Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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Liverpool Cablet on Grain Are Some
what Higher.
r re table Shortage In the Cora
lly rrtTrita Aay Great Break
la the rora Pit- t'loe
in rricfi.
OMAHA. Nov. , 111.
Liverpool cable came higher this morn
ing for mime rtaKon, insf-ad of fiuowinn
tlie decline ytaieiday. It would savin
tl at some recovery irom the brea toduy
I due.
Ilia market ia very tame, however. The
larae stoofcs of whsat In the visible sup
ply semi to be dis nmrsgiiig Inula and
until stock bejiln to decrease prices are
likriy lo remain In a rut.
Clear, cold weather and lanrer receipt
ran sum loer ckIi price overcame the
bull snppoit In corn, the market followed
the break In
There i a r-iy very probable shortage
In tho nieicantlle corn supply and wis
trader are not following the bear very
Wheat was weak and selling by longs,
who liquidated owing to the discouraging
fleurea (riven out on the total world
visible. I sli wheat mi lo to 14c lower.
Receipts of coin are Increasing and with
fnvoiable weather rash corn and future
weakened. Tim local traders are favoring
the selling side. Cash corn wa 'a lower.
Primary wheat receipt were
buliel and shipments were 716.010 bush
el, against receipt laat year of 0":i,ix)
bushel and ah.pnienta or W.OOO bushels.
Primary corn receipt were 2H.(iO bush
el and Htupinent were bushel,
agslnat receipt Inst year of 64,fiU bush
el and shipments of Jtai.OOO buHhcls.
Clearance were l.iMO bushels of corn;
4.4WI IiusIirIm of nat. and wheat and flour
equal to rot.jc bushels,
Liverpool closed to tjd higher on
wheat and to d higher on corn. -
The following cash sales were reported:
WHEAT No. hard: 1 car. 9i1.c; 2 cars,
WM.c. No. S hard: I car, Ky. No. 4
hard: 1 car, 4'c; 1 car (poor), Hi'ic. No.
1 mixed: 1 car, H7c. No 8 mixed: 1 car,
e. No. 4 mixed: 1 car' ismutty), 3o.
CORN No. 3 white: 1 car, 6Uc; t cars,
OOHo. No. 4 white: 1 car, G9c; 1 car, RUjc;
1 car, 6Se. No. 3 yellow: lit cars 1c;
1 car. fc'c. No. 4 yellow: I oars, btoc:
2 cars, inc; i cars, 67HO. No. If mixed:
1 car, 65c; 1 car, 69c. No. 4 mixed: 4 cars,
OATS-No. I white: 10 can, 46c.
O malt a Cash Prtoe.
WHEAT-No. 1 hard. IWcWJl AO; No. 2
hard, h.Vt'tfflUc; No. 4 hard. Metric.
CORN-No. 2 white, HHitpivi No. 1
white. 60tiiO'.-Ir; No. 4 white, 07Mlfic; No.
8 color, K)Vii'W,c; No. t yellow, VJrp
0c; No. 1 yellow, HHtfWe: No 4 ye(,
low. 6y.c; No. 2, WVJfiWi; No. S,
fV-iteo; No. 4, 67WQjc; nu grade, b6V
OATS No. f white, 47jr47: standard,
4fi47c; No. t white, 4M4g46e; No. 4
white, !t'? 4;H-o.
BARLKY .Malting, 1.14(Q1.24; Kb. 1
feed. $1.0..irl.l7.
RYE-No. 2. B.fMc; No. 3, KSOlo.
larlui Receipt.
Wheat. Corn, Oali
Chicago ii 671 117
illmieitpolU 177
Uniulia .. a 46 lj
Dululh 7 lu ... ...
Featarea of the Tratllasjt aad Closlasj
Friers oa Hoard of Trade. "
C1UCAUO, Nov. For the first time
In several weeks Jay wneat touay auid
at less iiiAii a dollar a bushel. Deter
mined raoliiiK by the tnars UisIoiIkhU nn
portuni siup Iocs orUets and lull the
market at me close weak. Latest trades
were iVo to lvo under lust munt. Corn
Iiiiiahca t slxiretith lu Vliu-ftO down, oats
ofi -,'i'o ana ho vroiiucis vij
to V.ff tereael In cost.
At iu-hi toe atioiiipt tu hammer down
the. U'lce bl wheal met with a ctvcideu
rliecH. Several ia.o houHes had instruc
tions to utiy liorial amounts wliuti the
(iiarKvt v.tin "into the nineties," but
nortnweMt rttceipia wore 1m go, and me
bear li-uiierj peislstent. Thtn, loo, tlie
Wuild avuuaoie supply showed u maie
lial xa n, u.uK.114 tne totul In exces nt
a year koi i.hIuT InrliM tu'es thut tended
to hrnaa inn rpint ot tne bulls were the
favutaole cifp summary from h.urop auu
tlie Kood outlook lor American wittier
wheal, 'i'l.n ImuKlaluig sates were In
cesnant liuiit to the last minute. May
ran 110111 i.o to 4l.0U', with the clone
liiv, a lull of I'fcO ntt;
hvinpHtny with wneat had an adverse
result on corn prices In the end. May
fluctuated' Horn ttov.o to tri'c, closmir
steady but a shade down at tti'vuvi-:.
Vaii (tiuilis were weak. No. I yenow,
was quoted at 7-0 for old.
tielluiK uue lo the lacs, of backbone In
r.tlicr K' "in, made oats seek a lower
level. Top and bottom f inures touched
by May were iHc and c with last
transactions iljitlysc, a loss of 'o ftuni
liLMt Uillt.
The cuntlnucnl heavy rush of hok'S to
Jnajket seemed too much for pine In
the provision pit. 'foment pork showed
) : to h'4,;: decline, and the rest ot the
llHt HvjC to i;fi.C.
!esulr.ff fuiuies ranxed as follows:
Artie l ttpcn. illxh. Low. Cluwe.Yew'y.
Wheatj ill!
Iec..W4 4 ti3't K BIS
May.;Kn.-,-v I tiu'i W'insH''i'S - 1 "V
Corn. I I I
L.:c..!6.'-r;, K WSl -.'H JVfT
Way.ltMWwV,! bl M:tb3TK(yt4 61''04V'"! ' 4s1: M; 64
Oats. lj
rec.. 4.T,4i;ifM7 4t.H 4tV'uS 4'4
May. 4liti , , 41) 4'.'i4Mt's
July. wni 4u; ib'X ut
Toi k. 1 .
Jan.. 14 10 IS 19 13 87 Vj fa 14 10
May. 14 Ms 14 14 40 111 40 1 18 6-A
11. '
Jan.. t 17H I 20 I $47
May. I t;; 4,Vn $4. 4i 47V
Jtlos.- I 1 I
Jtt 1 8 4) 8 41 I I IS I 8 40
May.j sw I 8 nVV, 8 fc-M, 8 W, g 70
('mil quotc.iioun vvere a fouows;
KLiUl'it Dud; wuiler patents, $4.00'd
f. 1A1; winttr ktrnlKQis, H.o-m.iu; surlnu
iMtteiiu, .ii.A-j. spring slialghts, $4.ik
Hit til UHHerx, luyt.oj.
RVli-.No. 2. Xlc
bARUl I rd or mix In. Ticfcll.OO:
fair to i-luijn maUliiK. 41.lJiil.22.
riKKDH-lluiutu), lu.ij. Clover,
biiuv inlONH Pork, mess, per bbl
$ij.i;., 14 oj, l.ttril, fir 100 lbs., Btiuii
jii'H. siues noosei, v. U'i.
' lolaJ cleurii.i'ci oi wheat and flour
K niu.l w il WJ bu. I'l itiui y receipt
wei bOft,UAI bar, ruiiii.aiiil wall wA.WO bu.
the curi eepoiitijiit,- day a year ayu. The
wona s viaio.e .i, li.. as huu iy liiud
si i eel's, liurtukou li.bit.UUO bu.
Kslliuateu rtcclpis for tomorrow
W heal, .Si caie: tin u, Sl cars; outs, 71
cam, nob, Ai.t hal.
ChicSKo i n i i.s heat : No. 2,
rt'i, r4i.i . o. s I'cu, vvyjhti; No. ;
haid, y.ajl.: No. t bard, Sou.8c; No
1 norioent, i.v.yi w, wo. 3 nortiitun, l 04
HjlAM, so nulineril, l,IAryl.uJ; ,0, ;
SMiing, $1.04.1. w,; No. 1 spruit;, 'ul !X
jo. epi.iik, Mivjt; tnut cliuil, .f
pi.-v, wm. ..., iu. X old,
Wil'iiti io. t yenow oiu. ,tc; No. 3,
v., .-v. ti "- co. yvi-
iv , o-ni'M.:, s )lilw OIU, iOc; No.
4 old, ,; No. 4, b;-jv; No. 4 while.
lor old, Cue. Uais: ao. z, ifc; No J
while. 4.s'ji!c; No. 3 whiie, 47ic';
No. 4 wh.le, -H.4I47V:; Slanuaid. 4i5 c.
llje: No. i. sic. Clover; $. joia.u k!
Timothy. 1U On, L'4.
I;l 1 1 Fit-; creameries, 2tw34c:
osliiis. S4i. 0c.
FtilifS .-teady; lecelpts. 2.45 case.; at
mark, cam : c uded ii-o--'i tus.s, itj
oidlnary. 2J.c.
CHl'; bua.jy; dulvies, 144 il,
twlni, 14 .414.1., ouni Aaurlcas, 14'41
i;: long hoi 1.. i.-,.,i.,c
Idtatoi-.s- 1-M. i , cno oe to fancy, u
feVc; f r to fco.d. 6j.v:e.
PDL'LTRY l-.ay; luikey, 15t(13c;
ChK keiis, fr. 9o; riimcs, fruloc.
FAL-Fitady; Jt lo u lbs., i-iilO e.
t.'arlol line. us heal, it cars, with t
et contract giade; corn, 671 curs, with 7
of conliact fcisiie; oats, L7 cars. Total
lecelpts of wheal at Chicago, ilnneapoiu
and Duluth today were su& cars, com
lrtJ with t:i cars last week and 4U8 cars
in corresponding clay a yr ago.
I'klUarlpiBla Prodaee Market.
it.iriin te niKtitr; settoni creamery, spe
cie., ic; tana, 3oc; Heart;- prints., ex-
i.i. , 3 irm; l'enns Ivanl and other
iioioy iiru, rie caisca, liv.M) per cas
4.uj:ei,l itvcipu, five (SMI, (iV.iu y.r
iane; western firsts, free caire. ll'i.Wj pp,
r; current receipt. 1 w.
ClIEl'HI Firm; New York foil creams,
fancy, ViKc; fair to Rood, li'il.'.Vkc
1KB' VnniC (.KKIIAL l A It KIT
ftaotatlona of the liar oa Varloa
spring patents, i 2!U "!; winter su sights,
.4 emi4.3u; winter patents. $i.ei 4.0; sp InK
clears, f4-ii4 Ml; w inter exo-as. N . 1.
iul.ftu; winter extras, No. 2, $3.46'oJ.:S;
Kansas) straights. $4.kj4.0. Rye flour,
u, ., in, i iu good. f4 ,;.a4 ii; choice to
fancy, .V,, I 20. lluck w heat flour, quiet,
4- per loo lbs.
I'OllNMhAI-Ptendy; fine white and
yellow, ll M'.iltt; coarse, $l.Gt I.J; kiln
dr.ed. $.l'ol7S.
RVK yuiet; No. 2 Mc, nominal, c. L (.,
liiillalo to arrive.
n--A'i noi market weak; No. 2 red,
A'tfi In elevator, export hauls to arrtvs,
rftid ITi'c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern
Uuluth, !U14 f. o. b. afloat. Future
nvukel was weak and lower under active
ieiling oa the Argentine news, continued
ilbersl reoelixs niK Increumns; slock and
in sympsthy with the outcide markets,
cloning Ihc net lower. H-eitier, Ifii-kit
we; cloeed , Vl',0. May, l.2 7-lrl.t4;
cioet-d II.02W. Kei eliits. 177.WW bushels:
shimeritn, 3L'Mtf! bushels.
COH.N Hpot market eusv: new exnort.
Vic f. o. b. afloat to arrive. Futures
market was nominal. .Receipts, 24,760
biixhels; shipments, I.1C0 bushels.
OAT&rpot m.trket easy; standard
white. ft3ic in elevator: No. 1 54c: No. 1
and 4. ki'ic, and natural .white and white
clipped, Gi.Tflc on track. ' Futures market
was nominal. ' Receipts. M.iTj bushels:
shlimient. 4.310 bushels.
H'.I-.L Steady : wretern bran. 1001b.
sacks, a.l(; stsndnrd middling, piO-lb.
sacks, I.Mi; city, liX-lh. sucks, IZ7.2&.
HAy julet: prime, fl SO; No. I $1.25;
No. 2, II.ISjI.M, No. J, V;Vitl.O0.
HOI'S Firm: state common to choice,
I.'tll, ('.i 57c; 1910 nominal.
HIlJKH-Ht.ady; Cential Amerlcts 21Ho.
UoKota. 2-.',iiji;iV,c. .
1.KAT1I Kit Firm: ' hemlock firsts. KM
27c; second. Zi'uJMcl thirds. 19it21e! re.
Jert. I to. .
FRO VIRIONS Pork .toadv ' ms
$17,76418; family. .otf,i zi.00; short
rlesis, in.xriflls.So. Heef. steady; mess,
12 WC.il3.00; family, IM.OOM.W); bcrf hama,
uxii4i.w. inn meats, oulet: pickled
bellies, 10 to 14 pounds. I10.00-i10.2S; pickled
hum, ILl.tfitall. ;). i.srd, easy; middle
went prime, 19.iOf9.aii. refined. eaiv:
continent, $o.fln; Houth America, 110.60;
compound, I7.1f(-7.7Vs.
'1 ALIAJW-Kteady: prime cltv. fin
country, fVUftc.
hujteh- Firm: creamerv eneclals.
S7c; extras, SKc; firsts. UtoMtAc : cream-
en, held specials. 8Mtl3c: extras. 32ii
3Z4o; firsts, 244''4c; procens specials,
2'!c; extras. 24tj'd26c; firsts, ?3V4j24o; fao-
oi.r. iTiirrent max, rirsts, ZZWiviM.
t'HKKSK Firm; skims, 24Uc
KtlLid Uteudv; fresh xathered, extras,
41fi4ilcj extra firsts, 37fi;l!c; firsts. 3,tai:.
held fresh, poor to fair. 2ivnc: fresli
leathered dirties. No. 1. rwiic; refrlijer.
ator, special murks, fancy to local stor
aie charues' Paid. Zl'c: firsts, local ator.
ae charges paid, 22(a)c; leathered whites.
l-OULTRT Alive steady: western
chickens, (10c; fowls, WulOVic; turkeya,
Utfiiso. Dressed easy; western chickens,
K'wISc; fowls, Mjioc; turkeys, dry packed,
lfVilffic; Iced, KwAo.
HI. I.oals tieaeral Market.
BT, LOI.'IS. Nov. - 28. WHKAT CasK.
steady; track. No . I red, 7H; No. 2
hard, Woroll.08',4; December, Wio; May,
CORN Firm: track. No. t, 74fIT75o: No.
t white. 74c,' December.. Ho.
iuo isteaay; track. No. 2. 48c; No. :
white, 4liuii0c; Decomber, 47c; May.
JiVK lBc, nominal.
FIX)1'Hp Dull: red winter mimii
H1VH.7(; extra fancy and straight, $3.60
tj4.M); hard winter cleats, $3.403.70.
im-.i'.ij 1 imotny. si4.uwcfio.iAi,
CORNMKAl. :t.3(l.
UK AN Finn: sacked east track. 1Mb
iiA utrons: timothy. i:i.oofi'JK.oo:
pi sine, $13.ko 17.00.
I'nuviBiONi i-ork, unchang-ed; -Job-hlns:,
$10.00. I.ard. lower: Drttna steam.
s.'niK.Kr). Dry salt meats (boxed), un
changed; extra shorts, 'c; clear ribs.
KV; short clear, ac. Bacon, tin-
ciiunKed; boxed extra short, VSc; clear
ribs, H'p; short clcju-s, frljc.
I'tHIUTRY HlKher; chickens. 8cj spring,
to: turkeys, lfHc; ducks, lie; xeese. to.
in 1 1 r.u cjuiet ; creamery. ioiiiSc.
KUU8 Weak, at 21)c.
Receipts. Ktiipmctiu.
Flour, lihls., )
" heat, bu.,,o.K
.. 8o,0i k
Corn, bu
Okis, bu....,
Kansna'Clty Hrnln and Provlalous.
UnchatiRed: No. 2 hard. . 9ctfi$t.l: , No. 8.
ricuSUkj; No. 2 red. WigiOTc; Nt. 3 4;goc;
I incumber, vc; May, infoiitivkoi July, tire
t'ORX-uiicnanKe.i; no. 3 mixed. HoHTlc!
No. 3. f.2V4u'72o; No. 3 while. IHWite: No.
3. tlAVtllloc; Dcceiubsr, taVflVsc; May,
OATS tTnchangcd: No. 2 white, 49V4
60c; No. 2 ilxed, 4lif IS'.ic
IIAV Mteady choice' timothy. $19,503
lsO.00; choice prairie, $18.afu 13.60.
liUTTFlt creamery, 34c; itrsta, S2c:
secomls, :toc; packing stock. 21u.
FtiUH Kxtras, 3ic: firsts, SiSo: sen.
onds, 17c.
Itectts. (shipment.
Wheat, bu.. IPi.ouO 30,000
Corn, bu W,X) 31.000
Oats, bu 13,000 i.UOO
Available HMpstllea oi Grata. .
NF.W YuKK, Nov. 28-Hpeclal cable
and telegraphic communications to llrad
street's show the following changes In
available supplies: Wheat, United mates,
east of liovkles. Increased l,41o.000 bu.;
Catutda. Increased Id0,0u0 bu; total, United
states and Canada Increased 2,046.000 bu.;
float lor and In F.urope, Inoreased HOO.O11O
bu.; total American and Kuropran supply,
Increased K.CI&.Oi'O bu. Corn, Untied (States
and ansua, lncreajed S1S.0O bu. Oats,
( tilted status and l auada. decreased 643.-
Oto bu. The leading Increases and de
creases reported litis week follow. ' In
creases: Manitoba, -J.W6.tv10 bu.; Min
neapolis, private elevators. 60,000 bu. De
crease: Furt Worth, 71.W0 bu. Tho New
Yolk l'rodure exchange has corrected Its
visible supply of wheat figures to read
6s,NSi.'.i)0 bu., an Increase of IftxH.OOO, Instead
of li'. 3.17.0,1 bu., an Increase of 1. 410.000 an
announced yesterday.
Mlnaeapolls Urala Market.
$l.u0; May, I104'.k; July, 11.04
til. 01,1 Cucli. .No. 1 hard, il.iil; No. 1
not ihern, $l.oiiil oH; No. i northern, t'Xit; No. 3. WyJtViO,' '
COK.N No. 2 yellow. 6S'(f0c.
OATS No. 3 white, 40itoV.
It E No. !. bi.WVTc.
iiltAN-In loo-pound sacks. t.PO-ya.Oa
FDo('K I't Ices were lower today on
account of the break In wheat. Demand
showed a slight lmprovemtut at the de
cline und was generally quoted fair,
fai, liming directions continued slow. Sliin-
ments, ti7,tkii bbl. First patents. $j00-i8
6 jo; second patents, it wyH w; first
clesvis, I.UaXSj. second clears, $2.40U3.bO.
I Ivrrpool Urala Market.
Kt.aily; No. ; Manitoba. 7s Hld No. $
Munitola 7 7Sd: futures, firm; Decem
ber. 7s i'l. March, 7s M.iy. 7s Id.
t oicv-iput, iiuei; Aii.ernan m no, g
id: f tu es iitr, Januaty la . d. Feb. u-
aiy, 6s vd.
I'rvrla Market.
PEORIA. Nov. 28. COUN-.iteady; No.
3 white, uc; No. 4 white, sc: No. 3 yel
low, Uc; No. 4 allow, M'.j; Nu. 3 m x.d
kHr'l No 4 mixed. 0c; anip,o. ti .ia,'.
oATb Isomer; standaiu, 4c; ,o $
WtiliS. 4iikC.
Ullwaakre Urala Market.
AllUWAUKEK. Nov. 2i. WHEAT-No.
t noithein, $10;ul.ln; Nj. $ northern.
ll.Ot.jlw.. No. 3 bard winter, Jl.V-ii l.W,-:
luti'ii.r, t4 c; May, c4 ,c.
OA'i A S.ainlerd, 4i4h .c.
KAULi.l Muutlng, H.Uul.a.
OIU aad lloala.
TINE Firm; 4Sii4u,lc. Eaiea, 1.0a bbls. ;
receipt (two days), l.lHg bbls.; shipments.
1.70 bbls.; stocks, 37,816 bbl.
KOBIN-Firm. al. 4.31 bbls.; re
ceipts, 41 411 bbls.; shipment, tins bbls;
lurks, llo 78 bbls. wuola: B. 8oi4; I i
MV7V,: E. 3U0; F. O. II and I. $ 17U; K,
ti.l6; M, $4.t0; WO, $760; WW. $;.76.
uaar Market.
:uisi: muscovado, as test 4 bo; cvntri'u
sl, 84) test. 60oc; luolaseea, es Ust, 131a.
lufined muIoU
Prices Bound Upward After Period
of Weakness.
Attack oa I'alte4 States Steel
Vlgtoroasl. Proseeated as Hesalt
of Ieelloa to Coatloae
NEW YORK, Nov. 2x.-Irreg-ulr and
contradictory movement cave the sto. k
market a confused appearance today.
Quotation gave way tinder the force 01
professional selling, after a fairly strong
oenUis;. During the remainder of the
day until Just before the close the
was weak, although the movement was
comparatively narrow and only a lew
siocks tost more man a point.
In the last fifteen minutes of trading
there was a complete change. An active
buying movement dlsoelled the weakness
of the market ahd prices bounded upward
unin at tne close a large proportion ot
the list registered small gains.
j ne ostensible reason for the late up
ward movement was a widely circulated
rumor In regard to the character of the
presidential messaea. to be reed next
week. Traders recalled that almost every
year conjectural reports af this nature
are circulated within the week preceding
the assembling of congress.
iraders were bearish. For a time the
pressure on the favorite stocks was se
vere enough to give the appearance of a
bear raid. The attack on United Btates
Kteei was especially vigorously prose
cuted, perhaps because of reports from
Washington that the Stanley Investiga
tion was not to be terminated on account
of the government's suit. An advance In
the price of steel bars by one large man
ufacturer In tho Pittsburgh district waa
said to be the first step In a general ad
vance. In the copper trade It was re
ported that the heavy buying movement
nan subsided, consumers having covered
their Immediate requirements.
Money rates made a further advance to
day. Kome call loans were made at 3
per cent, the highest figure since - the
first of the year, and time rates were
There was a break of twenty points In
foreign exchange rates, probably as a
result of this Chans. Further small
shipments of gold from New York were
made, the consignments being divided
between Canada, Venexusla and Han
Francisco. The total loss of goo. on the
market Is now $16,80,000.
Honds declined after gome Irregularity.
Total sales-, par value. 84.6S0.000. United
Htatea bonds were unchanged on call.
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks were as follows:
gales. Klsh. Lew. Cles"
Aiiis-i'naimsr put
Amalgamated Cupper ,.
America Aartrtiltural ,
Am. Dst Sugar
American Can
Amarlran C. A K
Am. dittos Oil
Amarlran It. sc U pli.
Am. lc Securities, y. ..
American Llnv4
American Uocomutlv ..
American B 4 It ,
Am. g R. pfd ,
Am. Sta4 Foundries. . . .
Am. sugar lUfinltig....
American T. 4b T ,
. ..
4 ak
4 4
44 "j
1.000 - 74A 7244
tot ltUH lol 14
Mot 11 ll" liUMj
i,ug iwt( j:ih
American Tobacco std. .. 1,100 lot;, n lima
American Woolsn ' I?
Anaconda Mining Co.... I. M0 114 8i4 M't
Alcklaoa pfd
Atlantlo Coast
Ualtlmor.s Ohio
Ilsthlertam Stasl
Urooklra Rapid Tr
Canadian facirio
Central Weather
Csntral Leat Iter pfd
Central of Nsw Jsrsty..
chsnapaaka a Ohio
t'htnsio aV Alton
rhlnaro O. W naw
Cblcago O W. pfd
Chlcaso N. W
( hlco. St. 4V 81. P....
C. C. C. 4V 8t. U.
Colorsdo F. A I
Colorado V flouthsra
Consolidate (las
Cora Product
Delawars 4k Hndana
ftenver 4fc Ko Orands....
ponver & It. O. ptd
Iiutuiers1 Hseurltlss ....
Rrl tat ptd
Rrl M pfd
Oenaral Elect rlo
Oieat Northaia pfd
4.4O0 17'4 P4H lwi
100 linta 1034 im
l.ixs) i.ri4 lt4 im
lvs 1H2M 10
t tt 774, 7714
S.4O0 iilA 1411, 14
4 1H4 lit 11
111 44 14 1
. goo v 744 n
SO0 146 14bH 144
8,o ins m 1114
lt 43 41 41
1,404 87 17 r4
2,70 140 13l', U0i
toe 11 US II
800 tl 81
too it
t.Joo llj
1,800 bt
1H i4
01) 1SU 1MU
4.000 i27 irr 12714
Oraat Northorn Or alls. 904 4r44 4144 ft
Illinois Ontral
lutsrborough Hat 4.10(1 1SV, 14 . in
Int. Mot. pfd., l.TiM) 47U 4AU 47
Intarnatlonal Itarysstar.. 4,tH4 107 1(11 1054
Inter-.Marln pfd SoO u, 14 14
iiiarnaiii.iiai r.inr .....
Intsrustlooal Pump .....
lues Central
Kanaas 'lty So.....
K. V. to. pti
I. Ida Oaa
lxiiiUvllla 4 NaxhTlll..
V,na. A Bt. Louia
m , m. p. k s. m. .
Mlaaourl. K. A T
M . K. A T. pfd
Mlwnurl Paclflo
National Biscuit
National bead
lOfl ai, 111 n
100 11 83 US
,' rn
too imi ion
4.4M. 1MI lMVt 167
' M
110 1.1V4 IHM4 11414
400 lm us
1O0 41 WU
N. H. K. of M M pfd.. t"0 144 14
Naw York Cautrai 3.4O0 107 107
N. Y.. O. W too 40 40H
riorrnia at wsaisrs.
North American ...
1.34-0 ito 11044 no
Northern raalli 1,100 lis m jijiv
Paclflo Mall 700 11 ta 1214
1001)1' Uas
p.. c, r. st. L. ...
I'lltstMinh oal
Ima4 Htrol Oar
Pullman Palace Oar....
Rallsay Risal Bprisg..
ltapuhllo Stsal
Republic Steal pfd
Hock Island Co ,.
Rock Island Co. pfd. ..
St. U 4V S Id ptd.
SI. Loula S W
St. U W. pfd
Sloaa-Sheffteld R A I..
Hnulhsrn Psctfla
400 lfj Hi 1H4
Ml 1&
l'W 1M
ton 65
ion nt
400 14
404 !
M sr.
is 1
11 14
1M IMt
11I.404 1M 14 IS
4 100 114 111 lttf
Bout hem Railway 10 fx) (oh
so. Kanwar pro 71s Tt4
Tcnoae ro.r 600 ln xtt
Texas m racinn.,
T. St U A W..
1 14
4.'4 4ii
T.. t U W. pfd....
rnlnn Paclflo ...
t'nton Paclflo nfd
..lOt.loo 177 ITS ITT
I nltrd Ktalas Realty..,,,
' 47
4'S - 44 44
K " l't
loaa. Mil pin
Ml 4 I)
l 44 M
1"S 4 10
f'4 SO tl
' W t
4n K t
71 Tu
'T 17t 17!
I'nlir HKta ttilhhsr ... IO
flllt.d States Rtasl. ...... 141. On
l S -! pfd 1.14
t'tsh Oipwf 1J.70S
Va. -Car, Oiamleal ro
V ahaah 4
Wat.h lM 1. Too
W'nalarD Marrln,
WVattMirhnaa ntaotHs .. S00
Wrftira I'ntAQ lot)
c,c.ll-, A L t s
IMrh Valley U wo,
Total sals for lb Cay, asl.tOO ahars.
New York Aloaey Market.
ran, urm, 11 tue-v per cent; ruling rale
3 per cent; closing bid. 8S Per cent; of
fered at 8V per cent. Time loans, strong
sixty and ninety days, SWJiS por cent
ilx months, 8'V('34 per cent. '
per cent.
actual buelness In bankers' bills at U.iiw)
for sixty-day bills and at $4 8o40 for de
mand: commercial bills, $4.83,
KIDVEK Uar, 63c; Mexican dollars
HONDS Government, stsady; railroad
Closing quotations on bonds today wcr
us ToMov s:
V. A raf. 8. rag. .100 Int. M. M. 4.. 4i
do oospon iw-i Jsps 4s ..- u
V. 8. 4a. rt't lOI-H da 4 M
do cuunon 10iK. C. so. lat la... 71
V. 4a. rag IHU 8 nab. 4a 1J1..
do coupon U3',L. a N. unt. 4a.... pa,.
Allla-Chal. 1st a... as I4 K a T Ul tat,
Auar. A( 8 101 da . 4s It
a. T T a. 4s.. 1 10 Paslfls 4a Tu
Am. Totiaeo 4s MN. R H. 1 Id 4a llu
, So 4 U" .N. T C. 1. I... 4s,
' Armour A Cs. 4s.. M if et. 4 u
1 aicniaon . ... n. n. n
da es 4s. luT y. U
. 4
da c. 4a lieHN. 4V W. 1st a. 4a.
A C U lat 4a, dg ov. 4a
Mai. Oblo 4 No. Paclllo 4a
So st - do 8
eo 8. W. !..... O. S. U rfd. 4a..
Brook. Tr. cs. 4s... 44Pann. ay. ! bu.
S n. of Oa la lot da to, as
Cea. Leather a ... Readlox can. la
'. ar N J Is., Ul . KAS p. f t
Cka. a Ohla 4a..loi aQ (a, la m a
da raf. 4a 44 t L. a. W.
4. t
Chicago A. ls. di 1st (u4d 4a
C a. A U I. 4... A u 4a
so gas. 4s M8a. Pas out. 4a..
C. M. a a P. a. 4s : vs. s
C. R. I. P. 4a. M 4a lat rat. ta .
do rf( 4a aBa Hallway la...
ola. Ind. ia 74 da s.a. aa
. u
. J
. 44
'ula. Mid. 4 40 Vmaa Pat ilia 41.
ft 4 I 1. 4 4 44 ST y. 4.,
O. A H. ce
r da lat a rat. 4
toV. g. RuUmt a.
rl. a ku.1 Id ka.
1 V fax. 4
D a h o.
do raf. 44
HUslllara' 4
Kris p. 1. 4a
do sea. 4.
IT waaaaa lat la ltd
7 o lat a as. 4s... 41
d ay 4a. Bar. A. M
Md. aa aa
da sartaa
T7W. .la. cy. 4a... SI v
IM a ss latnU aa- asl4
III. On. a rf. 4a. ' Pae . U.... M
lot Mr: 4a 7 Panama 8s Ion
Bid Oflared.
I.oadoa Stork Market.
LONDON. Nov. 28. American securities
opened cteudy today. 1 he market was
supported during the first hour and
Ii, lea suvimmi Horn ) to a point ahova
parity. Union Pacific, Houthern Pacific
and Canadian Pacific were the leaders.
London closing sock quotations:
Consols, money .. l-ltlxislrrlll 4V Naak..llt
do account
,71 1'itsi., nan. a Tax.. 11
... New fork (antral, .lis
... Norfolk Wcauwallt
...17 d pfd !
Amal. Copper
Aoaconda ....
do pfd
.1o-OMarlo 4V WswiarB. 4I
Canadian Pacific
t44Penof Ivsnla
Cheaapoaks Ohio. T Itand Mines
Chi. Oroat Warn tl Readies ,
... 4
... 71
.... II
.... 74
( hi., Mil. 4V St. P. lis southern Ry
! Rears
IU do pfd
Denysr A Rio O
do pfd ,
do 1st pfd
do id pfd
, t4 Southern Par I (la
. 41, Inloa Paelfla ..
. H do pfd
. 44 II I Steal
do fd
Orsnd Trunk .,
Illinois Contra!
... U Wabash ...
...14 de pfd ..
11-lttd per
KID Bar,
quit at 26
:MONRT 2'4fi2 Per cent. -
'The rate of discount In the open market
for short Mils Is 3H per cent; for three
months' bills, $ 7-lUfj3Vi percent.
tloston Htoeka and Bonis.
BOSTON. Nov. 2x. Closing quotations
on stock were a follows:
Alloues 34'Motiak 47 '
Amsl. Coppar 3?,ea0 Con 1H
A. V.. U . it , Ntplaalng Mioa .... 7
Arlanna Com 14 North ilutt tl
B At C. r St a. M. North Lsks 4
Butts Coalition .... IT Old Dominion ...... 44
Csl. A Arlanna r,S4 Oaraol 14
Cal, 4k Hsul........M Parrott S. C 14
Oatennlsl , 11 tlulnry 48
Cop. Kanf C. ( . .. t,Hhnnotl 444
Baal Butts C- M-.. l !a Sopartoe - X
Franklin ............ t Soporlot A B. M... 1
nimux Con.. 4Tamarack .4 34
(tranhy Con 11 U. I I. It, 4 8,-8
Oreon Cananea 4 do pfd 47
Inle Knysl Copper ."7 !tlrtah On lf
Kerr Laka tt'tah Copper Co I"1
Lsika Copper 84 W tnasa 6
Ia Salle Copper 4 Wolverine 87
Miami Copper .... fi
New York Mlalns; R locks.
NBW YORK, Nov. 28. Closing quota
tions on mining stocks were:
A I Ira too l.lttla Cfilst
.. I
Hrunawlck Cbn.
Com. Tunnol stock.
do noonds
Tallow Jacket
Con. Cal. 4k V..
le-advlll Co. .
.. 44
IlUTTER No. J, carton, $5c: No.
1, In 60-lb. tuba, 34(4jc; No. 2, 33c; pack
ing, 19c.
CHEESE Tmported Swiss, 8Jc; Ameri
can Hwllt, 22c; block Swiss, 18c. twin,
17 Sic; daisies, 18c; triplets. Ike; young
Americas, Uc; blue label brick, ISo; ilm
berger, 2-lb., 18c; 1-lb., ISrO.
POULTRY Hrollers, loo; springs, Uo;
bens, HHc; cocks, luc; ducks, 18c; geese,
13c; turkeys, 32c; pigeons, per dot., $1.60.
Alive, . broilers, li'o. hens, 8c; old
roosters and stags, 4Vc; old ducka, full
featne.ed, lic; geese, full featheied,
liHc; turkeys, loc; guinea fowls. 160 each;
pigeons, per.dos., uc; homers, par dog..
U-Ui; squabsf No. 1, $1.60; No. X, 600.
F18H PIckeral, Uc; whits, mcS pike,
16c; trout, U'Ul3c; large chappies, 16'l8o
Spanish mackeral, 18o; eel, lkc; haddocks,
Uc; tioonders, Uc. green catfish, Utyloc;
roe shad, $1.00 each; shad roe, per pair,
Uc. saimon, Uc; hanliut, lsc; yellow
perch, 80; bullato, be; bulllieads, 14c
UKKF CUTS llibs, No. 1, ibc; No. i,
12'Ac; No. 3, 80. Loins, No. 1, Uftc; No.
2, Ittoo; No. 8, Uho. Chucks, No. 1, 7Vc;
No. 20c; No. 3, bc. Round, No. 1, llo;
No. 2, c; No 8, kaFlaloa, No. 60;
No. 2, w. No. 3, 4kc
FHU1TS. aiTC Apples, cooking varte
ties, per bbl., $3.76; Jonathan and Grimes
Uoidtii, per bbl., $4.60, 4n Davis, per
bbl., V&; California Helleflower, per box,, Coioiado Jonathan, extra lancy, per
box, $a-60; Washington bpllsenoerg, per
box, 4J-WJ; Waanliigion H. oeauty, per
box, $3.bO; Waahlngion Staman Wlnesapa,
psr box, $3.60. Itauaiias, Inncy select, per
bunch, si-iVuuO; jumbo, per bunch, JiJa
ba.tu. Cranberries, Wisconsin fancy, per
bbl., $3.60. . per box, 43.00; exlia la,g
j umbo, per bbl., $10.60. Dales. Anchor
brand, new, 30 1-ib. pkg. In boxes, per
box, $2.60. Figs, California, per caea of
12 ll-oa, pkg., hoc; per case of 80 is-oa.
pkgs., 8-6u; per case of 60 s-o. pkg., $ii.t4,
1 1 1 1 -, . H ........ .. 1.. ,1,. IK 1 .
lb. Uo: o-crown In 30-ib. boxes, per lb.
loc'i 7-crown in 80-lb. boxes, per lb.. ..oI
Uiape fruit, Florloa, 46-tu sues, par crate,
4.7ou.uo: - SO-44-a4 sixes, . per urai. 80.8.
orape, Callfoinla xokaya, per 4-baaket
crate, 41.36; Malaga grapes In 'bbls., 4u.s0u
8.00. Lemons, Diinouei.a uraud, extra
lancy, vOO sise, por box, $0.76; 3'i0 size, per
box, 40-00; Lonut Limonelra, fancy, 3u0
uo sisea, per box, $o.ou; 40 und o sixes,
buo per box lees. Oranges, Niagara mti
luiius Vslenoiaa, W-la, sixes, per box,; laO-li vo-Zlo-ioo sizes, per box, 4o.6J.
1 ears, callturniu H. Cisuigoau, per L0-1O.
in, A. W OO.
M.BI&X.LANEOU3 Almonda, Tar
ragona, per lb., lftc. In sack iota, lo less.
uiue.ii nuis, per lb., loc; In siack lots, lo
less, lucoauuia, per sack, S6.60, Fnbcl is.
pur lb., lc; In sack lois. lo ions. Fanu.s,
toasted, per lb., bvpc; raw, per lb.,, u.
-.. laige, per id., lie; In sacs, iu,.,
lo less. Wsvinuls, new crop, llu, Cal,
loinia, per lb., lic; In sack iota, lo leas.
Clour, inow Nehawka, per lo- gul. but.,
14.U0; per 30-gai. bbl., bo.60; Nevr York
Moil's, per lu-gal. bbl., $3.oo; per 3o
aai. bbl., iioncy, new, -4 lrancea.
4.i&. avroui, per is-gal. keg, $; per 4-
.,..1 tr.... ti in- lull, 1 ,.i.i . 11
' v. n e - ' - v -
r .
turea opened steady at unchanged prices.
UuH.nesa was very quiet at the start and
the market showed p. act leu Uy no fea
ture during the morning, but With the
closing t-ahiea tiom Hre easier and wltn
cost and ti eight offers Biaxil some
what lower In some cases ouemigs oe
came heavier alter midday, with . prices
breaking rather sharply. Bull suppon
checked the decdne and caused slight ral
lies the lowest, but while the final
tone was steady at least prices showed
net loss of from 5 to 16 points for the day.
Bales, 48.2J) bags; November and Decem
ber, 14.39c; January, 14c; Feb.uary, 13.90c;
March, 13.0ocfApi II, la. sic; May, JJue,
juiy and auku.1, 1J.4oc; Uepieuiber auu
October, 13.44c.l- '
lluvre waa tift franc lower and Ham
buig was'ii" pig. lower; Rio. 75 reis
higher at (vpa'sl; Banios is, 60 rcls hlgliei
ai b$;uo; is, unchanged at 78viO. Re
ceipts at the two ttiasiltan po.ts weie
04,000 barf. BKalnst tt.000 iaat year. J un
ci luliy receipts. 3o.oi0 bags, against If-'.IOO
last year. Raun was le por led In ail d.
tilcts of Sao Paulo, lodaya special San
tos iso,e reported 4s unchanged and bao
1'uulu receipts, 42,Vo bagK, against 6O.00J
the previous day. llepoi ,s were received
liom l.raxll ciuimlng that the ruins were
causing tne trees 10 sued biossonta.
fepol cottee, uiei; luo. No. '4, L; San
to, No. 4. 1',,. Allld, o.ulct; Coidova, 16
t Hva, nomiual.
.Metul UarLrl.
fctanda'd copper, easy; spot amf Novem
ber and Decembei, 13.7i44lj.O, V January,
U.Bt.J.lo; FkU, uuiy, 41j.8j-u13.10. Loll
0011 i,.aiket si.ady; spot, 53 18a 9d; fu
tures, liii 13s yd. Customs house returns
snow.sxporis of 16.0 lous so fur this
mouth. Luke copper. $13.13V1$.36; e4ic
IrolyUc, 13.UVi,y IJ.j; castlim. i:.b3 .ijj
13.k,. Tin. easj ; spot, $k .3jtii 16.J6; No
vember, $4j.0tf-k36; December, 444. Au)
44.0; January. $U.7Mi 44 SiV,; Febiuaiy,
vii.4ii3.7j; Un til, $.2 00( 43. o3. - Londun
market siiady: fpot, UVl lutuieS. tl8U
mi.. sales, 35 tins spot tin at $i2.jji
letad quiet, at 84 4uv4 .60 at New Kork
and $l.Vi4.40 at Fast Kt. Louis; London.
1.6 lis ul. tsielier, nominal, at $o..0aw.90
. t New 'o.k and bb.1O4jo.80 at .--est bt.
Louis; London, Li. An.iuiouy. dull. Cook-
son, $;.b.3a-oo. lion, (.levei.nd u.
rams, 4,s t,Vl In London. Iicaily lion
was utset.l.d, No. l northern foundiy
.15.004,16.21; No. 2, H4 '.wl6 00; No. l so ith
ern ai.d No. 1 son .ouiheru. $.(.0.3u:.0
BT. LOl Id. ,ov, A.-M TALSteyal
firm, at 44. 3, Si- fcpUter. h.gher, ai $..
t:iiuomttU Apwlea ssd Dried Frail.
AI'Fl.hlS Quiet and steady; spot, fancy
10c; choice, bvylluc; prime. buv c
DIUED FKC'll'S Prunes, ea.'y, with
niore pressure to sell; yuotanoua range
from 60 to llo for California up to
40-jue and lo-itilo for Oregon. Apricots
quiet but steady, with suiall . of fei lnss;
choice, lrjijc; extra choice, lbaiie-c-fancy.
17'iilHo. Peaches, quiet and steady;
choice, llttllV-j; extia choice. lHyijc
lancy, l.'V,,Uc. Raisins steady, on th
strength on the coast; loose muscatel.
i'etd'iWc; choice to fancy seeded, i-v;'
seeuless, tu7c; Loudon layer, 81.) 1.40.
Haak riearlaaa,
OMAHA. Nov. IS Dank clearings for
today wcr II k39.7j2.7s und ,'n tn. tr
1 responding day last year $2.0b,l8-bt
Cattle Are Generally Steady to Ten
Cent Higher.
Heavy HO Aroaaal Tea Teats
Lawer Tfcaa Maaday bee
aad Lambs Fairly Aetlva
at itroag; rrl res.
SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. 28, 11L
r Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep.
Official Monday 6.670 5. MS 8.475
Lssllmate Tuesday $.600 10,000 ,8o0
Two days this week.. 078 15.633 18.276
Same daya last week..ll.K7 15.316 34.7.e3
Hame days 2 wks ago.. 12. 876 8,419 33.878
Hame days $ wks ago.. 17. 432 7.006 68,0F,4
Hame days 4 wks ago.. 17.778 8.674 64.3fJ
Kame days laat year... 8.811 8,878 24.835
. lie lollowmg table shows tn receipt
of cattle, hog nod shsep at Muth Omsha
for the year to date a compared with
ist year. mu, isto. Inc. Deo
I,ttla l.Otia.199 1.120.W2 28,383
Hs 2.16.SSM 1.742.7H2 403,142
SIP ?.84,475 2,872.31 $2,810
The following table stiows the avefag
price paid for liog at Houth Omaha far
the laett few days, with comparisons.
lull. jl.m.l,. ileu. leu, ,lao.,lto
Nov. 18.
Nov. 20.
Nov. 21.
Nov. 22.
W 20,
7 M $ 701 4 44
6 0J 4 8
0 W 4
8 lb 4 4
Ul 4 w
( Obt 4 60
I 4 73
$ 02 4 67
6 0i 4 72
7 861 ft ti 4 63
13y, 7 08
8 1.4kl 8 Ki
I 6 i 4 4
7 881 14 33
Nov. 23.1
2.V 83
7 8 6 87 4 (Ml
Nov. M.
NOV. 26.
Nov. 28.
Nov. 37.
Nov. Z8.
7 87
5 ttii
8 M,
$ 96
8 04
4 07
6 12V
I 8 (HI 6 M,
4 36
l i 6 67
'ounday. Holiday.
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the Union Block Yards, ttouth. Omaha, for
the twenty-four hours ending at $ p. m.
Cattle. Hosts. Sheen. H'rs.
at. t HI. f.... 10
Wabash 1
Missouri Paclflo..., 3
Union Pacific 45
C. & N. W., east.. 3
C. & N. W., west., 25
C, Ht. P., M. AO... IS
C, B. A Q., east.. 2
C, B. & Q., west.. 45
3 1
3 ..
2 1
34 .. 1
8 8 1
27 20 ..
15 4
31 t ..
C., 11. I. & P., east 4
C, R. I. ft P., west i
Illinois Central
C. Q. W.
....... 8
Total reretpts ..13T ' 148
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co...., 472 1.4!9 673
Hwlft and Company...." 741 " 1,733 1.406
Cudahy Packing Co.... 2l" 2,501 2,762
Armour ft Co a... 614 , . 2,348 746
MorrelV- . 87 ,
J. W. Murphy 291 .....
W. . Vansant CW.,,.. 16 "1
Henton, Vansant a U 21l .......
Hill ft Son. ,103 '
F. B. I-ewl ' 154 '
J. B. Root ft Co 85
J. H. Bulla 64
U F. Hubs 63
U Wolf 148
McCreary ft Carey , 83
H. F. Hamilton is
Lehmer Bros, 1
Wo. ft Kan. Calf Co.... 128
Cllne ft Christy bo
Other buyers ,i 568 3,486
Totals ...4,280 6,433 8,861
CATTLE Receipts of cattle were very
light this morning, only 141 cars being re
ported in. This was the smallest 'Tues
day's run since the middle of July. The
two days' receipts foot up only 8,078 head,
which Is also the smallest for any similar
period since the third week In July. In
spite-of the cold and windy weather
everyone waa out In the yards In good
season In the morning. As there, will be
no market on Thanksgiving day it really
leaves only one more good market lay
this week, and buyers were evidently
anxious to load up with' a few cattle In
anticipation of moderate runs the rc-
nainuer or the' week.
-I .Beef steers were In good demand, and
- telM V ?
decidedly more snappy than It has been
lor several days back. Anything in the
way of desirable killer gold very readily
at prices that were anywhere from strong
to as much as' 100 hlghor in some cases.
Uood comfeds sold up as high as $6.80.
Cows and heifers, on the oilier hand,
did not show any Improvement. (Still they
were steady with yesterday, although not
overly active.
Anything In the way of good stocket-s
and feeders was sought after, and the
movement was active, with the better
grades strong to as much as lOo higher.
Quotations on native cattle: Uood to
choice beef steers. 4e.60i'u7.7&; fair to good
beef steers, $6.25418.50; common to fair
beef steers, $4.40(05.00; good to choice
heifers, $4.&0(i'6.2G; good to choice cows,
lt.Zi's4.S5; fair to good cows, 4. f4.fc,
common- to fair cows, '- $2.75g8.60; veal
calves, $3.607.60.
Quotations on range cattbi: Good to
choice beet steers, 46.767.00; fnir to good
beef steers, $6.005.75; common to fair
beef steers. 84.4oufi.00: a-ood to cholca
cows and heifers, $4.U6fu'4.i6; fair to good
cows and heifers, $3.6oil4.2'.; common to
m.m iicucis, aa.wo-1 , 1, uonuni
air cows and heifers, $3."b,-a8-60; good to
T cnoice stockers and feeders. 5.te.00;
fair to good stockers and feeders, 84. 801
6.00; common to fair Blocker and feed,
ers, $3.2oa!.30; stock - heifers, i4.Zv4ii.-ii;
bulls, stags, etc., $3.00i4.86.'
Representative saies:
N. . Av., Ft. . No. 1' Af. Tr.
1 , 70 4 00 u ;..lis x
17.... J 10S0 I 40 31 Mt 4 SO
U....i 1041 I al 17 110 u
stl 1148 I 84
.v. COWS. . .
I.. .1. ...... 134 ' 3 TO 11 .... tm 3 Ti
7...J 448 I H 4 ,-1M. 3 44
3..... 1 40 1 1ZII 4 CO
I 7l llo I ....1040 4 04
10.... ia III i 104,4 4 10
l..v 1176 8 44 3 1240 4 14
14 440 3 44 4-. ....Iut4 4 74
I ...lvtb 1 40 ' ..(.. ......1JM 4 14
M""m ' heie'ers. ,'", '
11 ... IT 3 41 4...,,,..... 470 4 II
., 414 1 40 7....; . 771 4 40
T... ,.. 414 I t I Tal 4 44
4 40 8 45
I.e. 1314 3 84 1 MO 4 04
1 IHM I II I , 1170 4 IS
1 lt 144 1 ,.... Mill 4K
1. 10W 8 44 1 ..1440 I ii
4.. 34 8 86 . ' 3 141 4 44
1 441 I 14 14 ISO I 11
1 441 8 W - 8 1 Ml I 00
4 Ml IIS 1 tuO 4 V
1 104 4 00 . 1 1.0 4 M
T... ail 4 34 4.... ....... ll7 40
I I(HI 4 26 - 1.. ......... 170 I II
14 4 4 40 1 144 4 Tl
11 414 4 40
I IU 4 00 MO 4 Tl
1 401 4 40 33 IM 4 10
7(1 4 44 I.... t0 4 1
II 4 4. I 10
It 110 4 63 1 101T I to
j0 cows....
62 feeders.
29 cows....
A v. Pr. No.
. 776 $ 90 3 COWS....
. 816 4 95
W. R. Qlendy.
. 804 2 45 6 cows.....
Grundy L. A C. Co.
. 996 6 10 17 feeders.,
. t0 3 60
. 618 4 46 11 heifers..,
804 2 76
20 feeder
7 heifers.
860 4 25
18 feeders
4 00
3 10
2 10
3 60
4 05
4 30
$ cows
..1040 4 16 18 cows
$ cowa fcO
$ 00
3 10
8 65
4 35
6 cows.
3 cows.. . 791
18 cows 795
12 calves... 223
22 feeders.. 778
22 heifers...
7 hH ers.
24 feeders.. 695
4 60
$ feeders.. (93
.4 feeder.. 593 4 SO
s $0
1 all varieties eured la
i a few days without
sin or loss of time. No
ay w 01 be accepted un
1 the paUenl la cured.
Writ oroaU,
fidelity" Rustsf Car
Has. U.a.rat.Oiai
Frssk H. ttrst, at 0.
Baiidisj. esMea
1 60
2 20
3 80
8 lo
4 60
4 40
0 00
9 feeders.. (NS 4 66 14 h.lfers... K
9 calves... Jv8
4 50 8 cows 8"eS
4 45 22 feeders.. 711
calves... 3f,s
47 feeders).
6 feeders.
6 44
4 feeders..
6 00
2 calves...
C F. Haulier
$ feeders. . 818 4 25 3 feeders. . 32$ . 4 15
Ed Hauber.
5 feeder.. 332 4 15 6 cows 780 t 10
N. O. Orlffls.
10 feeders.. 876 4 55 4 cows 815 t 45
E. Wollen.
feeders.. 818 4 25 3 heifers..
4 heifers... 670 1 30 4 cows....
John Currle.
11 feeders.. 746 4 66
William Harlocker
17 feeders.. 8n4 6 25 2 heifers..
7 heifers... 847 4 00 8 cows
1 Paulniilst
I 80
8 10
4 10
I 75
7 feeders.. 815 4 70 9 heifers... "CT 4 05
$ cows 865 8 10
W. Toblason.
feeders.. 875 4 65 6 cows 935 I 90
HOOS All markets were heavily loaded
with hogs, local trade being eieciaily
full, and prices slumped severely under
pressure. At this point bulk of heavy
and good butcher classes found an out
let at figures generally a dime lower,
the demand proving broad but rather
uulet. Clearance of supply required prac
tically all of the morning and a period of
buying was usually followed by a dead
lull, packers putting up their droves
without the least show of haste.
Receipts amounted to about 143 loads,
the largest estimate with one exception
since til first part of August. Tho run
brought In a goodly offering of bacon
animals, but weight was the general rule,
the same as reoently. Averages ranging
from 250 pounds (upward were Invariably
favored by all regular buyers and early
purchases on shipping and speculative ac
count were confined almost wholly to
these weights. The, total buy on orders
not held by local packers amounted to
about twenty-five loads, over 15 per cent
of entire offerings.
Oocd to choice heavy hogs landed
around $6.066.15, the latter price being
top. Butcher weights sold at the same
small discounts In force yesterday, bring
ing $6.00 and less.
The market for bacon grades waa In a
state of semt-demoralizatlon from start
to finish, light stuff being unpopular In
all quarters. Price ranged as low as
$5.60 and It took smooth, even loads to
land at $5.8036.86. Pig values showed no
quotable changes, several bunches land
ing within ,4.50ff5.60.
' cows n IN S nelfer... 7:4
7 fei-.iers.. 831 4 26 3 hulls 830
N Av. 8h. Pr. N Av. Ph. pr.
4 iso ... til 71 uo lao 4 n
41 IM ... I 44 41 IM ... I 04
40 let ... I ft !4 ... - 4 01
44 t:i ... 1 s u tm ... 116
171 ... I M ii Its ... I 0
14 187 ... 80 7 1 ... 109
SO tot ... 14 7.-. ...141 ... 106
17 101 18 IN 4 175 ... I 03
71 ltl ... I 40 44 I7 140 4 OS '
41 11 ... I 4ft 7t Hi 40 4 01
8t 160 10 I M IS 244 80 1 8 04
ft 103 ... Ill 41 114 ... 4 04
74 114 84 I M II 154 ... 4 06
7t 114 ... 8 44 11 m ... 8 0S
77 1.17 110 4 II II IM 100 I 41
10 101 ... I 5 et !4S 140 I OS
Tl 110 130 6 45 10 240 M I 04
Tl 104 ... Ill U 140 ... 8 07 '4j
SI 104 ... I 45 II 3110 1 I 7V4j
u tu ... ih et :o 110 1 10
it ta 40 1 00 (I si7 mo 1 10
TT 117 ... 4 00 30 32 SO 4 10
T Ul ... I bo 44 110 40 4 10
TO 131,304 1 00 44 1S 130 4 10
75 til ... 00 f m ... I 15
ti t5i in in n i9i 4 4 ii
IT 23 40 4 00 41., 141 80 I II
II 181 ... 100 II m ...,115
14 80 I 00 40.. .....Ill 244 18
44 Ill ... 0314
It 103 ... 4 IS II 44 ... 4 00
41 141 ... I 10 81 107 ... 4 lo
T4 141 ... I 44 - 24 74 ... 4 60
SHEEP Although a week In which a
holiday appears is seldom a very good
market week, present conditions in the
sheep and iamb trade are anything but
typical. With a fresh supply of about
11,000 head available, this estimate in
cluding considerable warmed-up stuff of
doubtful dressing promise, ail of the
leading packer buyers started out early
and bought freely. Average trade ruled
steady to a little stronger In spots, but
strings showing strength had to be high
Fed and warmed-up offerings made up
the big bulk of receipts and bands that
were properly feeders proved tne excep
tion. Most pens holding pretty good to
near choice Block were eniptieu before 10
o'clock, fat wethers bring. ng $3.86, toppy
ewes, $3.35433.60 and rather fancy yearlings
selling at 4.40. Price range In lambs and
ewes waa especially wide, very common
lambs going to a Killer at $3.00, wnlie
very good grades, sold at and near 86.40.
Canner ewes were purchased at 11.75.
Among offerings with ouiy a half-fln-Uh
the demand for slaughter seemed
rather indliterent, but this does not mean
that the warmed-up display offers any
very great thducemont tu buyers on coun
try account. As a matter of fact, pack
ers are working down into the interior
classes at prices ttvit do not admit ot
roHliipment to feed lots.
The feeder trade was confined la,
to belated ai rivals coming straight from
the range . country anu ni.ui.ij .-..y-volume.
If anyming tne ex
ceeded the eupiy, resulting In a neaitny
movement at tiguiea tuiiy steady. Evi
uently more are several corn-belt finish
ers with abed or barn protection who an
lioipateu a slack demand and bargain
prices this week, but It is a period of
scant variety and their selections will
nave to bo governed by supply cnaracter.
Feeuer lamus, strong weia,ias, are selling
up to 44.00, with feeder ewes around $e.uu'o
2.85. Vesteroay s purchase on country
orders amounted to omy 4,2uo head.
iuotauoua on sneep and lamoa: Good
lu cnoice minus, o.iuUo.oo; I air to good
iambs, .buuvo.A ; Ictaer laiuos, $.iivv
4 bo; fair to choice -yearlings, $3.80444.40;
feeder yearling.; good 10 cuotpe
Weill. a, o.avM.ii,; 111 10 aoou weiUtii,
to choice ewes, $3.1j-ti.y.50; fair to good
ewus, . e.o.No-iu; iteuoi ewes,;
uull tuts, $
Representative sales:
No. Av.
oO Wyoming lanibs, feeders.. 69
bia Vyoin,ng iambs, feedurs.... 68
2i9 Wyoming ewes,
loo 8. D. yearlings, Iceoeis..j. 76
244 M. D. lain us. tceuers 64
4 66
4 bo
2 90
8 7b
4 36
4 8b
2 75 '
4 36
3 7b
3 75
4 60
4 00
$ 15
6 JO
3 16
4 30
3 35
6 30
1 75
8 vO
3 00
8 a
$ 00
6 2o
6 2b
3 06
2 tu
4 00
a Wyoming iambs, feeders..
00 W yonuug two
i97 Wyoming lambs
340 Neb. yealrings and wetti
41 Wyoming latin.,, feeders..
Jul Wouiing lambs, leoaeis..
io lambs, feeders..
lib w joining iambs
... 71
... 73
... 93
... 90
... 65
... 89 .
... 96
... 49
... 90
... 78
1D3 VV i O.nilia levllluS.
t4 Wyoming - ewes.
344 feeder tailings.
214 leeder ewe
i.i iteuer lamb....
440 ewe, canners...
Tin fed ewes
335 led ewe
74 fed ewes ,.
336 lambs, culls .....
6 led iambs
116 fed iambs .
i2t ted weihera
49 fed waller
a loir Jennings ....
kl. Lout Live . Stock Market.
ceipts, 2.5O0 hesd, including buu Texans;
market 15tu26c higher; native snipping ana
export steers, $i.6wiu9.ou; dressed beef and
butcher steers, $5.007.00; aleers unoer 1,008
pounds, 44.vuirtv',.i4; slockeis and feeders,
t3.OUth6.09; cows and hellers, 10iu7.0o;
canners. $l.Cotf3.00; bulls. 43.76.26; calves,
44.ut.1uv8. 26; Texas and Indian steers, 34.00
u'i.Ou; cows and heifers, $4.soy7.00.
HOGS Receipts, I0.40O head; market 6c
higher; pigs and lights, $6.05(t.50; packers,
:6.tutrti.66; butchers and best heavy, $6 00
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1600
Lead; market strong; native mutton. $3.00
,(3 75; lambs, $42o76; culls and bucks.
125(i3 0o; stockers. $1.50a3.26.-
siHAiutir f". ur ls3 iTi
Kentucky's Great IVhsskejf
Express rrepald
r I'.m . f..C 3 for
A 44ll4kll IWI f hi Fulloa
sui u 1 ate, ia an an paicni 1
Ull C IrniRHI
W sbis a 30 dart' credit. If
auteaiuf account. No C. O. l
t'"''l prpid ia plain
, miuiaiBrs bottle ot Selected Fuhoa with r i f alien ordar.
fnthaiallaa ordar. acnon pan led by cash. If Dot satitbtd wub wuuky
mum; aad, if paid for, aU your saoaey will be refunded by ictora mail.
T'3 3
a r
1 8V$si 09mm V ft. m. -W I. W rm torn . Kt Ofi4i
, f st 'H-r T 4t11 4W4 hsHlt, Mlb4Ml4l84 4 Ml8. 4BT
MrrH M th 'A fait
Demand for t4itllc U'4'ala lloaa
Active Mirep MronBT.
CHIC AXK. Nov. 28 CATTLE Receipts,
6,tj0 head; market weak; heaves,. Mens
9.1O; lexas steers. l-i.tA'tio. .; western
a. ... . Mt. ... L .. , anil fpnlurl
Uuo.tji; cows and heuers,,
calves, $i.504i H 00.
HOjS Receipts, C9.0O0 head; market
active at opening prices; light, e-"'4"ii' 15;
nixed, 80.; heavy, $5.b.'ii.4ti; rough,
16.b,4i'i.06; Rood to choice heavy, $0.m.',j
6.40; pigs, M-OOi5.40; bulk ot sales, to.t.J
SHEEP AND LAMPS- Receipts, 2.000
head; market strong, native, .3.03.i5;
western. $2.40Sn.86; yearlings, $3.bVu4.rin;
lambs, native, $3.oOao.ti5; western, ..Oj
Kansas City Live Stex-lt Market.
ceipts, 7,000 heud, including 600 potuherns,
beef steers. 10c to 15c higher; other cattle
strong to 10c higher; dressed beef and ex
port hteers, $t.bVtik.75; fair to good. $5.4yj$
.60; western steers. $4.00(j6.50; Blockers
and feeders, $..OOrn5.oO; southern steers,
13.75fi;.O0; southern cows, $3.0&vo4.25; na
tive cows, $l'.tKK(5..ri0: native helfors. $4. 04
6.60: hulls, $3.25414.75: calves. $4.ota'7.00.
HOGS Receipts. 20.000 head: market 5e
to 15a lower; bulk of sales. $5.70iii.3r;
heavy, $8.2iVq.40; packers and butchers,
$6.10ir6.30; lights, $o.60i ti.15; pigs. $4.0yto.25.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.500
head; market 15uSc higher; muttons,
4 0ni.50; yearlings. $3.rKf4.25; wethers,
$S.Oyi3.60; ewes, $2.5C''u3.50; stockers and
feeders, $2. 00$ 3. 75. ,
St. Joseph Lire stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Nov. 28. CATTLE
Receipts. 2,(mo head; market strong;
steers, $4.50.25; cows and heifers, .$2.65
6.00; calves and heifers, $3.00Vi.&0.
HOGS Receipts, 11,200 head; market
slow,- lower; top, $6.40; bulk ot sales,
6.oouffl.a5. -
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 500
head; market stoudy to strong; lambs,
Stock In SI stilt.
Receipts of live stock at the five prin
cipal western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hons. Sheep.
South Omaha 3.500 ' m.OOO 9.MK)
St. .Joseph 2.000 11. 0 600
Kansas City 7,000 20.000 2.500
st. Louis 2.m i5,4no yam
Chicago 6.000 29,000 2,000
Totals ..
21,000 85,000 10,400
Wool Market.
BOSTON, Nov. 28. WOOL About the
average amount of business Is betng tran
sacted in the wool market. Values hold
steady and still favoring the sellers
slightly, with fleeces a trifle higher. In
terest centers In the fleece market. Ohio
one-quarter blood moved freely at 24c.
Scoured staple territory brings 60fb2c
and 13 months Texas 62(&53e, cleaned.
Pulled wool is quiet, but there is con
siderable Inqulrv for foreien product.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 28. WOOL Steady,
territory and western mediums, 174j20c;
fine mediums, 1G18c; fine, 11 15c.
Cotton Market.
NEW TORK, Nov. 28. COTTON-Spot
closed dull; middling uplands, 9.30c; mid
dling gulf, 9.65c; no sales.
tures closed very steady. Closing; bids:
November, n06c; December. 9.09c; Janu
ary, 8.85c; Ti:ruary, 8.90c; March, 8.96c;
April, 8.99c; May, 9.02c; June, 9.05o; July,
9.10c; August, 9.15c; September, .15c; Oc
tober, 9.20c.
Dry Goods Market.
Cotton Broods are being bought moder
ately for spot and nearby shipment Mis
cellaneous export trade continues very
frood, but China markets are doing noth
ng. Yarns-are steadier. Woolen and
worsted agents are comfortably situated
to await the opening1 of a new fall sea
son, ,
Omaha Hay Market.
OMAHA, Nov. 28. HA Y No. 1, $14.00;
.1 0 OA r-. a tiOAA- n.pklnir afnr-tr
)UV7i4an- s'lfnlfa. tin 00. 'straw: Wheat.
$6.00; rye and oats, $7.60.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Nov. 28. (Special.)
United States Senator Francis E. War-.
ren and Mrs. Warren left yesterday for
WashinsrtDn. i where the senator resumes
his labors in- congress. The senator was
accompanied by a retinue of clerks .and
nrlvata secretaries. Before his deuarture
he assured the Laramie County Good
Roada' association that he would do
everything in his power both in and out
of congress to aid m Improving the roads
of the state and also In securing the ad
mission of automobiles to the Yellowstone
national park. ...
MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 28.-In a room at
a hotel here, where, t throe years ago
Christ Goehrlnger, 20 years old, and Min
nie darnelgard, 22 years old, were wedded,
Goehrlnger killed himself today after In
flicting mortal wounds on his wife. The
young- couple met last night after two
year of separation and attempted a re
conciliation. Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads.
Will loan on security reqtilr
ing special Investigation
or close supervision, and
not Available for bank loans.
I.arge enterprises financed.
Prompt iiiveHtlgatlon of
security offered, wnatever
Its character or location.
NEW TOBI 95 Broad Street
ratU.ADZI.rSIA Z.afaytte Bldg.
CBLlb AUO . 1 lrt Mat'l auk Bldg.
Sure Cure for Heaves
sfsnw ainawitl.
toii-iry tuid wiimJ duutt-i
aWral'-a it $Mli tVild p4ks).(iVt
8VHlr4l! ! Cnra r ft. mrf
. i.00 piitrkdf nif-'i'T-dillalTfl-rl.
.a KafM , ,,
-'U flUraHh ibMi $. ,e, .via
tu. aVtMtiiaiid on im.'., t ...f
pru. 4Ss.,d Uid.f. iS-V'tt
BU4hfa the rnl OOX bo4T: j.
Utiita't tut bin uuiler.
alt K. CUVUA6D, CH3
1rfilkll OV -. -.i.
vLt LlI m5! i'.oiJALUi
from Distiller to You
17.50 r I tor $3, choice of Ry. Bourboa or Com
Siratikt wbiakay bighaai madicinel Iboroufbiy
(aiiou aauujotuis. is grey ftutoa u bast you Bd
no money
roa have yonr merchant or bank writ at oar-
fail Oaart BMilcf Rye, Poarb n or Cora ax
boiaa, aimer 4 lor S3, A for &6.or 12 lor iU
rOIPANY..r'""N: 455
tnm Ui.. Wt. (W. m , mi wm mmmt
atkavk. fax. g.A r,uU sV.kX ',.- 81 Z7'W9
Cmtwf 4 Hc ImH-mI! !