C 8 TIMELY REALESTATE GOSSIP Jurch&so of Out-of-Town Man Shows Faith in Omaha. wssscnsxi 1 iv. r 3" i r-3 JJ U3 ZJ J t .,.r.!".-!J TTTTC OMAHA KUNDAT DEE: DECEMBER 3, 1011. men Liui Li u BUYS F&0PERT7 AS INVESTMENT Rraltr KarhaBara Mar t Aside Oa Da? a Moatk for aa later rbaaa-e of Ideas a Valaea. The transfer of two lots and a brick building at Twentieth and I'lerca treis. from the Byron IWd company to Josrpn Hwohvda, last week. U another lastunce of tho faith of out-of-town people In Omaha property. Mr. Fwuboda la a rosl dent of Abis, .b., and bought the prop erty as an Investment. ILa opinion la that Omaha real estate I one of the saf est InvoHtmenta Into which a man can put his money and an Investment that Is bound to brlnic rood returns outside, of the rental, as Omaha realty U chap and v-lU Increase In value. The question of setting aside one meet ins a month for appia.sal of property has been again brought up In the Iteai Estate exchange and a committee has been suggested to outline a plan and make recommendations. Several members who spoke on the subject at last aeck's meeting were of the opinion that the deals, s would derive much benefit from comparing tdoas as to the value of property. Borne are authority on values In certain parts of the city, and some on ether parts and the interchange of Ideas and lnfoimatlon. it Is aigued. will keep every member fairly well Informed on values all over the city. Q. Q. Wallace said the plan was pursued by the ex change for a long period many yea s ago, and tbe chances for benefit from It aie greater now then then, because realty values then were based on boom condi tions, while now they are on a sane bas s. A number of the architects of the city attended an adjourned meeting held at the University club Wednesday and had dinner and cigars. Tuesday evening, De cember IJ, at Ihe same place, a meeting will be held for 'the purpose of forming an architectural club slml.ar to those of piactli-ally every live city of the country. The betterment of architecture In this city and state In the primary object , Harry Iawrle Is president pro tern and F. A. Iletinmger temporary secretary. Believing that the united efforts of American architects will solve the ques tion of the low coat home for the salaried man and wasro-tai ner, the managemen. of Ihe L'lny iToilucis and l'ermanent llojiie exposition, to be held at the thl i bko coliseum March 7 to March 12, 1SI2, announced that canh prizes ranging from 104 to JtOO wou.d he awarded for the rx-st plan. Awards are to be made on the fourth dny of the exposition by a committee, of competent Judges. Arrange ments have been made providing that plans be submitted to the editor of the Uilckbulhtor, KS Water street, Roatoii, Mass. The plans are to be for a brick cottage costing from II, WW to ,000. Econ omy, sanitation and protection against lire are to be considered a well as archi tectural beauty in Judging the plans. "The current number of Bonds and Mort gages has this to say of the woman In vestor: ' "The woman Investor Is not easy of ap proach. It takes soma of the graces of good conduct and a standing In tbe com munity. The biokor who seeks this busl nens must make it a specialty. He can not go at It haruhly, nur even with the aatne directness that he uses toward the men of his acquaintance. A campaign of education and a watching of the c.iarusj .. imn there Is known to be a sum for nventnieiit will help matei lally, and the woman with money is usually willing to talk It over. She will probably consult her banker and a working ai runuemeili with that Individual la a good way to make an approach." flumors of a "substantial" building at the northeast corner of Twenty-fourth and Leavenworth have long been current Last week ground was broken for a struc ture, but It did not prove to be anything tery largo. It will be a small, one-story brick and Is said to be designed for a cigar store and shoe repair shop. HOES Our line of $4.00 MenN Shoes meet every require ment of n moderate priced shoe. You con choose from several smart, shapely styles, having all the ap pearance of a $6.00 shoe. The stock is Velour Calf, Patent Colt, Gun Metal Calf and Tans. The shapes are the same as the higher priced thoes. $4.00 is a very popular price for Men's Shoes. We were bound to have the best and we've got them. TT sr SHOK CO. THE SIIOERS 10th and Douglas fits, ' THE OMAHA BEE is tho home paper of Nebraska. You reach people who buy when you advertise in The Bee l - ' jQ - ' ' A Tlie fast, solid, electric-lighted, through train of the t?,-&$M . fTTH m x Tl ill Our GREAT HALF PRICE SALE keeps us busv night and day. But this is, of course, what we enjoy. We lifco our efforts to give the public STRICTLY HIGH GRADE GOODS AT STRICTLY HALF PRICE to be appreciated. You simply cannot afford not to" make your purchases in our store. The wide selection, the first-class goods, tho GREAT HALF PRICE SALE all appeal to tho intelligent and economical buyer. P-j Your Ghrfstmas Shopping Mow n7HEN you ar thinking of buying a 1 iamond XjXJ SEE US FIRr is wo carry all kinds and soil them at the v y owest TilARGINS. LADIES' O K1ZE WATCH 20-year gold filled bunting case. blgb era standard movement. Our Special Sale Price $9.0 LA I) IKS' SMALL O S.ZK WATCH High grade 20-yr. gold filled case, fitted witli Elgin or Waltham movera't. Special Sole Price ..$10.0. CENTS' 21-JEWKL R. 11. movement, fitted In a 20-yr. gold fillod case. Regular $38 value. Our Special Sale Price $21.7. GENTS' 16 SIZE WATCH 20-year gold filled hunting case, fitted with a 17-Jewel Elgin, Wakharo or Rockfor,. movement. Our Special 8a: Price '. 17.7 GENTLEMAN'S HIGH GRADE VEST CHAIN All new and nifty dealgns. Regu lar prices $3.00 to $12.00. Sale Price ..$l.f0 to f 6 00 UOVS' 10 SIZE WATCH 20-year gold f Ills 1 case, fit ted with an Elgin or Wal tham 15-Jewel movement Special Sale Price .,$U.7.j LADIES' NO. 400 8 ZE WATCH Smallest la lea' watch, 20-yr. gold filled case, assorted designs. Our Special Sale Price ..$12.2 LAD.ES HIGH GHADE GOLD FILLED WATCH Chains. 10 and 20-yr. guar anteed. Reg. prices $4-5" to 111. Special Sale Prices at $2.23 to 5 3 LA V ALU hits Nev.es. tii latest designs, In solid gold, gold fllle.i and Sterling Sil ver. Regular prices $4.u to $32.60. Special Sal Prices ....$2.00 to $10.5 LHACELETS Now is the time to select them. All new designs, gold, gold filled Reg. prices $4.00 to $115.10 a,le Prices $2.00 to $G2..V CLFF LINKS Largest as sortment of solid gold and gold filled cuff links In the city. Reg. prices $1.60 to $75. Sale Prices ..75c to $38.50 UAUY KINGS A nice line of solid gold baby rings, all kinds. Regular prices $1 to $4. Sale Prices 50c to $2.00 THIS WEEK ONLY Sterl ing Silver Cream Ladles, Pickle Forks, Olive Spoons, etc. Values up to $.&u. Special this week . . . . 51.04 STERLING SILVER VIO. LET PATTERN DESSERT 8POONS Monday, only oae to a customer. Each . .$1.00 QUADRUPLE PLATED 4 PIECE TEA SETS Reg ular $12.00 values. Special this week .$5.00 STERLING SILVER PINKY KINGS All color stones, to be worn 3 on little finger. 1.00 each, 3 for ....$2.7. mens i,mm from Chicago and St. Louis to Jacksonville, FLORIDA . -V: - ''Je Through btarviUon-eompirtmtnt and rourtenMctios drawlnreem loping ears, trss rscllnlng chair car(ttMl conttruotion) and coach f lo tourist ilasplng car a 1 tt and 3d Tussday ol ths month) bttwasa Chicago and Jacktonvllls. Twsivt taction drawing-room tlosplng car and Irea chair car SLLoula to Jack soBvlila. - All msals in dining car. Illinois Central Dai;., Lv Chicago .... 8:13 pin LtSU Louis .. ll:20pni Ar nirminKham. 8:30 pm Central of Georgia" r Columbus ... 0:00pm rHarrnnah ... 7:80am Ar Albany 1:00 am AtUotic Coaat Una At Jacksonville. 7:00 am Connection at Columbus with through sleeping car for Savannah, Ga. also I ; at Jacksonville for all points In Florida, and with trains making Steamship Connections for Havana, Cuba Information about Winter Tourist fares and homeseekers' fares to Florida on first and third Tuesday of the month; also information as to tourist tickets and Illinois ... -nt:l service to NewOrlcans.Y icksburgM and Central A men tan points via New Orleans; as well aa reaervaUoas, tickets and descriptive literature, can be obtained of your home ticket agent, or by addressing S. North, Dist. Pass. Agt., Illinois Central R. R., 409 So. Sixteenth Street, Omaha, Neb. mup The Christmas shopping rush will soon be on and then travel on the street cars will be, attended with more or less crowd ing and discomfort, in spite of all the provisions we can make. We therefore earnestly urge the public to Shop Early. Stocks of merchandise in the stores are now at their best and sales-people can wait on you more satisfactorily now than they can later. Omaha&GouncilBluffsSfreet RaihvayGo. CUT GLASS High grade perfect brilliant cut glass. $5 8-1 n. Berry Bowls, Sale Price ..$2.50 MESH BAGS Soldered, un Uned mesh and kid lined bags. Reg. prices $4 to $14 Sale Prices . . $2.00 to $7.0 KOLVENIR Sl"OONS Ster ling silver souvenir spoons. Values up to $2.00. Sale Price 70c aoaia bbos, ie47 siivka- WJLo,3 Prices at lea dan other dealers can buy It at. 4 doi. Teaspoons; regular Ice 12.00; sale price.... 7Be Jos. Dessert Bpoona: reiru- lar price 3.50, sale price $1.33 nor. raoiespoone; reitulai price $4.00. sale price. . .1.50 High Grade Sterling Silver and Quadruple Plated Toiletware Sterling Silver Combination Toilet Manicure Seta. Regular prices $45.00 to $85.00. Sale Prices $2?.fi0 to $42.50. Sterling Silver Comb, Brush and Mirror Sets. ,$18 to $55. Sale Price $0.00 to $27.50. Sterling Silver Manicure Sets, Regular prices $6.00 to $26.00. Sale Prices $3.00 to $13.0; Sterling Silver 3-plece Mili tary Sets. Keg. prices $15 to $22. Sale Prices $7.30 to $11. Quadruple Plated Combina tion Toilet and Manicure Beta. Reg. prices $23 to $28. Sale Prices $11.50 to $14.0O. Quadruple Plated Comb, Brush and Mirror Seta. Reg. prices $10 to $19. Sale Prices $3.00 to $9.30. Quadruple Plated Military Sets, 2 brushes and comb. Reg. prices $2.00 to $13.60. Sale Prices $4.30 to $0.75. Shaving Stands, all designs, Regular prices $8.00 to $25.00. Sale Prices $-4.00 to $12.30. We recommend the purchase of articles requiring engraving now. Nearer the holidays the engravers are so busy that it is almost beyond mortal might to satisfy all demands. Greater attention and the most artistic work is assured by being early. Any articles selected will be kept secure until wanted. . Have you priced our Diamonds, the finest ever dug out oJ? African soil. Look for the diamond easel in the window. AT THE SIGN OF THE CROWN 115 South 16th Street. Opposite the Boston Store. ABOVE ALL If! QUALITY v FOR HOME CONSUMERS PHONES Doag. 119; Ind. A-2119 Wm. J. B0EI1K0FF Retail Dealer) Office-803 S. 7th St STEAMSHIPS is W. ArotmWWorld TWO CRANDCRUISES ROV. 1912 I FEB. 1913 (Kroo N Xsrk) I (Fras ttaa rraaclscs) , 1) lbs rslatlsl CralslBg StMSWf VICTORIA LUISE rollowlnf sbm Itlasrsry a a. a. CLKVKLAMi. arn sn4 I lBrtlB'sIiassaiT 5uDU i I IwaM atwaia aa aabeis. XT A asioltks 1r t!is krtul crulw of h. H. tLKVllLA.XU frua Its t'raaclav Fefc. t. ivls. DVR-ATION or EK11 CRCISH It DAVS AIM Cnif fa tU Oris, l mis mH Iflt a4 . N Sd4 fof tOsstrstsd Booklet. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LIKE VM W. Randolph fit Cb:.a. or local act. C LAR ICO"! S? CRUISE rk. a HM n. to U iut lDlJii su taws u r-i--. viuu api aisMr. u Trkr. ktoif UA fcTl. IVJJ. (il. t rar Tr. tSANs; a ii-Ont. Ti au . nm . . Sv SWkA. fmtmtm hu. QmmMt. Make It a Galveston Winter This Year Youll never regret a stay in this "Atlantic City of The South" new pleasures, new sports, new scenes await you in Galveston's sunny climate. Here yon will find the finest surf bathing in the world, yachting, fishing, golf, tennis, motoring whatever diversion you most prefer under cloudless skies in weather that is ideal all Winter long. Bat the principal delight wlU ba your stay at the palatial Hotel Oalrei fire-proof, commodious, superbly equipped for your Tery comfort It fronts the famous sea wall overlooking the sparkling waters of the Gulf and is surrounded by palms and tropical shrubbery all that pleases the eye and captivates the senses. 'Tia the pride of Galveston. ITandscma book In colors descriptive of the hotel and Qalrss ton will be moiled on raqueaU Address JOHN F. LETTON, Manager, Hotel Galvez, GALVESTON. TEXAS. Going: to Galveston? You will get there In better time and greater comfort by nslng the Katy. Trains from your city make good connections at Kansas City with 3hc Ifety ffigV? a fast limited train splendidly equipped with free re clining chair cars, Pullman electric-lighted standard and observation sleep ers. It runs over the Katy all the way, so there Is no danger of missed connections or tiresome delays. v For fares, berth reservations or any information la regard to the Journey, address W. S. SU Gcurse, Gem. Paasrogcr Agent, M. K. T. By. U iuwrib Bid, SC. lAwla, Mo.