THE BEE: OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 2:), 1911. WANTS UNIFORM MAIL CARS . . -, . . . . -. . Omaha Man Goei to Washington to Help Formulate Plani. MEETS .WITH " BAILEOAD MEN tfall Cam for Kuch Road Ar Sow r llf-ret C"oietree-oi -' x Geinrnft XVaata Tbtm More I'nlform. .Assistant -iuperlnterx-ent Frank t. Johnston of the fourteenth dtrlslon of the rJlay mall sen-Ire will leave Omsha for Wanhlnirton (omi tlmi durtnir the latter part of tha wnk to attend meeting pf . represenatives of 'all th railroads 'rtoln business in tha ' United Ptatee for -the purpose . of helping to tfraw up plans for a standard steel mall car to be used by all roads. Mr. Johnston Is a member of ttia special com mittee of three recently appointed by Postmaster General Frank' Hltohrdek, which has been ordered to assist In devising k uniform, plan tor mall, carat This committee Is composed of, C. M. Reed -of CUielnnatU, F. P. Johnston of Omaha- and C. 11. Otis of Bt. Paul, and to these men Is left the problem of doing way with one of .the mort, problems that has ever bothered,the rail way mall service department ' "It seems that each foreman of every ear shop has a different Idea of how a mall car should be constructed," raid Mr. Johnston, "snd as a result there are some of the most outlandish contraptions ron celvable us In the service. It not only causes much trouble to the- clerk, but expense, to tha government, and a uni form car which could ba made Just as easily as not, would quickly do away with all bother." armer Weather is Coming-This Way "Weather reports received at the ralr road offices Indicate, that Ihe present cokt wave Is not to be at long' duration, and that by Thursday It probably will be much warmer. The same reports Indicate that the present cold snap has been wide, apread, extending from Montana nd the Dakota fur" down Into Oklahoma and from western Wyoming over Into Illinois, with a fall of now ranging from one to six Inches covering the entire svotlnn. 80 far as the weather reports t6 the railroads' go Nebraska seems to ' have been the favored locality, at least the weather has not been so cold In this tats as elsewhere." The storm and tha col, har lnfrfeed' eomfctf hit 4 With (he movement of trains, all of them today being from on trni-t six and eight hours lMe. When they do arrive th coaches aro coverad rtfh now ind Ice hanging to the tngines. Tasiehgors arriving from tha east sar that Monday night was a terror over In Jpwa, and Illinois. ..Ail night tha wind blew a, jala, the velocity attaining In some Imrtanoee sixty miles per hour. Snow that had been falling most of tha day and lata Into tha nlrht was driven along J until eonattsona took on every form of a wll-devloprd bllsaard. During tha night It jrrew much colder and throughout on tral towa In many places the mercury marked ? . to I degrees below sero. - 1' ' . . . CH. MATTHEWS TO STUDENTS 4 $. QF. UNIVERSITY OF: OMAHA t' Loj-ally to Loyalty; .was jihe tham of. Ir. fihayler Mathews' address Monday aQrrnocsn .bforf te ntudnitof h .tiN varsity of Omaha, pr. Matthews Is dean of the Divinity School of the University of Chicago, Is a member of the athletlo board of that school and has been closely associated with .'the growth and expan sion of the M:dy Institution. Ills re marks were largely along tha Una of "true sportsmanship In athletics." The work of the college," said Dr. Matthews, "Is to teach every man to get Into the game and make himself a unit In tha team play, for -this team work. 01 tmitltutlonalUIng one's self, Is the great wt thing In life.- It Is tha tone of your athletics mora titan anything els wh.cb Is going to give tha tone to tha spirit you have, There Is in-owing up through the American collrgs' the true attitude of sportsman-ship;-, the attitude to cheer the batter play, )ke It your tram .or tha oppo nents that fiake te play; not that you should say, Xorfl.-M tha other fellow win," but y "Lord, let us win If wa can do It squarely,' " Pr. Matthews tays .that with college students In the north their sense of honor la not so .sensitive -an U Is In the south, and that here In the t-'uWeratty of Omaha tha present students,, because they ura tha ploneeVa, are going to make for the honor rT V school, or against It, mora than a""tHher students who will coma later. ' ,- . NEW PLUMBING NEEDED ' AT EMERGENCY HOSPITAL The. city, council will be asked for an appropriation ' M pay for repairing ahd remodeling the. City Emergency bdapltal at -10-U Douglas. Hubert U. Wolfe. ehVf boiler inspector, has completed , a. thorough examination of the plumbing of tha hospital, which was torn out by van dals, and finds that It will require new re turn pipes on the ground floor, new vent cocks 'to the return pipes, new perforated cast Iron tops for tha radiators, new radlatory vales, a afty valve and steam gauge, for tha boiler and four new radia tors, t Uncle Sam to List - the House of Hope . , - . '. i Fines Rev. Charles ."svldfe started the House of Hope five years ago he has expended on charity TR.Ono. or an of ffci.ono a year. Whrn he started the home he did not have 13 cents to use fur the work. The rovernment has sent Itev. Pnvldge a blank, wonting to know If the charity work In which ha la engaged should be Included In Its charity list. Me wrota bark, saying that he thought It should be Included In the list, and the govern ment Is going to act on the matter In the near future. Among the questions which they asked him pertaining to his work was whether the people lie was taking rare of were In any way able to support themselves. He fold them that over one third of the people he Is taking care nf pay nothing toward their support and the remainder vrr? little. Another question which was rut to him was whether the charity work In which he is engnged Is a financial benefit to any corporation or Individual, to which Rev. Bavldge an swered that It was not. , . , , Services will be held at the House nf lope Thanksgiving afternoon from t to 4 o'clock. The services will be composed of muslo, ard addresses.- In the evening prayer and praise services will be held nt thi People's church. GRUMMANN INTERPRETS . GEMS OF, MUSIC AND DRAMA The lectures glvep. yesterday, afteriloon by lrof. Paul Urummann at the Toung Women's (TtrrtKlan- association audi torium waa well attended and tliTe was marked Interest in both subjcols' which he discussed. The first hour of the lec tures was given' tip to the discussion of Baldr or Raldur tha Good, the shlnlng one. Interesting comment, upon the re lation of the Christian to the, classical thought of tha matter, the rise of many of the Christian stories and legends con nected with the White Christ 'combined to make this hour one of tha most en- Joe.ble.' The second hour was an Interpretation Of 'Th Masterslngers of Nuremberg" (Richard ..agner), and In this the lec turer went back it the beginnings- the guild system, the origin -of the crafts, which so prominently figure , In ' this drama of Richard Wagner. Prof. Grurh. mann drew fins word pictures of tha va rious characters, simply and plainly, and expressed the wish that Wagner had, 4(one more wjth the optlmlstlo side In 'hi dramas, Hans Sachs being really an optimist ' with occasional slight 'fits of pessimism, whereas so many, of the music-drama are pessimistic without much show of optlmlstlo thought or. m puse. . Next week th first part of th lecture will have to. do largely with tha Blegfrled stories. . t Csrey Act Land Opening H.000 acres at Jerome, Idaho. December 11, 1911. - Tkis land Is part of th Great North B'de Tract which has a record of THRU B YEARS FROM 8 AGE BRUSH TO BL.VS RIBBONS AND SWEEPSTAKES, For all Information, writ or wire lb Twin rails North Sid Iand and Water Oj., M liner. Idaho. ' ' BANK ROBBERS jET NOTHING Are Frightened Away in Attempt to Bob Bank nt Florence. WERE EVIDENTLY AMATEURS President and Cashier Drive Aats Into (iaraixe aad Frighten tha Mrs A war Hefore Job Is Completed. Taking advantage of the blizzard Mon day night, yiggman forced entrance Into .ha Fanners State Hank of Florence and attempted to loot the valut. It la believed that the men, although they chore a night to attetipt to rob ihe bank when a large amount of money tva kept In the safe, are amateurs, for they made a bungling job. Nothing was taken from the bank, as W. R. Wall, prealdent or the bank, saya the robbera were evidently frightened away when Mr. Wall returned home, about 1 a. m.. In fits auto, which be keeps In a garage under the bank. II says he thinks they were there when h snd Mr. Parker entered th garage. The robbera had secured a sledge ham mer and a. jimmy, from the blacksmith shop, near by; They had worked. on th thick wall of the vault but a short time when they were frightened away. They had five thicknesses of sole. leather which was being used to deaden the sound. Th robbers eatered through the post office by prying open the window, but did not touch snythlng there. There was about 3,000 in cash in the vault of the bank. Sick headactie ts cr.use or a disordered stomach. Ten Chamberlain's Tablets and correct that and th headaches will disappear. For sal all dealers. ABOVE ALL II! QUALITY FOR HOME CONSUMERS : PHONES , Doug. 119; Ind. A-2119 Win. J. BOEHKOFF . Retail Dealer) ' ' Office-803 S.: 7th' St. DEATH RECORD 'V .Patrick Farley. Patrick Farley, on of the old employes at the l'nton Pacific shops, died at his hunn.;OT Suuth Eleventh street, -turly )teida morning of pneum nla. II had been dUjc slm Friday. Us Iravea a wid ow, two daughters and tour sons. Mr. grleV was on of th bst known shopinviriu the city. Two of hi sons r employed. fey tb Union Pacific. 'i Klarriauw Ltceaeva. - The - follow lug -marriage licensee ben issuco; have fisme and TU-sldence. Age. Abraham it. ilareh, Houth Omaha U France. M. Johns, Hjuth Omaha 3i Robert O. Stewart, Auburn, Neb i reaa xJrUA Porla, 1.1 ju Asa K.' TaJculW'Weolte. . I U Kranoca L,. Mawhaa, Vuta Omaha U Arthur Howell, Omaha u olUerg Hansen, Oii.lia u Harold H. -Reynolds, Omalia 14 fclsbel C Busvurtb, Omaha n James T. Prown, Pattla Creek, kllch....n tuitruie liannon, Omaha jg Morris 1 niDnura, omaba jj j 1 dun vrfM4. uuin n Joseph lisriU'na, Huutb Omaha u l.ihl tfniilii. OJinii Omalia .i, Jfenry M. Koae.- Omaha ral M. Nelson, Omnha jj r' H. Bprague. 8outh f)niaha it 1- vieuce Ukckus, Kvulh Ontah n f ( , Causes of Typewriter Noise A "writer in a recent publication, divided typo writer noise, i. e.that referring to the typewriter: itself, like old Gaul, into three parts. " ,' " First; that "produced by the spacing mechanism? Second, that produced by the impact of the type against the platen. Tlxlrd, that produced by the shifting of the ear f y ringe to maJke capitals.. " An analysis of, these divisions, with reference to i ; ' "Smitlv Premier'-discloses: j , ; i , As o the first (the noise produced by the spacing . mechanism )tho Smith 'Premier is as quiet, if not ; 1 ' 'V. more quiet, than anyj ' . ,; ; '; " I ' 't ' . As to Kecond-(the noise produced by the inv V P,nct of.tho type onit the. platen) -it is less on .. X the Smith Premier than on any other, because the Y Smith Premiei4 prints' wiih -a high speed, light weight, single type baragainst a platen, firmlv ' supported in a, rigid carriage.-. . As to the thiri( that produced by the shifting , of .'the carriage, or basket, to make capitals)"- ! there is no such noise on the Smith Premier, be cause it has no shift. - .B5ma ,n!,0 our 0,flce or "nd for our man to so to your of 'th?. mh?Tl!.dem0n',trV,0n- Ypu "9 entltled t0 "nowladg, about The SmithEfem:er TypewritePCo Branches in -- ' sioux an, 19th and Dcujlas Sts. ' LINCOLN. - ATT k TT a des moines. ; Oil AH A, NEB. ! Q 1 1 Uurt, I I' . I t B1 ; ne Full Quart UH58KEY mil - Try it At Our Expense, There U so much rubbish weak spirits and adulterated stuff sold for whiskey at all prices these days, that in order tO ttOVe a reallv orxul straiDht wliUkev M A f, nA it iiwacer I to let the people try our celebrated Brookland Club Whiskey 4 to find out (or themselves th difference end we therefore t . ' J rt n . . . . V uc reoa act (l. - - ' 0TTLIV t. louis,o. offer to send, FBLEK. a Full Quart of Brookland v-iuo uisitcy to test, and tins is bow we do it : We will seud yon one full quart bottle of Brook, land Club Whiskey, absolutely free, along with your arht order for 8 full quart bottles of Brookland Club Whiskey for 15.73 and we tav the exnresa charges. After you receive th 9 full quart bottles, open bne of them, test it anyway tou like and if not entirely satisfactory, you have the privilege of returning to us the remaining 8 bottles and the one eitra bottle you may keep free aud we will immediately return your S 75. Or send ui f 3.15 for 4 full quart bottles of Brookland Club Whiskey, express prepaid, and we will include one test bottle free. Test the free bottle and if not absolutely satisfactory and the best whiskey you ever tasted at any price just return to us the 4 bottle and keep the free .bottle and we will refund your f J. 15 without question or arrument. 11 rook land UluO Whiskey Is etralKht whukey no blend no uili-no Initiation pure, llh strength Uj excellent lor medicinal purposes. Four quarts ol brook land flub Whliker with the earn amount ot water a4d4 will mnks eight quarts ot better whUkey than ttiese cheap mailorder good try It. We lll cheerfully return your money 11 you k us to. We ouldsladly send out free saui pies to teM but to many lak advantage ol the offer by ge'Uus outuy sasAplee. We Pay Exprtu Chnje KAHP blSTILLIHQ CO., 47 NORTH MAIN T, AT. tOUIS, Christmas Gifts tHat Are Remembered Christmas is but a short time away only 22 shopping days remain. Many people are not certain what to buy, for for Christmas presents. .We suggest that your gifts be furniture. Nothing lasts so long and is so serviceable as solid chairs, tables, stands or beds. They are practi cal gifts which are appreciated more than most other presents because they can be used and. because they help make the home more cheery and comfortable. We have hundreds of inexpensive Christmas gift suggestions which we wish to show you. A visit here before buying your Christmas gifts will con vince you that furniture is the most practical of all presents. . Colonial Mahogany Poster Bed, $20.00 $5.oo Table Desk- Solid mahogany; six v 4 ' 1 large drawers; graceiui legs; excellent qual- ' itv' ........ s.2.nn II 11 1 I II It ri. . II 1 Hepplewhite Book RackSolid Mahogany- very pretty design; strong .'...$13.50 Windsor. Rocker Solid. Mahogany; replica ; of ancient chair; strong. and handsome ..... .$11.00 ' Solid Mahogany Book Blocks These are very strong and are weighted; they aro decorative . .$6.00 $45.00 Colonial Clock Mahogany frame; size- 6 feet, 7 feet '6 inches tall;, built to endure; i accurate. . . . ,:: ..... . ;.. ; M .......... . . . $35.00 ' Italian Marble Bust--'erida," carved by Nothing adds so much charm to the bedroom as a j famous sculptor; very beautiful ,......$7.50 beautiful four-poster bed like the one represented here. Silk Lamp Shade -Gold Galoon; very excel- ' There is a very inviting air about it. The graceful ieut quality; size, 16 inches .$8.00 iilTt- hCaAty- ar- iVery ,attractive !. eery kalian Marble, Bust-" Laura," by famous 7w'e nnffo6 U ZZH: an sculptor; excellent woik J. $10.00 and substantial lines i .$10.00 Italian Marble Pedestals Finest marble; very. pretty designs ............ .$10.00 roomy compartment; shelves large enough to hold player-piano rols .$11.50 r s t 1 a Christmas gift Iiemember it is priced at only $20.00. $34.00. English Wing' Chair-Sol id Mahogany frame; upholstered in. beautiful demin .... .$25.00 $30)0 Over-Stuffed Chair Mahogany frame: . comfortable; great dignity and durability . .$20.00 : $15.00 Mahogany Music Cabinet Inlaid; ' ' ' 1 . 1. t . A , . $39.00 Over-Stuff ed , Rocker Mahogany frame; built for comfort and service; highest grade $30.00 Mahogany Candlesticks Heavy and seryice- . . . Colonial Mirror French beveled glass,.-solid able; neat designs .$2.25 mahogany frame; strong and beautiful $15.00 Solid Brass Candlesticks Made of the, best . . $20.00 Colonial Gold Frame Mirror French material ; excellent; quality ................... $2.50 ( hoveled glass; hand painted painting at top $15.00 . Large selection of brass and copper novelties for - $28.50 Wing Chair Mahogany frame; up- 1 Christmas. These include desk! sets; smokers' articles; ; "; holstered in green denim; solid and comfort . (.ard novelties; table decorations; etc. All are mod- ;;able ;;v;-.... a....; $20.00 ! eratelys'i4c .;. i. . Z '.. ... ..... V :l C. Sale of Rugs All Week The big sale of high-class rugs is to be continued all week. It in-- ; eludes Brussels, Wilton velvets, Axminsters, Scotch weaves, all wool art ' squares and several other grades. ' The prices are cut very low for this . week only.' 1 . $14.00 Brussels Rug-Size 9x12 ............ $10.00 $22.50 Brussels.Rug-Size 9x12 $15.50 $33.50 Brussels Rug Size 9x12 .... .. .'. . . . . $25.00 $35.00 Royal Wilton Rug Size 9x12 . . . . $30.00 $38.00 Royal Wilton Rug Size 9x12 .... . ., $30.00 $45.00 Royal Wilton Rug Size 9x12 v!..Y,.. $35.00 $60.00 Royal. Wilton Rug-10-6xl2 $45.00 $40.00 Royal Axminster Rug-10-3xl2 ; . $30.00 $52.50 Ardahan Rug-Size 11-3x12 $42.00 $21.00 Brussels Rug Size 11-3x12 . .'. . . . . . . .$15.00 $35.00 Wilton Velvet Rug Size 11-3x12 .... $27.50 $48.00 Brussels Rug Size 10-6x13-6 $38.00 $40.00 Extra Axminster Size 10-6x13-6 .... .$30.00 $16.50 Brussels Rug-Size' (7-9x8-11 r;.' $11.00 .. . $13.00 Brussels Rug Size 6x10-9 . $10.00 $18.00 Brussels Rug Size 8-3x10-4 . . '.. ..... $11.00 $17.00 Brussels Rug Size 8-3x9-3 .......... $11.00 . $20.00 Brussels Rug-Size 8-3x11-6 $13.00 $16.50 Brussels Rdg-Size 6-9x12 $12.00 - ,$23.00 Brussels Rug Size 8-3x12-6 .$15.00 $32.00 Brussels Rug-Size 8-3x10-6 $18.00 -"$26.00 Brussels Rug Size 10-6x10-6 ....... $15.00 $26.50 Brussels Rug Size 10:6xl2 $18.00 $26.00 Brussels Rug Size 11-3x12-9 $19.00 , $22.50 Brussels Rug Size 9x11 $15.00 $20.00 Brussels Rug-Size 10-6x10-2 $12.00 $33.50 Brussels Rug-Size 9x12 ....$25.00 , $31.50 Brussels Rug Site 10-6x12 $19.00 $28.00 Brussels Rug Size 10-6x10-11 S18.00 - $32.50 Brussels Rug Size 10-6x12 $20.00 $26.00 Brussels Rug-Site 10-6x13 $14.00 $25.50 Brussels Rug Size 9x12-2 $1G.00 $24.00 Brussels Rug Size 10-6x12-3 $13.00 . $32,50 Brussels Rug Size 10-6x11-9 ..$20.00 $22.50 Wilton Velvet-Size 8-3x9 $15.00 $23.50 Wilton Velvet-Size 8-10x11-4 ...... $10.00 $24.00 Wilton Velvet-Size 6x9-6 .,. $1G.00 $22.50 Wilton Velvet-Size 8-3x8-3 . . . . . . .$15.00 $26.50 Wilton Velvet-Size 8-3x11-6 ..... . v .$19.00 $27,00 .Wilton Velvet Size '10-6x9-4 $17.00 . $21.00 Wilton Velvet Size 8-3x9-6 .$13.00 $24.00' Wilton .Velvet-Size 8-3x9-6 ...... .'.$10.00 $27.00 Wilton Velvet Size 8-3x12 ... . .$19.00 $20.00 Wilton Velvet-Size 8-3x8-3 ........$12.00" $31.00 Wilton Velvets-Size 10-6x10-6 ..... .$19.00 $41.50 Wilton Velvet-Size ' 10-6x11-1 ...... $28.00 $23.00 Axminster Rug-Size 8-3x10-9 $14.00 $22.50 Axminster Rug Size 8-3x8-9 $14.00 $35.00 Axminster Rug Size 8-3x12 ...$24.00 $25.00 Axminster Rug Size 8-3x10-9 ......$16.00 $27.50 Axminster Ru Size 7-4x10-6 ......$20.00 $31.00 Axminster Rug Size 8-3x10 $22.00 $33.00 Axminster Rug Size 10-6x11 $19.00 $34.00 Axminster Rug Size 10-6x12 ....... .S21.00 $32.50 Axminster Rug Size 10-6x11-6 ..... .$19.00 $12.75 Kashmir Rug Size 9x12 $8.50 $18.00 Scotch Weftve Rug Size 9x12 ......$12.00 $13.50 Wood Fibre Rug Size 9x12 .$10.00 Best Quality All-Wool Art Squares $16.25 All Wool Art Square Size 12x13-6 ..$12.50 $14.50 All Wool Art Square Size 12x12 . . . .$11.00 $12.60 All Wool Art Square-Size 12x10-6 . . .T$9.50 $10.80 All Wool Art Square Size 9x12 $8.25 $8.10 All Wool Art Square Size. 9x9 ....... .$0.50 $6.75 All Wool Art Square Size 9x7-6 $5.50 $5.40 All Wool' Art Square Size 6x9- $4.25 Wool Filling Art Squares : $11.70 Wool Filling Art Square Size 12x13-6 $9.55 $10.40 Wool Filling Art Square Size 12x12 V. $8.50 ' $9.10 Wool Filling Art Square Size 12x10-6 $7.40 $7.80 Wool Filling Art Square Size 9x12 T.. .$0.35 $6.83 Wool Filling Art Square Size 9x10-6 .' .$5.55 $5.85 Wool Filled Art Square Size 9x9 ..... .$4.75 $5.00 Granite Art Square Size 9x12 ....... $3.50 , RtmemberCood furniture may be cheap, but "cheap fumfture cannot be good. MEer, Bte wart l Beaton Co. Established 1884 THE TAG POLICY HOUSE 413-1047 South Sixteenth Street vV.