Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Knit Drawer I.crglngs to match sweaters come nt $1,00 to $1.50
Knit Toqitf.i .-500 to 75
Knit Bonnets $1.00 n(1 81.50
Pretty little Knit Sacqu-i 500 to $2.25
Knit Shawls ani Afghans $1.25 to $1.75
Infants' Wrapprra of flannelette., caahmere and rrepella cloth, in
exquisite patterns and beautifully made 5() $2.75
Bath Robes 85 to $2.25
Hand Made and Embroidered Bibs $1.00 n(1 1 P-
Willow Uaaketa In which to keep the little garments
at 65 to $1.05
A beautiful showing of the many accessories which
are the most highly prized of all the Baby's possessions.
Toilet Sets, Knttles, Baby Keeord Books, Trinket
Boxen, Bib Fastener, Coat Hangers and dozens of other
useful nnd appropriate ifts.
This U the home of those inimitable little dollien,
The Campbell Kids."
1518-1520 F ARK
Delegates to Convention Contem
- plate One Big Association.
Parirese Orsjanlaetle "
vlo All Illahwar '
braeka Board f IMreetora
to Da (kiMi Tuesdai-. ''
Preparatory to incorporation th Nc
traska Stat Auiomou.,e asioctatlon,
which began It first annual convention
at the Bom hotel thla morning, plana to
adopt articles, of association this auer
noon. Though only a year old the association
now ha ,&ui members, living In slaty'
lhrte counties of the atat. Every one
vt the ,UW eutomfbiie owners o( Ihe
atate Is wanted, and th convention wilt
.vote a'iarge put ef ti 'aiea itf two
uays te mK-ng plwi for forming county
organisations tu the ceunties'not ) ft or.
ganlsed, and to increasing the member-
ahlp In the counties already organised.
A b.g featur of the meeting will he th
banquet at the Home hotel at 7 o'clock.
(Hneral J. O. Co win of th Omaha Muioi
club will be toetmaster. Mayor James C.
Dahlmau Will Welcome th vis.. ore nd
Uovarnor Aldrlch la scheduled for an ad
dress OA "Uood .ItoadaJ' and Koine Millet
for on on "Civic. Improvements."
Other speakers will bo Mayor Wols of
Fiemont, It. A. P. Overgaard of Fre
mont, pieeldcnt of Ihe association; T. 11
lollock of I'.aUemouth and J. U. Davis
of Button. Prior to th banquet a recap
tion will be held, at which the reception
committee will be th teh delegate ot
the Omaha Motor club, Osnerul Cowln,
Ut Hull. C. I. Gould. U E. Doty, W
J. Kirkland. Kugen flllvcr, Otoige V.
Helm, Ueorge H. iritcbett, V. L. Huff
man and Bur. Murphy,
. J- Mr llelegltea CeualMg., .
Only slKlr-flve dlgat were present
at' the opening teieton. but tigrain
from various eounty org-entiatluna Indi-
'cat ttiat forty more wilt be here In time
for the banquet. The officers present
are President Overgaard of Fremont,
Mearetary I). K. Wat alia of Omaha and
Treasurer K. It. Wlleun of Omaha.
J. K. McNally of Mchuyler, Dr. Mux
tl t)t-VJ'Vta P)V an J- Prime of
On ford were made a oommltt te revlM
th eonatltatlen end by-lewa.
Nina direetoe will be elected tomorrow
the (ltrctrs to ehooea th off tear. It
U planned to divide the directorate and
official roeter ae- ttearty-ea poaalble be
tween the Morth Piatt and South Plait
territories, there being a great trane
etate auto highway In each territory. It
ia the purpoae ef th asaociatton to work
not for any particular, highway, but to
use its Influence for the evelopmul el
ell. large and small.
PIEftRH, S. L).. L)ec. 1-Holdlng that
tha lands which sra claimed by the In
dlans, wt.tther allotted or noi, aie es
empt from aialv eelcctlona snd deelartnu
that, there will U a tliortsg ou the l'l;.r
Bige iteervstluii to till Die cla.mj of
the Indians, who -bo aaa. ate (Irat. AI
lolling Agent I5lc lm lal.ed a hew point
against the state snectioii o.' Indruinlty
lauda oo that reservation. diate l.nj
Cunimloloncr Brniker has gone to Wash
ington to secure u ruling on the tllapuuU
If the department ho'.da with tha allot
t!ig agtnt. the slaie will be forced to ko
eutK'.Ca the nktrkstton to In Kniiilfy Itntlf
for two tectums, which We teu by
tl luilians li thc'.r ullotmrta.
Two locul merchants ald to be ad
. . I . - . A ...... I: V.I... II , V(..L. ..t.Uu -
pang, stale In hie petition that h lis
dtts amuL.utlng to ts.i-w and aearlle ug-
.Kiesstlng Hint, the givalcr part of tha
. i.rriti la t.alimd at ex. mit.
The ether petition Is thst of llert )., Vi Paston blofk. Ruffm-r Is a
i'oi' and he places his llabhltlea at
V 11 with aeeets. A large p.,rt .f
k ttkMAta are also esuinbt.
The key lo aocese In buamr-a Is the
adv.i.hi- I
juuaw uaiiKK'i'i. ii. i rl ffver are coinrjcicu u rien the child
bm conducting a Jewelry alore under . haa , ,.i,V t'hsniberlulii' Cough Hem
th same ef the Ui-pheuin Jewelry i-um. Ljiy w in quickly cure a cold and greatly
Christmas Gifts
for the Baby
The Baly'n .'oclion of Hi is popular
Christmas storu is all a spnrklo with
beautiful and practical tiling for the
finy folks there is, indeed, Notions'
too Rood for the baby," and here you
'will find all thy prettiest nnd daintiest
of gifts.
Sweaters In all white and red. make splendH
Ktrta. They romo In alzea from 1 to 4 yra.,
and are priced at $1.25 to $2.75
Omaha Craftsmen Drop Them ai
Though They Are Hot Riyeti.
Oatral I.eUor talon Probably Will
Take Aetloai Lve Aalea
Affair at Kalar MvetlMaX
Friday Kvealna;.
If the 1.004 McNamata button that were
sold to Omaha craftsmen to aid In the
defense of th Lo Angalea dynamiters
war red hot rivets they would not have
been dropped any quicker than when they
were repulsed following the recent con
feaelont. They have disappeared from
the lepels'of the laboring men as tt by
magic, and the only one to be seen now
are thok that Rek - up -'groggily and
mockingly' from the gutters. "Actually,
I hav seen a score of them. Ijftnir along
the atrneU;' said a wall known'eHUww
The Central tabor .union buughvistom
the Amr(cao redrarnn -of Lebor X.vDO
of these button for l0, and alt of them
ware sold to the' union men on Labor day
for 5 rent apleoe. The money received
from the sale, amounting to $60 when all
collections, are made. Is to be s retained
by the local central body to be applied
to the temple fund.
Many llaadreda Coatrtbated.
Th aggregate amount of money sent
out from Omaha by Individuals and locals
to aid in the McNamara defense amounts
well up Into, the hundreds of dollars. Thu
carpenters sent I12.i and the thirty or
more other locals ent contributions so
vordingly. A number of Individuals sent
i much as lit) uplece. '
At the meeting of the Central Ibor
union Friday 'evening resolutions likely
will be adopted to tha effect that the or
ganised oatls of Omaha do not condone
act of violence. C. M Kleder of th
American Federation ef I.abur. who has
been In Omaha for acveral months, and
who, by the way, wa the first man St
reet td In. Iam Angeles on suspicion of
having been Implicated In th Times ex
plosion, says he Is not In lavor of
capital punwhment. but la satisfied to
nave Juege liurdwell mete out Justice as
h sees fit. "I think the resolutions
passed by th Spokane untune asking for
the eatreme punishment la unwl," ay
Organiser Kleder. jrf
g n ) a
(Cintitvil from l'avi On.)
wnoni tney wei uiaaalug ouu, aou (e
slapped nie on tha face and knocked me
"Thursdsy night I went up and told
Chsille Moore Hist It he did not let ni
my husband 1 would kill myaalf. tie
told ni to come in anil when I went .lit
he said 'come and have a drink.'
thought I would humor hl n and so told
him 1 would. While w wer waiting for
the drinks 1 asked him lo let in ae Dick
again and he laughed. When the ditnk
tame 1 took the water, which wa alau
it on Uia labia, and went Into th toilet
loum gild drank th poieon. liven whit
1 was at the hospital Mr. Moor would
pot let ulck coin and ae mo. '
Mr, itcacli aaid tual when oh got In
luwn Eunuuy i.lght she asked Moor to
ecud O'Kane up to tuo houne on Listen-
uorih stitet and he refused.
"I then a'krd the pullue," alia said,
"and lo uiflters brought him to see
hU wile, lis Hiivid all nlsnt and this
iiiuining piumlscJ to coma bauk at noon,
liut ai iioui I csllrl up Wick & Moore
ta'uon and they I4 he had left toan,
which I do not believe and they are trying
to keep him euy from his d)lig wife.
I am gulng to prosecute Wtrk a Moore
if I have to stuy hue for the reat of my
We w I eh to call your attention to the
fact that inii'l Infectious diseases such
a whooping cough, diphtheria and acar-
' .
,.brn the danger of contracting theee
diseases. This remedy is famous for Its
cures of elds. It contains no opium or
vth r narcotic and may be given lo a
child with Implicit confidence. Hold by
all dealers.
t MM Kills Herself.
j P1.AT1RVILI.K. Wis. Phc. J -Hecaue
jicr motner et toueu iinr, irie i-eAr-oio
j Jl'ik,1,;ir J..7f Hu"A- ,ho1
Key tw I' tfUuiiliou-l Sjt Want Ad
Nearly Every Member of Each
Houie it in Hit Seat.
t nrk ItepreafntntMr ttonel
J. Ilran and llfary II. Mar
tial la speech Defending
Ilia Arts.
' (Continued from Page One. I
iire that democratic profession on the
rust question be accepted seriously."
"The source of this aitlcle," declarer
Mr. Littleton, "waa the lying scandals i.i
.his msn Martin. 1 have always estcemei.
or. lra,i highly, HTsonslly, and 1 be-
teve In turn he haa held me In goodly
espect. but even he, on the circulated
aisehoods of thla man Martin, goea of;
half cocked' In the Commoner and as-
juines, first, thst the chairman or sn
member of the committee had dared to
emend my retirement riom the commit-
lee. (Second, that the question of tny re
.fiement Irom the committee was before
.he house; and third, and most astonish-
ng, that tha question of my retirement
irom this committee could be settled be
cause 1 dared to heve any convictions ot
my own to exercise any Judgment, appall
to any canon of justice or vote In accord
ance with any opinion of my own.
tasida By Ilia Oath.
"Let me say here and now that If In
my service upon committee or loyalty lo
my party requires me to ao as 1 am bid,
either by the corrupt alliances of Henry
a. Martin or the intolerant outside n
.luance represented by William J. Bryan,
or th combined nuluence of both, I shall
refuse to obey the mandate of my perty
and shull prefer tu subscribe myself to
th obligations of my oath."
Mr. Littleton stated that ha confessed
to some bewilderment over the prefixes
progressive or reectionary," and that he
believed "there I a distinct cUss of
polltlolsns whose prejudices are oroeras.
slve, but whose principles are reaction
ary," V ,
I may misjudge tha future," Mr. Little
ton ssld as he turned to his democratic
colleague, -put In my humVe opinion
the party that seeks to reach the seat Jf
power by gathering together th. nm.
gresslve prejudices ot the country and
setting Itself against the substantial and
sensible progress of an ambitious people
will find Itself burled beneath an over
whelming disaster. Wi cannot .,t...
Industrial Ireedom under the peralyting
paternalism of government."
Ihe most Important session iim.. .v.-
civil war," . the prediction made by
many democratic leaders for the first
regular session of the Blxty-.econd con
grera , which opened today.
atlrrlaa; Day Ahead.
Htlrrlng nays ahead." are f erect i.
republican members, and on both sides
of the big perty lln membetg rt th
house anil senate are drawn un tu fihi
out weighty problems of legislature In a
session that will lead up to th presi
dential campaign of lfllt.
Of Importance a to the bearlna- it ,m
have on the approaching political con
teal In the nation; of particular interest
becaus. of party differences, rsgulars ana
Insurgents on the republican aides; r.
actlonarlas and progressives among th
democrat, and ef unusual significance
because 'of the heavy legislative program.
1W cenein tnat tMs will fa on
of 'th Hvelleet aaidns of congress in
many years.
With the gavels', fallina in th. i.r.,,..
and senate at noon, the tariff and tht
irus.a aiooa out ae the most Important
subjects for legislation with a big fight
assured In both houses. Many other
great question confronting th congress.
an ni mem to n approached vigorously
Includ monetary reform, rstlflcatlon ot
arbitration treaties with Ureat Britain
a 'nce. and the loan treaties with
........ . nonuurasj Alaskan legts
latlon, the election of senators by direct
vote of tha people, pension bills and th.
regular and permanent annual approprla.
tlons. to be under th direction this time
In the house f a, democratic commit-
Pel It lea la Di K.etorC
Whlls the legislative atrugglaa are In
progress politic la certain not to be
overshadowed. With th demooiats look
ing ahead with sanguine hope for triumph
at the polls next November, and insurg
ent republicans striking out In earnest
to capture their party convention. It poa.
slble, svery move made In either branch
of congreea from now until adjournment
will be thoroughly considered from po
litical as well as legislative viewpoints
The political pot In Washington will oon
begin to boll, with th republican na
tional committee meeting here Icmbei
It, to be fo.lowed January by the dem
ooratlc national committee. Selection of
convention cltlee. choosing of committee
chairmen who will manage the big cam
paigns and plans for the approaching
party conventlona and the subsequent
battle of the ballots will attract as much
attention from the nation's legislator as
will the making ot the nation a laws.
To enliven th political Interest In both
houses there are candidate for th presi-
uencjr ciin men- anaaow across the
Champ. Clark, th epeakar of the hjuae
alrsady coaaidered among th democratic
possibilities, may at any Urn make pi.
denlial pronouncement to hi colleagues.
and Hepreseulatlve Oscar L'noerwood oi
Alabama, th democratic floor leader
also talkee' of thtougheut the country as
presidential timber.
In the senate. Mr. Ia Follette already
ha been pioolalnicd by piogreaslve re-
puimteviia ...vie wiiwce 10 wrest the
eoiiniisiloii truin air. Tail.
la th houae tha political Interest will
be further complicated by the attitude ul
Mr. Urvau. wno has quarrelled with Mr.
Cnderwoed and brauded him as a itac
iioi.arj, anj no ei.iioi..'. iaei' t'.ark
.n what many democrats deelare la an
eifoil lo cause a breach between th.
dpeaasj and th majority Ivauer of th
rruarant e the Tarlf.
Tie tariff progiam fol
low the ong-awalid report of th lai-.ff.
boeid. which Is expected to submit th
result of H luveaiigatiwns on wool aim
cotton ueiure ii.e nouuaye. in ways
und nvesi committee of th huusv. boa.
er, undei in direction ef Chairman
t tid.rwood, will Ueg.n at uncv the
piepdiatton of new tariff bills. Through
out the recess a force of cleik and ex
perls I. at been at work preparing for
the committee.
President T(l has given his pledge
that when the tariff board submits its
report on the woulen and t-jtton schedules
It will be his pitasur to make tariff
1 1 ecoiuniemjatluns to congress. The sub
ject will be treated In a special meassg
Mtantlniv. however, the will auj
means ruminiiwe w.ll bes-n prrpaiwtiun
of revised schedules tu l.luile wooi, rot
ton, iron and sucl proctutc, sugar and
other foodsturfa. An Important schedule
to enme up Is the sugar schedule, and In
dealing with this the house and the way
and meuns committee will be guided
somewhat by the report of the special
rommlttre of Inquiry into the American
Hugar Itef Inini; company, which Is ex-pTt-d
to repoil early In the session.
Co.-iFplcuous ill the records of the ton
Kresn will be the coming vigorous trust
oehatcs. The light to amend the Mier-
man anti trust law already Is on. In the
houie tho question will be first cone.u.
eied by the committee on Judiciary. This
committee haa determined also to report
bills amending the injunction vtalutes
and the contempt statutes, the latter to
Include provision tor trial by Jury In
cases ef Indirect contempt. These will be
pressed for passage before adjournment.
The committee bus in hand a naif dozen
bills providing amendment to the Sher
man anti-trust law. The most recent bill
was drafted by Representative Henry ot
Texas, providing for penitentiary terms
for violators of the trust laws and de
signed to eliminate from the Sherman law
the "i-ule of reason" as Interpreted by the
supreme court, gome sort of bill Is cer
lain to como from the committee bearing
on this problem. In the senate the trust
question Is under consideration in the
Hearings before the committee on Inter,
state commerce, which will continue for
ume time.
Inejnlry Into Bteel Trust.
In line With th truat novation will ho
the uettrminatioii ot the late of the
II OUe e Stlorial Commit l nf Inuulrv tut,.
the United Htates Meet corporation. The
nieel corporation has piotested against
continuation of the hearing in view of
.n tiling of the Hovel mnerit anil avRiiist
,i. The question is ceitain U be brought
up In tne house tor seit.ument' witmn a
days ana it win provuae h lively
AS part of tha trust leaialatlva nlan.
President Talt haa aumaaiHl a f.irii
incorporation act. Ha haa stated hla b.
lief that a statuto might be drawn, not
as an amendment to the antl-trunt law,
to furnish protection whloh would in.
duce companies engaged chiefly In Inter
state trade to agree to government super
vision of their transactions.
The National Monetary Commlaaltin m-ltl
submit the report of Its long and ex
haustive Inquiry by January g. The Cen
tral tteserve bank plan advocated by
former Senator Nalaon W amh.-v, i..
been practically unanimously endorsed by
me American ankr' association. Cur
rency reform, however, nrnhahiv nin a.
velop many differing opinions bfor any
legislation I enacted,
Of unusual Interest In tha trnata will
be the continuance of the Inquiry 'nto th
right o Wonator Lorlmer at minoia tr r.
tain hla seat. Hearings In the case which
have been going on In Chicago since
October will be resumed here tomorrow.
conservation policies are to be urged on
congress. Included In this are water
power, coal, phosphate, oil and aa an
other resources. Ksrly In the session the
iNanonai waterways commission will re
port recommendations. A reunrt aian
will be mad by the Securities commission
relating to railways and bank. mH th.
special Tostal commission which ha held
sessions In Washington. New York and
8t. Louis also will reDort. Tha Em.
ployers' Liability commission has formu-
iaiea a report to submit to congress. .
Lively discussions are expected In both
houses on the Immigration laws, the abro
gation or me treaty or 1832 between the
UnWed States and Kussla, campaign pub
llcity and a bill proposing legislative
power to be conferred upon the Territory
ot Alaska, An effort also may be made
io aeoiisn tne new court of commerce.
New Member from Nebraska.
The personnel of the Imui. mn ......
has changed somewhat, the democrets of
the houa having gained one more In
their majority. There are five new mam-
oer oi tne nous, Daniel V. Stephens
(dem.) of Nebraska. Josenh a
(dem.) of Kansas, Kenneth D, McKsllar
laem.) ot Tennessee, v. D. U. Alney
(rep.) of Pennsylvania and wmi.m i
Browning (rep.) of New Jersey. There Is
one vacancy in the house caused by the
death of Kepresentatlve E. H. Madison
trp.) of Kansas.
Obtdlah Oatdner of Main succeeds the
late Senator Frve In tha mi. ni..
smith comes to the senate from Oeorgia.
- - T l,VA.
nenewai ot toe eirori to elect a presi
dent pro tempore ot the senat In place of
Mr. Frye will be made. Senator Bacon
was the leading candidate ot the demo
crats and Senator Ualllna.r h.
of the reguler republicans at the last
session, penatpr ciapp was the choice
of the Insurgent republicans.
lu the house an interesting feature of
the session In all probability will be the
abolition of the secret caucus by tha
democratic majority.
Economy will continue to be the demo
cratic "watchword" In th house. In
this connection all tha Investigations Into
government departments by the house
committee on expenditures are to be con
tinued and recommendations ars to be
made along lines ot economy for each
department of the government.
Kconomy, It Is said, also will guide th
appropriation committee, th flr demo
crats commit tee In many year to vet
a " whack" at th big appropriation sup.
ply bill. Including th so-called "pork
barrels." Itepresenlatlv Fltsgerald of
Nw York la th chairman ot the com
mittee which will undertake the task ot
paring down the appropriations which for
the year ef im-luix amounted to II ..
:87.5(.5,.bT. You will find that druggists everywhere
speak well of Chamberlain' Cough Rem
edy. They know from long exierleiic
n the aale ot It that In cases of coughs
and colds it can alway be depended
upon, and that It I pleasant and aaf
to take. For sale by all dealer.
(Continued from Page One.)
neslved. 1 would eiiiiilu.te the deslgna
tlon ot th pellicular manufacture or
make ot matll on all th material
"My sincere hope Is that some day
Omaha will hav th right to mak ber
own charter." i
On section of th charter provision
which has been denounced as objection
able (olios.:
The aav.rtlaement, specification fir
bids and petition designating mateiiai
shad not specify the paving material lor
asphalt pavrmunl from any particular
nine, place, locality or rectory, nor by
any particular name, but shall be a in-
iji asfiani nut in an oiner claaoea nf
pavement roneiaiu in una s.eiiou, or
which may b ordered by the mavor and
council, such petition may specify (,i
IHirei'ui.r .nm ui vi n a, ulocg
tltrif.ed biU-k. loim. and so ou, which
the owner ot Ihe proi ty may aeau
Hi.l all bidden shall b tiulrd to des.g
nt the li I'alny. anaiTy, kiln, or factory
tiom whleh wlil be furnlehed th spcfic
inalerlal lo b used by them, wub it
commercial deaigtiation. xx
UiiiUlHit Permit.
John Hansen. u lurd, fraihe d4i,i,a-.
:.". John llisl.olis, le North aixteenm
unset, to st r building, 4jou.
Kty lo the 6;tuuiKo -Li,'.- Mil Ada
s e es
I" t
" M
Here's a
i . . . . . . . .
. . a. .tji ti7'- r
,V.',V5 unr.AV
system. Prince Albert, the tobacco that
tongue. Always ready to pour in and
mussy grinding in the palm.
puts the d. o. sign on all the old cut
plugs or stingaree mixtures. It's a
fresh deal, a real man's smoke and
pure enjoyment right through.
Listen 1 It will set you back io cents to
invest in a liberal tin of Prince Albert and
find out how straight the talk is.
Go to it now. All live dealers.
Winston-Sadem. N. C.
Also In jc bsgs handy for cigarette making, half-pound and
pound tin humidors, and
mm- j
Veiy lowStres!
fldcr. .
f aaatsel tarteasr. dea. Art.
' ait lita street.
(Continued from face On.)
lug anil ground throughout th county
by mean of a lunu appropriation, a d'
parture from the old custom, which may
not he adopted by coins rea. The secre
tary of the treasury has asked for this
purpose 13,000,004 to be expended at . his
Accompanying the estimate for public
buildings end grounds Is a note explaining
that to care properly for public, buildings
already authorised by specific approprla
tlons, further appropriations or 111 U00.OW
will be necessary. The seeretery of the
treasury does not Include this sum In hla
estimate. As members of congress usually
are careful to secure deflnltn assurance
that buildings In their respective districts
are to be provided for the probability la
thst the I1S.0O0OU0 will he Included In the
appropriation bill finally passed, which
aould cut down the apparent saving con
siderably. Daereaaea la Peaalaa.
Decreases are shown In estimates
ubrhhted for the pension fund, conduct
of the executive establishment and fr
the Department of Agrtculu-re. Sub
stantial Increases, however, In estimate
asked for the military and naval estab
lishments also offset the ether savlnga.
For work on the Panama canal. Its..
4,u00 ia estimated, an Increase of nearly
M,00 CO over the appropriation for the
present year. Thla doea not inciun ex.
pendlttires for f urllllcatlons for the canal
tone, the estimate aaklng an appropria
tion of ti.e0.W ' be aspanded for army
fortifications and lain Wlloul In th
iVs. Ji
a i
---------- - - -
tobacco that kicks it right
pound glass humidor.
mM AllEiT
EPOSITS made on or before
P December 10th in the SAVINGS
will draw interest from Decern.
ber 1st.
THREE PER CENT Interest is paid on
savings deposits and COMPOUNDED
SEMI-ANNUALLY. Funds may be with
drawn at any time without notice.
Tta combined capital and aurplua ia $1,400,000,00.
It la the oldeat bank In Nebraska.
Established in 1866.
United States National Bank
of Omaha, Nebraska
SC. T. Barlow, Preslgeat.
O. W. Wattles, Vlc-lrs.
V, a. Caldwell, Tloe-rre.
W. B. Bhoadea, Cask. ,
Opeu on 6aturdAj
W .awTfttW la H VLLaH 9
In uny amount ou improved (or to improve) Omaha
nnd South Omaha real estate Kesidence or business.
Money On Hand No commissions to pay Interest
rates reasonable Repayments of $100 or more on prin
cipal received nuy day without notice, -prompt action
1614 Harney St., Omaha, Neb.
Oeo. F. Gilmore, Prest, Paul W. Kuhns, Secy.
sons. For this purpose last year U.OuO.uoo
waa appropriated.
I'nder the military establishment head,
aa Increased appropriation of 1.60,uoo Is
asked for eeacoast artillery. The total
estimate for fortifications and other
woiks of defense is a7.215,S. nearly 2.
due On) more than was spent this year.
Secretary of the Navy Meyer estimates
proposed continuance of the two-battleship
naval program, although the esti
mates are l,Ou0,0O0 less than this year's
appropriations so far as increaae of the
navy 1 concerned. To continue work on
the ship now under construction and
begin construction ot two battleships and
two colliers, with provisions for equip
ment U.X3,4? is asked.
1 h estimate reoommend the appro
priation of S.4ft,4i for the Improvement
of livers and harbors, practically all ot
it to be expanded on projects already
begun, or authorised. This Is ahout t&uu,
0t) less that, the appropriation for th
prvsent ytar.
roatmsktar General Hitchcock estimates
that it will cost him l-teO.ti&.ia to run
th icsul scrvlc uext ycf r. This I about
m i
out of a man's
can't bite your
fire up, too no
t. B. aeersUek, Asst. Oaae,
tt. V. Korimai, Asst. Cash.
5. O. McClnre, Ast. Caah,
O. K. Yates, Aait. Cash.
- a Until 9:00 P. UL
saRSasal .ataBWsV R "aW. aM M H
Ihe Adler-i-ku book, telling hue, you
can KA81LV guard against appendicitis,
and how you can relieve constipation or
gas on th stomach almost INSTANTLY
I offered free for a short time by Tht
Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Cor. lGtt.
and Dodge, Cor. Wth ad Harney. Con
atth and r'aniam. JU7 North leth at.
V.M.OuO more thtin ihe ...
I ended thla year. Aq experimental purceli
posi acne me to be placed in operation 6
puctal routes Is proposed In tha ...i.
mate and Auou I asked for this pur-
poaa. a proviaw gives th postmustei
general authority to limit to a,lv.i
pounds th weight pf parcels carried dur
ing tne experiment and to fig ratea
(experimental aerial postal service "b)
seroplan or other devices" Is also recom
mended by the poetmaster general gnc
he want I50.UW to spend In trying out
the schema.
In other departments of th government
th running expense estlmstes show littl
change In total
Em 1
! m
WfMfm hp1 m m&
r -l I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar-