Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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    Ifli; MKK: 'OMAHA. 'iTESDAV. DIXT.MBOI .". TIH1.
Kelt l rawer Legging to n.atth awcateri tome at gl.OO to 51.50
Knit Toqiu.i . 50 o 75c
Knit Bonnoti .'$1.00 nd SI. 50
Tretty little Ktilt Sac-quaa 50 to S2.25
Knit Shan la art.1 Afghans SI. 25 to 81.75
Inranti' Wrap per a of flannelette, cafthmero and rrepella clot li. In
cxiulsfta patterq aij l utifully made .-COt? to S2.75
Bath Ilobei .85 to g2.25
Hand Mad and Embroidered Ulbs. . , $1.00 na 1
Willow Baaketa In which to keep the llttlo garmenta
t 05 to 91.05'
A beautiful showing of the iniiny neeessories which
are the niost highly prized of oil the i'aby' possessions.
Toilet Nets, llattles, Huliy Keeord Jlookx, Trinket
Uoxes, 15ib r'nsteners. Coat Hnngers and dozens of other
useful and appropriate gifts.
This is the home of those inimitable little dollies,
'The Cnmpbell Kida."
Tit tpbm
- -
Answer Hypothetical Qiuetion in
Court at Dei Moinn.
Jamn rreglaw ( all t pea Governor
Carroll Ia4ace Htm to Begin
Preceding for Removal of
Ilaar4 Me-sabera.
(From a tftaff Correspond ant.)
IK8 MOINES. Pec .-(Hpeolsl Tela
gram. The detalla of tha Kelly murder
ttlal today were Important, but technical.
lr, Oeiahom Q- Hill, former auperlntend
ent of tha atata Insane hospital at Inde
pendence, wa on tha atand and a an
expert waa-aeked hypothetical nutation
which In fact reviewed the entire
tnony In the cite. Basing hla judgment
on thle. he ctated that In hla belief the
defendant rii Insaae, at the time h
killed the bartender, rUerslng.
IMwiiMloft of thlp'cjueetlcin took if much
time that hla te(mnny- waa not finished.
Vr. Duhtgg alio aald again In hla bellof
Kelly waa Insane.
War arrrUors,
James Creclow ef Rock Rapid called
u;on Oovrrnor Carroll today to Induce
Mm lo commence proceeding for the
retrieval of two member ef the Board of
flnpervtrore of Lynn county for alleged
misconduct In the letting of bridge con
traeta. Oovernor Carroll haa lakrn the
matter under advisement.
G. n. Stewart Resigns.
(ienrge II. ttewart of Fort Madison, fur
a number of year assistant t'nlied glairs
attorney for the ruulhem district of
Iowa, haa rtalaned hli office and re
turned to Tort Jltulienn, where he will
tnke up hla private praotlre. Mr. Stewart
officially tendered hla redgnatlon at the
conclusion of hie 'uocesaful pri,ecuttin
of the white elavery charge agalnvt
lxiula 'elabaum,
(Contlntifd frtun first ras )
the Jury box had been eppruarhel w.tu
reference to hla vertllrt In the caae. It
me aaerted that r tcrcdlnga In the
I'raiiklln ae wou'd reveal, howevor,
tl at at Icaat two Juror heldea Main and
l-ockwood Indirectly acceted bribe.
Aehed further aa to the laying of h'.a
I'lun. which labor leader are a!lrgd
tu have had before the McNamaraa con-f-rd.
Attorney Irrow declared that
while he aent f jr ahor loadera to como
here, tdaard N. Nuekels, eecrctary of
the Chicago Federation of I.ahur. wa the
only one who ram.
"I talktd over everything with Mr.
Korklea," aald Iitow, "aed I eume
tiz';is (Merit Required to Win the
Pf0?l8'j UCnti(!6RC8
IIjv you ever e;opp?d to rce.on why
It la that ao ineny product that are c
ttnUl avertlattl. all at iinte dion out
f eight and are "i fuigutteqr rtie ra
I plain the artklt did not fulf.ll
i p.onilara of lh manufacturer. Thl
hiplit more tartloularly tu liieiieine
A mot:on prepareiion that he ral
turttlve vtlje a'moat eelts llelf, a ll'te
in endUe chain flni the lemetiy !
lecommtnded to t tiuee wlij hae bteu
c,id. lo thrtae woo aie In uewl of 't -
a an lntevlw en th ajbint a rrmi.
Ir.nt local drutg at a,v, "Take for e
ftmple lr. K.lmer'e Swamp-Kot. a pre
paration I have auld for manv yaia
end never heattate in reeonimend. fur In
e'mo.t every t it ahowa Immedlai
-u'la, a r.iftfjy of my eixtuuieia teaif-.
Xa other kidney icinrdy that I know of
I a aa large a !." .
The of 1. Kl'rnrr M a;;ij.",
Juet I due to the fact that It fulfil;
cry w1h in overom r.g kidney, liver
and bladder diteaae. carrecta ur'utrv
'luiuhlra and neutiellxea hr uric a.-lrt
vhtch rtif rlieumafaiu
A tita tila) bottle r.'MI I ent bv mall,
ebaulutely fine. Addro 1,'r. Kllmr it
u., HtngUmton. N. Y." and nstiitlou
tui 11. flcjular .r bvttha VI4 at
ail tlr t i'a&' and II W.
Christmas Gifts
for the Baby...
The Dab.v's m'tion of tlii popular
liristmaw store is nil n-spiiikle witli
. Irojmtiful hikI pViu'tioiil thinx for tlio
liny folks thero i, indeed, "Nothing
loo ijood for tlio l)fd)V," mid here you
nil! find nil the prettiest mid daintiest
of rift?.
Sweaters In alt white and red, make gplendid
Rifts. They come) In alzra from 1 to 4 yra.,
and are i-ilred pt SI. 25 82.75
1 j-j
tuat he traiiaiultted detalla of the altua
thin lo Mr. tlontpera."
Mr. No kl. Mr. errow a"ri (!, waa
piactlcally the reprcae itatlve of the
American Il prat Ion of Labor and that
when the conference concerning tha con
(uaitlnn co:iclu.le1 NockfN waa con
vlnoed that to ava the live of the Mi:
Namaraa the only rour open was the
confeielon of f.lllt by them with the
hoie of clemency when aentencetl.
IHatrlct Attorney Frederick waa
aked tooay In connection with the
franklin bribery caae If a prominent at
torney waa to be arreated.
"Not that I knw of yet," replied
Aa tu the dlapoaltlon if Or tie MrMan
Ifal. the diatilot attomay aald ha had
arrived at no declaloi. lie aUo arted
that arranaemente had been made to
take the McN'amiraa to San Qucntln
penitentiary tomorrow aonn after sen
tenee had ben paaeedjupon them.
Norkela t ontradlcta Itarraer,
r.dwaid H. Norklra, aecretary of tha
Chicago federation of lahor. reaerted
today, over report to the contrary; that
he did npl fumt here tu rcpreeent Bam.
uel OVmipefa," prealdent of the American
Federation of 1-e.txn- and did not eo ct.
"Thin la a lie-an absolute Me," he raid.
' "Hid you keep Ooniper Informed of Die
progrci of the ncgotlatlonaT" wa
'I did not." raid N'ockel.
Seakliig of the attitude taken toward
him by various labor ot'Ka.ilaatlim, Dar,
row an Id;
"I have given my best ability all my
Ufa to organised labor and the pour
laborer and my frlcnce misunderstand
ma In this which I the greatest crista
of my life. don't mlaundcritand myself
and I am able to atand alone."
M ore Barprlee I'ramlaed.
INWANAPOLIU, .Ind., Dec. -"Bome
persona that apparently have been so aa.
tended by the plea of guilty of the
atoNamara brothers at lx Angeles, may
soon be atlll further amaaed." aald rep
rracntatlve of una of the employers' or
ganlsatlona watching the federal In
l.iliy hero Into th alleged natloii-wldti
dynamiting eonapliAiy, todaj. 'No one
at all Informed believes the MrN"
Mei-a alone In opirattous that rovmed HW
explosion from coast to oat an. I cost
an enormous sum of money."
Accountants and atenugraphera that
proceeded today w!(h examination of
record and cni'i-espondence of the Inter,
nwllinal AeaoctatU.n of llrhlge and Sirup,
tural Iron Wuiktre, Iji tha federal grand
Jury chambers, were aecklng evidence, It
waa learnd a to the exact itleiiosliion
uf ccrtalp fund of the association.
Hpoclfhnlly tha , leral Inquiry la aa tu
whether r not the statute governing the
Ipltretate transportation of dynamite ha
been violated. Aa to the vlelt of Detec
tive Vr'llluvn J. Hum to thl city .
t.yVay it I Inllniated that proeecutlon
on mote re.lnu chuics may follow If
the fedeial grand Jury reluni Indict
n.enla against men alVg d to have been
"higher m" In the McKsmara ion
lltacy. I'lane further to d:aclute the Identity
of theee persona weie formula tst by
Mr. Murna and t'nlted Stale. District At
torney t'ha.-le W. M'lhr yenterdav. th whereabouta of frank Si.
Ilyan, preidnit ef the International A
reolatloii of ttrldg and ntruoluial Iron
Wg.kem, will be Kept aecrot for several
days, because Mr. Ilyan iWairea lo avoid
Uio-'tiMng a this time the plea of guilty
of the MaVamara brothtre. a the elate.
nint today .f lo 1L' ta. ihurt, at
tornry for the uaa.:ctatlu.
. Ui'iaeHiaaM-l'eypr, "
WEST I'QINT, Neb., Wc. 4 -i.S.eclal.
- Vl;fo'lire llenipan:i mid Mi M.ta
l"opi.o r:w nulled In marr'age cl it.
Joh:i a Ueiiuun Uiilnian iluucii si t en.
Hug by llcv. K. lcithaoti. The
ntwty u:aiil4 eoup:e aie will knuw ii -Krnia
of I'unilng township and will i
alde un their oau farm in auolhraaiern
L'uuilug county.
. I l-latlgrea-Urleg,
I.VON8L Neb., Dec. L ihpai lal y M,
Srpliua Undgren of Undburg. Kan., ma
mivrrtcd yi-eleiday noou tu Mia Hannah of l.jons at the home of tli- Lii.i..
rather, Jamra 1. firing, afeoiii four ic.lra
east of loan. They make iU :r fu
ture homa on a Kaunas near U qd
burg. Jraalan I aailaaea tm liuprut.,
fi'lUXTUN, Te . Deo t.-Hugh Jn
O.iia. manaaer af the letiol( Amerira.i
Iraeoe haie bell tlgb. ah ua baJiy In
lured Kricay night In ai aotuir.vUlle ae
r'dent, ahoacd furtiier Iniproveineul l
Nearly Every Member of
Home it in Hit Sett.
eer ork Itr preamle 1 1 e lloneta
U. JT, Ilrnn nm.t Henry II. Mar
Hit la gpeeeli llefendlnu
. Hie Apis.
l."onllniid (tin First rage.).
Da. "I f.amar, a Tifjir oeiator in Wall
Mreqt to aid in the depression of steel
tc!.. JK charged that William Jennings
H.yan had "gone n:'f half-cocked" In the
Commoner In his commen: vn the sleel
Air. Littleton tliJ not demand that the
house Investigate hi oharges. announcing
that he would content himself vlth th
rtatement of his po'.iltion nd den'al of
th allocation ?iint' hlrii.
loal for Hryan.
Most f Mr. Littleton s riieecli Was de
voted to a defense of hi roeltlon on the
committee and to a cumplete denial of
tha accusation that ha a allied with
the "trust Interest!." HI teferenoes tj
Air. Erjan tier: based on the Ne
htarUan'a editorial declaring that Mi'.
Littleton was a "thnrT.iKhgoIng reaotlon
ry," and "will be retired from the com
mittee If the house democrat really de.
air that demorratlo emission on th
(rust question be aiccpted seriously."
"Th some of thl article," declared
Mr. Littleton, "was the lying si annals of
this in jo Mm Lin. I have always esteemed
.Vr. Urjan highly, personally, and 1 be
lieve in turn he ha held in In goodly
respect. But even he. on the circulated
falsehood of thin man Martin, goes off
half cocked' In the Commoner and uh
sunies. first, that the chairman or any
member of the committee had dared to
aemand my retirement from the commit
tee. Second, that the question of tny re
tirement from the committee mi before
tha house) and third, and mort astonish
ing, that the question of my retirement
from thl committee could 0 settled be
cause I dared to have any convictions of
my own to exercise any Judgment, appeal
to any ration of Justice or vote In accurd
amo with any opinion, of my own.
aiaads 11 y Ills Oath,
"Let mo say lifeio and now that If In
my crv.t i,,,oi Lomiultte or loyalty to
my party require nie to do m 1 am hl.l
ther by the corrupt ali:ncoa of Henry
B. Martin or ih outxldc in
fluence ic. resented by William J. Hryan.
ur the comiiliiid lntlui.nca or both. I iii.iii
refuae io oUy the muadata uf my party
ana snail bitfer tu .uhscrlbe myself to
the obligatlona of my oath."
Mr, Llit.eion stated that ha confessed
to aoma "bewllc'crment over the prefixes
progressive or reactionary," and that he
believed "there is a diatlnot class of
politicians who prejudice are progrea
siv. but whose principle are reaction
ary." "I may misjudge tha future," Mr. Little
lonld a ha turned to his democratic
colleagues, "but In my humble opinion
the party that aeeks to reach the jf
lor by gathering together the pro.
gresrlv prejudice of the country and
setting Itself against tha aubitantlal and
aenslble prugrea of an amblUou popl
Will find It.vlf buried beneath an over
whelming dlaaatrr. We cannot aroother
industrial treedom under tho paralysing
PBternaham of government.". .
The must Important season Unco the
olvll war.' I the prediction made ' by
many democratic leedera for th first
regular session of tha Waty-second con
grata , which opened today.
. ",,pr,aT Day Ahead,
furring oays ahtad." are forecast by
republican members, and' on both aide
of the big party mcmbeie In th
noua,. ana atu.ate are drawn up to fight
jut wtigWy problem uf lrgiilurt, u
aeseh.u u,at will Had up io th proel
dentlal campaign of )!12.
Of Importance aa to tho bearing it will
have on the approaching political con
tent In tho nation: of partluular Interest
beoau.e of party d.flerencea regulara and
naurgenta on the reuuhlio .i.i.. .
aotlonarie and progresalvea among th
, .u , oumj1 aignlfUance
because of the heavy ieiruiaiu. -
it la at least certain that this will be one
ur me liveliest aesslutu of congress In
many yeuri.
With th gavels' falling n the house
and senate at noon, the tariff nd the
trusts stood out as Ike mn.i i, .....,.
uhjecta for loglsiatlon with a big fight
""""" u,n nous, Many other
great questions ronfrainlnir n.
all of them lo'be approaohed vlgoroualyi
fCiorm. ratification of
grbltrallon treaties with i:r.
and J'tanc, and th loan trestles with
ainj iicniluiasi Alaskan Isgts
lation. the election of senator by direct
von of tut people, pension bills and the
regular and permanent annual approprla
tluns. tn be under tha dii ti. ....
-.-. time
ill Hi hous, of a democratic commit.
I'ollllr I Ulgt rH.r,
Whli tha legislative atrugglr, ,r tn
progiess politics I certain not to be
overshadowed. Wt!h f.i. demooiata look
Ing i-head with aanxutne hope for triumph
at tha pull next November, and InHurg
nt .republican atrlklug out In earnest
to capture their party convention. f p,,
albla. every move mad in .ith,r branch
of oongreaa from now until adjournmenl
will be thoroughly conaldered from po
litical aa well a legislative viewpoint,
Th political pot In Washington uli too
legiu to boll, with the republican n.
Uunal committee meeting re p,c,rnb,.
i:. to be fullowed January g by the dem
wiaiio nallunal cum nil t tec. Selection of
convention cities, choosing of commute
chairmen who will manage the big cant,
palgn and plana for in approaching
parly convention and the subsequent
battle of th ballots will attract a much
attention frojn the nation's hgiJator MJ
will the making of the nation's ),
'lo enlle the political intrie.t In both
huiisea theee are candidates fur tiie p1M.
deney calling thrl.- ei adows avroaa th
t'hamp t'laik. the ipakr o: t ie house,
already considered among the democratic
possibilities, msv at any time mak pri
dential pionounceuieni to hi coihagje.
and Hejircseiilatlv Uecar I'ndetwooJ of
Aiaiama, in ueir.oriatiu floor leader
a!s talked of thiousheut tb country a
pioeiuentiai iimuer. ...
la the aeiiate Mr. 1- Fuilette already
haa bven pioolalined by progressive re
publicans aa their ctioloe to treet lue
noiiilualion (ruin Mr. Taft.
In the house the polltkal iutrt wl:
lie further lonipiieated by the attitude of
Mr. Hryau. who hat uuarrelled with Mr.
Cndernuod and braudrd him aa a rc
ijtiar,, and now cr.tlcltts S.ak. (J-ark
li uiial many democrat declare la .a
effort lis huh a turaih betwecu the
shaker and the luajonly laUr uf the
I'ratnia Ut Tarilf,
The tariff leglaianv progiata ,n t0l.
lew the long-awaited I spoil of the tariff
hoarrl, which Is expected to submit Ihe
result of its litvrjtikatious on wool anO
cotton before the holidays. The a
Mini means dinimlttee of Ihe house, how
ever, under the direction of Chairman
L'nderwouil. will begin nt once the
prepaiatloii of new tariff bills. Through
out the recrss a foic of clerk aiid n
pu ts have bren at oi k "plcpaiing for
ih committee.
Iraident ' Taft has gifrn his" iileilj
thai when thfi lartfr. board submit lu
report on the woolen Iml cotton schedules
it nlll be his pleasure to make tariff
recommendations, to congress. The rub.
Jert will lie treated In a icclal message
Meantime, however, tho wkjb and
means committee will begin preparation
of revised schedules to Ir.ciude wool, cot
ton, iron and si eel pto.'nn-s, sugar and
other foodrtuffa. An Important schedule
to come up In the sugar aehedule, and In
dealing with this the house and the ways
and means committee will lie guloed
somewhat by the report of the special
committee of Inquiry into the American
Sugar rtefinlpg company, which Is ex
pected to tepcrt early In the aession.
Conspicuous In ihe record of the con
gress will ho the coming vigorous trust
debates. The fight to amend the Sher
man anti trust law already la on. In th the iution will he first ronsiu
ered by the committee on Judiciary. Thh
committee ha determined also to repeiri
bill amending the Injunction statutes
and the contempt statutes, the latter t
Include provision for trial by Jury lr.
cases of Indirect contempt. These will be
pressed for passage before adjournment.
1 he committee haa In hand a naif doxen
hiils providing amendment to tha hlier
man anti-trust law. Tha most recent bll.
was drafted by Representative Henry ol
Texas, providing for penitentiary terms
for violators of the trust laws and de
rlgned t eliminate from the Sherman law
the "rule of reason' as Interpreted by the
supreme court. Home sort of bill la cer
tain to come from the committee bearing
on this problem. Jn the senate the trust
question Is under consideration In the
hearings hefoie tho committee on inter
state commerce, which will continue for
some time.
Ia)lrr Into feteel Trust.
In line with the trust question will be
the determination of the fate of the
huune special committee of Inquiry Into
the t'nlted Stntea Steel corporation. The
iMc'lI corporation has protested against
continimtlon of the hraring In view of
the filing of the guvei ninent suit against
It. The question Is certain to be brought
up In the house for sett'.eniHnt within a
lew days and 11 will provoke a lively
Aa a part of the tiutt legislative planl
president Talt has ttiggeait'd a fed urn.
Incorporation act. He has stuted hla be.
Ilef that a statute might be drawn. nt
as an amendment to tho anti-trust law,
to furnish protection which would in
duce companies engaged chiefly In Inter
state trade to agreo to government super
Vision of their transactions.
Tha National Monetary commission will
submit the report of its long and ex.
hnuatlv Inquiiy by January . The Cen
tral Reserve bank plan advocated by
former Senator Nelson W. Aldrlch. hoi
beeq practically unanimously endorsed by
tho American Hanker' association. Cur.
rency reform, however, probably will de
velop many differing opinions befura any
legislation Is enacted.
Of unusual Interest In the senate IvJU
bo th continuance of the Inquiry Into th
right o Senator 1-nrlmor of Illinois to re.
tain hla seat. Hearings. In the case which
have been goln on in C6lcgo sines
October will be resumed hero tomorrow.
Conservation pollclea are to be; urged on
oongrcsa. Included in thl aire water
power, coal, phosphate, oil and gas and
other reaourcea. Early In tha aeeaion th
National Waterway commission will re
port recommendations. A report else
will he mads by tho Securities commission
relating to railways and bunks and th
special Postal commission which haa held
sessions lu Washington, New York and
t. Louis also will tepqrt, Tha fcra
ployera' Liability commission baa formu
lated a report to submit to congress.
Lively discussions are expected In both
houses on tha Immigration lawa, the abro
gation of the treaty of 1832 between the
United Htates and Husala, campaign pub
llctly and bill proposing legislative
power to be conferred upon the Territory
of Alaakn. An effort also may be niada
to abolish the new court of commerce.
New Member from Nebraska.
Tha personnel of tha house and senate
has changed somewhat, the democrats of
the house having gained one more In
their majority. There are five new mem
bera of the house, Daniel V. Stephen
(dent.) of Nebraska, Joseph A. Taggart
idem.) of Kansas, Kenneth D. McKellar
idem.) of Tennessee, W. D. U. Alney
(rep.) of Pennsylvania and Wllllom J,
Browning trep.) of New Jersey. There la
on vacancy In the house caused by th
death pf Kepret.entat!ve K. j. Madison
trep) of Ken's.
Obtdlah Oaidner of Main succeeds the
late Senator Fi ye tu the weuate and Hok
Smith comes to tha senate from Ueorgla.
Renewal of tho effort to elect a presi
dent pro tempore of the aenate In place of
Mr. Krye will be made. Senator llacon
was the leading candldato of the demo
crats and Henator Ualllngtr, the leader
of tho regular republicans at the laat
session. Senator Clapp waa th choice
ef the Ilium gent republican.
In the house an interesting feature of
the se.hton In all probability will be th
abolition of the secret caucus by nl(
democratic majority.
Kconomy will continue to be the demo
cratic "watchword" lu tha house. In
this connection all the investigations Into
government departments by the house
committee en expenditures are lo be con
tinued and recommendations are to be
made along lines of econu.ny fur each
department of tho government.
Economy, It la said, also will guide the
appropriation committee, the first demo
cratic committee tn many yeara to cut
a "whack" at the big appropriation ui.
piy nine, inciuaiug I lie ao-called 'pork
bairela." representative KilzgerahJ of
New 'York la the chairman of the coiu-
Ihe rountam Head of Life ft
A tmmM MUA tl. ' Walr '
" ' - i'hi.iii4 .iuuimuh sw wnei eoci wot
properly di(et u. food will ions ind thai his blood aa become
weak and inipovtrUHcd, aad that bi whols body " ianproperly and -intulliciently
nouriihad. . . - -
or. ptctera cqlde.y .vcvicxl otseoveftr
raaaea tbt tmc trKt, roiiorca f tlow f
'gesfva tulee. rraf.rea ih lost mppetlf, mkt
mamlmHmtlait .sirfl.. IsrK.Mi.. i. ej .
pnrttitt sag tr(ci f6oorf. it is f ftt msktr,
. f7oa.$Blfy r af reforfr atena immtc. v It mmkt, meat
. rt oxsafy, cfiv. tnlna af c..l 1.7 Jdjm0t.
JX". V D,'co,,T " I ? 'eric extract of Aajioricaa medical roots,
abiolulely Irsa from alcohol aad all ioiunoua, hahit-formin drugs. All its
intreiiaot ara priated oa it wrapper. It Ut ? eeUiicwshi. with iccf.i
oatrums. It, every Ingredient is eodoreod bT the lea. era in all the echoct uf
mad mac. IJoei accept a acorat nostrum a substitute for tbia time-pro vea
reraene or nox tr-MrosiTicv. Aoi Nricnuo. Tly autt kuoar
C"L?UIT ",,C kt."UVCl P"' 40 ri1 ttur -iabborhosvl.
rld Dispensary Medical Association, Ur. R.N . P.erca, fr., Buflalo N Y
nararz :
mltte which will undertake the task of
paring down th approprlatlona which for
cue year 01 mu-iai; amounted to H.OSU,-
(Continued from First Page.)
pletion of remodeling. H-',tMJ. .
Uplaloa la Ktrsraiae 'e,
Arsoulate Justloo Lamar today rendered
a decision affirming that of tha circuit
court of appeal. hSghth Nebraska dis
trict, in the, so-called elevator case of
the I'pdika Grain company, Nebraska
and Iowa Grain company, and Crowell
Lumber and Grain company, against the
I'nlon Pacific and others. The opinion
of Justice 1,4 nut r waa dissented from by
his associates, JuaUoes MclCenna and
Hughes. Die decision in effect directs
the defendant railroad company to pay
elevator chargea to the complainants,
(iaa Caae em Darkrt.
fpon the motion of W. T, Thompson,
aolMtor for the treasury, W. M, Morn
ing and Kred C. Poster were today ad
mitted to piuetice before th supreme
The StomacbXf
i - - L J 1 ,
I n,,"1''' 'i'1"'' s -"S1 sikw i ii i ii i ii i i.ii i. ,ii iiiimgnmiii.iwiniMMs.iiiisieriir-nt 'mi ning j
Folly .
What folly it is to select
our wheat
Then wash and brush
and scour it
Then grind it 20 times
Then sift it 10 times
through silk.
What folly it is if, by all
these precautions, we don't
get a flour that is better
than others.
But, if we do get it, what
folly it is for housewives
not to insist on this Gold
Medal Flour,
Which of us makes the
Gold Medal Flour has como to outsell
every other flour in existence.
Just because we take those precautions.
And because millions of housewives, after
countless comparisons, have discovered the
merit of Gold Medal Flour, : -. ; , - :
' Now they use in their baking just this
cream of the flour just these sifted -out
Washburn -
court. Mr. Poster is city attorney of
Lincoln and W, M. Morning, special at
torney In the case of the city of Lincoln
r.galiifct th Lincoln Uas company, dock
eted to bo heard today, but which cannot
be reached before tomorrow. H. F. Rose,
former city attorney of IJncoln, will ap
pear a counsel for the gaa company.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine tablets.
Drugarisis refund money if It fulls to cure.
U. W.cirove s signature i op each box. zie.
Change Glasses
With a Dozen People
Not One Pair Will Be
Right for You.
There la not one chance In a
hundred of your getting "proper
glasses without proper exsmina
tlon and competent fitting.
We have every acientific In
strument needed to make pro;r
examinations and our advice and
opinion are based on a thorough
Knowledge of optical science.
Globe Optical Co.
218 South 16th St.
Omaha - - Nebraska
hit;- n. rsr-
Should also have a Sisfe Deposit
Box in our vaults to place them In
' when not worn. Safety aaairist loss
by fire or burglars demands this.
Conveniently located boxes can
be selected today at a yearly rent
al of 1.00.
Our vault attendant will be
pleased to show them.
Street level entrance to vaults,
lata Fataam St.
South End 16th St.
"Long Ton"
To at Coattaaad aa ITS Lots of
Unredeemed atoasebcld Oood.
&XCMBIig a. 4 an4 6
Until all Goods Ar. Sold. 1100 r-rti
ltU atre.t.
is the home paper of Kcbraski