Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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tut: nr:i:: omaha, tuthsday, nKcrcMP.Kii 7. inn
wliile stocks are complete and you can choose at your
leisure. We're better prepared this season to supply
your every wish than ever before.
r M 3
ff rrt day
The Largest Store in the West Filled With
11 :N?
The best time to buy your Christmas gifts is right now. Shop early in the
See the reproduction of the British Coronation enacted by 500 dolls, in
Balcony of the Fompeian Room. 1 1 is a wonderful free holiday attraction.
Now Is the Time ! Buy Largo Dolls
Our new stock is most complete. Every size and style
the world's best dolls nre here. An investigation will
prove that our prices are the lowest.
Fine Kid Body Dolls The best Kestner dolls, 22 inches
high, hip jointed, shoes and stockings, beautiful jJ'J AO
Thousands of Sample
T i'P t 1 TT P 1 I'd C 17"
Deautnui ana useiui nuts ior Amasi
moving eyes,
"pedal Xoll Barfala
H Inches - hlKh, full
jointed hip ami knee.
worth 25c, apeclal bar
..gain for Thira.
' day, at, each.
Xarie Bobber Balle
Beautifully colored.
T?'r'?!.r! 25c
Tim 25c alze
Here you wllifind a most wonderful collection of flying machines, the
latest and' most' practical foreign and domestic models. "Wo will sell a
special 25c number Thursday at lOc. Others up to
Well Made
Bing's Wonderful Walking Dogs
; The most natural and
wonderful new toy
JVv broucrht 'out this
year. Take them by
the atrap and walk along and the dog
will trot after you in a very realistic
manner.' Sale, price each, 98c,
$1.25, $1.98 and $2.50
Doll Buggies
In collapsible or
folding' style,
largo enough
for real dolls,
at 49c up
to $5
More Attractive Styles and Far Greater Varieties Than Omaha Has Ever Seen. tjft
' ' Women's Fine Embroidered corner sheer Irish linen handkerchiefs, fk
Mexican drawnwork corners, scalloped borders, Armenian and val
lace edge effects, daintily embroidered initials, etc.; . , 4 C
(g1 I
m 1
Decorated Tsa Rata 'TVAl !
Made of tin, valuea " " 0
zs0.: too,
......... Jjil.yS H!.N;
and 'S;XA' rK
sale of the new
Double Bubble
Pipe, a $ 15,000
invention, at
each ..... 15J
Real Mechanical
Trains, 4 . piece
track and engine,
tender and one
coach, In s strong
box. at . ...25
values up to 35c, at each
Women's Real Hand Armenian Lace and Princess lace border sheer
linen handkerchiefs, daintily embroidered corners, new
Hand embroidered initials, etc many worth 50c, at, each .
Fine lace and embroider
ed and net Jabots, side
frills, cascades, Dutch
collars and rib- s a
bon novelties, TP
worth GOc. at .M"t
Woman's fine lace and em
broidered aallor collara,
iif net and embroidered
flchua, fancy aide frill,
fancy lace Mock and
Jabots and atocka attaah-
ed all newest
creations. Worth
up to 11. at, each
Women' Dainty. Jabots
and Bide Frills, trimmed
in real Irian crochet, alao
new ahadow lacea, mtw
net and . embroiders!
, flcliua, Dutch
and Kallor col
lara, worth up to'
ii, at, each ,.
W Women's, Misses and Children's 35c and 50c Hosiery, 15c-2Gc Pr.
, .Choice lota from a big purchase of a Western Jobber. All perfect hose no sec
onds. -Women's, misses', children's and boys' finest cotton and lisle thread and silk
Jn finished mercerized hose in black, tan and evening shades. Wonderful variety
!4 '
I Mid
- sw v m
vK A-t-frTx it?
i w w w i
op ;uui u.icra ixt iviu uiuvus, iuituuiu lur viulu .k
tjj point or single' row embroidery; black, white, tan, I Gloves In black, white, tan and brown, 2-clasp
Hi Kreyand champagne, , all sizes, at. pair f 1.25-1.50 1 fasteners, worth $1.00 pair all sizes at
Fancy Boxes 1 Free with gift gloves. I pair G9
. 300 dozen beautiful, dainty and useful aprons. Every style feature and quality
p.' you could possibly wish for Christmas. Nothing makes a daintier or more appropri
Jr ate gift than an apron.
Here are aprons made of
cambric, lawns, Swisses and'
nainsook. Kretello aprons in
lawn, embroidery trimmed, i
Round Aprons in Swiss, or
gandy and dimities, lace, rib
bon and embroidery trimmed.
Ixmg Aprons without bre
telles, hemstitched and tucked
lawns, buttons, Cambric Bib
Aprons, choice of the
lot, at LDZ
Beautiful Holiday Aprons
fcfl They come in all the new shapes and styles, in every dainty and useful material, such as 3
2S Swiss, dimity, lawn, cambric, organdy, dotted fcwiss and nainsook. These are fancy Hj
aprons, with and without bretelles; round fancy lace and embroidery trimmed dotted
fl Swiss, with ribbon and laco trimmings; sewing aprons, princess aprons, work aprons,
.prons, m fact nprou or ey,ry . 3SC-50C-75C-98c
u sen-ing
Uj use ...
Aprons of highest quality, at
Women's Felt fcUppers Fur trimmed and ribbon
trimmed; Komeo, Empress and Comfy styles, soft
padded soles, boudlor or leather soles for house
. wear; blues, pinks, lavenders, greens, black,
wines and brown, In fact, every color imaginable.
Prices range from , 82.50 down to fl8
Men's fcll-r All styles, ipera, Everett, Kotueo
cr Cavalier, comfortable and easy slippers.
Price 1 at $3.00 do" to 50
ClUUlren's Legging plush, corduroy and Jersey,
all colors sod shades; also the high Panta Leg
gings for children. One of the most complete
assortments "we have ever shown.
Prices are $2.50 down to 49t
91.25, 91.50, 91.75 and $1.98
Thursday Bargains
Special Sale of
Silk 1 loss iillows
Always a Welcome
18-ln. Pillows, regular
pi ice 29c, at . . lt)
2u-lu. Pillows, regular
price 39c, at . -29
22-ln. Pillows, regular
price 4 9c, at ..31)0
2 4-in. Pillows, reguUr
price 69c, at . .4J
26-ln. Pillows, regular
price 9c, at ..59c
Special Offers Second
Kloor Pompelan Room.
24-iu., oi. Natural
Wavy Switches, ebon
stem never soli for
lees than 15
28-ln. Natural
Switches. 3 V
os., 110 val
ues, at
famous New York Furrier will go ou sale at about oue-tblrd leas
Au immense purchase from
Uuus regular prices.
This includes scores and scores of high grade fur coats and fur sets all
pieces and dependable In every way. On sale for the first time Saturday.
carefully selected
Purchaces Made Now Will Be Held for
Future Delivery If You WLjh.
A Helpful Xmas Store
It'll a Krat, glorious, hsppyt holiday whtn It comeswhen the morning
lrK anil reveal ImlKln utorklnifn, iflfta neatly wrapped and placed; Jusl
hiirfltltR open with Chrletman Kladnena and Rood cheer. It's Kot to be a happy
rtav to make up for the puxxlinK problen.a that confront you during the week
that precede It how to make the dollars and pennlea accornplinh all that
ranat l.e acconipllahed, how to make the auma that aeem all too amall to buy
aa irfcn) preaents as you feel mast be given go as far aa they ought to.
Hifrlit here this store will bring Joy to yonr lieartdrive away your
frowns nnd, worries with the fineat, iniwt comprelienslve, really superb
aasortments of holiday merchandise that have ever been crowded into
a single store In the state of Nebraska.
No ordinary atock of holiday gifts la this not an assortment of miscel
laneous things chosen at haphaaard. No Indeed! Instead of that It Is a store
whose every department, case and counter holds beautiful and useful articles
"in Miits that will exactly "hit the spot;" gifts that will be appreciate-! ry
ever man, woman and child that receives them, we coraiany invue your in
hibition Thursday even though you may have no thought of purchasing at
this time.
Christmas Suggestions for Men
Some of the "Thousand-and-One" ' Thine
We Have Provided for the Practical Man' Practical Xmas
In . our men's 'store are wearables that will appeal to all classes of
men-irom the young fellow wno ltKes plenty or snap ana styie in ms
wearables to the man of settled, Conservative Ideas. And the prices in
every Instance reflect the concessions we
Efljf secured for one reason and another.-. Many
OVVh nf ttiAiu. llama ft r a nont Phrlst.
tr J m&8 D0Xa all ready to send. V
riior; oomDination
4fe connlstlng of tie,
handkerchief and allk
hose to match, $1.50 A fl.
Two piece combina
tion seta consisting of
silk hone and tie to
match, 11.00 and l.Bu.
ranoy allk four-ln-handa with
stick pin and tie clasp to match,
for 74c
1 ,000 dozen fancy silk f onr-la-handa.
in. every Imaginable shade
and pattern, 25c, 3oc, 50c, 75c anil
11.00 each.
rancy allk foar-ln-hsnda In neat
Christmas boxas, 35c .each or i
ior tl.00. ,
Silk fnnfflara In all rnlnra R0r
unaraniaaa naw Jtnit" ho-fmir
palra In a Christmas box at $I 0H.
nuc mi nose witn linen toes and
heels, all the. new shades, 36c the
pair or three palra for $1.00.
Taney suspandsrs In , Christmas
boxes, fiOn and 75c.
mm a
Meri'e Bath
' Robe at
House Coat
and Smoking
. Jackets
$4.95 to $9. 75
75c and 11.00.
Night robaa and satamaa SDlendld
lines for Chrlstmiie Kivlngtl to (2.
Men's and boys' wool sweater eoats
at 11.00 to $o.ou.
Men's BagUgae coat shirts In all of
the newest dressy
$1.50 and $2.00.
patterns, $1.00,
ISO Boys9 Suits in a
Big Sale Thursday
The suits In this sale are of fine
quall.ty all wool materials and come
in medium and dark patterns.! They
are. Knickerbocker styles and have been good sellers
all season at up to $4.60 the suit. Thursday, or while
they last, onir 9Z.4&.-
One lot of boys' knickerbocker pants,
regularly sold at 75c the pair, f
Thursday . . tt?(C
Elaborately decorated
Indian play suits ths fin
est In the city at $1.00 and
$1 50 the stilt. i
100 children's fait, vel
vet and oloth hata in all
colors, values up to $1.50,
Thursday, 4e.
. . r -
' Boys' flannel pajamas in
all colora a uaeful glft
8c, $1.25 and $1.50 ths
Children's plain blue and
gTy all wool rompers
nicely trlmn.ed the $1.0.
kind at 75c.
Handkerchiefs by the Box
Man's extra fins quality pure Belfast Hun
handkerchiefs with handsomely embroidered
Initials. $140, the box of six.
Man's pare Irish linen handkerohiefs with sew
atyle French initials generally found only In
handkerchlefe selling at $1.00 each or more; our
special price $1.75 the box of six.'
Man's fine initial handkerchief a good values
at hue the Don or six.
Man's fine pure Irish'
llnan handkerchiefs with
neatly embroidered In
itials, $1.00 the box of
Women's extra fine
Belfaat linen handker
chiels with prettily em-,
hroldered Initials, $1.75
the box of Mix.
Woman's fine Armea.
Ian lace edge and hand
hemmed handkerchiefs
with superior quality
linen centers, $3.00 the
box of six.
Women's pure . Irish
linen handkerchiefs with
pretty block Initial. In
an embro'dercd circle,
, k5c the box of six..
Woman's extra qual
ity pure Irish linen
handkerchiefs; three
different tyles of. In
itials to the box; $1.00
the box of six.
'Woman's fine and very
sheer Irish linen hand
kerchiefs with ' plain
acrlpt initials; extra val
ues. $1.40 the box of six.
Women's fine hem
atltched handkerchiefs
wlth'plaln, block Initials,
50u the Uox of six.
Woman's good Quality
Irish linen hahdKerchiet.4
with" script initials and
fancy embroidery work,
tie the box of six.
Bote We are also
showing exceptionally
large asHortments of
both machine and hand
en.broldered handker
chiefs at 5c to $3.00 ea -h
according to the quality
and amount of work ex
pended on the same.
Fur Sets and Separate Pieces
Sh will like a fur set for Christmas and sho
will like It slitl better If It comes from Ben
nett's. . Bennett' Quality is an established fact
and. it's quality, that makes fur value. Style
goes with quality at thla etore, of course. These
special, prices wlll' ba In effect Thursday:
Imitation Hack lynx fU, worth $22. SO
mnd$2S,otf. . , ,
Black eenev af. tverth $15.00 thm aaf,
mt ... . . , .. . . 49.7S
Natarul mink sefs. worth $40.00 to
$70.00, mt . . $29.50 mnd $49.50
Black fox, rod fox and Itobmlla fox sera,
worth $25.00 and $35.00 tho tot,
cf . . $19.50 and $23.50
r ' Odd muff of rivor mink, imitation black
lynx and brown, coney, tpociaUy pricod
at . . . '. . . $5.00 and $7.50
' Odd bri of river mink, black canty
and imitation black lynx, tpociatty pricod
at . . . $5.75,57.50 and $11.50
?cme Specimen Savings from
grry Toy Town Thursday
liart, specially price! for Thursday at. .$31.40
' If' trl?yclea reduced to 4.UN
Toy automobiles with steel wheels
at , $;t.8
wheeled rubber tired sulkies, f t.r.O
col go-carts in assorted colors, 3(,c
llsh perambulators with stee!
nceis 1.1:5
j wheelbarrows at 40c
.ape farm wagons at 91.0s
'-fc-j: r- - .fw;-4
The Best
of Every
thing at
$$0 Jlraceleta Now. ,
$7.0 Hracelete Now..
ti tO bracelets Now. .
SO Ilracwlela Now..
$ i lrtailt Now.,
(a 50 iiiwceleta Now. .
li. H bracelets Now..
$1.50 brucaluta Now..
.., Si-iJ
look for the num.
Wo have again secured the complete sample line
largest manufacturers of Brushes, Mirrors, Traveling
Cases, Manicure Sets, Shaving Sets, Military Brushes
and Toilet Ca-es in the country. Absolutely perfect
goods. Over 1,500 different pieces. No two pieces in
the entire line are alike.
Gifts suitable for all ages both sexes. The great
est opportunity you will have to secure a beautiful
gift at a small cost. See this line Thursday.
Scores of Other Splendid
facturer's Stock Purchase.
Natural Pony Fur Coata, 62
Inches long, f 150.00 values; on
sale .. .805.00
$83.00 lUisslan Pony Fur Coats,
beautifully 'marked; on sale
at .. .......... ..$50.00
Canadian Mi n k Fur Coats,
$10U.OO values,'.52 :lnche8 long;
on sale at.'... r. : . .'.,. $69.00
Natural Opossum Sets, $20.00
values; Thursday u'. $14.00
200 Novelty Cloth Coats; $20.00
, values, newest 'styles; on sale
at :.,....$8.05
French Seal Plush CoU, $35.00
alues. Skinner satin lined, un
equaled at $25.00
To make room for the Toys, everything' must go
Musllus, Outing Flannels, Blankets, Comfortables, etc.
Rochdale 8-i Bleached Sheeting,'
very good quality MVto
pride ef the West, 12Vc. yard wide
bleached Vo
Masonville, yard wide, bleached,
at t. He
Product, yard wide, bleached $)Ho
Belveoere, &lxi0, made of .r'lqtiot
sheeting 4e
Wamautta, beat in the world,
$1.00, klxOO T6e
Pepperell, $1x90, worth 7 Do . ...55o
AmaKaBett, 7Zxi0, worth 69c... free
Pillow hllpa. lOe, ISVse, lSe,
l8o, 803 and B&o
Suit Sale for Thursday
1,000 Handsome Tailored Suits that were made to sell
from $15.00 to $65.00 on sale in two big lots
Suits Worth from $15.00 to Elegant New Suite, ia choicest
$22.50, all choice new styles; fabrics and designs, made to
In this sale -.$7.50 to 165.00, at $14.00
Without question the most delightful lot of Tailored Suit
, am 1 . 1 t . .
Bargains ever oiierea uiuinu uuere. -ti ,t ,., j-
Bargains ' from the $70,000 Manu
Blue Wolf Fur Sets, $15.00
values, large shawl collars and
pillow muff,. matchless; Thurs
day at $8.05
Long Flannelette Kimonos,
$1.50 values; at. choice. -98
Ladles' Flannelette' Dressing
Sacques, regular $1.00 qual
ities.; on sale, choice.. . . 40
Children's Winter " ' Coats, In
heavy- friezes and fancy mlx-
tures; all sizes '2 to( 14 years,
- regular values to $5, at $1.05
Children's'' Flannetetto Kimonos,
all: sizes from, 5" to 14 years,
nobby garments; on sale at,
choice SO
Complete Outfits for the Baby Make Beautiful Gifts We're
showing a splendid Mne In the Baby Basar. '
Closing Out All Dry-Goods in Dorncstic Room
Blankets, worth 7So 48e
Blankets worth $1.00 7 So
Blanketa worth $1.25 SSo
Blanket worth $1 60 $)1.10
Ulankea worth $2.00 ........ Sl-36
Blanket worth $2.60 ..81.75
Blanketa worth tl.i'O t.$)l.9S
outibo rumu
one' -C . .tS
Amoekeas, Appletona and Ander
son ' So, TH as4 lOo yard
250 Hed Hpreads, to ulnaa S1X0,
Si-8d, yio, sa-oo,, 3.oo,
and 13.60
100 Sheeti and Pillow Seta, put
up In boxea for C'hrlatinaa presanta.
ZSO Bath Robes to close.
CO Autorrjobile Bhawla to close
SGVnch Cotton Challies and Flannelettes, aU good patterns; 10c
goods, for i lOi
German Eiderdown, for bathrobes, good colora and patterns. . 28
Bathrobe Hl.nketa, f u 1 sUe, all colors and neat patterns, ea.$2.50
Baby B.anketa, light biues, pinks and white at.
each , $1.00. 75 and 50
Automobile Rugs and Steamer Rugs, from $5.00 "P to $10.00
Hera's Sons Inleresl'ng Grassry Prices far the Holidays
Xt pays te trade at Haydan's, whara
yea caa save from as te Bo ver cent
oa yoor Boaaekeeplns; Sspeasas..
1( lbs. best Granulated Suirar. .$1.00
4 8-lb. aacH best Hifch Grade Tamlly
Flour il.$
10 lba. bt White or Yellow Corn-
niaal for I0
v'Lltinftr'a Macaroni, pk. ........ lo
S Gallon cans Golden Table Syrup, .avc
r l-lb pk. Uat Coru Starch to
J i ll or Mustard tjardlnea, can .....ia
t- a-lu. cane Golden Pumpkin, Hon l,y
"1 ur Bu-d Ueana. per can fmO
uWsa. uiamond C or H Mince Mat
tor -o
Vha bet btlk I'tanut butler, lb. ljo
l-iu. cans A3rled huupa 7
Bioiians'u". Jell) con 9r Jcll-O, pur
pks Jic
LaiKe bottles Vor eater Sauce.
1' iklej taaorted) .or I'ure Tomato
Cataup, bjttla ..kvo
lre bottlea fancy Queon Olivea i.'t;
tioluen ti.lo l of lav, lt Joe
'1 be bat Tea eitiins. lb.,...,l)o
Butter, Chaaae and Battariae Bala.
The best creiunery Butter, carton or
bulk, per lb 3sc
The beat Country Creamery, lb.. .Ho
The b-t Dairy or lloll Butter, lb.isc
Good Hutierine, per lb .i;i,,c
Good Table Buttenna, per lb... 17 Vic
l ull Cream Cheese, per lb ..16c
lba rrtut aad VeiatabU Market et
reah Bectk, Carrots, Turnips or
Kadlahea, U larKe bunches. ..... 10c
Kre-li tabtase, ltutabasaa or Hub
bard iMuaii, per lb 14c
Old lteela. Turnips, Carrots or Para-
nipa. per lb 2 VjC
Fancy Jeraey hweet Potatoea, lb.J'c
I beads Hothouse L-ettuce 6c
Fancy Cauliflower, per lb 7Vc
Large Cucunibera. each 7Vv
.Cape Cod Cranberrlea, quart.' loo
Fancy Hipe Tomatuea, lb...,,.,.H,c Green 1'epi era, S for 10c
The Heat Mixed Haw Hut a, per Ih.lSe
7-Crown Kie. per lb 20c
Fancy Fard tatea, per lb lthe
Fancy Hallowe'en Datea, rr lb.. SjC
HI. hlaad Havel Oranfee, oui Tamous
. Brand, per 4oa.l6, SCo, ao and sue
Iook for the name.
W. LINDSAY, Jeweler
. rsi
'ffixt.i i n ! vet,- must
tSIO DOUfllBa 6trt.