TI1K OMAHA SUNDAY HKE: DECEMBER 3. 1911. n SOCIETY GIVES DINNER DANCE Yoon Mtroni Have Formed a Club to Promote Sociability. SOROBITJXS TO GIVE LUNCHEON I)fkllf Are- nrtaV Kntrrtalned u4 Will hltf n nhrrlptlnn Dance k the Umilii ( nanirr f'lab. rtr Ulriilar, In WHAT Mm. Pamuel lien, evening tuCe (or Mir (irace I'iIihii c.f Illun, '.: Mrs. H. It. Kuvh, luncheon (or iii. i.. PprliK; Air. and Mn. J. V. J'eirre, evening U1fl(i lor Mm. W. F. i i i.u.iici aid Mia. li. K. Wilcox ot j f i nj) luail Piterh"i, "..li n,vi, hru.g; XI. ts Margin riK i ' : ri.. iK-ioi.coii at Umihi rliib, D. 1:. mcrlii.g ul home of Mra. H. I t at tun, Tl r.9iJV-Mrr John Lauderdale Ken ii'. tea (or Mini lluth Hammer: M i.Hilhft I -a, hinchion; Mi a. D. K. 1 iiKJ. H.lriTioo.i lir.dKr: Tuesnay J uiitniK Miin.iuI i i. il) at hum of Hr, a. M Aletralf; .Mif. r ltd Herllnghof, I .n erml V iicle i luu. V.' i. L.si.'.V V-M)Imi .ptlon leap year tlai.re at (ouniiy c:ub, Mra. Aithur i). BmnUlf, fur Mrr. McOilhruddy ; wirldinu of J!. as F.dna Mccauley and M; I rl ,. hlwaids at t. Johns church. Tlti lt.-.AV-Mr. and Mra. A. II. Hunt, dinner at Mir.r. l.us.i lo!g" tor Mm. f, j. Shd.f.i of Minneapolis. Kill DA V--I Jlm.ir und dunrr at Metropoli tan by uuiiK married people; hop at J I fro k, ( 'mauft Cluurdv. dance ul liamWis': Pud and 'Ji club, dntici a. Iioine hotel. BATt li'iAV-Aiim l.ndie Mwn and Ml Fbanor slai-Wey, dance at ttis liome of Mr und Mrs. F. V. paeon for senior c.? at Dioivi.ell Hail. Youni matron who have formed a club for the purpnuo rf Riving several largo affalra ihla winter will begin tholr season's festivities with a dance at th Metropolitan Friday evening, preceded by snia.l dinner at the liomea of the mem ber. The society matrons have decided that the- debutantes are not to have all the good times. They have alio come to the cont-hieloii that Omaia society ha be come entirely too "cliquey" of late yean, The dance Friday aa well aa all the part lea (o be riven by tho club, will be a reversion to the type of function held In Omaha aeveral year ago the large eo.IUuna and charity balla and will. It ta liied by the organiser of the club, do away with the amall aeta. There will be three affalra given during the Winter. The aocond will be large brldue party anil the liiird will probably be t theuler party. . Thirteen dinncl will be given Friday evenlnt prectdlng the dance at the Met ropolitan. Dining with Mr. and Mra. John L Kennedy will be; Mr. and Mra. Frank Hamilton, Mr. and Mia. F. A. lliuaeu, Mr. and Ana. V. it. wyman. Mlss-s MUsis Doioiuy Murgan, Fiancea Weaaell. Meeara. iiosrs. BtiKk.on Heth, ttanlall brown. Mr. and Mra. U. M. r airfield will enter tain fur Mis , Kllrubtth Pavla. Their gi'tnU will Include: Mmiicn Mlsi' Ki aivtii rJavl. J.ary Ulngwalt, JtiAt, Moniiiion. tot ssi a. 0 i n. a Vvhsrton. l-icimant Wttsou Messrs. Lleuuuant Bmlth, Mi. ai d Mrs. C. Y. Bmltli will entertain at dinner; Mr. and Mra. Hen YV. Cotton, ii. Ki,d Ana. K. T. fwobe, Mi. and Mt a. IaiuIs C. Nah, r.ii. and Mia. Jerome Mc. Mr. and Mre. E, V DUon Will nter. tain at una of the dinner partita, when thoir guests will be; ... t f .....miim iiiur viinriiuffn Diinm, At., und Mis. William Mars - l'opplsion, M...nn Frank Hay re Cuwgiil, , . im: ii J Mrs. J, H. Uuniineia, otMia Mammon, . V Air. Chariea W. Hull, tdning with Mr, ajid Mrs, George M. Itediclt will be: Mr. and Mra. T. r. Kennedy, . -Mr. and Airs. HarUy Moormad, ir. mimJ Mra. lwuls U. fUrke, Mi. and Mis. Frank WUhelin, Misa Itelun Lavla. " Mn. Waiter ItuUnrts. Dining with Air. and Mrs. Mosher d. Colpetaer will be; Mr. and Mrs. Glen C. Wharton, Mr. and Mrs. L U Knuntae, Mlsms Misses JCIIa Mae Urown, Lculsv Ulnntng, Messts. Messrs. Lwrt nie IJrlnker, Crundsn. Mr. and Mis. H. H. HaJdrlge will have as their dinner guests: Mr. and Mra. OiarUa B. Keller, Mr. and Mia W. K. Martin. Mi. and Mra. K. TI. Bprague. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ualdrlge wll lhave their guests: Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cmlth, f Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ktellnel Mears. Messrs. U. K. Mnlth. Boston; Ct.ls II. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. John T, tHiwart, Id. will entertain for Mr. and Mr. T, U Davla. Covers will be placed for: Mr. and Mra. T. U Davis, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hosford, Mr. and Mra. K. ft. Weaibrook, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Meformlcti, Mlaa Franoa Maan, Mr. F. Ackert. Mr. and Mrs. George Print wit) have as their guests; Mrs. MrUllllruddy of Ixs Angeles, Miss Daisy Doane. Mr. and Mra F. A. Kaah, . . Ir. lHuy ("rummer, Mr iK. W. Uannett. Mr. and Mrs. U F. I'rofuot will have as their gueata at dinner: Mr and Mrs K. M. Morsman. Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. Myron I Learned, nil. and Mis. hamual 8. Caldwell. Mrs. Charles Offutt, lr. W. U. Urldies. Mr. and Mrs. Harry I'ocrly will enter tain al dinner: lr. and Mra. Frederick Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke fowell, Mrs. I'. II. Wheeler, Jr.: Air. Harry MiA'oi mlck. !r. and Mrs. Waid M. Burgess have In v;u.K their dinner guests; ili . and Mrs. W. K McKeon. i,.r. and Mrs. W. A. XedH k. .r. .no Mrs. Clement C. f hai, wi. i-nu Mrs. Caaries Ueoigi., r, Lati.tr Drake. The Yeaaaer Set. The onng people of the debutante aet w.ll be much fettd and entertained thla mom h. Invitation have Len iskued for a buf ft luncheon to be given by Mlsa Ophelia Ha ) den and Mlsa Marie Woodard at the t ome of the former, 3115 Cass street, Tueiay, Iecember li. About ins guests wl'l te present. One of the larger affairs thla week will be the tea glveu Tuesday afternoon by Mra. John lAUderdale Kennedy In honor of Mlsa Kuth Hammer. Wdaaday evening tbe young women of this set will give a subscription danc ing party at the Country club, when about seventy young people will be pres ent. It will be partly a leap year affair. The young women will Invite the men and tbe young women will also pay all of itt expenses. Tbe committee In charge Includes Miaa Elisabeth Davis. Kath arine Beesou, EUaabetb ftrucc, Mildred butler, Itulh Hammer, Lmulse Dinning, lxirothy Morgan, Dorothy Stevens. Friday evening Mlsa Kilsabetb Davis, ana of the season 'e debutanlea, will be guest 4 bouor at one f the dinner par Charming I I a I itA rr . ii h v k-a : 1 V - i w.. ij , 2sv:" yCv f T hiss mm ie wr At the debut reception und dance glve.i II ,. - ' " ' '. - - t A on tho evening of November 27 at the II F ' v-'' - - ' ! ; XTtl'T-'A K , U neiropoiuan building by Mr. and Mra. I . ' ' - I v- r 1. " : 1 , Sol Lewla I icgen to Introduce their dHUgh- '. '?- ' I; " V v. f I ter, Mlaa Ilaiel Degen, there waa an at- - ' " ' ' I f. fV ' ." - . I ! tractive, aantmblaa-e of debutuntoa of ' I ' I thli veaaon. lalatants. Mlna Fannie Hoaenstock, daugh ter of Mr. and Mra. II. Rosenatock; Miss Erna Hndra, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Hadra. and Mlsa nianche Cohri. daughter of Mr. and Mra. U M. Cohn. will make their debute thla winter on dates not yet decided. Mlas Dorothy Meyer waa Introduced at the bridge lunrheon gtveri at the Henshnw recemlv by ,hi r mother. Mr. D. Meyer, and by rs. Le Itothrchlld. ties preceding the dancing party given hy Ihe young married set at the Metropoli tan; Mis Mary Ulngwalt will also be one of the guesta. Mini Dcla Holdreir. yo'ingrat daughter of Mr. and Mis. George W. Uoldrege, will Join the debutante tanks December 21, alien Mr. and Mrs. Ilo drea win . aiioe for Mlsa Huldrege anj Miss Mary oi nu m (na country club. Wednesday evenlnir. UmmUi m mi.. siher Byrno will make her debut at a ovioca coiree given by htr parent. Mr. rd Mr. T. C. Byrne, at their home. During the holiday t tiers I something Planned for each day. one ot the largesi teing the debut dnnci of Mlaa Heeson, Mis Ilutler and Mlsa Kliaabeth Uruoe, Deoomber 27, at the Metropolitan. Sorority Lsnraron, A Pan-liellenlo luncheon at which will be local alumnae of the national aorori Ue la to be one of the Chrlatmaa testlv Itle. Kepresentattves of the different Greek letter socletlua mmt i ..i...i.u at the Toung Women Christian uo- iaiu pian for the luncheon to be given at one ot the down town cafe during jh holiday Den aotlve oronty member are hdma from college. They also made tentative plan for a permanent organlaftUon, the am? tUbe decided at the luncheon, 1 he luncheon will ini tnH. . n aim active ajrorlty women .of buth . Omaha and Council wiuff. 0 whu,h ,Uel., 1P wiwwn nv and jbu. -Mra. W. B. Howard of Kinn. r.-.nn. Gamma sorority presided at yesterday nutting and Mix s IuIts Btegncr of Alpha in aciea a secretary. Ml Kola LtollM'lme .r n.i.. - ..ai'irH nnnm Theta, wa elected chairman .r n.. luncheon committee ta rrm. k. i. v inn 1 1 1 lit, the place and the alrls. whih Mr. C. w: Kuasall. Kappa Kappa Oamina; and Misses KUna Bweeley. Alpha I'hl; Marie Houska, Delia Zeta; Stella 8hw. Deltii Delta Delta; Esther Deva- ion. Aipna umicrou pi; .argant Oulh erle. Delta Gamma! ltaeii.a vvki.. Gamma Phi Beta; Vera Fink. Chi Omega; ovvn, JJrra rn,; i-rmj Alpha Chi Omega. Among the others nraaL-nt at thi. . Ing were MrN Franlt Wllkltia. it Beta Mil; Mlsa Oll Hammond. Kapa Alpha Theta; Miss Nellie Hrldg'. Delta Gamma; Mlsa Allnen McKachron. Alpha Omlcron Pi; Mra Roihery, Delta Delta Delta. At the Country Club Many formal and Informal nam.. .r. being given at the Country club this win ter. Tim of tho larger parties are the ubcrlptlon dance to be given by the debutantes Wednesday and the debut dance December 21 for. Mlsa Holdiege and miss inngwait. Last evening a few dinner parties wara given at the club. Mr. and Mre. Ward M. Burgesa had tsn gueata. Mr. and Mr. A. V. Klnaler eight and Mr. J. a George iuur gueata. . Friday evening. Mlsa Klla Mae Brown entertained seven guests at dinner at th. club and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gulou had four guest. Pleasures Past The Qulvlv club gave an enjoyable danolng party at Chair.bei' Friday even ing. About fifty couples were present. Miss Margaret Weaver entertained at bridge Katurday afternoon at her home. r:ight tables of players were present. Mra. V. W. Russell entertained Infor mally at luncheon Haturday at hsr homa In honor of her dauah ter. Mlaa itm. Russell. Covers were placed tor eleven guests. The debut tea and bridge dlnuer tbat was planneJ by Mr. Charles A. Sweet fur her daughter. Mis Elisabeth Sweet, December K has had to be given up owing tu Mr. Hweef III health. Mr. and Mra. Ward Burgess entertained at dinner Tuesday evening, when their urate were. Mr. and Mra. rV a M..h Mr. and Mra V. V m.n vr . i ki . - I L F. Crotoot. Miss Btella Hamilton and Mr. C. W. Hull. Complimentary to Mlsa Roslna Maudel berg, who will be one of h winter brides. Miss Gertrude ICopald entertained Informally Saturday afternoon at a kitchen shower. Mra Zsrllna O. Llebllna of New York n an out-uf-town guest. Mr. and Mrs. Junira B. Bone gave a dinner Friday evening on honor o? Mra I. B. tantee uf Danbury, la., guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Bone. Plates were laid fur Mra. Sautee, Mra F. N. Harford, Mr. aud Mra. C. V. Bone, Mr. and Mra James B. Bone and Muster Darwin Bone. Mr. and Mra P. V. Bone of 2737 Daven port street ' entertained at a dinner who were mom th aa. II ' I - - ' . ' I Jewish Girls to Enter Society m A4tte : :r;y , .v .n w' r '-tAfem rXrvv"! l'r "'" ' ' J I PHOTO I,, iir""" ,a-ffil 1 1 ' .'""- f Thanksgiving day followed by a box parly at th American In honor of Mr. I. v. Pante of Danbury. Ia. Their guests rrte Mrs. Bsntee, Mr. F. N. Harford and Mr. and Mre. J. B. Harford ot Coun cil! Bluff, la. , A theater party wa given last evening Tor Mra 11. E. Wilcox and Mr. W. F. KlcKenny of 1 1 nnt epulis, gueut of Mr. and Mr. F. B. Roger. The guest were: Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Knapp, Mr and Mrs. F. B. Roger, Di. Fitagibbons. - Dr. Frank Anson. Mrs. E. M. Morsman gave a luncheon Friday at the Omaha club for Mr. Joseph Morsman of Chicago. Tbe guests were Mrs. . Ward Burgesa, , Mra., Arthur O. Smith, Mr. Oeorge Voas, Mr. Charles offutt, Mrs. Luther Kountse, Mra. John T. Kiewart. second; Mr. E. M. Morsman, Jr.; Mr. J. E. ' Bummers, Mr. Georg t'almer, Mrs. John L. Kennedy and Mlas Harper. Mis, W. F. All.-n entertained one of the Friday Bridge club at her home Friday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Edward J. Cornish of New York, guest of Mrs. J. M. Metcalf. Tables were placed for: Metdumes Mesdamea Ella txtuires. Young, Herman Kountze, cukes, J. M. Metciilf. K. j. Cornish. James McKenna, Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, had lunchson Haturday at the New Hamilton cute, 'llioso present Were: Misses Misses--Coopt r ot council Bluffs, Anne Dennis, O.a Belle Hervey. EulMi Locke, Ellaabeili Penny, CU.U.II fUXO'l, tUn ripruguo of Council Bluffs f oris ooa. Mrs. W. B. Howard. The El Hlete club, new social club composed of Junior and sophomore High school girls, has been organised. Several functions have been planned and the membership will be Increased later In tho season. Following are the seven charier members: Misses Miiwi- Muurlue Burchmorc, Mi.drtd Collins, w hum. wsnnin i.tes, Doris Lmulty, ciar.utie idwell. Katherlna barren. Mi4 Nora Glynn entertained the mem ber of the A. X. X. club, one of the High ichool ssnlor girls' social clubs, at a card party at her home, l&it Houih Twcnty-fuirth street, Saturday atterno in. Mlsse Emma Ring and Elizabeth Kroner were the honor guest of the occasion. Xho.'ie. present were: Misses Misses Cuiduitt Hsverly. Marlon McCaffrey, Kutb Huiulcker, Marlon Dolan. Listens tinltn. F'urtnuo Lake. ..omuie Diu:i.mv, kiiiuoith Kioner, Ruth Carpenter, Uvulah byrd, ' Nora Glynn, l.nnna Ring. Miss Lillian Parrons entertained (or Mioses Ixra and Mary Hosmer of D Moluea ut a boa tarty at tho Orphouin last evening. Mis parson gave a 1 o'wlock dinner at her home, 1906 Itlirop street, preceding the theater. The guests for the evening were: , Misses Ml.sen Lora Itoamer Holga hesmusnen. or lies aiu.iiea, Mai on t afkons. Mary llosmrr Lillian Parsons. Messrs. Dsster Corson, Ci. Miller. of D ilo.net Messrs. Rusnu farrier. Hairy 1'aisons, DtUBI't Gould, Mrs. August children's party M- Rurglum gave a Saturday afternoon at her home In celebration nf the eighth birthday of her son. George Paul Borg lum. A variety of children games fur nished ' the afternoon amusement and these present were. Misses Esther Smith, Dorothy Durlow. Kleanor irott. 14a Mrolt. Masters Arthur bmlth, Jr.; WT.llam l opplelon Marcus Hlglnn, Charles Martin. Richard Wclpiun. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mlrses Virginia McFarland. Daisy Rich. Matgerst bcott. Masters ittibM t McFarland, Ueorge Vosa, Luduvlo Crofoot, Ueorge Martin, George P. Borglum. M. Cwhran. IM Ames avenue. Prairie Park, entertained their neighbors and friend Friday evening In celebration of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. They were aaalated in re ceiving the guests by Mr. Cochran's mother. Mr. M. J. Cochran, and their daughter and son-ln-law. Mr. and Mra. Charles M. Fletcher, The receiving hours were from I to 10 o'clock and the party spent a merry time after formally ex tending their congratulation. A acore ot handsome presents were received, sums r XEWCffi com from friends and acquaintance In Iowa and Kansas. Those present were: Mr. und Mr. B. J. Scannell. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Loree. Mr. and Mra."T. It. Ochiltree . Mr. und Mra, John J. Ryder. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Cass. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Alexander. -, Mr. and Mrs. N. P. tiaes Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nelson. Mr. and Mre B. Q. Grout. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Higby. Mr. and Mrs. C, T. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. R C. Morgan Mr. and Mr. Pierce Mets. . Mr. and Mr. R. H. Goodman. Mr. and Mi. M. H. Kent. Mr. and Mrs. L, L. Carr Mf . .1 .1 . a- ? irt...l. n. - Mr. and Mr. . Mulrjollanu ot Council Mr. and Mr. W. C. Price. Mr. and Mre. Doc Tanner. Mr. and Mr. J. D. McComb. Mr. and Mrs. W. CI. Rusell. Mr, Albert Ftohardt of Council Bluff. Wedding Bells . The marriage of Mia Anna CaJorl, daughter of Mra. E. CaJorl, to' Robert C. Hull of Great Fall, Mont., will take Place Saturday, December 22 at the CaJorl home. Announcement la mad of the engage ment of Mis Laveni 11. Zlpp of Dead wood. S. D., to Mr. Hugo William Wealn of Chicago, formerly ' of Omaha. ' The wedding will take place early In January. Mr. and Mrs, James Robert Cardwett of London, England, announce the marriage of their daughter, Glady Emily, to Carl Lang, recently of Omaha and now ln"the pontul service In Chicago. The wedding of Mis Roslna Man.lelberg to, Mr. Edward S. Freedman of Spring field, Mans., will take place New Tear' Eve at the home of the bride's parent. Mr. and Mra. A. MandelbeS. Mlsa Grace Lannlng and Mr. Clark Wll. llama were married Ihuraday noon at the Wa'nut Hill church by' Rev. William Boyers. The bride wa attended by the groom' sister.. Miss Lily M. Williams. The bride's brother, Mr, George K. Lan int.", acted as taut man. Mr. and Mrs. Williams will be at home at 4523 Hamil ton street. Mr. and Mr. Henry C. Wright ot Fchuyler, Neb., have announced the en gagement of their daughter. Edith (Sum ner, to RalnvfuTd Ormond Brownell. The announcement wa mad at a family din ner given by Mr. C. E. Humner at her home, lid flouth Thlrty-venth atreet. In Omaha on Thanksgiving day. Mia Wright la a member of the Delta Gamma Eororltr and 1 well known In University o! Nebraska circles. Invitation have been Issued by Mr. and Mr. Albert Gallatin Edward for ths marriage of their daughter, Miss Bernlc Marl Edwards, to Turner McAllasler of Oakland. Cul.. formerly of Omaha. The ma riage will take place Tuesday even ing, December 19, at the First Congrega tional church, followed by a reception at the home of the bride parent. !isa liar, r.ey atreet. Mr. and Mra. McA!ltr will be at home after January 13 at HOT Sev enth avenua, Oakland, Cal. For the Future Mlaa Martha Dale will entertain at luncheon at home Tuesday for several svliool friends. The Oiraha Gurda hnv Issued Invita-tl-ins for a datlnf orty to be given at Chamber' Friday evening In celebration of their twenty-tcurth analversary. . Invitations will be Issued Monday for the annual dance of the !.cs Hlboug club, which will be given Saturday evening, December So, at Metropolitan club. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Bacon will glvs a dance at their home Saturday evening for their daughter, Lucille, and Mis Eleanor Mackey and the senior clas of Brownell Hall. Mrs. A. H. Hunt will g.ve a dinner Thursday evening at her home, Minne Luaa Lodge, for Mra F. J. Sacjtett of Mlnueapolla Mr. Mur.t 1 planning to give a musical within the next two week few daye. " Mra. Fimu'l Reee will entertain at an evening bridge party Monday for her gue.it. Mlaa Ura?e Calla i of of lllon. N. Y. Mra. Samuel Kees. Jr.. will aa'.st. Ttere will be eight tablpa of playera. lra. Arthur I. Htjwltta will give an afternoon tea Wednejday from I o'clock until ' In honor of her sister, Mrs. Mc CJilllrurtdy of Pan Francisco. AaelMIng the hostess will b.j ilrs. George Voss, Mrs. fleba Morgan. Mr George Frlni and Mlsa Carolyn Rarkilow. Personal Gossip Ml Katharine Beeson returned Friday from a week In Lincoln. Mlsa Camllle Teller of Fremont Is th truest of Mr. and Mr. John O. Yelser. . Mrs. Adalph Dworak of Hchuyler I visiting Mr. and Mra. Fred Mets for a week. Mis Eugenie Whltmore Is at Troy. N. Y.. visiting friends and Is expected home thl week. Mr. Sidney A. Mandelberg spent Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mr. A. Mandelberg. Mr. and Mr. William Hill Clarke leave today for Chicago and Indianapolis for visit ot aeveral week. Mr. Squires expects her daughter, Mra. Hoxle Claik. and Mr. C'.ark to spend the Christmas holiday with her. Mr. and Mr. II. T. Lemlst expect their brother, Mr. Russell Lemlst ot Denver, to spend Christmas with them. Mr. U. W. Uoldrege haa returned from Madrid, Neb., where she visited her daughter, Mrs. Edward Holyoke. Senator and Mrs. Gilbert Hitchcock and Miss Ruth Hitchcock left Friday fjr Washington, D. C, for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Homan have re turned from the south and are guest of tlielr mother, Mre. Beecher Higby. Mis Henrietta Rees, who 1 an Instruc tor In music at Mornlngslde college, spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mr. Samuel Ree. . Mr., and Mr. E. H. Bottum of Mil waukee, who apent Thanksgiving as the guest ot Mr. and Mr. Henry Nott, re turned borne Saturday. Mr. Clark Colt and children leave to day for La Jolla. Cal., to. remain until April. Mr. Colt will Join them later, liv ing meanwhile at the Omaha club. Mr. Zerllna Llebllng of New York, who! haa been visiting Miss Roslna Mandel berg and Mr. Ixuis Hlller for several weeks, will leave Thursday for Detroit. Mlsse Alma and Irma Sullivan, daugh ters of H. M. Sullivan of Broken Bow, who attend the University of Nebraska, spent Thanksgiving a the guesta of Dr. A. L. Mulrhead. . Mis Marjorle Llcnten Wallner, who at tends the University of Nebraska, apant tho Thanksgiving vacation with bar parents at the Potter. Mis Harrison, a ulatismate. Is her guest. Mr. and Mr. David A. Beum have ar rived from New York and are at the Loyal. Mrs. Baum has been abroad over a year with her daughter, MlJa Margaret, who remain In school at Parts. Among the Omaha folk who have re turned from attending the Charity ball ii) .Fremont laat week are Mr. and Mr. C. . Wesley Turner, Mr. Justice Loewe and Mr. Herbert Hmalls. These Omahans also attended th dinner given by Mr. and Mr. R. B. Schneider preceding the ball. , Commercial Club Thanks Teachers (Omaha' pleasure at having had the opportunity to entertain, th Nebraska Teacher' association thl year and hope that the pleasure may be repated again next year are expressed In personal let ter sent to each one of the more than 4.UM) teacher who attended tbe Omaha convention by David Cole, president ot the Commercial club. The Omaha teacher recolved the same letter that went to those out In the slate. Following i a copy: The pleasure and satisfaction experi enced uy tne city In entertaining ma convention of the .v'ebiasaa mate 'i earn ers' aaauvlauun we ueairo to express 10 tne luuividuai member. ou, peiaunaiiy, wa wish to thank for your attendance, co-operation anu your assistance in making ine convention a success, which it is unanimously auuieil iltd tu be a succea not omy la Its unar acter and influence us aiiectuig tbe or kuniiauoii, nut, in its enngntenuig effect on the cuiseiia of oniuna ami, mruugn publicity, on tne country at large, ' On every hand w nar this meeting moat favorably compared with the many other wnicfi Umiiit lis eniertaJnea till year retparks uiway coupied witn tiiu hope mat tug experience may soon be repeated. Pei nut us to wish that your stsv In our city was both a benetit and a pleasure to you and should It be to und advantageous tu tne teacnera again tu Hold tne.i an nuai meeting in luis city we assure you mat Hit) 1'k.pui'lenoe sained tins year. couplcu wltn our euineut fJeslre to inerii your approval, win insure even more satisfactory arrangsninnts. and many added ttaiure whiuu tins year lias sua aesteu. W Itn klndeat porsonal i tgarus. ure, sincerely. DAVID COLE, President. NEWSBOYS COMPLAIN OF LOSING j)UT0N CHICKEN Some of the newsboy of th city are complaining that they did not get a chicken (from among the big bunch of chicken bought with the fund con tributed by burlnesa men for a Thanks giving feast for "all th newsboy ot Omaha." The man who distributed th chickens was Probation Officer Mogy Bernateln, In charge of the newsboys ot the Dally News', and the boy lett out were those who sold other paper. Among those left out were Uannle Marglan, Frank Pasha and Lawrence Bcavlo. all of whom sell The Beo or World-Herald, or both. It I raid that orao who were turned away empty- handed Wednesday were given chickens Thursday because they threatened to make a fuss." The boy objected to being compelled to register at the News (or their chickens. Instead, of being al lowed to register at the, office of their own paper. OPTOMETRISTS ELECT OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR Twenty-two optometrists of Omaha. Council Bluff and south Omaha met In the Hotel Loyal laat night and formed the Omaha Optometrists' association, and after .drawing up a aet of by-law and a constitution th following officers were lected: President, Jacob Holat; vice president, Howard Cronk; secretary and treasurer, Victor Johnson. The purpose of the new organisation te to bring member together for the study of optometry. Edltk Cllna Ford of New Tork City will glva a dramatis reading of Isben "Peer Oyot" at Young Women' Christian asso clstlon auditorium Wednesday night, I De cember a. Admission 50 cents. Ticket on sale at Myers-Dillon drug store. and will lue the Invitations in 't ! -a Q iLU-ErrCD?? The difference in exorbitant main floor rents and 2d floor rents is yourg. The Homa ol the R:dfera and Palmar Garmtnta Monday and Tuesday Specials 50 Redfern make Suits, real $20.00 values S7.SO 75 Serge Dresses in all shades, real $12.50 values SS.OO And All Alterations Free. 500 Mescaline and Oil Boiled Taffeta Silk Petticoats Monday only SI. ISO SPECIAL SALE ON COATS AND TURS MONDAY. We save money being on the second floor. So Can you. We are Christmas Specialists We relleva th season burdens of choice by helping you eelect aultabl girtg for anyone and particularly "The One Who Hag Everything." These are our departments: Watch, Diamond, English China, Engraved and Cut Glass, Parisian Ivory, Gold Jewelry, Silver Jew. elry. 8Uverware, Leather. Gold Filled Ooodg, Silver Plated, Chafing Dish and Perculator, Stationery. riucEs - Gold filled watches ..$0.30 up Solid gold watches ,...25 up 3-piece Ivory Toilet Set 910.50 up Sterling Silver Toilet Set, 2- P'eces $12.50 up Plated, Silver Toilet Sets, 3- plecea .f3 up 8ome article suited for every nurse and barked h in Rnn reputation. DIAMONDS Our specialty. You trade here with utmost confidence. Honesty, price, assortment and technical knowledge. Diamond Rings 9-50 and 91,250 Diamond La Vallleres $23 and 91,000 Diamond Bar Pins ....925 and 9300 Strands of real Pearls, up from 915.09 Government records prove we are the only direct im porter in the state for diamonds. Ailt Ryari Jewelry Co. 13th and Douglas. , . Sendxfor free catalogue. tjtLaM& A stylish Nemo Corset an advance style for 1912 only a few dozens to sell at half price , . 34.00 Nemo "19X2 Special" Coraeta$2.00 For Blender and medium figures onlysires 18 to 28. Introducing' two new Nemo inventions of great value. Each in neat Christmas box -a sensibia ift. Only a limited quantity get your$ early. HAYDEN BROS. Removal Sale After Christmas we are going to move to the Paxton Block. Till then we are selling every thing at a reduced price (excepting Hated goods). Now would be your opportunity to select your Christmas gifts. Look for the name S. W. LINDSAY, -Jeweler tola Dougla. Street. An Invitation II Is most pleasing to find our stock of exclusive Dia mond aud Platinum Jewelry so enthusiastically admired and purchased. Tbat it shows the highest motive in stone selection with exquisite , workmanship and is essy to see tbe vslue in is im mediately proven and It shall be our pride to show you our faith rn tbe wealth and wants of tbe West by a Christmas stock to suit every purse and person that Is far grander tliau ever be fore. This coming week we shall make complete display of our prettiest goods and you are invited to see them any time between Monday morning and Saturday night. There is something dis tinctive about tbe Combs Store. Bee what it is. , T. L Combs & Co. Bidder for your bueues. 1320 Douglas Street. IM Famoms 16th and Farnam Sts. Second i Lor McCrorey'i 5c and 10c Store Fine Elevator Service. Real Daylight Store. Courteous and Experienced Salespeople. Solid Gold Cuff Links fS.SO up 100-plece Dinner Sets ..f3A up Full Cut Glass 5-ln. Bowls 95 up Perculators ..95 up unanng uisnes ........95 up OolJ Filled Goods ......91 up inampieve jewelry 92 up (gpcclinos1 Furs, Dark Gar ments, He. need Gleaning Also By Dresher'a Man Many wearer of dark colored gar. meats as under a delusion tbat work navoo for th lighter eolored clothe they may be wearing at the same Unit. They ar proa to think that dark colored garments do not require clean ing as often as lighter eolored wear ables. Xs. this they err, for th dark garmeats may be aoooaaalatiag a lot of dast that caaaot be seen, but which la bsary saouga to soli white lis us, gloves, etc. i The same with fox a; tho far that seems eleaa may bo "ticky," aad whs a It become sticky that ia a slaal that there la a lot of doat worked Uto th arfao. Sreahar Bros-, with plant at &SU-8S13 raraaat Stn soak a aoolalty of cleaning, aet only jroof dark colored wearable, bat far as well. Jast phoa Tylor 1300 ex Auto A-Saaa to flad out th cost of a premier job. Or leave your work at tho bxaaah Sraadela Store. n