Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1911, Image 1

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e Omaha Daily Bee
Our Kagazha Feaiuras
Wit. anmo. ftoMom asS eo-nl
Blotwre the test Of entertain
ment, tnstrantlon, tnuimta
Fair, Colder
VOL. XU X(). 141.
Judge Allen Instructs Jury, Follow
ing: le&tiii.ony of Last "wit
ness in Trial.
Defense's Witness Acknowledges
She Gave Wronj Name.
Testifies that She' Paid Son's Ex
penses During Sickness.
Prvfterntor Open III Sipcech wllk
Qaotatlon Adapted from Kip
ling's Vampire Defend-
nt' History Analysed.
DENVER, Nov. 2i The lot wltne In
the trial of Gertrude Gibson Patterson,
charged with the murder of her husband,
Charles A. Patterson, was heard thin
forenoon. judge Allen then Instructed
thejury and Special Prosecutor Km ace G.
Benson began his closing argument for
the rtate.
In his Instructions Jud;;e Allen gave an
exposition of the laws defining murder In
the first and second degrees, and volun
tary and Involuntary manslaughter.
During the reading of the Instructions,
Mrs. Patterson's face was waxen In its
palor. This appearance deepened as
Prosecutor Benson laying stress on every
bit of testimony which he believed told
against the defendant In measured tones
addressed the Jury.
Defendant Show Stara of Strain.
When Mrs. Patterson entered the court
room her face was pale and deep circles
under the eyes gave evidence of a sleep
less night.
Mrs. C. A. Jones, who testified yester
day that she had witnessed an assault
by Patterson on his wife, was recalled by
the stale and compelled o admit that
Jones w as not really her husband's name,
nor her own.
Mrs. Mary K. Patterson, mother of the
tdaln man, being recalled, testified that
she had paid all his expenses attendant
upon her son's illness, excepting those
for two weeks.
Demon's Openlnu; Address.
"A fool there was, and he made his
prayer (even ae you and I);
To a rag and a bone and a hank of hair
We called her -die women who did not
But the fool, he called her his lady fair
and she shot him In the back," was the
way Attorney Benson opened hi nidi ess.
The prosecutor then took up the early
life of the defendant In an attempt to
convince the Jury that It was no uhso
tmlslcated 16-year-old child, but an ex
' perlenced woman, who won the derotlou
of Emll V. Strouns In Chicago. Bsnson
declared hat ,th, evidence show that
Gertrude Gibson was .21 or 22 years of
se .svhen sba-jnat-us OMeagar clothing
- manufacturer and five or six years older
than Charles A. Patterson.
Passengers Save
Town from Fire
WICHITA, Kan.. Nov. 28.-Only the aid
of passengers and trainmen on a Chi
cago, Rock Island & Pacific train, No. 11,
early today saved the town of Elblng In
Butler county, north of here, from being
! wiped out by fire. The train was held
fifteen minutes while the passengers and
, trainmen Joined the Elblng bucket bri
' gade and the people from Whitewater, a
neighboring town, who had come to help
Stop the flames. The west side of the
main street was destroyed, six buildings
being burned.
Ten Thousand Taken
in at Michigan Game
LINCOLN. Neb., Nov. 2S.-(Speclal.)
According to a statement made by Man
ager Eager of athletics at the State
university, the total receipts of the
Michigan game exceeded 10.100 and the
Michigan team's share of that amount
was about $j,0i0. The original guarantee
called for $4,000, so that amount was ex
ceeded by a comfortable, margin.
The Weather
FOR NEBRASKA Generally fair; ris
Inir temperature. ,
FOH low a Generally fair; warmer In
west uorlion.
Omaha lesterday.
f a. in
8 a. in
....12 ,
....11 '
....10 '
.... 3
... JO .
7 a. m...
8 a. in...
9 a. m...
10 a. rn...
11 a. in...
12 m
1 p. m...
2 p. in...
3 p. m...
4 p. m...
6 p. m...
C p. m...
7 p. in.
p. ni U
Comparative Local Record.
1011. 1910. 190J. 19U.
Highest yesterday r, &i 40
Ixwest yesterday 24 30 3.',
Mean temiH-rature 12 SO a" 40
Precipitation 02 .00 .OS .00
Temperature and reclptation depart
ures from the EorinM:
Normal temperature m
Deflcle-icy the day ""'.'.'. 20
Twtal excess since March 1 ". .!&tM
Normal pi eciptiauun e iticii
Excess fur the day 00 inch
Total lainfall s.noe Mareh 1... .13.2! Inches
Delteiency since March 1 1.1.01 incites
Deficiency for cor. period. 1110. .14. 4'i inches
Excess for cor. period. 1M9 3. a inch
- iteporfs from btuiloua J t. m.
fetation and State Temp. High. Raln-
or v earner. p. m. est.
heyenne, char 12
laviiport. knowing li
Ienver, clear 24
3es Moines, cloudy 14
1 lodge City dew 14
Lander, clear H
North Platte, clear 12
Omaha, clear 13
Pueblo, clear 12
Rapid City, clear 1
t-alt Lake City, clear IS
fcsnta Fe, clear 0
Khendan, clear 14
bluux cty, -clear a
Valentine, clear 4
"T" Indicates trace of precipitation,
inaicates below xero.
L, A. WLUH, Local Forecaster,
S 'A
Nothin' to Do Till
Tomorrow, So Land
Lubber Joins Wavy
Rene Streatcn, chief of the outer guard
and past assistant surgeon, stationed In
the naval recruiting station In tlie federal
building, was frightened out of a year's
growth yesterday afternoon when E.Mei
Ualn of Lexlncton appeared before him
and asked If the nuvy "needed any bal
last." Strcaten took one look at the appli
cant's 223 pounds of beef and decided that
!f lie was shipped, the navy would most
assuredly havo some very Rood material
to keep the --ship on even keel.
Ualn, although the largest man ever
"shipped" by the local recruiting station.
Is only years of nse, but he Is over
sis feet .all. and fairly well proportioned.
He was taken on as apprentice seaman
and will bo sent to the training ship oft
San Frnr.clFCo somo time today.
"I got tired of living in Lexington with
"nothing to do till tomorrow," so I
thought I would like a whirl at the rolling
deep," boomed Bain from tho depths of a
very solid-looking chest. Thnt he passed
the examination goes Without saying, and
It was only when one of the office "salts"
tried to scare the new recruit by telling
him of tho sailor 'horse-play did Bain
show any nervousness. Then he calmly
rolled up his sleeve and exhibited a knotty
bunch of muscles that looked like an
anchor chain, and nonchalantly asked If
they "had eny fighters In the navy."
Bain says ho was some wrestler In Lex
ington, and If he can find some one any
where near his weight on board ship, he
will see that the boat he la assigned to
does not have any dull moments.
Four Seamen Swept
from Deck of Liner
by a High Wave
NEW YORK, Nov. 28. A tremendous
sea, which hammered the bow and swept
the decks of the Fabre line steamship
Santa Anna caused the death of four
seamen and the rserlous Injury of three
others. News of the disaster was brought'
to port when the liner arrived today from
Marseilles and Naples.
The ship's passage as a whole was
stormy and unpleasant, but It was not
until November 23 that the heaviest sea
was encountered. Described by Captain
Pavey as the "Most terrific he ever en
countered," a great mass of water rose
like a wall before the vessel, then fell
With Brushing force on the decks and,
sweeping over every part of the ship,
carried seamen Durand, , Sartl. Callsti
and Quarelll overboard like corks. Three
others were stretched out unconscious on
the decks. The Impact of the wall of
water had nearly stopped the ship. En
gines were reversed quickly. Life buoyi
were thrown out promptly and, as the
vessel neared ' the spot where the four
seamen had been swept Into the sea they
were seen floating on the buoys. The sea
was q violent, however, tha three of
them soon ' relinquished their hold arid
sank. ' Quarettr wuceeeded 'In "grasping 'V
life line and was hauled aboard.
When attention was directed to the In
jured It was found that two seamen
Folxs, and Roumlen and Faxettl, tho
ship's boy, had been badly hurt. Folxa's
spine was broken and he died two davs
later. The others were operated on and
probably will recover. .
Denver Hotel Clerk
Shot by Man Said tV
Be from Omaha
DENVER, Nov. 28.-When C. 8. Yonlcy,
night clerk of the Great Northern hotel,
early today declined to throw up Ills
hands and turn the contents cf the safe
over to George Yant, who gives Omaha
as his home, the latter shot the clerk
through the. lungs, Inflicting probably
fatal wounds. Yant told the police that
his act was inspired by lack of money
and failure to secure employment.
There Is no George Yant In Omaha,
However, there is Maurice Yant, an elec
trician residing here. He has a brother
George and the last that he heard from
him he was In Fort Wayne, Iod., where
he was employed as an ironworker. He Is
doubtful about his brother ever having
come west and while he knows nothing
certain about his present whereabouts, he
thinks It Is doubtful If he has left Fort
Wayne. .,
Murder of Five is
Followed by Suicide
NEW YORK, Nov. 2H.-lgnappia Plos
pla, an Italian storekeeper, killed his
wife, his mother, his lister and his two
children, then shot himself to death In the
rooms back of his store at Lodl, N. J., a
small town near Hackensack, today.
Plospla had quarreled with his family
and hud been away for a week. He re
turned today and went into the store. A
customer who entered soon after found
.he six corpses. The man used a revolver
and each cartridge counted for a life.
Plospia's body lay nearest the door. Be
tween him and the living room at the
back lay the body of his wife. In the
next room were the other two women and
In the bedroom the two children, uged
4 and 9. .
BALTIMORE. Nov. 2S. Becaufe of her
Illness Mrs. Dudley, widow of Irving i.
Iiudley, I'nlted States ambassador to
Brazil, has not yet been informed of the
death of her husband, which occurred
suddenly yesterday. Mrs. Dudley 1s u
patient In the same hospital where Mr.
Dudley died.'
NEW YORK, Nov. 28-Mr. Francis
O'haughnessey, who shot her husband
"to save his soul." was acquitted on a
charge of mutder today by the Jury after
it had deliberated two hours. The de
fense was a combination of insanity and
the "unwritten Uw."
Second City Near Hankow Capitu
lates to the Imperial Army
Under General Chang.
Action Taken by Rebel Leaders to
Save City from Destruction.
Report that Nearly Four Thousand
Are Slain.
Company Rent from Shanghai on
(inn bunt Snratoua French and
Japanese Cinrrlnons Are
PEKING, Nov. 28. Lieutenant General
Fong Kwo Chang, commander of the Im
perial troops at Hankow, telegraphed
today that he had occupied the whole of
tho city of Han Yang at 4 o'clock yester
day. Wu Chang capitulated to the Imperial
troops today, the revolutionary leaders
expressing a desire to negotiate for 'a
compromise and suggesting some slight
alterations In the government program.
The government Is endeavoring to se
cure an Immediate cessation of hostilities
at Nanking, where the fall of the city
Is Imminent.
There la much Jubilation In official cir
cles over the sudden success of Lieuten
ant General Feng Kwo Chang. The mer
chants aro overjoyed at the prospect of
a resumption of business and the re
cstahllshment of order with the removal
of the terrible menace to the Uvea of for
eigners In the Interior of the country.
The surrender of, Wu Chang by the
rebels today was provisional and with a
view to saving the city from destruction.
The revolutionaries at Hankow have
asked for a three days' armistice in which
an attempt will be made to secure the
consent of the other provinces to the
acceptance of the Imperial government's
terms, Including the preservation of the
Manchu dynasty.
The government has received reports
announcing that the fighting- preceding
the capture of tho city of flan Yang
lasted seventy consecutive hours. The
carnage was heavy.
The government has asked the Ameri
can Presbyterian missionary, Dr. Charles
Lewis, at Pao Ting Fu, to Improvise
hospitals for the wounded who are being
brought back. The missionary college
at Peking Is curtailing its classes in order
to permit several British doctor and
their Chinese assistants to go couth.
The government troops demand the
surrender of tho Shan SI rebels. Other
wise they threaten to attack them to.
The force of French troops stationed
here, lias been increased to 1,000 men- apd
that of-the-Japanese to'taoo.-' I ' -
Terrible Mnaahter at Sanklu.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 28.-Terrihl
slaughter has marked the fighting at
Nanking, according to a cablegram re
ceived today by the 'Chinese dally paper
here. The report say that S.5C0 regular
soldiers and 300 civilian volunteers have
been killed. Dispatches received by the
Chinese Free I'ress state that the im
perialists and rebels are fighting today
insido Nanking. The revolutionary navy
Is preparing to bombard the suburb of
Phla Kwan, occupied by the Manchus.
The Chinese dally paper also says word
that tho governors of Shantung and
Honan provinces have wired Prime Minis
ter Yuan r'hi Kal that they have repudi
ated the republican government set up In
these province.
It stated that a revolutionary force of
3,000 has left Canton for Hankow.
.. Klulitlnir North of Nanking:.
NANKING, Nov. 28.-8ome fighting
has taken place to the northward of the
city. A bombardment is Imminent.
There Is reason to believe that Lieu
tenant General Feng Kwo Chang, com
mander of the Imperial troops, has dis
covered a treacherous plot to open the
gates of the city. Much shooting has
been heard Inside the city. All foreign
ers except the Japanese consul and his
guard have now left.
The viceroy of the province and the
Tartar general are reported to have re
turned to'their yamens from the Japanese
consulate where they had taken refuge.
All the foreign warships havo with
drawn out of range.
Treasury Nearly Kmpty.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 28-According
to today's cable advices, from Ameri
can Minister Calhoun at Peking, Chinese
ftnonees are in a deplorable condition
with but two million tuels in the treas
ury; and the government without credit.
-. Mr. Calhoun confirms the first stories
of the killing of missionaries at Hslati
Fu, the capital of Shensl. The minister
adds the name of Mr. Vatne to the list
of Americans killed. In addition Mrs.
lleckman, an American, and Mr. Vatne,
one British and one German, and five
European children were stain.
I'nlted states Nenda Marines.
SHANGHAI. Nov. 28. Rear Admiral
Joseph B. Murdock, I'nlted States navy,
is sending a company of marines from
here td Peking dli board the United
Stales cruiser Saratoga.
New Juror Selected N
for the Stokes Case
-NEW YORK. Nov. 28-Tlie Jury box In
tlm Slokes shooting rase was refilled to
day and the trial resumed, W. K. D.
Stokes, the millionaire, being the first
witness examined. The new Juror takes
the place of the Indiscreet member dis
missed from the Jury yesterday because
the court heard he had sakl outside the
Jury room that the defendants would be
found guilty. While technically, this made
a mtMi ial, both sides agreed to retain the
Juror already chosen and. Instead of re
calling all the witnesses, to let the new
member catch up by reading to hlin the
testimony already taken.
This will be dune today and the at
torneys hope to go on with the examina
tion of witnesses tomorrow. The cross
examination of W. K. D. "tokes, who
charged Lillian Grahr'n and Kthel Con
rad, the show girls, wMh drying to mur
der him, la Incomplete, snd Stokes prob-
aUjr will l4t tb first willies called.
From the Washington Star.
Wharton Barker Asserts Colonel
Made Bargain with Railroads.
PhUadepbla Maxt 8a Story. at Dew)
nlth.Flnanolal Giant 1 Verified
. hr Blensag of Former
WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. Wharton
Barker, a retired banker of Philadelphia,
sprung a sensation on the senate com
mluee on Intel state commerce today
when he alleged that a New York finan
cier told him, In 1D04, that the financial
interests would support Theodore Roose
velt for president "because the latter had
made a bargain" with them "on the rail
road question."
Mr. Barker' statement came In the
midst of a vigorous attack on the "money
trust," in which he alleged also that
President Roosevelt had been given the
details of the jmpendlng panic of 1U07
several months before It happened, but
took no faction to prevent It. He ( de
clared that the Aldiich currency plan
was the handiwork, not of former Sena
tor .Aldrlch, but of a Mr. Warburton of
the banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co.
of New York and that a fund of ,1,000,000
had been started to insure It adoption.
"Three or four week before the elec
tion In 1!04," Mr. Baker said, "1 was
walking down Broadway when I met one
of the most distinguished money kings
In New York, a man now dead." He said
to me. 'We are going to elect ' Roose
velt.' I expressed surprise and asked if
he had given up the support, of Parker.
He said yes; that they had frightened
Roosevelt so that he had made a bargain
with them."
Members of the committee looked some
what incredulous and Mr. Barker added:
"I wish Mr. Roosevelt were here."
"I wish he were," Senator Townsend
said; "It would be Interesting."
Tell of Aliened llartialu.
Mr. Barker said the financial giant,
whom he declined to name, told hlin
that "Roosevelt had made a bargain on
the railroad question. " Mr. Barker con
tinued: " 'He 1 to holler all he want to,' lie
told, me, 'but by and by a railroad bill
will be brought in by recommendation of
the president cutting off rebate and free
passe, which suits uh who own the rail
roads, permitting th railroads to make
pooling arrangements and providing for
maximum rates.' " ,
The railroad man added, Mr. Barker
wild, that under the latter authority It
would be impossible to add from (300,-
OuO.000 to H'fO.OOM.OOO to the total freight
charges paid by tho American public.
"I told him t didn't believe Roosevelt
had made any such agreement," Mr.
Baiker said, "but when the annual mes
sage of l!iu went to congress he recom
mended must of those things. I wrote to
President RooKcvell and told him what
I heard and that I had thought the man
lltd, but now I must believe he had not.
It was the only letter of mine Mr, Roore
velt ever failed to answer."
Members of the committee asked Mr.
Barker to give the name of the financial
man who had told him that Roosevelt
was to be elected.
Ilarrlaian Named,
"I cannot do It," Mr. Barker said, "but
subsequently somebody was alleged to
have stolen some correspondence between
Mr. Harrlinan and the president telling
of tiAn.OOO put up for election expense In
the city of New York."
Referring to the panic of Ii7, Mr. Bar
ker iaid a man who was present at a ou
feience at J. P. Morgan' houre In May
(Continued on Second Puge.)
Tako One
Berlin Papers Take
Pessimistic View
of Grey's Speech
BERLIN, Nov. 28.-The afternoon pa
pers which publish the speeches of Sir
Kawnra Tiroy and Mr. Aequlth are rather
pesslmlstlo ss to the chances tht they
will Improve Anglo-German relations,
without admitting that It -Is necessary,
that they will make them worse.
According to tin) Ixical Anielger the
speechos show that "English policy con
tinues to follow the same old course. Sir
Edward Grey does not make any further
attack on Germany, but he . has not di
minished tho unfriendly effect of the ac
tions which occurred In the summer."
Shakers Who Helped
Sister Out of Life
Held to Grand Jury
TAMPA, Fla., Nov. 28.-How Ehbert
Gillette and Elisabeth Sears, members
of the Shaker colony near Klsslmee, as
sisted a co-rellglotilst, "out of life" wae
taken up by a grand Jury today that may
hold the pair for manslaughter. " '
Both Gillette and Miss Bears admit they
gave chloroform to Sadie Marchant to ex
pedite her death, ' because, they claim,
she was In the final stage of tuberculosis,
A medical examination disclosed, It Is
declared, that Sister Marchant was not as
near death as Gillette and Sister Sear re
ported. Italians Lose 120
inRecent Battle
TRIPOLI, , Nov, . 28. The Italian mili
tary authorities announce that the cas
ualties among the Italian forces engaged
in the battle at Fort Meat I and Heiinl
on November 2U, when tho. Italians at
tacked and forced the. Arabs to retire
with a loss of more than 600 men and
JiiO prisoners, totaled 120 of them whom
sixteen were killed. -
BKRLIN, Nov. 2.-The German Red
Cross society purposes to assist both th
Italian and the Turkish armle engaged
In operations In Tripoli provided that as
surances aro recefved that the help will
be accepted.
Illinois Republican
Editors Are for Taf t
SPRINGFIELD. 111.. Nov. 2S.-The
Illinois Republican Kdltorlul association
today adopted a resolution "approving the
candidacy of President Taft for reuoml
nation and endorsing his administration."
A copy of the resolullons was ordered
sent to President Taft.
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 2S.-Appearing on
the snow-covered street with his head
protected from the elements only by a
sl ock of Iron gray hair made Dr. Casper
Rene Gregory, a theologian of the I.'nl
veirity of Lelpxlc, the center of attrac
tion In a busy downtown district' here
today. I'r. Gregory was here to lec
ture on the New Testament before the
line Aiti Institute.
"I have not worn a hat for years," he
said today.
"The plan Is of the highest advantage
to my health. I always keep my head
cool. That Is most Important. I am very
absent-minded and need not worry about
losing uiy tiM."
Testimony Bluffs Doctor Chose This
Place Frequently. ,
Evidence e 'Nurse .Who' Attended
' Hint When" lie Waa lit ft.' Be
nard' Hospital Ilecanae of
Hi Mental Condition.
(From a Staff Sorrespondent.)
DES MOINES,, la.( Nov. 28.-(8peclal
Telegram.) Before Dr. Harry Kelly was
committed to an Inebriate asylum he
had contracted the habit of sleeping on
tils operating table In his office, nnd while
his patients were waiting for him in an
outer room he was ' awakened ' with diffi
culty by the dntist who occupied the
suite of rooms with him. In fact, on -at
leant three occasions Dentist Brandt tried
to rouse Kelly by ringing the phone, but
could not do so, and then went into hi
private office through a window and had
to shake Kelly before he could be wak
ened. Once he found him with a bottle
labeled chloroform, but it did not contain
The defense has lecured a small photo
graph taken for newspaper use of Kelly
as lie appeared In Jail here after hi ar
rest and this will be used to show how
different he looked then and now.
County Attorney Capell of Council
Bluff told of advising the commitment of
Dr. Kelly to the Knoxvllle Institution,
and said that when he saw him in court
that day he was so changed In appear
ance that at first he did not recognise
How He raid Mills,
A bill collector named Dunn told of the
trnu.blo h had with Kelly collecting a
bill and his receiving pay In a worthless
check; also that Kelly wanted to show
him a letter, but could not find it, and
when he wanted to go away Kelly shut
the door and refused to let him get away.
Edward, Asplnwall, who was head of
the Eagles' order last . January, told of
his having taken action to depose Kelly
a physician for the lodge because of his
drinking. Ho had previously warned
Kelly and the latter had promised to re
fraln from drlnklnk. ' .
Sister' Mary Joseph.' nurse at St. Ber
nard's hospital, described Dr. Kelly while
h was at that hospital for treatment and
said he was In very bud condition.'
Hbaw on Railroad Mission.
Islie M. Shaw, formor governor, spent
the day In Ds Moines, In consultation
with various persons regarding the de
tails of transfer of the title to the At
lantic & Northern railroad to Its new
owners. Governor Shaw registered as
from Denlson, Ia Instead of from Phil
adelphia, where he ha lived1 for a num
ber of years It is understood that the
purpose of his trip is to arrange legal
details to have the rullruad turned over
to a board of 'trustees for George W.
Adams, who was highest bidder, and to
got it in shape so that It may be dis
posed of to company that will complete
and operate the line.
Kake Food Inspectors.
Fako dairy and feed Inspectors are be
coming so numerous In Iowa that Cum
nilsloner Harney today notified all
merchants, restaurant and cafe pro
prietors to pay no attention to any in
spector unless he 'can show a license
raid signed by Commissioner Barney and
sealed with the seal of the department.
Iteiorts are reaching Commissioner
Barney from all section o fthe state
that men claiming to be Inspector from
the stated feed and dairy department are
gaining access to the trade secrets and
other valuable Information of merchants
and proprietors of eating place.
Bert Franklin, Detective Employed
by McNamara Defense, Faces
Serious Charge.
They Are George Lockwood, Pros
pective juror, ana "tap" white.
Franklin Gave $300 to Lockwood
and $3,600 to White.
Men Still Had lulls In Their Hands
When Mnrrhrd Into HI Office
Franklin Say He Can
K.i plain All.
LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Nov. S.-Do-
teetlve of tho slate attorney' office
headed by Samuel L. Brown, chief of In
vestigation, arrested three men on a
street comer today, charging attempted
bribery In tho Mi Naiuura murder trial.
The men arrested are:
Bert Franklin, u former I'nited Htates
deputy marshal, now employed by the
McNamara defense In looking tin the
antecedents of prospective Jurors.
Georgo N. Lockwood, a venireman,
summoned to appear before Judge Walter
Bordwcll today for preliminary examina
"Cap" White, a character of whom not
much Is known.
The men were taken to the office of
the district attorney and then to jail.
Counsel for the defense said they knew
nothing of the case.
The arrests wcr made at the Intersec
tion of Los Angeles and Third streets.
Sera Money Tnas.
"I saw Franklin give Lockwood tm
which wss on his person when he was
arrested, said Brown. White had IS.B00
on his person. I saw the money pas
from Franklin to Lockwood. I know that
It was In connection with the McNamara
Brown refused to say how he knew It.
"I don't know anything about It." said
Attorney Clarence 8. Darrow, chief of
counsel for the defense.
Lecompt Davis of counsel for the de
fense sal.! that the marshal had been
working for his side looking up the rec
ords of men summoned In various venire
"I am absolutely certain that there la
nothing to the present charge," ho said.
"I have known Franklin for years and he
would not do a thing of that kind."
The twe attorney were In court listen
ing to preliminary examinations of venire
men when th arrest were made. When
told, of the arrest they left the court
room, .. t
"We're going to find out about this,"
.said Darrow. f " , '
l-ofkwnsd JVt Ye iabporaaed. .
Another kink developed In the situation
when Clerk George Monro of Judgo
Hordweir court became authority for
the statement that George N. Lockwood
had not been reached with a subpoena.
To thl deputy sheriffs said they hod
been advised that Lockwood , had boon
out of the county for a year and a half.
Detective Brown Indicated that he ex
pected even more dramatic developments.
"Thl la not the big smash," he said,
"that will come in court Just a little
Bert" Franklin, the detective, faces iv
charge of having bribed a prospective
Juror, l,ockwood.
Franklin Denies fiallt.
District Attorney Fredericks announced
the theory of the state to be that Frank
lin gave Lockwood $500 as advance pay.
ment for hanging the Jury and turned
over to ,C. E. (Cap.) White, who was
with Franklin' 13,600. to he paid at the
end of the trial. Soon after being taken
to Jail Franklin gave out a statement.
"I admit thi look bad," he said, "but
a mistake ha been made. I am not
worrying. A soon a tlu district attor
ney makes hi .Investigations he will see
how little there Is to this and I will be
Although Lockwood and White alsj
were arrested. Franklin alone ws held.
Franklin waa held in jail and It. 000 In
gold certificate were stacked upon the
desk ff District Attorney Fredericks.
On a street corner In the heart of
the wholesale district Franklin came early
today with While, a personal acquaint
ance, to meet by appointment CI. N.
Lockwood, whose name was drawn on
the venire of fifty, the personnel of which
was announced last Saturday. Lockwood
had not yet received his subpoena, but
Information that he had been drawn for
Jury service I alleged to have been trans
mitted to him by Franklin and White. .
Detectives Hear t ouversatlon.
When the three men gathered an under
slsed Individual who had the appeuranco
of a day laborer was slouching against
a telegraph polo, tie looked away from
the group, but listened ntently.
' In a nearby store front stood Samuel It
Browno, chief of the state's, department
of Investigation, his eye fixed on the
men at the corner.
What took place at the corner, among
Dalzell's Ice
Cream Cricks
Tickets to the
American Theater
Boxes ol
O'Brien's Candy
All are given away' free to
those woo find their name lu th
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Read the want ad every day;
your name will appear some lime
maybe more than once.
Ne fusxles to solve nor ub
cription to set Just read ui
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Turn to the want ad pace .
there you will find nearly every
bustnes bouse la the city rcpie-seuted.