaded guilty, and waa sentenced to five years at Fort Madi son. At 7:30 the same evening Sheriff McLeod left with the prisoner for Fort Madison. Callahan worked for Hitching last cummer and while the latter was away from home took a suit of clothe., a sjlk dre. Mini other apparel valued at a total of S!)j. Welly Freed oil Trial. GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Dec. 7.(3pe. clal.t A Jury in the district court, havUig heard the evidence produced by the state against Howard Welty. on the charge o horse stealing, and after leaving been out from early yesterday tifternuon to 10 o'clock this morning, returned a verdict of not gtillly. Welty and one Stewart were alleged to have stolen a horse from the Wescolt livery barn, to have sold it and to have divided the proceeds 121. Welty alleges that he did not know the horse was stolen at the time he sold It and that he gave all the money to Stew art, li s partner at the time. A. O. I . W. I.odce Must Fay. IOWA CITY. la , Dec, .7. (Speclal.)--The sensational lawsuit of Ruth treasure, the unmarried daughter of the late Colo, nel J. C. Leasure, against the Ancient Order of I'nited Workmen of Iowa came to an end today when the plaintiff was given Judgment of 11.D00. The peculiar death of Colonel Leasure and attendant circumstances were grounds on which the fraternal organisation refused to jay his death claim. In addition the lodge ha-1 contended that the dead man owed them several hundred dollars of delinquent dues. tioldru .Weddluo; at Melbourne. MARSHALLTO..N. Ia.. Dec. T.jHnr. rial.) II:-. aj:d Mis. WUI.em Avu of Mel bo u its tcoay celebrated thdr golden wed ding anniversary. They wsre married In Rochester, X. Y.. December T, JM. They have eleven children, all of whom are living, and eighteen grandchildren- V ..... y . y : V" ':.J: ::-.f rtS- Nebraska Lincoln Cathedral to Be Dedicated Today (From' a Staff Con ? pnndent.) LN1COLN, Neb., Dec. f. (Special.) The dedication of the Cuthedml of tho Im maculate Conception will take place In this city tomorrow. The services will he In chsrge of Bishop Tlhen and the sciv- Ice will be followed by nonttfictnl lihsh mass, the celebration of which will re conducted by Bishop Keano of Dubuque, la. ltlfhop Hennesey of Wichita. Kun.. will assist. STOCKHOLDERS OF GRAND ISLAND ROAD IN COURT (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb.. Dec. 7. (Special.) Federal Judne T. C. Munger heard the preliminary hearing In the temporary Injunction against the L'nlon Pacific and St. Joseph Grand Island Railroad com pany, brought by the minor stockholders this morning, and the case was set for hearing at 11 a. n January ::i. I'pon that date the defendants are to show cause why nu Injunction should not be granted to pi-event the l'nlon Pacific from voting Its stock relative tb the Grand Island Improvements, from ex pending any more motley for Improve ments, and also to shew why n tem porary receiver should not be appointed for the Grand Island road. The defen dants were given until January 20 to fllo their showing, and the plaintiff until January ,T0 to file their counter-showing. Myron L. Learned cf Omaha represented the casd for the plaintiff, and Kelson Rich and N. II. I.oomls, both of Omaha, represented tho L'nlon Pacific, L. J. Eastln of St. Joseph 'representing the Grand Island road. Mr. Learned, attorney for Charles A. Frank and others who represent the minor stockholders of the Grand Island, allege that since the Grand Island road has been under the control of the Union Pacific the latter has only kept up that part of the road owned by the. former on which the "Union Taclflc run their trains. Also because a large sum which was formerly owed to the plaintiff road has been Bpent by the defendant road, and more, too, for their own benefit, and be cause the Union Pacific has not kept up the freight equipment of the Grand Island road. LINCOLN SENDS MANY TO ITS HIGH SCHOOL (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Dec. 7.-(Speclal.)-That the city of Lincoln has a learger per cent of Its achool population in Its high school than 'aTny other city in the United States Is the assertion of State Superintendent Delsell, who has been making extensive Investigations 'along this line. The percentage has been about 16 perc ent of all children enrolled In the public schools. The figures and facta are sent to Dr. .Wlnship of Boston, the editor of the American Journal of Education. In the letter, among other things, the fol lowing facts are set out: It Is said th-U of the &7).000 niipils In the public, schools of Nebraska only :!,0o0 are in the high schools. A campaign Is now on to promote attendance upon high .schools. It Is true we have 'SuO.OCO children be tween the sges of IV and 21 years In the state. Of this number there are 2H0.0U0 enrolled In the schools In the Mate. In our twelve grade schools alone there are 17.7S1 high school pupils. i)f this number 2.!0 are doing normal training work. Pu. plls are not enrolled In the normal train ing classes until they reach the eleventh gradr, and the work Is carried through the eleventh and twelfth grades. "There are JM twelve-grade schools In the state; 400 graded schools with ninth, tenth or eleventh grades, in which there are over .,000 high school pupils. This makes a total of nearly 10 per cent of the total enrollment. In all. the public schools. "There are more than S.flOO pupils of school age, who have completed me high school course, now In higher Institutions of learning, either of the vocational or nonvocat.onal type." NORRIS INTENDS TO STAY IN RACE FOR SENATOR (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb.. Dec. 7.-(Speclal.)- Accordlng to ' word which reached this city today, Congressman. George. W. Nor rla will not withdraw from the senatorial race but will stay 1n the fray and will oppose Senator Norrls Brown for the re publican nomination for that place. The word came In a letter from Con gressman Norrls to a local mi. the Fifth district representative, declarlg that stories which have denoted that he might get out, were. clreulatedentlrely. without his authority. OLD-TIME ENGINEER OF BURLNGTON IS DEAD (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Dec. 7. (SpedaJ.)-Mlehael Donnelly, one of the oldest locomotive engineers In the employ of (he Burling ton railroad, died at his home in this city today. He Is survived by a widow and four children George Donnelly of Denver, Thomas of Falrbury and Robert and Ethel of this city. . Fatal Flaht at Raymond. TITt.'NKA. la., Dec. ". (Special.) Henry Phillips, who waa Hilled near Ray mond, la., while in the kftchei), of his own home, supposedly by a sewing ma chine agent named Caeklll, the latter being under arrest for the crime, waa for thirty-five year a resident of this county and all these years here bore the best of reputations. He waa the father of eleven children. From what can be learned here at his old home Caaklll has admitted that he killed Phillips, but has a plea of self defense. High school Operetta at David City. DAVID CITY, Neb.. Dec. 7.-(Splal.)- The successful presentation c-f "Sylvia," an operetta by the high school chorus here, under the direction of Prof. Everett M. Hoeman during the first of last month has prompted the management of - the Butler county short course In agriculture and domestic science to ask for a repeti tion of the performance on nest Friday night. Iowa Woman to Wed. PR BATON, Ia Deo. 7. (Specials-Announcement haa been received at Mount pleasant friend of the brldo-to-be, of ih ramlng marriage oT Mirs Mary Gregg to Hev. rranklln Marshall Wilson on January I In Oracle hall, M'lttie, India. MIm Oregg la a graluata nf Mount I'laas ant Wrilevan college, class of lsW, and has bssn principal of the Daaeonese home and Training School for Oirls, a Methodist Institution In Muttra, for the last twelve years. Rev. and Mrs, Wtlson Will make their bore at Delhi, India, TO SUPERVISE CAR SERYICE Commission Takes Jurisdiction Over Another Feature of Traffic. MUST INTERCHANGE CARS Decision tomes In Connection with tomnlntnt of Coal Com peer Against Illinois lenti-nl Hallrond. WASHINGTON, De 7.-'i'hc interstate Commerce com-nlsxlon today declared Its assumption ,.f Jurlnillctlon over the prac tices of u ritllivtail, or railroads consti tuting n through route "affecting the right of tlie shipper to ssfo and speedy liauxportutioii of lit freight." The deciHlon was handed down by Com miesloner Lane In what wa known a the car shurtmte case, In which the Mis souri & Illinois Coal company complained of the embargo established last winter by the Illinois Cendal railroad against the movement of coal from mines on Its lines In Illinois to points In Missouri. The rsllioad's defense was that If It allowed Its cars to go to lines In MIs s til l, the cars would bo confiscated and tho Illinois Central would nut have suf ficient equipment to conduct Its local business. Iloldlnsv tars Is tlleusl. The commission holds "that the tern pciary conflscatlu,! y carriers nf the cars of other railroads ami the placing of embargoes agalunt curs being sent off of the lines of the owners arc alike un lawful and the railroads aie expected to make such rules for the return of cars as will terminate such abuses." Under this decision all of the car In terchange rul.-s of tho American Itsll-' road association byconio subject to the regulations of the commission, affording It Jurisdiction over the transportation as well as over the charges of all freight. The commission holds that an embargo may hfl Justifiable because of the phys ical Inability of the carrier to deal with traffic which overwhelms It, but an em bargo placed against connecting carriers because of their failure promptly to re turn cars Is not consonant with the serv ice which the carriers are required by law to give." Commissioner Lane's Opinion. In his opinion Commissioner Lane says: "Instead of an orderly show of enr Interchange carried out In good faith, we find In this case one rosd stealing the equipment of Its connection by way of reprisal against a similar thefl of which It Is the victim. Tha tesult is that the coal .company ' in Illinois, which had undertaken ' by contract to serve In dustries In Missouri, Is cut off from Its market by reason of the closing of the route which the law requires the Illi nois Central and the Missouri Pacific to maintain and keep open. "The coal mine Is entitled under the law to rely upon the carrier maintaining its route. The commerce of this country cannot be conducted under a system of railroad operation baaed upon such prac tices of warfare as reprisal and embargo. Such methods are not the expression of civilization, which leads to crder, system and certainty, but the loose and archaic methods of a disorganised Industrial sys tem. FLANNGAN IS FOUND.. NOT GUILTY OF ARSON HOT SPRINGS 8. D Dec, 7.-(Spsdal Telegram.) Gibbons B. Flannlgan was today found not guilty of arson. He was charged by the state with the destruction of the Snilthwlck lumber yard at Smith wick, S. D., on Juno 4 last. Kastmaii and Dudley of Hot Springs and M. F. Harrington of O'Neill, Neb., were Mr. Flannlgan'a attorneys. There waa prac tically ho evidence against the defendant and none of his witnesses were allowed to testify. The Judge Instructed the Jury to bring In a verdict of not guilty. otea from Yankton. S. U, YANKTON, S.- D., Dec 7.-(peclal.)-K. I). Gray, who operates the Lahoii fruit farm and Is uiiex-aldcrman of this city. It the latest victim of a corn busker and has lost his left Index finger in one of these dsjigcrous machines, the second In the last two weeks in this county. Charles Van Dyke, an old resident of this city. Is dead here at tho age of 65 years. He was found dead on a lounge by .tils wife, who had boeu absent on a short visit. The deceased had been In poor health for the last year. Judge Bartlett Tripp, ill with a paralytic stroke. Is reported as doing fairly well at present. HYMENEAL. in Oberar-Usliy. TORK. Neb., Dec. 7.-(8pevlal.) -Arthur J. Oberg of Polk and Miss Nellie P. Usby of Benedict were married yester day by County Judge Wray. The key to success In business Is tite judicious and peialstent use of newspape. advertising. Have You An Unhappy Stomach? It takes corlslia unvarying ingredi ent to digest fooil. After each meal a. lie-ulthy Htoiiiat'li (.ours out these in ttreilieiils from its Until food le jiromptly ami thor ough 1 y dlgeelml. The unhappy stom ach lacks some or a.11 of these events 4 iiaVoiir. lies as a a. doughy iun.-p In your stomach. Jf ' j-mi con hi supply these lacking Ul KHMtlVPs wouldn't iu do it? ou can do It! Bprute ivpslu Tablets cun ti.. -...,,.i.. .... '"''Vnw natural elements A V" ne ieasarv to dlemi. asti' Hon. One taniel will digest an aver age n.eal. ftlrtiiig Unu'i help. "Health- food" won t diaesL itself, what la the difference to you if the elements that digest your food come ty way of your mouth or from' the glands of the digp tlve tract. How much better to lit Spruce-Pepsin Tablets turn your food Into, power and force for I. rains, nerves and muscles than to go on withholding from the stomach , the digestives it lacks with ronseuTlent sour stomach, constipation and headaches. We will send you a free box because fipruce-r'epsln Tablets have had Die severest chemical teMs. We have proved that they will do what we aay. If we hadn't we woald try and aril you a ho first. We are glad to let you try them before buying hend toriuv to Spruce Tablet Co., Heron lake, Minn. Hv mak ing a free tetit you are sure of being right. Regular sizes can he Kottoti at the fol lowing stores in Oiiiahs: Sherman jgoOonnell Ding Co, leth and Dodge ta., Owl Drng Co., leth aud Harney St., Harrard Pharmacy, ittto. and Far aam ih loyai rharwacy, B07- erth tU StreeW . . . . .j, Grand Champion Steer Brings Ninety Cents the Pound CHICAGO, Dec. 7 Victor, the cham pion steer of the International I. He Stock exposition loaiitd be the Iowa Agricul tural college, came rl.w to a new record for cattle in the auction ring today when ho was sold to n department store for W cents u pound. Only once ha this price heen piivsnl. The first car of the exposition n rutMlim-gh packing lious. ' hi 11. .'1 a pound for Ailxsncc, the prlrn winner of Unit year. The Intel national Live Stoik exposition held In t'hictiKo this ck Is .tin largest collection of fine stock that has ever been ussi milled nt one place on either continent. J'hc Hon. .1. ,1. '"i ilUui, who came all the way from ln .1 to nwurd the prizes on K'ade and ci n.. hi t d rattle and to declare which of the first prise winners ahull be champions. Is enthusi astic In l is praises nf what Is being ac complished by American breeders and feeders. Tho slate universities and agrt cultmal colleges of the country are tak ing an uctlve part In the competition and have can-led off the leading prises In the fnt steer classes. The grand champion ship steer, all breeds and all ages com peting, was won by tho Iowa Agricultural collcgo on Victor. Prince of View IVlnt, one year younger, exhibited by the Uni versity of Nebraska, was made champion of the Angus breed, later winning the re serve grand championship of the show, Victor was purchased by lYof. Kennedy of the Iowa college after the steer had won a championship at tho American ltoyal Slock show one year ago. The Nebraska entry was purchased when a few weeks old by Prof. Smith, who hail a few years previous made his sli-e a champion at the Nebraska slate fair. Prince was reared as a calf on milk. Hhailng the cow with Bobble Burns, the least year's Galloway champion and first In ciiiKs attain this year. A mixed grain ration, alfalfa and corn allege was also supplied. Bluebeard, a Nebraska entry born and reared on the university farm, was again first priso winner In the grade class, and later made reserve yearling cl amnion, all breeds competing. Max and Donald of the Nebraska exhibit were also leading winners, the former first as a grade Shorthorn yearling and the latter' second as a OHlloway calf. Eleven of the twelve shown were wlnncis of cash prise amounting to Jf.'lfi, not Including carcass awards, which come later. The younger animals, accompanied by Herdsman Shumate, will be returned to Lincoln Monday. Prince, upon his re turn will have the distinction of being the best steer In America as the grand champion Is 2 years old and has to he slaughtered before the close of tho ex hloitlon. If your children are subject to attack of croup, watch for the first symptom, hoarseness. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse and the attack may be warded off. For sale by all druggists. Asthma Catarrh whooping cour.u dtniiP BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS . . teTaeiisMto isre . . a tlmplt, Mia - rtrcil ttutasst fef bran chill trouble!, wltksul oif Ibi isnscb eltk arup. Vm4 with ivicctn far iklrty ytsn. 1 sir reoa-eras trastlf sstlMstlc, lMlne wilb svary breath, makat Drasibiiii aaT, aeotaa tha lore ibieal, and ttepa tba coagh.aaesrlaf ru fol slghti. CrtMless U iartiuabl U noiaara with young cbUafaa sal a le auAsrars fisai Aithir.a. Sea 4 oj eotttl fr JeicrlMlta baeklat. ALL DRUGGISTS. Try Crttolaas AntU arpti Throat Tablets forth Irritated tbroat. Tkey are el eiplo. effect lea aoa aatlMptlc. Of your rfrulet or freia ua, loc la (tampa. Vipo Creioltoe Co. 2 Certlaf'! St., N. V. 5& nd Central American pointa via New Orleans; as well aa reservations, ticket and descriptive iiterature'. can be obtained of your home ticket agent, or by addressing -( S. North, Dist. Pass. Agt., Illinois Central R. R., 409 So. Sixteenth Street, Omaha, Neb. Eradicates SKRARKS af a Jif now taitt ""t 11 nn Ir I An T"i iutt r y rinKies Sig 1 k J THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH THE ONLY CREAM IN THE WORLD WITH A COLD MEDAL Sold at 60e, 75c, $1.00 ALL DEALERS Hav Your Ticket Read "Burlington' California , i Whether you 'travel via Denver, Kansas City or through the North-Wont, I'miington tiekcls are avail able for any of the reeoruized routoft-to or from the Toast. Note the broad choice of. Const routes in eon- '. t nection with the Burlington's . high grade service through the West.' ' Via Denver VlS f OOIMO to Seattle or Portland la direct northwest line, or Tla Denver sad BlUiBfe, thence Sheet C.-f ff0 P, I Bonte to California. , tJCalUC Ot, ' BXTVBBTVO throurh Salt rake and Seenlo Oolo- FArllaflrl "oo, or Tin a vi aanuis Kansas Olty, Via Kansas City faoiwo via Kansas City, thsnoe southern rontea te Electric Lighted Trains With Denver and the North-West at ipilii mm t a. (llilf DON'T PULL OUT THE GRAY Hfi E Cures Dandruff, Stops Falling Hair and Makeslt Grow. "Pull out one fray hair and a doien will take Ita place" Is an told saying, which le, to a arsat extent, .true. If no tepi are taken to stop the cause. When gray hairs appear It Is a sign that Na ture need assistance. It le ' Nature's call for help. Gray hair, dull, lifeless hair, or hair that la fallng'odt. Is not necessarly a sign of, advancing agefov there are thousands of elderly people with perfeot heads of hair wifhout a sin gle streak of gray. When grey hairs come, or whsn the hair aeeroa to be lifeless or dead, some good, reliable, self-restoring treatment should be resorted to at once. Special ist aay that on of the bast" prepara tions as use I th old-fashioned "sage- 1 The fast, solid, electric-lighted, through train of the Illinois Central. from Chicago and St. Louis to Jacksonville, FLORIDA Through ebMrvtl0n-cmptrtmnt and fourtMn-sectlon drawln-room sleeping can, lrt racllnlng chair car(tl eonttructlon) and coach (all tourist tlstplng car on 1st and 3d Tunday of tha month) betweta Chicago and Jachaonvlll. Twalva Mctlon drawing -teom ststplng car and Irea chair car St.Loul ta Jack aanvlll. All naals ia dining car. Connection at Columbua with through aletping- car for Savannah, Ca.; also at Jacksonville (or alt pointa in Florida, and with train making Steamship Connections for Havana, Cuba Information about Winter Tourist farea and homeaeekera' fires to Florida on fir&T and third Tuesday of the month; also information a to tourist ticket and Illinoia Central service to NewOrlranu ViYtn.hnri i National UMitinPsrU r.. Beautifies The Skin PINK BUIST MK 1 MM - 'l RSSBD 593B9SE3&G i i OOXHO via Dearer u Santa re Bonte; personally eonduotea through tourist . sleeper esourslons to loi Arlea from Omaha every Tuesday via this rente. BBTUBaiira Banta re Bonte. or via Salt Lake, or Shasta Bonte and Furat Soand. OOIBO via Seenlo Colorado and Salt Lake. BBTVBWlaTO southern roate, or Tla Shasta Bonte ad Puret Sound. ivumiii rontea ana Denver or VHIIIUIB1B. BBTVBWXBO via Salt Lake, Soenle Colorado, or via Shasta Bonte, Portland, pnret Sound and Bluings. All; Classes of Equipment foi 4:10 P. M. and 11:35 F. M. THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPERS EVERY TUESDAY TO LOS ANGELES VIA DEN VER AND SANTA FE ROUTE. , - . V: J. B. REYNOLDS, 0. P. A. ' ,'1502 Farnara Street, Omaha, Nebraska. REMEDY TO ES COLOR tea" which our grandparent used, Th best preparation or tnt Kina i t yei 6ag and iulphur Hair Remedy, a prep aration of domestic , sage and ulphur, scientifically compounded and later dis covered hair tonic and stimulants, tha whol mixture being carefully, balanced and tested by expert. Wyeth' Sage and Sulphur I clean and wholesome and perfectly harmless. It refreshes dry, -parched , hair, . remove dandrurf and gradually restore faded or gray hair to It natural color. Don't delay another minute. Start' using Wyeth' Bag nd Sulphur at one and 'what a difference a, few day' treatment will make m your hair. Thl preparation Is offered to th pub-.-llo at fifty cent a bottle, and I reeom- , mended and old by all druggUU. Sher man McConnell Drug Co., C6r. Utlt and . Dodge. Cor. 16th and Harney, Cor. 24th and rrnam,' JW-t V. U'h St., Loyal Hotel.. HUhoU Central Dally LvChlrago .... R:15pm liVHt. Ivoul ..11:20 put Ar IUmiingliant . 3:30 tnu Central of Georgia ArCoInmbu ... 9:00 pm Ar Savannah ... 7:30ni Ar Albany 1:00 am Atlantic Coast Line Ar Jacksonville. 7:00 am i 9