Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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IM Boot Print It.
Omaha General Hospital, Dooff. 858.
Egyptian Chocolr ts 30o. Myers-Dlilon.
Oaa, XJao. rutnrss, Barr'ss-Grandta.
tlTer Flat-ag-, Om. Mutiny Co. I.2. 3:..
Will Oloaa Christmas ay .Tho Young
Women a vwuntiiun will i-losa
lta building Chrlntnias day. Special art
vices will be held Sunday, Incumber 24.
Tonne "People In Comedy .The young
people of tlie Westminster I'rtabj terlan
church will kUo a two-act c.imedy en
titled "Uraduatloti ay at Wood Ulli
School' in the purlors Friday at S p 01
Goods Stolen from Wagon Ueorge
W. Laird reported to the police that
while he was moving his houaehold goods
from the Normandle flats to 1034 South
Thirty-second street a box ot silverware
valued at Jluo was stolen from the wagon.
Thirty Says for Phillips William
"Phillips us convicted In police court ot
holding up Kdward Dykes with a penknife
on tho letter's front doot step at lli)
Kuuth Ninth street and robbing him of U
lit cash. I'hllUps was sentenced to thirty
Jays on the rock pile.
Jndge Button Is 111 Lack of proper
ventilation In Judge A. L. Sutton's couit
room has placed tho Judge In the sick
list lie has been suffering from the
poor ventilation ever since the Octobci
term of court began, lie may be con
fined to his home for a weak or mors
Barclay Qts Contract Ths Burkley
Priming company 01 mm city has beon
awardvu tho contract for printing the
weekly general Lrder bulletin of the
fourteenth division of the railway mail
aervlco. The firat Issue of the bulletin
will bo ready for distribution today.
In ths OlToros Coot: Divorce decrees
as follows have bttu granted In district,
court: Oeorge lvrrson from Mildred Iver
soii, Iva L. Showers from -.iarles G.
Showers. James O. Leaverton from Edna
O. Laverton, Chris iSorengon from Flor
ence Sorenson, Josie Bedessem from
Theodore F. Ledesaem. Frances I. Fru
shard has filed an answer ami crosa
petitlon to tho suit for divorce of Harold
V. Frushard
Xi.ara How to Max. Pudge LeBaons
In how to make peunut brttie, cocoauut,
chocolate and nut tudge and fondant tu
short, every kind of candy will be glvon
December 14 In the domestlo science de
partment of the Young Women's Chris
tian association by Miss Gertrude Sly,
instructor In cooking. This will be an
open lesson to all members who wish to
learn the very best way to make Christ
mas candles.
Many Joining- Havy Seventeen men
who enilsted In the navy at the Omaha
recruiting station In the last week have
been sent to the training ship In Ban
Francisco harbor. In the last few days
tho recruiting station attaches have been
busy answering questions from prospec
tive recruits, and mop men have shippod
In the last thirty days than in any two
months this year. Lieutenant Post says
the number of men. shipped thus far In
1311 is more than double the number
shipped in 1910.
Bom Miller Ooss Bast Home Miller
left Omaha !ast night for1 New York,
where he will address the New York
Hotel Men's association on "Hotel lro
tectloiV While east he will visit tho
president and directors of the "See Amer
ica First convention," to which he is the
Nebraska representative, appointed by
Governor Aldrlch. The "See America
First" convention will be held In Balti
more In May and will be attended by
some ot the most prominent men In ,tht
United States. -- -
Would Havs Omaha Join A. T. An
derson of Washington, ' D. C, secretary
of the National ioard of Trade, com
posed of commercial bodies air-over the
country, Is In Omaha to Invite the Omaha
Commercial club to become a member of
the organization Whether the club be
comes a member or not he will Invite It
to send representatives to the board's
"corporation day conference" on January
17 during Its - national convention at
Washington On this day will be dis
cussed the corporation and trust problems.
Ualldtnar Permit.
John Hansen, 2.S08 Izard, frame dwelling,
$2,500; John Bisholls, lvtt North Sixteenth
street, alterations to store building, yx.
It Is the duty of every erpectant
mother to prepare her eystetu for the
coming ot her little one ; to avoid as
far as possible the suffering of such
occasions, and endeavor to pass
through the crisis with her health
and strength unimpaired. This she
may do through the ose of Mother's
Friend, a remedy that has been so
long in use, and accomplished so
much good, thai it is .n no sense an
experiment, but e. preparation which
always produces the best fesult3. It
is for exerna; application and so pen
etrattng in its nature as to thoroughly
lubricate every muscle, nerve and ten
don involved during the period before
baby comes. It aids nature by ex.
panding the Btin aud tissues, relieves
tenderness and soreness, and perfectly
prepares the system for natural and
safe motherhood. Mother's Friend
has been used and endorsed by thou
sands of mothers, and its use will
prove a comfort and a benefit to any
woman in need of such a remedy.
Mother's Frinrl J
is sold at drug
stores. Write for
free book for
expectaut moth
ers, which mil.
tains much v.i1nnV,i tnr.:
1 mTiirnw
Get lha
Original ad Genuine
Oiiei&aie iJmitattCn
The Food Drink for All Ages
Not in any Milk Trust
lea pi.ije bout
Holiday Wares Piled Hijjh on Long
Tables in Bee Rotunda.
Women of Twentr-Kive hnrrhri
Start llasaar for lh Sal ot
Prett Olrts Made by
Their Own Societies.
Ths rotunda if Tiis H J building- 1
transformed Into a maxo of ribbons, laces
and daintily deslRnrd handiwork In
ftmlnlne fads and fanrlt'S of every Imag
inable kind. These fluffy and colorful
altlclfs are the wares of the big Christ
mas fair whkh the women of twenty
five churches are holding this week and
which opened Monday morning with much
The holiday warts are piled on long
tables which line The Bee lobby and
half a hundred representatives of the
Women's Aid Societies are on hand to
act as saleswomen. The days have been
divided among the churches which arc
displaying, four churches at a time. Today
and Tuesday are given over to the bar.ars
of the Hanscora I'ark Methodist, West
minister. Presbyterian, United llrethren
and Grace United Kvangelical.
The tables of the Hanscom I'ark Metho
dist church are In a square outlining
the gold flBh pool. Mrs. Oeorge W. Stone,
president of the church aid society. Is
asalsted by Mrs. C. A. reake at the-doll
counter. Selling corset covers are Mrs.
Q. W. Street, Mrs. Charles Ijimleryou,
Mrs. W. B. Peaks and Mrs. V. W.
rickett. Mrs. V. N. Hess. Mrs. F. M.
Pond, Mrs. 13. F. Thomaa and Mrs. Clark
Shelly have charge of the fancy work
and Mrs. Martha Russell and Mrs.
Catherine Bassett preside at the apron
section. Mrs. Carrie I). Scott and Mrs.
Edward Hlslop are selling art goods.
The Queen Esther society of the churcb
has miscellaneous fancy Chrlsiuas work.
Mrs. W. M. Baloomb, president ot tho so
clety Is assisted by Miss Cecil Cornish,
Miss Luclle Devereene and Miss Florence
Good and. The Phllathea society Is dis
pensing fudge, nut creams and Turkish
delight under the direction of Miss Clara
Barnes, Mlts Vera Blddlck and Mrs.
Charles Lang.
The Westminster Presbyterian basar Is
In the southeast corner. Mrs. J. F. Stout
president of the Ladles' Aid society. Is
manager In chief. The rack covered with
coquettish little aprons Is In charge of
Mrs. A. P. Thompson. Mrs. Warren
Switzler, Mrs. W. J. Burgess and Mrs.
W. R. Burns are selling match scratches,
pin cushions, shoe bags and embroidered
household lines. The main attraction of
this display Is a blue and white quilt
made as our grandmothers used to make
them. The body of the quilt Is white
stitched In clover design. At regular In
tervals are basket figures In blue. Mrs.
Swltxler's sewing circle cut out the
figures and made the quilt. Mrs. W. S.
Heller has a display of blue and white,
pink and white, lavender and white and
green and white rag rugs. Mrs. William
Randall has charge of the marmalades,
mince meat and preserves.
All of the aprons, bags and other ar
ticles sold by the women of the Grace
United Evangelical church have been
made from fancy handkerchiefs. The
saleswomen are Mrs. A. Terry and Mrs.
Ada , Patterson. Mrs. Susie Shufelt Is
chairman ot this exhibition, which Is In
the northwest end of the rotunda.
In the northeast corner Is the basar of
the United Brethren church, with Mrs.
II. W. Allwine In charge. Miss Helen
Henderson and Miss Clara Baldwin are
assisting Mrs. Allwme in selling aprons
and bags. Pies, cakes and candy are
being sold by Miss Anna Swanaon, Mrs.
F. J. Hale and Miss Florence Fehr. At
the fancy work co-inter are Mrs. F. L.
Mouer, Mrs. R. E. Marble, Mrs. Charles
Neff and Miss Louise Walker.
Alleged Robbers
Try Habeas Corpus
Habeas corpus proceedings to secure
their liberty before they can be ex
tradited were started by James Burns
and John Wilson, the alleged Derby, la.,
bank robbers, In district court yesterday.
The petitions for habeas corpus writs
were tiled by A. S. Ritchie, attorney for
the alleged yegg-men, who were picked up
by the Omaha police department detec
tives last week. The petitions declare the
men tiever were In Iowa at all and are
being detained Illegally by Chief of Police
John J. Donahue. Judge Kennedy ordered
Chief Donahue to produce the men In
court tomorrow morning and show cause
why he should not be compelled to set
them at liberty.
A novelty for local sport followers will
be a cross country run held on New
Year's afternoon, under the auspices of
the Young Men's Christian association.
Several teams from tho association will
be entered and the high school will also
enter Its team, composed of Lynn Backett,
captain; Charles Robel, Halleck Rouse,
Flnley Jenkins, Coleman Gordon and
John Lewis. The high school team Is
holding semi-weekly runs this month to
get In. trim and can be counted upon to
run their older and more experienced
competitors a lively race.
A silver loving cup all! te awarded the
team winning the run. this to be doclded
by a committee of Judges on the usual
point basis. Individual raidals will also be
awarded. The winner of the run will re
ceive a handsome gold medal, second price
will be a silver one, and the next seven
men who get places will be given bronze
The run will start at the Young Jinn's
Christian association building, thence
north to Farnam on Seventeenth, west on
Faruam to the boulevard on Thirty
first. Tiorth on the boulevard to Cumtnga
street, east on Cumlngs to Sixteenth,
Suuth on Hlxteenth to Harney and then
weat on Harney back to the association
building. The distance thus covered Is
about three miles.
why -? beois txrr AHIWl
otiMn't vo. I like
t' tieuln over nsnln
Itli t new ami er
fec '"l eiiers tic
sti,mH'-li? Kvrrv
boily would bwauoe
j knuw tnat e
o il . liiKt h long as
.. I : .! - !! ittt h IjlHt.
few yenrs tm
we eotiM nut begin
i attain. To
.1 wno lulve
f t I e new
iu to liavo u I'er-
fri t utomach mit
f t I t u t f the old
metlKvl of ilniEBing
aii'i jmrHlrViik this
most Iniporlxnl 1 art
of tin the Ktiinach.
seems burhitrous
M II rl RlnioM UTlbi"
lirvnhle. Sricme is
iCP't.'c alwnva ilolhK won
derful things lor us ami when news of
thin last' un1 niont wonderful ani
helpful illnf"very cvrr tnmle Iih been
KpreaJ throughout the laml, till will
he a nation rejoicing instc.i.l of 11 tui
tion of lyeptlit.
You know your physiology says. "The
MoniRcli Is a larRo piar shaped hug, an
enlarged. vnt of tho alimentary canal, the
lining of which contains the Klm'
Ahlch ponr into the Mmuacli the illgvs
tlve Juices." our chemist have discov
ered wlmt silence bus been working on
for years that I-, Just what el'iiiKiils
these Juice contain. Having learned
lust what agents digest food they col
lect them in the convenient form of
Spruce-Pepsin Tablets
Now tho only ionblllo rcaxon for
stomach troubles of any kind from slight
Indigestion to catarrh of tho stomach Is
the fact that the food does not digest
promptly hoU tlioroug-hly. In the begin
ning tho digestive Juices wero weak and
day after day of undigested, fermenting
food irritated and Inflamed the delicate
Put perfect dlgeiitlve niiontH Into your
stomach, your food will promptly d'gest,
leave your stomach In Rood condition
and n.ake good red blood full or nour
ishment to heal the Inflammation.
Simplicity itself. Spruce-Pepsin Tab
lets will do this and we want everybody
to know it.
Shall we send you n free trlAI box?
Sprites Tablet Co., Heron Lake, Minn.
Hegulur sizes can bo gotten at the fol
lowing stores In Omaha: Sherman &
Oonnell Drag Co., 16th and Dodge Rts.
Owl Draft- Co., 16th and Harney Sts. Har
vard Pharmacy, 84th and rarnam Bts.
Loyal Fharmacy, 807-03 Worth 16th St.
Charg-f s Made thut Wick nd Moore j
Keep Husband Away. ,
Mother of ltn Woman Arrives
anil be Will Procreate
falooit Mm Who Keen
1 hem A part, !
Sheep Men Give
Omaha Some Good
Publicity Abroad
The Vnlon Taclflo has published a
handsome folder to advertise tho conven
tion of the National Wool Growers' asso
ciation and mid-winter sheep show, to be
held In Omaha December 14, 15 and 18.
The entire publication la devoted to
Omaha and the sheep Industry. It con
tains pictures of the new I'nlon Tuclflo
headquarters, Union elation, federal
building, public library, high school, Mln
ne Lusa. pumping station. South Omaha
Live Stock exchange building, sheep Dens
at the stock yards and sheep on the
Low fares from all points In the west
to the convention are announced In the
Manager rarrlnh of the publicity
bureau of the Commercial club, which
will furnish the sheepmen with badges,
already have them on hand. They consist
of a purple ribbon and a medal beating
the likenesses of three sheep and the of
ficial shield of the association. The rib
bon Is to be fastened to the coat lapel
by the "Omaha key" pin.
The live stock papers are giving much
space to the coming convention and show,
all of them printing the programs. The
American Sheep Feeder ends a longiartl
cle with, "80 come along and see the fa
mous cowboy mayor, the great and only
Jim Dahlman."
Frank ' Stanek, who conducts a saloon
at Twentieth and Q streets In South
Omaha, has been arrested by Deputy
United States Marshal Haie on the
charge of refilling bonded whisky bottles.
He will be given a hearing before United
States Commissioner Daniel Friday,
Mr.. T. J. Itoacli of Wichita Falls,
'iYx., sits beside her dythg daughter, Mrs.
Mck o Kane, In a little flat at 1SJ.1
Leavenworth street, watching a hopeless
.-.trtiggle Jor life, and calling on Mayor
I'slilnmn to prosecute clus Wick and
t'harles Moore, owners of tho danre ball
In which Mrs. O'K'ane drank carbolic
acid with suicidal Intent on Friday morn
ing. Dick O'Kane, the husband ot the dying
woman, plays the piano at the ilauco
hall. According to the s'ory the women
tell, he Is under ths control ot Charles
Motue, who has refused to allow the
husland to see thu wife. It was his re
fusal to allow her to see her husband
that led Mrs. O'Kano to drink carbolic
acid In one of the stulls at the dance
hall on Friday morning.
About a year ago the Knuchs left
Omaha for Wichita Foils, where they
purchased a hotel, which they ant. lilt
operate. O'Kane and his wife accom
panied her parents to Texas, but the
women say Moore coaxed him to return
to Omaha, engaging him aa piano player.
Mrs. O'Kane returned with her husband,
but the Influence ot Moore was strong
enough to keep them apart. She Is In a
precarious condition from tho effects of
the poison sho drank, snd Dr. Fltsglb
buns, who Is attending her, says pneu
monia has developed and gives very little
hope ot her living.
Moore Keeps Them Apart.
Mrs, O'Kano told her story to a 13c)
reporter Monday morning. She said:
"I tried to gat Dick to coma and live
with me, and he would have, had not
Charlie Moore kept him away. Ho was
making money for Moore and the latter
cured not what became ot me. Time
after time I have gone to tho ealoon after
midnight and pleaded on my knees to
Charlie Moore and Ous Wick to let ma
see my husband, but they never would.
Onco Mr. Moore got mad at me because
I cried and wanted to see my husband,
whom they were dragging down, and he
slapped me on the face and knocked me
"Thursday night I went up and told
Charlie Moore that If ho did not let me
see my husband 1 would kill myself. He
told me to come In and when 1 went In
he said 'come and have a drink.' 1
thought 1 would humor him and so told
him I would. While we were waiting for
the drinks I asked him to let me see Dick
again and he laughed. When the drinks
came I took the water, which was also
set on the, table, and went Into the toilet
room and drank the poison. Even while
I was at the hospital Mr. Moore would
not let Dick come and see me."
Mrs. Roach said that when she got In
town Sunday night she asked Moore to
send O'Kane up to the house on Leaven
worth street and he refused.
"I then asked the police," she said,
"and two officers brought htm up to see
his wife. He stayed all night and this
morning promised to come back at nooe.
Hut at noon I called up Wick fc Moore's
saloon and they said be had left town,
which I do not believe and they are trying
to keep him away from his dying wife.
I am going to prosecute Wick & Moore
If I have to stay here for the rest of my
Persistent Advertising ts the Road to
Big Returns.
pg33gaaat-imja wra i.yvy.3J'.ga..'r.j
MpISday Kleekw ear
25c - 50c - 51.00
1 his Is the one great store to buy your holiday neokwonr. Assortments
much greater t) leg are more attractive hpttpr grades of silks aro used. Wo
don't believe in "tooting our own horn," but you'll ngreo with us when you in
spect our neckwear offerings ami select oiib that we're most modest in our clnlnm.
Another point our Men's Furnish In ft Serlions tiro so nrranged that kc
lectlons can be made quickly, jiaokBaes wrapped in a hurry and cluuige ob
tained in but a few seconds' time.
urn 41.
Mcn'H Holiday
Houso (towns
82.50 to $15.00
Men's Initial Holiday
Handkerchiefs, put
up 6 In a box
50 91 $1.50
SllJtiKSTION M. :!.
Men's Kilk Tie and
Silk Hobo to match;
$1.00 to $3.00
Omaha's Largest and Dest Equipped Clothing Store
Socialists of Omaha and vicinity gath
ered at tho Lyrlu theater on Sunday and
adopted a lengthy set ot resolutions de
nouncing the MrNamaras and the "capi
talistic" conditions they hold responsible
for confessed criminals. J. U. McNamara
Is especially denounced as a tool ot capi
talism. All workers aro urged to units
In support of loclallst candidates for of
fice. Tho resolutions conclude with the
call from Karl Marx: "Workers of the
world, unite! You have nothing to lose
but your chains."
Medicated Gin Splendid
for Kidneys and Bladder
When good pure gin la properly mixed
with certain other Ingredients and taken
In small doses, It makes a splendid rem
edy for weak, deranged kidneys or blad
der. Simply get six ounces best gin and
add to It one-halt ounce Murax Com
pound and one-half ounce fluid extrsct
Huchu. Mix well and take one tr two
teaspoonfuls after each meal and at bed
time. This quickly stops kidney or
bladder misery and prevents the most
serious forma of kidney disease, such aa
Itrlght's disease, chrnlo rheumatism or
dread diabetes.
Any or all the Ingredients for the
above prescription ran be had at any
gend drug store. For best results, be
sure to get the genuine Murax Com
pound, which comes only In sealed wood
en tubes. Use the bent gin obtainable.
Treatment should be taken at first Indi
cation of kidney or bladder disorder.
For children with weak bladder, ten
to fifteen drops, diluted In a little water,
at bed time. Is sufficient. Aflr,
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Povdof
Used by people of refine
ment in every part of the
world where the use of the
tooth-brush is known, for
Almost Half a Century.
Ask Your t Doctor
It is impossible to be well, simply impossible, if the bowels are
constipated. Waste products, poisonous substances, must be
removed from the body at least once each day, or there will be
trouble. Ask your doctor about Ayer's Pills, gently laxative, all
vegetable. He knows why they act directly on the liver. k".fnffl
Marriage Llcraars.
Permits to wed have been granted to
the following couples:
Name and Address. Age
Clarence McKern, Council Bluffs ii
jlyrtle Hartford, Couucll bluffs...,..., la
LeRoy Gates, Redfleld.' la 3?
njle IireHBt-r, Lus Moines
acob Stanllolu, Pouth Omaha,
jtuneka l.alcas, South Omaha.
:alph L. Todd, Aurora, III
irlen C, Dundee
harlea O. Nelson, Omaha ,
lilina Jacobsen, Chicago ,
ra J. Owena, Omaha
dle Durnsules, Omaha
1 J
,,..over il
....over ii
The key to success ia Business Is the
erslstent and Judicious use ot newspaper
The fast, solid, electric-lighted, through train of the
Illinois Central
from Chicago and St. Louis to Jacksonville,
vow,v - visa :
1 c i-h - --c
Through cbtsrvstlon-compsrtmtnt
and fourtssn-MCtlon drawing-room
slesplng cart, Ires racllnlng chair
ear(tael construction) asd coach
(also tourist sleeping car on 1 at and
Sd Tusitiay ot tho month) botwaon
Chicago and Jacktonvlllo. Twslvs
taction drawing-room tlsaplng car
nd Irea chair car St.Loult to Jack
tonvlllt. All meala in dining cart.
Illinois CcutraJ Daily
Lv Chicago .... 8:13 put
Lv St, IjouIs .. 1 1:20 pm
Ar IlirmliiKham . 3:i0jni
(Vutrnl of Georula
Ar Columbus ... 0:00 pnt
ArKavsnnali ... 7:UOani
Ar Albany :00 am
Atlantic Coast I J no
Ar Jacksonville. 7:00 am
Connection at Columbus with through eleeptng car for Savannah, Ca.; also
at Jacksonville ior all point in Florida, and with trains making
Steamship Connections for Havana, Cnba
Information about Winter Tourist (area and homeseekers' fares to Florida on first
and third Tuesday of the month; also information at to tourist tickets and Illinois
Central service rr N.'iu( trlan Vi, UkunilKInlli;i;i.,l..l,l 11.. ........
and Central American pointa via New Orleans; as well aa reaervationa, tickets and descriptive literature, can be
obtained of your home ticket agent, or by addressing
S. North, Dist. Pass. Agt., Illinois Central R. R,, 409 So. Sixteenth Street, Omaha, Neb.
History Reading
The romantic and wonderful
story of the settlement and growth
in civilization and power of the
great Middle West
The Traces and Influence
of France in the
Settlement of America
' by President Finley
The marvellous changes that
have followed in the footsteps
of the old French explorers
La Salle. Marquette, Joliet, and
others. Great cities like Pitts
burg, that have sprung from old
French forts; like Chicago, that
have grown up on the French
portage paths, are as rich in
romantic tradition as many his
toric European towns.
Will appear during 11912 in
If you wartt tho flrk ohmptor ot A Cm W. Maatm'm
groat mtory, "Tho Turnattlo," bogln your sub
morlptlon with Ootoborm
Wrlto for m Proapoottn-ment froo
$3. 00 m imtmri MS cents a number
f Tip -
Good Bread Aids Dyspepsia
Th. best cur. for dyspepsia Is pur.
bread, well mads. Troperly baked Tip Top
tread Is perfect bread ,aU. of th. best
kneaded ana baked to perfection. Try ft
5c at all grocera
Free Land Information
Tho Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet tho demand
of its readers for land information, lias gathered and
compiled data on soils, climato and fanning condition!!
in all parts of tho country. It is willing to give out this
information, free, if postage is Bent with inquiry.
Do You Want to Know
About government land laws, location of land of
fices, etc
How to get irrigation lands, location of projects,
laws governing same, etc.
liest sections for fruit growing, general, farming,
stock raising or dairying. . ""
Your questions will get prompt attention. Stato
plainly and specifically what you want to know, Writo,
Land Information Bureau
The Twentieth Century Farmer
Omaha, Nebraska