I i i i ' ' ., ...... m in iiibwii mi hi w wr 1 " imu,mm,m ' ' " " " TifK iU:K: OMAHA. MONDAY. DKCKMI3KH 4, 1911. Yes, the Jury is Still Out in the Mutt Case . . . ;. By "Bud" Fisher 'oo &e t (vtw.'We '.'."w.lwn, JCP- 5 WyyrN'T f .-5i.l, o rAevrrti how "A Y(X)t tfTl" " If FiNe""" 1 ' J Yn4 CUM eVOt'M Go'N. KNCvv TOM'S &0 tSA&Hf 6rTNT VSb ) V J rO V NHT ' DID j H(SO ttSXPN J f w f.sf feHd W- J&rf& i i PROMISES BEST HISTORY j SHAMROCK BEATS EXCELSIOR Hebraikfc Foot Ball Season Revenue Will Make Board Happy. TWO IIESTIONEL rOR CAriAI5 K. Kniak iinil Jrrrr M'irnrr C'onnM creil Mnmi LIUrlr in Unan CorahuiWrr l.vadrrahlp fr . ;asand Fans See Op me at Fort Omaha. SPECTACULAR TLAYS MADE Korward I'm la . Mktlfallr Nira tlnlnl by IlolU Tcaaia Work itirn IImhiI Varalakra tk Xlaal. W'OLX, NrU.. De-. a-(.'I.lal.)-om report which will ba ready for tha public In a (aw t! H I aatliaiwl that tha foot ball aMaon Jut vloavd ha wan the moat profitable In the hlatory cf the came at tlia lnivrraliy of Ne braaka. The -rat tram which Nebraaka )iad prcv a drawing card and with two . conference teaing on the ached ule. Kagir will report the heavieat reoelpte in years. M'lth even normal aupport during the lemalndfr- of the year the Cornhuaker fliiancea ehoukl le In excellent ahape after the heavy drain of the last two yeara nreaRioned, by the ronatructlon and linpruvemenl of the new athletlo field. The' blax Ulchiitan dime will yield the Meseat revenue to the Cornhusker ex chequer, althouich the ume wttli Mlnne ot la not far behind tn net recelpta. The expenee Incurred In handllns the Michigan crowd was much Inrfar than for any othtr same of the year. Kaaaaa Third Ula- 0e. Next to (he Sl!chlan and Ulnneaota panjea came Kanaaa In point of revenue. The crowd at Lawrence far exceeded the expertaUona of the management eirlne to the reveraea which the Jayhawker team had met on the rrlillron and tha Krone recelpta were ullghtly heavier than laat caao when Kanaaa yielded third In iwlnt of net receipts. The Mlaaourl gam also proved a money-maker for the management but the byter dlaappolnl ment of the reason waa the game with the Aniea Aggies. At Amea tha crowd waa not nearly up to.fxpectetlone and the i ocelpta , barely covered the expense of the trip and game. , Of the lighter aamea. Doane proved a flxile o far aa revenue was concerned, owing: to the frightful weather condl ' lone which existed. The Kanaaa Agglet tnd the owning gam with Kearney wrought In tidy euma for secondary at tractions. the report will be made to the athletlo board within a few days. Eager still hav ing a few uoaettted accounts before mak ing hie statement aa to the condition of Cernhuker flnancea, Basket Ball to Front. From now on until the first of the ear, attention w.lll be directed to basket ball practice antt Indoor track work. The basket bull schedule doea not call for any l evular games until Bfter the flrat of the year, but practice will Immediately begin uader the supervision of ' Coach Ewald iiUehia. The aquad, pror.iiaa to b larger tluui usual and a sturdy fight ta expected among the,' freshmen of last year for place on the varsity aquad. There are still a number of last year's player available with Glbeon. Tlltner. Carrier and trwen in achoul. ' e)Uehm la now in Kanaaa visiting and will return next Tuesday when he will Immediately summon the basket ball aien t attend a meeting at which the prac tice will be outlined. ' - Hoard Meet Tuesday Mab. Tha athletic board Will meet next Tuea Cay evening, when "N " will be awarded to the foot ball players and the election of a captain of the foot ball squad wilt take place, on account of the constant fchl ft In the lineup, the awardlnu of -S'a" iiits created. unuaual Interest. It is believed that tha liat will be much larger than In the past. In the election of a captain, two meii have been mentioned tiioat prominently. Jerry Warnrr and . Lrnle Frank. lioth will ptuy their third year next season. Other routine li M ten. will be disposed of. Authorities Differ On Eastern Team NEW YoRK. live. 2. For the eleven I'oaltions on thu all-east. Tn foot Lull tram f jr mil the sporttn.? experts f six New York uuneia named twvnty-ona different men. Vhite and Hart of Princeton and . eel l'aHun uf the navy are the only i cu who find blaos In all ala lln.una but the vote la almost unanimous for iiotne.kler or Yale and Wendell of Har vard. 'i lia Hst of I j on us with a Haura Indlci. !W Uu number of papers making the ii;o:ce -u-'iv : Arnold. Army....'..,.. i oinelslrr. Vaiu -row ii. Navy v . 1 luetiia1 rrtncetoii alioit. Navy ; 'i-i ty . I- rlnoeton. . . l lcock, Iiaitmouth. i ivher iiattaid Jikrt, J r ii.el.oil Hove. Navy 1 loe. Y e Vt. ...... v.u &i'ritejn. ai.1eiU.lt ... I elt lu.irtiuck .;ii9r, rnii... riBii -f .a i ie. i.oiB 1. . . I r.' kle "S. . iti Kill end Ci) .. Ouart. rtix-k it . iiisht ha foai k (J). .. r tin vr ha'f il) .. I -eft end ii. ricforc 2,000 enthusiastic fane at Fort Omnha yesterday afternoon the Bham rocka of South Omaha rurfealed the Ex celsiors by the acore of t to . The conlest was interesting to tha fire lah. QulKlcy' and Tut tie e spectacular tackling were two of the featurea note worthy. For the Excelsiors M. HhuUky, Moran, Oulnane and Handau were the star. The chief ground gainers for the Phamrocka were Compton, Tuttle, "Calla han and (julgley. .... On several occasions the forward pass was ekllfully negotiated by both team but the Excelsior had the beat of the argument In this style of play. Tom Moore, the captain of tb Excel- lors, kicked off to Qulgley, whe advanced twenty-five yards. Uy line plunging and end runs, Intermingled with an occaalonal pass, tha Phamrock advanced the leather en to the ten-yard line, where the Ex iWlor braced and held the Irishmen for two down. On the third down a forward pass failed and the Excelsior kicked out of danger. Again the Sham rock plowed up the field only to loae out when they were class to the scoring line. ' Whrn the quarter ended th pig skin waa on the Exoelaior's ttfteen-yard line. Second Quarter The Excla!or held th Shamrocks. An attempted drop kick from a difficult angle failed. Tha Ex ceialor tried a forward pas. 'which ti Intercepted by Compton. he gaining twenty-five yard. Compton went through tha tackle tor five yard. TutUa want off left end for three yard and Compton went through th tackle . for tha only touchdown of th . magnificent battle. Qulgley kicked out but th oval wa mlased. Th balance of th cam was see-saw affair, with th Shamrocks having the beat of It. What served to keep thing extra lively was th band of th Ancient Order of United Workmen lodge No. 17. They ren- dered sevtral popular (election In a moat acceptable manner. Next Hunday there will be two game at Fort Omaha, th first of which will be between the Athletic and th South Oinaha Hainblera, and the second be tween the Shamrocks and th Soldiers. Th officials of the big game yesterday wern: Wright. Fagen and Oolden and they deserve special credit for their excellent work. Following I th lineup: 1UMRIXK. KXCKL8I0RS rsul ,.,.Ouard (J). luo (S). .. .TackK (I). ' 'mer til. ... Full or half (). ... Ouard 4i. ....Tackle ill. ,...!i aid Mi. ....Tackle 161. .. .Ouard (II. lartert uck (I). j t-nier 111. ttcui.'y. Yaie... Mj. Hi, liar. aid r ' laxklnm. lnown.. '1 V.ort. 'nrlUle Vriidvll. Harvard... V t-llc, l'r'.ncelon nt.h Hitchte . ITnha .. KmmIIt t'vmiKna 1 hoiiiss , , mill ... Uiilcley . C.IUhaa . Theuvr .. Tultl ...Cents. Osier .11. GIL. O. .L. O .....R. T. L. T. II. . , L. K .'. ft' if. B, . L H h: Kulllwck R. Q.. b T" H. T... I. K. R K.i . u. U H. B ... R. II .. r'utltxck V 11. ihui.kr i DIsmo Murvs ..A. tfcul.k ol3 Faraa Klnual Moore Ouluit .Sandsu fteferee: Faaan. I'mviiei Wrlaht. Vl.ld Judge: Uolden. Head lineaman: Hexton. Defeat Hare. NKW ORLKANS, Iji., IVo. .-Jo Mandot of thle city waa awarded the do. oiaioa over Orover Hayes of fhlladelphla after a twenty-round bout todav before the Weet Kid Athletlo club at Algiers. The declelon M a clo.e one. the general opinion beina about wnlv iivM.,I ,. draw. " " " - " MADE A NEW RECORD FOR 8PIED ' IN AUTO. Williams Picks an . All-American Team MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Dec. t-For the first time since he ha been roach at Iho fnlverslly of Minnesota, Dr. II. L Williams has picked an all-Amerlcan team. Outside of naming th men for the 1911 team. Dr. William only say he believed It more representative of Amer ican foot ball than a great many other selections. Thre Minnesota players ar placed en th team. Captain Earl Pickering, who wa barred from the gamo with the Uni versity of Wisconsin becaiw of alleged profeaalonaliam. not belna; given a place. Th team a chosen by Dr. Williams is aa follows: . . Klght end, Well. Michigan; right tackl. Frank, Ulnneaota; right guard. Robinson, Minnesota; center, Slbert, West Polnti left guard. Wakeman, Annapolis; left tackl. Mart. Princeton; left and. White, Princeton; quarterback. Howo, Tale; left halfback. Rosenwald. Minne sota; right halfback, Wendell, Harvard; fullback, Phllbln. Tale. GERMANY PLANS TO BUILD FIRST BIO nlAL CRUISER OOLOONE, Germany. Dee. J Th military authorities are planning to build n aerial cru!aer, with a carrying power of 100 persons and a speed of fifty miles an hour. It gas capacity will b 10.000 cublo mater. Th plan I th outcom of th aerial maneuver just ended which were unusually satisfactory. Burke is on Trial for Manslaughter William Jj. Burke, the saloon keeper charged with manslaughter for the death of Charles Forbea Robertson on October 8, was placed on trial before Judge Lec 8. Eatelle In the criminal division of ti e district court today. The greater part of the day wa spent In ecurlng a Jury, County Attorney English for the state and Ben 8. Baker for the defense examining each Juror cloeely and challeiiKiirf many for cause. Taking of testimony will not be begun until some time tomorrow. . OMAHA SOCIALISTS TAKE , ACTION ON M'NAMARAS Socialists of Omaha and vicinity gath ered at th Lyric theater on Sunday and adopted a lengthy set of resolutions de nouncing th McNamaras and the "capi talistic" condition they hold responsible for confessed criminals. - J. U. McNamem la especially denounced a a tool of capi talism. All worker ar urged to unite In aupport of socialist cundldntes for of fice. The resolutions conclude with the call from Karl Marx: "Woikers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains." Laurence Mlnot, IJostqn capitalist and trustee of the Ronton Ground Kent com pany. Is In Omnha to Inspect the com pany's property here, the latest addition to which Is the northwest corner of Sev enteenth and DotiKlas, where the com pany probably will erect a building In th spring. I , . CROSS-COUNTRY RUN IS PLANNED FOR NEW YEAR'S A novelty for local sport follower will be a cros country run held on New Year' afternoon, under the auspices of the 'Young Men' Christian association. Several teama from the association wlU be entered and the hlBh achool will also enter It team, composed of Lynn S ickeet, captain; Charles Robel, Halleck Rouse, Flnley Jenkins, Coleman Gordon and John Lewis. The high nchool team Is holding eeml-weekly runms this month to net in trim and can be counted upon to run their older and more experienced competitor a lively race. A silver loving cup wlil be awarded the team winning the run, this to be decided by a committee of Judge on tha usual point bnl. Individual medals will also be awarded. The winner of the run wlil re ceive a har.dtome gold medal, second p:lce wll be a silver one, and the next seven men who get places will be (riven bronxe badges. Th run will start at the Young; Men's Christian association building, thence north to Famam on Seventeenth, west on Farnain to- the boulevard on Thirty firrt, north on the boulevard to Cumlngd street, east on Cutnlngs to Sixteenth, south on Sixteenth to Harney and then wept on Harney tack to the association building. The distance thu covered lx about three miles. The key to success In business la the Judicious and persistent use of newspaper advertising. Fielding and Pitching Averages of National League in 18 it n Following ar the official fielding and pttrhlng averages of National league player who participated In fifteen or more cnampionanip game during- th aeaaon of lll: FIRST BASEMEN. Player and tiub. u. cu. A.' Koneicny, nt. Lou)...16s lifcl 71 Hobiltseil, Cincinnati. 16 1442 m Chance, .Chicago 2 n Daubert, tirooUiyn ....J4J Kii U Hunter, Pittsburgh ... 61 HA M Houser, Beaton w itW 11 Mrai. New York. ...MS in5 117 Ludrus, Phlladelp a.. lea U1S 17 Tenney, Boaton m not t Hofman Chicago .... W xj 17 hater, 1 hlcego 73 71S M li McKechnl. Plttau'gn 67 k a 14 Watner, Plttaburgli... a iW 7 Oowdy, N. Y. -Boaton. W7 13 lngerton. Breton n iw M 1 SECOND UAHKMEN. Ever. Chicago aa 00 90 4 Magee, 8t. tuia 18 tj i; j hurnmsl, Brooklyn ...1j7 Z Vi 1 McKechnle, Pltlab'gh. 1 4 4H 3 Hugglna, ht. Loula....lM 2M1 43 'Jt riara Brooklyn ...... IS Knab. Phlladelphfm..l41 Kxan. Cincinnati V.l thean, Chicago tt Zimmerman, Chicago.. Ids Doyle, New York 141 bweenay. Boaton 11 Miller, Pittsburgh ....la 47 40 .4 Jll 411 as HI 44 til Mv m 410 271 M 4J 44 4 12 flrf May Kret.--' --.-.-.k. ULENWOOD. la-. Dec. l-(8pw-al)-iltai Kami; arlt'n waa called to (Jim u.d tcKjoy to advise reiaiduig the fish in Olcnwiod paik lake, i lie mater la v y iuw t nd ii ili -o an amount .1 water .en m in ii wv ij uricui into the 1kq total ueatructtun of the tons of kin. tub tiv.ut by lirtuia- kiuii csr U,u. 1 11 w i . . . 1,1 THIKll HAm:mh-m Zimmerman, , Bkln..l&! el t McDonald. Boaton .... U U Hi Lobert, Philadelphia. .14; ac lis Grant. Cincinnati ...Ati l.SH Mowrey, tt. IxuU....m i;4 i7 Devlin New York 7 75 144 Fletcher. New York., xl 17 4 lngerton. Boston M t lilt Hmith, W. tit. Louis.. M i Hersog. Bos.-N. Y... lis M 14 Byrne, Pittsburgh ....l&l 1st 2sj Doyle, J., Chicago W 1.14 27s Smith. J. C. Brooklyn 24 3u bl Almeida, Cincinnati .. W 44 Zimmerman, H , Chi.. 10 :S 14 bleicfeldt, Boston .... U Zi U KHIlRTHTilPU aiccarmy flttsbuigti 3J 'linker, Chloago 141 Dooian. I'hl.adelphla..l4i Heraog. Boa-N. Y... ;i NSagncr. Pittsburgh. ..lot Smith. W., Mt. Louis., ti Hrldwell. N. Y.-Boa..lJ7 Mhean. Chiracs Is lietohar, New York... 74 1 coiey. Brooklyn , Hat ssi, tit Louis.. Esmond. Cincinnati Stark. Brooklyn ... Alllier. Cincinnati ..114 .134 . 41 70 act it isi 14 2U7 17 43 114 tM S40 ta tit 110 1U4 (A n o7 eo 4V 474 U ill M Ml 8 JAS 4i XI 4t M Is U 10 Player and Club. O. P.O. A.- E. Pet. Pet. Downey, Cincinnati .. yl ltw g? 4 .) .n.tl Hpratt, Boston mi 1 efi si II .t&i . OUTFIELDERS. .M Collins, Boa -Chicago., Is li 1 l.flCO .MM Wllle, St. Louis 15 Is 3 0 1.0o .IMV Leach, Pittsburgh :) W II 1 .17 .1M Magee. Philadelphia. ..1D0 UH 14 6 .11 Paakert, Philadelphia. m 'Ml JJ ,9,D .14 Titus, Philadelphia .... iw & 10 i .Wit .MA YMIhun, Pittaburgh....l4it 871 20 T ,lr77 .V84 Carey, Pittsburgh ....til WH U H Becker, New York &o 71 V 2 .Wf. .7S rlnodgrass. New York.H 2K3 Jl .974 Kvans tit. LouIr.. ISO 2.1M 17 S .til .nfu Burch," Brooklyn 41 CI tl 3 .ill ,o9 hchu.te, Chicago 11.4 lu l' .971 Mitchell. Cincinnati ..14(1 IS) :'3 V .971 .975 Clarke, K., Pittsburgh. Kit S 7 .970 .ti,5 CoulMon, Brooklyn ....146 63 21 9 .9tM .t72 Hofman, Chicago 10 11 I ,K ,n;0 Marsans, Cincinnati .. M bS 2 2 .WW .mil Bock. Cln.-Phlla 77 Hi 9 4 .9rtti M) ingiiton, Boston 4J M li 4 .ton .960 tiheckarci, Chicago 332 32 14 . 9Hi .949 Walsh, Philadelphia.. 48 73 2 .V6i Ml Onke. 1st. Louis 151 364 2 Is .9i1 .944 Miller, Boston U 24J M 11 .l .mi Davioson, Drooklyn... 71 1 4 8 .' .944 Wheat, Brooklyn 1M -7 12 14 .9m .943 Hesiiier, Cinuinilatl....lu4 17 21 14 .9s4 Murray, New York. ...131 19t 12 10 .9o4 a;l Duiey Brooklyn Ii Jl i 2 .suj 'uri Lilis. lot. Louis 14S tl ii tl . 'uu Ooode, Boaton-ChJ... U lul 18 13 .kifi 'ul 1 lX Boaton i m i ft .93S fr Devore, New York. ...140 2ii 20 19 .9.4 1-ianerty, Boston 19 M 2 2 .IM3 Jackann, Boaton 3U 7i 4 8 .9a 44 vichonc, Pmla 17 2j 12 .9 93 Mclver, HI. Iaiiu 1( 24 I 2 .9J 9.t Campbell, Pittsburgh. II Hi 1 3 .9j3 Mi Kalaer, Chicago-lioa. . hi l:i 9 11 .919 .90 Don In, N. Y.-rloaton. fcn 118 8 12 .912 .9.2 Noithen, Brooklyn.... 19 48 5 8 .(U .900 Jones, Boaton 18 30 3 .8i . CATCHERS. .MM Moran, Phlladeiph .a. . 113 148 41 S ,BM .810 Neeuliam, Chlcaiio U II U .94 Bergen, c!rokln ,M 340 Ul t .11 .K1 Meers, New York.... 18 1 18 .9.9 . Oioaon, Pittsburgh.... 98 4o3 117 12 .1,9 .Kid Archer, Chicago l 4,8 1.4 14 .977 .9U, I'artrr. PluUdeiphlu.. 17 no -4 2 .97 ,1 Kiln. Brooklyn 74 273 IM II .9,1 9.10 Ciarae. Cincinnati 81 313 "i4 11 .1.0 M Lean. Cincinnati... 94 414 1.VI Is .9tts hlemittliaii, fit. Iajuis. 7i M-a H2 14 .9n8 Vtt riiinon, Pliiaciurgh 88 ' -i j 13 .v liooin, Philadelphia... 74 4W Hi 18 .9.f7 w vllson. New York.... l 1.110 al 9 .9o3 Kiln. Chicago-Bus... H 4i!4 14) i .9,eJ Hilsa, 8t. Iajui M .Si lo3 -li .92 ' Kar.dcn. Boato IU ll llu .9oJ C rahatn, Boaton-Chl.. hi laJ ji 19 .Ji Iiayer and Club. a. P Aim..., o., aJ1ooi11.. .J .Uillljvtl, A'll..wt;tA.M.M.' 11 lll0, bl. CjUi l& but.u.U, C111c.1111a.ki... Li Pfcfter, Boston u juu.i.l.ie, ii.cmmj i jjUu.bwo 11, .vn 0lK to iiyA.i, liiiCiisj , ..nun. 1 ...bai till. .. 12 hltcic, tt 111., el. uU.a 3 rtuu,ua, fiiuiuul'ail.... 4i i-Ml g. , i.l,UlklU oU ..ion, 01. lunula 01 Alullcril, UOSlOII 6ii i-iuiiipm ita, v.m.-r'iiiia iJ bufcga, iiicuuiai. as nuiivcr, ttioukijii iS baiiM, eit. Luu.a ao nkvi iiiOliu, new Y01K. 1 menu, Chicago .) Alexander, i iuiu i Uiume, new lurK.... iee., t'ilts.-o a'n. 38 cranuati, new York... 41 I'loiiiiuu, Cincinnati... 6i Kneiaer, torooaiyu.. iturns, cin-ir niia... i.euiuuch, cii.cago.. Vvntse, itw kum.. fucnler, Chicago.... bail, BrcKiaiyu biuitn, Cincinnati.. M Lri.iiie.d, fiwaomgii.... 41 iil'iil.n, c h.uago-.ioa. . 18 Moore, piuiaueipnia. .. 4J Mariiuaru, new York. 4 01 own, c. Hoaton 42 cammia. Patstiuitfti.. 40 jxasoiL, clrouaiyii 22 cummers, i-iu,a 'luiiey, ciin.'MaTO 18 Cole, Chicago 82 LoiMieima, 1,., Bt. L.. 18 Amw, new Yoik .94 uaopar, Cnomnan 44 Ueyor, (jt. l-oo.a .i m Mcvju.imn, Cincinnati. 19 hcimrut, nrookiyn 38 Hoiorn. Bt. Louis..'... iu Curua, Boa -Cin.-plill. il Perduo, iloalon 24 T ler. Uos.on 2S bcanlan, Brooklyn ti Wnavei, I lncago-Uc. 32 Ferry, Plttaburgn M Keete. Cincinnati 99 LUtO FiCLUINU. . 8 , 27 a V . 22 19 O. A. E. Pet. Ill iJi I ,9. ll 3 12 ..! IM 12 8 ui 12 4) .Slo 23 0 1.000 1 42 0 l.ooj 3l lbl 2 ,9M 8 ui 1 .Dot 12 M 1 .lu2 ll Ki i .tK4 2 2 1 .tlio 9 lij 2 .tfi 11 U i .i 0 bl 2 .9U 4 i0 1 .Sit 12 M . 3 .9iU K 3 .99 1 IN) 2 .VuJ 8 I .IMl 12 .0 3 .M It h 4 .ikh 4 23 1 .M 11 V.1 3 .ViM 9 -0 8 .Vol Hi .km 1 at 2 .wii 8 i i .9i b ii a ,92 19 44 4 .9w 3 11 1 .922 2 40 1 .9m 14 U tt .922 13 U 7 ..Jl 3 24 2 .91 8 UJ k .9,10 40 4 .99 a .928 09 8 .9tt 4 21 2 .92e 11 ho 6 .M 0 23 2 .fell 8 ej S .911 It 1 .911 7 t9 7 .918 J tO 7 .V12 1 Da 4 i l'J 2 . 9ci 7 W 7 .9ul & 19 6 .ton I 37 6 .SW5 8 38 8 .ti ft U 8 .SV2 1 bl 4 .(9 3 4 .SM 2 17 3 .A 13 38 8 .800 PittsburKh Phliadrlplila .... Brooklyn (St. Louis ch.cugo New York Cincinnati Boaton .lao ...UJ ...li4 ...IjS ...la ...164 ...la 41iJ 1837 12 iUH 19U1 Ztl llOJ IX, U 241 4lK HI Ml 421 lo4 200 4v9i lotil in 42u0 2U12 29a PtTI'MVni. Record of those ho pitched in fifteen or more game, arranged according to percentage of victories: -no. com- .1X4 4111 2Mi 347 .9C3 .9U 9o2 .km -9uv .80 . .9.1 No. Gsiuea pitta 1 Bruce-Brown, winner o( the Crand Krlxs lac at r1aarr.ah. li., drove ha blgh-piwered Flat fljr than an aulomoulle had tr goiiv let or over a Ilk distance. f Marquaid, New York 4i Ciatidall. New York 41 Cola, Chicago jj Alexander. I'hlladelpnta . . .. 4s Matnewaoit, New York 4 ro Id.. Chuawo 62 Adams, liltaouign 40 Raulbacti, Chlcaao aj iiuiiiunriea. t'ni.u.-Clu M V 28 fallen, ht. Louis Aicunure, Chicago , Uoyer, CI. Iaui r'erry, Pltlsbuigu , Raymond, Nea York... liaimoic St. Louis Ptelier, Boaton K.inio, Cliuaao Wl.Ule, New York C'amiiits, Piiibuigli.... Kagon, Brook!) n clioiii.ers, thiaUelphia Hucker, Ulookl)ii HuKgi, Cincinnati Aine, New Yma l-cilield, Plttaburgh Mcele, Pitia.-uruoklyn. 3 Toney, chl.aoO u Drocl. New Ycrk u fclocl,). Wm.. bl. Louis 42 Kcefe, Cincinnati j K Holier. iiiuoe.ln j l-'r. mm. Cincinnati tt Bell, iiiooklwi i kioire, 1-hiladelphia Loudermllk, I. , rtt. Louis.. 18 Larger. Biooklyn 3u 1 ler. lioaioii ; l.urns, C.iic.nnail-Plilla.... 2; Gnuth, F., Cinctnnatl 14 lirnilrlx. Pituburgii ti l eruue, Biiin 14 iajiiar. Cm inujiil 44 l iown, l'.. Iloeton 41 lioldt ll, Sit. I. u a 1 Wcsfui.lan. Cncinnatl ... ... 19 Curtia. h"ion-i In -li.Ua .. n W-er, rhkuj-Honsn..,, - Schaidl, hioikhr. ;9 H.rht.r. hiitiij 12 Scanlon, l-.ro,. kiyn MattM'it. Bvmm a.t Uiiifin. Chicago-Uoatcn 14 23 14 31 .V 21 24 18 6 Is 1 4 4 31 8 is 11 15 t 11 22 17 11 28 7 1 4 21 li 11 11 11 1 21 10 8 W. 9 11 13 2 8 i 10 0 I 10 1 i s 1 Opponents. fihut- Pet. of 11 No. le. outs. Won. Lost. Yictorie.nlnning. A.M. Hits. Runs. II. 15. B.R. 8 1) WP 0 8 14 J .174 2.S KW 2.1 w 4 P ai 10 V 2 13 S .;m 11 11 1.8 lav sj 8 ol VI 2 I U 1 ' ll l 18 8 90 lol 11 7 28 11 .M : 2b 13 23 1S3 8 l:-9 r?7 4 1 28 13 .at ') U Ji lu2 I as lil x 1 0 21 11 .bu 2ii .lUJl 2c7 110 6j L9 t 0 8 23 12 .tli i 2D2 Ml 2, J Sf 42 li2 1 3 18 . .140 2-3 f 9 191 9 4 13 .9 4 0 7 4 .0.4 i lo ia M a0 11 2 ; ! 3 1 15 9 .liiJ 14) . 912 2v4 1m3 6 81 74 it 1 11 7 .Oil j U 8.3 147 l 4 83 M 1 1 9 .) jl 149 i.44 HI eo 8 w 48 4 0 1 8 4 .800 , 08 . 110 82 a 2 27 SJ 4 0 1 b 4 .M4 j Si a jj M 2 81 39 1 23 18 . jl 3tS 1230 290 14 7 1S1 I44 3 W ' ll i 803 114 74 0 4 24 . 1 4 1 11 ..r 2oJ kd (11 M 2 lta Is 1 l 4 12 oil is; 7uj L7 83 I 29 91 3 J 1 20 14 .4.1 .1 208 99 24S 113 84 li J, J I 4 2 .ml 94 " .SJJ l 2 2 U W y 13 10 ,ie , v9 ii 198 lo7 4 101 HI 10 2 8 22 Is .4o4 J18 IL'8 2b3 p'l 8 110 1) 1 1 " li 11 .08 I, ll 108 110 10 79 91 8 i ll H i !4 L'J 80 4 44 lis 4 1 1 19 18 ..W i, 21S Hoi 1 HI 14 4 m ; 1 9 .a0 11 IJ 42 177 74 4 34 hi J 0 0 1 t .4 I, 240 4i 38 4 34 27 4 0 4 4 .0"0 II 7 u M 8 41 41 0 18 19 .4-4 ll 2M' lw 7 133 10 111 Hi J ! 0 13 13 .4.4 r.4 .-7 18 48 3 78 ldi 4 J ? 11 12 .4.8 ii 204 5io ia jiji 1 i w 1 U 11 .41 k"8 '.88 10 111 14 107 i 8 i I; let J a 60 1 28 28 8 Is 19 .441 11 ovb 11U3 Ml 1.1 11 104 174 4 4 .4-0 I 8j 227 72. 10 2 20 4 1 11 14 4i4 i Ii7 84 225 HI I 71 W 1 J 7 10 .ill 1 18 U 1 118 10 lot 9 1 7 in 413 ,1 1 4- 149 70 22 42 1 10 li 178 tM 114 111 S 6i 87 2 J 1 4 8 .) i 11 41, 41 1 U 47 8 10 .r.i 11 Ui 4-if 1m lis) 4 41 494 1 1 1 II 30 1, 14 M 2:1 . 113 . 14 6 78 1 0 S 1 . .1 410 S.3 4)181 !0 118 i 8 M k lit 4- U'7 fri I 1'. tl 8 J t .4 ij 7 si . 4 31 ' 38 O 1 4 II set Ii l.K 40 ill m,i it 4D 9 f 1 14 2M I W. J 1) il 11 101 70 ii 1 4 r .i4 I'.O I;) I'VJ I 91 '.7 1 i ! t! m 2 20 31 2 ! '. s 14 . ,( 7 4 kO 4i O - .COO h l' . 81 '.2 37 21 3 Cfcl.lel s ailed Bed f tl'jihf j ,y rii JENNINGS' CONDITION BETTER Detroit Manager Slightly Improved, According to Physician. DOCTORS PREDICT RECOVERY Father I.ynelt. Who Was Injnred svlth Jennlnsta. Reported 1o lie Threatened vrlth Comtillca ratlon of Pneumonia. SCRANTON. Pa.. Dec. S.-Th con dition of Manager Hugh Jennings of the Detroit American leaguo base ball team, who, with Father Lynett, was Injured In an automobile accident late Friday nltht. was slightly Improved tonight. Father Lynett' condition Is not so favorable as It was twenty-four hours ago. The following bulletin was- Issued tonight by Dr. Webb at the state hos pital: "Hush Jennings' condition U better than It was twenty-four hours ago. He still suffers from slight shock as shown by a temperature of Du.l. Barring un expected developments We confidently expect his recovery. His Injuries conBl.it of a badly crushed left foot; contused left thlKh. fracture of both bones of the lower third of the left forearm; cuts and brulees about the face and head and concussion of tho brain. He is comparatively free from pain. "Father Lynett is not In a good con dition this evening as he was last night. Pneumonia la threatened." WOLGAST READY FOR GOOD SQUARE MEAL LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Deo. S."Say, when do I get a Rood, square meal" asked Ad Wolgost from his hospital cot this morning. "I could eat a horse." he continued, "but all I get Is this doctor' cooked grub ard very little of that. How do I feel? I feel fine, and if there was a suit of clothes hanging about, I'd leave here In a hurry." Wolgast' condition, , according to the irtirso in charge, was very good today. His temperature registered only a shade above normal. Key to the Sltuution Bee Want Ad. SMITH FIRST IN SINGLES St. Louis Man leads in Middle Western Bowlin? Tournament. CHICAGO MEN BEST IN DOUBLES Five-Man, Team from Waterloo, Slonx City, St. Joseph and Book Island Contest at Maht at Dos Motnea. DE3 MOINES, Dec. S. August Smith cf St. Loul won first place in the singles In this afternoon's event of the middle western bowling tournament, finishing with a score of 63G. GeorRs Qualey and H. Decn, both of Bt. Louis, were second and third with scores of 619 and 015. respectively. In the doubles Schrogen and Blouln of Chicago scored high with 1,166 and Lam fon and Hllker of Bt. Louis-won second place with a score of 1.1G4. Hammon and Witter also of St. Louis were third with I. 152. , Five-man teams from Waterloo, Sioux City, Bt. Joseph and Rock Island con tested tonight. The Western Brows of Sioux City, la., rolled tho high score In tonight' five-' man tram event, finishing with 2,744. Found Guilty of Assault. GLENWOOD, la., Dec. 2. (Special.) At 12:30 last night the Jury In th case of Cliff Hooker, charged with assault, returned a verdict of guilty. Earl Mendenhair the thrid of those indicted by the Bepfember grand Jury In connection with this same offense ki now cn trial. Key to tne Situation Boe "Want Ada. SIX HUNDRED GLASS EYES SEIZED BY GOVERNMENT ST. PAUL. Minn., Dec. 3. George P. Locke, special agent of the United States cuHtoma acrvlce, yesterday made a sels- lire of C00 ttlasi artificial eves from a local optician. The eye ore valued at 14.200 and are said to be part of a con signment of 15.000, valued at (105,000 al iened to have been smuggled into th United States from Germany last sum mer by a Hoboken, N. J., man. Winter Trips Round Trip Excursion Tickets Are New on Sale Daily via the C. C& N. W. Ry. to Florida, Cuba, New Orleans, Mobile and the Gulf Coast Fourteen Fast Trains Daily Between Omaha and Chicago The Best of 11 The splendid trains of the Chicago and North Western Railway between Omaha and Chicago connect r.t the latter city with all lines to the South and Southeast, forrr.inc; a passenger service that cannot be Rurpasscd. Through raSwny end tttamthip fi'cAef art also on tale to tha NedUtrrunion, tfiB lloly land and to all European cities. Sleeping car reservaUona and reservation Of SPKC On SteamahiDS to Tviinll n.m.J Everything bovo ivn Prn"P r-d careful attention. Trains leave Omaha for Chicago: 7:43 a.. 6:00 p.at, 8:50 p.. i: :03 p.m. 6:3Sp.a. 12:40 .. 5:10 p.. 7:55 p.m. ' Ticket Officii 140J-U03 Famam Omaha, Kib. Street kivsoi 0 Useful Christmas Presents if If. k a - l " at low raters Including Fags, Suit Cases. Trunk. Auto n obll I-haw la. l.ap l'.ol'ce. Horse B'an Uets, Hurneaa and r'addlex. We ar sell In a lot of Fc.r llubea at a big dis count from Si3 to S20 Auloiiiubils m.HM. Alfred Cornish & T.e: 1110 raraam BtrMt. FhoB rioaf. B314. 1