Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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MONEY TO 1AIAX I ni fin-t. hl vt i .. . . , i i"
. ::. ' v.rrr.ur.i. rtm iii..i itivti. I M .1IK I OH SALE OH EXl'HAMJE OOVEILNMEXT NOTICES
(lrr and IktllrU. Aj.tlmr.l. d hint,. 7'r" . . . , ,, STiTT. 1 TT , . C . .-.
ttwasMwwwwsnssi tmttmnsf j?; am
5 $10 TO $100 S
H iJ Piucum it ,oau ir auy-
" nOOy WhO Uni llinnmr. manna, u
horses, wagons, or anyone homing It
a steady position n moar ran. Is
M aonabie charges. All we ask In your M
1 to nav. .v id . Ni. n
tt ....1 - .. , . . " r - TT
" viuicKiy, privately, cheaply.
iu installments of 81-Aits
Wi lu installments of 11. ho.
tt Mi in lnsiauniciii -f J..
No other charges.
U Loans mtua uum one month to
tl ona year. Terms to auit you.
'v Jo.mANTk.fc. LOAN CO.,
It tbmall Luan lii'LiHrlm.hl .
k 204 Withiieli Bik. over Neb. Cycle Co. t
tt K. K. Cor. 16th and Hainey.
tl Dougias fc4u; li,d. A-l.. u
mi?iwmitkwt.uffl itttttuummt.
t .
MOinEY for
iplU iU iMUJ
U LOANS ON r'Liv.MltKr,, HAN03, tt
M BALajuw,,
M at chaises you can -tiord, and
tt without me rati tup and ue.ay you t4
tt experience with umer companies. k
If EbiABElSH lOUR C It . 1 1 i 1
tt AauUM IN iijolE Ob .Ncto. ,
tt NoiK lllbDi, KAiEm k
tt tlu, you pay ll.u.
tt ". ou pay urn: tii.iM.
tt 2u, you pay back .-j.w. .
tt t you pay DiitK
tt NO Olllcii. CitAtvUfi..
tt Weemy or utioututy rayuienti. w
tt H
tt 409-10 .brown ink. oppuaita tiran-
tt oela. b. &. cor. liitn and uuutiu. .
tt 'i'Uone louiua aoJO.
tt 4
titttttttttt ttttttttl tttt
Cilia I'M Aij.
We make luana uu an a.nda of chattel
CUIcKly aud privately, fnun. louB. um.
16U Jfarnam bt. ttoom 8, attemon Hlk.
Chattel Loans,
AT Rh.Aao.Ati.. HATES.
Nebraska Loau Co.,
23 Bee Bldg. Douglas 13t6. A-1V.8.
Q. 1 ioaoud aaia4'ieu peupie, wotuen
keeping houae ana olheis, wuoout se
tunty, eaay pay menu, uuicea iu bi pna
tipai ciuea. Aouiiaii, uu Omaha iNat'i
lauk biuif.. forineny N. K. liie Uldg.
K 'iU lu0
FurnlRhed salaried people without, secur
ity, Indoraemenv, deiay, ptiuiicity, ex.or
tiun or uecepuon. 'letma lo suit. M4 Canton
If luU have a sweet loom ue aura to
try a box ot U. J. O linen a canuy. Ai
wayii Ieh ana pieabins to candy lovers.
it Mrs. j antes lounu, oWKi Anna Ave.,
will coma to ihe 1'ee omce wuiun tnree
oaja we will give her an oiaer tor a
bu-oeat box of O Brien'a candy.
Oh k'Kll&lt rCilt HKVr
loarei ana nsuus. '
O. M. E. hauls ti unKs. P. 611, A-26H.
t'orioia, lamuy noiei, Hutu Ave. anu nut,
WAlwil iouiub auu eAceneui lueus. tu
6. feitn ol. t-noiia 4lM.
Hi. James tiolel oiem neat, baiu,
home cooauiar; winter ratea to tew coupiea
at tv per tuo.; uaily, . i.Ai. Naur mi
Nlr'V. nl.a ft., nl... "I L' ikA I ll.
JbON, Hist ana oiucaao ots. tx.uv aud up.
-.uv unn I1IBII.SBUI.UU
111 llUll. MM u . . . U . . . . . . A .
" .... . . . iwiiicL., iiui n.ici
heaiea house. B-lul. l'uo N. nn St.
. yurni.uea ivooius.
. URIGHT, warm roora ' tn private
family; uioaa to cremmpu college; re.
'. aoniii. tfnone tlaiuey ooU.
VlUhi tor two yuuiia wu,u; aood taiu
' lly; Very coll. en, em. inoiie rtarney tMuo.
Oewey Muiituu llotei, imu u faiuwu
iKlai Capitol Juodei n tuituaued rooui,
two bioca to tar.
Dh.61RAiil.iii luiiiisneu fooiu. private
family, iwu in. itotn. t iwne Weoater M,u.
lu N. liin id Hour, uiuueru, ill, nisiiea
ateMiii-neateu .
iyiibAOAiv i iuoiu, strictly itiouern. pit
vaie home, excellent location; c amain
and Uumiiiif car nuee; reiereucea. via v,,
nn ISt.
lttoo JULf-'lu a unes turnisiieu
rooms tor nKnt housekeeping'. . lnoue
liouKiaa isy'.ti).
MM et. juaiy a Ave., atnciiy modern.
Warm, iiont room, ned Mil.
l.AiUa iiiouvin rouuia, wnn board lo
private lainuy ur two aeutiemen wuniiia
Hood nonie. narney Moo.
Fl.KMsHtu room tor rent; all cou
yenlence. i.i)qiin ,atw. ?14 is. latn bi.
tZl fAHK AVK, one large tront room,
team-heated, aunauia tor tnree youna
men. trices reasonable.
'two very pieanant warm rooms.
714 N. lirrii One nice turntsned room,
all moaern, fenutniau oniy. Tel. Uougias
NlCkLV furnlsned room, mode. n, elec
trlu iiKiit. a per uionin; reterencea ex
LArtGui trunt room; newiy turiusiied.
Har ney .
Ii677 JlAHNKYf 1-. Niceiy furnished
front room; modern; furnace heat; not
water; suitable tor one or two gentlemen.
TWO beautllul warm rooms, In new
modern tlut. private family. Reference,
tob S. lith Ave. -
MODKKN room. 1W B. 2ith Ave. Tel.
IaAKUW modern room, with board. In
private famhy, lor two gentlemen wlsulng
h poo, hoine. hainey fctjj.
FL'iO.lsiit.0 room; private; Tel. Red.
ROOM, with bath, In private family;
widow preferred; where there are no
other roomers or children; in quiet neign
borhood In suburbs ot Omaha or buuth
Omaha. Lock jjox twA, Oinana posiottice.
.viutii.i luiiiisnea looms; ail nioueiu,
rU.e .n; ia.Mnai.le. 2uj H. aotn.
647 SO. 24th avenue, housekeeping, fur
nisned rump.eie; strictly muuerii flat;
rhtap; Close In.
r'arnisueu ituuiua.
Tha Manuel and liovvard, 21 '& Howard,
I and 4-rm. auta, Ui to i-M.
U3 8. s t'rl Model u houscacepuig rooms.
Harney 4oul
LI Li in nouseacepiug rooms; pnvaw
family. 2x72 i'rutt bt.
TWO hoUseivt.e,iia rooms; mudeiu.
$4.60; one l.ous.keeiina; room, H6o.
2 OR i rooms lor lignt tiuuseatepmg:
South exHsuie; modern; gaa range. 2ij
u04 b. iih, handso.neiy furnllied apart
ment; tour looms; suutneaat; inouern;
walking distance. Good neighborhood.
iiuiela and Aparltueuls.
tlemen. THE CHA'iHAM, U0 8. 13th bt.
Hub Hotel, stta.ii-htaied - 1j l'ou. ct.
LOOOh; hOlltli, Uili and Oouge; all
team-hrated looms; special week rale.
Excellent mea.s, Mi N. ot u, bo. omana.
Howard Hotel, eiegant rs. I'Ud Howard.
HOTEL h'lomar, lith and capilol Ave.
Burlington, nice looms. 1 bloc to depot.
CAbij HoTEL, nice rooms, l.os Cass bt.
W IN btioH Ho'l EL itooms uoc to l.ou.
OXFORH and Arcade, special w'kiy rale.
ImiAn lliilui Council Liu lu. Rooms
Eik hotel, rooms L-c and uoc. Si7 N. loin.
Aparlsueals aua) t-'lala,
t-ROOVt a part men in the I'lntah. Ap
ply tit Omaha Nat I Bank Uldg., or phoue
iougiaa iMsj,
Fully mudorn, R-room heated apart
ment In the excellent Went Karnam dis
trict: very choice.
i-room flat on .Sherman Ave. ch. o.'ii.
HOT water best
J-room new flat,
H7.W. 6A3 S. KJ.
(1. txat system Iient,
all hardwood finish.
BTKIc'TLY m.Mlern apartment,
l mti. an. i.i S. il.'t Ave.
s.i P irit AVE Attractive huge -loom
flat, second tloxir ot practically new
hick; stiittly m.idi'i n. ciei, iu con
uitlnn. i hono Harney Ullii.
BEAU 1 lr LLl-v. ariaiiMi'd, newly deevw
uteo, every niooerii convenience, fine
ocatldn, 7 rooms and cenieiu Imsenienl.
41st and Em nam. ielci hone Harney i.t,
EEti houHewue aesnous ot a line
..ees-it shoum tiy 1'iiiielis pure Ice
cieam. It W. II. raumeil, aulo Kuwier
ave., will come to The Ki-e oltice within
.niee uays we will give him an order for
a quatt hriCK of this fine Ice cieam.
t moms, close In, ,U Cunnng, JlJ.TiO.
S rooms, eiono in, L'nl 8. lath bt 11. -3
rooms, close In, .ui) 8. i:Hh be, t,
S-roum ilat, 'tl& oevtey Ave., on,y L8.rA
N. P. LMJLH4H CO., lnth and Harney bts.
iiiRcc auu 4-i oom nais; wanting dis
.auce; ail tnoucrit except ik'si; water in
ciuued, for tuiiy tlvu and lli.oo per
inontii. A lor small laimly. Call at
l liewey Ave. bee Mrs. King.
f Mturulattfit ttuouis.
N. 17th 4 unfurnished basement
lis N. litit, d Hour, 4 uuiuiuisned
. ooins; bath.
lloasvs and Cottages.
WALL PAl,Llip'l'n,lns l'Rper nttng"
iig gtaxuiK, pictuia
tiamiiifc-. juonxon, KM Kara Ave. li. 6;no.
13i 1'oluLkAn, s rooms, niuoeiii exiev'
heat; .y per month. Tel. oougias Iiski.
om. an aud btoiae Co., pacas, moves,
stores houaenoid gooos. 1'ireproot stor
age. M o loth. uiaucll, avt) b. l.lll.
tel., 1. 41w; A-liUS.
small house lor rent lo colored peo
ple, kio per month, oet Key next uoor
nut tn or telephone VV coster tcj.4. ilia .n.
tstn bt.
lioUBElluEu UOOLS packed, for
waraed; cneap Ireiglii rates, moving uud
storing, ExpresMueii a ue.tery Co. 'lei.
Douglas .is, city oitice, 11 b. bt.,
Dee Bidg.
Houbes, ins. Itingwait. luallueis lh. Hulg.
OuiAllA LAI' CO., moving vans auu
stoiage. TruiiKS, Luggage uel. u.
iu in. 17th.
TEN-ROOM house, modern, .bit Lav
enioit. inquire 1. v iara, ln'i Doug
las bt.
V)ki RE.nT 6-room house, modern, but
heat, 24iii and Pierce bis., k.5.
OAliEAOilErt 6s N.tnO.N D. S3$t
11.001, iii, ittlit reduced; very luce
terms. 614 in. uu, ti rooms; all modern,
u.-i N. 1 rooms; moueru except beat.
.uo nlonuo, o rooms, ill.
bo, v EiN-itooiu house, modern except
heat; goou. neignboi nood. iei. web, loo.
r un rt.iN i--oeven-rooin house, mod
ern except neat, uv; cJrner 2iiii and ton.
. etisier ipiii.
bitucii,! niuuein, nearly new, i-room
iiouse lacing cemiai lnvu. tilu N. Zitn
ave.); lour nice ueu rooms ana bath up
staus; ha ru wood tuiisn and eiegantiy
polished tloors downstairs; lull ce
ineiiteu cenar. A Ouiaa.n if lented at
once aa patty moveu out uiiexpecteuiy.
g-RooM iioue, inouern except heal, 14
s . 2. in bt., t.
7-room house, modern except heat, 1114
haiie bu, tin.
rooms, 2d tioor, 110$ N. 20th St., mod
ern except heat, t!4.
D-room cottage, modern except heat, inU
in. aa bt., tn.
t-room nouse, modern except heat, 1614
tOi oy bt., is.
o-rooni, 1st floor, im N. 2Cth Bt, partly
inoueiit, tin,
H-rvuiu, 2d floor, 1M2 N. 2'ith St., toilet,
7-room Jiouae, modern except heat, Xu
ixaia bt., XA.
ckhui BO ITER, 22d and Cuming Sta.
t or Kent .
bric-c noase
Four beu,uo.,., ..1. ...u on sec
ond lloor; laige lauuiy loom, dimng
oom, buttery -aiiciien, lefrigerator room,
hall and vestibule on fust tioor; tuli
ttiutUt basement; tuinuoe neat; every
tuiug ilrsi-c.asa and airictiy uouern. lo
tteu at lull uuoigia Ave. bee me owner
at wm Oeuigia Ave., or 'poouu llaxus.
UtU Paciilc, y rooms, all inouern, 16.
24u3 is. 2uih, V rooms, all inouern, iou.
W6 8. 2uth Ave., B rooms, ail mod., 4-7.60.
lum Emmet bt., rooms, mouern ex
cept heal, tl7.60.
'il b. slat, ( rooma, modern except
heat, tm.
oiu Burt, 6 rooms, modern except
heat, 1L
liti in. 32(1, 5 rooms, city water, (14,
150S Dodge bt. Phone Hougiaa 415.
wuu. u-rooin collage; iinu rep r. ll. M14.
6 ROOMb, modern except heai, conve
nient to car, cuurch and scuooi; modern
steel range; also gas range and tutuu.sui.1
kitchen cabin, u tvot Plait bt.
k-loo 111 House, IomJ in. 1. tn bt.
li17 Ka. nam bt.
at b. 2uth Ave. btnctly modern, 7
rooms and bain, one of the best locations
lit city, tt0. Phoua Webster 7001.
Hrtiicpa " 'rt ot the city.
ilUUOCS Crelgh bona & Co., Bee Bldg.
ZmV MAfLli bi'., s rooms, modern, ex
cept furnace. t-U Hull, 4iJ namge, L.
l4u0. A 440(1. '
t2o 7 rms. 3c N. 27th; 1117 Park Ave.,
mod.. I; iki24 N. 27th. 112. Webster 1677.
FIVE-ROOM modern house; large
rooms; full cornel .lot. N. E. corner 12ih
and Castellar.
bTX-ROOM cottage, modern except heat,
2412 Decatur, M per month. Red liKtt.
TEN-ROOM house, large lot, all modern
except lurnace; desirable parlies; cheap.
tltis Bristol bt.
(12.D0 3-room apartment on corner main
floor, ZIU North 21st.
113.00 t-room mod. apartment, 2212 No.
21st St.
JlB.uO i-room cottage, dandy shape,
close in. lbUi Paul bt.
tlk.OO 6-room modern cottage, 1U1 No.
21st bt.
to.Oo 2-room apartment, 1704 Clark St.
425 Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 241.
AiodcRN six-room house, 2710
Ave. liauiey 1404.
672 8. iifatn bt., I rooms, completely
modem, t.oo. Hall, 4J ltainge. L. 7406.
toll rtE.NJ'l four-room collage on tstli
Ave. between Louge and 1' street,
tree Dexter L. 1 homas. 412 Bee Bldg.
U H1N iv ceniial, cheapest i-room house
1th bath, basement. In city. Apply 220
N. 23d.
S-ROOM cottage, modern except heat,
7W b. Ism b, iJ. 'Pnoiie Hainey 2JjK.
3ouJ DoDUE, t rooms, all modern, 17.50.
FoR REN 1' tour-room cottage with
basement at 2o6 8. 2nlh Ave. Call Dexter
L. 1 homas, Boom 412 Bee Hul fl.nt,'.
1 EM IS Park, 1014 N. Ud; modern, 7
room noune. Doug. MM.
Unexiiectedly Vacated. (
Sn-ioom collage and stable, 21st St.,
117. jo.
Modern nine-room houne, near hlg't
school, new furnare, etc., IITT.W.
TEL. IoriU.A8 l.tit.
VliOOM houee, Hansuom Park dii-lnct.
In fine repair, 1546 8. 2Dth bt., only fo.
b-npm cottage, modem except heat,
U;;:t l.lin bt.. with barn, fjO.
707 8. 17th 'Bt., t rooms, only tl.
N. P. IXiDOE ac CO., Uth and Harney Bts.
It-ROOM house, 3SW NTltidi ail modem.
1st Wtbkler tlti
WISH to sublet suite of f're room In
C'tv Natli-nul l ank Hidg. Call n 4'T4.
MORE at i'.tK Cuming Kt.
Store at 2Kl Cuming St.
btore at N 24th St.
Store at l.y3 Harney Bt.
Orrice and sales room, lSth Harney 8ls.
4 room office suite. 1M7 Parnam tt.
1M7 Fnmam 8t.
I17.!i0 lirge store rouni, -ieilall' good
location for bakery. 2575 Cuming -8t.
Phono rotigla 241. 4X l'.nton Block.
lit'l N. i.'4lh bt., large rmm. nnly'l.'o! '
N. V. 1HD(1E Co., l.Mh aud Harney.
, Barns.
ILXUN or garage In Bcmls Tark. Tel.
Dougias JUT. .
WASHINGTON HAl,I-t'.dges. dances,
banquets. C. C. Sorvnaen. 1" ixA.1 A 22l).
1 ursnurr,
' PIANO, clightly used,- at a bargain.
egertrom 4 utnj Mtg. - Co., llh and
r' hi nam bts.
ECiTi Pb r. ga iaiiu, ' good condition!
Phone Harney IU.
Alusieul Inslruuien ta.
FOR SALK-Vinhn cello, valuable In
strument. In perfect condition, aii Arthur
St. Beuat ii tvt.
'1 1 iienrrlttra,
for rent. TUB MO.SAlU'il 'lll'E
VRlTkK CO., 411 P. tolh. Phone D 4os.
SMITH 1 KtMllSH.N models No. T or
No. 4, in excellent condition, rented three
inonina tor to.
lih and Douglas.
RENT an Oiiyer typcvtrnvr lioiu mu
Oliver Typvwntvr Co. Douglas 2Vi).
all makes ot typewriters, lactory rebuilt;
pikes light; li will pay you to See us
t-cioie buying,
1 V PK . It iT ii.Il INSi KCTiON ANU SUP
PLY CO., isuii K A It NAM 81".
KINDLING, H load. 11. Oros. W 2SSI.
FOR SALE iNew and seuund-haud
carom auu pot Ki t bluiard tamos and
boWiing alleys and ucctrssorles; bar fix
tures of all Itltius; easy payments. Tha
Brunswick-Baiae-cohander Co, 40t-40t b.
loth bt.
bix-f'cltll' limiltKKeljer's desk, oak fin
ish, for sale at iu. Apply Ucorge W.
Vv I ik in. Boe Piibltbulng Co.
FOR 8aLE 1 wo scnoiaialilps In Ihe
Omaha Commercial colli ge aud one In
Loylus coii ge. Business ofuce, Omaha
of 175 lots oi umeueemed n.n.eno!d goods,
November 27, 2, 2D. Omaha Van and
biorae Co., -1120 N. 19tn bt.
8AFES Overstocked wlin second-hand
sales, all sixes and muKes; - bargains.
American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam Hi.
Uet In the-Game i taiios, ,oo eu..,.. oiot Ma
chines, Athieno and Peanut MaciitneS and
bcalt-s, new and 2u-hand. Write tor our
list of bargains. Belter slid cum and
te us. We aisu do repali ing.
I124L'venwo, th. Phones: n. m, ind. A-2433.
Kdk hi'.n i tit:iimond eieoirio vacuum
cleaner. Webster i24.
tiAii Rca lor sale, wail cases,
counter cases, with tables. 8. Vv. iiiid
say, lulu Douglas.
oinc scarcely reauxes what keen pleas
ure can be uo. lved irom a visit to me
American theater after a hard days
wora. ue sure to go tonigiu. If uonn
Duugias, ii2 DOugiua bt., wnl come to
Hie nee oitice wuiun three days we win
give turn an oruer lor a pur of liieaiei
FIXTURES of tailor shop for sale on
short notice; fixtures, clotues case, desk)
etc. 31S ti. 20tli. .
DR. MAXWhuu Ltiibd PlLEb. 5
Om. Nau Bk". xlt.g. PAY WtftN OCRED.
Gladisn ihauiiacy. l-'in and Dodge.
Massage, Rlitenhouse, Jus Old oosiun Bid.
NUKbERY ca.e, small culiuren. vv. 64u,
bAbuo to care tor. vveoater ouug.
lOCiNU women coining to Omaha as
strangers aie invited lo visit tue xoung
Women s christian association bunding
at bevenieciiiu and bt. inaiys Ave.,
Where nicy villi be dliected to Suitable
boarding places or uiuei wisa. assisted.
Dooa lor our uaveiers' aid at tha union
HINDOO TABLETS will bund,' brace,
stiengtnen, boo. in.LL DRCO CO.
WE rent and repair ail Kinds ot sewing mu. a. iwt, Douglas lutsl,
luth and Harney bis.
airs, bleele.
Ground tioor.
.ai iouge.
MASbAiiE Swedish movement; nothing
teller tor rheumatism; lauiea, 1; gentle
men, tl.iAi. Apt. 2, 1MI2 Farnam. U. 240.
THE SALVATION ARM! solicits cast,
oft clothing, In tact, anyining you do not
n:ed; we collect, repair auu sen, at Lll
in. Jlth St., tor cost oi coneciion, to the
worthy poor, call pnoue Douglas tli auu
wagons will call. '
MAtSM;V(iH; Bam, salt glow aromallo
MmjxwjLa treatmenl. Mm. Allen
Chicago, loa b. Ian bt., 1st floor. D 7u6u.
MAUKl'lL' tieatment. E. urott, iiu
babies Jioaruea
Call Webster uo.
Dr. Burke, women s diseases. .1 Doug. iik
ETTA UOLDBoLiRl," niaiucui ing, liair-
dressing; new parlors, 3ui Neville. D. 3SI83.
HA.EL LEAF FlLe. cuNES-iei
remedy for itching, bleeding or piolrud-
lug plies; boe postpaid; samp.e free.
bnerinan & McConneil Drug Co., Omaua.
MRS. IST Efc.Ei?. lias leillovcd
ia,ae gtreet, giound lloor.
lo Hud
Alias Lang, manicuring, vibratory mas
sage treatments, xt. i. Hour, looj Duuge.
Aai connoisseur oi cunieononerjr'vii7i
reauny tell you mat iheie are no tanuies
wtnen can outshlu O'liiien s in punty oi
uaiuties. It Airs. Aug. anus, Ji,k Ames
Ave., will come to In. Bee oilico witmii
iiuee days wa win give her an order lor
a ou-ceni box ot O'uilen's candy.
W1L.L anyone who saw acc.deiil happen
to lady peiioi ruing wnn oog at earner
pnone theater Pun. 22, lalo, pitaae send
name to tiua oifice .' 1, 'iul, Bea.
VviED young lauy who acted as piano
piaer at tuo t amerpnoiie theater Feu.
U, 1I0, please send her name to this
otnce R. iDO, Bee.
ROUP easily cured by Bob White's
Ruup Cure, sou box. Jf your dealer can
not supply you, write us direct, sending
dealers name. BOB WHiiE CO., 2vt
N. let n bt., Omaha. Webster 66:17.
PHONE D. 12a. " Ifill HOWARD BT.
FLOCK of homer pigeons for kale at
241 h bt. Webster 4J4.
Kcreenings, kl.ou per luO. W agner, kol N. 16.
THOROLGHBUED Fox 'itrrier pupplok.
Price very reasonable. M7 boutn 24tn bt.
Douglas obOUf indoiiendent A-JiaX
ioll SALE Bull terrhr puppies. They
are by Samho BuHter and blo.ey's Bell.
Pedigree wllh each Iiup; no better stialn
of dogs ever lived. Also have two bun
terrier dogs; one la bnndlc, the other
white, particulars, addiess H. Arcuer
Ave., 8outn Omaha. Tel. bo. 214t.
AUViltAlia Ok' ill I.E.
Abstracts. M. T. Itrennan. S24 Bra'ndels Th.
Blll.UEll!' I.MfullMAlIO,
Electric gaa fixturet Omaha Silver Co.
Ideal Cement Stone Co., 17th and Cuming.
Anier. 8uly. Co , roof g, paints link Nu-h"
i'"ucUs, bou tiTiluJ, paiultng, dccoiatiu
LIST your clly property for sals with
Vogel, 4iy Ksrbn. li Bidg.
till I'llOt'KMIl r'UH aAl.kC.
W hnv a two apartment house, con
taining 11 rooms, to uath rooms, seven
bed rooms, with parlor, dining room and
kitchen In each apartment, with new
plumhinj and good heating plant.
This property Is too isikc tor personal
owner and it Is a splendid proposition for
om one who will buy It and divide it
into four three-room apartments. Owing
lo the arrangement of the huuse this
work ran be tions at a very small ex
pense and when completed the apart
ments will rent for U each. The buyer
tun live In one sinment, rent the reM
and make a good Investment out of your
The building la well built and In good
condition; only thirteen minutes' ride to
ihe center ot the city; one block from the
Dodge street car luia and In good lesi.
deuce UiAUict.
N. 20TU ST.
!lt Is Just north uf Ohio on the Flor
ence Blvd. A good six or seven-room
modern house will be taken In exchange
st the light prlcw. This proposition i
certainly worth looking at.
; NOKHtB ' M KT1 N, '
If f sT. '' U'liK. 4?W A 479.
8eA-en rooms, ml Spencer St.; brand
new; will sell to salaried man on monthly
payments, or rent to first class tenant.
C. 8. RIIKPARH, 2004 Witt St.
DL'NDEK By owner, new, strictly mod
ern house, east front; luooo required.
Harney 4$1.
FtnM A It A. Mil i.A.vii FOH SAI.K
a da.
DO TOII want a farm In western Can
ada, where the crops this year are In ad
vance of anything grown on the conti
nent T For wheat growing, dairying,
mixed farming and cattle raising the
provlnee of Alberts. Is iinsurpiiFMed.
Lands ure now offered by the CANA
at prices ranclng from SIO to M an acre
on LONU TERMS of payment, or on the
crop puyment plan. 'This Im, paying for
your farm with a portion of your crops
each year.
Land values have Increased 30 per cent
In two years. Great opportunity for the
Call or writ for full particulars, book
lets, maps, etc.
K. S. F11R. General Agent,
Canadian Pacltlo Alberta Land Co.,
440 Board of Trade Bldg.
Excursions every Tuerday. bee ms tor
"My knowledge of land on uncompleted
Orund Trunk can make you quick profits.
Frank Crawfnid, 313 Homer Street, Van
couver, or Omaha."
Traversed by the
Lands adaptable to the widest range of
crops. All tue money crops of the south
plentifully prouueed. For literature treat
ing with this coming country, its soil,
cilmale, church and school advantages,
General Passenger Agent,
THE easiest way to find a buyer for
your farm is to insert a small want ad
in the Des Moines Capital, largest cir
culation In the state of Iowa, 4J,uuO dally,
ihe Capital is reka by and believed In by
the blunupaitcis of Iowa, who simply re
tuse To permit any other paper In their
homes. Rales, 1 cent a word a day; Vb
per line per month; count sTv ordinary
words to the line. Address Des Moines
Capital, Des Mollies, la.
FOR SALE 200 acres; good buildings;
will sell less; Inciose stamp, James
Johnson, Owner, Bruno, Minn.
1 Mississippi.
"Go IFouth,
Young man"
Build youisctt a iiuine on the Quit
Coast. No extremes of weathei, cither
hot or cold. No drouth. Good, rich lauua
from $10 up. We own them. Easiest of
terms. We want farmers. Writs lor our
Pascsgoula, Miss.
NEBRASKA and Oregon land, 18 up.
(94 Braudels Blk., Omaha, Neb.
Omaha representative wanted "Oco,"
orchards In. the beautiful Willamette val
ley, 100 miles south of Portland, Ore., are
the highest grade and moat scientifically
developed orchards In the northwest. No
Irrigation needed. Fine climate. No
storms to destroy crops. Fine school and
social advantages. Beautifully located, de
veloped until b years old. bold on mod
erate terms. Trees one and two years
old. More to bs planted. Commence now
and retire In a few years. Let us give
you relerences, details and show you pic
tures. Want to talk with buyers and se
cure reliable person, realty or invest
ment company to represent us. ' Must
le firm or person of good standing.
Oregon Apple Co., Corvallis, Ore. Write
or call J. W. Morgan, Room 327, Millard
Holol, Omaha, Neb.
. kuulU l)akuiei
A FEW snaps In Brule county, South
Dakota, lands; will pay railroad fare to
buyers not. satisfied. J. A. bAranaMy
pukwana, 8. D.
EXCURSION to Monte Cbrtsto (Texas),
the beauulul, Tuesuay, Dec. s. "The ngiil
piace' lor winter huiues or investment.
Write for booklet auu other intoriuauun.
U. E. Kellogg; Rotim 4, Stuart Biug.,
Auduoon, ia. Agents wanted.
I' tall.
Your homestead rignt guod for SM acres,
and 110 residence requited. We can locate
you on some ot the choicest tracts. Can
also buy some choice tracts school land
cheap. Best land being rapidly laaeu up.
Act quick. Address Northwestern l.aiids
Co., Ul Dooly Blk., Bait Lake City, Ciau.
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
Farnam binlth t Co., Iau Farnam St.
OMAHA Property and Nebraska Lauds-
1018 New Omaha Nat l Bank Building.
WANTED . ity loans. Peters 'irust Co.
tloo .to tlo.uuO made promptly. F. D.
Weed , W'ead Bldg., loth and Farnam.
vestment company, Omaha.
Kloke In-
J10-3I2 Brandels Theater Bldg.
MONEY to loans on buslneas or resi
dence properties, tl.O'O to touu.ouo. VV. li.
THOMAS, 603 First Nut I Bank Bldg.
(JAKVIN BROS lM tuouand up.
UilV V 111 JJIVCO. ol8htt , Hank
LARUE IjOANS, municipal bonds, mort
gages bought and sold. SIC El. BROH.
FARM LOANS; no commission, optional
payment; cheap money; quick
orin ti. Merrill, 1213 City Nat I Bank Bldg.
WU exchange propel lies of met It. C W.
Welsh. M2-13 O. N. Bk. Bldg. Doug. "Mm.
MOST picturesque 40 ai res In America,
14 miles south of Council Bluffs on main
traveled road. Ideul summer or country
home or club. Every natural advantage
springs, shade liees, giaasy valleys, wind
ing roads Pi h e 7,5oO. 1
Also highly Improved 40 acres I miles
from Glenwood. 16 acres orchard, bal
ance cultivation; rolling, but not rough,
l-t'.re iM. Address II, Omaha Bee,
Cfuiull Bluff, 1
t.'.i, $:.. tr,i. tio.ouo. iin.ivuv. txiw
stocks of dry goods and groceries to rx
change for land or town property. Fre
mont S. tlibson, Charles City. la.
ON E- il ALF B1.0CKVro.m" Tt ANSCOM
Will rent first floor of all modern hmisa
to young couple, owner employed durln
day, reserving second floor for self, ami
share eot of healing, or will rent entire
hoi se of It rooms, 2 baths, oak floors,
Isise porch and yard to desirable tenant.
Call Sunday or after U In tvenlnga. lot?
S. Slat St.
proved with 7-room house; choice loca
tion and many takiible features: value
tfi.OtX); easy terms or will exchange for
Omaha or South Omaha Income property.
An opportunity. Investigate.
Rooms 12J3-14 City National Bonk llhlg
id-hand gootla. Kleser, 1030 Center. P. Mi.
10 II i?CJbhBins Kur Co., 70S N. lsti".
UAWO Omaha. We buy all kinds of raw
furs; pay high price. Give us a trial.
FAMILY of four seeks high-olass board
ing place; must be suitable for cultured
Couple, neighborhood and house must be
Igh-claaii; near West Farnam 8L Ad
dress D tXI, care Bee.
Til RICH adults nnd 4-year-old want
completely furnished apartment. Pieaa
do not reply unless neighborhood and all
else qualifies for refined people; West
Farnam district. Address C IW. care Res.
VANTET Furnished suite nar good
boarding place, suitable for family ot
thiee addlts and child. No objection to
outskirts If near Farnam bt. Ouly high
grade place considered. Address N tkg,
care Bee.
PKAC'llCAl. nurse. Call 11. ii.IO. A-2.li4.
Young innn needs work for board
and room. 'Phone lMuglas 42S4.
"POBFtioN by" thlrdrear high school
boy; will work from It to (.to p. m, M.
4KJ, Bee.
YOC.NO man. good habits, wants posi
tion tn general store or office work for
small wages. 1: 7Vi, Bins.
WHITE woman desires day work; neat
and clear). 'Phone D. 6740.
SITUATION wanted A malinger ot
general store, country town; experienced.
O 613, Bee.
BY high school gradual, stenugiapher,
clerical or bookkeeping; unexperienced.
1. 610. Bee.
AN educated woman desires work In
Omaha or elsewhere In Institution or fam
ily to assist in keeping and taking cars
of children. Webster 3177.
YOUNO man wauts position as bar
tender; experienced. 8 flu, Bee.
WaBH 1 NU ana curtains done. T. H. 742J.
BOOKKEEPING and clerical worsT
evenings anu Saturdays; use typewriter,
ntiorw. L 743, Boe.
ELDERLY lauy wishes position In goou
home as housekeeper for an elderly
widower on farm. Write to loot N. 21m
St., or Telephone Webster 3135.
YOUNG man working way through col
lege would like a pi nee to work out room
and board. O 779, Bee.
EAPlvHlENCEO bookkeeper, corre
kponuent, collector and ail round ottlce
man is open lor position. W 70, Bee.
POSITION wanted by lady
rapher; take rapid dictation. N
, Bee.
A MIDDLE aged lady desires position
as housekeeper tor widower, Retereuoes
exchanged. 3M8 N. 27th St.
YOUNG lady with one year's experi
ence as stenographer wishes a position
In a tlrm; salary according; to abliliy.
O 7, Bee.
THREE young ladles, piano pluyer and
singer, want position In picture shovt, sx
perienced. Dougiaa tbuu. K 77A. Bee.
GOOD, reliable, sober man wants posi
tion as janitor or watchman; can givs
good references, George Fuller, Uut Min
ster, Council Blufts, Ia.
YOUNG MAN wants to work nights
and Sunday, or eltuer, B 767, Bee.
WANTED A position In some nice
family as nurse girl for one or two chil
dien by a nice young Colored girl. Ad
dress Miss Lovetta Mai tin. e03 N. 7th St.,
Ave. 6, Nebraska City, Neb.
VV AN'l ED Position as housekeeper by
respectable middle-aged lady, Prefer
home with children. Also experienced as
nurse. Address Mrs. Mario Turner, gun
eral delivery, Council Bluffs, la.
A NEAT colored girl desires position;
general housework. Phone Douglas kOjU.
vv M 1 , yea, ut coort-e, take your girl to
ses Miss Lang with the Woodward Stock
company at the American theater. If
L. B. Smith, 4216 Douglas St., will call at
The office within three days we will
give him an order for two tickets.
POSITION wanted by competent laly
stenographer; references as to ability.
Harney 644.
WASHING and ironing done; work
satisfactory. Douglas 10K3.
MIDDLE-AGED coupm wants position
In country, woman as housekeeper, man
to do cuoies and work about farm, Alloa
Rothe, 110 8. 17th 8;.
WANTED A position as cook In private
family or rewtaurant. Address M 7H2. Bee.
W AN ! ED Position as head waitress.
American plan hotel, to go anywliiie;
tlrst-class references. Doug. 4074.
LADY wants position as housekeeper.
2T.77 4 umlng; have small child.
MR. HUSBAND; If you are looking for
something to take home for an extra fine
dessert stop Into Dalicll's. If Mrs. T. H.
Beach, 4u02 N. 40th St., will come to The
Bee office within three days we will give
her an order for a quart brick ot this
fine lco cream.
Ship your stock 10 South Omaha; save
mileage and shrinkage; your consign
ments receive prompt and careful atiu
tlon. LIVE
Byers Bros. A Co. Strong and responsible.
WOOD BROS., 234-3H Exchange Bldg.
Great West. Com. Co., Omaha ac Denver.
W. It. b.Vll'111 c SON mat hanu,e sheep.
W. F. DENNY CO., 2.0 Exih. Bldg.
'1 AGO BROS, handle cattle, hogs, sheep
Clay, Robinson at t o., 2o0 Exch. Bldg.
Inn rotate Co. Better results. Ship 10 us
Bi Klvr.-ltli KLV CO.. 201 Exch. Bldg.
L. E. RUBER! 8 at CO., 229 Exch. Bldg.
Cox Si j ones Com. Co., bunch ot hustlers.
1 aimers L. S. Com. Co., 'Ml Excnaiign. -
Deoalt proceeds of shipments In bluvk
Yards Nat'l bank. Only bank at yards.
Martin Bros, at to., ai-4 Ex. Bldg.
AloT G. Buchanan at Sou. 164-50 Ex. Blug.
Nebraska-Iowa Grain Co., 7G4 Brandels.
W EEKS GRAIN lO, grain merchants,
consignments so. letted. SJ Brandels.
wTlihAViii GltA IN uo., gram CO nsigu
ments solicited, grain bought I., arrive.
,2t Brandels.
T77bTA muff, Sunday evening, be
tween 20tli and Pleice bt. and 2ih and
popiiietuii Ave. i'lnder will receive re
ward by returning same to 1146 S. 2Vlh
bt., or telephoning Harney 4'jo5.
The Omaha Bee reaches inoru
leaders in Omaha than any
other paper
yimi lermnstiT b Office Federal Building.
Chicago, Illinois, October 7th, P11.
Sealed propoMils. In triplicate, sublert t.
Iho usual conditions, will he received nt
this oifice until 12 o'clock m January 61.
Ivli and then opened, for furnishing and
delivering at either the Ronton. New
York, Philadelphia, St. lamls or Chlcaito
depot of the vjiiartertnnster's Depart
ment; KAX) pairs Leggings; subject to
liicwasa of not to exceed DiV. If de
sired by this Department. Right is re
served to reject or accept any or all
pioposals or any part thereof. Preference
will be given to article of domestl,. man
ufai tine, conditions of qualltr and price
Oncluding In the price of foreign produc
tion or manufacture the duty thereon)
balng equal. Standard sample ran be
seen, and specification, blank for pin
point and full Information will be fur
nished upon application at thl office.
Envelopes containing preiKisiils to he In
dorsed 'Proposals for Learning to be
opened January 3d. 11112." Colonel Jno.
L. Clem, Chief tjuartennMster.
Nl-.-lfi-ld-i&l-Dt-ia 25-27
Sealed bids will be recelveil until noon,
December 1. lull.' at the office ot the
undersigned, for the construction of a
biuiding at Curtis, Nebraska, for the
School ot Agriculture. Plans, specifica
tion and bidding blank are on file at
th office of Burd F. Miller, Architect
734 Brandels Theater Bldg.. Omaha, and
th office of secretary of state, Lincoln.
Nlt-d-Kt Becretary of Stat.
I'M ION STATION Tentfc and Masna
talon Paelfle
Depart. Arrive.
San Frnn. Ovsrl'd L..aD 4ftam a 7:40 pm
China A Japan F. M...S t:vT pin a 8:45 pm
Atlantto Fxpress a 11:45 am
Oregon Express all HA pm a 8:10 pm
Ijos Angeles Llm'd....al2:4A pm a 8:30 pm
Denver Special a 7:i4 am a 7:27 am
Centen'al State Hn'oT.airiM pm al! n am
Colorado Express a 3:30 pm a 4 60 pin
Oregon-Wash. I.rt'd..al2:M pm a 8 J0 pm
North Phitte Local. ..a 8:i.i am a 4. IK pm
Grand Inland Ixicul...a B S0 pm alO SO am
Stromsburg Local bl2:41 pm b 1:20 pm
( btcaao, Rock Island at Pacific
Rocky Mountain Ltd..al2:28 am aid
Chteagn Local Pass....bl0:3li am bill
Chicago Day Rx a t:4A am a 4
Chicago Express a 4:10 pm a 1
Des Moines Ia'cbI Pas.a 4:27 cm ali
Chicago-Neb. Limited,. a 6 08 pm a 1,
Chi. -Neb. Lmtd to Un-
coln am a t
Chi. -Colo. Express a 1:15 pm a 4
Okl. ot Tex. Express.. .a (1 00 pm all
Rocky Mountain Ltd..at0.4S pm al2
I kleago at Norlhwestern
Mlnn.-Pt. Paul Ex....b 7:oo am ....
Minn. -St. Paul L t d. ..a t oo pm a 8
Twin City Express. ...a 7:4.1 am alO
.IK pm
10 pm
30 pm
10 pm
U pro
47 am
M pm
00 pm
4fi am
30 am
:00 am
X om
Sioux City Local a 8:4& pm a 3.
28 pm
Minn, ft Dakota Kx..a7:o0pm at
Twin City Limited. ...a 8.46 pin a 7
Minnesota Express all
IB am
:0 am
:00 am
10 pm
40 pm
:2g pm
:28 pra
:4U am
2.1 pm
30 pm
15 am
:00 am
Carroll Ixical a 7:00 am a 8
Daylight Chicago a 7:40 am alO
Chicago Local .....aliotf pm at
Colorado-Chicago a 6:10 pm a 3
Chicago Special a f :02 pm at
Pao. Coat-Chlcago....a 8:35 pm a 3
Los Angeles Limited. .a I W pm alt
Overlund Limited a7:fkpm a 8
Carroll Local a 4:30 pm alO
Fast Mall a 8 30 pm at
r.,lj,r llalllils. SloUX &
.36 pm
Omaha a I
Centennial Slate Llm. 12.40 am 11
38 pm
15 pm
r.nns- Ptne a 8:00 am all
:00 am
Norfolk-Dallas a 8:00 am alO
:i pin
wl nm
Long l'lne-Llncoln....a 1:U pm a t
Hastings-Superior ,...b 2:li pm a t
Deadwood-Hot Sp'gs..a 8:U pm a I
Casper-lender a 8:65 pm all
:20 pm
:20 pm
:00 pm
:66 pin
:30 am
;W pm
:1B am
Fremont-Albion u e.ow pm u 1
Vllsaonrl Paelflo
K. C V BL L, Km. ...a 1:20 am a T:
K. C. oi St. L. Lx....aU:lo pm li
Omaha Bt. Louis Ex.. a 8 30 pm a t
Mall and Express a 7:03 am all
manh'y L. (fromC.B.)b 6:00 pm .blO
is pm
16 am
Chicaco. Mil m "I
Overland Umlted
1 7:M pm
11 am
Perry ixicai
Colorado Express
Colorsdo Special .
....a 8:30 am
....a 6:00 pm
,,..a 7:42 am
,...b 6:16 pm
:00 pm
:2fi pm
:oO am
:06 pm
Perry Local
Illinois Central
r-hlrairn Kxnress a 7:00 am a 1:
45 pm
00 am
Chicago ' Limited a 6:00 pin at
Chloaao Great Western
rM.... T Imll.l . S.aR nra.
Twin City Limited a 8:35 pin a 7:
45 am
M pm
46 pm
Twin city Express. ...a : am a s
Chicago Express a t
Local Passenger a 6:16 pm
Burlinalon Station Tenth Mason
Denver & California.. a 4:10 pm
Puget Sound Express. a 4:10 pm
Nebraska points a 8:20 am
Black Hills a 4:10 pm
Lincoln Mall b 1.30 pm
Northwest Express. ..all:K5 pm
Nebraska points a 8:20 am
Nebrsska Express. ...a 3:10 am
Lincoln Local
.Schuyler-Platlsniouth b 3:00 pm
Lincoln Local
Platttmouih-lowa ....a 8:18 am
Rellevue-Plattsmouth al2:30 pm
Chicago Special a 7:14 am
Denver bpeclal all:36 pm
Chicago Express a 4:20 pm
Chic. Fast Express,.. a 8 S0 pm
Iowa Local a 0:10 am
Crcston (la.) laical. ,.b 8:30 pm
St, Louis Express a 4:36 pm
K. C. at Bt. Joseph. .val0:45 pm
K. C. Ac St. Joseph. ,.a 8:16 am
1C C. ac St. Joseph. ...a 4:30 pm
a 8:45 pm
a 1:45 pin
a 6 10 pm
a 8:46 pm
al2:lf pm
a 7:00 am
a 8:10 pm
a 8:10 pro
a 8:08 am
blO 20 am
b 1.04 am
a 8:50 am
a 2:40 pm
all: 16 pm
a 7:00 pm
a l:iS pm
a 8:00 am
al0:30 am
blO:45 am
all:50 am
a 6 46 am
a 6:10 pm
Webster Station 10th and Webster.
M Isaoart Pad fit
Auburn Local
Arrive. Depart,
.b 1:60 pm bll.&o am
Chlcae, (.
Paul, Minneapolis A
.b 6:26 pm
fcl2:0b pm
o 6:25 pm
c 8:26 pm
Bloux City Express!
Omaha lxK-al
Bloux City Pass....
Twin city J'ass.
Emerson Loral b 1:56 pra b :10 am
(h) dally except Bunday. to) Sunday
only. ta dally.
No Dickens' Lecture
for the Woman's Club
The Omaha Woman s club yesterday
discussed the advisability of Improving
Its opportunity of hearing Alfred T.
Dickens when lie comes to Omaha De
cember II. Ono member stated that she
had heard "a son" of Dickens speak
twenty-threo years ago. Another mem
ber said that sha was not In favor of
the club taking 100 from th club funds
to pay the lecturer.
The majority voted to give up Dick
ens and save Its 1100.
The' Omana Woman's club will shop
early this year. In compliance with th
request of the Commercial club to endorse
the stand of Pie retail trade committee
foi eurly Christmas; shopping.
Ttie club president, Mis. M. I J. Cam
eron, made tho following recommendation
tor the dub for the year 1UU-U
That tha club make an effort to get the
young, unmarried women Into Rs mem
bership; that II havd a club pin, dignified
iitid not cheap in appearance; that It have
a historian to write the history ot the
club; that it display tho American flag
st every meeting; that there be a health
committee separate from the civics com
mittee; that tlie direct irs meet 011 an
other than the tiib day.
Thnnksgivino; Day to Bo 0bered
Teacher, and Pnpils.
l.ltle Folks (iather "applies Which
Ar Donated to the Charitable
Institutions of lite '
c'. .
Thanksgiving day will be obrerved to
day In all of the city schools. D-
cial programs having been prepared by
th majority at them. At th close of
today's work the students will be dis
missed and will enjoy a vacation Thurs
day and Friday.
During the Inst two weeks some of tha
schools have sent several hundred pupils
a delegates to th various charitable In
stitution of the city.-to which donations
will be given. These pupils wore In th
olmnentsry grades and upon their return
t tha rchools reported the rt.mlt of their
visit, relating what they had observed.
Th donations will be brought by th
children to their school Wednesday nnd
given td th principal, who will dis
tribute them to the Institutions In need.
Th donations from certain schools hay
been given each year for certain charita
ble purposes and this program will be
carried out this year. However, there
will b a tew exceptions, a soma of tha
principals have decided to keep a per
centage ot the donations to use during tha
winter for th benefit ot the needy pupils.
Miss Clara B. Mason, principal ot th
Train school, has Instituted a new method
of making mora practical the' annual
Thanksgiving offerings by th school chil
dren. A week ago ah led the Seventh
grade pupil and their teacher, ' Ml
Frances Flsko, to th Child Baying; In
stitute, where Miss Johnson, superinten
dent of the Institution, escorted them
through th building, showing th Inmates
at tabla and In th act ot performing;
their dally, routine. '
They Give Their Idea.
Upon th return of th Seventh graders,
each prepared a paper setting forth Ideas
of what was most needed In th Institu
tion, These papers wer read In th sev
eral school rooms and th donations wera
mad according to tha suggestions ot
those who had visited the Institute. Along
with the regular donations ot vegetables, .
canned fruits and nonperlshabla arti
cle wilt be sent, things of which tha In
mates are at this time In need. All th
gifts of the Train school pupils will go
to th Child Saving Institute.
At th Farnam school, which has 600
students, Mrs. Agnes M. Harrison, th
principal, ties been giving each room time
for the last two weeks to prepare pro
grams. Several rooma will join In th
presentation of their exercises. Th first
graders, sccordlng to an annual custom,
will have models ot th Mayflower, Ply
mouth rock and of other things closely
associated with tha history ot Thanks
giving. Tha exercises at Walnut Hill school
will be brief. Ming Dora C. Harney, tha
principal, decided to give the Thanks
giving program recently when "Mothers'
Day" was observed, and th time baa
been too short for the preparation ot an
other program.
Principals Anna Hutchlns, Franklin;
Mrs. Martha W. Christiansen, Edward
Rosewater; Miss Jennie L. Redfleld, Cas
tellar; Miss Emma Roslcky, Saunders;
Mrs. Nora H, Lamon, Lothrop, and Miss
Martha L. Powell, Long, have, arranged
for programs Including' short exercises,
readings, recitations, etc., and a review
of tha history of Thanksgiving. Th
history review featura la In charge of
th history clauses In tha various schools.
Irish Players Are
Bombarded in First
Show in Metropolis
NEW YORK, Nov. 2S.-Rlotous disorder
broke out tonight at a performance which
the Irish players, recently arrived from
Dublin, attempted to give "The Tlay Boy
ot the Western World" at Maxtn El
lott's theater. Much refuse was thrown
at tha actors and police reserves wer
called. Ten prisoners wer taken.
Th uproar started as soon as th cur
tain ros on Ui first act, and so Inter
rupted the performance that at th end
of the second act Fred O Donovan, who
played th part ot th play boy,' an-'
nounced that th act would be repeated.
By this time most of th rioters had bean
arrested and dispersed, and tha repetition
of th first act was accomplished wltb
little trouble.
Tho Irish players belleva ther was
concerted action on the part of th dis
turber and declare that determined Uttle
groups appeared to be distributed ad
vantageously throughout the house.' ' It
also developed that an attorney appeared
at th police station several minutes be
fore any of tha prisoners wer brought
In and offered to defend any of th ar
rested men.
Potatoes, egg., vegetables and other
missiles wer thrown on th stag and
several of the actors wer struck. Miss
Klthn McOe received a particularly
hard blow on the head by a potato, but
her wealth of hair saved her from serious
The audience was mainly a fashionably
dressed one. )
"The Tlay Boy of the Western World"
as written by Synge and staged by Lady
Gregory, was declared in a resolution re
cently passed by th United Irish societies
as an Insult to the Irish race In that It
was Immoral and made a hero out of a
parricide. It received vltrlollo criticism
at th hand ot the Boston Irish federa
tion. More Omaha Men
Are Out, Declaring
For President Taft
Interest In the Taft movement in
Omaha and vicinity continues unabated
and men of all classes and from all
walks ot life are coming out and enlist
ing to make the political fight under tha
Taft banner. Xeaterduy the following
named voters enrolled themselves aa
members of the Omaha Taft club:
C. W. Ogle, K. L. Llnqulst,
Dr. N. H. Jailing, J. C. Robinson,
N. K. Van Husen, r. w. snes
K. P. Alien,
T. J. T'aggart,
J. J. Nell.
George Anthes,
F. J. Bh-lck.
Denise Barkalow,
Guy L. Smith, .
J A. Mclntyre,
Dr. W. J. Bradbury,
L, K. Doty,
L. A. Keilsy,
J. D. Orris.
Wm. H. Heller,
John N'orberg.
Charles F. Doll,
Augustus Dull,
Smith Clark.
Clement Chaa,
N. 11. Louuua, ..
W. W. B.ngham.
B. G. McGillon,
Peter A. Kerr,
Henry Growl,
W. L. Peterson,
Gus F. Ruete,
M. D. Rule.
Dr. F. Renner,
L. J. Pascal,
T. W. Haxen,
J. J. Cameron,
Ed Black,
J. E. lUmmon,
Ward M. Walsh,
George Johiraou,