Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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Cattle Are Generally Steady to Ten
Cents Higher.
I'nt fchcru and Krrilrrn tomtunud
MfiMlr 1'Hcrs, Ufcllo Innili Hrll
About 'ten Loner Thau
Lnst IVerk'j I lam-.
SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. 4, 1911.
KrcclpU wert: Cattle Hugs. SHecp.
J'.stlmate Monday 4, ma) im) W.JnO
fftmej day last wet.... $.6 t.ixi .m
H.une duy X w-fa ao... M6.1 b ,! . S atwi
s,m iay 3 'ks uxo... L.6SJ 14.004.
fame day 4 wl;s into... Hi.. J 747 3.iilt
fcame duy last year.... SMotj ".mm 3.t
in lonowin lauic shuws tlie receipts
of t:attie, hug aim anecp at Soum Ummm
or Hie year tj nam us coinpureU with
ut year; lull. mio. inc. Luc
-"ti l.luo.rt; I,i.i4.l04 B1.U14
"' ii.lnJ.-l4i 1. rwei, iw 4W.775
t'"P -',50j,3.M) ,UU.oi4 li'.Jll
11,11 Kiiiouiin; uuie miuws mo aeiau
linens i,aia lur iiig.i at fruuui mniatiu. li-r
.no met ty nny, wivn comparisons.
J.i'Ate- ' .lm.lg'Ml-.,iWi.lw.)l!)Ui.
u -- , , a. i u .tjj It l'n " u U-
itd.l ( M I M,
. d USki , s u4 i Ixj,
. U OV- y 6 6,,
Ml.l V VVJJi I U. OH, j
oU. ( i uv 9 li) S &,
1. 1 ti M Mi i v., li u
i. l IAiJ J U wo, 6
X.i 7 1 W tw
4-. i 0 Uij oj
1 tV
4 V.
4 3u
4 UU
4 bl
4 t.
4 lw
Il 4 tJ
4 u
li 1
u 4 07
It J, 4 i
I 4 M
IS 04
u uu 4 D.
I 4 ai
0 M 4 6l
tunaay. liuliuay.
CA4 iJLKlteteipis ut cattlo wete tlie
iiituint tor u Mummy ' tnui tliuy Jiavs
imvii su lar this vnumr, only lji cara
Peing reported in. Hull tiiu run was aj
laiga a un tua lOtTespunuuiK day ui mat
ear. Aavlrea li urn oilier MMling puiiits
nut wry eucuui ain. eaaitrii niu.
keta esiiecmily living wiuk aim lowtr. in
iipi.a ui Hum bear lemura. niw:vr, luc
iiiuiaet ai Una point una in vtiy ails
luciory eunuiuon Hum aiai t tn linian.
i litre wai acattcred liauuu tne yarda
quits a liuuiuer or very lair cuinieu
ue, ana anytiunir demrauie (onimaniied
luily ateauy pneva in him If oi ui dla
louiaginit dvitn from ni caat, and in
some canes aaiea actually looked a utue
higner. ine trade waa nusoimuiy active
ana practically everything in muht nuu
ciiantsed nanus in ttood season in tne
'i hoi e were really not enough cows or
nailers In the yards to incut the re
quirements of buyers and tne trade waa
accordingly very active and Kenerauy
anon to as iiiuch aa luo tiiKher. mo
Oiterintjs cuanged hanua rapluiy, me inar
aet closing at the strong point ot the
uood feeders were sought after and
wie aiweiy around 10c higncr man last
week's cioae. 'Ihe lighter and less deair
abie cattle, ihougn nut in so good demand,
Lo.d very Weil conaideriiiHi ana priuua
. eie tuny steady.
Quotations on native cattle: Oootl to beet ateeis,; tair to goud
i leer sieers. o. nm(t).7o; common to lai.
beef steers, 47i0u76; good to choice
lieiters, 4. . j'lio.o, good to choice cows,
v4.4uiu.0u; lair to good cowa, fi.oOU4.4u,
common to talr cuws, ii-lirQ.M, veui
caives, 3.2oS7.2o.
iuotatKma on ranpe cattle. Oood to
choice beef steers, o. .ufiii.oO; tair to giiod
keel steers,; common to lair
beef steers, 4.iOiio.uv, good to choice cows
anu heuera, v4.4oiju.oaA); tair to good cows
and n ei I era, ,i.ou4.i; common to lair
uows and heiiers, W.iHiH-w; good to stockera and feeuera, ta.oudiiti.Ou:
lair to good Blockers aud leeders, ..4U'
b.uu; common fo tair Blockers and feeu, M. Will. 40; stock lieiters, J.uiXu4.i;
buns, statta, etc., (i.uti4.tiu.
Hepreaeiiialive aaies:
N. AT. M. No. Ar. Pr.
14 loJ7 4 10 HU 1160 t 86
i bSl I It) XI 1146 4 60
111 10iJ 4 II llni ( 40
4 anl i 40 tl I0 f w
(4 M4 I 40 III 1113 f 70
14 Uu4 I 60 40 1171 7o
4 1UT 6 It U I0t 4 u
Hit 4 00 HI VJ1H i to
in 1246 00 44 Ui 4 ku
.0 JUKI I 05 It 1JW 7 111
tl 10MI I M 1 1UD T I
U 11M 4 14
4 121 I M 1039 4 00
I U0 I 06 it tvt 4 10
u USO 1 III U...... lOM 4 lu .
4 Hit M 4... 1017 4 lli
1 VU0 S 30 4 lliO 4 20
1 7t4 a 46 lltl 4 M
1 104 3 4u 4 1125 4-40 .
J 410 1 .ri t 1174 4 tit)
11(4 70 t l7a 4 i
W 411 8S
0) t iTO II J 10 4 a
I 2 3 T3 B Hill 4 ID
H tia a ao u o 4 30 ,
7 747 4 00 4 140 00
I Hi 4 14
1 !0 IS 1 1!70 I 71
1 .....WltO 4 !i 1 13iM 4 40
1 10IW 3 40 1 1470 4 M
1 ...i'i:o (t 1 nio 4 40
1 M 3 44 1 tluO 4 40
' a 340 4 o 1 no 7 00
t 4"0 4 60 1 iu 1 uu
4 1M 4 00 1 1)0 7 14
1 IbO 4 4 1 luo 7 Si
; 104 4 60 1 aoo in
1 )60 a 60
3 646 3 75 ( 74 4 76
5 e.f 4 00 11 610 4 75
4 667 4 44 It 714 4 60
a ,.. laa 4 60 . mi m
M fll 4 60 3 1014 4 44
i i'4 4 60 13...,. 1037 4 W
v 771 4 69
l'rank Coker Neb.
19 feeders.. ul 6 00
J. Veach-Neb.
23 feeders.. o 5 25
167 feeders. S33 6 & 14 feeders.. 945 3 35
b cows 4K 3 U cows iM i ,i
HOGS Hog trails changed very little
In general lorm, early business ruling
just about steady, with tne close mi oris
U a nickel higher In pota. bhort suppiy
caused an active demand from all egu
lar u waiters and this acilvlty was at
partly responsible for alight Improvement
lowa.d the lliilah. Local tiarkeis provided
Ilia iiiln outiet for otterlngs and en
countered no competition whatever In one
tilvlalon of the market.
Keceipts amounted to only alxty-flve
Joaus and weights ranged irom choice
laid down to heavy pit stuff. Shippers
ai:d speculators favored butcher averages,
tnu aiue as recently, and buugnt about
tun loads In ml. lilg, even hugs, sold
btttei than bacon stock and Invariably
drew IbHial premiums over k.nds
li 0111 iiii pounda down to less than M
pounds. High-mixed stun With a light
average proved very uneven fioiu siurl
to finish. '
Gouil to iholre beavy grades moved
lurgcly at 3.l,VutlW, the laiter pnee
claiming credit lor top. Hutcher animals
lanued s round Ku.-uttUu. snd bgnta
biuugnt 4l.u0 and less. duly a re
bunches of pigs were available, blt.e emir
selling lu.geiy unuer the a mark. Clear
ance of all wtlKhts waa practically com
plete beloi s lo:M o clock.
r.i tatmauvo taiea:
s'o. A. Ik. Pr. No. A. eh. r.
loo 17i to 6 70 Co ibo 4 Oj
ii. ...... i ... 6 70 it in 4 m
'tl 19'. K0 6 4214 1164 620 4 ui
74 m -to 4 as 64 116 ao 4 06
74 17a ... 4 M 71 244 ... 4 04
if 173 ... 6 at M 40 4 14
t 14 ... 6 64 4 444 140 4 06
61 US 60 6 H.S4 it h2 1M IK
44 Ut 40 I 64 61 JJ ... 4 06
It Iti ... 6 W 7 17 ... ot
IH laa ... 6 90 46 tM) 140 6 till
.0 1.4 ... 6 0 14U I S1W
i. u 40 I w tJ ana 120 4 i
64 tul ... 60 4 J.o li.) 4 i0
( 2t) ttl 6 60 74 J7 lwl 10
61 H'i ... 6 ai li a4 io a 10
6 Hit Kl iW 61 8V3 10 6 10
64 I l. 6 i'V4 44 iltt tin 4 10
t ill ... 4 04 6 260 40 4 10
CI Sl a 4 00 67..,....io4 ... I In
ill in ... ( U Sm 3(0 4 10
6t ..iio4 ao 4 00 ti ii n 1 111
; :-4 ... 6 00 114 44 ... 4 10
44 UI It IM 71 tit ... 4 lls4
9 M ... 4 01 64 -el tiO 4 Ut
hi 1.1 ... 4 O) 44 460 ... 4 I414
70 t: 40 4 00 61 4na ... 4 it
II 244 ... 4 00 44 ai4 140 4 14
60 2u4 ... 4 Oo 6 li ... 4 14
44 tui ... 4 00 64 120 4 U
j fit ... 4) 00 IS 44 liJ 4u
6a 314 344 4 Ml 44 11 ... 4 40
II ill ... 4 00 40 lit 4 i0
60 217 121 4 00
(0 341 ... 6 VI lo; Ui ... IK
147 ... J M
SHEEP I'a k-ra found a welcome in
crtase in receipts of sneep and,
as well as some Utile mil low ,iuni in
1110 aeiai;e tiuahly. FjIIv iu.vm head
arrived, an cstiiiiam that included uu lu
ll respectable prupurtlun of ulferincs mat
v.eis piuix-rly fed :ut. tlnly a handful
of stuff came under range billing and li
1 pears to tw sottd fact that the
M rn crop li tr.ctcally al'. In.
l'l-mniid i,,r k luns at c.t o, . 1. Ill
tlxo laslilon and tne tnulo yiai't.l uul
itii lie. l.uyma as Its lea Ir.iioiiv
In nintmcd 11111:1, m in.r.s ; wed
1 il i I it Imiil; l nt- l.n
t ady to strong, but fat lambs were dus
. s.i.a., ,-rtiack And liciit-.j....
a dlni. inquiry m the .a.ttr 1 ranch vt
tiio muket nti'Uicd evjuniiy as n-iy a:i
Ih" call shet'ji and yemiitigs, however,
and p'-iis tiie better aitet'.es
wtie all emj tied before 10 o'clock.
tiood to fat iambs sold largely at f J To
i.5.iK, llio laitci figure being the highest
paid. This spread applies only to full
rltsh Firings trom feeillois. as anything
merely uarmt.d-up Is usuilly avoided 111
flirurfs much lower and ' ery iint von.
Fat sheep trade claimed very creditable
tcps of !.SS for wetheis. Jl. for year,
linns and 4VI.40 for ewes that were prettv
good, but not prime. Sonnihina sirlctlv
choice In the way of killing ewes Would
piobaMy land around fl.Gi.
l:uslness in feeders was on the remnant
order and lacked sise. Country buyers
had to take what they could get or
Pocket their orders, remiltinK in a trade
made up of Isolated saies thHt poorly re
llecti.d actual condition. In a general
nsy, prices held steady, some strong
weight feeder Iambs selling tally at 4.W)
TH.ii.'. Feeder ewes are quotable aro.ind
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs,
good to choice, $5.utkti'o.Wi; lamb, fair to
gu(l, 4u.S.V(rd.jti; lambs, leeders, JJ.7.Hi4."o,
yeiirliiigs, fair to choice.; year
lings, feeders, M.itKua A; wetheis, good to, IXtwuJ.W; wethers, tair to good,
43. 401 ..US; wethers. feeders, $.1.00i)4.oi;
ewes, good to choice, 14. toft 3.76; ewes,
luir to good. MPi(l3.40; ewes, feeders.
2 40i:i.(0; ewes, culis. fl.50ttZ.15.
llepr jsentatlve sales:
No. Av. IV.
100 fed ewes 102 3 40
W fed ewes, culls VB 2 &o
2S2 fed lambs M CM
S fed lambs, culls 7D 4 i&
41 fed lambs HO 6 HO
11 fed lambs, culls 2 4 M
44i fed litnibs K) & 00
4;i fed lambs, culls M 4 13
lfi native lambs HS 5 00
77 native lambs 74 0 io
KnnsHs City Live Stock Market.
ceipts i:l,0e0, tnclurllns lH) southerns; mar
ket steady; nutlve stet'rs. 'r,.25rt( .a.
southern steers, SI iXWifl.SO; southern cows
and hellers. fWy l.C0; nutlve cows and
heifers, tJ.T.Vi 7.00; stoekers and leeders.
33. 7 :4 5. 7 J ; bulls. .&" o 4 'i; c.tlvts, f.ivHi
7.(4; western steers. $lo0(u.o0; western
cows., ln.oWii.Oii.
HOGS Receipts. 12,000 head; market
steady; built of stiles.; heavy,
fG.aiiO.SO; packers and butchers, JK.lO'f
lights, ff,.0ir(f fi.'."!"; igs, 4.4Kfr 3.2.1. "
K4EEP AND LAM ITS Receipts. 12.000
head; market steady; muttons, 33.0iVri4.00;
lambs, 34.00uS.0u; range wetheis and year
lings, 33.ui'oo.OO; range ewes. 32.00ity4.liO.
Chicago Live Mtek Market.
CHICAGO, Dee. 4. CATTLE Receipts
28.0V0 head; s market stiong for good
grades, others weak; beeves, 31.50fi9.15;
Texas steers, 3l.loh5.73; western steers,
t4.4o7.1o; stoekers and feeders, 31 t.J7o."5;
cows and heifers, tl.Uufto.DO; calves, S...5iu
HOGS Receipts 44.0OJ hend; market
active, steady to strong, light, fu.00r8.3O;
mixed, Jj.40(6.Eo; heavy. 3SV.4tu.55; rough,
35 9i(iiti.25; good to choice heavy, 4W.20W
boo, pigs, 34.50j'5.tl5; built of saleB, 85. 15 14
SHEEP AND UMDS- Receipts 4000)
head; market weak, mostly 10iil5c lower;
native, 32.5ofii4.on; western. 32.75ru400
yta.l.ngs. 31.oWi5 2Ti; lambs, native. 3:(.7BiB'
ii.00; western. 33.7.ei6.00.
St. I.onls Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. Dec. 4. CATTLE Recelnts.
0,000 head, including 100 Texans; market
steady; native beef steers, 4.&0ti.00; cows
and heifers. 33.0"t)7JIO; storkeis and feed
ers, 4.i.W(i6.2o; lexas and Indian steers,
35.?5fti.76; cows and heifers. 33.0064.75;
calves In carload lots, 34.50(7.50.
HOGS Receipts. 13.600 head: market
steady; pigs and lights, 34bOyW5; pack
ers, 35.65(140.26; butchers and best heavy,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 13,500
head; market strong: native muttons, 33.00
&3.7G; lambs, 34.25f6.&i.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
Receipts, 1,400 head: market strong to 10c
higher; steers, 31.5oU8.25; cows and heif
ers, f2.6G44t.00; calves, 33.O0fjt7.UO.
HOUS Receipts, 4.000 head; market
steady; top, fo.3o; bulk of sales. 35.S6'(i6.25.
6HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.0UO
bead; market steady; lambs, 34.60rg6.S5.
FRUITS, ETC.-Apples: Cooking varie
ties, per bbl., $171; Jonathan and Oriines
Golden, per bbl., 34-50: Ben Davis, per
bbl., 3J.75; California Belleflower, per box,
Jl.06; Colorado Jonathan, extra fancy; per
box, f2.50; Washington Hpltsenberg, per
box, $2.60; Washington U. Beauty, per
box, 32.50; Washington Ktaman Wlnesaps,
box, 32.50. Bananas: Fancy select, per
bunch, 32.25(02.50; Jumbo, per bunch, 32.75
3.75. Cranberries: Wisconsin fancy, per
bbl., 39.50; per box. 33.25; extra large
Jumbo, per bbl., 110.50. Dates; Anchor
brand, newv 30 1-lb. pkgs. In boxes, pel
box, J2.60; Dromedary brand, new, 30 1-lb.
pkgs. In boxes, per box, 33.00; bulk In
70-lb. boxes, psr lb. 8c. Figs: California,
per case of 12 12-oz. pkgs., S5c; per case
of 36 12-os. pkgs. 32.50; per case of 60
6-os. pkgs., 32.00; Now Turkish, fc-crown
In 20-lb. boxes, per lb., 15c; 6-crown In
20-lb. boxes, per lb., ltic; 7-crown In 30-lb.
boxes, per lb., 17c. Orape Fruit: Florida,
4-36 sizes, per crate, 34-7'iff.tO.OO; 80-54-54
sixes, per crate, 35.25. Gripes: Califor
nia Emperor, per ' 4-bauket crate, $1.7o(J
100; Malaga grapes, In bbls., 35.604i6.00.
Lemons: Llmonelra brand, extra fancy,
300 sise. per box, 35.25 ; 360 sjze, per box,
36.26; Ixima Llmonelra. fancy, 300-300 sizes,
per box, 35.50; 241) and 420 sizes, 60c per
box less. Oranges: Arlsona navels, 96
126 sizes, per box, 35.25: 150-17U-2O0-21tj-250
sizes, per box, 35.50; Callforrla navels, all
sizes, per box, 33.50. Pears: California B.
Ciarlgeau, per 50-lb. box, SHOO,
VEGETABLES Beans, siring and wax,
per market basket, 31.OCV3.1.25. Cabbige,
Wisconsin, per lb., ISi'iil'c. Celery, Michi
gan, per dozen, 40c; California Jumbo, per
dozen, H"c. Cueumbers, hot houee, jier
dozen, 32.00. Eggplant, fancy Florida,
per dozen, $2.00. Garlic, extra fancy,
whito, per lb.. 15c. Lettuce, extra fancy
leaf, per dozen. 40o. onions, California,
white, per lb., 3c: Wisconsin, yellow and
red, In racks, per lb., Ztc; Spanish tier
craie, 31. MO. Parsley, fancy southern, per
dozen bunches, bufi 75c. Potatoes. Min
nesota Early Ohio, per bu.. 31 15; Wiscon
sin white stock, per bu., 31.10; In' 10-sack
lots, fo less. Sweet Potatoes, Kansas,
per bbl.. 32.75; per bu. basket, 31.50.
Rutabagas In sacks, per lb., IV4C.
Tomatoes, California, per crate, 3150.
gona, per lb., ISVtc; In sacks lots, lc less.
Brazil nuta, per lb., li'.'c; In sack lota, lc
less. Cocoanuts, per sack, 35.50. Filberts,
per lb.. 14c: In sack lots, lc less. Peanuts,
roasted, per lb., ; raw. per lb.. 7lc.
Pecans, large, per lb., 17c; In suck lots, lo
less. Walnuts, new crop, 19il. California,
per lb., 17'v; In sack lots, lo less. Cider,
New Nehawka. per 15-gnl. one-half bbl.
33.00; per 30-gal. bbl.. 35 50: New York
Mttt per 15-gal. one-half bb) . f3.,W. per
3o-gal. Vhl., 350. Honey, new, frames,
13 75. Kraut, per' 15-gal. keg, 32.75: per
gal. keg. 31.10; Wisconsin, per one-half
bbl., 33.50.
Kansas t'ltr t.raln and Provisions.
Cash, steady; No. 3 hard. SSctfl.t'o; No. 3,
7c(Ul,..04; No. 2 red. (I5'a!k:; No. 3, Wijjic;
December, VTe; AUv, 31 004 10U".
CORN W.4jo lower; No. 2 mixed, Cl
62o; old, 70c; Docembor. iii'ilc.
OATS Steady; No. 2 white, 4'Jfc4li4jc;
No. 2 mixed, 47Vs"B '&c.
HAY steady; choice timothy, $19.50a
320.00; choice prairie. 313 2ii la :.
BL'TTEK Creamery, 34c; firsts, 32c;
seconds, Hoc; packing stock, 21c.
EGGS Extras, He; firsts, 31c; seconds,
Cotton Market.
closed quiet, 5 points higher; middling
uplands. 9.30c; middling gulf, 9.55c; baled,
2, nil bales. ,
Futures closed very steady; closing
bids: December. V.luc; Juruary, kh4c;
February, S.islc: March, t.soc; April, g.V.'tc;
May, VHTr; June. kOic; July, 9.0iic; Au
gust, it lie; Stp embr, 9.11c; Octobe;-,
9.20c; November, 9.21c.
LIVERPOOL. Dec. 4.-Tlie following are
ll.u stutks of cotton other than America, 1
.n Liverpool: Brazilian. 14 t.37 Lah .t,
Egyptian, 2d. 450 l.ules; Peruvian, 217j
taitii. I'mki Indian, .M bales: West In
dian. t7t..4 7 bnles; African, 3.8.J.) bales;
..;al, M, bales.
Omaha Har Market.
OMAHA. If. 4 HAY No 1, 13 1$
14 00; No. 2 fi-i'X); coarse, tit.'JO; parkitig
1. I. 1- Ai-i 1 .1- fulf. tiF.i.1 L:
,Mittl, tw;.re aixl ttla, 37.5-i, I
"oithwcet Wheat Receipts Heavy
find Spring ia Lower.
Condition tlraalta Mostly In "m
Itatliy with Wheat and Weak
ness In lash Ynlira for .New
lorn Arrlvnla.
OMAHA, December 4, 1911.
Buils were ditappolnted 111 the cables
this morning and Hie turner feeling ihut
existed lasi week was entirely lacKtng
lousy. Late buyers turned sellers.
Noithwest wheal lei e. pis weie heavy
anu spring wheal markets were ail
lower. The Increase in the world s
visible suppiy this week was another dis
appointing loalure as shipments weie
exptcicd to tie heavy enough to show a
v hue conditions did not warrant the
trade In coin to press the selling side,
tne maiket was lnavy louay, moot y in
sympathy with wneat and Hie wiaaness
lu cash values for new corn arrivals.
Heavy northwest receipts which were
expected to run lighter and Weak toieign
caiues gave wheal an easy tone and late
buyers sold fteely. Cash wheat waa V: lu
Js: .owei.
Corn receipts were heavy and with
neat values lower no demand was 111
evidence ui.d local ol tenons went begging.
Cash Coin sold 1 to 2a' lower.
4 r.uiary uoeai itcoipis were 1.4..!'. 000
uuMieia anu soliiiuiii weie 1H2. two busiieis,
Mg.tinsi rcceiins nisi year ot l.blu.Ooo busu
eis and f liuunenta of IM..1HK) busheia.
Primary corn receipts were 1.357,000
busiieis and shipments were ftsK.vOo bush
els. against leceipts lust year 01 h2ti,oi0
busiieis and shipments of Ail.twu bushels,
t'leaiances were 4.300 biiHiieis ot coin
2,bw busiieis of oats and wheat and flour
eiiol to itMi.iHiO busiieis.
Liverpool closed S'id lower on wheat
anil yjii lower on coi n.
The following rash sales were re
ported w heat: No. 2 hard, 7 tars '.lS,c,
1 tar Htlc; No. i hard, 2 cars wl'-sc, 2 cars,
IKl'c. Corn: No. 3 white, 3 cars Uc. 4
ours 6Ssc; No. 4 white, 2 cars Inic; No.
3 yellow, 1 car 5sc, 8 cars 6iV 6 cars
01M10, 1 car o.c; No. 4 yellow, u cars obc;
No. 3 mixed, 1 car S'hc, 12 cars 67lc,
No. 4 mixed, 10 curs 5iVfcc; No. 4 color.
1 car, 5bc, no grade, 1 car ImC. Oais: No.
3 while, 7 curs 47c; no grade, 1 car 46V4U.
tluisha Cash Prices.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, 8&1t!W'ic; No. 3
hard, hofJIic; No. 4 hard, l'4Vi)y7Wo.
CORN No. 2 white, tVIVi1i'5!ic; No. 3
white, 5X'iC5SSc; N0. 4 white, 57iiri7Hc;
No. 3 color, 67ijifii;!c; No. I! yellow, bVn$
5s4c; No. 3 yellow. B74itoc; No. 4 yellow,
65SJio6c; No. 2, 67.'(i5S'c; No. 3, 66SnVti,C
No. 4, ftnUft'otiOtc; no rrade. Me.
OATS No. 2 white, 47'4tt47Hc: standord,
479H7'.c: No. 3 white. 4iiliH7f.
BARLEY Malting, tl.13ul.Z3; No. 1
feed, 31.01'1.14.
RVE-No. 2. 2l3c; No. 3, 01(yj2c.
tarlot Ilecelitts.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 26 431 111
Minneapolis 870
Omaha .. 39 102 14
Duluth 41
Features of the Tradlusr and Closing:
Prices on Hoard of Trade. ,
CHICAGO, Dec 4 Fine weather In
the Argentine pointed out a downward
course today for the price of wheat. In
this connection Liverpool reported that
ofterlngs from Buenos Ayres were lower.
Besides world shipments turned out to be
larger than had been looked for. Russia
and the Danube seemed especially able to
forward supplies, whereas a directly op
posite condition had been expected. The
exportable surplus In the Argentine was
estimated as high as 124.8OO.0O0 bushels
Opening prices here were Vti60 off- May
started WUc down at 31-0iKi1.00Vt and
sagged to w7sc!fi3LOO.
Iiige northwest receipts and a big In
crease In the United States visible supply
figures led to a further decline. The
close, however, was steady at 99'io for
May. a loss of He net.
With a liberal portion of the crop
moving toward Chicago the market for
corn became easy. There was an absence
of adequate demand. Ideal conditions In
the fields counted against the bulls. May
opened Wia lower at MfytoKo and
seemed inclined to keep w.thln that
range. '
The market aroppea yet tower, owing
to the sllmntss of eastern demand. Clos
ing prices were steady, though with May
ViG'Vsc down, at fiSgtac.
Oats declined with other grain. Trade
was light. May started a shade down at
tsMK'aa nl descended to 49Vtt4!ec.
In provisions the feature was the
smallness of pit offerings. Steadiness st
the yards brought about a similar feeling
lu regard to products. Initial sales were
unchanged to 60 lower, with May de
livery ni.40;nfU6 for pork, t9.404rt.427s for
lurd nnd ts .6w7lS.2'.j for ribs.
Leadl n g futures ranged as follows:
A7ti7iToien. I High. Low. Close. Yes' y.
May.l Ou-cC)
July. 94
Corn I
Dec. 82MVsi
May. I tH1,
July. 6W
051s I 94 I
1 Wnl 991
94741 0C
9974,1 1 (Ktj
34U2S,U 62
tt4i ttfl4)63Vt7
Wi V 63?ti
16 00
1 46
15 97 "4 1
16 40ff.i
15 9714
18 IT7V4
15 70
16 4o
16 15
16 18'4
16 40
9 17Vi
9 40ti
9 42't!
9 tsw
9 62Vs
8 30
8 son
9 17V4
9 42Vk
9 62H
9 05
9 25
9 06
9 25
9 20
9 42V4
9 37VSii
9 3TH
8 30
8 05
8 224
8 224
8 47V
8 35
8 35
8 47SI
8 60 I
8 50
8 47t4 8 47W
8 474I 47HI
Chicago l aah Prices Wheat : No. J
red, at) .t(ir9(tc; No. 3 red, 94Vuio; No. 4
hard, vh;.clill.02; No. 3 hard, M).awc;
No. 1 northern, 31.O74fl.09; No. 2 northern,
31.054(1. us; No. northern, fl.o:ftiT.7; No.
2 spring, li9cfifl.U4; No. 3 spring, 9cy
1.0d; No. 4 spring, h5cfffL(a; velvet chaff,
Jcti 41.04: durum, fcoc(fl.t7. Corn: No
3, t'Oyutnikc ; No. 3 while, aOVjVtitc; No.
3white, old. Hc; No. 3 yellow, lkivulo;
No. 4. 64,c: No. 4 white, 5'i6'4c; No. I
yellow, a.s'tif.HHc. Onts: No. t white, 49J
uoc; No. 3 wmte, 47H'll'Sc; No. 4, 4iu,
No. 4 white, 47ii4!le; slandurd. 4d'444 49"ic.
Rye: No. 2. Vimvic. Barley: WK-ci(31.45.
Timothy: 313.0041 lo.2u. Clover: 313.5W42o.2i.
BU'i'i EH steady; creameries, 2baJec,
dsirles. 2533c.
EtKlri .-iteady; receipts, 1.713 cases; at
mark, cases included, 22ia28c; firsts, 2bU
jjc; ordinary, Vi27c.
CHEESE Steady; daisies, 15tjl5i,c,
twins, HStl'HHc; young Americas, Voif
15 i:; long horns, lfi'd lo'.c.
POTATOES steady; choice to Taney,
StoMic; fair to good, eovs.jc.
POULTRY Firm; turkeys, 13fjl7c;
chickens, H'iUc; springs, 10c.
VEAL Steady ; tiO to 60 lbs., ifllo.
CHICAGO. Dec. 4.-"srlot receipts:
Wheat 25 cars with Z of contract grade;
corn 434 cars with 3 of contract grade,
oats 111 cars. Total receipts of wheat at
Chicago. und Duluth today
were M'i cars compared with 1.UU3 cads
last week and 'M cars the corresponding
day a year ago.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Dee. 4. METALS -Standard
copper, easy; spot. 312.75113.00;
January, tl2.75ri 13.05; electrolytic, 13 U
13V-; casting, U if I ':,. Tin, easy; spot,
t4i 6 ,6.5o ; January, 344.uO'i45 11O. Lead,
steady: 3 4 40114 50, New York: 34 3"'o4 37'i.
Esst St. Louis. Spelter, weak; 8j6.iVaH.75.
New York; t150((i6 65. East St. 1,-ouis.
Antimony, dull; Cookson s, t;.fc7l4''i" W).
Iron, unsettled; northern grades, 31t.50r
16.00; southern grades, f 14.0O(f 14 75.
SILVER Bar, Uic.
I.cad, steady st 34 27t; spelter, firm at
rw York (iearrttl Market.
NEW YORK. Dec. 4. HUG A R-Q11M.
muscovado, Wi lest. 4 44o; centrlfngil, M
tsst. 44-: molasses, 89 test, 4 lite; re
fund. inieH
UI T l Kll- Sti uns: cn sim-iv specials,
e; extras, :f7c; treani.'iy, held pecials,
:'4'i1:ik , xtias, 3-'e.
f-.GtiS-S'rons : fresh ghtlered, extras,
4i44e; fust. tiev; refrigerator sps
tiul marks, fancy, local storage charga
aid Jlo: western gathered a hues, 3.",r4
I'ULTRV Dull, woatcra cl.kkeus, ii4
' ) folws MiVic: ttirkevs. dry packed.
I L" 1 2-c : Iced, 111 It.
IHr.EE-Ftim; skims, 8111.1140.
St. I.onla General Market.
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 4. WI I K AT Cash,
flint; track. No. 2 red, ;-jV; No i
h:d, 7cii31.(i7ts; December, Mc; May,
99 :e.
CORN Lower; track. No. Z, 7iMlT2c.
December. Sfvie; Msy. 6"i'c
OATS-Lower; track. No. Z. 4V, No. 1
white, 4:'V-; December. 49i449o.
RY K Unchanged; P.',c.
1DUI.THY Steady; chickens, 8'tc;
springs. l"c; tiuke)s, 13!c; ducks, lie;
geese. 8'tc
Hl'TTIMi Firm; creamery, 2)j56c.
EGGS tjulet; rc.
I.Uerpool Grain Market.
steady; No. 2 Manlt-tbn, 7s U'Sd; No. 3
Manitoba, 7s 6SI; futures, easy; Deeem
btr, 7s 3d; March. 7s 2d; May, 7s ISd.
CORN PHt, quiet; American mixed, Its
3d; futures, easy; January, 5s 8d; Feb
ruary, An Til.
FLol'R Winter pnlfnts. 27s 6d.
HOPS In Ixmdon tl'aclflc coast),
Minneapolis .ralit Market.
Decrmir. 1 02; Msy. 31 0'Hli i
Julv, fl 074. Cash: No. 1 hard, tl.iilS: No.
1 northern. 31 oSMil.iUH: No. J northern,
fl.Ulkjtil.01S; No. 3 wheat. tWTjWHc.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. Dec. 4 CORN Lorn r; No. 8
white. 440c; No. 4 white. 5$V: No. 3 yel
low, (Mc; No. 4 yellow, MIWjc; No. 3 mixed,
SOe; No. 4 mixed, ftV.c; sample, M'iiM'4c
OATS Unchanged; standard, 48.4c.
Coffee Market.
No. 7, 14Y,c; future closed weak; De
cember, 14.03c; March, 13.31c.
Klaln Matter Market.
ELGIN. III., Deo. 4 BUTTER Firm,
st We an advance of lc. Output, 6.11,400
tills and Rosin.
SAVANNAH. Dec. 4 OILS Firm st
47iU47ic. Rosin firm; types F and G, i.21
Wool Market.
ST. IX1UIS. Dec. 4.-WOOI, Steady;
territory and western mediums, 17(U20c;
fine mediums, lfl8c; fine, 11015c.
NEW YORK. Dee. 4.-Trdlng In stocks
was compai atlvely light thiough 'the
morning and movements In most cases
were small. The dullnes was ascribed
generally to the disinclination or traders
to enter on fresh ventures on the day of
the convening of congress. The strength
of the call money market also exercised a
restrictive Influence. A tew stocks of
minor Importance showed especlaly
strength. Chief among them was Wabash
Southern stocks were tho prominent
features of the second hour. Louisville A
Nashville rose 3 and Atlantic Coast Line
m. Business was on an exceptionally
large scale In the Wabash stocks and
bonds. Blocks of thdusands ot shares of
the common stocks were bought between
10 and 808 and the preferred rose 2
points. The 4 per cent bonds, concerning
ihe January Intel est payment on' which
there has been some doubt, Jumped IS to
56H. Trading was of a perfunctory
character In ti.e balance of the list. Bonds
were steady.
tneguiar changes occurred In the open
ing transactions In stocks today. There
was considerable pressure against some
of the speculative Issues, which gave the
list an aiipearance of heaviness. Cans
dlun Pacific fell off a point. Southern
Pacific V Union Pacific and United
States Steel H- American Tobacco pre
ferred was the strong feature of the mar
ket. On artlve buying Its price was
quickly advanced by nearly a point,
Northern Pacific, Reading and Norfolk A
Western made fractional gains.
The market overcome Its weakness anj
made a full recovery In most cases. The
Wabash and Wheeling and Lake Erie
stocks were strong. Wabash preferred
rallied from 22',i to 34V4 on the belief that
tomorrow's meeting will result In favor
able reports. Underwood Typewriter
rose 3.
Dullness was the chief characteristic of
the early afternoon, market. Wsbaah
stocks reacted on profit taking. Texas
company Jumped 6 points. Speculation
became more wavering and prices began
to give way slowly. Home of the leaders
fell to the day's lowest figures. Wabash
proceeded to below Saturday's closing
and the 4 per cent bonds also lost a good
portion of their advance. Offerings were
very scanty.
The market cloeed firm. Traders cov
ered their shorts to some extent In tho
final hour. The rally was assisted by a
decline In the call money rates to near
4 per cent. News of the retirement of
the old Standard Oil management was
without marked Influence.
London Stock Market.
LONDON. Deo. 4. American securities
opened quiet and a fraction lower today.
Later prices improved on light support
and at noon the market waa steady with
values ranging from above to Via below
Saturday's New York closing.
London closing stock quotations:
Conaola, monty . .77 l-lt Louisville A
do scraunt 71 t-lt Mo., Kan. it T.. 31
Amal. tlopp.r 41 Naw York Central. .1024
AnaionJa 7 Norfolk 4t Wt.aUrn.ll!
Atohlton 104V4 So ptd
in pfd lot Ontario WaaUro.. 41 '4
Ualtlmor A Ohio. .I06W poinrlnls 44
Canadian Psclflo ,.2474i Rand Mln.a
I hMpalts ti Ohio. 11 Itndlnc 124
Chi. (treat VMtrn. toy, Boutharn Ky II
Clil.. Mil. aV HI. P 114 do pld 134
Da nxra laSSnullisrn Paclfla ...114
Iwnvsr Rio 0.... 11 Unloa Psolfla 171U
do vld eevtj do pfd ti n
Erie 31 U. S. Htisl 41
do lat pfd 6ij do pfd 11
do 3d pfd 41t4WalMnh lota
Grand Trunk MS 4o Iifd it
Illinois t'antral ...117
SILVER Bar steady at 25 9-18d per
ounce. nil
MONEY-2&8 per cent. -t
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 3S per cent; for three
months' bills, 3Ht3 11-16 per cent,
Kew York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Dec 4-MONEY-On call,
firm, at 4i;5 per cent; ruling rate, 6 per
cent; cloning bid, 4 per cent; offered at
4'4 per cent. Time loans, firm; sixty
days, 4334V per cent; ninety days, 4 per
cent; six months, 3ti4 per cent.
per cent.
decline, with actual business In bankers'
bills at 84 83 for sixty-day bills and at
34.8616 for demand; commercial bills,
SILVER Bar, 5&Hc; Mexican dollars,
iv )NDS Government, steady; railroad,
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA. Dee. 4 Bank clearings for
today were f3. 801.626. 35 and for the corre
sponding day last year, 32,70j,bG3.PJ.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4.-A petition for
the Impeachment and expulsion from the
house of representatives of 'Martin YV.
Littleton of New York was presented to
Speaker Clark today by Secretary Henry
11. Martin of the Anti-Trust league. The
demand was In the form of a memorial
and was accompanied by resolution. They
were presented at the speaker's office by
Mr. Martin and a committee while Mr.
Littleton was on the floor of the house
making an Impassioned speech, de
nouncing Martin and "his Anti-Trust
league ."
HUNTSVILLE, Tex., Dec. 4.-Vhen
flames broke out In the state peniten
tiary buildings here today and furiously
spread to all parts of the town, 00 con
victs ocuupylng cells were removed with
out Iocs of life.
At 130 the prison structures had beon
practically deatruyed and the whole town
thieatentd. Firs apparatus was ruuhej
from Houston. The water supply at
Uuutsvllle baa been exhausted,
lllni'sK of County Judge Leslie has
caused another continuance of the James
YVllson registration fraud-perjury esse In
county court. The case wss continued In
definitely, and the same order was msd
regarding the other Illegal registration!!
Judge Leslie contracted a severe cold
over Sunilav. He was In bis offlco an
hour today, but wss unable to do any
work. He will be confined to his home
(or a few days.
Will Close Christina Day The Y'oung
Women's Christian association will close
Its building Christmas dsy. Special ser
vices will be held Sunday, December 24.
Judge Sutton Is III Lack cf proper
ventilation In Judtte A. L. Sutton s rouit
room has placed the Judge In the sick
list. He has been suffering from the
poor ventilation ever since the Octobti
term of court began. He may be con
fined to his home tor a week or more
Bnrklejr Qetti Contraet The UurkJey
Priming company of this city has beni
awarded the contract for printing the
weekly general order bulletin of the
fourteenth division of the railway mall
service. The first Issue of the bulletin
will be ready for distribution tomorrow.
Some Klllsr Goes East Rome Miller
leaves Omaha tonight for New Y'ork,
where he will address the New York
Hotel Men's association on "Hotel Pro
tection." While east he will visit tho
president and directors of the "See Amer
ica First convention," to which he Is the
Nebraska representative, appointed by
Governor Altlrlch. The "See America
First" convention will be held In Balti
more In May and will be attended by
some of the most prominent men In the
United States,
Would Save Omaha Join A. T. An-
dorson of Washington, 1). C , secretary
of the National Board of Trade, com
posed of commercial bodies all over the
country, Is In Omaha to Invito the Omalu
Commercial club to become a member of
the organization. Whether the club be
comes a member or not he will Invite it
to send representatives to the board's
"corporation day conference" on January
17 during Its national convention at
Washington On this day will be dis
cussed the corporation und trust prob
lems. Caurht la the Aet Archie Cohen and
Joseph Berry were a' rested by the
Omaha police last night for attempting
to fleece William Whlsten of Hutchlnsoni
Kan., out of bis money, of which the
latter had quite a sum. The two men met
the Intended victim at the depot and took
him to a pool hall, where they began to
fleece him. Thin was not fast enough for
the pair and YVhlsten was led Into an
alley where he was to be "touched.'"
Detectives Murphy and Bulllvan happened
along Just In time to save the Intended
victim and lock the supposed friends In
Jail. The case will be brotigli up In po
lice court tomorrow morning.
Kd T. Horrlsan for Liquor I.lcenas. Notlos
la haralir (Ivan that Bd T. Hurrlfsa 414 usos
the 4th dar ot Dacambor. A. P. 1411, til his ap
plication w'th tha board ot Plr snd polio I'oin
mlaalonsr ot Omaha, for lltanaa lo astl malt,
aplrlluou snd vinous llUora st No, 4-4 South
ttlh atrant, ground floor, 30 by 40 tori, Third
ward, Omaha, Nahraaka, from tha flrat dar of
January, 1HI. to tha first dar nf January, tail.
If thors hs no objection, ratnnnatrmnua or protoat
filed within two waaka from tha 4th day nf JJs
oambor, A. D. lilt, the aald Dianas will ts)
trantad. D T. MORRIOAN, Applicant. D4-1S
JJiAVi . J
u e. 7U - - .1 . ' . a, a . il .
J3T.,T .V:",XVJi tv; . . '-4alasaaa "V S
1.11)1 OR l,l( KYl! API'I II 1 Ht
N'lTb K MATTKIl Ol" APPt.b'AVI'iN of
A.lolrh Pr4n.l1.11 fr l.lqtmr l.lin.e Noll-
la hrrbr gitrn that Adnl.h ll'ti 1r rtM Uln
Ihe 4th rl4 nf l)elt.m'r, A I) mi t. file hl i
pllriilmt wllh th Hoard of Klrx fA I'uh.a Cum-ml-lnnrs
of tiiniiha, for llrenn In irll malt,
aiilrltuoua and vnuma liquors, at No H:J S.xtth
lath atr..t, irrt, r.mnl floor, Thlr.l
ward. Omaha, Nthranka, fnm tha flrt dar of
.lanuarr. 1 1 r to th tlrat dar of January. I'll
tf thara t ao oMeetlon. tmonatranre or protrrt
tlld within tn H from tha 4th dar "f le
conilr. A. Il Isll. th aald lli-onaa will ha
granlad. ADOLPII HRANfr.S, Applicant. P4-1H
Petr Turanlaon tor l.lnuor LlraiiBO. Nolle
la hrrh)r gl.rn that Pater Tur4l.n did uton
lha 41 h day of A. It. ml. flla hla ap
plication with tha H.wrd of Kir and Police mi
nilaaionrra of Omaha, for llcana to all malt,
plrHu. ua and vlnoua tlouora at No 1111 South
lh around floor, 23 l an ft, Klral
sard, Omaha. Nabraaka, from tha tlrat dar of
January, lint, to th tlrat da of January, 141.1.
If thT bo no ubjeriton, rmonatranr or proioal
tlld within two wrrka from Ih 4th day or !
ttalw, A O 1411. lha ct Ihona will b
sraatad. PKTCH Tl'llkF.LsoN, Api'icant. PI-II
Jama k ipp for LlQaor Ll na. Nollr
ia horwbr gltan that Jamea kopp did uiu
Ih 4lh day of Oaramhar A H. Hit. Ill hla ap
plication with th Hoard of fir and Poll. tnn
mlaalonar nf Omaha, for llisiaa to aoll malt,
aplritooua and vlnoua llquora st No. Hall South
Ulh straot, !4t4o fi, around floor. Tanlh
ar1, tlniaha. Nlraaka. from tha first day of
January, mil. 40 th 11 rat day of January, I'll.
If thr ba no objection, nainonatranc or prolaal
filed within two wraka from th 4th day nf Iv
imlir, A. t IS 1 1 . lb aald lloasa will b
grantrd. JAMKS KOPP, Applicant. Ii4 It
Patar J. tor Liquor l.lrana. Nolle
la harhy lvan thai Ptar J. Hnrarn did upon
th 4th day nf lrmhcr A l. 1411, flla hla ap
plication with th Hoard of Fir and I'olu Com
mlaalonars of Omaha, for ttcens to aU malt,
aplrttuoua snd vlnoua liquor at No. 310 South
let It atr, ground floor. 3o by to lot. Fourth
ward, Omaha, Nobraaka. from tha flrat day of
January, 141. to tha flrat day of January, 1414.
If thara b no objection, romonatreuo of proteai
tiled within two waaka from th 4th day of !
ramlwr, A. IV I'll, tha aald llianae will b
grantad. PKTIlK J, UOYSatN, Applicant. UI-14
Mlihaxl J tllhann for Liquor l.l.ana. Nntl,
la harhy glyan that Mtchaal J. Othaon did upon
lha 4th day of tx.ambar. A. 1). 1411, III hla ap
plication with tha Hoard ot Fire snd Poll Ciim
mlastonora of Omaha, for llcona tu soil malt,
aplrttuoua snd vlnoua llquora at No 43 South
16th atrot, MH4n faot,. gmund floor, Third
ward, Omaha, Natvraaka, frtim th flrat day of
January, 1411, to th flrat day of January, 1413.
If thara ha no objection, remonatranc r protoat
flla-l wllhla two wtwta frtim th 4th day of Ha
rombar, A. D 1411, tha aald llrna will b
granted. M1CIIAKL J. OIUKON, Applicant.
. DtKl-ll
Jacob Landrock for Liquor Llcana. Nottc
la hereby si van that Jacob Istndrnck did upon
Ih 41 h day of narambar, A. 1 141 1, til hla ap
plication with tha Hoard of Fir and Polio t'om
mlaalonara of Omaha, for llcana t aoll malt,
aiilrltuoua sod vlnoua llquora at No. I!?l South
tmh atrt, ground floor, 20 to 60 fai. Tenth
ward. Omaha, Nohraaka, from tha flrat day of
January, 11. to th flrat day nf January. 1613.
If thar h no objection, rmonatranc or prniaat
Iliad within two waaka front th 4th day of Iia
cemhar, A- l lH. ,h aald llcana will b
grintd. JAO10 LANDKOCK. Applicant. P4-18
V Offer Bubject to Sale, 100,000
St. Joseph, Mo., Ry., Light, Heat & Power
Co., First Mortgage 5 Gold Bonds
Denomination, 1 1,000. Due, Nov. 1, 1937.
Prices on Application.
New York.
i - Members of New York and Chicago Stock Exchanges.
Christmas Fair
off the Churches
in the
Court of the
December 4 to
Everything for Christmas
gifts. Home cooking, delicious
candies and all the beauties
that the mind can conceive.
Bring a
Twenty -
Under Auspices of The Omaha Bee.
I I. Itll 4lt I II I l'. UNM.H 4.TION1
Mill' K VTTK!1 or AI'IM.I A TION OK"
I'nt. Slacker f r l.t'ior I.I anao Nolle
is hi rchr ftvfn that Kroi Stackar rTl.t upon
Ih 4th day of IV.amliar, A. IC 1111, flic hla ap-plH-atlrn
with the Hoard of Klro anil Pol' a I'om
lnl. t.tocra of liinnlia. fnr ll-oni-c 1.1 rail malt,
f'lnlumia ami lii iia llquora at N'n 4.4 North
S('ih atrccl, ft. ail foct, g'.nnid floor. Twalfth
war.1. Oniahi; Nahra.ka, from th flrat day of
January, 1 1.1 3. to tin flrat day of January. 1912,
If thar b no onjacl ii.n, ram.nairapc or protoat
filed within two wcaka ftiini tha 4th day or Da
wmlr. A P 1411, (ho aald llcana will b
grantod. FRITZ STAKKETl, Applicant. D4-14
William A Atkma for Liquor Lscnaa. Nottc
Ih 4lh day of liimbr. A O. lil, III bla ap
plication olth th H.iaid of Fir and Poiio t'om
inia.lon.ra tit Omaha, for llcvna to aall malt,
MpirlltKiii. a:id vinotia llquora at No. IltO Far
nam alicrt, lOkHo fort, ground floor. Third
waid. t.inana. Nebraska. Irom traa flrat day of
Jaiiuaiy, lit, 2. lo th Itral tlay ot January, 1612.
li uieia bo no olijcttlnn, retnonalraiK' or proteat
filed itlthtii tan w. cka from tha 4ih day uf L9
vamlior, A. f lull, th aald llcana will b
grantad. WILLIAM A. A1MNS. Applicant. D4-14
Loula Ihiman.kl for Liquor Llcana. Nolle
la hai-viiy g.ven that Loula Ikimanakl did upon
tho alh day of P. amiier. A. 1. tail, flla hla ap
plaiailon with Out llcaid uf Fir and Polio Comma.-loner
of Omaha, lor ll'cna to aall malt,
aMrittioua and Vlnoua llquora at No. 124 South
Ulh attcal. 4c4o feet, grnuod 4loor, Third
want. Omaha. tSehrunka, Irom the flrat day of
January, lull, to tha Mist day of January, 1U.
If tlier l no ohict tlon. rHiuonstraiue or protaat.
filed within two werka from Ilia 4th day of
. anther. A. I. lull, the aald llrana will b
granted. LOlid IXlMANSh.1, AppllcaiO. 1XC4-1S
A II. Frary, Jr. for Liquor Ucanaa. Nulla
la horaby glvan that A. U. Frary. Jr , did upon
th 4th day of Ifetemtwr, A. l mil. flla bla ap
plication llh tha Hoard ot Fir and Pollc Com
ntlaalonera of Omaha, for llcana t all malt,
aplrlluou snd vlnoua llquora at No. 3ao3 North.
14th atroet, grtiuntl floor, 22a64 fal, Plftll
ward, tlniaha, Nebraaka. from tha flrat day ot
January. I'll, to th first day of January, 1411.
It thai b na objaillun. r'tnonatranc at proteat
tiled within two .ka from tha 4th day al Pa
rentlwr. A. !. tall, tha aald llcana will b
granted. A. U. FKAHY, Jr.. Applloant. 1)4-14
Joseph Wasuian fur Liquor Lit ansa. Notlr
la Itvcabr glvan that Juaaph W agtnan did upon
tha 4th day of Oecanihrr, A. II. 1411, flla hla ap
plication with tha Hoard of Fir snd Pollc t'nai
mtealuuera of Omaha, lor license to aoll malt,
aplrlluoua sod vlnoua llquora at Nu. H14 Roug
laa atreet. ground Hour, 2J by 40 fot, Third
ward. Omaha, Nebraska, Irom tlia tlrat day nf
January, ll. to Ihe llrar day of January. 1I1S.
If thara h no oblartlnn, remonstrant- or prla
tiled within two ika from tha 4ih day ot D
cmbr, A. I), mil. th aaltl ll.auaa will b
giauird. JOBKPH WAOMAN. ApplloaaL l)4-l
Plata Company for Liquor t.lrrua. Notlc I
heraby glvan that Plata Company did upon Ih
4:h day uf Decambar. A. lc mil, Ills It appli
cation with tha Hoard of Flra and Pollc t'om
mlasltinvra nf Omaha, for Ittena to aoll mall,
spirituous and vlnoua liquor at No. 403 Pouglaa
street, Third ward, Omaha, Nebraska, from th
.iral day of January, IPi:, lo the flrat day of Jan
uary, 121.1. If thoro b no 1 ohJctlon, ramon
stranc or protast filed wlthm two weaka from
tha 4th day ot December. A. D. 1911, tha aald
lloansa will ba granlod. 1 1ILATZ COMPANY.
Ily 1'rad llocshsar, I'reiltlont. 1M44-1I
Detailed information if Desired.
Plympton, Gardiner & Co.,
228 La Salle St.. Chicago.
I' If
Bee Building
Hungry Appetite
five Churches
- operating y