Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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Seven Employe of City Dismissed
by the Council.
KaeeatlTe t (- .oath Omaha Coun-
II to Intoll SrMrm for Sake
of Eroaorajr la the
Loner Ran.
After long dlscusxion of the much
vaunted policy of retrenchment the ctty
council yesterday dismissed seven em
ployes of the city. Of the seven nix were
. of the engineer's force, winch Is always
decimated at this Period of the vear. The
other mas a younir woman stenographer
employed In he offtcs of the citv clerk.
! The cutting of the force In the city
ciem s office does not meet with the ap
proval of Clerk Good, who Insists that
he needs all the help ha has at present
and more If the council would nrovlde It.
Some fear also was expressed at to the
possibility of another overlap In the pillre
lund. It was remarked that the force
had crept up from eighteen men to
twenty-five, which. It was admitted, were
necessary for the proper patrolling of
the city. A scheme was hit upon whereby
the police will he laid off In rotation a
r.ay or two at a time so that no overlap
may occur In the police fund.
During the discussion of police affairs
i.ommisslnner Plvonka used heated lan
truase In addressing Councilman August
Miner, whom he asserted was intruding
upon the territory of the Fire and Police
hoard. Siiner raid his Interest In tha
noara s affairs was Confined to the finan
cial side.
Tom Peterson moved that the contracts
ior the paving- of the following streets be
closed ard awarded to the National Con
struction company: T street from Thirty
sixth to Forty-fourth. Ptirlnrtnn blnrk
Seventeenth street from Missouri avenue
to M street,'' Purtngton, block; 8 street
win ininy-sixm to Korty-rourth, Pur
lngton block; K street from Twenty
second street to Twenty-fourth streets.
Talks BMltlifmi...
At tha close of regular business last
night the mayor called the attention of
me city council to the matter of the
new system of bookkeeping that is be
ing urged by Special Auditor J. Raffles
of Kansas City. ,
In recommending the installation of
the system Mayor Trainor said that the
present auditing Is the first thorough
overhauling the city books have had.
He urged that the council Install the
new system, which he eald would be
economical in the long run and would
Piace South Omaha abreast wlt'n the
Jack Walters and August Miller ap
proved the new system. Walters said:
"Every corporation wants its books
kept In the bert possible way. A city
U a corporation an! Its business should
be run as the buulness of a '.orporation.
The only objeotioiv to the new - system
that could be urged would be the ex
pense but the expense is only an initial
expense. We have often been criticised
by the taxpayers for other expenditures
not so wise. Here is a case where no
no will criticise such an expense as
i.nwlise or wasteful. I am for the new
l, stum."
Vo will save on it," said Mr. Miller,
"and after it Is put in, the new system
will pay for itself ten times over."
.'Both Mat Peterson and George Hoff
man were inclined to oppose the intro
duction of the double entry system be
cause they feared it would mean more
help. Kiha was m favor of It and said
that as far as help went the work would
tiuail very little extra help rafter It
enco had been Installed. After City At
torney Murphy had Interrogated Mr.
Kaltles on the fine point of the matter,
ho recommended that the council meet
in a few days for the purpose of enter
ing into a contract with the auditor for
the establishment of the new Bysieoi.
Women Have .arror Kseape.
In jumping from a burning building at
373 Twenty-seventh street. South Omaha
at t o'clock this morning four people had
a narrow ercape from Injury. 'Ihese were
Mrs. Emma Johnson, Mrs. Ilk! die, Ura.
Lleedlove and Jay Urown.
The fire originated from an overheated
etove and a defective flue. Fanned by
the strong wind the building was soon a
mass-of flames and the inmates became
hysterical and panic-stricken. When tf.
department arrived some of the women
were huddled in a bunch before one of
the windows and were taken out by the
When the fire broke out tha women
were all In bed with the exception of
Mrs. Johnson, who was cooking. Hearing
the roaring of the flames she rushed to
the hrill and managed to get out without
serious Injury. Tho other women who
lived on the first floor Jumped out of the
windows. The entire top floor, of the
bulldn was jutted and the loss Is esti
mated at ItXfl. It is owned by J. Welse.
said to have been used that the firerm n
were ahlo to prevent much of the wood
work from being destroyed.
Thu Cohn saloon was burned a few
nights aso, at which time the police and
firemen expret-reri themselves an being
inclined to suspect an lnc?rid ary. Last
light's fire destroyed any djubt that re
mained and the state fire warden will be
l.oLif.ed at crve.
V. cilinln.v Nperlnl. .
'Jo;s' M cents caps 33 cents. John
ri'-nn & Co.
rei.ta fleece underwear 3'J cents. John
"ivr.n & Co.
L.'- MPLE LINE Ladies' white sweaters
i ,---a. at t .,.... .'.u ,..f.-'jr. .
Let these
, Vitclizing Elements
into your home; they are the
simpl: means of keeping
Nerves, Brain and Body
strong, active, enduring. It no tubttitata for
I . Froth Air, Sunttunt, Happy
ThaugrJt or
Scott'n Emulsion
worth up to 13.50 choice on Wednesday
W cents. John Flynn fc Co.
Magic t'lty-Uoaaluu
Try Culklhs for your overcoat.
Mrs. John VSeimer of Fifty-sixth and
vj sneeid was cawed to Ottumwa. la., Frl
a, Ly the drain of her lather.
'1 he South Ride Aid will men
Yeuneniy evening at i o'clock at tlie
nomc or aura, ttolm, 111 Polk rtreet.
Women of the First Methodist P.pisco
jal chuich will hold a bsrar at nj.". North
i wenty-iourtli street on rriday and Sal-
uraoy, i and
I'hone Hill South 8i Independent F-lSrtS
inr a case or jetieroold Top. Prompt de
livery 10 any part or city. William Jetter.
Tnc Kouih Omaha Republican club will
meet tonight t.'.:.!0 o clock at the re
puMican h aunuarters. Twenty-fourth and
i suct-is. All nu-muers are Invited.
The iTahyterlan King's Daughters will
hold their aniiUKl bn.aar 'iuradav, De
cember n. at the church. Twemv-thlid
and J street. Chicken pie dinner will
e Kervid at noon ana supper from 6 tj
i in ine evemn.t.
Mas Edith Miller. Ml Vnrth Twniv.
second street, was hostess at a tud;:e
i'bii.v Miiurnay auernoon. Thosa present
were Misses Mary olx. Amanda Peterson-
Helen Kahn. Margaret Carley, Husnl
Karrett. The! eta llemann and Edith
Charles MalnelH, aged rS years, died last
night at his resilience. 31 T street. He
is survived by hia wife and eight chil
aren. The funeral will he hul l I imrmluv
morning at ti o'clock from Bt. Marv's
church. Interment will be in St. Mary's
Division No. .1 Grnallo fnr Im.11 om
battled tor two hours Sunday afternoon
ri nuuys rielrt with llannlxan s Colts.
Division No. S carried off the honors In
a score of 7 to . The game was the first
of a aeries that is Irmit1nrf hv tlli'
No. 3 which has undertaken the task of
arousinr; interest In tho Irish game.
In a dispute at Cui'nhv's parkin house
cany yesiercay morning, Mike Crden-
vicn was struck on the head with u
brick thrown by Louis Ktakalwlch, a
fellow laborer 4ti the sweel Dickie de
partment of the packing plant. . Mike's
wouna was dressed by 1. A. A. Frlcke,
A warrant was Issued for Stakalwtch.
The Polnsetta club ntrtanA t .
dainty luncheon Sunday evening at the
nuas cure, i ne rouowing members were
lur.ifoi: misses Madeline Lang, Ethel
Oyrne, Tracy Flynn. Elisabeth Chapman
Margaret O'Hara, Kittle Rafferty. lnes
Mangan, Ann Oaughan, Kathryn Grace
bertha . Shelany. Mesdamss Chnru.
OUara. M. J. Gaughan. J. O'Hara. and
in his haste 8undav nlvht. a hir
threw away a IS bill which he had stolen
from the residence of John Cuttle at 665
ouum .r.iKMicrnm street. Tlie th er had
entered through the rear door of the
Cuttle residence and after having ran
sacked the place made his escape with a
waicn ana a pneketbook containing 110.
In tha hasty examination alven the nuru
Derore nn tnrew it away, the thief over
looked one of the 5 bills.
Nebraskan Killed
When He Hurls Girl
From Harm's Way
CHICAGO, Nov. 28,-Emest Weekly, an
Insurance agent, leaped In front of an
on-rushlng passenger train hera tonight
and hurled to safety, a young woman
who had become confused in the glare
of another engine's headlight," Just as
the locomotive knocked him down and
crushed out his life.
Weekly, whose home was in Valley,
Neb., hod alighted from a train. The
g'rl, who slipped away after the tragic
accident without giving her name, was
walking across the tracks toward the
platform on Which Weekly had alighted.
The glare of an approaching freight train
shut off her rlew of an express pasaengec
train and the result followed.
The heroic action occurred at a subur
ban static.
Governor Stays Home
Because Fears Trick
DENVER, Nov. 2S.-Fearing that in hl
absence from the state as well as that
of Lieutenant Governor Fltxgerald, Hlraiu
E. Hilts, president pro tern of tha statt
senate, would call a special session 01
the legislature to elect a successor U
the late Senator Hughes, Governor Bhaf
roth suddenly reappeared at the state
capltol this afternoon, announcing tha.
he had given up his projected eastern
Governor Shafroth sent the following
telegram to Governor James P. Brady,
on board the special train at St ' Paul,
Minn.: .
"Had my ticket bought . and baggage
packed, when president of senate li,
newspapar review claimed that If I let.
the state, he would, in law, become gov
ernor, and call extra session of the legis
lature. His views differ from mine, bul
no decision of court In Colorado on sub
Ject. Cannot take risk- when so Important
a matter Is Involved. Hence cannot Joli.
you." ,.
ST. PAUL, Minn., Nov. 28. The gover
nor's special train of eleven cars, carry
ing seven western executives, left Ht
1'aul shortly after 10 o'clock tonight on n
three weeks' tour of the east, covering
more than 4,000 miles. Ten states are rep
resented on the train, California, Oregon
Washington, Idaho, North Dakota, Boutl:
Dakota,' Montana, Minnesota, Colorado
and Wyoming.
Tho seven governors who left toniglii
arc: Governors Ebcrhart of Minnesota
V'essey of South Dakota, Burke of No'rtl
Dakota: Wett of Oregon, . Hawley o:
Idaho, Norria of Uintana und Carey ul
liritenint Governor 8. R. Fltzgerali!
represents Colorado
Iowa Man Asks to
Have Fund Divided
SPRINGFIELD, III., Nov. 23.-A bill in
haneery aBklng for tlie distribution ' ot
:3,H),X. held In trust by the Central
trust company of New York, ahiong the
tnemliers of the defunct Mutual Reserve
Xur.d Life association, wasfi!ed today
ii the Sanuamon county circuit court by
I'eti r Armentiout of Htilma, Vun Huren
county, loa. Armcntrout's claim U
made In the Intere'st of 3"0.OM member.
l.COH of whom would he teaef t.d by a
..istrlbution of the fundi.
Armentrout alleges that when the com
I any aas found to be Insolvent and was
CI solved, no payments had been made
on the bonds sold by tha association
numbers. In the certificates of member
ship u provU.on is made that toe reserve
fund hi Id by the trust company Is sub
ject to the lights of these bondholders,
according to Amientroot's bill.
There are 1.0O of these bondholders, he
c aims, entitled to the distribution of the
rete-rve fund in the t'n.ted fitates.
Death from nicMtd Poison
was prevented by G. V. Cloyd, Plunk.
Mo., who hale1 his dangorous wound
with Ilui'klrn's Arnica i-'alve. ,c. For
saia by Ileaton Pruj Co.
Attack on Him Instigated b "Bear
Operators" on 'Change.
ies York Itrprrsr ntatl vr Itrarnta
Asaertloa that He la lteirraenta
tlre of Jterl Corpora 1 1 on
la la votlaatlon.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4. Charging that
recent attacks upon him as a mrmtigr of
the house committee of Impilry Into the
Steel trust, have emanated from -bear"
operators in Wall street, ho seek to pro
long the Inquiry to force down S.ocl eto. k.
Representative Martin W. Littleton of
New York demanded today that the com
mittee Investigate his complaint and the
source of an article a-talling him which
appeared lust Friday Id n New York
Mr. Littleton will submit tomorrow to
Representative Stanley, chairman of tho
committee, a letter sitting forth his
charges and aklns that subpoenas be
iHsued for Huvld Lnmar, a New York
broker; Henry B Martin, secretary u.t
tne National Ant!-tru:t league: Herman
Shuitles, counsel for the National Anti
trust league, and Jackson ' Tinker, the
Washington correnpondent of the news
paper. A subpoena for the editor of the New
York paper concerned, also may be asked.
"If the committee does not wi.ih to call
these wltneypcH." said Mr. Littleton, "I
have served notice on the chairman that
the committee will have to face the mat
ter with me on tho floor of the house.
Inattanted by Martin.
"I charge that the attack upon me was
Instigated by Henry lii Martin, the secro-
tary of the Anti-trust league, who has
been consorting with the committee ever
since It was appointed, and I will show
that Mr. Martin, from time to time has
reported progress or the rommltteo to
David Lamar, a bear operator In Wall
street, whose Interest In having the In
vestigation prolonged is to hammer down
Steel stock.
'I will keep at this until I get Mr.
Martin on the stand. I will show that
Mr. Martin, last Thursday afternoon, met
Jackson Tinker nt the Waldorf-Astoria
in New York, and that I was then the
subject of conversation. A friend of mine
entered the hotel and saw Martin and
Tinker In conversation. Martin turned
to my friend and sold: 'I thought you
told me Littleton was square.' My friend
declared that I was, und Martin replied:
'He is not. lie Is getting retainers from
tho Steel corporation.'
'My friend resented this and left. The
next morning the article was published
assailing me aa a representative of the
Steel trust on the Investigating . com
mittee. Martin haa been stirring up this die
ubout mo for some llmo and was par
ticularly aroused because I felt since
suit was filed by the government against
the Steel corporation, that tho feminit
ies should not continue Its Inquiry.
I will show that Mr. Martin within
the last few weeks has been consortium
In New Yo.-k with David Lamar and
that he has been reporting to him on the
work of this committee.
'I want to ask Mr. Martin and Mr.
Bchultels about their anti-trust league,
where their funds come from for prose
cuting their work and maintaining them
selves In Washington and I shall ask
for the production of their accounts.
Culled From the Wires
Thomas A. Edison called at the White
.ouse and met President Taft for thu
it time.
Before' the battleship Oregon, which
1 left San Francisco for Hremertou
vy yard on Puget sound, had
r beyond the Golden Gate It was re
illed y wlreleES oiders from Washln-
on. No explanation was contained m
lie Washington telegram.
'-ggimgr'Tiilirtisii a. ,tm ii Sai4iNrtaww- . I
Toothache Gum
Used by millions of people for past
Cet the genuine D E N T ' S
Alt Drug Store 15c
We want to send you a trial order of
on our guarantee it will please you
or it will not cost you one cent.
T'HAT guarantee is ai
fair and iquare at we
know hovy to make it.
Send us your order for
four quarts of this mag
nificent Hayner Private
Stock Bottled-in -liond
Whiskey. When !; ar
rives TRY IT and if
you don't finTlt all we
claim and up to your
highest expectations in
BI . ' A la? M I ' Il I J 1 1 '
Ins ii !l Mil Vuauaar-:
every way send it back at our
expense and we will return every
cent oi your money.
OOP I) we mukt send you a
quality that will win your in
stant favor and we will do it.
Note tlie fricff -nly H'l cents
a qBr (express paid) fur this
LThcst grade boitlrd in l.ond
whiskey a whiskey that is
distilled, aged and bottled un
der U. S. Government super
vision and every bottle sealed
with the Government's olTicial
bottled in bond stamp posi
tive assurance tbflt it is fully
"nl aTit J curr
agcu run mue prom any lull meas
ure and absolutely Pl'Ki; to the last
drop. Wheie else can you do so well?
I ..II lofifT l i l.
Eatabliahed lafaa
Offices and Shipping Depot alio at
St. Ucils. Me,
St. Piul.
Diyloa. O.
is ior &
South Dakotans
Honor Gen. Beadle
PIEUItK, S. 1.. Nov. Special Tele-
gram.) The crtidors of the capltol were
crowded thi evening as they have never
been crowded before, for the unveiling
of the rtatue which has been erected to
do honor to General W. H. H. Headle,
the one niHn who, by his Insistence as to
what should be the minimum selling price
of Mate lands, assisted In the work of
building the school funds of this state
to where It wtll be one of the greatest
funds of any state In the union. At the
close of the preliminary music and ad
dress on the qualities of tleneral Ilradle
by lr. Smith of tlie state university,
the honor of the formal act of unveiling
was given to Mrs. Mae Headle Hrlnk of
Eugene. Ore., a daughter of General
lictillo, and Miss Katherine French of
Vermilion, who drew aside the flags
which covered the work of H. l'anlel
Wi hster, In the perpetual memorial to
General Headle. which was donated by
the school children of the state. After
the cercmonv General Headle held a re
ception for his hundreds of friends, who
conviatutated him on the occasion.
Goldsberry Has Two
Cases Against Him
LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. .28.-W. 13. Golds
berry of Kansas Citv. Mo., who was con
victed lit tlie district court here last week
of cmbezxlement, was before the t'nlted
States, commissioner today on the charge
of using the malls to defraud He was
hound over to the grand Jury In the sum
of K.000, which he was unable to fumlslt
Mrs. N. Pendegast of this ctty was tin
complaining witness.
Khnrsa Lived In lleatrlee.
UEATKICE. Neb., Nov.. 28. (Special
Telegram. )-Prof. Theodore Kharas, who
was sentenced at Omaha to four months
Imprisonment at Leavenworth, Kan., for
using the malls to defraud by selling
stock on a patent levlce, formerly lived
In Heatrlci'. While here he posed as a
h -tiler and did a rushing business for
about a year.
Key to the Situation Hee Advertising.
curs and wholesome you ctn rat
il you wisht and can the children.
(jetsome Gelatine today tndms
H boy Kmi SparVHnf
?- cup cold water,
t pound prune.
1 cupiucar.
Juice of one lemoo '
Orange Juice.
floak gelatine In cold water flv ml nut ft) cooka
pound of prunes umUI tender; remove atones and
pait pulp through a sieve; aid kernels from tha
stones, a cup of sugar and thesoftrnnl gelatine;
stir over flte until sufar and gelatins arc dis
solved, then add enough orangs )ulc to make
one quart In all. Threefourihs of a pouad of
prunes elves a more delicate confection,
Calta 11 inre rofj e Kan CeUtlae
"itaku gclaila oill aut gi th stna reiulis.
.Vvtt Kan pat-bat rnntilm 2 mvlofiet M
gelatine, the '4 nuking '4 full quru ti )llr
Our Froa Rocipa Cook has anany ether
dalntv recluoa. l'fea tar vrmir vrarti
Pint mmU tr tt ttmmp mnd grtttw't mmmt.
I CBarlasB.KanC.,40.lMUv.Je4asta.N.T.
Mt IllMlli Mill ! i -m
Jo You Reel y Care to Save?
If you do and are willing o carry
your purenaae homo yourself, I can
give you bargains In
Turkeys, Duck3, Geese
and Chickens
that will surprise you as to fine qual
ity at low price. Every fowl I sell is
uperlally Delected and Itcpt In Ice cold
rooms not In cold water and there
fore they reta'n their pure, clean,
natural flavor, and you pay for solid not lor water. 1 del I for CASH
only; make no dellverlen and give
you the oenefit of the saving.
We make enecla! efforts to secure
tUe very cholcext of native corn fed
Tel. Douj. 6984. lai Jrrnain Bt.
ETus prove ouf claim!
to you. Let us show
you' what a magnificent
quality we are producing.
Let us convince you of
the really great lavingour
TILLERY" plan of sell
ing means to you.
Remember, you take no
chances. We take all
the risk and we stand all the
expense if we fail to please you.
N teller is neeenary
Cut Out and use this Coupon
ann aadraaa eur naaratt office
t 1UI UArNr BDrsT'lirnC
I Km nia-t tlatlSJ -u tnr wliti
r which Mod f
t bntt r of
9 am XILK rml )iurt bli:ra
f llTli.r ITIv.l. Klok HctlMt lc- t
9 lUtUli M'liiHl(vr--1iirM. ia;flaa I
0 imr your itlftr. Il l tuwirrMt.M i
f lliat ir II. In l 'krr la n..l o.uaa 1
f a rv iin-M nfiHl atfl Mttfi.-trry to 9
m ine in !" ir. 11 titay I rptiiniMl
f at I'n.r t ttiiv -anl my la to
t bo pruuivll; ratuudaa. Q.lnt
(UJeil f.,i Afli,. Cal., Colo., Idiko. Mi, at.. ,,,
N.Mcl.. Ore.. Lua Hiiiw w-o. ami ba on I ha
bltliol 4 qum lei H M br KmitM riapata or 30
OUJIII lor 111 ?U k Vr.ickl u
Full Paid
New Orlrnes, l.
J ai .'.Olivine, ria.
ilia IT Sa'aaa.',mAm.m.m.m.U
Sultan's Collection
of Jewels on Block
PAUIS. Nov. St. What la announced to
he the largest sale of Jewels on record
opened here this afternoon when the
literally priceless collection of Abdul
lis mid. former sultan of Turkey, came
under the hammer. Although only a
small fraction of the treasures displayed
was disposed of today, the receipts
reached a total of S.Tm.WO francs ($.Ml0il.
The best price paid was for a necklace
composed of three rows of 1&4 pearls and
rlssp formed of three rows of brilliants,
which brought fcXVOOO franc (SIM.OW. A
string of ninety-nine pearls with pendant
1 p per
2 pound
Uecse, our own dreBslng. .12!
Kreah dressed Spring Chicken.,
t lOW
ThnnksglvlnK Pork Loins. HH
Steer Tot Roast 7H-QHt
Spring I.ambs Irb 0H"
No 1 Hams 13 4 1
Armour Shield andRex Dacon,
We Sell More Poultry Than Any Other Market in
10:30 A.M.
and 3 P.M.
5,000 pounds
riens and Springs u
We are after your Thanksgiving dinner order with a lot of
"good thlngi to eat," and in anticipation of a big demand for
poultry we have bought in large quantities therefore enabling us
t3 tell at the lowest prices. 1
10,000 Pounds Turkeys, Gscse and Ducks
210 No.
M Dong. 1700.
"fT L1f "l'l'lllf lllHIITVn rIUaiimiJ.LI. m'JJW'HSf! um. Il imaaaaawajaaMaBaaaaaa.
Jrcr. Thahl
composed of the Imperial cipher In gold,
three large rubUs and a pearl-shaped
drop peurl brought SliM.TOO.
Among other objects two gold coffee
tups and saucers encrusted with dia
monds brought S.V0I0. a gold alarm clock
Set with diamonds $7. In) and a walking
stick with gold and diamond head $1.0XV
The sale, which was attended by all
the notable Jewelers of Europe, will con
tlnue a fortnight.
Iln till In ST Perm Its.
C. L. .Roberts. Sfinl North Thirtieth,
frunle stire, .'0; Hastings A llevden. :U1
South Tenty-f lint, frame dwelling, l.'tli;
Hastings Hevden, Wi-M Maple, frame
dwelllnh, $I.."IH; Mlml Meyer. Hainey.
alterations and repairs. $1; Hastings &
lleydrn. YX.'i South Twentieth, fiain"
dwelling. tl.fciM; Parlor theater,) 1108 Ioug.
las, alterations to front, ti.
UrillllllrltllMiATtrT" ' '" 'TI I1 H TaM il'sTTHHWIITTT1raT
Thanksgiving Veal Roant..lO
Minor-meat and Oyster
Fresh Pressed Chickens. . .0Hr
Fresh Dressed Ducks
1610 HAR
Meat Co.
10th St
"The dsL ious artesian brew"'
No matter how ttoixl tlie dinner Villa appetixing
lira!thful bevertigc will make It tusto lietter.
Purity, Quality, Delicious Flavor
Arc three marked cliarnrU'rlstiry of Stone lleer.
More of it brewed oml sold tlusii any other beer
brewed in Oinaliu ur the middle west. Your
order will be promptly delivered If phoned to
CHAS. STORZ, 1827-29 Sherman Ave.
Consumers' Distributor.
ion can r gtr mar sn zy
and 'tang" in your baki
wi thout the right tpic ,
are absolutely pure and full ttren;. K
F ineal slock, selected by experts, cleaned 1 1
milled bf modem machinery and all t.n
strength retained b the box. Jurt try Tt t
Spke and lee list difference,
lOm art Vr eraser's onr Ansa.
Or rtJ m JOv fmr fall-tl mm nrluo,
4a fr rTMs 5py Tmlk;" fr..
TOME BWOt, Deo Motnaa. la.
OM blM Cafts
omii'i rum
mob cxTr
Mlm-e Meat, per JarlSo. S6o. 40o lr.
Hulk, rer pound 18lo j
Imp irteil Citron, Oranitn ami a
l.einiiii Peel. er pomul..30o f
h'rmii o-Aini'i k'Sn plum Piul-
illiifT. per tin 18o, 35o, S5o, 90o K
JohriHim'a Hweet filler, per Jnit L'
30o, BOe Si
iavei ana Valencia Oraimes, "
per itoxen 30o, 40r, 600
New Mlxeit Nuta. per pound u
Hello vue t'elery, per dozen t"
t aso, boo p
Kmperor Urapea , per hanket fi
at 4O0, Oo .
Kiaiio Apples (lCxtra Kancv)
per box S3.00
Pam-y Krult tasi.nrte1) per
lianket SOo to $5.00
lmiirted Kndives, t'lirumhers,
Freli Peas. Htrlnsr and Va
Heana, t'anliriower. Head
l.ettm-e, New Herts. Carrots,
Turnips and Onions.
Individual fans Asparagus
Tina. Mrh .... lh.
V 6c Tina Imported Banllne,
O at'n So
Kxtrarted Krult Honey, per
n Jar ass
2 Old Fashioned Buckwheat, per j?
M . sank '. . . .aso, SOo S
V l.i"0 lha Mammoth triiee'e JP.'
tfull cream) per pound.. 83a v
f Imported Hwlas Cheese, per .
"I pound aso S)
Q Ire Kdam Cheese, each $1.10 fcj
KI Kanoy Jar Cheese, each JS .
at lOo, ISo, SSo V-
V Old Fashioned l.yo Hon.iny, n
per quart 100
6aws &srxz 4jsaraj. cn?3
H A flfrA raiisa fnwi
Jackdaw Rye. bottled In A I (
bond lull quart Sjllfatf
Weldon Hprlnits a Fine nourhon
and his: favorite Al nn
full quart ,sisUU
Bunklst California Port or Cfl
Hherry, full quart QUO
Home Made Grape Wins, White
per gallon ...... SI. 00
We hava a complete assort
ment of cordials to top off that
turkey. - ,
We atTe Qraa Tradlnr Ktawpa.
Mail Orders lrommlr l.'illo.l
h . sut bu uppoaito V, C 2
Oystars ea Halt gb.ll
Tomala Buup
Roaitad Turkar
Glblat B.?a
tor. Uaar
rranrxrrx J.llj .
MaahMl and
Urowno4 Potatnts
Calarr anil Appla Saltii
Viaiar Thin. ,
Plum Pudding '
Hard Baurt
4) h
a" SSL MMMrT1i