ilium M m 1MML.... , 'X, t 1 i i -n-iir-r i i inning as" --tt it.i hi un "V mmm, , ,, ,.,,.,, n.w,,, m.,.,,,.,.,,,,. nil ItKK: OMAHA. TIiritSDAY. lK(T.MHKIi 7. I'.Ml BRIEF CITY NEWS Hare Soot Frtnt Xt. Omaha Oeneral Hospital, Don. 655, Egyptian Caocolrtea 30c Myers-Dillon. Dm, Xiao, Itstnres, Burzaas-Qrasaea. Bller Plating, Om. Mating Co, D.!i3S. Chop Suejr Proprietor rinad Pain Joe. ptoprifior of the Unique chop suav house and restaurant at Fourteenth and , touglas streets which was raided 'by the police Saturday night was fined 2S and costa in police court. Al I1ion, Hie head waiter, who waa also arrested I In tho raid, wan discharged. Sickens to Addreaa Teachers AK red Tennyson llokens. son of the faaioue English novelist, will ruldrrss the school teachers of Omaha Monday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock at the Young Women's Christian association auditorium. It was planned to have him speak to the teach ers at the city hall, but the arrange ments' committee has decided on the change. ue for Damage by Water Thomp on, Belden & Co., have started suit against the Omaha Water company and the city of Omaha for $6,Mu damages In district court, alleging that by negligence of the defendants a fire dytlrant at Six teenth and Howard streets burst and flooded the company's basement, dolus ! great damage to stored goods. The flood occurred March 25, 1810. i Saloon Ken Porfelt Bonds Bonds of ,$100 each were forfeited by William Mll I ler and A. Wank, proprietors of a saloon at Thirteenth and Harnojr streets for I non-appearanceb In police court. The , two men were arrested Sunday night for the alleged Hale of liquor on Sunday. ) Blank and Miller were released on J100 ' bonds to appear In court. Four Inmates , who were arrested at the time of the raid were fined $5 and costs each. After Care Builders The police and probation officers are again after a , bunch of boys who are constructing a cave at Twenty-first and Ppencer afreets. This time. If they are caught, they will be Jailed, or sent to the In 'dustrial school. Woods Oats a Release J. A. Woods, S222 North Eighteenth street, arrested and charred with reckless driving, was dis charged In police court yesterday. Mr. Woods wan charged with having run ' dowrt Arthur and Henry Payton at Tenth and Harney streets Sunday afternoon, while they were going home from Sunday school. Mr. Woods admitted in court that he ran into the boys, but that It was purely accidental and not on account of reckless driving. CHURCH WOMENMAKE MONEY Cfd-istmas Fair Being Held in The Bee Rotunda a Great Success. FOUR NEW CHURCHES SELLING r Rotanda of 1 he Bee la Filed nlta I'rettr Thlnaa to Delight the Feminine Heart on Sale by the Churches. Woodrow Wilson Asked for Pension, But-He Didn't Get It - BALTIMORE, Dec. 6. Governor Wood row Wilson, in a algned statement Issued here tonight regarding a etory printed today that he had' applied to the Carnegie foundation for a pension, admitted that he had made such application before his election aa governor of New Jersey. The governor justified his action on the grounds of long service as a teacher; that he had no private means to depend upon, and that "a man who goes Into politics, bound by the principles of honor puts his family and all who may be de pendent upon him for support at the mercy of any Incalculable turn of the wheel of fortune." J Ib . said, .ha.- pould-' not understand, why the matter should come up now, as the foundation had not granted the allowance. Suit for Disposition of the Wood Estate Involved financial affairs of Mrs. iJaiVy B. Wood, widow of the late Ben 13. Wood, are made one of the chief grounds of a suit for deposition of the Brn B. Wood estate and the distribution of the property among Mr. and Mrs. Wood's children, started in district court ty Mrs. Wood and the children yester day. Frank T. Hamilton, trustee of the estate, is the defendant Mr. Woods will provided that his estate remain Intact during the life of his widow, she to re ceive the entire Income. Upon her death It was to be distributed among the children, I-.eB.oy and Robert Wood, Hen B. Wood,. Jr., and Mrs. May Wood Cranmer. The petition asserts that Mrs. Wood's financial affairs have become so Involved tliut creditors are about to force her to surrender her entire life estate and that phe has assigned her entire Income to lier children in consideration of their agreement to pay all her debts up to the amount of 115,000. In view of this situation, say the petitioners, there no lunger exists any reason why the affairs of the estate should not be wound up and the property distributed. Negro Lynched for Attacking a Girl VALLIANT. Okl.. Iec. 6. A mob forced an entrance to the jail here today, se cured a negro, who refused to give his name, and hanged him to a tree at the fair grounds near the town. The negro was arrested on the charge of attacking the U-year-oId daughter of Leo Saunders of this place. The mob dispersed, leaving the body of tho negro swaying in the winds r U. S.GRANT POST PUTS NEW OFFICERS IN PLACE V. S. Grant Post No. 110, at Its annual 1 election In Uariglit hall lost night Installed the following officers for the ensuing year: I'ost commander, W. II. Russell; senior vice commander,' Jo seph Malllson; junior vice commander, W. C. Templeton; chaplain, N. K. Van IluKen; quartermaster, 13. A. Fannalee; officer of the' day, Li. D. Hulett; officer of the guard, Joseph Doherty; surgeon, 1-'. B. Bount. Kdwaid Updike and W. O. Templeton were made delegates to the annual state encampment to be held at Beatrice in May, with Joseph I'ohtriy and L. Jj. Hulett as alternates. BRESSLER'S VISIT HERE PROVES A COSTLY ONE Isaac Bressler, enroute from Kearney to Corpus Christ I, Te.. stopped In Omaha last night long enough to get robbed of JK and a draft for 1175. Bressler was walkllig between Tenth and Eleventh on ) eruam streets about 7:20 o'clock when a negro ran up and struck him In the mouth, daslng him sufficiently to gel the money and make his escape. Brass ier told the police of the us.ault and rob bery, V I'ernlstent Advertising It the Road to Big Returns. r--- There was a grand shllt yesterday In the big Christmas fair being held In the rotunda of The Bee Jjulldlng. The churches which displayed their wares Monday and Tuesday vanished and four different churches took possession of the lung tables. In the square around the gold fish pond the women of the First Christian church re selling all sorts of dainty and delectable sewed and cooked concoctions. Mrs. J. W. Gill and Mrs. C. K. Smith, famous as candy makers, are dispensing nut creams, peanut paste, stuffed figs and dates, divinity and an array of other sweets. Mrs. J. H. Montgomery, Mrs. N. Burns, Mrs. Robert Reed, Mrs. M. J. Wil bur, Mrs. N. Johnson and Mrs. Marsh Parker are saleswomen at the bakery .section, where they have brown and white bread, and all kinds of pies. Mr. T. W. Rock, chairman of the bazar; Mis. J. II. Chapman and Mrs. C. M. Syfert are showing a large assortment of aprons ranging from the most practical large calico and gingham kitchen aprons and black sateen office aprons to the most frivolous and . flirtatious little round, heart-shaped and diamond-shaped affairs covered with lace, ribbons and hand-embroidery. Miss Hasel LWarnetta has a large display of her own handiwork In hand-painted china. llaby Uootla lHsplajed. The women ot Uie Cherry Hill Congre gational chureh, with Mrs. G. 8. Bruw ster aa chief saleswoman, have a big showing of baby goods. Bibs, bootees, rompers, Buster Brown suits, little girls' dresses, both plain and elaborated with hand embroidery, are to be had here. Dolls and doll fixings are also in this section, where are Mrs. A. C. Blngel, K. D. Kettels, Mrs. F. S. Carmlchael and Mrs. Edward West. Plain aprons and fluffy tea and kenslngton aprons embroidered In pink, blue and white flowers are sold by Mrs. Herbert Cox, Mrs. V. Harrow, Mrs. A. J. Latey and Mrs. M. Thompson. JelHes and cakes are In charge of Mrs. John Syme and Mrs. A. F. Falkner, Mrs. May Burchard displays china. Broom bags, button bags, laundry bags, darning bags, kensington bags, shoe bags, In short, every kind of bags, made in flowered chintz and denim, are being, sold by the women of the Farkvale Congrega tional church under the leadership ot Mrs. George Emery at the east side of the lies lobby. Assisting her are Mrs. O. W. Far ley, Mrs. H. N. Adamson, Mrs. E. C. Wilbur, Mrs. Charles A. Burdlrk. Mrs. Si. Lb Jenkins and Mrs. M. L. Horner. i Attractive and substantial croclwrted articles baby shoes, jackets, bags and hug-me-tlghts are arrayed In sightly pro fusion at the southeast corner of the ro tunda at the tables of the German Evan gelical church. Aprons, candles and knick-knacks of all kinds are also shown here by Mrs. George Marks, Mrs. J Schlelp, Mrs. H. Swartz, Mrs. S. J. Va gell and Mrs. F. Ostertag. In the neighborhood of $300 was cleared by the women of the four churches which had their goods on sale Monday and Tuesday the Westminster Presbyterian, United Brethren, Hanscom Park Metho dist Episcopal and Grace United Evan gelical. BRAG00 FALLS AND DIES ON WAY TO THE HOSPITAL Complaining that he had a terrible headache, Charles Bragoo, aged 41 years, entered tha Stllllngs cigar store at 318 South Tenth street, shortly after 12 o'clock, and after making a few nemarks to one of the clerks, fell headlong" to the floor. He was picked up and taken to St. Joseph's hospital, hut he died while on the way. Policesurgeons say that death resulted from a cerebral hem orragc. i It is not known where the dead man lives or whether he has any relatives. He Ing company for the last year, but little can be learned of him there. The police are seeking Information about him. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS rr. C. 8. Bhcpard, who recently under went an operation for a tumor on his neck, is rapidly recovering ana Is able to be out. i Lvle Griffin, agent of the Star Union line: Ed. Merchant, traveling passenger agent of the Central Pacific and F. A. Archer, traveling ireigni agent or the Northern Pacific are among the Kansas City railroad men who are spending tlffe day In the city. New Commandant of the High School Cadets Popular Captain Arthur P. Cowan of Fort tmisha, the newly appointed rptrniandant of the Omaha High Sihcol cadets, is well versed In tv'lltary affairs, especially In mili tary training, and It Ij expected ) e will turn out a successful regi ment of cadets this school yeni. lie Is at present the omnia:. ditnt of the training school of the signal corps t Fort Omnha and Is meet ing with much s.;'-ceps in work, both as a disciplinarian and as an Inttruator. Captain Cowsn graduated from Wnt Point In l!ft, and went from there to Cuba ns a second lieu tenant In the Fifteenth Infantry In the mmo year. Ho remained there tor on year and then returned to the United States and served as second lieutenant In tho same regi ment the next six months. He was transferred to China late in l'.M. He was appointed to u first lieu, tenancy in the Fourteenth infantry In February, 1901, and then trans ferred to the Philippines. In March. IIHi", lie whs raised to the rank of captain and assigned 1o the Twen tieth Infantry nt Fort Leavenworth Washington. 1. C, where he rental the War department summoned lilm He succeeds Lieutenant William N corps, who haves for his new pot I holidays. CAPTAIN ARTHUR C. COWAN. Kan. Two years later lie was sent to tied until August 1 of this year, when to Fort Omaha. Haskell, also of the Foil Omaha slannl n the Phllfpplncs u,fter the Christmas TAFT CLUB MEETS SATURDAY, Will of Miss Curtis is T'1 J rt i Tii rr Organization to Be Perfected at J- 1IUU 111 UUUU011 BlUIIS Meeting at the Rome. BiSfilBUXaflSBSSH ,1111111111 Boys' Clothes Make Good Christmas Presents Kven It your boy can't have the best of everything for his Xmiw he) fa bT beet of clothes. Wearing the beat of clothes as a boy will help m lot to m&k him the best kind of a man. Your boy Is entitled to and ought to have the up lifting Influence of the best clothes, especially when they cost you less money than the "go-to-plecea-quick" kind. Come here tomorrow bring the boy along boys know a lot about right dressing. You'll teach them a lot more by having thera help select their owu clothes. We want the boys to see the style ami snap thHt go Into our suits and overcoats the new colors the smart tailoring. Let him feel and learn to judge pure woolens let him see that he's not only getting the best clothes made but that you his father or mother are saving $2 to (4 on his suit or overcoat by buying her and now. Suits and Overcoats S1.95-S2.95-S3.95-S4.95 Upwards Omaha's Largest and Dost Equipped Clothing Store DELEGATES FOR STATE MEET Alen to Represent the Local Ilepali Henna at (he Mass Convention at Llneoln Will Re Re leetecf a That Time. The Taft Republican club will meet Saturday evening; at 8 o'clock In the ban quet room of the Rome hotel to perfect the organisation. At this meeting of ficers will be elected and 100 deletrates selected to attend the mass convention to be held at Lincoln on December 19. All republicans who have signed as members of the club and other republi cans who wish to Join are Invited to at tend the meeting. Addresses will be made by John I-ee Webster, William F. Gurly, A. W. Jef- feris nnd others. Members who have signed today the lift for a call for the meeting are: -Anderson, Hans. Koslol, T. W. Uorghoff, John. Jjimp. Carl U. Huleron, John O. ' Ieslie, l,elgh. Chae. Clement. Italia. T. it Clark, Smith. Iiomla. M. tr Cott, Charles R. Mathlesnn. John. Cott, M. J. Moore, W. W. Cott, George. Norbery. John. Dull, Augustus. Olson, J. A. Doll, C. l' Orchard, 8. A. Duke, Jr., R. B. Palm, C. F. Forsyth, Jas. Porter, R. B. Foster, Charles E. Pchopp, J. W. Oantz. J. H. Shakelfnrd, Harry Vf Oarrotte, Alfio., , Kiduer, Fred. Godfrey, H. F. Sugarman, Martin. Griffin, W. D. Taylor. D. a , Harris, Ixuls. Wnajre, Paul. Helmer. O. H. Warren, W. J. Keller. William S. Wood, Dr. O. S. Klnsler, A, V. Yost, A. N. Klnsler, J. C. A copy of the will of Miss Clara R. Curtis, who died at llerkeley. Cel., re cently, was probated In the district court at Council Bluffs yesterday. The will disposes of property, tho bulk of which goes to a brother, Samuel S. Curtis of Omaha, to be held In trust during lils life for tho use of his two daughters, Kate and Carlta Curtis. The property consists largely of real estate, part of which Is located In Pottawattamie county Iowa. Mr. Curtis Is also made executor of the will without bond. Miss Curtis, who had never married, left J1.000 to her sister, Julia C. Halrd, of Berkeley, to be used In promoting her work In the field ot Christian Science and to help the Berkeley society. In addition to this she gives-$s.ono to Mrs. Rulrd for her own use. To her two Omaha nieces, ,juv.-.k:jj LOCAL IRON WORKERS TAKE . DOWN M'NAMARA'S PICTURE A lengthy session of local union No. 21 of the International Union of Bridge and Structural Iron workers was held Tuesday evening at Labor temple, but no action woh taken with reference to the pleas of Kullty of tho McNamara brothers. though the room In which the meeting was hold was crowded for the closed ses sion which lasted nearly three hours. Secretary Painter stated that some action night be taken later. An action of Mr. Painter shows what he at least thinks of the two brothers. A framed photograph of J. McNamara, which has been hanging on the "wall Is now laying face downward on Mr. Paint er's desk. tSf"77ie Mints and You! Everything you like in Candy I Sweet, but just a dash of mint. Creamy, with an exqui site flavor that lasts and lineers. The Mints ForMe is the latest wrinkle In canrty. Don't miss it. Delicious, temptinR. Spurs digestion, too. 10 cents a box. Never sold in bulk 3T WW ff (t I 1 'l a . I warn. V V. FARLEY CANDY COMPANY- CHICAGO Ask Your Doctor Stop coughing! Coughing rasps and tears. Stop it I Coughing prepares the throat and lungs for more trouble. Stop itl There is nothing so bad for a cough as coughing. Stop it ! Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is a medicine for coughs and colds, a regular doctor's medf Cine. Use itl Ask your doctor if this is not good advice, f .' sau -TOP I.tti Lr a U 1 f, i U The Christmas shopping rush will soon be on arid then travel on the street cars will be attended with more or less crowd ing and discomfort, in spite of all the provisions we can make. We therefore earnestly urge the public to Shop Early. Stocks of merchandise in the stores are now at their best and sales-people can wait on you more satisfactorily now than they can later, Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Go. Comes the delicate flour. There's only a little. And around it lies gluten that's hard and tough bothersome in baking. To pick this cream of the flour from the ordinary, we sift it ten times Ten times through fine silk. And only the daintiest particles, sifting through, go- out as Gold Medal Flour. The rest we deem unfit. Do you want all of the flour, or just the best of the flour? Will you have milk and cream, or just the cream, when both cost an equal price ? There can't be any question. ' Then in ordering, Madam, don't merely say 4flour.' That means any flour. Say the flour you want say (135) a IB Washburn-Crosby's WA5HBURNCR0JBtC0-J V10 Mrnii FLCU TiD ez Bread the People Like Top urcUCl ... 5c at all grocers fl- v. .... .7 " , "read ui. peapl. Ilka J"- th. lra that bak. thj, braid u".' PfP' '' U th. bakar that am! ploya tha bakers that bak. th. breaJt tV. peup . Ilka Th. of On.tht "Jr. th. .-w.s -av .ay A V if UfVlsVa. v. itxajc BArara coxrAirr SIMPLE MIXTURE BoED IN OMAHA Many In Omaha are now using th. simple buckthorn bark and glycerlu. mixture known as Adler-1-ka. tha new German Appendicitis remedy. A blN UL1S IX)tiLJ relieves constipation, sour stomach or gas on the stomach almost INSTANTLY. This simple mixture antlseptlclzea the digestive orgaua and draws off the impurities and people ar. surprised how QUICKLY it helpa , The Sherman & McConnell Prug Co,, Cor. 16 th and Dodge. Cor. 16Ui and Har ney. Cor. 21th and Farnam, 207-S Norta , lCth Bt. I THE OMAHA BEE ; Omaha's Great Home Ppct K 'J i ttJaBVJs! sWa i 9Wtsbr-