Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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Something: that ii Giving New Life
tnd Enerpy to People.
Public Dors .ot Iteallae M bat Nimbtr ot People Are
Afrllrtta with Xerrona
Ths specialists who are lntroduclng
'Ton Vita." the new tonio to Omaha
People, continued to arive their 'five
minute demonstrations" yesterdar. These
demonstrations are certainly & noval
method of testing a medicine, and are
proving: successful.
A hundred or more people who were
riven the medicine and five minutes
later asked what effect It had in their
case all replied, that they had been
benefited, and most of thera expressed
The specialists are entirely confident
the medicine will prove as successful in
this country as In Europe, and predict
ft tremendous success for It In Omahn.
The one who discussed this nid: "With
out a question no preparation like this
has ever been sold In America and I
prophesy that no preparation will ap
proach this In volume of sales once it Is
established here. There Is Just as much
nervous debility in this country as
abroad, and "Tona Vista" will make
fully as great a record here as the
orlcltial tonic, did In Europe. That
medicine has been and Is used by klnx.
dukes, cardinals In fact, by the greatest
personage of Europe. We are talking
with a few hundred people each day
now, but In a few days more the number
Will be quadrupled.
"Every man or woman whe has been
afflicted with chronlo nervous debility
who tries "Tona Vita" will become a
walking advertisement for the medicine,
and that eort of thtng- spreads like wild
fire. Anyone who has been half-sick all
the time, with almost no vitality or
energy a constant sufferer from
despondency, stomach trouble, weak
back, headaches, and a - dosen other
troubles, caused by debility. Is sure to
tell about It when they find something
that gives them back buoyant spirits,
ound digestion and general good health.
"The publie does not realize what a
tremendous number of people among
those who live In the largest towns, are
Afflicted with nervous debility, In more
or less aggravated form. Nor does the
publlo realise the symptoms of this
modern plague when they see them. Most
of the socallcd kidney trouble, nearly all
Indigestion and fully half of the head
aches In Omaha can be attributed solely
to nervous debility."
The "Tona Vita" sale and demonstra
tion are taking place at the Hrandels
Drug Department, Sixteenth and Douglas
streets, south side main f)oor, the local
agents. A free trial of the tonio will
be given to those who desire to test It.
The specialists will be at the store
from i a. m. to p. m.. and will explain
the nature of the preparation to alt
callers. Adv.
Division Employe
Gets Promotion
Superintendent John Mastens of the
fourteenth division of the railway mall
service has received notice of the pro
motion of Joseph A. Skldmore, who for
lost three years has been serving under
Chief Clerk Mettlin. ekldmore Is to be
given charge of the. division of records
and files, with an Increase In pay of
several hundred dollars a year. Captain
W. 8. Felt, who came here last week
with Mr. Mastens to take charge of the
department of schemes and schedules, Is
given an increase In pay of 1100 yearly.
"Other promotions will follow as soon
as the department gets into smooth work
ing order," says Mr. Mastens, "and the
majority of the best positions In the new
division will be filled by men who have
been working In Omaha under Mr,
ilettlln. I believe that they will make
the best material for the responsible posi
tions because they are acquainted here.'
High School Girls '
Give German Play
A one-act comedy playlet, ' Die Neue
Miss," was the feature of the program
given by the high school German society
in the assembly room at the school Mon
day afternoon.
This play was presented before the
German section of the state teachers' con
vention held recently and attracted con
slderable Interest among out-of-town Ger
man Instructors. The three characters
In the play were coached by Miss Abba
Bowen and Miss Somers of the German
department at the high school. Only the
German language is spoken throughout.
Following Is the cast:
Tilly (the new school teacher
Bertha Sellnei
Ilka (a school girl) Kuth ogle
Olga (another school girl.. Ethel Katbkoy
Dynamite Wrecks Buildings
as completely as coughs and colds wreck
lungs. Cure them quick with Dr. King's
New Discovery. 60c and $1.00. For sale
by Beaton Drug Co.
The key to success In business Is the
judicious and persistent use of newspaper
Headaches, Colds, Indigestion,
Pains, Constipation, Sour Stomach,
Dizziness? If you are not, the most
effective, prompt and pleasant
method of getting rid of thera is to
take, now and then, a desertspoon
ful of the ever refreshing and truly
beneficial laxative remedy Syrup
of Figs and Elixir of Senna. It is
well known throughout the world
as the best of family laxative remc
dies, because it acts so cently and
strengthens naturally without irri
gating the system in any way.
To get its beneficial effects it is
always necessary to buy the genu
ine, manufactured by the California
Fii? SvniD Co.. bearinfl the name
of the Company, plainly printed on
the front of every package.
Creosote Block Transactions Dupli
cated in Many Cities.
rrlees llirt Drrn CaatroUed by
Agreement by Two Firms,
Taoasa It Appears They
Compete far Baslaeae,
Omaha has paid tribute to the creosote
paving block trust, according to revela
tions that have been made in Minne
apolis. Long before the final' organisa
tion of the trust early in January. 191 L
the cities of the northwest, as well as
Omaha, paid huge profits to two paving
companies, which have had a practical
monopoly of the western territory.
The Minneapolis Journal presents Il
luminative facts with reference to the
creosote paving block combines opera
tions In the northwest. This territory
has been awarded to the Kettle lUver
and the Republic companies, other block
makers agreeing to keep out. Although
the Republio people were not definitely
forced Into the trust until last January,
they frequently In previous years made
local agreements with the Kettle River
people to split contracts and eliminate
competition and through comparison ot
contracts In competitive and noncompet
itive points it usually cost a town about
40 per cent more for Its paving blocks
when these agreements were made. That
Is what happened In Omaha at least.
It Is also known that the two paving
block companies had favorite contractors
to whom they made lower prices on
blocks, so that such favorites could al
ways underbid competitors. In this way
powerful local allies were built up and
prices maintained on a high level. The
Journal says:
The Omaha Sltnntlon.
As a fair example of the methods em.
ployed by the Republio and the Kettle
River companies, take the situation in
Omaha In February, 1910, as typical of
that In other western cities where the
paving companies had decided to let the
blocks be laid by a contractor rather than
by the companies themselves, but to con
trol the price absolutely.
Prior to the letting of the contract for
creosote block pivlng in Omaha, Feb
ruary 1, 1910, it was agreed that the Re
public company should furnish one-third
of the blocks sold the contractor who ob
tained the contract. An agreement,
drawn by A. W. Van Hafften. north
western manager of the Republio com
pany, read:
The Recubllo
furnish one-third of the yardage resulting
in letting at Omaha, Neb., February t,
mo, at prices based, on Milwaukee letting, i
October 1?, 1909. ' j
The Kepubllo Creosoting company la to
ship to the General Contracting company,
Milwaukee, sufficient blocks to offset
Its proportion at Omaha.
If the Republic Creosoting company's
proportion at Omaha Is in excess of yard
age at Milwaukee tt la to ship blocks to
Omaha to make up the difference or- to
be given sufficient yardage elsewhere to
offset same on Milwaukee price.
In other words, the two companies were
splitting the business, agreeing on prices
and contractors before jobs were let and
apparently competing, when In reality
they were sharing business on the agree
ment basis. The agreement went so far
as to permit one company to ship blocks
to other cltlea than the one mentioned
In the agreement If this were convenient,
and turning in these blocks to offset the
share agreed to In the original cities. As
indicated In the agreement at Omaha a
like agreement had been made In Mil
waukee In 1909. An agreed price for
blocks was made to a favored contractor
and other contractors who wished to bid
on city work found it Impossible to get
blocks at a price which would warrant
their bidding for the work.
Ostensibly there waa competition. In
reality there was none.
South Omaha, Too,
In South Omaha in December, 1909, only
one bid was submitted for creosote block
paving. That bid was by the General
Construction company ot Minneapolis,
and It was made on the agreement that
the Republio Creosoting company, rep
resented by Mr. Van Hafften, should
furnish one-third of the blocks, the other
two-thirds to be furnished by the Kettle
River company.
A letter from A. C. Morrison, then a
salesman for the Kettle River oorapany,
to the home office In Minneapolis, states
the exact agreement at South Omaha.
The letter, written from Chicago to the
Minneapolis offloe, November SO, 1909,
General Contracting company bid for
us at Booth Omaha and therefore I did
not bid In the name of our company. We
are to do all the promoting. Van is to
furnish one-third and pay us 10 cents
promotion expenss. We are to furnish
two-thirds. General Construction com
pany Is to do all construction. 1 am en
closing written contracts. Mr. Smith Is
to take care of this personally until Mr.
Bes tor's return. Mr. Lynch Is to attend
to promotion work at South Omaha under
my Instructions.
"General Construction company bid
12.00 on three-inch sixteen-pound blocks.
rour-incn concrete base. .No other bids.
They bid one price on all jobs snd one
sited blocks. Brick people bid 12. Karoo
fl.SU. Very truly, A. C. Morrison.
Copy of Contract.
The written contract entered Into No
vember S9, 1909, between the General Con
tracting company, by A. J. Leahy, man
ttger, and the Kettle River company, by
A. C. Morrison, western sales manager,
shows that the construction company, by
contract absolutely agreed to bid I2.C0 a
yard for furnishing and laying the blocks
and to pay the Kettle River company
tl.7 for the blocks. The Kettle River
company agreed actively to use Its In
fluence and assist In every possible way
in the securing of contracts by the Gen
eral Contracting company. It waa even
agreed that, if a surety bond were ac
cepted by the city to protect the city
against loss under the maintenance guar,
antee, the Kettle River oompsny should
pay two-thirds of the reasonable cost of
the surety bond.
This agreement, thj original of whlou
Is In possession of the Journal, reads:
This agreement made and entered Into
this twenty-ninth day of November. 19u0,
between uencral Contracting company,
hereinafter designated at the party of
the first part, and the Kettle River
Quarries company, hereinafter designated
as the party of the second part.
Wltneeeeth, the party of the first part
agrees te bid on creosote block paving
letting of November IS, at South Omaha,
and we agree to bid a uniform price of on such streets as seem puaaibl to
propyl for this particular material. It
being further agreed that the party of the
first Bait will bid on a three-lncn, lfMb.
on four-Inch concrete foundation, Norway
pine and tamarack and lung leaf south
ern pine block as to sample tiled with Wis
city engineer of Soutn Ou.aha, Neb.
Agrees to Hay.
The party of the first part, If success
ful in entering into a oontraut for any
work Lid upon, they hereby agree to
puichasc two-thirds of ail creosote Uock
used in tiie cumtiui lion of said pave
nieut under their contract with the city
of aoum Omaha under UtlLritf of Nov.
29, of the party of the sei-ond part, at
the prU-e of tl 47 per square yard, f.
o. b. South Omaha, payable ninety per
i ant in caa.i on engmae-r s estimate,
earn thirty days as the work DroinuM
aud the Uilaxice ot ten jj. cent within
thirty days after completion of entire
contract and profiling that party of the
second part deposits satlsfiirtory securi
ties, a hereinafter mentioned. Vayment
for blocks to he lS-d on sctusi yard
Site, laid on the streets, any left over
Mors, to remain the property of the party
of the second part.
In consideration of the purchase of the
blocks it Inn mentioned, the party of the
second rart herehv guarantees to re
place free of charge f. o. b. cars Fouth
Omaha, any or all creosoted blocks whlrh
may wear out or prove defective within
the period of five years malntesnce
guarantee clause mentioned In the city
specifications, It being exprrenly under
stood, however that the party of the
seoond patt will not be required to- re
place any blocks which wear or prove
defective through any faulty or Interior
construction, or on account of sunken
Qnestiwn of Security.
"At the time final settlement Is made
for the blocka party ot the second part
asreva to buy and file with the city of
FMuth Omaha ratl'fnctory security to
the extent of 11.147 for each square yard
of creosote blocka actually sold to
the party of the first part by the party
of the second, part, snd constituting
the ten per cent retained by the city
of South Omaha, and It Is hereby
agreed that these securities and ail
interest thereon shall be and remain
the property of the party ot the
second part. notwithstanding that
said securities with the city to
protect said city against los under
maintenance guarantee, and the party
of the first part hereby agres to enter
Into a legal and valid assignment of
said securities and interest thereon to
th party of the second part, and agree
to protect and save harmless the party
of the seoond part from any pecuniary
loss resulting from failure on the part
of the party of the first part to comply
with the terms of their agreement with
the city ot South Omaha relative to the
maintenance of said paving or against
any loss on account of failure to con
struct said pavement strictly in accord
ance with plan, specifications ami con
tracts between the city of South Umaha
and the party of the first part.
"The party of the second pert agrees
to actively promote creosote block pave
ment In South Omaha on the streets on
which the party of the first part are
successful bidders, and further agree
to use their Influence and to aslut In
every possible way in the securing of
said contract, and In the use ot said
"If the city of South Omaha, will ac
cept a surety bond to protect them
selves agslnst loss under the mainte
nance auaranten. the nartv of the sec
ond part hereby agrees to pay to the
party ot tne nrst part two-tlilrrts or
me reasons tile cost of said surety bona.
"In consideration of this agree
ment the party of the first part agrees
to use every reasonable means to se
cure contract for the use of creosote
blocks on the streets bid upon and will
co-operate with party of the second
part In the promotion of said material. .
ueneral Contracting company
"By Arthur J. Leahy
"Kettle River Quarries company
"By A. C. Morrison,
"Western Sales Manager."
Second Co tract Made.
At the same time a contract was en
tered Into between the Republio com
pany, through A. W. Van Hafften. and
the Kettle River company, through Mr.
Morrison, whereby it was agreed that
should any other firm than the General
Contracting company get the South
Omaha contract and should the Kettle
River company sell the blocks for ths
paving, one-third of the blocks would be
purchased from the Republic company
at 11.5S a yard. Mr. Van Hafften also
signed an agreement to pay 10 cents a
yard promotion fees to the Kettle River
company for every square yard of creo
sote pavement sold by the Republio com
pany to any contractor as result of the
South Omaha letting.
The agreement between the companies
waa as follows:
OMAHA. Neb.. Nov. 99 lano n.r,,,hii
Creosoting Company, Minneapolis: Gen
tlemen In the event that any contributor
or contractors or contracting company or
other firm than the General Contracting
company are successful In tno securing of
Lvuuavi. ui iTfluiuieu diock paving in
the letting at South Omahn, Novsmher
29. 08, It Is . hereby agreed, providing
blocks for the Raid paving are purchased
ii um nnue rover wuarrlos company that
the Kettle River Quarries company will
purchase from the ReDubllo freoantin
company one-third of ail the blocks to be
used In South Omaha, on the contracts
under the said letting of November 2.
09. at price of one dollar and flrrv.fiv
cents, (I1.S6) per nquare yard for three
Inoh.' sixteen-pound treated blocks, f. o. b.
uuuin umana. ana lor blocks of elses and
treatment other than three-Inch, sixteen
pound to be purchased at comparative
prices, basing same upon price of 11. M Der
square yard for three-Inch, slxtesn
pound treated blocks. Yours truly.
By A. C. Morris, Western Sales Manager.
A. W. Van, Hafften.
From Republic Company,
Mr. Van Hafften'g agreement was as
OMAHA, Neb., Nov. 23, 1909,-Kettle
River Quarries Comninv.,.ii.
Minn, Gentlemen: In con8llerti,m r
your taking uharge of the promotion of
creosoted block pavement in South
Omaha, letting of November , we, the
undersigned, hereby agree to pay to you
In cash ten cents (10 cents) per square
yard promotion fee for each and every
square yard of creosoted block pavement
aold by us to any contractor or to your-
sen under any contract under letting of
novemoer z, said sum to be payable
within sixty (SO) daya after delivery of
blocks by us to contractor. This agree
ment Is HmlU'd strictly to any salea re.
suiting from the letting of November 29,
,1 ouuin urinaria, ssvo.
It is understood that you will use all
reasonable means to promote creosoted
block at points mentioned, and that you
will do what you can to secure the
largest possible yardage under the lettlna
above mentioned. Very truly yours.
Nor Keep from Scratching. Became)
Worse and Worse. In Two Weeks
Rid Completely of Trouble through
Use ofCuticuraSoapand Ointment
"One evening whU combing my hair, I
lol ked a lew brown cruttllke spots ea my
ecslp snd, ef course, 1 thought It was only
a little dun that bad settled thore during
the week. So i washed my hair thoroughly
but 1 tw that they wouldn't come out. Thea
tt iuesnd of the ntxl week I waalied my hair
atfJn, and to my aslouUhment I saw not only
t!io;o few but many more had come. Then
my head became worse and worse, and my
srslp started to Itch terribly, so that I could
not sleep nor keep from scratching my head.
"Ths erustllk places Isler opened sod
made sores which bled, and they also Itchtd
something terrible, i trk-d sissy remedies
but none helped sod Instead tbey made my
bead worse. This condition ef my scalp
kept up lor a month, aod then one day I
met a friend and she advised ma to ties
Cutk-ure Soap and Ointment which 1 did.
Id two weeks 1 waa rid completely of this
trouble, through the um of tba Cutkura
cap aad Ointment. I am never without
them, for thy are any most highly valued
friends." fHlgned) MUs Alva (Juttafson. til
Second Are., Naw York City, May 17, lilt
Girl of 13 Curt 4 of Pimples.
"When I wit about twelve or thirteen, my
(ace broke out wait pimple. 1by cam out
In group sod caused great liufigtirsrnsnl.
After trying o many rerneCles without sue.
ten. I saw the Cutkura Ointment advertised
and I sent for a box. In a week I saw a
great cuaiige In mjr Iter, and It rendered a
complete cure. Now you ran not tell 1 ever
bad pimples." (Signed) Mae Marti Mere,
Dover West. N. 6., Mar. II, 111.
Cutlrur Boap and Ointment told through
out the world. Bnd to Potter Drug A Cheat.
Corp., Dept. ISA, Boston, for s lluersl sample
cj UJ, post I rr t, Itji R-p, book oo tbe tkia.
Snow Lriren by Gale Sweeping
Down from Bockies.
Storm Kateada as Kar Ponta as
Oklaaoaap aad Texas Paebandle
Great Mattering; Among
I.lve Htork.
KANSAS CITT. Nov. 17. -A cold wave
sweeping down from the Rocky moun
tains began to make Itself ' frit in west
ern Nebraska. Kansas and the Texas
Tanhandle today. Know driven before a
i-mlle wind swept wcetern Kansas
causing heavy dumage to livestock.
A temperature of 20 nt Dodge City at
sunrise fell rapidly.
Fnow and falling temperatures also
prevailed In North and Kouth Dakota
presaging scro weather beforo tomorrow.
According to the local X'nltcd Plates
wather forecaster, the cm Id wave Is
driving eastward and will bring a
temperature as low as 10 or II degrees to
Missouri and Iowa tonight and tomor
row and almost ss low In Oklahoma
Colder In Omaha,
Colonel Welsh ot the weather bureau
gives assurance that severe cold will no,
be experienced during the present cold
wave, which was announcrd Punday night
by the unfurling of the black flag. There
has been a decided drop, but there Is no
tero weather In sight. Indications are
for colder weather, continuing through
out Tuesday, moderating somewhat by
Reports received at the railroad of
fices In Omaha show light snow and
snow flurrlea ever South lakota, most
of Wyoming, eastern Colorado and west
ern Nebraska Sunday and Sunday night.
In some localities, snow fell to a depth
of an Inch.
Reports of brisk northwest wind come
from all sections, and the temperature
ranges from sero to M degrees above.
Up around Ixmg Tine 10 above la reg
istered, and the same temperaturo la r.
corded throughout the Black Hills.
Dr. Lyon's
Tootli Poydor
is packed in a dust-tight metal
box, with patent measuring
tube, which is both safe
and convenient for tourists.
i . . 1 1 1 . i . i . i -. r tit . . . i. in . ,i , ...
Hi Ill II i r If I II 111 i i i . I..
Ml ' ' 1 .
I i I I ' 1
i ii i i ii t. 1 1 fi
!.": in i ' '
If peace on earth and good will
toward men mean anything they
mean the editorial policy of The
Century Magazine. The Christmas
number is no more full of Christmas
spirit than is any number, but that
is the spirit of The Century all the
year around. This particular Christ-
v. yisZSSj mas number, however, is rich in
stories and articles, making it a mag
azine for the quiet moments of the Christmas holiday and a
magazine for a Christmas present to a friend.
If you like stories read "Sauce Iloscmondc," a brilliant
little incident of French life told with Gallic vivacity.
If you care for music try "A Christmas Sc,ng" by Horatio
Parker who won the $10,000 prize for the best American
Grand Opera.
If you love pictures see the illustrations in !color of
Dickens' Christmas Carol.
Truly the Christmas Century is a very large thirty-five cents' worth.
13 cents a copy, $1.05 a year. At all hook stores, or The Century Co., Union Square, Naw York
T ' A.
Places for the Great Tiedman Trophy go to the
M7 Ta
At the Savannah Races
171:40 Miles in 176:19 Minutes
The Tiedman Trophy Race ahd the Vanderbilt Cop Race
Tell the story each year of an automobile's worth.
The trophies and stakes are the most sought after and consequently the most fiercely contested for
in the automobile field. All cars entered in these events are supremely tested in the terrific contests and
the winning machine secures its position solely through meritthrough actually being a more capable ma
chine thanWiy of its competitors. Each driver is striving his mightiest to secure n top position he is per
sonally financially interested in the liberal stakes, and therefore forces his car to produce its utmost. The
fact that a car possesses ability is made right of right stuff is shown no sooner or no later than the lack
of these qualities in another car. The finish tells the tale. Just think, then, of the wonderful and spectac
ular finish of three E-MF "oO'-i entries in the Tiedman trophy race Monday morning at Savannah, Ga.
Seven cars were entered, three being E-M-F "30" and
the three E-M-F "SO's" won 1st, 2nd and 3rd Places
Here's duplicate of the car winning the Tiedman Trophy. 173 miles in 170 minutes. E-M-F "80," $1,100 F, O. B. factory,
Direct Factory Branch of the Studobaker Corporation, Detroit, Mich.
L. A. Keller. Mgr. 2026.28 Fnrnam Street
i if
tool l.lf