Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1911, WANT AD SECTION, Page 7, Image 34

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The Little
weeks. What are the
and in their schools for
The letters on the
vivid interest the Busy
may Interest the Busy Bees to know that preparations for Thanksgiving
nowadays are much more elaborate, especially in the schools, than they
were when the editor of the Children's page went to school many years
ago. The editor visited some of the school entertainments last Wednes
day and you may be sure that he enjoyed very much the songs, recitations
and plays celebrating the first experiences it the Pilgrims in thU country.
Of course, the Busy Bees were Interested In the donations of food and
clothing brought to the schools to be distributed to folks who might not
hate had a very bright Thanksgiving without them.
The first prize today goes to Alfred Mayer, who has written the Busy
Beer about his visit In Washington, D. C, the capital of our country. The
second prize Is won by Willie 8pangenberg, one of the youngest of the Busy
Ders. He writes a letter about the first Thanksgiving.
The boys and girls who have Just Joined the Busy Beea are:
Red Side Joseph Benson and Stella Bessel.
Blue Side Margaret Frances Cleary and Ruth Thielan.
Little Stories
(First Prize.)
In Washington, D. C.
Bj- Alfred Majrrr, 603 Oeorpla Avenue.
Omaha. AKcd 11 Years. lied Side.
We arrived In Washington on tlie 10:45
train. The depot Is a magnificent struc
ture of white granite. It cost $5.000.0n0
and Is supposed to be one of the most
beautiful depots In the country.
We stepped Into a tojtlceb and rode a
long way. through the parks, boulevards
and wide, clean streets.
At last we came to the Hotel Oordon,
where we were going to stop for five
days. It Is two blocks from the White
House and right next door to Admiral
Dewey's. ,
The next day we went to the White
Houne and were lni"oduced by Senator
Brown to President Taft. After he had
shaken hands with a great many people
a guide took us through the house.
There Is a blue room, a green room,
two dining rooms and a dance hall, all
of which are on the first floor. Then the
guide took us down to the basement. We
saw pictures of all the presidents and
their wives and we saw many flowers
and plants.
The next day we went to see the capl
tot. Wo saw the senators and repre
sentatives In session. We took the un
derground automobile from the ' capltol
to the senators' building.
The next day we went to the treasury
building. In all we saw S3C6.(X.000. Then
we saw a safe where they keep money
, for reserve. All this Is very Interesting
We visited the New Wlllard hotel, the
soologlcal garden and the congressional
library, all of which are very Interesting.
Next we packed up. At about S o'clock
we started for New York.
,. (Second Prise. 1
Bv Willie Span' enbnrg Aged 8 Years.
"2!S South Twentieth Street. Omaha.
Red Side.
The. Pilgrims did not have a happv
country because the kinn made them
worship Ood the same way he did. This
they' refused to do. ' 8o they met In Cel
lar, cave or attic to plan. At last they
made up their, minds to leave their
country. ,
" fin (hey packed all their things In a
bundle snd went down to the seashore.
There was a ship which was to take
them to a nueer co"ntrv named Holland.
Ho'land Is the land of wind mills They
have to build great high walls named
dikes to keep the water from flowing
over their land. These dikes are so
thirk that houses can be built upon
They stayed there quite a while, hut
after a while they began to talk Dutch
This the Pilgrims did not like. So they
made up their minds to come to Amer
ica, the land which Columbus discovered.
So thev went down to the sea again to
come to America. The Mayflower was
the biat which was to take them. Ho
they sailed for four months until they
reached America. Then they saw land
and a little more. And then they saw
the Plymouth rock and then landed In
what Is now the state of Massachusetts.
Then they put up log cabins and then
a few more of them. And then tbelr
church. And then they prayed to God
In their own way.
(Honorable Mention.)
A Visit to Lincoln Park, Chicago.
By Cleary Hanlghen, aged 12 years. 827
South Thirty-seventh Street, Omaha.
During my last visit to Chicago, 1 de
cided to see Lincoln park, for I had heard
much about It. 1 had that pleasure on a
pleasant summer day.
On entering the park, I noticed that the
vegatlon provided shade and was sur
prised at such cool air. Many beautiful
flowers bordered the paths and as the
animals were a long way off, I thought It
would be a tiresome walk. Our thought
was contradicted for beautiful statues of
author, poets, statesmen and, soldiers
were found at Intervals along the path
and tenuis court dotted the green and
the twlng of the racket was often heard.
The animals kept us busy for a while,
watching the wild cat walk untiringly
about his cage and the lion looked so
much like a pussy that you could scarcely
refrain from petting him. As we walked
along looking here and there at different
animals we saw a large tree without
bark and the limbs cut short. That tree
la for raccoons to climb.
What is that large black thing In that
little pondT That Is a water rat, re
sembling Its namesake In everything but
else. After we were through looking at
the eagle we noticed a little pond with a
den of animals which looked Ilk sea
llona Their heads resemble a dog's and
their bark like the same.
When we tired looking at the animals
we ate oar lunch and started for the
hotel, being very tired.
The First Thanksgiving.
By Joseph Benson, Greely, Neb. Aged 7
It was a eold December day, when the
Pilgrims gathered around the rock of
Plymouth. The ground was covered with
snow and ' Ice. They knelt down and
thanked Ood for their safe arrival. One
day a glad sound earns to them. They
heard the birds singing In tbe trees. That
meant that spring waa coming. Then the
Indians gave them some corn. Tbe Pil
grims planted the corn.
One day the Pilgrims gave a feast for
the Indians. I will tell you how they sat
at the table: Plnst a white man, then
n Indian. Teat was the way all around
(In Ubis. The table was under a tent.
"wr tbe. feast, the had baked. S4Ws
Busy Bees
and Christmas will bs her la three
Busy Dee planning In their homes
this best of all the holidays?
Children's page today show what a
Bees took In Thanksalving. And It
by Little Folk
and cranberry sauce and baked potatoes.
After the feast the Indians and the ril
grlms had a shooting match to see who
were best shooters, and the Indians
were the best shooters. After that they
called it Thanksgiving. .After a while it
became autumn. This hept the men busy
cutting down trees to build houses. They
built a line of houses The first one was
a largo one for a hospital, for they needed
tills. There were only about lx well out
of the 205. Thanksgiving la the last
Thursday of November.
The Return of the Turkey.
By Stella Bessel, North Twenty-fifth
Street, Omaha. Red Side.
In a poor farm house a farmer, his
wife and daughter lived. They were
planning their Thanksgiving. It would
not be a very happy Thanksgiving, they
thought, but still there was one conso
lation, they would have a turkey.
This turkey the farmer had found
nearly a year ago when they were richer.
The turkey was the pet of the house
hold. The farmer had found It In the
forest It was hurt by a huntor's gun.
But now It was too bad It had to go.
The household had seen better days
than they bad now. A half year before,
when the son. Jonathan was kidnaped,
the money was all spent to find him,
but no trace of him could they find.
Now they were talking about Thanks
giving. It was very lonely without him
It was the evening before Thanksgiv
ing. The daughter, ' Elena Arrlngton,
came In looking very troubled, Mrs.
Arrlngton asked her what was the mat
ter. The girl said that their turkey had
disappeared. She did not know bow It
had disappeared.
Next morning, about f o'clock, when
It was time for the turkey to be made,
a ragged, dirty boy came to the door and
asked rf they had missed, a turkey. They
recognised the turkey by Its color, and
when its name was called it seemed to
know It. The farmer and his wife
thought they recognised the lad's voice.
They asked him. what his name was.
He told them that he was forbidden t
tell, but that they called him Johnny at
the place where many Italians kept him.
He told them that he had been kidnaped
and he had lived far away from where
he was now and they were very tioh.
He Implored them not to tell anyone what
he had told them. The Arrtngtons asked
him to stay to dinner.
When tbe lad had washed himself and
came to dinner, what did they see but
their own son, Jonathan. There was re
lolclng and they thanked God for their
blessings. They thought this was the
best Thanksgiving they had ever had,
even though they were poor.
The First Thanksgiving.
By Arthur W. Mason. Aged Is Years. 1206
North Irving Street. Fremont, Neb.
Red Side.
The first Thanksgiving was In Decem
ber, 1621. The pilgrims had come to Amer
ica In 1G20 and had bad hard times up
until the spring of 121. They did not
forget who helped them through their
hard times and they decided to have a
day for Thanksgiving.
They had planted twenty acres of
grain and six acres of vegetables. The
day before Thanksgiving the pilgrims
sent out men for game and they returned
loaded with turkeys. Thanksgiving morn
ing at gray dawn a salute was fired from
tbe fort At 7:30 the people went to
church and stayed until noon. Then they
had their dinner. Just as they were sit
ting down to eat an Indian gave a yell.
They all looked up and beheld Maasasolt
and ninety Indians coming with five deer,
so they extended the feast from one dar
to three days.
After eating the Indians taught the pil
grims how to play games. Also the pil
grims taught the Indians games.
In the fifteenth century some English
men . were traveling along tbe coast of
Newfoundland, and a preacher was so
happy that they had made a safe voyage
that they hod what he called a day of
thanksgiving. It was given over to
prayer part of the day and eating tbe
other part
The Turkey's Invitation.
Dy Marguerite Johnson. Aged 10 Tears.
933 North Twenty-fifth Avenue. Blue
It was the day before Thanksgiving
and all the inhabitants of the farmyard
were very excited, especially Mr. and
Mrs. Turkey, wbo had received an In
vitation to be present at a dinner the fol
lowing day. They mad many excuses to
the cook, but the cook said that the din
ner would not be complete without tbelr
Mr. and Mrs. Turkey talked seriously
over how they could get out of coming.
Finally noting their displeasure the cook
made this strange proposition that only
the Turkey who ate the most before the
dinner would be required to be present
When the next day. Thanksgiving came
she discovered that both Mr. and Mrs.
Turkey bad fasted since the Invitation.
She eaelalmed, very provoked, that only
one of the turkeys would take up too
little room at the table, and therefore
both of them must come with her.
The First Thanksgiving.
By Lucy Weir. Aged t Years. Mil Dodge
Street. Omaha. Karnam School.
About SM years sgo there lived to
England a king that told the Pilgrims
that they had to go to his church. So
they left and went to Holland and stayed
twelve years there. Tbey got two ships
L. Write) sJaialy ea oae elds of
the paper eaiy MS somber the
a. TJse pea sad lak, mot pea
a. Short aad pointed article
wlU he gives prefereao. Bo Bat
so ever 860 words.
4. Original stones or Utters
only wtu be as a.
5. Write you name, age aad
address at the top ef the first
rirst aad second prises ef books
wtu le given for the beet two eon
trt buttons to this page eaek week.
Address all eonusnntoattons te
Omaha kvee. Omaha, Ksb,
and started out for America. Hut they
got a leak In one of the ships and they
all got on the Mayflower.
When they reached America they found
a cold winter In America. That winter
a good many Pilgrims died. In the spring
they planted corn over the graves of the
Pilgrims so that Indians would not know
that ao many Pilgrims had died. That
year they did not have good crops.
But the next year they had good crops.
They had a plentiful harvest and food for
a long Urn. Some times they had only
six grains of corn for a meal. They
had a meeting and then had a feast. They
had Maasasolt and ninety other Indians
at the feast That was the first Thanks
giving In America.
Their Thanksgiving Day.
By Ruth Thielen. Aged U years, lie
North C Street. Fremont Neb.
"Well, what are you children planning
to do Thanksgiving?" said Mrs. Brown
as they all sat around the fireplace one
"Well you Just wait and see," said the
eldest of the three.
Thanksgiving day at last arrived with
three happy children, who were up bright
and early. They went to the cupboard
snd took out two large mines pies, a tur
key and many other nice things which
would make a nice dinner for someone.
They were so busy at work that they did
not notice that their father and mother
were watching them with pleased faoes.
After the basket was ready they turned
to get their wraps, when they beheld their
father and mother who were watching
them. They told them at once that they
had no objections and for them to pro
ceed. When they were ready they told
them that they were going to take It to
Mrs. Black, their washer woman, who
lived atound the corner. Mrs. Black was
so glad to get tbe dinner .and thanked
th gills very much for having remembered-
They went home and ate a hearty
breakfast and told their parents that they
were going to do It every Thanksgiving
A New Busy Bee.
Dear Editor: This Is th first time I
hava written to you. I am 11 years old
I will be 13, January 21. I go to Kelloro
school and am in the 8eventh A.
I wish to be on th red side. I am
sending you a story, "Th Rsturn of
th Turkey." I hope It wilt escape the
wast basket thla time. I remain, your
new (Busy Bee), . .
Stella bessel.
Joins Bine Side.
OAK PARK, til Dear Editor: I have
been reading the Busy Bees' page for a
long time and like it very much. I would
like to Join the Blue side. I hope you will
like my stories. Hoping you will accept
me as a Bee, I remain,
121 North Kenll worth Avenue.
Likes Busy Bee Stories.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.-Dear Editor:
1 think there are some pretty nice stories
on th Busy Bee page. But I think that
the 'Thoughts of a Turkey Is a good
story. I have not written any stories yet
but Intend to. Respectfully yours.
Joint Blue Side.
FREMONT. Neb., Nov. 24-Dear Ed
itor: I have been reading th Busy Bees'
pag and I like their stories very well. I
am 12 years old. I should like to Join
the Blue aid. RUTH TUIELKN. .
U North C Street
Bee for Red Side.
GREELEY, Neb., Nov. 24. Dear
The Knock-out Blow
The blow which knocked out Corbett was a revelation to the prire fighters.
From the earliest days of the ring the knock-out blow was aimed for the jaw,
the temple or the jugular vein. Stomach punches were thrown in to worry
and weary the fighter, but if a scientific man had told one of the old fighters
that the most vulnerable spot was the region of the stomach, he'd have
laughed at him for an ignoramus. Dr. Pierce is bringing home to the pub
lic a parallel fact; that the stomach is the most vulnerable organ out of the
Erize ring as well as in it. We protect our heads, throats, feet and lungs,
ut to the stomach we are utterly indifferent, . until disease finds the solar
plexus and knocks ua out.
Make yonr stomach sound and strong by the ase of Doctor
' Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and yon protect yourself
In your most vulnerable spot. "Golden Medical Discovery"
cures weak stomach, Indigestion, or dyspepsia, torpid liver,
bad, thin and Impure blood and other diseases of the organs
of digestion and nutrition.
The "Golden Medical Discovery" has a specific curative effect upon all mucous surfaces
and hence cures catarrh, no matter where located or what stage it may have reached. In
Naial Catarrh it is well to cleanse the passages with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy fluid
while using the "Discovery" as a constitutional remedy. Irhi the "Golden Medical
Discovery' cures catarrhal diseases, as of the stomach, bowels, bladder and other pelvic
organs will be plain to you if vou will read a booklet of extracts from the writings of
eminent medical authorities, endorsing its ingredients and explaining their curative prop
erties. It is mailed free on request, Address Dr. R. V. Fierce, Buffalo, N. Y. This
booklet gives all the ingredients entering into Dr. Pierce's medicines from which it
will be seen that they contain not a drop of alcohol pure, triple-refined glycerine being
used instead.
m It's foolish and often dangerous to experiment with new or but slightly tested med
cines sometimes urged upon thesafflicted as "just as good" or better than "Golden
Medical Discovery. The dishonest dealer sometimes hrists that he knows what the
Pk il i "ubstitute is made but ym don't and it is decidedly for your interest that you
should know what yu are taking into your stomach and system expecting it to act as a
?iriai,vcTJ0 ."L11' orJy differcnce of profit. Therefore, insist on having Dr. Pierce's
Uolden Medical Discovery. If not promptly supplied trade elsewhere.
Send 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing tnly on a free copy of Dr. Pierce's
Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, cloth-bound. Address Dr. Pierce as above.
Ut. Fierce t Pleasant Pellets regulate and strengthen Stomach, Liver and Bowels.
TheBEES Junica'BlrhdavBook
This i6 (heDay
We Celebrate-
December 3, 1911.
Xante and Addimn.
Morton Alpine, 404 North Twenty-second St Central 1902
Ernest Anderson, 1912 Ames Ave Saratoga 1901
Elenor Carpenter, 608 North Thirty-eighth St. . . .Snunders 1899
Frank Cich. 2376 South Twenty-eighth 8t lm. Conception. .. 1899
Frank Cupak, 2940 Castellar St Dupont 1900
John F. Day. 3843 Franklin St
Margaret Dempaoy, 2528 California 8t
Grace Dorsey, 3643 Parker St
Mary Doud, 144 North Forty-first St
Nannie Falea, 2021 Center St
Clansey Fields, 3912 North Twenty-first
Bessie Flood, 1820 Paul St.... Kellora 1902
Inga Gebuhr, 8118 South Eighteenth St Vinton 1897
Lillian B. Head, 128 South Thirty-sixth St Columbian 1899
Mamie Hlldegarde, 8011 Webster 8t . Webster ........1904
Ruth Hook, 2431 South Nineteenth 8t Castellar 1904
Jeannette Howard, 1914 South Eighteenth St Castellar 1897
Elsie Z. Hurt, 3108 South Nineteenth St Vinton .1899
Edith E. M. Jepsen, 1824 Bancroft St..... Castellar 1900
Mary Karhowskl, 2903 Elm 8t..... Im. Conception. . .1903
Ruth Klrchstetn, 3601 Grand Ave '. Lothrop 1898
Joseph LlnUman. 1108 North Seventeenth St Kellom 1903
Carl Lund, 2611 Decatur St , Long ...1898
Frances Lunderholm, 3864 Seward St
Arthur McCaffery, 2402 South Tenth St.... Dancroft ........1899
Charles McCarthy, 1714 South Eighteenth St Comenlus 1896
David Malcolm, 432 Center St. . ..
V. Matthews, 2310 Fort St
Hayden Myer, 2014 Farnam St
Marjorie Oats, 819 Park Ave
Karl TOberg, 2202 North Twenty-sixth
Herbert Olson, 3416 Jackson St
Ella M. Paulsen, 606 Pierce 8t
George CvPorte, 2217 Burdette St
Doras Roberts, 1207 South Twenty-seventh
Carsten Rossen, 2912 8outh Fifteenth St Castellar 190.
Jennie Sheaban. 2126 Plnkney St. ........ , Sacred Heart 1897
Frederick H. 8heets, 8723 Fowler Ave
Marjorie 8hepard. 1802 Wirt St
Hattle 8tarr, 2786 South Ninth 8t
William A. Steavenson, 4230 Erskine
Eva Stromberg. 712 Bancroft St
Leotg O. 8winney, 216 North Twenty
Aita w. Ten. 804 South Twenty-ninth
Marie Tesar, 1243 South Sixteenth St.
Jlmmle Tourek, 1705 South Fourteenth St. , ... .Comenlus
Mildred Wahlstrom, 2823 Cass St
nennsra waiiaee, isz Do due St
Walter O. Weaver, 5624 North Twenty
Minnie WoVilner, 1545 North Sixteenth
Lewis B. Wolfe, 3411 Lafayette Are
Itor: I want to Join ths Busy Bees and
bs on ths Red side. I am 7 years old and
In the third arade at school. I hop I
will win a prise, JOSEPH BENSON.
The Pigeons.
By Esther NordHtrom, AkJ 12 Tears, 4736
IsewarO Street, Omaha.
We hava soma pigeons. I like plreons.
I think tbey are antns or ths oldest birds,
because) thers wsrs soma In tbs ark when
ths flood was. I think tbey ar very
pretty birds. 1 do not Ilka to see someone
kill them.
Mt Kitties.
By Bertha Robinson, A (red Tears, Lead,
B. L. Red Side,
I had three kittles and we were going
to send away two, so the man came to
get them. He took them and nailed them
In a box. Then ho came In the house
for something. While he was In the eats
got out. Then ha had to call them back
up. The one that ws bad left grew tip
Own Page
y ; y:yY v;;r:
Jilt. South KiKhteenth Street
Walnut urn nni
Webster .1893
Franklin 1902
Saunders 1898
Castellar 1896
St Lothror, 1897
Franklin ........1902
Train . i ....190'
Miller Park 1 9 o 1
High 1895
lllen ma
St Lothrop 1904
Columbian 1904
Pacific 1890
Lake .'.1900
St.... Park 1904
Monmouth Park.. .1898
..Lothrop .1900
Bancroft 1901
St ...Clifton Hill. .... .1901
Bancroft .. .1903
- sixth St Contral
8t, Park .
Central 1900
- eighth St. .Monmouth Park.. 18'
St LaVre 190
...Franklin 190
and was as big sa Its mother, and It was
the cat In the neighborhood that was not
afraid of a dog A dog could nearly kill
It and It would not fight. In about a
month we went away and we gave bar
away to a woman.
I am a new Bee.
The Little Mother.
By Jessie Cola, Aged I Tears, 1718 NortB
Twenty-eighth Avenue, Omaha.
The little mother werka quite hard
To keep her family neat)
To wash their clothes and Iron tbemi
To get them thin to eat
Nice tsble manners must be taught.
The d shes washed and dried.
And every day she wraps them up
To take their uarrlage ride.
Each nlRht she tucks them up In bed
And slnxs a lullaby;
And all day long she csres for them,
And soothes them If they cry.
She does not try to shirk her care;
Bhe never runs away;
She does not think hr work la hard,
because, you see. Its play.
rts- sraV jsavr t
1 , '
Adam K : Tour
vint'tom. plalnlf In
dlrats catarrhal trmi
bl.. NrKlnntDg with
null catarrh tits dla
sa.s haa affix1,) your
atimtach. raualns fnnl
tir.ath and Ion, n. tc, wtills ths klrt
t. v anil hlvMer ar In ba.l cm, Hi lun. ratn-lns
ttirnins, painful. Iivnucnt and - unmntrnllalii
urination wltti dull hM.larh. snd l. kadi.. Kor catarrh, otiialn 1 o. anllwnitle vllan.
p-iwrW. I'm s halt tna.pnnnrnl In s pint of
warm water Kntiff ths watr from ths paint of
ths haml thnmah tits no.trlla two or thrs
tlmra dallt. Thm iimi a l. tcanp.ioiiful of
tho. posdor to nns ruses of Tasltn.. tula and
amilr a .mull portion Into rarh noatrll. Al"
ta a tc..i..,,ifnl four tlmoa daltjr of ths fol
lowing' ttj-rup Mraaparllla compound, ora.
conip fluid twlmwuri I 01., and fluid sjtracl t nl Mil and shah
M. Walt You ran Inrrsaa Tour w.ltM and
atrsnth and Iniprovs the g-M'Sral health (ratlr
OT a thortiuah ootirss of trnatmstlt. with thrwi
araln hvpo-nuclant. tahMa, T.fc. nna aft.r each
mal and i ai rwdtims. tirlnk plrntf of watsr
Hislr, bstwot-n meala ou should not svpoct
a groat InrrraM III welM nuliklj,
It tints to chanav Ihs calls snd tlaauss
th. nodr. hut Ton can depend on It as s
thorottililT rffsctl-ro tl.h pmducsr,
Suaan- Writs tno- mors fully sr sfnd for my
fro. anamination chart, and I will tiladlf do
mv bo.l for you; alsnrs mva full nanm snd aJ
Sraaa. I noyrr puhll.h th. rmrl nsms.
S. M t to not Solar ualng ths following
trvatmsnt If you rains good h.alth. Tou nssd
a goo.l, tnlld latatlvs lonlo snd blood purtn.r
to rorrsct thmnio constipation snd ths general
drblllly of slil.k you soinplaln. Ths wsaknsaa.
numnno.a, lo.a of sppstlto, hoadarhs. naurslgta
and faint avails can hs corrsctsd by ualng tbrss
graln aulpherb tahlrla dual Its), as psr dlroo
tlona acooinranrlna. and al.j tlis following:
compound ayrup hytiophnaphltsa on., tlncturs
radomriio compound I oa., snd compound fluid
balinsiirt 1 ua. Ml. sh.ks well and taks a
loaapnoofiil brors mo. la and at hodtims. Thla
la a Taluahts tonic snd will Tttaltaa ths narros.
Inrrr-aas thu atrrngtlt. calm ths mind, Itnpmvs
ths quality of th blood and rsnivrs ths si
baurllou of body and mind.
X. V. St. : Vosr tusatlnns and aTinptotna hays
boon Sllawsrod and sxplalnad sovsrsl tlmas hers
tofors In thoss columns, but aa thoy may hava
ssoapsd yonr attsntion I will copra t my adrtcs,
aa I bav. for many ntlisrs Your drugklat could
oMaln anything I hars prrsrrthrd In then ad
Ticca from lbs wholraals firms. Inalat on his
doing eu, or go to a largo, up-to-dats star sad
gat tt.
Thoss wishing further advice, free, may ad sts., Iisyton, Ohio, snolnalng aelf-
nams snd address muat b given, but InltlaJa or
The proecrtpllon can bs filled at any wsll.
Sweet and l.ltfle. but ths war thsr
veirv, wery setlsfyisBi yes, and Vou1!!
fail 1 reel!" snd '(.lad-l-TMs:-Oa"
leellne; creeps all over you.
. It's a Joyous ortTllrae really, te
have a sweet little (.'sera Hoy. I.PIU
to eserclss ths bowels without
purring, griping, ana stralnln
t'eellTeaess) does tots et karaa.
Avoid It by taking; Blackburn's Ce-raHnyal-lMlls.
They esnrleb ths
Bowel Nervss and aleasaatly relieve
loo, ic All druaslsts.
- ' .vv fll J uiT ft t iiTiVi iTaVe;
Ml i ". ' r t ' i , l;t;! r -y-t
drs. snd Its effeet la ant to slowly er tlis eUrnal tune of the heir. It anudtrertly apoa the iueanna
?!d ,J,'".ul V?? ih i,Tiiutn. "?'"tt "netter by tlte tiny blood veaaels wiihii the hair. That a
V'"" "f " H"1' Keatorer la permanent. It Induces S normal production and dUtrlbuUea
of the natural pigment, end when Died In conuertlon with U ban Hair Tonle. Is guaranteed to rasters
gray tialr to lis original i flulgaut clury. Sold undsr an iron elad mouer-beca guarantee tba aiWwarwa
tois.tilwltlioutco.tif It faila. Aak forslueduuanttM when you buy. Price, 60 eeuts.
. - - Js e sealp food sod hsIrferMIUar. Remorse dandruff poslkW
AeVT-ltl ftWl-Attl-rt 'T'm r?r "' tores all teatp aod prsrenu theta
VJ- Vvt VVV y VV ratura. It retnorea all obeuwtteus In tbe tiny arteries of tbe)
J i i i " sralp, nerniti a free How of rl. h. red blood, and prevsnM bsmt.
nesa. IlpoUITslr)palalllnghalraadlnrtucsaaa4urdJroua
Tour money baca if It tails. Aak fog elgued cusraotee when yon buy. I'rx. Sl.ftU.
Itael et year Sealaee. will eeeel Slesst se reeelss sf arise. AMrsss "--- - TO n)j
bertnaa a McOonnell Drag Co., Owl Sroa Co., Belt Drug Co., steatoa SyTagT Oa
J. K. Bobnudt and G alias far Cat Price DragT Store.
Free Land Information
The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand
of its reader for land information, has gathered and
compiled data on soili, climate and farming conditions
in all parts of the country. It is willing to give out this
information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry.
Do You Want to Know
About government land laws, location of land of
fices, etc
How to get irrigation lands, location of projects,
laws governing eame, etc. .
Best sections for fruit growing, . general farming, '
stock raising or dairying.
Your questions will get prompt attention. State
plainly and specifically what you want to know. Write. '
I Land Information Bureau
J The Twentieth Century Fsarmer
J Omaha. Nebraska
Tho Doctor's Answers On
Health and Beauty Questions
Th tnMlinni fcotnw sre itonsrtl Is eharanter: ttis
aymptnms or dlteaw r glrtn and tht sn.wtrs wilt sppljr ts sof
mm st tlmllar Mtura.
ThnM el.blns farther Ivies fr, mtj sdilrom Dr. Ttiso4nre
flsrk, ll.i , Colli-KII ma sts.. Ported, Ohio, snclss
tni elf-trttlrf'.atd, lUmH en. I nps for rsnlr. Pull stnis ens
i1lra. mutt bs siren, but onlr Initial, or fictitious asms will t
u..4 In sit an. wort. Ttis Iptlnna ran tit ftllMl at anr wsll
storkM Sruf atms. Anr SruMtirt can ontsr of wholesaler.
('.' ) Ths treatment for Itching scalp, falling
hair and dandruff which you refer ts Is cslle4
plain yellow mlnrol, packed In 4-ourtcs Jars,
dtrectlona accompanying. Thts oocsa dandruff,
make, the hair glniay, fluffy arid free from e
cc.airs ottlueee, and I bars bees., thanksd br
aeons for dlecoTsrlng and nroolalratng lta wortu.
A Wife: tl Writa for my aiamlnatlon hart
ffrce) snd giys nams and addrwas. (2) Uueorrhea,
or "whiles" ahnvld bs trssted aa fallows: Ob
tain one ottnes tannic acid and tern ouncss l I
sne powder. To a nuart of water add a half
leMp,Hinful of tannic acts and s tssapooaful of
Tllane. tae twins dally as an Infection wHfe
ainnae (Yntllne for a month after ewi-a IS
satahllabed Is present a rsturn. I rsootssd In
todey'e mall letters from women whs) seed
tho above and now report they arw esned
Help Ths larss dntg atoms ran supply yon
with this excsllsnt spscuin treatment fos ths
etotnach disorders, common to so many, such as
pain under the ribs, botching, bloating win,
a., heart palpitation, ehortneaa of brsath, sto.
Ohlaln a packaae of trloprptllls tahlsta and new
pink after breekfat whits a flee dinner and blue
stter .upper. Trlopeptlus will oorreot Mast any
stomach ditorder, help digest ths food. Ions uni
ths stomach. Increase ths (ram He trs and en
able ,u to eat wbetsrsr yo Ilka.
Stubborn : Kor nicer, running sores, ptvnplea,
sere eyelida and other ymptnms of scrofula ties
ths following' Syrup Trtfollura cempnnnd i ass ,
compound fluid balmwort I nl., ernmatlo (lull
raacara t oa Mia. Hhaka well and taks a tea
apoonfsl after meala and ana at retiring. The
dc.a after ths flr.t week mar bs Inoresaed grad
ually to twa teeapnonrnla. Thla la sffentaal 1s
cbmnlo ar Inherited bhsod Slenrdars Thla treat
ment ehould continue 4 to limit he. and some
times longer, to thoroughly eradicate tka dis
ease Assd: Vos sap yna sre eft years old and ytxir
symptoms are sttrems esrrouanesa, weak, tired,
worn-oait feeling, timid. Irritable, so energy or
ambition to act natnrslly nndsr all elrettei
St. nee. ae other, do The ere-tlon tires,
and lbs limbs and body are setae earns ef a 'Th
ins Hrgular dally callattianlca or eieftil.e
which sella Into play erery muscle of the b1e
ehnnld be followed. Alae lake the followlnat
Tlncturs cadomens temp. I oi.. osmp. seftence
csrdlnl 1 syrup hrpopheaphltss sea. Mlg
aad take a teasponnful bsfurs ar after ears
meal; after (ha first week gradually Increase
the does to two tsaspoonfula. Continue two or
three months.
A. M. : K pleasant and effectual see eeoea
remedy for chronic conatlpatlos Is oallsd firmir
royal pills
Mirs R.: A recy prompt and efficient, though
harm lees headache snd neuralgia remedy ta set
undsr the name of PalD-Awsy pi I la.
drees Dr. Theodore Beck. College Bldg., Cote
addressed, lumped envelope (or reply. Kail
fictitious earns will bs ssat In my answers,
stocked drug store. Any druggist ess enter of
3 "Glad I Took Onol!",
ssrHss) ths feowsls Is .Is well It'i
say ta yourself. "Why. how aeltslet.
Tlss- ir-lii sssl I f f-Wsrsi -ibastTiat TtT-A
Title rLUAuiiAJBa. ruttiu,
Baooesaora te .
Neatest equiiped dt-ntal office In
Oniaha. Hlahesi-fratls dentstry at
reautonabls price. Porcelain tllllnas.
lust uks the tooth. All Instruments
carefully sterilised after each opsra
Uun. Conwi lets, and ranam Ve.
.Wray., I .-..-.' 'tt a- " -r -m
Something1 oat of ths ordinary soma-
thing new something t pitmt imtrtame
to every woman- snd man. too. . Ths esA
opportunity aver offered to harm without
cent oi oost Just how to asqalrs end
retain a healthy scalp, euttivata luxariant
growth of hair, aad reefort) fsded or gray
hair to Its natural rich eolor.
These greet lectures, four la number, eon tats test
he Information ererf weman wants sad ne woiae
IhooJ4 he wtthoos assets eereur (asxmlsenat aewv
s plain, elm pie. aadernaedable langaaes tbey de
SCrlue (he various aeelpdleorders. theeeatof all aa)
troubles, so that after reading shea ye will s.aas
Jtial exactly whsvl la wrong with your sealp aad kaln.
nd sow t. tresg teem. A im ho ta amemi amis.
InrltailoDS. aad avoid tbe Sanger et gray end
sntraggly hair.
and DroftMsll Uluaaraaed.
We wlllesnd vea able anklra aowrsa ef fnne
snrea absolutely free, when application Is marie oa
Die poatcard enclosed In vrary package of Q Bast
Hair Tonle and U Ban Hair Keslorer. or If front
partofmu-ton iBwbii'h bottle la tiacked la eoeloasst
In your letter. AilUresa UUjblO JtLLlla IKUi
UO aleiopult, Tsus.
The man ar woman whe today saffers the evbar-e
'seiaaeolof gray orstreaaad hair doea ae (ram rbeiea
and not from naresalty for Q Ban Hair k assurer
will poslUvsly bring back th sorts' I nal eolor and aort.
luittVrolial annaaranns a asys... a h. lav as s -- "