.... TV -. THE IJKK: OMAHA, MONDAV. DliCKMlihiJt 4, 11)11. ni.icTio!. N'rvrtiT-MATTK n or APPLICATION OF or lavule OoMamtth for Liquor I. Irene No. ti'e la he-eby given that l,.u;i i;,:imith dM pen the J.ih day of Nuimfr, A. D. It'll, fhs bis sppllistsea with the Hoard or Klre snd t'n lm - .-...i int,.ri'ri of limine, for Itrenee la sell r'Slt. erlrllumie end vinous liquors it No. '1 Capitol svenne, ??ven feel, ground Hour. Third wsrd. Cnllii Nehrsaks, r-iim the firet dee or Jsnusrv. mif. In the flr1 dav of Jan war?. 111. If there ha no objection, remon strance or proteet within two weeka trr-m the 17th lar of November. A. D ltll. th- said llcenae will Va granted. LOl IS (.nl.t'SMITH, Applicant, Nov27-Decll .NOTICE MATTER OP APPLICATION OK Harry White for Liquor Luanw. No lie la tterrby given that Marry White did upon Ibe ITlh day of November, A. P. laM. Me his sppllrstlon with tha Hosrd of Fir and Po lice commissioners of Omaha, for llrenl to sell malt, apirttb.ua end vinous liquois at Nn. Isfi2 IXxlaa street, flrat fl'ior. Joill feet. Third ward. tniaha. Nebrsaks. front tha ftrat day of January. mil, 'o tha 1 1 rat day of January, 111 If taere pa no nhtertlon, remonstrance or pro test wllbln two weeks from th 17th day of No wrnVr, A I) 1111. tha aald lliana will ba . irsnted HAhRYWHITE.A.pllreiit. NrlWHI NOTICE-MATTER ClK APPLICATION Of Jud Cree for Uquor License No te la hereby given that Jud e did upon th Si'ih day of November, A. 1. 111. fl'a hie sppllrstlon with tha Hoard of Fir and P llra i.onimteal.iners of umalis, for license to aall malt, spirituous and vinous liquors at Nn. Iu South l-'tb street, ground floor, M feel Me, to fset deep. Third aerd. Omshs, Ns trsras. from tha flrat day of January, 112. to the flrat day nl January, 1912. It ther ba no cili'Scllon. rcmnusteiice ur proteet within two vr.-ks from tha 27th dar of Novemlier, A. D. Mil. tha aald lliia will b granted. Jt'D t'lL'E. Applliant. ' Nni27-rerll SlTll-E- MATTER Of APPLICATION OK John liahmka for Liquor Lliana. No tl' la ha--hy given that John Dehmke did upon tha 27m lay nf Novemlier, A. 1. lsll. M I. la appllrailon with tha Hoard of Fir and Po llrj Connnlalonara of Omaha, for llranaa to aril malt, aplrllooua and alnoua llquora at No. M! Bouih IK'h atrat, front faat, by ta f-t a'P. iround floor. Fourth ward, Omaha, Na braka, from tha flrat day of January. 191), to the firat dar of January, lilt If tl.ara b no ohjartlnn. rrmonatranc or protaat within two varka Irom thr JTth day of Niivambrr, A. I'. 191 1 . tha aald lliana will ba grantm JllHN I lA HM K R. Applicant Nnvl7 lJi 1 1 NuTli fc-IAT1EH OF APPLICATION OP i.t Kiiiwrt Klo-'dard and C. B Mrradlih. I'artnara a Hiodilard at Maroillth, fur Ulqunr lli-anM, No tir la h'raby Rlvwn that lloliarl fttoddard and II. alrrruith did upon th 2th day of Novtai lar, A. I.', ml, fll thalr appllnatliin with tha Hoard of Kir and Polli tommlaalonara of tiniihi, for lli-ana to wall malt, aplrltuoua and Miinua llquora umlar th firm nama uf HUiitdaril A Mrradlih at No. ild Bnuth lath attaat, II faat by U frat, ground floor, llilrd ward, Omaha, Nobraaka, from th flrat day nf Jan uary. IV.!. to tha flrat day of January, mil. If thar h ni ob)i-tlon. ramonatranc or protaat filad within two waak from th ITth day of Xovambar, A I lll. th aald llrtiaa will ba Jrantad HTOIMiAHD M K K h.1 il Til, by iOUKKT SroliDAIlli, C D. MKKKDITH, Pari ra and Appllianlr. Nov7-Ix'll NOTll'K MATT EH OK APPLICATION OK l-'rancla M. Walkar for Llgunr Llconaa. No lle la harvnr (Iron that Fiancia M. Walkar did upon th 27ih nay of Novambar, A. D. 1111, fll hia application with th Board ot Fir and Fo lic Cummlaalonar of Omaha, for llcoua to aall malt, aplrltuoua and vinous llquora (t No. :Ul Cumlu( rtroat, first floor. IDxit lat. Eighth ward. Omaha, Nabraaka, from tb flrat day of January, llli, to lb flrat day of January, ltll If tbar b no obi:tlon, raraonatraac or protaat wtthia two wis from th 171b day of Novambar, A I 1'1. th aald IKana will ba (rantad. KRANCIH M VYALKKH, Applicant. Nv7-l)acll (jtk:;-matterok" api'LK.'ation" ok Johu J. Plalfar for Liquor Llvana. No ll. It haraby (Ivan that Joha J. Plalfar did upon tha Z7ih iay of Novambar, A. D. mil. flla bla application with III Board of Fir and Fo lic cumtulaalunara of Omaha, for llcona to aall malt, aplrltuoua and vinous liquors at No. 0 goutu 7th atrt, flrat floor, SOxbg fat, tr'lrtt ward, Omaha. Nabraaka, from Hi flrat dar of January, IBIS, to lb first day f Jan wary. MIJ. If thar b o oblaotlou, ramun alane r protaat wllbla two wMka from th 27th day nf Novambal. A. I. 1111. th aald lloanaa will b inilML JOHN I. Pr-Klt tH. Applicant. NovH-lMMU NOTIt'bi MATTER OK APPLICATION OK Uarllald Tvaarcayk for Liquor Llcanas. No tic la haraby (Ivan that Uarllald Tyaarcirk did upoa In I7ih day ol Novambar. A. D. mil, fll Ha application with tha board el Fir aud Pa lie cmmlalonrs of Otnahs. lor lloanaa to sail malt, spirituuus and vinous liquors at Xa, :av Walnut strcsi, flrat floor, llxU faat. laao nd ward, Omaha, Nabraaka, from tha flrat day of January, UU, to th 1st day of January, 111. If thar he a obiactlon, ranionatraiM: or pro taat witbl two waaka frua th 7th da of Ni itabn, A. V. 1111, tha aald llrana will b arantad. OAUFIBLU TVaAHCZYX, Applicant. Novil-Dcll NOTICB MATTER OK APPLICATION OK t. O. Fop for Liquor Lloanaa. Nolle is haraby (!an that M. O. Pop did upoa tha 17th day of Novambar, A, D. mil. III bis ap plioatioa with th Board ol Kit and Polio t'omiulaatnaar of Omaha, for lloanaa to sail malt, aplrltuoua and vlawua liquor at No. ISol Soutt ttHb alraat. flrat Hour, uiU faal, Taulh ward, Omaha, Nabraaka, from th lint day af Jan uary, Itli, to Ik tint day af January, Isll. If thar b ao objactlo nmonatrano or protaat wllhla two waka frum th I7tn day of Novam bar. A. l. 111. th aald llcana wUl ba (rautaO. . O. POPS. Applicant. NoviH-IxcII MnlCti MATTKlf OF APPIJOTION OK lla'ir W. Johnaon tor Liquor Lloana. Notlco la horrhy glvaa that Oarar W. Johnaon did upon th lat day of lvcmbr, A. 1. mil, fll his application with tha Board of Fir and Psllc t oramiaalonars of Omaha, for )trna to aall malt, aplitluous aud vtnoua liquors at No. tit North 1st b strwat, (round lloor, It by 60 foot, Klihth ward, Omaha, Nabraaka. from lb flrat day of Janiary, 1U12. to tha first day of January, 1111. If thar ta no ob)ctloa, ramonatrania or protaat Iliad within two wavks from tb 2nd day nf la- ainbar, A I. Ilill, tha aald lltans will b (ranted. OBl'All W. JOHNaON, Applicant. Ifclll MOT1CEV-MA1TEH OK APPUCATION OK ai. J 1-olay aud at. I, Hyan, partnars As Koloy aV ttyan, for Liquor Llcoua. Notlc Is karoby glvu that M. J. Kolay aud M. 0. Jtyan did upoa tb l.'ih day of Novmbr. A. U. mil, fll llwatr application with th Board of Fir and follca Couuutaaioaor of Omaha for llcanaa to oall Balt, aplrltuoua aud vlnoua llquora unilor tna firm nau.a of Kolay Hyan at No. to I South lth atrwaa. Soiau lat, (round lloor. Third warU, omaba. Nabraaka. from lb first day of January, lli. la Iba llrat day of January, 1111. If thar b no objection, rwmoostraaca or protaat tliad wlthta two wka from tb sata day of Novam bar, A. I) I'll, th aald llcana will b granlod. VLtV RYAN, U. J. tOLKY, U S. ItlAN, pari oar and Applicants. ' NoTlk-Uai.il NOT1CK MATTlilt OK APPLICATION OK Jain a Quioa for Liquor Llcoua. Notloo ta biby (lvn that Jaiuaa Qulua did upon tb 2lk Oay of (vuvaaabar. A. O. mil, III hla appllualloa with th Board ol Kir aud Folic C'uwuiiaaiouars of omaba, lor lloanaa ta aall malt, spirituous sad vlnoua liquors at No. luit Nurtb laik otrwat, law laal, (round floor, tCt(hlk ward. Omaha, Nabraaka, from tha first day ol January, lli. to tba Ural day ut Jauuary, 1U. If tbara las uo objection, roiiionatranco or prolat wlthta lo wka TMBVtha awr day ol Novombar, A. 1. Ivll. lb aald llcanaa will b (raalad. JAMEd VfllN.N, Applicant. NovU-lMcU NOTICE MATTEK OK APPLICATION OK Juim A. lulblll tor Ltquvr Llceuee. Nolle la hereby givea I bat Jobs A. Tulhlll did avoa lb kiln ay of NeveuitMr. A. L. lall. 111 bis p plicsltou with tb Board ol fe'tr and Polli Cout mlaloiiea ol Omsba for lloeue to eell Bisll. eplcituous and vmoua liquor at Itoar ol tail iougiaa attvet, flrat lloor, ssao it, 'Iblrd waru, (Muaha. .Nabraaka. fruai the flrat day ol January, :IJ, to tba first dsy uf January, lvlj. If leal b as objection, ramonalraoc or protaat wlihiu two wrk Iruot tb lain day el Noveuiber, A. D iil. tbe said iluouee will let giaulsd. JurlN A. C fll ILL. Applicant. Nov-lJi.ll huTICk-JBATTUK OK APPLICATION OK llei man subasllsr fur Liquor Liaua. Notlc is hereby givea that Itermsa aWbasfler Old UioB ins iiiu day of Nuvsiuner, A. D. mil. Lie hla ii'plUsllou with tbe Board of Klra aud Police t oiueuiaaiuuers uf uouna lor Hceass to bell msit, epitiluwua aud tluous liquors at No. Sol bouih lOlb strwat. (I rat lloor, Uii ll. 'iblrd srd, Omaba, Nsbrsska, from tba lust ley of Jauuary, 1W. U tb 1 1 rat Osy of Jan uary, IklJ. If tkr be bo obje-kiou. reojou tiawco or protest within two wsess y.oua tbs Jita i.y of Netruitief. A. D mil, tli satd tlcvuee wul L-s gr allied. HERMAN BVllAEf t'lK. Ap plicant Novt-D01S 1 NOTICE-MATTER OK APPLICATION OK Heuty M. Dabblnnua for Liquor Ltceoee. Ko- 1tie 1 hereby (ilea tbet tleury M. Dabblnuus Old upon tbs 27lb day of Nevembei, A. D. mil, Ine kla appllvalloB with tbe laoard ot Ftra and ! police luuiuitteloaere of ouiana lor lloanaa to ail malt, ap.mooue aud vtuuuo liquora at Nu. Ill .Sorts lath sirs, first lloor, tost feat, feightb ward, omaba, Nebrssks, from tbs first Oay ot January, mil. to tb II ret dsy of Jaa uery, lalg. If thai be so oolectlou, remua ettaucw or protavt within two weeka trout tbs lilh day of November, A. D mil. th said license will L granud. UE.NKY U DAB1NNI. Ap plicant, Novls-IieclJ IvOTlCE MATTER OK APPl.UAllON OK William J hw.ik lor Liquor Lioene. Nolle la kcrvoy (ivau that VYUl,ut J. starsck did tbe tilk day ot November, A. D. ltll. l.ia kla application wllb Iba Board of Kirs aud twilie CoAOtuiseloiLcrs of Ouisba for license Is a-il uialt. apirlluovta aud Vluuua liquora at Nu. 4 i gout UUI a I eel. tlret floor, l.lM leet, inifd ware. Osualia, Nebrasas. from th tlret our of January, ltll. lo tbs first dsy f Jan uary, mil If !b4e be uo objection, remon stiauc or prole! wi'.hla two weeks Irom tbs 2flh lay of Nuven.bra A V 191L tb said llceuee ill be giauled. WiUJAM 1. llAliai'li Ap Bluant. Novtt-Decll Ntlt Ik-MATTER OK APPLICATION OK Clayte Larcb sad Ors Vsa kauot, Psnur ss Lerca da lis Banal, fur Liquor License. Notle la uareby (Ivea tkat t Isytuu Lsruk end Ora Us bet,dl Sid Upoa to tnd Oey of Dei vcoUar. A. I. 111 tbelr appiUalloa with lb Board ul lire and Poilo t cinmUalouera ot t'Ruu, for likiia to eell auall. spirituous smS vmoua l.ora under the firm nam of Lena dk Vaa bat.i.t at Ne (il Bonlh 1KB street, ground Hour, gs by bo feet, Fourth ward. Omaba, Nauraaas, fj jU tb firat day ol January, mil. lo tbe llrat day ot January, mil. 11 mere be n o3acllin, reuiooalraui or protcat tiled Wllbln tw weeaa floia tbe 2nd day of Lbaoemear, A D. mil, tbe eel li auae will be giauled. LKHI'M 4 VAN kANDI, Cia.to Lancia, Org Van ksadt. Fart ears m& Appllvsutu. iec4-a i Kit nn i i( r.i; a vrt if Tin . IfoTIi T- M ATTER OK APn.l'"ATInN OK Itamm Itrrvilna I'nmoanv of Nrlmiha for Llnuor l4rMi N'lili ta h'rvl.r siren that tha llatnm alrwlng t'empany of N'el.'aaka did upin tha I7III l lit Not-mhrr, A II. lull, flla Ita application witn tha Hoard of Klra and Pnllc I i.mmlntlonera H tmtaha for ltrnae to -all malt, aplrltunus ant ainnws llqiH.rs at No. lnjj fmuslaa atrat. Third War, fimaha, Nabraaka, from th flrat day of tannery, mil. In tha first dar of January, mil If iftrra he nn objection, rvmonatranc or protaat within tao werka from th 27t ti day of ISovem. r. A l mil, the aald llrana will b granted. HA.MM IIRKtvlNtl roMPANT OK NKBKAbKA. sly William llamm, rrraljent. Applicant. Nov2l trll Nnnnj-MATTtR OK APPl-liATHlN OK Adam a. I. .up snd PTokop Kiuml. partners sa Rlonp AV Kruml, for Liquor Llreiir. Nolle Is kereby gltrn that Ailam Hlntip and Prokop Kniml did upon the J7th day of November, A D. ltll, fll Ihelr applliatlon with th hoard of Firs and Pallia ( nmniUaloners of Omaha for lleene. lo sell malt, aplrltuoua and vlnoua liquors unler the firm nam of Rlouo Kruml at No 12a South Hth street, firat floor, Jim feet. Tenth ward, Omaha. Nahra.ka. from tba flrat day of Janaary. Ill. to othe Mr.t day nf January. IHI thara I no objection, reitionatrane or protaat filed within two waeke from lha !7ltl day of Novem ber, A. D mil. th raid Ih-enae will ba granted H1.0IP & KUt'ML. ADAM lUA'P. PHOKOP Mtl ML. Partnera Slid Appllrsnts. Notr!t-lcli NtlTIt 'to MATTER OK "APPLICATION OK Joseph Blaler and William BHney, partnars as lllnliT aV Rldnoy, lor Liquor Lliana. N"tle Is hereby given that Joseph Hlilr and William HMnay out upon tha 77th day of November. A. D. mil, flla their application with lha Hoard of Firs and Pnllc ('omrnlealonere of Omaha tor lloanaa to aall malt, aplrltuoua snd vinous liquors under the tlrm name of Hlaler Bldney at No. Ult Douglas atreel. firm floor. 17iJ teat, Third ward. Omaha. Nabraaka. from th flrat day of January, mil. ta tha first day of January, llli If there be tin objection, remonstrsnc r prlat filed within two weeks from ths g'th dsy of No vember. A U 1111. the said lleene will b granted HIXI.KFl at HIIINEY, J'lHKI'll H1XLEH, WILLIAM SIDNEY. I'artnara and Applicants. NovJS-Decll NOTIt'B MATTER OK APILICATION OF J. H. Croae for Uquor License. Nctlea It hereby given that 1. . Crona did upon tha ITlh day of November, A. D. till, file hi sppllisllon with the Board of Kirn and Police ( 'ommlaaloners of Omaha for llcanaa to sal malt, aplrltuoua snd vinous liquors st No. i'l Douglas street, flrat floor, 2lH feet. Third ward Omaha, Nebaak. Irom th first day of January, mil, to ths first dsy nf Jan uary, mil If there 1 ao objection, remonstrance or protiat filed wltmu two weeks from ths 17th day of November, A. D. mil. ths said llcanaa till ba granted. i. tlloSO, Applicant Nov2-DeU NOTJCK MATTER OK APPLICATION OK lleorgo Itelf tor Liquor License. Notlc Is lierehy given thai Osorgs Rait did upon tha 2ttk day of November, A. D pill, flla hla application with tha Hoard of I'lrs snd Polio 'otnmlsalonere of omshs, for llrana to sell malt, spirituous snd vinous llquora st No. too Bouth lth street, alia JliSO, (round floor, Third wsrd, Omshs, Nehrseks, from ths first ilar of January, mil. tv lha first dsy f Jan uary, mil. if thors b.i no objection, remon trance or proteal wllhln two weeks from th Hth day of November, A. p. mil. th said license will b (rantad. (IKOHUE IlKIK, Ap plicant. Nov!-Dcll notice-matter or akplicaiion or William McKenn for Liquor License. Nolle Is hereby given that William McKsnn did upoa th axlh day nf November, A. I. 1911, III his sppllcstlnn with ths board of Klra and Polloa Commlaalonera of Omaha, for llcanaa to aall malt, spirituous snd vinous liquor at No, 2.27 tiharmsa svenus. Ilatl fet. (round floor. Fifth wsrd, omshs, Nabraaka, from ths first day of January, ltll. to ths first dsy of January, mil. If thar he no objection, rvmnnatrano or protest wtthia two wseks frqrn ths lath dsy of November. A 0. mil. lbs ssld Herns will bs (ranted. WIL LIAM MiKKNNA, Applicant. Novls Dell NOTILTC M ATTBR OK APPLICATION 0 t'has. Btora for Liquor License. Notlc Is hereby given that t'has Btors did upon ths 2th dsy nf Novenilier. A. I) 111, fll his sppllcstlnn with ths Board of Kir and Polloa Commlaalonera of Omaha, for lleene to sail mslt spirituous and vlnoua llquora at Na. 101 North 24th, ground floor, 21 by SO fet. Ililh wsrd, Omshs, Nsbraaks, from th first dsy ol January, ltll, to th flrat day of January, ltll. If there ba no objection, remnnstrsiio or protest within two weeks frotq ths 21th dsy ol Novmbr. A. D mil. th said lloenss will b (ranted. CHAS. UTORZ. Applicant, Novll-Decll Notice m attich ok application or Chas. (tors for Liquor Lloena. Notlc Is hsreby given that I has (tors did upon tha 14th day at Novejjjpsr. A. I). 1111, Ills his application with (Tialioard of Kir and Folloa Comralaalooara ol Omaha, for license ta aall malt spirituous and vlnoua llquora at No. 1127-112. Sherman avenu, ground floor. Ml to ao feet, Fifth ward, Omaha, Nabraaka, from th 1st day of Jan aary, 1112, to the 1st day of January, ltll. If thar b no objection, romonatraaoa or protast wllhln two weeks from tha 1Mb day ot Novambar, A. D. 1111, th ssld lloans will be granted. CH Aft. BTORZ. Applicant. NovJ-Doll NoTICB MATTER OF APPLICATION OK Henry Pollack for Liquor Lleene. Nolle Is haraby glvaa that Henry. Pollack did upoa lha lath day ol November. A. U. 1111. Ill kls application with tha Board of Fir and ' Polloa Commissioners ol Omaha, tor license lo asll malt, spirituous and vinous liquors at No Ut North lath elreet, first lloor, 21iM feet. Third ward, Omaha, Nebraska, from lha flrat day ot January. 1112, to tha first dsy of January, mil. If tber be no objection, remonstrance or protest tils wltbiB two weeks from ths 17th dsy of Novem ber, A. 1 lull, tha aald lloenss will be (ranted. IIKNKY POLLACK, Applicant. Novt-Docll NoTtfat MATTER OF APPLICATION OF r red Outer for Liquor License. Notice Is hereby given that Fred outer did upon th ITth day of Novambar, A. 1). till, III his sppllrstlon with th Bosrd of Kir and Folic Commission! of Omaha for llcanaa to sell malt, spirituous and vlnuns liquors at No. 01 North Hth street, ground floor, 20 by M feet. Fourth ward, Omaha, Nsbrssks. from th first dsy ot Jsnuary, mil, to ths first dsy of Jan uary, mis it ibsr d no objsctlou, ronton strsnc or protest within twn weeks from tbs 17th dsy st November, A. II mil, th aald license Will be (rantad. IKID HITTER, Applicant. Novtt-Decll NOTICE MAI TEK OK APPLICATION Or John Msrtlg fur Llqucr Llcsnse. Nulloe la ksrsby given that John Msrtlg did upon the tilth nay of November, a. u. mil, file hi application with tb Board of Kir aad Police Commissioners of Omsha, tor license to soil mslt, spirituous and vinous llquora at No. loot Howard at r eat, ground floor. It by 10 feat. Third ward, Omaba, Ne braska, from tba flrat dsy of January, 1911, to tha Ural day of Jsnuary, nil. If there bo bo objection, remonatraiiL 01 protvst within- two wseks Irom ths lath dsy of Novsmber, A. U. ivu, tn ssta iicene will p (ranted. JOHN MARTIU, Applicant. ' Novta-Dwcle NOTICE- MATTE it OK APPLICATION OK tlvorg urunnsukant lor Liquor Llcenss. Nolle la hereby give Ibst Ooorg Uruuneuksut did upon tb l.ia oay ot ptovomner, A. O. mil, fll bis application with tb Board of Fire aud Police Commissioners ot omsha tor llcsuss to sail malt, spirituous aud vinous lluuors at No. 1S01 Ml. Msry's avsuue. first floor, lusts feet, Kuurth wsrd, Omshs, Nsbrssks, from tbe first day of Jauuary, mil, ta the first dsy el Jan uary, UU. If tksrs be no objectluu, twtnoa atranc or protat wllbln two wka from lb 2tu day of November. A O mil, th ssld lloeus will b granted. UBOHUU UKUNNENKANT, Appllcaul. Novts Uecll NOTHTfi MATTER OK APPLICATION OK Albert L. Hellsmsn for Liquor Llceitss. Notlcs Is hereby given thst Albeit L llsltamau did upon Ilia X7th day el Notsmbsr. A. O. 1IU, Ills his application wllh lha Board ol Fir and Polio tVmmiaetoner uf Omaba tor llcna to sell mslt, spirituous and vlnoua llquora st N sol South lilh atrwel, flrat floor, Sil Issti Third ward, Omaha, Nabraaka, from ths llrsi dsy of Jauuary, mil. lo Iba first dsy of jsa uary, ltll. If there b uo objocllor, rmoalrno or protaat filed wltlilu two weeks from tb 17th dsy of Novmlr, A. D ltll, tb said livens will b (rauttd. ALBERT L. I1EITV.MAN. Ap plloant. Novll !. II NOIU ti A1ATTER OK APPLICATION OK L. M. Tburtuau for Liquor License. Nolle la hereby given tbst L M. Tburmaa did upoa ths 2TlU day of Nuvsmbor, A. D mil tils his sppllisllon with ths Board et Kir sua Pollcs f uuiuilaaiunsrs of omsha tor llcsus to evil malt, aioilluoua ud Vluuua llquora t Nu 112 booth 1Mb street, lissq leet. first lloor Valid wsrd, Omaba. Nabraaka. from lbs first aay oi jsBueir. u iirw aav or i. uaiy. UU. If there b Ba objecliou, lemonetrauo or pruteet tiled wllhln two weeka Irutn tb 7ik aay VI nevvuLi'r4 M. v viA, lnm a m luuaa will b (isuud. La M . THIKMaN. ab- pnrant. wovls-tcli NOTICE MATTER OK APPUCATION OK Peter tiravert for Liquor Llcauea. Notice ob ji - - - uiviwt et upoa lb Hth day ol November, A. Jj. ii llie his sppllisllon Wllb lbs Hoard uf Kir aud sell mslt, spirituous sud v luwus liquors at Nu. lata a ..w., ll. nmi " ' ' ' itrat day uf January, mil. lo lb Ural day of Jan uary, mm. II I bate be no objection, rauiou strsui or proleel Wllbln two weaao Irom lbs 7lk dsy of November, A. D mil. ths said ileeuse will b gieuiau. PklbH OHAVEltT, Applioa 'UL Novls-Jjee It JVUl W , aa I I fciv vt Arruil.Alllf Qy Fir Jubuawu lor Liquor Llceua. Notice la ksrsby giB tbsl I'eter Johoaoa did upoa iba tub day ol Novemoer, A, D mi. Hie bis spplioalloa with tbe Ikoird ol'Klrs and Folic Couiwlealcnera ot oiuaba for Hcsum . .. I svii man. ,ui.,,,... liquors at No Jji North lilh atiel, ground floor,, s. by 21 glstk wsrd, owalia, Nebraska, fruiu the liial 1 uay of Jauuary, lil. to ibe lirst day of Jan uerr. mil. II tber b a obiecllou. ram... slisuc or pro'-csl within two woias from lbs 2,'la dsy of November. A D ltll. lbs said license III be granted. FETEU Joli.VbuN, Appllcauu Novts Decll NOTICE BiATTtR OK APPLICATION OK Wsllar Moot aud H. V. Hatwaiq, fart oars a Wsllsr Mu.a da Co., for Liquor Lliwuae. No lle is hereby given tbst Waiter Mole aad II V. Hsyesrd did upoa lbs 1st dsy ot December A l. 1U. file their apiilballon wllk the Board of Klre and police Couimieelwaere of Otualia, for litem- I sell susil, stnrltuous and vinous Hquere uuuer the Itria ueiue of W altar Mols ft Co al No. iHt sud 211 Hickory slreet, Flrat ward Omaha. Nabraaka. from Ike Diet day of Jan uary, ltll, lo the lat day ul Jsousry, mil If tber be no objection, roinouaareui e or prolat tiled WHBIB two eeess trout in let dey of Dav letuber. A D. mil. tbe said llceua will l, greuled. WALT Kit Molbet e; I'll WALTER Hular.. U V. IIAYWAKD. Kexlaera and Ap. plUaal , le: 11 I.Kit Oil l.lfK.t: qfl'l It TIOqq NOTHTt-MATTEIt OP APPLICATION OK Fred Janeea for Liquor Llcenee N'otle Is hereby given Hist trad Jeneen did upon th JTth day of November, A. D mil, til bia p filiation with the fiivstd of Fire suil folic Commlaalonera of Omaha, for license to aall malt, aplrltuoua snd vinous liquors st No 2'vl Cuming strrst, first floor, llvit feet, Eighth wsrd, Omshs. N'ehrsks, from th first dsy nf Jan uary. lll. to tns first dsy of Jsnusry, mil If there lie ao objection, remonrtrsne r protest within tw vrrekl from Ihs 27lh dsy of Novem ber. A. f. nil, Ihs ssid license will be granted. KREU JF.NRKN, AppllcanC Nov27-I)ecjl NOTH E MATTER OF APPLICATION OK William Holm for Liquor Lleenee Notice Is hereby given thst Wllllsm Holm did upon Ihs 17th dsy nf November, A. D IS1I, His his sp pllcstlnn with th Hoard nf Kirs and Pollc Commissioners of Omshs. for llcenss to sell mslt, spirituous and vinous liquors at No. 31 24 North lilh street, first floor. Mill feet, Bllth wsrd, omshs. Nebrsaks, from the first dsy nf Jsn usry, ltll, to the first dsy of Jsnusry. ltll. It there be no ubjectlnn. remonstrsnc or protaat within two weeks from th 27th dsy nf Novem ber, A. D ltll, th aald license will bs granted. WILLIAM HOLM, Anpllcsnl. Nnv7-Decll NUT fckv-MA TTK R O K APPLI i A TI I) N O P Vselsv Hchnslder for Liquor License. Notice It hereby given thst Vselav Schneider did upol the itth dsy nf Nnvemner. A. I. 1211. HI ' D plication with tb Board af l ira and Police om mlaaloners of o.nsha for llcens to ssll mslt, spirituous tnd vinous liquors at No. 1121 South Hth street, 22iSO feet, (round floor. Tenth wsrd, Omshs. Nabraaka, from lb first day of Jsnusry, mi:. Ui ths first dsy ot Jsnuary, mil I' thar b bo objection, romonstrsnc or protest within two seeks from th 21th dsy of Novemkf'. D; ltll, the ssld license will be (ranted VACLAV SCHNEIDER. Applicant. Nov2t-l)ecl2 Notice m"att eh ot? application cf Bernsrd Hohlnson lor permit to sell liquor a druggist. Notice la hereby given tbsl Bernsrd Robinson did upon the 27th dsy of November. A. I), mil, file his sppllrstlon with the Board of Klra and Police Commissioners of Omsha for a permit lo asll malt, spirituous and vinous llquora, as a drugglste for medicinal, mechanical and chemical purposes only, at No. 01 N. Itth street. Eighth wsrd, Omsha. Nsbraaks, from the first dsy of Jsnusiy, 1212, to th first dsy ot Jsnuary, mil. If there be ao objection, remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the 22th dsy of November. A. II. mil. th ssld permit will be granted. BERNARD HoBlNSON, AppHeant rvov tn-im NOTICB-MATTER ok application OK Hsnry Bchruedsr for Liquor License. Notice is hereby given thst Henry Schrodr did upon th 27th dsy of November, A. D. mil, til his ap plication with tha Bosrd of Fire and Police Com- MIhIiui.h a Omak. In. lli-ena t O SSlI fnSlt. spirituous and vinous llquora at No, 1M2 Howard street, flrat floor, Its 112 feel. Third wsrd, Omsha. Nebraika. from the first dsy nf January, ima, the flrat day of Jsnusry, ltll. It thsre be no obiectlon. remonstrance er protest filed within two weeks from tbe 2Tth dsy of November, A. I). mil, ths ssld license will be graniea. tir-.-rw SCHHOKDE MIAppllesnt: lJlTlt:?fi" NOTH 'B MATTER OK APPLICATION OF O. H Hsnsen for Liquor License. Notlc IB hereby given thst U. 11. Hsnsen din upon th 17th dav of sfnveniher A fl. 1211. fll his ap plication With the Hoard of Klra and Police Com missions' of Omshs for license to sell mslt, spirituous and vinous liquors at No. Inn Bouth Itth street, around floor. lllKl fort. Third wsrd. Omsha, Nebraska, from ths first dsy of Jsnuary, mil, to tha first dsy of Jsnuary, mm. ll tner be no nblectlon. romonstrsnc or protest within two weeks from lh Itth dsy of November, A. it. ltll. th said llrana will be (rented, u. n. HANSEN. Applicant 'r75!-D-.'.! NOTICB MATTER OK APPLICATION OK Joha Under for Llouor Llcanaa. Notice It hereby (Ivan thai John Llnder did upon ths 27tn dsy of November. A. D. 1H11, fll his sppllcslloa with Hi Board of Kir and Police Commlsslonsrs of Omsha for llcenrs :o soil mslt, spirituous snd vinous liquors st No. llo Douglaa s'.rewt, intra wsrd, Omshs, Nebrssks, from th first day of Jsousry, mi2, to th flrat dsy of January, ltll. If thai ba uo objection, reinonairanco or protest within two wseks Irom the tath dsy of Novsm ber. A. U. mil. ths said lloensa will be granted. JOHN L1NUP.H, Applicant. Novlt-Dscll NOTICB-MATTER OK APPLICATION OP John C. Klsuck for Liquor License. Notice Is hereby given thst John C. Klsuck did upon the 27th dsy of November, A. D. mil. Ills his ap plication with ths Board of Klre and Pollc Commissioners of Omaha tor lletnss to ssll malt, spl.auoua and vlnoua llquora at No. 4102 North 2tth street, first floor, K'iW feet. Twelfth wsrd, Omsha, Nebraska, from ths first dsy of Jsousry. ltll. to the first day of January, ltll. If thsre be bo objection, remonstrance or protest within two weeks from the 27lh day of November, A. D. ltll, the ssld llcens will be granted. JOHN C. KLAClTC. Applicant Nov2l-UscUI NOTH IB-MATTER OF - APPLICATION OP Fred O. Dells for Liquor Llcsnse. Notlc It hereby given tbst Pred U. Dolls did upon the 21th dsy of November, A. D, ltll. Hie his ap plication with the Board of Klre and ponce Commissioner ot Omaha for license to sell malt. spirituous and vlnoua llquora at No. 714 South Itth si reel, first lloor. Huts feet, rourtn wsro. uui s lis. Nsbrssks, from the first day of January, ltll, ta th first day of Jsnuary, lilt. II there be no objection, remonatrsncs or protest within two wk from th Itth day ol November, A. D. mil. the sslo license will b (ranted. FHKD u. tlELFS, Applicant. Novle-DcII NOTICB-MATTER OF APPLICATION OF Peter Peteraan for Liquor Llconsa. Notlc It hereby given that Peter Petersen did uoun the 17th day of November. A. D. mil, file his sp pllrstlon with the Board of Kir and Pollc Commissioners of Omaha for license to sell malt. rpltituoua and vinous llquora at No. I7ua Lssvon worth street, flrat flour, JoiM feet. Seventh ward, Omaha, Nebraska, Irom the first dsy of Jsnuary, It 12, to the flrat day of Jsousry, ltll. If thsre be no objection, rwinoostrance or protest wllhln two wseks from lb 27th dsy of Novem ber. A. T. 111. th said license will be granted. PETER PETERSEN, Applicant. Novlt-Decll NOTICB MATTER OK APPLICATION OF Wllllsm Koealssbrusgge fur Liquor License. Notlc la hereby given that Wllllsm Rowings- brugge did upon the 27th dsy of November, A. D. 111, file his application with tha Board of Fire and Police ComnilsBlonsra ot Omsha for license to tell mslt. splrllunus and vlnoua llquora st No. 1111 Leavenworth street, flrat floor. 2i7( feet. Tenth ward, omsha, Nebraska, from the tlret dsy of January, lilt, to the flrat day of Jsnuary, 111. If thsre be no objection, remon strance or protest within two weeka from tbe 11th day of November, A. O. mil. the aald license will be grauled. WILLIAM KOENIOa IIKCIIGE. Applicant Nov?l-Dc 11 NOTICEV-MATTER OK APPLICATION OK ( tiarle W. Meigar for Liquor Llcenss. Notlc It hsreby given thst Chsrles W. Mssger did upon lh 17th day ot November. A I), mil. Hie his sppllrstlon with ths Board of Klra and Polk Commissioners ot Omaha for license to sell mall, spirituous gad vinout llquora at No. lail South 10th si rest, first floor, Itieo fast. Second wsrd, Omsha, Nebrssks, from Ibe first dsy ol January, lilt, to the first day of January, 1111. If thsre be no objection, remonstrance or protest within two wseks from the 17th nay of Novem ber. A. D. ltll. lh aald llcenss will be granted. CU-UtLltS W. MB.USK. Applicant. mvit-ncii NOTICB MATTER OK APPLICATION OF Hant Nlelean for uquor License. Notice It hereby alvsn that Hana Nielsen did uoon ths 17th dsy of November. A. It. mil. Ills his sp pllrstlon with th Hoard of Kir and Police Commlaalonera of Omaha lor Hons to ssll mslt, spirituous and vlnoua liquors st No. Iltn Cuming street, 22 feet trontsge. M feet depth, ground lloor, ElgntB ears, vtasna, neorataa, rrora ths first day t Jsousry, 1112, to the flrat day ol January, 1112. It there be bo objection, remoa slrauoe or protest filed within two weeks from lbs :7lh dsy of November. A D. 1t. the asld license will be granted. HANS NIELSEN, Ap plicant NovU-Derll N(ITIC-MATTR OP APPUCATION OF R. F, o Brian for Liquor License. Notice la hereby given that R. K. O'llrlen did upon the 27lh day of November. A. D. mil, file hla ap. plication with the Board of Fire and Police Commlaalonera of Omaha for llcenae to sail male spirituous snd vinout liquors at No. Hot Fa rosin treat, first lloor. llslot feet. Third ward Omaha, Nebraska, from Ihs first dsy of Jsnu sry. ltll, to tbe first dsy of Jsnuary. mil. if tber be Be objection, rsmonelranoe er protest wllhln two weeks from the 27th dsy of Novem ber. A. I mil. the ssld llcenss will be granted II F. O'BRIEN, Applicant. Nev22-De.ll NOTICE-MATTER OF APPLICATION OF John Krajlcek tor Liquor IJcenae. Nollo Is hereby given .hat John Krajlcek did upon the tlth day of November. A. V. mil, file his ap plication with ths Board of Klre and Police Commissioners ot Omaha tor license to sell mall spirituous and vinous liquors at Na. I2U1 gouts Itth strset. first floor, toito feet. Second word Omaha, Nsbraaks, from tbe first dav nf January' 111. to th first dsy ol Jsnuary. mil jj thar b ae objection, remonstrance or protest wltbla two weeks from the 17th dsy et Novsmber A II ltll, the said lloenss will be granted ' JOHN KRAJH'F.K. Applicant Novll. llecll NnniH-UATTIR OK APKa.ICATlON OK Harvey Jsoobssa tor Liquor License. Notice is hereby given thst Harvey Jacobean did upon the rrth day of November. A. D. nil. Hi, ki, JZ plication with file Board ql Fire and polloa lommlaetoner nf Omaha for llcenae to sell melt spirituous snd vinous liquors at No letll Cumini street, flral flour, IU67 feet. Blghtb .,, Omaba. Nabraaka, from the flrat day of janu sry, 1111. to the flral day ol January, mi ,) there be no objection, remonetrauce or protaat ii" - - vow inn oay or Novem ber. A tl. ltll. the salt llcenss will bs grants! HARVEY JACOHSEN Apllcant Nnrfv. I !nj ' NOTHT6 MATTER OK APPLICATION OK Thomss J. Hart lor Llqanr Llcaaa. Notle it hereby glvsn tbsl Thoniaa J Hart did upon IK. lilh day ot November. A. D. .til, 111, hie a plication with the Board of Fire and Po,?l Commlsslonsrs of Omaha foe llcenae to aall malt apitltuoua and vlnoua liquors st No. 101 t'ana ureal, first floor. Mali feel, and Ituq Case atreei llrat lloor. ltis fset. Eighth wsrd, Omshs. .l ,im. , war vi jsnuary, mil ta the lust dsy of Jsnuary. mil if ibaro be' n tbiectlua raiaouelrenc or pruteet wltbla two wi-vke from the 27th day of Novambar A Ik 1111. the ssld llcenae Bill La greuled THOMAS I. HARTAppllcsul Novll Dsiu N tl'l' ' ll M A 1'T k R OK APPLICATION OK llaiu.an B plrs for Liquor l.l.enae. Not lie I hereby gives that Herman U Petri did uona lbs tnd dsy ol December. A l mil, fn- Kla appllcetlo with the Board ol Fire and Police CouimUaloneis ol Omsha. tor license te eell malt aplrltuoua aud vlaoua liquors al No Jeol-l-12 a ream street, ground floor. II ta to feet Third wsrd. Ouiatie. Nsbrsaba. from the first day ot Jssusry, mil, to ths firat dsy of Jsnuary, ltll If there be no objection, remonetrauce or brol test Hied wltbla two Berks Irom ths lud dsy ot tsnember, A D lll. the aald llceuee will be granted. I1ERUAN II. FETtltg. Applicant Devi U i nn tn i.irKiiK pri.irATitii. NOTICE MATTER OK APPLICATION Op" P. E Tobln for Liquor License. Notlrs Is hereby given thst P E Tnbla did upon tha 17th day of November. A. P. 121', file hla application with the Hoard of Firs snd Pnllr t 'ommlratiiners of Omshs for li. enas to sell mslt. aplrltuoua and vlooiia liquors st No HI South imh strest, flrat floor, ttite feet. Third wsrd, Omshs. Nebraska, from the first dsy of Jsnuary, mil, to the flrat day of Jan uary, mit If thera be no objection, remon strance of protest wllhln two weeks from ths 27th dsy of November. A. D ltll. the said llceose will bs grsntsd. P. E. TOBIN. Applicant. Nov2-tVcla NoTK-KMATTe-R OK APPLICATION . OP James Kohnejt for Liquor Llcenae. Notle Is he-eby given that Jemee Kohont did upon th Tlth day of November, A. O. 1111, file hit application with the Hoard of Fire and Police Commlaalonera of Omaha tor llcenee to sell mslt. aplrltuoua and vinous liquors at No. 12n Bouth tth alreet. first floor. 2tst fee. First wsrd. Omshs, Nsbraaks. from the first dsy of Jsnusry, ltll. lo th first dsy of Jso usry, mil. if there be no objection, remon strance or protest within two weeka from the 27th day of November, A. I' 111. the said llcens will be granted. JAMES KOHOl'T, Applicant. Novtt-Decll NOTICE MATTER OF APPLICATION OP Emanuel Tb.nmeen for Liquor Urenae. Notice Is hereby given thst Emanuel Thomson did upon tha 17th day of November, A. D. MIL file his sppllcstlnn with the Board of Klra and Police Commlaalonera of Omaha for llcenae to ell mslt. spirituous and vinous liquors st No. lilt North 14th stret. first floor. 20l feet. Eighth wsrd, Omsha Nebrssks. from the first dsy of Jsnusry. 111. to tbe first dsy of Jsn usry, 1SI2. If there be no objection, remon strsnra nr protest within tw weeks from the 27th dsy of November, A. D 111, the said license will be grsntsd. EMANUEL THOMHEN. AP pllcsnt. NovM-Docll NtlTlfP.-MATTEIl OT APPLICATION OF Theodore Beacher for Llqanr IJcenae. Notlco la hereby given thst Theodore Beecher did upon the 27th dsy of Novembsr. A. I- 1911. ' ' application with tha Board of Fire . and Pllr ComralMslonsrt of Omaha, tor license to sell mslt. spirituous and vinous liquors st No. 2M1 Sherman avenue, first floor, lie feet, Fifth ward, Omshs, Nsbrsska. from the flrat dsy nf Jsnuary. 112. to th first dsy of January. .111 If there he no objection, remonstrance or proteet within two weeks from lha T7th day af November, A. f), mil the ssld llcsnse will be granted. THEODOKK BF.BCHER. Appllesnt. Nt-P' . NOTICE MATTER OK APPLICATION OF P 1. Drnrds for Liquor License. Notice Is hereby given thst P. J. Droida did upon ths lith dsy of November, A I), mil. file his sppllrstlon with ths Roard nf Klra and Police Commission ers of Omsha. for llcenee to sell mslt. spirituous snd vinous liquors st 201 Hlrkory street, first floor. 2IH4A fset. First wsrd, Omsha, Nebraska, from ths first dsy of Jsnusry. ltll, to ths flrat day of January. 1111. If there be no objection, remonatranre or protest within two weeks from ths 27th dsy of Novembsr. A. D. UU, th ssld llcens will b granted. P. 1. DRO'DA. Ap plicant. Noovtt-Decil NOTICB-MATTER OK APPLICATION OF Arthur B. Robert for Liquor License. Notice Is hereby glvsn thst Arthur B. ItobBrtt did upon the 21th day of November, A. I. ltll. Ills hla application with the Board of Fire and Police Commissioner of Omaha, for license to sell mslt, spirituous and vinous llquora at No. 124 South Itth street, ground floor, JtJ by 0 feet. Fourth ward, Omshs. Nebrssks, from the first day of January, 112 to the first dsy of Jtnuary. Ml. If thr b no objection, remonstrsnc or protsst within two weoks from th Jth dsy of Novem ber. A I. 111, the stM llcens will be granted. A UTHI'R It. ROH KRT8. Appl Irani; N28-DH NOTICE M ATTER OF APPLICATION OF Oust R. . Broberg for Liquor Llcenss. Notice Is hereby given thst Oust R. Droberg did upon th 2lh dsy of Novembsr, A. It. Mil. H'a hi sppllcatlon with tha Board of Fire and Police Commissioners of Omaha, for llcenae to aall malt, spirituous and vlnoua liquors at No. 214-111 Boutn ln at.. Basis loot, grounu iioor, .imu ward. Omaha. Nebraika, from the first day of Jsnuary, 112. to tbs first sy of January. HIS. If thsre be no objection, remonstrance or protest within two week from th 29lh dsy of Novem bsr, A D. ltll, th aald llcenae will b granted. OI BT R. BHOBERO. Applicant. N2I-D1I NOTICE MATTFR OF APPLICATION OF Edwsrd W. Ilsttsn for Permit to Bell Liquor at a Druggist. Notlc Is hereby given thtt Ed wsrd W Beitsn did upon tns run nty ot No vember, A. It. 111. flit hla application with the Board of Klre and Pollc Commissions ot Omsha, for a permit to asll mslt, spirituous and vinoue llquora, aa a druggist, for msdlclnsl, me chanical and chemical purposes only, at No. 11 Bouth Twslfth street. Third ward. Omaha, Nab., from ths first day of January, 111, to the first dsy ot Jsnuary. 111. If than be.no objection, remonstrance or protsst fllsd within two weekt front the Xtb day of November, A. D. ltll, the ssld psrmlt will be granted. EDWARD W. HEXTEN, Applicant. NovlSD. NOTICE MATTER OF APPLICATION OF Christian Nleleen lor uquor Llcenss. notice Is hsreby given that Chrletlsn Nlslssn did upon the 28th dsy of November, A. O. 111, file hla application with the Board of nra ana police Commlaalonera of Omaha, for Itcease to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors at No. 1738 Bouth 13th street, ground lloor, 11 by M feet. Tenth wsrd. Omshs, Nebraska, from the first day ol Jsnuary, mil. to tha first day ot January, 111. If there be no - objection, reraonntrance or pro test within two weeks frum th 2-Jtb day of No vember. A. 1. mil, th aald llcenae will b grsntsd. CHRISTIAN NIELSEN. Applicant. Novtt-Decl NOTICB MATTER OF APPLICATION OF Samuel Nathan for Liquor License. Notice It hereby given tbst Samuel Nathan did upon the 17th dsy of November. A. D. 111. file his appli cation with the Board of Fire and Police Com missioners of Omaha, tor license to ssll malt, aplrlluous and vlnoua liquors at No. 101 South 11th strset. first lloor. 22 by a feet, Third wsrd, Omshs, Nsbraaks. from the flrat dsy ot Jsnuary, 111, to the first dsy of Jsnusry, 1911. It thsre be no objestlnn, remonstrance or protest fllsd within two wseks from ths 17th dsy of November, A. D. 111. the said llcenae will be grsntsd. B AMI EL NATHAN, Applicant. NMDll NOTICE-MATTER OP APPLICATION OF Ctiss. H. Thleda for Liquor Llcsnse. Notice Is hereby given that Chss. R Toledo did upoa the 24ih dsy ot November. A. D. 111, file his appli cation with tha Board of Klre and Police Com nileeloasrs of Omaha, for llcenae to ssll malt, spirituous and vlnoua llquora at No. 1024 Douglaa alreet, ground "floor. 20 by 10 feet,' Third wsrd. Omsba. Nebraska, from the flrat day of Janu ary. Hit. to the first dsy ot Jsnuary, 1912. If thar be no objection, remonstrsnoe or protest fllsd within two wseks from the Itth dsy ot No vember, A- D. 111. th said license will be grsntsd. CHAS. R. TH1EUE. Applicant. Novl4-Decl. NOTICE MATTER OK APPLICATION OF Wsllsr E. ttteele for uquor License. notlc is hereby given that Walter E. Steele did upon the 1st day of December, A D. 111, file bit ap plication with the Board at Klre and Police Com mlaalonera of Omaba, tor llcsnse to sell malt, aplrltuoua and vlnoua llquora at No. 1101 North lilh alreet, first floor, I2ili0 feet, Fifth ward, Omaha. Nebraska,- from the first dsy of Jan uary. 1112. to the first dsy of Jsnuary, ltll. It there be no objection, remonstrance, or protest fllsd wltbla two weeks from the 1st oay or ue eemher. A. li 111. the said license will b granted. WALTER B. STEELKL Applicant. n.i , i. NOTICE MATTER OK APPLICATION OK Henry 8 Olsen for Permit to Bell Uquor as nruaetet. Notice Is hsreby alvea that Henry B. Olsen did upon the Itth dsy ot November. A. U. 111. file hir application witn tne troeru or Fire and Police Commlaalonera of Omaha, for a permit to aall malt, aplrltuoua and vinous liquors, ss a druggist, fur msdlclnsl, tnschsnlcsl snd chemical purposes only, at Nn. t Bouth mth strset. Fourth waid, Omaha, nsbrsska, irom the flrat dsy of Jsnusry, 111. to tbs first dsy of Jsnusry, 111. If thsre be no objection, remon stranc or protest filed within two weeks from tbs Ind dsy of Deceintier, A D 111, the said permit will ba (ranted. HENRY S. OLSKN, Appllesnt. Peel-1 NOTICE MATTER OK APPLICATION OK C. Srblsnk. A. Schlsnk and A. W. Prince, Partner sj C. Kehlank Co., tor Liquor Llcanaa. Notice Is hereby given that C. Bchlsuk, A. Schlsnk snd A. W. Prime did upon the itth day of No vember, A D, '.'ill. file their sppllcslloa with the Hoard of Ktre and Police Commissioners of Omsha tor license to sell malt, aplrltuoua and vinous -liquors under th firm name ot C Schlsnk tk Co.. at No. 1W1 Douglaa street, ground floor, Kill feet. Third ward, Omaha. Nebrssks, from ths first day ot Jsnusry, ltll, to lh llrat dsy nf January, 111. If there be no objectloo. remonstraurs or protest fllsd within two wsskt from tbe loth day of November, A. 11 ltll, the ssld llovnse will be granted. C. BC H LANK C" . C. St H LANK. A. SCHLANK, A W, PRINCE, Partners and Applicant NIODIt NOTICE MATTER OP APPLICATION OF Anheuaer Buech Company of Nebraska for Liquor Ueense Notice Is hereby gives that Aabeueer Buecu Company ol Nabraaka did upon ths 2Mb dsy of Novsmber. A. 1). 111. file Its application with Ibe Board ot Kir and Police Cvnimlaalonara ot Omsha for license to ssll mslt. spirituous and vinous llquora at No liuT to 121 Joues street. Third ward, Omaha, Nebraska, fiom ths first dsy ot Jsnuary, mil, to lbs first dsy of Jsnuary. 111. It thsre be aw objection, remonstrance er prulaat wllhla two weeka from tha luth dsy of Novsmber. A. D 111, the said license will be granted. ANHKl'SEK HCSi'H COMPANY OK NEBRASKA. by OKORUB Kttl'O. lienemlM an age r. Ap p I lesne N lull 1 4 NOTICE M ATI E R OP APPLICATION OF A T. Denieleou. Proprietor Ksd Cruee Phar macy, for Permit to Sell Uquor as Druggist. Notice la hereby glvsn Ihst A. K. Dsulelaon. Jroprtetor Red Cruee Pharmacy. dlSV upon ths yth dsy of Novsmber. A D. 1911. try his sp plicstloa wllb ths Bosrd ot Fire and Police Commissioners ol Omshs for a penult to sell mslt. spirituous and vinous llquora as a drug gist, tor msdlclnsl, mechanical and chemical purpoeee only, st No. 1SJ4 Cuming street. Eighth wsrd, Omaha, Nebraika. from ths first dsy ot Jsnuary, 111. to the first dsy ol Jsnuary. mi. if Ihsrs be no objection, remonstrance or protsst fllsd wltbla two wseks from the ttKh dsy of No vember. A. 1) 111. the said permit will be granted. A. T. DANlKLSoN, Proprietor Red Croea Phsnnscy, Appllesnt. N30DII NOTICB-MATTER OK APPLICATION OK Morns Skow lor Liquor Llcsnse. Notice It ksrsby gives that Morris kkow did upoa the I7l h day ul Neveuibar. A. It. ltll. file kla appllcatloa wllk Ihs Board of Klra sud Pelics Cuiuaiiaeioaers of omaba tor llosnee ta aell malt, spirituous and vlnoua liquors at Ns. lit North lilh street, gross floor. 20 by Id leet. Eights ward. Omshs, Nebrssks. from tke first dsy of Jsnuary. mil, lo Ihs first dsy et Jan uary, Illl It there be no objection, remon strsnoe or protest wiibia two weeks from tbe 2,'la dsy ot November, A. D mil, tne aald llceuee ill be grantee- MuHJUl tvKOW. Applicant. hvilt-W.ll I. Ill I Oil I.IIKNSI-: AI'PI.U AT10o. NOTICE MATTKH OP APPLICATION OP Sam P. t hriateneen for Liquor Llcenvo. Notle I hereby given thst His P. Chrlatensen did upon the 1st dsy of December, A IV mil. fll hla arpllistlon with ths Hoard of Firs and Po Hes Commls.loners of timshs. for license to sell mslt. Siilrltuotts snd vinous liquors t No. 2M Coming street, gmnnd floor. ItstO feet. Eighth wsrd, Omshs, Nshraak. from the first dsy of Jsnusry, mil, to the first dsy of Jsnusry. 111. If there be no objection, remonstrance or protest within tw weeks from the 1st dsy of fieeember, A. D. 111, the ssld llcenae will be granted. SAM P. CHRISTHNBEN, Applicant. Dec2-1 NOTH K M ATTER OK APPLICATION OK John J. Parrott for Liquor License. Notice Is hereby given thst John J. Psrrott did upon ths Ind dsy of December, A D 111, file his ap plication with the Board of Fire and Police Com mlaalonera of Omaha, for llcenae to sell mslt, spirituous and vlnoua liquors at No. Ill Smith Hth street, first floor, 11x71 feet. Third wsrd. Omsha. Nebrssks, from th first ds of Jsnusry, 111, to the first dsy of Jsnusry, 11. If thsre be no objection, remonstrance or proteet wlthlo two weeks from the Ind dsy of December. A. It. 111. the said license will bs grtntsd. JOHN J. I'AKROTT, Appllesnt. Deel-ll NOTICE MATTER OP APPLICATION OF Aleisnder J. Msyewskl for Liquor Llrns. Notice is hereby given thst Alssnnder 1. May ewakl did upon the tnd day of December. A D. illl, file hla sppllrstlon with th Board of Fir and Pnllc Commissioners f Omsha, for license to aell mslt, aplrltuous and vinout llquora st No. Ill North llth street. DtiSO fast, (round floor, Rlghlh ward, Omaha. Nebraska, from the first dsy of Jsnusry, 112, to the flrat dsy ot Jsnusry. 111. If there be no objection, remon strance or protest filed within two weeks from the tnd dsy of December. A. D. 111. th asld license wilt h granted. ALEXANDER J. MAYPWSKI. Appllesnt. Decl-U NOTH T: MATTER OF APPLICATION OK Aleisnder Oram for Liquor Llcenss. Notle Is hereby given thst Alessndcr Orsnt did upon ths 1st dsy nf December, A D. 111, file his sppllcstlnn with the Hoard of Fire and Police Ommlsslonert of Omaha, for llctne to sell mslt, aplrltunus and vinous liquort at No. 124 Douglss street, ground floor, 11 by 40 fset. Third wsrd, Omsha. Nebraska, from the first dsy of Jsn usry. 11, to th first day of January, 111. If there be no objection, remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the Ind day of December. A 11. ltll. th ssld license will be granted. ALEXANDER GRANT. Appllesnt. Deol-ie, NOTICK MATTER OF APPLICATION OK Ous Laraon for Liquor Llcenae. Notlc It hereby given that Ous Larson did upon th 17th dsy of November. A. n. 111. fll his ap plication with ths Bosrd of Fir anil Pollc Commissioners of Omshs, for llcens to sll mslt, spirituous and vinous liquors at Nn. Ill North 1th street, flrat floor, 20x0 feet. Fourth ward, Omshs, Nebrssks. from ths first dsy of Jan uary, 1113. to ths first day of Jsnusry, 1811. If there be no objection, remonstrance or protest within two weeks from th 27th dsy of Novem ber, A. It. 1911, the ssld llcsns will be granted. Ol'S LARRON. Appllesnt. Novl7-Decll NOTICE MATTER OK APPLICATION OP Christian G. Elaasser for Llqnnr Llcsnse. No tice Is hereby given thst Christian 0. Ktsa-ser did upon th Ind dar of December, A. t). 1911. tile hla application with lha Board nf Fir and Police Commissioners of Omaha, for license to sell malt, aplrltuoua and vinous liquors st No. znoi Vinton street, ground floor, 2i by 10 feet. Second wsrd, Omaha, Nebraska, from the first dsy of Jsnuary, 112, to lb flrat dsy of Jan uary, ma. if there be no objection, remon strance or protest filed within two wseks from ths 2nd dsy of December, A. D 111. th ssld llcenee will be granted. CHRISTIAN O. EL SAS9ER. Annllcsnt. Deel-ll NOTICE MATTTKR OF APPLICATION OK Rome Miller for Liquor License. Notice Is hereby rive nthat Rome Miller did upon tha 1st dsy of December, A. D. 111, 111 his sppllcatlon with ths Bosrd of Fir and Police Commlsslon srs of Omaha, for llcnta to aell mslt, spiritu ous and vinous liquors at rear of al7-e1-&21-523 South loth street, ground floor. 0xl9 feet, Third wsrd, Omshs, Nsbrssks, from ths flrat dsy or Jsnuary, - 112, to the first dry of Jan uary, lilt. If there be no objection, ramou- strsnc or protaat filed within twn weeks from the 2nd dsy of December, A. D. 111. the aald license will be grsntsd. ROME MILLER. Ap pllesnt. - Ie2-U NOTICE MATTER OF APPLICATION OP Wm. B. Clerk for Llqnnr License Notice It hereby given that Wm. B. Clark did upon tha lat dsy of December. A. D. 111. file his ap plication with the Roard of Klre and Police Commissioners of Otrihhg, fdr license to sell mslt. spirituous and vlnoua llquora at No. 1230-1211 Douglaa street, ground floor. 17 by ao feet, Third ward. Omaha, Nebraska, from the first day of January, 1111, to the flrat day of January. 113 If there be no objection, remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the Ind day of De cember. A. ' D. 111. the aald- license will he granted. WM. R. CLARK, Applicant. Del-1 NOTICE MATTER OF APPLICATION OK Joseph F. Novak for Liquor License. Nnttce Is hereby given thst Joseph F. Novsk did upon tha tnd day tf December. A. D 111, file hit sppllcatlon with the Roard of Fire and Pbllce Commlsslonsrs of Omsha, for llcenss to aell raalt, spirituous and vinous liquors at' No. 424 South llth strset. 24x0 feet, ground floor, Third ward, Omaha. Nebrssks. from lb flrat dsy of Jsnuary. 112. to tha firat day of January: 113. ir there be no objection, rsmrmst rsnne or protest fllsd within two wsekt from tke 2nd dsy ol Decem ber, A. D. 111. the said llcsns will ba granted. JOSEPH F. NOVAK, Applicant. Decl-lg NOTICE MATTER ' OF APPLICATION OF Stars Brewing Company for Liquor License. Notice Is hereby given that Btors Braving Com pany did upon ths Ind dsv of December. A D. 111, file Its application with the Board of Fire and Police Commlsslonsrs . of Omshs, for license to sell malt, spirituous ana vlnoua liquors at No. 16(7 to 1025 Sherman avsnue. Fifth ward, Omaha, Nebraska, from the first dsy of Jan nary, 1911, to the first dsy of Jsnusry, 1913 If thsre be no objection, remonstrsnc or protest filed within two wekt from th Ind dsy of December, A D 1911. the ssid llcens , will be grafted. BTORZ BREWINQ COMPANY Ap pllesnt. ' Decl- II NOTICE MATTER OP APPLICATION OF Alex Jetes tor Liquor IJcsnse. Notlc Is herehv glvsn thst Alex Jflss.dld upon th 14th dsy of Novsmber, A. D. 111. file his sppllcatlon with the Board ot Fire and Police Commissioners of Omaha for license to sell raalt. aplrltuoua and vlnoua llquora at No. 1202 Douglss street, first floor. !tx70 feel. Third wsrd. Omsha, Neb., from the flrat day of Jsnusry, ltll, to ths first dsy of Jsnuary, 111. If there be no objection, remon strancs or protest filed wltbla two weeks from the 24th day of November, A. D. 111. the ssld license will tie granted. ALEX JETES. Appll cant. NI5D NOTICE MATTER OF APPLICATION OP John Batten tor Liquor Llcenss. Notlc Is hsraby glvn that John Betten Aid upon the Ind day of December. A. D. 111. flls, his application with the Board of Fire and Police Commission ers nf Omsha.. lor lleenee to tell malt, aplrltuoua tnd vinous llquora tt No 102 South llth street, 20x40 fset, ground floor. Third wsrd, Omshs. Ne brssks, from tha tint day of January, 112, to ths first dsy ot January. 111 If there be no objection, remonstrance or protest filed within two weekt from the tnd dsy of December, A. I) mil. the said llcenae will ba granted. JOHN BETTEN. Applicant. Deel-ll NOTICB MATTER OF APPLICATION OF Lewis Nelenn for .Liquor Ltcenea. Nolle It hereby given that Lewis Nelson did upon the 1st dsy of December, A D. Illl, tile his application with the Board of Fir and Police Commlaalonera ot Omaha, for llcenae to ssll mslt, spirituous and vlnoua llquora at No. 110 South Ilk street, ground floor, 23 by II feet, First ward, Omaha, Nebraska, from the first day ot January, 112, to the flrat dsy of January, ltll. If there be no objection, remonstrance or proteet filed within two weeka from the slid day of December, A D. 111. the aald llcens will be (rtntcd. LEWIS NKf.SON. Applicant. Dec!-1 NOTICF MATTKF. OF APPLICATION OP Ed Kogsra for L4inr Llosnse. Notice Is hereby glvsn thst Ed Rogers did upon the 17th day of Novsmber. a. D. mi. fll his sppllrstlon with th Bosrd of Fir and Police Cumratsstonsrs of Omaha for llcenae te ssll malt, spirituous and viaour liquors st resr, ill South Itth ttreet. first floor. IliJi feet. Third ward. Omaha, Nebraska, from ths first dsy of Jsuuary. Illl. to to first dsr of Jsn usry, 112 It there bs Bo objection, remon etrsnre or proteet within two weeks from tbs 27th dsy ot November, A D 1I. the ssld llosnse will b grsntsd. HD ROOERfl. Applicant. N-ir21 Decll NOTICE MATTER Or APPLICATION OF Klksn Sellgsnhn for Liquor Ucenie. Notice la herebe given thai Plksa Sellgaohn did upoa the 241 k dsy ot November. A. D UU. file his sp pllcqtiaa with the Hoard of Fire and Pollc Com missioner ol Omaha for license to aell malt, anlrltuous and vlnoua llquora at No. Ill South Tenth street, viaduct floor. 20x11 feet. Tenth wsrd. Omsha. Nsb . from the first dsy of Jsnu ary. 111. te the flrat dav of Jsnuary. mil lr ther be no obiectlon. remonstrance or protest wttbla two weeks from the Vh dsy of Novsm ber A D. !' the said llcenae will bs greitd. F.LKAN SEUUSOHN. Applicant. N23D NOTi' US MATTER OF APPLICATION OK John Sambo for Liquor Llcsns. Nolle hereby given Iksl John Sambo did unea th tnd clay of Dcmbr, A. IV 1111. file hi application with th Board cf Fir and Police Commis sioners ot Omsha. for llcenee ta asll mslt, spir ituous snd vlnoua liquors st No. 111 Vinton street, !2i0 feet, ground floor. Second ward. Omsha. Nsbraaks. from the first day ot Jan uary. 111. to tbs first dsv et January, 113 If there be ae objection, remonstrsnc, or protest filed wlthlB two week from ths tnd day of De cern bar. A. D 111. the aald license will b granted. JOHN SAMBO. Appllesnt De.-3-ll NOTICE MATTER OP APPLICATION OP C. J. O'Connor tor Liquor L)cos. Nolle la hereby gives that C. J. O'Connor did upoa the 2nd day ot December. A. D. 111, file kit sp pltcstlon wllk tba Board of Fire aad Police Com mlaelonera of Omaha, for llcsnse to eell mslt, aplrlluous and vlnoua liquors at No. 411V, South llth ttreet. ground Hour. It by II feet. Third ward. Omaha, Nabraaka. from tha flrat day ot January, Illl. to the first dsy of Jsnuary, ltll If there be lie objecliua. remonstrance er proteet tiled wllbla te weeka from ths lud dsy of De ceaiber, A. I mil. the aald license will be granted I' J OtMNN'OR. Applicant lM NOTICE-MATTER OK APPLICATION OF Jobs Leonard fur Liquor Llcente. Notlc is ksrsby gives thst John Leonard did upon the Ind day of Deoesnber. A. D 111, file hts ap plication with the Hoard ot Klre and Police Com mislouera of Omsha. for llcenee to sell mslt, spirituous and vinous llquora at No. Is.' Leav enworth street, 2I&42 tret, ground floor. Eleventh ward, Omaha, Nebrssks. from the. tlret dsy of Jsnusry, 111. to the first day of January. 111. If there be do election, remonstrance er pretest filed wtlhls two weeks from the 2nd day of De cember, a D ltll. the aald llcenae will be grauled. JOHN LEONARD, Applicant- Decl-Is. j Liqi OK I.IKR l ICTIOJ I N'lrk E MATTER OK APPLICATION OK Fred A. Cesfls for Llfluor License Notle Is hereby given thsl Fril A. Ctl did upon ths 2nd dsy of December A D. 111, HI his sp pllisllon with tbs Board nf Fir and Police Com mlaalonera of Omaha, for license ta aell mslt, spirituous and vinous liquors st No n Bouth llth street, first floor, llttg feet. Third ward. Omaha. Nsbraaks from the first dsy of Jsn usrv, 112. to the' first dsy of Jsnusry. mil If I here be no objection, remonatrsncs er prots-t within two weeks from tbs Ind dsy Of Decem ber. A. D. mil. th ssid license will be granted. PR E DACA ST t .K. A ppllcsnt Devl-U NOTKT.-M-ATTEn 0F APPLICATION OP Thus MathlaseE for Liquor Llcsna. Notle la herehy given thst Tkua Mathlasen did upon ths nth dsy of November. A. D 111. file hla arpllestlon with the Board af Fir a and Pollc Commissioners or omshs. ror llcsnse to eell mslt, spirituous and vlnoua llquora at No. Ito) Far nsm street, first floor, 10x41 feet. Ninth wsrd, tHTnha. Nebrsaks. from ths first dsy of Jsnusry, 1112. to ths first dsy of Jsnusry. Illl If thsra b no objection, remonstrance or proteal wlthla two weeks from ths 17th dsy of November, A. D. 111, the ssld license will b granted. THIS MATHIASEN, Appllesnt. Novtt-Decll N OTIC ft- MA TT E R OK APPLICATION OF Frank T Dlvla for Liquor Llcsnse. Notice Is hereby given thst Prank T Dlvls did upon the tnd dsy of December, A. D. 1911, file bis sp pllrstlon with ths Board ot Fir and Pnllc Commlsslonsrs of Omsha, for license to sell mslt, spirituous and vinous llquora st No. 122 North loth street, first floor. Ix4l feet. Third wsrd. Omsha, Nebraska, from th first dsy of Jsn usry, 111. to the first dsy of Jsnusry. 113. it there be no objection, remonstrance or protsst within two weeks from the Ind dsy of Decem ber. A. D. 111, the said llcsns will be granted. F'RANK T. DIVI8. Applicant. Deel-ll NOTICE MATTER O APPLICATION Or Joseph Bemroos for Liquor License. Notice Is hereby given thst Joseph tlemrnee did upon th tnd dsy of Decmbr, A. D. 111. HI n's sp pllrstlon with ths Dosrd ot Fir and Police Commissioners of Omshs, for license to sell mslt, spirituous and vlnoua liquor at No. S2 Sher man avenue, first floor, ItxW feet, Fifth wsrd, Omsha. Nebraska, from tha first day of Jan uary, 111. to the first dsy of Jsnusry, 1911. If there no no objection, remonstrance or protest within two weeks from the 2nd dsy of Decem lr. A. D. mil, the said llcens will b granted. JOSEPH P.EMROSB. AppllesnT Dc-1 NOTICE MATTER OK APPLICATION Of Andrew Ostsrgard for Liquor Llcenae. Notice Is hsreby given thst Andrew fhttergsrd did upon the Ind dsy nf December. A D. 11L t his sppllcstlon with the Board of Klre and Police Commissioners of Omshs, toy llcens to sell mslt. spirituous and vinous liquort at No. 1903 Cum ing ttreet, ground floor, ro by to leet, s'lma ward Omaha Vehraaka from the first dsy of Jsnusry, 112, to the first dsy of Jsnuary, 191 If there be no objection, remonstrance or proi filed within two weka from the Ind day ot De cember. A. 1). 1911. the ssld license will be granted. ANDREW 0STKR0ARD, Appllesnt. Liera-in NOTICK MATTER OF APPLICATION Oh Frank B. McKenna lor Liquor Llcenae. Nolle Is hereby given thst Prank B. McKsnna did upon the 9nit riae of lieeemher A D. 1911. fll hla sppllcstlon with the Board ot Klre and Police Commlrsloners of Omshs, lor license lo ssll mslt, spirituous and vinous liquort at No. MM Nlrh- olaa ttreet, greund floor, 2! by to leet, nun wsrd. Omsha, Nsbrssks, from the firat dsy of Jsnusry. 1912. to the first dsy of Jsnusry, 1912. If there be no objection, remonstrance or protest riled within two weeks from the Snd dsy ot December, A. D. 1911, the stid license will be granted. FRANK B. McKENNA, Appllelnt. Dec2-lt NOTICE MATTKH OF APPLICATION Ob Louie B. Miller for Liquor Llcente. Nolle It hereby given that Louis B. Miller did upon the 2nd dav nf neremhar. A. D. 1911. file his ap plication wllh the Board ef Fire and Pollc Com missioner of Omshs, for llcsnse to leu msu, spirituous and vlnoua liquors at No. 1201 Doug lss street. I4xtn feet, around floor. Third ward, Omaha. Nebraska, from tha first day of Jan uary, 1912. to the first day or January, iia. thar be no objection, remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the Snd dsy of t)e cember. A. D. 111, the ssld license will be granted. LOUIS B. MILLER. Appllesnt. pei-is NOTICE MATTHR OF APPLICATION OP Vaclav Tesar for Liquor License. Notice) Is hsrsoy glvsn thst Vaclav Tesar did upon tha Ind day of December. A. D. 111, fll hla ap plication with th Board of Fire and Police Com missioners of Omshs, for llcsnse lo sell mslt, spirituous and Tlnoua liquort at No. 1245 Bouth llth atraet, flrat floor. toxSO feet. Third wsrd, Omaha. Nebraska, from th flrat dsy of Jan uary, 1911, to tha first day of January. 113. If ther be no obiectlon. remonstrance or protest within two week from th 2nd dsy ot Decem ber, A. D. 1911, the ssld llcenss will b grtntsd. VACLAV TESAR. Appllesnt. Dcl-1 NOTICEMATTER OF APPLICATION or Ehlar'a Pharmacy for permit to ten uquor aa Druggist. Notlc Is hereby given t net nn lepg Pharmacy did upon tne let osy oi ber, A. D. Mil, tils M application with tna Board of Fir and polio Commission of Omaha, for a permit to ssll malt, spirituous and vlnoua liquort, aa a druggist, for medicinal, me chanical and chemical purposes only, at No. 2 SOI Leavenworth street. Eleventh word, Omaba. Nebraska, from tha lat day of January, Mil. to tha flrjt day of January. 1(11. If ther b no objection, remonstrance or protsst filed within two week Irom the tnd nay or uecemoer . D. Mil. the aald permit will be granted. OEO. T. ROCHFOHD. EHLER'S PHARMACY, Ap- nlleant Decl-ll NOTICE MATTER OF APPLICATION OF A J. Johnson for Liquor License. Notlc Is hereby given that A. J. Johnson did upon th 2nd dsy of December. A. D. 111. ' fll his ap plication with the Board of Firs and Police Com mlsslonsrs of Omaha, for llcens to sell mslt. spirituous and vlnoua llquora at No. 110 Far nsm strest. first floor, SUM feet. Third wsrd, Omshs. Nebraska, from tin flrtt dty of Jtn uary. 112, to the first day of January, 113. If ther b no objection, remonstrsnc or proteer wllhln two weeks from th 2b a osy oi irscem ber, A. D. 1911. th said llcsnse will b granted. A J JOHNSON, ArmllcsnC Dscl-U NOTICE-MATTER OK APPLICATION OF Frank T. Swnboda for Liquor Llcenae. Notice Is hsby given thst Frank T, Swoboila did upon the tnd dsy ot December, A. D. 111. rile hla application with the Board of Fire and Pollc Commlaalonera of Omaha, for license to sell malt aplrltuoua and vinous llquora at No. 131 South llth street, flrat floor. 24x0 feet. Tsnlh ward, Omaha, Nsbrsska, from the first dsy of Jan uary, 112, to the first dsy of Jsnuary, 113. If there be no objection, remonstrance or protest within two wseks from the tnd dsy of Decem ber. A. D. Mil. the ssld license will be granted. FRANK T. SWOBODA. Appllcsut. Decl-M NOTICE-MATTER OK APPLICATION OF Nels P. Nielsen for Liquor License. Notlc Is hsraby given thst Nels P. Nltlsen did upon th 2nd dsy of Dscsmber, A. D. Mil, 111 his ap plication wllh the Board of Plre and Police Com mltslonsra of Omaha, for license to sell mslt. spirituous and vinout llqucrt at No. tool North 20th atraet. flrat tloorr 10xM) feet. Fifth ward. Omaha. Nebranka, from tha first dsy of Jan uary, 1911, to the first dsy of Jsnusry, 113. If thsre be no objection, remonstrance or protest within two weeks from lh Ind dsy of Decem ber A. D. Mil. the said license will be granted. VI, P. NIELSEN. Armllcant. Decl-1 NOTICE-MATTER OF APPLICATION OK Jot. Cterwlnskl for Liquor Llrsuse. Notlc ta hsreby given thst Jot. Cierwlnikl did upon ths 2nd dsy of December, A. D. 1911, file his sp pllcatlon with the Board of Fir and Police Com mlsslonsrs of Omshs. for llcenss to sell malt, spirituous and vinous llquora at No. 1401 Bouth :th street, ground floor, 16 by Ul feet, Second ward Omshs Nsbrssks. from the first dsy ot January, llisi lo the first day of January, 111. 11 there be no objection, remonelrance or proteet filed within two weekt from the tnd day or De cember. A D. mil the aald llcsnse will be granted. JOS. CgEHWINBKI. Appllesnt. Dc2-1 NTml-BM ATTER Ol" APPLICATION OK Julius Sholkolskl for Liquor Llcsnse. Notice Is hereby given tbst Julius Sholkofikl did upon ths Ind dsy ot December. A. I) 111. Ills hit tppllcsllon with the Bosrd of Klre and Police Commlsslonsrs cf Omshs. for llcenss to sell mslt, spirituous and vinous liquort st No. 1201 Web ster street, ground floor. 20 by feet, Third ward Omshs, Nebrssks, from ths first day of January, 1912. to tha first dsy of Jsnusry. 11. If thsre b no objection, remonstrance or protest fllsd wllhln two weeks rrom the 2nd day of De cember. A D 1911, lh ssld llcsnse will be .rented. JfLIl'S BHOLKOKSKI. Applicant. Decl-lg NOTICE-MATTER OK APPLICATION OK Louis H. Peterson for Liquor Llcenae. Notice Is hsrsby given thst Louis 11 Pstsrsun did upon the Ind day of December, A. D. 1111. file hla sppllcstlon with the Board of F'lre and Police Ccmmtaslonere of Omaba, tor llcenae to aell malt, arlrlluoua and vlnoua liquor at No. Ill North llth street, ground -lloor, to by 11 feet. Eighth wsrd, Omshs, Nsbrssks. from tbs flrat dsy ot Jsnuary, 111. to ths first dsy of Jsnuary. 1112. If there be bo objection, remonelrance or proteet filed within two wseks from the Ind dsy of De cember A. D 1912. the ssld license will be grsntsd. LOUIS 11. PETERSON, Applicant. r saw, tat NOTICE MATTFH OF APPLICATION OF Chrla Johnson for Liquor Llcenae. Notice la hereby given that Chris Johnson did upon the tnd dsy ol December, A. D. 111, rile his ap plication wltvi ths Hosrd of Plre and Police Com mlsslonsrs uf Omaha, for license to sell mslt. aplrlluous snd vinous llquora at No. 611-11 North Itth ttreet. ground lloor, II by H feet. Third ward. Omaha. Nabraaka. from the first dsy of Jsnuary, mil. to Iba lirst dsy of Jss usry, 113. It there be no objection, remon strance or protest filed wlllllB tao weeka from the 2nd dsy of December, A D. 111. the asld llcenee will be grauled. CHRIS JOHNSON Ao elleant. De-Ill NOIDiu MATTER OK APPLICATION OP Frank Degen for Uquor License. Nolle la hereby given that Prank Degen did anon the lud oay of December, A. D ltll. file his sppllcs lloa wllk the Board ot Klre and Police Commis sioners ot Omaha, for llcenae to sell mslt. spir ituous and vlnoua llquora at No. m4 Clark street, !4iM feet, ground floor, Fifth ward, Omaha. Nebraaka. from th first day ot Jan uary, 111. to tba first dsy of January, ml If tber be so bJctloB. remonstrsnc or protest filed wlthlB twe weeks from the tnd day of De cember. A D. 111. tha aald llceuee will be gra nled KR A S K PF0 EN. A dtiI leant Dec3-ll NOTICE MATTER OP APPLICATION OK Patrick Vlulna for Liquor License Notice la hereby given that Patrick Qulna did upoa ths let day uf December, A. D. 111. Hie bis ap plication wllk Ibe Hoard ef F'lre and Police Com atissionera of omsha. for license te eell malt, snlittuous and vinous liquora at No S24 North llth street, ground floor, N by So feet. Third wen!. Otnsrs, Nebraska, from ths first day of Jarusry, mil. to lha lirst dsy ef Jauuary. 113. If tbsre bs Be objevtloa. remonetrauce or pro test w llblai two weeks frum th 1st day ot De camber. A. D mil, ths said license will ss greeted. PATRICK tJlilNN, Applluask Dl-ls I.Hi t OK l.lKR Ari'l.lt ATlOd. NOTICE MATTER OF APPLICATION OF Henry P. Ierh for Liquor License. Nolle Is hereby given thst Henry P. Leech did npoo the 1st day of lieremlier. A D. 111. til hi sppllcstlon with the Hoard of Kir and Pollc Commlslonera of Omebs, for license to sell mslt, spirituous snd vinous liquors st No. tot South llth street, totso reel, ground floor, Thlnt wsrd, omsha. Nebrssks, from the first day ot January, mil, to the tlrst dsy or Jsnusry, MIS. If there be no objection, remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the 1st dsy of De cember. A. D MIL the ssld license will bs granted. HENRY P LK8CH. Applicant. Deel-ll NOTICE MATTER OP APPLICATION OP John Bel Its lor Liquor Llcenss. Notlcs Is hereby given thst John Bellts did po the 1st dsy of December, A D. 1(11. Ill bla application with the Board of Fire and Pollc Commlslonera of Omshs, for license to sell mslt, spirituous and vinous liquors et No. 2(14 Wal nut street, Hi no feet, ground floor, Peeono ward, Omaha, Nebrsaks, from the first dsy of Jsnusry, 1(11, to the first dsy of January, KM. If there be no objection, remonatrsncs or protest riled within two weeks rrom the 1st day of De cember. A. D. Mil. the asld license will b granted. JOHN BELITZ, Applicant. Dcl-lt NOTICE MATTER OP APPLICATION OF Hans Kruse for Liquor License. Notle is hereby given thst Hsns Kruse did upon the 1st dsy of December, A D. 1(11, fll hi sppllcatlon with th Board of F'lre and Police Cnmmlelonera of Omshs, for license to sell mslt. spirituous and vinous llquora at No. 123 North) llth street, ground floor, 40 by 0 feet. Third wsrd. Omshs. Nebrssks. from th first day ot January. 1911, to th flrtt day ot January, Mil. lr thr be no objection, remonstrance or protest within two weeks from the first dsy of De cember, A. D. Mil. the ssld llcenss will bs granted. HANS KRt'SE. Appllesnt. Dcl-lS NltTICE MATTER OF APPLICATION OP Willow Springs Brewing Company for Liquor License. Notice la hereby given thst the Wil low Rprlngs Brewing Compsny did upon the 1st dsy of December, A. D. Mil, file Its application with tbs Board of Fire and Pallet Commission ers of Omaha, for license to sell mslt, aplrltu ous and vinous liquors at Third and Hickory streets. First wsrd, Omsha, Nebrasks, from the first dsy ot January. 111. to the first day of January, Mil. If there be no objection, remon strance or protest filed within two weeka from the 1st dsy of December, A. D. 1111, tbe ssld license will be granted. WILLOW SPRINOS BREWING COMPANY, Walter Molae, President, A pp I leant. Decl-lS NOTICE MATTER OK APPLICATION OF Charles H. Stiller for Liquor License. Notice Is hereby glvsn thst Chsrles H Stiller did upon th 1st dsy of December. A. D. 1911. file hla application with the Board of Klre and Police Commissioners of Omsha, for license to sell mslt. spirituous and vinous llquora at No. 424 South llth street, ground lloor. 25 by 10 rest, Third ward. Omshs. Nebrasks. from tha rirst day of Jsnuary, ltll. to the first dsy of January, 1913. If thera be no objection, remonstrance or protest within two weeks from the lat dsy of December, A. D. 111, the ssid license will be granted. CHARLES It. STILLER, Appllesnt. Dcl-M NOTlCh. MATTER OP APPLICATION OK Hsnry Rohlfr for Liquor License. Notice la hereby given that Henry Hohlff did upon the 1st day of December, A. D. Mil, file his sppllcatlon with the Board of Fire and Police Commlaslon ert of Omsha, for license to sell malt, spiritu ous and vinout llquora st No. S02 North 16th street, first floor. 22x60 feel. Fourth wsrd. Omsha, Nebrarka, from the first dsy ot Jsn usry, 1(12, to the first dsy of Jsnusry, MIS. It there be no objection, remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the 1st dsy ot De cember, A. D. Mil. the said license will be (ranted. HENRY ROHLFF. Applicant. Dl- NOTICE MATTER OK APPLICATION OP Joaeph Mollner for Liquor License. Notice Is hereby given that Joseph Mollner did upon the 1st dsy of December, A. D. li'U. file bis sp pllcstlon with th Hosrd of F'lre and Pollc Commlsslonsrs of Omsha, for llcens to sell mull, spirituous and vinous liquort at No. 2203 Boutlt Itth atreet, 20x60 feet, ground floor. Second ward. Omsha, Nebrasks, from tha first day of January. 1912, lo the first dsy of Jsnuary, 1911. If there be no objection, remonatrsncs or protest wfthin two weeks from ths 1st dsy of December, A. D. 1911, the ssld license will ba granted. JOSEPH MOLLNER Appllesnt. Decl-lS NOTIC.K MATTER OK APPLICATION OK Mlchsel Brunskl for Liquor License. Notice Is hereby given thst Mlchsel Brunskl did upon the 1st dsy of December, A. D. 111. file his sp pllcatlon with the Board of Fir and. Police Com missioner of Omaha, for license to aell mslt. spirituous and vinous liquors at No 12-14-14 South 13th atreet. 40x80 feet, ground floor. Tentlt ward. Omaha. Nebraska, from the first day of January, 112, to the first dsy of January, Mil. H there be no objection,-' remonstrance or pro test filed within two weekt from the lit dsy of December, A. D. Mil. the said license will b grtntsd. MICHAEL BKUNBKI, Applicant. Dcl-18 ' NOTICB-MATTER OF APPLICATION OK Prod Krug brewing Company tor Liquor Llcwne. Nolle Is hsreby given that Fred Krug Brewing Compsny did upon tha 1st day ot December. A. D. 1911. file Ita application with -tha Board of Fir snd Pollcs Commlstlontra of Omaba. for license to ssll mtlt, spirituous tnd vinout liquors st Mth and Vinton streets. Second ward, Omaha, Nebraska, from the first day ot January, 113, to the first day of January, 1913. If there be no objection, remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the 1st day of De cember, A. D. Mil, th said license will be granted. FRED KRUO BREWINQ COMPANY By Albert Krug, Vic President. Applicant. Decl-ll NOTICE MATTER OF APPLICATION OP George Albert Nelson tor Liquor Llcsnse. Nolle Is hsbyby glvsn that Oeorge Albert Nelson did upon the 1st day of December, A D. 1911, tils hit application with the Board of Fire and Po lice Commissioners of Omshs. for license to tell mtlt, aplrltuoua and vlnoua llquora at No, 223 South 20th atreet, ground floor, 12x30 feet. Second ward, Omsha, Nebraska, from the first dsy ot Jsnusry, 1(12, to the first day of January, 1113. If there be no objection, remonstrance ot protest within two weeka from the lit day ot December, A. D. 111, th said 1 Irani will bs granted. GEORGE ALBERT NELSON, Ap plicant. Decl-M NOTICE MATTER OK APPLICATION OF Emll Thomaen for Liquor License. Notice Is hereby given thst Emll Thomson did upon the 1st day of December, A D. 111. fll his application with tha Board of Fire and Po lice Commissioners of Omshs, tor llcens to sell, malt, aplrltuoua and vlnoua llquora at No. 123 Leavenworth street. 10x40 teet, ground floor. Tenth wsrd. Omsha, Nebraika, from the first dsy of January, 112, to tha first dsy of January, 113. If there be no objection, remonstrance ol protest within two weeks from the 1st day ol December. A. D. 111. the aald llcenss will bg grant. EMU. THOMSEN, Applicant. Dcl-M NOTICK MATTER OF APPLICATION OK J. F. - C, Rumohr for Uquor License. Notlcs la hereby given thtt J. F. C. Humohr did upon the 1st dty ot December, A D. Mil, fll hit application with tha Board ot Fire and Po llen Commissioners of Omaha, for license to sell malt, aplrltuous and vlnoua liquort at No. 224 North llth atreet, ground floor, 20x16 feet. Fourth ward, Omaha, Nsbrsska, from the first dsy of January, 1812. to the flrat day of January, 113. If there be no objection, remonstrsnc or protest within tw week from th 1st dsy of December. A. D. 111. the ssld license will bs (ranted. J. F. C. RUMOHR, Applicant, D2-l NOTICE MATTER OT APPLICATION OP Jsine Nalberg lor Liquor Llcsnse, Notice Is hereby given tbst Jamea Nalberg did upon tbe 1st day of December, A D. 1(11, file hla application with th Board of Fir aad Po lice Commissioner of Omsha, tor llcsnat to sell mslt, spirituous snd vinous liquors at No, 1423 South tth atreet, ground floor, 20x54 feet. First ward, Omaha, Nabraaka, from th first dsy of Jsnuary, 112, to th first dsy of January, 11. lr tiier. no objection, remonstrancs er protest within two weeks from tha 1st dsy of December. A. D. 111. the asld llcens will b granted. JAMES NAHiEHO. Appllesnt. DcS-M NOTICE! MATTER OH APPLICATION OK Peter Lorlno for Liquor Llcenss. Nolle Is hsraby glvsn that Petar Lorlno did upon th 1st dsy nf December, A D. 111, III hi ippllrstlon wllh tbs Hoard ot Fir and Po llc Commlsiionera of Omshs, for llcenae to ssll mslt. spirituous snd vinous liquort at No. 121-121 Pacific street, ground floor, 24x31 feet, Flrtt ward, Omsha, Nsbrsska, from the flrat day of Jsnusry. Mil. to the first dsy of January, 111. If thera be no objection, remonstrance or protest within two wtekt from the 1st dsy ot December. A. D. Mil. the said llcsnse will be granted. PETER LORINO, Applicant. Decl-U NOTICE MATTER OF APPLICATION OP Harry Rosenblum for Liquor Llcenss. Notice la hereby given that Harry Hosenblum did upon the 1st dsy of December, A D. Mil. fll hie sppllcstlon with the Board of Firs and Po lice Commla. loners of Omaha, for llcenss to sell mslt. spirituous and vinous llquora at No. 701 North llth street, ground floor, 20x1 test. Third wsrd, Omshs, Nsbrsska from the first dsy of Jsnusry, M12. to ths first dsy of Jsnuary, 113. If thsre be no objection remonstrancs or protest within two weeks from tbe 1st dsy of December. A. D Mil. the said license will be granted. HARRY ROSENBLUM, Applicant Decl-M NOTICE MATTKR OP APPLICATION OK J. J. Sulllvsn to Uquor Llcenss Notlc s a-i u; I"." nv w. a. euiiivan aid upoa tha let day ot December, A D. mil. fl,e his application with he Board of Fire aod Po lice Commlaalonera of Omaha, for llcenss to sell mslt. spirituous and vlnoua liquors at No. lslt North 24th atreet, ground floor. 22x41 feet. Sixth ward, Omaha, Nebraska, from the first . , lull . b. - ,1 . . . , Sullivan did -. ui . -, w ..I iiih uar oi January, ltll. If thsre be no obiectlon. remonstrance or protest within two weeks from ths 1st dsy of December. A. D. ltll. the said llcsnse will b gra nveo. e 5 " .v. rvo-iicant Deel-ll NOTICE MATTER OF APPLICATION O? Anton Jensen lor uquor Llcenee Vol Ice is bsroby given tnsl Anton Ji Jenaen did upon tne lav oar oi iiwpiiiBvr, A. u. ltll. fib mil. tne nia itipiicauui wne me onaru et r ire tnd Po lice Commlaalonera ol Omaha, for llcenae to eell malt, aplrltuoua and vinous liquors st No. M4 North llth etret, ground floor. 23x47 feet V.iui K..a , , . w - V t . i . ' ,w -- . v....-.... , , . un'i irom in ri rat day of January, 1.12. to th flrat dsy of January ltll If thera he na nktaptlna . ' , -. . -... uu i n i cr protest wllhla two weks from Ihs 1st dsy ef December. A D 111 ths laid It.-eiee will be granted ANTON JENSEN, AnoHrsnl Tlecl-11 NOT "IK-MATTER OK APPLICATION oK Herman C. Hsrsa tor Uouor Lleeue. Notlrs la hereby gives thst Herman C. ' Harm did udoj the lat day of Iiecemba-r. A P 111. file hla appllcatloa with tbe Hoard ot Fire and Police Commlaalonera of Omaha, for license to sell malt aplrltuous snd vinous liquors at No 17' 4 vin' ton atreet. ground floor. II by 21 feet Second wsrd. Omshs. Nebraska, from tha first say of Jarusry, Mil. te the first dsy of Jsauary. mil If t lie r be bo objection, remonstrance or Broteet filed within tw weeks from the lud dsy or lH eember. A D Mil. th ssld license will tl Stent, HEKMAN C. HARM. Applicant Lecl-U