8 And There Was No Doubt in NOW y i r . I 5y, OUT) mwj, THet.VS "bWLV LINED UP FOR THE CONTEST Omaha Uigh to Keet Wendell Phil lips Thanks giriDg Day. HAUD BATTLE IS EXPECTED Local Ma la Oou' Ca,llloa o4 Cork tlomatt Praia CartalM ' 4hal Thr Will Win Th Thftnkifflvln game btwn th Omaha Hl(h school and lha Wandell t'MIUpa tilth of Chicago, to be playod In Omaha, promlaca to b tha prumlcr batU c( tha dar. Tha undsrtaklnc of brlniflns . a tram from CMcnfo la a (tupendoua on tor a lileh acbool, tha,cxpna of tb (am bulng approximately 7&D. KalUln( thla. and wlflbing to maka th fa ma a financial auooeaa, Omaha bualnaaa man, through lha Ad cluB, ' tha Conimerolai club and tha Unlvritr . club, hava all adopttd rolution, Indoralns tbl gama and urg ing thalr mambart to attend. ( AJthouglt Omaha la not laying claim to atata championship honors, thy art ratd just as high by vlrtua of tha aver whslmlna defeat thr admlnlatared to tbo BU Jo Cantral High sohool alsvcn, that claimed MUsourt valley Interacholaa tlo ftonora last year. . Wendatl rhU'.lpi haa c!aned up every thing In tha high sehoola of Illinois, with tha exception of tha championship Oak Park team. Phillips bald OaJi Park to low score early In tha aeaaon and was tha. first team to cross tha Park's goal lln since IMS. Wendell Phillips and Oak park have bean picked by recognised lltiaola footjj bait Uuthorltiea aus tha two bert high school elevens In the atata. CMragf Hopea te Wist. Tha squad will leave for Omaha Wedneeday and Is in the very boat of comilUoo to put up a stellar game. It has a 24 to 11 defeat at tbe'hands of tha purple and white to wipe out from last ear and la coming to Omaha fully pre pared to accomplish thla feat. Although Omaha la outweighed alg pounds to tba man. thla ,f aot la not wor ' rylng Coarh "Ebhle" Burnett, who U relying on the speed of his back field and the strength of his lino to overcome this disadvantage. Several new trick plays and shift formations which Humett has kept cp his sleeve all season will be let out In thla game and If they work out as they have In praetloe during the last month, the rtators will bo assured of oma aenesl.o.ikl featurea. Vergil itevtor, the purple and white's star fullback, and "Man" Caldrttte. the big carter, wbo were ca the hospital list all at week, will both gat Into tha gaioe. arr,'" I'.xman, the epnedy Hill captain kitd rtglit half, will also ba seen In unl , iurni. L'ORKINGSIDE TO PLAY . SOUTH DAKOTA ELEVEN WO'JX C1TT. la-. Nov. r.-If the til. Is favorable the ltugest crowd that ever witnessed a foot ball gumo In ivioux City will sa tha eonteat on Thanks- g.v;ng between the South Inkota unl veisity eleven and tha Morntngside eleven of this city. Both teams will take their f.nal psmetloa tomorrow and will lct on Wednesday. At Vermillion the chief concern Is to nmr.gthen the poaer tf resistance that we JiethodUis way be prevented from hcur eg a single touchdown. Coach Harry i, f of Mornlnsslde Is striving mightily is add consistence to a scoring machine that has proved to be erraUo during the ul season. L4(e Pole Defeats Ckaawell. IX'IXIK POLE. Neb.. Nov. ffr. IflnarlaJ 1 ii le Pole lits-n aubool baeaat bail i: ,i ..tc the (happen team by the in a to up oaiuray evening. Much i.-ct ta tinir etioa la tne return t :u. to i pi4 a Cuappell aooa. eVr6-RTvici fclfc fSNt GT HjOMO-M. q DIPLOMACY WO KXtSpl Or TKtfe feootj ?DC; Olr 'THEM CMC7 --.'si 'S , Crucial Moment in the Cornjiusker-Wolverine Game Saturday OWEN PRANK, NEBRASKA'S SENRATTONAL. HALFBACK IN ONE OF liK MAUK A NUVUN-YAUD UA1N AT LKl-'X aAUKUJ. Banquet isrPlanned for Bellevue Squad Bellovue club will give Its foot ball team a banquet this eveulng at e:M o'clock at the University club. President William Nlclioll of the club has been busy the last few days getting everything In shape fo rthe entertainment. After the banrmt speeches will be made by members of the college faculty and tha foot ball team. Prof. WUllacu Mcholl will make a short talk on "The T.ina. the Plaoe and the Team." "Ho Done Ills Derndest" will be the subject of a speeclt by Captain Fred Paulson of this year's tram. Judge A. L. Button haa been assigned the subject of "Any Little Team That Is a Nice Utile Team .s the Ktght Little Team for Me" to talk on. President 8. W. tttookey of tha col. Use will talk on "Field Goals." The club gives tin foot ball team a bamjuet each year at the close of the season, whfthar toe team be vlotorious o not. The club la composed of about 69 alumni and ex-members of the aollege. About f'fly members of the club are ex pected to attend. SCORES OF WEST POINT GUN CLUB SHOOT WE8T POINT. Nb.. Nov.- I7.-(Spe- elal ) The newly org salted West Point Quit club, which succeeds the Antelope otganlsction. held Its Initial shoot at the home of George Shaw (Saturday. Among the gueru compitUug wc:e George L. Carter, furrr.er sta'.e saxo warden and D. D. G.-oee. The thatch was hotly eon lesttd, the rivalry being kssa. Two iwecty-r.vs-blrd events were shot off. thtre being Iwc.ity con'.ntaats la the first aad s.x'.isa In the second eve.it. la ihe first forms.- Gene Warden Carter nUssed his fl.'te:.lh b.rd clean and dustt-J his twenty-fifth, but fahsd ta get lM mak .Bg his score S3. Gross missed two clean and ruffled the ediaJ of a third, ha ;ihal being U. At the final cou.it the too re steodi First event J, It, iiadc bach, It; Carter, U; Oioss, W. A. Kerl and K. Ierl, eaoh H; J. Jensoa And O. tUeftelin, XI; ; XIalcliQW nd 0. Boldt, nn: bee. omaita, Tuesday, xovkmuku Jeff's Mind, Either. 9 -J g "VROOT I VUHeVT it? - IS THtVT? rL lew : SO. Second event U. Haeffelln, 14; Gross, Jensen, Hoist and Kadebaoh, 2S; Carter, U, Nits, Malohow and K. Kerl. X TICKETS ARE ON SALE FOR THE 0. H. S. GAME Tickets for the Wendell Phllllps-Omiha High school Thanksgiving; came were placed on sale resterday. They sold rapidly at the higl. school building Mon day afternoon, and with favorable weather conditions a banner crowd of students and the general public la ex pected. Keats wilt be placed on sale at Myer- Dillon's and at Beaton's today. Pa Rourke will also have a supply on hand at the smoke house. Reservations for the remaining boxes cn be made with Prof. C. E. Reed, the hljih school ath- letlc director, at his office at the high school building. Park Irkool tviaa. The Park school foot ball team d featrd Central school SatuiOav on the t'relghtoa gridiron by the score of to 0. The game was played immediately after the game between St. Thomas and Crelahtou and mas wltnepaed by about Ml huol rootera. Park school has chal lenged the Mohawks for the champion, ship of the season. This game ta to be played Thanksgiving oa the Crelahton gridiron, LewUvtle CJIrU Wis, IflUISVILLE. Neb.. Nov. V -! peclal.) Purtngfteld and lAulavllle high school fins played a game of basket ball at -oulvlll Saturday afternoon. The lxiulevllla team won by a score of U to 7. It was a well played game. ANNUAL POULTRY SHOOT DY OMAHA GUN CLUB The annua.1 Creaha Gun club poultry shoot was held yesterday with a large number cf r.lmrods entered. Another shoot will be conducted cn Thanksgiving day. Amoni; the winners yesterday were Gccige Rogers, five turkeye and three geese: W, D. Tewnsend, three turkeys and four geese; Chris Chrlftlaaeen, three turkeys and three geese. A large number of ethers went home with full bag a. The key to suocesa in business Is the Judicious aud persistent use of newspaper advertising. r 5 HIS BRILLIANT PLUNGES THROUGH Shamrpcks Fight Excelsiors to a Tie Testertlay at the Benson Eagles' park a tough battle was fougiit between the Shamrocks and Excelslora, which resulted In a 0 to 0 score. For the Shamrocks. Qulglcy, Tuttle, Callahan and Fa-en wero the particular stars. These four men were In nearly every play and fought hard for every Inch of ground, and If luck had not fa vored tha Exoelsiore the score would have been duterent. Moore, Gutnane and Eandau were the stare that shone bright est for the Excelsiors. Fortvard passes proved the chief ground coiners for both teams. Qu!gley and Fagen made the passes 'for the Shamrocks. while Moore. Gulnane and Klmmcl did the throwing for the Excslslors. Both teems played a classy, clean fw. Next Thursday tho Shamrocks will Journey down to Paplllton and try to whip the Cornfeda tiationed there. Next flunduy these two teams will battle again out at Fort Omaha. The Shamrocks will be considerably stranger and tha Excelsiors will undoubtedly put up a tougher fight than yetierday. Consequently a duel of the blocdy order Is anticipated. Following is the Unsup: SHAMROCKS. XXCTUIORS. KMIM RULE Oiseoa UoS It T.I L.T. h.Q IL.a ...c. a.., .uo.i RO .it nr. Mora Co Fiu-k .... B. Ml Mil? Smilk .... Qulil.r . Ctntkaa Tattle ... Petnoa ... r.ul ShuUkr tkviuar 'rtta . ktoar 0ut4ne . Saaess ... k H liLH S.. ... lh a. r m a. k b Ir.B DEFENDERS LOSE HARD GAME TO SOLDIERS BY 17-0 SCORE In a hotly contested and Intensely In teresting battle, the Defender toot ball aggregation fell before the eoldlers at Fort Omaha yesterday afternoon by the score of II to ft. The Defenders were considerably outweighed, but they put up plucky fight, giving the soldiers a hard tussle before they left the flold with a victory. The Defendera were weakened by the lose of two of their star players, Ruhey and Miller. Thanksgiving they ' eT will play the Auburn tonn team of Au hunt, Neb. I 28, ion. CORMCH. - CiQ UP XDHlA AND G-Nfc HlrA TUG, BOUl- . , (J A: 4 .... THE MICHIGAN LINE. HE IS BIIOWVl COMES FOR JfOOL MEETING Secretary S. W. McClure Arrive! From Washington. SAYS OEEAT INTERESTS AT STAKE Wool Growers Hare Deosj Granted IlrarlMgta by the Tariff Comuils sloa oa tae Form of Duty They Would I.lko Levied. 8. W. McClure, tecrttary of the Na tional Wool Growers' association, arrivei In Omaha yesterday from Washington. He comes especially to complete the ar rangaments tor the catlonal convention of tha wool growers of the country, who will meet hare December 14. U and 11 The tariff commission will have Us re port ready for congress on December J," said Mr. McClure. "That ta a certainty, as X was told whan In Washington. The wool growers, In common with other In terests concerned, have been granted hearings by ths tariff commission. Wi have told the members the form In which we would like the duty to be levied, but It Is up to them to figure out the correct amount of duty. W want Into details with the commission, showing them that as the tariff Is levied now we do not get lh benefit of tha duty: In fact, get the benefit of only about 4 cents out of ths 11 we ar supposed to vet." Mr. McClure said he had no Ida of the amount of duty tha tariff commission will recommend. He aald schedule K will have a thorough threshing out at Use Omaha convention, ene whole day being set adds for that purpose. Wendell Phillips Coming for Battle CHICAGO, Nov. IT (SpeolaJ.) The Wendell Phillips High school squad wUl leave tomorrow for Omaha, where they will clash with the Omaha High school eleven In their seoood Thanksgiving gama. The two stare. Alberta, captain and left guard, and Bharman, left end, are both u U their atudle aad will be able to By lp p J "THii TRAIN .twwivcih ro 0(VTTVt VuiYw KlOT waVTOlt TKG CT "TWT LfKtUrG Scenes CKiXttN,'&TATiiTCS T)THS(N sCVUfS OCCOft. IK ftD OHO PSLeKT. DOES THIS NOY 6u6t' SoN-miN6-i-oxoe ? Doe& THk ce-T KOTKG.'b T fOU OUTY To TTl.T &ir-CO teiNCH -TOUR. OFT-,iPR.(t4c. T V 1 HERE WITH BALL IN HAND AFTER make the trip. Both these men wer3 picked for the all-Illinois high school eleven this season. Alberta featured In the game with tho championship Oak Park High team on November 11, In which Wendell Phillips scored A touchdown or tho Parks, the flrrt any team has bee:: able to make since 11X0. Wendell Phillip? suffered defeat In this game by the scor. of 20 to C. The following lads will make the trip In addition to Louis Boarlnl, faculty man ager, and Clarence Gardiner, studen. manager: Alberts, captain; Sherman. Gorcan. Deveny, Hart, Keer.au, Pe'hv- brldge, Cummins. Stern. Mooney, Koeh- ter. Elatchford. Crist, Clarke and Orcen- man. Many Games Billed for Local Grids Local foot ball teams will all be busy cn Thanksgiving day, most of them play- t2 cttn with a snap to it -Kin ii in mi la-ri-- in mi- i rn n 11 OiJ StyU Lent a tha beer that H brewed just rifht- ocaethUf entirely different in the bottle beer line jast as good as evercould not be made better. C IQXEMAN BREWING COMPANY. La Crease, WW LERCII A VAN SANDT, Distributor. 311 South lTthSt,OMAHA.MCS. "Bud" Fisher THAT'S A, C I or1 NuTr -i IT VAtUU NC &OY AND &VY " WLU, i - tNfr-VOWa CHLtN? :j ' lng their final frame of the season on that date. The big Rame of the day will bo between Wendell Phillips High of : Chicago and the Omaha High school war riors at Rourke fark. Crelfrhton has a game with Pes Moines college. Council Bluffs High will meet Temple High of Lincoln over at the Bluffa and South Omaha High will play their old rivals. Nebraska City High, at Nebraska City. ... Following are the Important ' local games: Omahn High against Wendell Phillips Hlirh of Chlcaso at Rourke park. , Crelghton against Pes Molncs colle? at Crelghton field. Council Bluffs High against Temple Hlvh of Lincoln at Council Bluffs. Deaf Institute seconds against the Shamrock Juniors at Benson Eagles' park. Key to the Situation bee Want Ads. TO GET RID OF RHEUMATISM 11 we suffer with Rheumatism anJ desire to et rid of it we must make? up our minds to subject our systems to the proper course of treatment for ,a while. The only wsy to cure oneself of Rheumatism is to remove the cause expel the irritating uric acid from the blood; every other method of treatment has proved a failure. ' S. S. S. cures Rheumatism because it is the greatest of all blood purifiers. This medicine goes down into the circulation and expels every particle of the sour, inflammatory uric acid which is the one great cause of the disease. The cure can be greatly hastened by a little care and eelf denial by the patient. In the first place do not let anything inter fere V prevent your taking S. S. S. regularly and according to directions; be guarded in your eating, because an attack of indigestion will always aggravate the symptoms of Rheuma tism. Do not expose yourself to , damp and inclement weather ny more than is necessary. When S. S. S. I has had time to rid the blood of the I uric acid and strengthen the system, I then these little restrictions can be I left off. This simple course has cured many thousands of cases of Rheuma tism. Book on Rheumatism and any medical advice free. S. S. S. is sold at drug storce, j THE S WIFT SPECIFIC CO. . A I lamia. Co. r m - - " ' "' ' Nfc is