Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1911, Image 3

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: I - . i. " i ' - - - - -- -- i
! Nebraska j Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska j
Banking Board Sends Notice'
Bankers About Reports.
orh Institution as Hare Protected
' the Slntc In This Kashloa Mast
t Alio Report What Kinili
Am on IlKBd,
which bnnrts
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 28. (Special Tele gram )
"Following a mooting of the siato llank
ng bonrd held today, It was decided to
"and a letter to each of the mate banks
relative to the dlsrnnt. nuance of public
money deposits with the bonds which
have had to he put up during the years
wnen no other protection was afforded
for the deposit of audi fund?. The action
Is taken In consequence of the passage
and enactment of the amendments to. the
Biiaranty deposit law, said amendments
providing that pub.ic funds should bo un
der the protection of this law aa well ts
private lunds.
Tho follow ing ts the letter which Is sent
to state bankers and which explains the
move taken by the banking board:
. At. meeting of the State Banking
board held on November 2S. Mil the ques-
V . l" wnetiier or not the average
aepusus to be reported bv the
should include public monies for
bonds had nrpvionsiv r.-
vlded. was dincussed, and the provisions
of law In relation thereto fully considered.
J ne board had . under consideration par
ticularly the latter part of section 46 of
the banking act, which provides that de
pository funds shall be secured In the
same manner that private funds are se
cured, ruder an opinion of the legal
department of the state this provision
was held to repcul by Implication of the
depository law to tho extent of tho re
quirement that depository bonds should
bo provided for public funds. Jt was con-
ciuoea oy the board that that provision
or section 4j which requires a statement
showing the tveiage dally deposits In
banks for the preceding six months ex
clusive of public monoy otherwise secured
was placed In the orlgtnal banking act
ps.s.ed 9, Rt a Um8 wheJJ t,J(j de
pository law was In full force and effect
Now that the provisions of section 46
virtually amending thnt law have become
effective. It Is deemed by the board that
a fair construction of all the provisions
of the law, requires the banks to make
statement of their average dally deposits
Which statement should Include public
moneys, as well as private deposits. This
..... m me report of average de
posits to be made December 1. l!Ul Rs
cLnas.tho"e to be made ln the future,
lubllc funds do not need to be listed
This letter Is written that vou may
know the views and decision of the bank
ing board upon this question. The board
did not overlook the fact that some of
the banks at the commencement of the
?,??Lhttl,'!vJn bonds cure public
xunds, which bands, presumably, run' for
two years, but It was thought by the
board that this fact (although it works
somewhat of a hardship on some of the
banks) would not relieve the board from
calling upon them for a statement that
would include all their deposits, both
public and private. It was suggested by
the board that banks that have given
surety bonds, will be able to take the
matter up direct with surety companies
and secure a settlement on the basis of
short rates. - 7
Henry Stehr is
Refused New Trial
, MADISON, Neb., Nov. Mi-Henry Btehr,
convicted of manslaughter In connection
with the death of his J-yrar-old stepson,
was today denied a new trial and sen
tenced to from one to ten years in
pr.ion. The death of Hteiir's stepson
al.eged to have been due to Inhuman
uemmeiit; thnt after the child's feet
were lioten they , were allowed to rot
before a physician waa called.
State Bailway Commission Issues
Booklet Upon Bates.
will ship fela household goods and stock
there soon, so as to be there when work
opens up In the spring.
shipper Mar Wad Taem ea File la
Kara Station la Nebraska
Hovr Receipts from Males
Will Be 1 sett.
Two Minden Boys
Are Likely to Die
After Auto Ride
Executive Inspects State Normal!
and Industrial Schools.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 2S. tiPoial.t The
state t-.n.-.., i-.,..-
linn . i r, . .. . st.-rw vmrsuI . . ' """""' '"" " ......
IMtAn iMCOrVAdrxA UN T IUUAT book business or at least it has Indi
cated that It will sell printed ot
the new freight classification at the rau
of Sfi cents per copy. The books ait
ready contain the classification
which Is to become ettectlve and oper
ative December 1J. Railroads of the
state are the heaviest bidders for the
new work and already 8(0 copy orders
have beeh placed in the hands of the
commissioners by the Burlington and the
union I'aciflc roads. Pales to the ship
pers are not expected to be large In view
of the fact that V copy of the book
NEBRASKA CITT. Nov. 2S.-8peclal.)-
Earl Neely, who claims to be the cham
p'on cornhusker of western Iowa, and
Edgar Van llouton. who likewise claim;
ilie championship of the same territory,
have arranged for a big husking contest
on the Iowa bottoms near Perclval to
morrow. Neely husked 219 bushels of
corn In ten hours and Van Houton husked
i4) ousheis and .thirty pounds In ten
M1NDKN. Neb., Nov. St.-Fred Wells
and Harry Nelsen, who were thrown
from a stolen automobile Saturday night,
when It turned over a low bank, are on
the verge of death The boys with a
companion heljied themselves to a ma
chine standing on the main street. While
driving at a rate of sixty miles an hour
the accident occurred. NVtls' skull Is
crushed and Nolseu has sustained several
fractured bones and Internal Injuries.
Henry Earl is Placed
On Trial for Murder
l-arae Attendance la Spite of told
aad Uovernoe Kx presses flratlfl.
ration at Kctent of K.qalp.
meat of Institutions.
on a farm south of this city, while Van
Houton Is a f aimer and resides on his
own farm near Peroival. Odds are being
placed upon Van Houton because he Is
the heavier' and more active of 'the two
young men, and both are used to much
hard work. Both men have broken all
records for western Iowa and are to
shuck ln fields where the yield is from
forty to sixty bushels per acre,
FHEMONT, Neb., Nov. SS.-Henrv Karl.
the alleged murderer of Churles Vail.
aged proprietor of a local lodging house,
The classification Increase, the minimum V ,laCefl n ,rlM for m"rdr t0''"
in iiuvrni, iiis attorneys exhausted
the panel and called nearly a dogen
extra talesmen befre the Jury was
completed.- A peoullur feature of the
murder Is that wtlh a crowd In the
vicinity of the lodging house no one saw
brother of Walker commlMlon navln refused the roads at. I lhe murder or saw Earl louve the lodg-
ng nouse, a sidesiiow attraction across
the street holding the attention of the
ystanders. Karl was arrested followlnir
his own confession.
I, ours a few days after Neely did hi
greit day's work. Van Houton did his I will be available for use in all ot the eta-
work, like that of Neely, before three tlona of the state.
Judges ln the field and four at the scales
where the corn was weighed and cribbed. I wetgnta on about nwo-thirds of the l.ouv
Both contests took place west of Sidney I "'tides on Its lists. It affects Interstate
on the bottoms. Tomorrow the contest I "'Pments on all roada and known a.
will be witnessed by a large delegation Nebraska schedule No. 1. llertofore. tin.
from this .city; as one man Is a resident Intrastate schedule known aa No.
of this cltv and the other is well known " "va n " tate. the
Neely of thi, city and his parents reside plication, for changes.
BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. 28.-Spocial.)-
The J15.009 damage suit of A..S. Gardner
against the 'fclty of Blue $prings was
Called; tw Jtiio district., oourt yesterday
Tho plaintiffs allege tltat. vtfille, walking
oti a jhjewtlVjn WJe RvrIK Id Septem
ber, 1!K, he tripped on a loose board and
was thrown violently to tha ground. He
claims that as a result of the Injury sus
tained in "ttio! fall It '"was necessary ' to
have tiis'ieft ies amputated.
MADISON, Neb., Nov. 2S.-(8peclal.)-
District court reconvened Monday after
noon, at which time the case of the first
National bank against CI us Teske to re
cover $100 on a promissory note was tried.
The case went to' the Jury late Monday
Ella B. Holland was granted a divorce
from her husband, Royal 8. Holland, also
the custody of her child.
uertruae ii. Miller of Norfolk was
granted a divorce from her husband, "Her
man II. Miller, and the custody of her
three children. Early last spring Miller
was adjudged a proper subject to be
taken care of at the Institute for dipso
maniacs for using morphine, but escapod
about a. month later and has since been
II erf Inia fl
necelpts from the sale of the book
wui hot revert direct to the commission.
uui win oe collected by tha printer. The
oost of the prlhtlng will be deducteu
oy the tradesman and then the extra
proceeds will be given to the cnmmls
slon. From the commission It win tn .. state treasury.
inie manner of handling the printing
is not thought, to be In exact accoru
"'"i we. constitution inasmuch a
it violates the section which nrnviii..
mat an fees are to be turned Into tht
state treasury before" being paid out fa.
any department It Is also against flu
spirit ot the Oerdes law passed at th
last session of the legislature, which seu
uut that all leea are to be paid Into ttu
aiate treasury and then appropnated to.
tne use or the department from whict.
'hey came. Bince this new law wen.
into effect the following . department..
nave collected and turned ln fees as fol
oevretarles of the board of health.. ifiSfl.i.
oeei -eiaries of the board of osieo-
iJatny 25.4l
una iooa commisbioner 46,...
unurnnce uepui liliint
or examinaiion of the following com
..ansae City Mfe c7
u.i.nriii nreerve t.iie ot Omaha.. iM.Uv
tetern indemnity company 1.o
inuepcninni ui-acr oi f oresters...... IM.uv
nuuumen circle (to date) lM.u
In the case of the State of Nebraska tLECHON CERTIFICATES
Stops a Cough Quickly
-Even Whooping Cough
A Whola Pint of the Quickest, Surest
Cough Remedy for 60c. Money .
Ref Jnded f It Fallt. '
, :'-'
If you have an obstinate, deep-seated
cough, which refuses to be cured, get a 60
rent bottle of I'ines. mix it with home
ttifdo sugarsyrup and start takinj it.- In
ide of lii liours your cough will be gone, or
vsry uearly so. Even wliooping-cougu is
QUickiy conquered in this way.
A 00-cent bottle of I'inex, when mixed
with home-made sugar syrup, gives you a
P'ntT famiT supply of the fiiieot cough
remedy that money could buy, at a clear
aving of Very easy to prepare full
directions In package.
I'inex soothes end heals the Inflamed
membranes with remarkable rapidity, it
stimulates the appetite,-is slishtly laxa
tive, and Iihs a pleasant tast childrea
take It willingly. Spleudid for croup,
asthma, bronchitis, throat tickle, .chest
pama. etc., and u thoroughly successful
remedy for incipient luu troubles.' . .
. linex is u special -and highly concen
trated compound of Norway-White Fine
extinct, rich in ptiaiaeol aud other healing
pin elemeutn. It hH often been imitated,
thouiti never successfully, for nothing else
will produce the siruie results. Siuply mix
With vtifar syrup or slianed honey, in a
pinl bottle, and it is.r'Hdy for une. .
Anyone who tries. I'inex will quickly
Un-Wstaud why it is used in more homes
H the 1'. 8. and Canada than any' other
couch remedy. The genuine is guaranteed
to sure absolute stitisfai tiou or money re
funded. Certiliiate of guarantee is
WTHpiiod in ench package. Vour druegist
has I'mexorwill set it for you. If not, send
to I'he I'inex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind.
against Em II RItter, charged wl.h oper
ating a blind pig at Norfolk, defendant
pleaded guilt to the first count In the
Information and was sentenced to pay $203
and costs of prosecution and be remanded
to the county Jail until the same were
Court will adjourn tomorrow morning
until January t for equity cases and until
January 13, 1912, tor Jury cases.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 28.-(Speclal.) Ce-1 f!.
catea of election for Dan Stephens of Fre
mont and Thomas U Hall of this city
for congress and railway commissioner.
respectively, are now filled ln and resdy
for their owners as soon as Governor Al-
drich has signed them. Thll will be don.
by the executive tomorrow, -at iwhlcsj time
jur. (Stephens "will hasten to Washington
the piece of paper- -which he hue
been so anxious to get since he nosed ou.
NEBRASKA CITY, Nov. 28. (Special.)- ahead of Jim Elliott in tho Third dls-
The body of Mrs. Kliza Bwain. wif nf t-lct.
Jerry M. Harrison of this city, who died
In the Presbyterian hospital at Omaha.
was brought to this city last evening and
taken to the family homo near this city
and the funeral was held this morning.
Mrs. Harrison -was born In Lawrence
county, Ohio. April 22, J858, and was mar
rled to Mr. Harrison ln 188J and came to
this ctty six years later And have since
made this their home. She Is survived Craig Lodges Meet Officers,
by three children-William O. Harrison CRAIG, Neb., Nov. 28. (Speclal.)-At
of Omaha, Mrs. L. R. Overton ot Walt- the odd FeIlow louK last Satur-
hlll. Ross and Nellie of this city-end her day venl"K the following officers were
husband. elected: C. W. Orr, noble grand; Walter
Mrs. Jane Crume.- one of the Dloneor ururjr vlce ralla: Whitney, seo
Commissioner-elect Hall, It is under
stood, will not formally take office untl.
January 1, by which time he expects to
have, his business affairs ln such a con
dition that he can devote his whole time
to his Work. This will give W. J. Furse I
a chance to hold over a month or more
longer than he expected to.
Drury, vice grand
settlers of this part of the state, died rti&r'- "d C' Slnghaus treasurer. The
at her home near Julian Bunds y, aged
80. She has been a resident of this city
since 1858, and was one of the best known
women of this section. Her funeral was
held this afternoon at the Methodist
Kplacopal Camp Creek cemetery, south of
this city. She Is survived by six chil
dren, all grown and who reside In this
part of the state.
ocar. lodge Is one of the strongest ln
tho state and Is gaining new membership
right along.
Leah Rebekah lodge . of this place
elected the following officers at their
meeting last Wednesday evening: Mrs.
Lee McMullen, noble grand; . Mrs. Dr.
Cooper, vice grsnd; Mrs. W. I). Smith.
secretary; Mia. O. A. Ulackstone, treus
urer, and J. T. Garner, trustee.
Silver Wedding- at Crnl.
CRAIG. Neb., Nov. 28. (Special.) A
large number of relatives and . friends.
Boxcar Darned at Havrnna.
RAVENNA, Neb., Nov. 2S.-(Special.)
Including about twenty from 'Tekamah ADOUt o clock Monday morning an
and Herman, attended the silver wed- -l1'm called the fire department to the
ding anniversary of W. J. Freeman and railroad yards, where a car was burning
wife at tholr home eat of town last fis'cely- A high wind was blowing and
Saturday. The day was delightfully spent there was danger that other cars might
la reminiscences, as the Freemans are catcl "Ie- I'X Prompt action the rallroau
old settlers In this section, and with other men uhoved the other cars out of reach ot
pioneers could recall many experiences tne flames, though the one car that wit
of an early day.
Odd FelIov Elect Officers.
GENEVA. Neb.. Nov. 2X.-(Speclal.)-At
a meeting last Saturday night the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows lodge
elected the following officers; Arthur
Curtiss. noble grand; O. E. Wellman,
vice grand; W. E. Harrison, secretary;
Monroe Heisey, treasurer.
burning , was destroysd. Several tramps
found tn the yards were arrested on sus
picion that they might have set the car
on fire, but o far no evidence has been
produced to prove their guilt.
1. Drunkenness, Opium, Mor
hine, Cocaine and other drug ad
dictions are diseased conditions.
2. Therefore, scientific medical
treatment is necessary.
3. In case of sickness none but
the best should be accepted.
4. 0;.r treatment is -known the world over and has
proved its merits in over 3K,0CO cases.
5. We give value received, and that is the reason we
are at the head in our specialty.
6. The only Keeley Institute in the state of Nebraska
is located in Omaha.
Send for our free booklet, "What It Is and What It Does."
Corner Twenty-fifth and Cass Streets. OMAHA, NEB.
Take Harney Street Car From Either Depot.
ScBDler Koundhone Ilarns.
SCHUYLER. Neb., Nov. 2S. -(Special
Telegiam.) The Burlington lallroud
roundhouse at this place waa totally de
stroyed by fire this afternoon. The fir.-
originated from a rpark fiora an engine.
With the prevailing strong wind the fire
pained such headway before the file de
partment arrived that it was ImpoMilbl,
to rate any part of the building.
An ngine ln tne building was gotten
out before It was damaged.
Valuable Pigeons Stolen.
CENTRAL CITY, Neb., Nov. .-(8pe
clal.) Thieves entered the poultry pens a'
W. H. Rogan's home last Friday nigh:
and carried away part of his pigeons
and then returned the following night anJ
took most of those that were left. Tin.
pens were entered the first night and te
taken.. Saturday night the pens were en
tered again and twenty-five more wer.
taken, almost cleaning up the flock. Thi
only clue Mr. Rogan has of the thieves U
some f etprlnts left In the freshly laid
cement floor of the chicken house. In tin
cement csn be traced very distinctly th
tootpiints or a man, and alio much
smalltr ones, apparently those of a boy
The pigeons taken are very valuable, a
Mr. Rogan paid as much as 110 for one
pair. ,
Baalaeaa t'haaa at Cratral fllr.
Uti.MKAL CITY, Neb., Nov n.-(Hi-,.
cial.)-Grover C. Uhlpley has this week
1 J V. I . . .....
urn iu mmi mantel ana bun nu. i
rrea u. oilbert, who has taken charge.
Mm Uk Ii.I.i. I. .. J ..I I M .
uh iicviucn io move to a
raficU which he tw near Burwell, and
Y. M. V. A. Electa Officers.
DAVID'CITx. Neb., Nov. 2S.-tSpeclal.)
-The Young Men's Christian association
ere has elected the following board of
llrectors fur the ensuing year: F. Ii.
leers. Dr. K. D. Ilaughart. Frof. E. M.
lasman, Charles Ammon, R. C. Roner.
A. Stock. George Krahl. This board
lected R. C. Roper president, Chorle.'
Ammon vice president, E. D. Ilaughart
rrssurer and George Krahl secretary. It
Iso elected Rev. Homer Young, pastor
f the local Christian church, as an as-
Istant secretary, who will hsve direct
harge and supervision of the work. Tho
ork on the new building is about oom-
leted and the edifice will be opened and
cdlcated to Its purpose some time during
anuary. "
A Fortunate Texan.
K. W. Goodloe Dallas. Tex., found a
ure cure for malaria and biliousness in
Dr. King's New Life Tills. 25c. For sale
by Beaton Drug Co.
KEARNEY. Neb., Nov. M.-(Sp.clal Tel-
rgram.) Large ctowds of Kearney cltl
sens anxious to see and hear Governor
A.drlch greeted him on every occasion on
his recent visit. Sunday night ho spoke
at the First Methodist church on "Chris
tian Cltlxenshlp," and although the
weather was bad 1,500 people crowded the
church to hear the governor. Monday
morning Governor Aldrlch arid Mis. Al
orlch, In company with Treasurer and
Mrs. George, Superintendent Delsell,
I'nlted States Senator Norila llrown and
State Representative 8. C, rtassett, to-
gether with a number ot prominent Kesr.
ney cltUens, visited the Normal school,
Inspecting the building and the woi kmgs
of the school and addressed the students
at assembly.
More than f.00 students packed the audi
torium to hear the governor speak on
"What Is Education."
The governor referred to his experience
os a school principal In tha state of Ne
braska when he first entered the state.
The students gave him an r'tithuslsstlo
reception and the Kearney yell greeted
nim When he entered the hall.
State Tieasurer Walter George. I'nlted
States Senator Norrls Hrown. Superin
tendent Delsell and 8. C. Ilassett also
spoko briefly, ns did N. P.' McDonald,
member ot tho Hoard of Education and
C. II. Gregg.
The party consisting of Governor and
Mrs. Aldrlch. Treasuser and Mrs. eOorge,
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Rower, Mr. and Mrs.
Tollefsen, Superintendent Ielsell, N. P.
McDonald, M. A. Brown of the Hub. and
Mrs. Ireland, Mr. Gregg, Bonator Brown
and Dr. and Mrs. A. O. Thomas took
dinner at the dormitory. .
In the afternoon tho party visited the
state industrial school. In the evening
at 8 o'clock the building was lighted
throughout and an Immense throng of
iople came out to greet the governor
at the reception. The wind waa blowing
terrific gale, the dust and snow were
whirling through the streets and the
thermometer was rapidly falling, but not
withstanding this, more than J, 0)0 people
passed down the receiving line to greet
the governor and his wife. The receiv
ing line was composed of Dr. and Mrs.
Thomas, Governor and Mrs. Aldrlch.
The best
Shoes on
the market
but not
the highest
5 ore
All of
Crawford shoes demonstrate to a certainty that the roan who
pays $5.00 and $6.00 for foot wear is paying too much.
These shoes are equal tn every way to shoes Belling at a
dollar and a half more. The leathers are Just as fine, the
tjilng g juRt as up to date and the making Just as careful
They re the most comfortable shoes you can wear. Why not
wear your first pair on Thanksgiving day, and let your feet
oethankftil, too?
$3.50 and $4.50
We've a Great Line of $2.50 Shoes
Senator and Mrs. Brown, members' of
the state board of education, B. C. Bas
sett and others. 1 1 he governor expressed
himself greatly delighted with the re
ception accorded him by the Kearney
people. He also expressed great sur
prise at the number of students, also at
the splendid condition and equipment of
the school.
William Flege Gets
New Trial by Ruling
of Supreme Court
LINCOLN. Nov. .-Sperlal.)-A ruling
In the case of William Flege. the Dixon
county man who was convicted of the
murder of hi sister, was given by tha
state supreme court today, that body re
versing the sctlon and remanding It to
the district court for a new trial. Fle
has been out on 125.000 ball sines last
May. The case Is one which attracted
widespread attention In northeastern Ne.
bmska, and the murder of the Flege girl
was one of the most atrocious crimes ever
committed In that pert of the state,
A new automobile which Flege bought
and over which he had some disputes
with his brother and sister ts alleged to
have been at the bottom of the trouble
which ended in the killing of the girl.
Flege wits sentenced to life Imprisonment
for the deed, but upon the filing of a
motion for the new trial he was given
his liberty tor the big ball.
The key to success in business ts the
Judicious snd persistent use of newspaper
For genial Ch
ristmas warm
- i , .. - .
TheHdearest sight, the tenderest
recollection of the year is that
of the - children playing, under
their tree of joy, in the soft little
nighties emblematic of happy
innocence and freedom. Their
joy, and yours, runs no grave
risk any morning if the floors and
corners of the room, as well as
the hallways, are freed from
drafts and chill spots by the
health-protecting, steadily soft
warmth of
A feature, which has made IDEAL
Boilers so popular is their large fuel
holding fire-pots, and which, are -cor-
. . : rugated so that just the right volume
of air is admitted to be burned with the fuel to produce the highest possible
percentage of heat from every ounce of fuel consumed. This scientifically
proportioned, correct ratio of air to fuel largely accounts for their remark
able heating qualities just as air-mixing mantles yield highest illumi
nating power. It is this fuel-saving feature which causes an IDEAL
Boiler to so soon repay its cost.
Besides, a large body of fire gives steady results and sure control. . Once kindled the fire will not
go out aU winter, if fuel is added once or twice a day and ashes removed every other day. These
im inany uuicr exclusive xeatures make IDEAL Boilers and AMERI
CAN Radiators the most efficient and economical in the world, yet at
prices now within reach of the humblest cottager and the family that
has most need to economize. '
lH'jVt'IlTT. INTTlr-
A No. SniS IDKAL, Boiler and 17S ft.ofSt-in.
AMERICAN K.dl.tor., cting the owner
1 IB, u..d te bnt this cottsc. At
thi. prlc th. goods cn ba bought of any
rput.tla, comtxt.nt Mtt.r. Thi. did not
Includ. com. of Ubor, pip., valves, fr.i,ht,
etc.. which are .stra and r.
cUmatlc and other conditions.
If you would enjoy every winter morning the joyousness and the angelic dis
position of the little ones at their rising time, the only way is to warm the floors
and corners of the rooms to summer softness by IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN
Radiators. Six cold months ahead! Write, phone or call today. Ask for the
big book of heating facts "Ideal Heating."
Sold by all dealors.
No mcluslva aetata.
American Radiator roMPA ny
Writs Department U-tO
413-417 South Tenth A ,