Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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Kntered at Omaha posloffice as second
els mall'r.
funds? Hee, on year IJ..V)
fsturday he, one year.... .41 .M
llly iwt (without Pundayl, one ymr.M'
Ialiy He and 8'inclav, on JHf K
Fvenlns Bee (with Pundarl. per month. Kc
Pally lee (Including Sunday). per mo. 8-0
lelly Hee wtthout Sunday), per mo..,.jc
Addrea all complaints of Irregularities
In delJvary to City Clreuletlon iJept.
Remit by draft, express or postal order,
payable to Tim Hee Publlshlns company.
Only l-ent stamps reoMved in payment
of amall accounts. Wrconal checks, ex
cept on Omaha and eastern exchange, not
fimaha The bee llulidlnfr.
fonth Omnha-2m N St.
t'oundl Uluffs Id Feott Ht.
l.triroln g little Building
I'hlcaao to4M Mernuetto liuildlnK.
Kansas City Ktllance. Building.
New York H West Tlilrty-lhlrd.
Washington-;? Fourteenth ft., N. W.
Communications reladng to news and
editorial matter should he addressed
Omaha Bee, Editorial Department.
State of Nebraska. County of Douglas, a.
Dwlght Williams, circulation manacer
f tha Bee I'ulillshlng company, beina
July sworn, says that the average daily
circulation. lens spoiled, unused and re
turned copies, for tha month of October,
311, was 60,7(4.
Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
.before ma this 1st day of Novembir, Ml.
. Notary Public.
bacrlbera lea t In a, tha ellr
tenapararlly should bve Tfce
Be mailed ta them. A dress
rlll b cbaas-ed as aftest aa
reej seated.
"Goat's milk will care drunken
' ness." Bah-h-h-h.
Some superlative folks simply can
not talk In the positive degree.
t This Is the first time Mr. Bryan
was ever shipwrecked in aa "oft"
"Oh, they do such things and they
act such ways" In Ehady Bend,
Only cine killed by foot ball this
fall. No more than one base ball
Fishing for dynamite Is spectacu
lar, at least, as those lake-faring
sailors proved.
i Anybody else In the Nebraska
l-enitenltary who wants to be par
doned or paroled?
Hetty Green at 77 has at least
passed out of the verdant pastures of
business experience.
Champ Clark, reports say, will
write a book. Playing Into the hands
of the enemy at the outset?
The foot ball season 'being over,
perhaps those British suffragette
will stop rushing Parliament.
Harry Thaw Is studying law, la
order, no doubt, to find out how hit
highly feed attorneys did it.
The governors' train li carrying
the executives of nine western states.
Just so the number Is not thirteen.
Those nine western governors
going, east might challenge a nine of
eastern governors to a ball game.
A forest fire In what used to be
known as the "treeless state" is an
' anomaly which Nebraska presents
with her compliments.
t Btlll, It Is possible to celebrate
Thanksgiving day without turkey If
the great American bird roosts too
high In the butcher shop.
f J-!-'
The foot ball enthusiast will soon
'have to subside or turn his attention
'to scsaotherr exciting sport like
auction bridge or bowling.
: ' If Mr. Bryan la so taken with
j wireless telegraphy, It may be pre
sumed he will try next to Inaugurate
,a system of wireless politics.
; It seems a little far-fetched for
;the suffragettea to throw stones
..through windows to impress men
with tha dignity of their cause.
It does not cost anything to
mention your favorite for commis
sioner under Omaha's new plan of
lty government. Name your man
The Joachim family of steamships
seems to be in hard lines. San re
cently went ashore In the Great lakes
and Prlns was stranded In the south.
Carter Harrison is the latest to
enter In the democratic presidential
free-for-all nomination race. The
country awaits Monitor Bryan's rate
John Hays Hammond may bo en
tirely correct In all he says about the
late Oom Paul Krueges, but he must
admit that he is a trifle late In pre
ferring the indictment.
A New Yorker resents the "Jeering
bloodhounds," Insisting that the ani
mals are nearly as Intelligent as
some politicians. But why make In
vidious comparisons?
If the city should acquire tho Au
ditorium, it will have to be run by
the people and for all the people,
and cot merely for the people who
can jay grand opera prices.
Future of the Auditorium.
The management of the Auditor
ium, erected by the people of Omaha
ss a convention hall, publicly admits
that It Is face to face with the ne
cessity of determining what the fu
ture of that building Is to be.
Without revamping the costly
blunders of the construction era,
and without discussing whether a
different policy since completion
would have produced better results,
the real question Is whether the Au
ditorium shell be retained as an
available meeting place for largo
public gatherings and exhlbitiona of
educational or popular character, or
shall pass Into private hands to be
converted ultimately to uses of
private business.
The editor of The Bee many years
ago foresaw the unescapable ap
proach of this situation, and to pro
vide against it procured the enact
ment of a charter amendment spon
sored by Representative Michael Lee
authorizing the city to Issue bonds
and buy In the Auditorium when
ever It should go to sale. Should it
be decided, therefore, that the Au
ditorium ought to become a public
building, maintained for public use
at public expense, the city will be
legally In position to take it over If
it can be had at a fair price.
The Bee takes It that the argu
ment Is all one way In favor of keep
ing the Auditorium for rise as a con
vention hall. The same reasons that
impelled our people to respond so
liberally In the first place to the call
for subsucrlptlons and contributions
to build It, are equally urgent how.
No city the sire of Omaha that
assumes to entertain great national
societies and associations Is without
such a building for their accommo
dation. The convention hall project
In many cities has been a municipal
undertaking from the beginning. If
acquisition of Omaha's Auditorium
by the city Is forced upon us, It will
probably prove a blessing In disguise.
The Switch on Voting; Machines.
The taxpayers of Omaha and Doug
las county ought to be getting their
eyes open to the grfroe of politics
which the democratic combine la the
county board has been playing. On
motion of the democratic member
defeated for re-election the county
board baa just gone on record to
abolish the use of the rotlng ma
chine, something against which these
very same democrats protested stren
uously only a year ago when repub
licans sought to have a paper ballot
used because the capacity of the
machines had been overtaxed. At
tbat time these same democratic
county commissioners not only in
listed on using , the machines, but
voted to go inte the treaamy for up
wards of 15,000 with which' addi
tional voting machines were bought
to supply the' new voting districts
All the time this was going on the
local democratic organ was likewise
raising a hubbub and din about a
pretended great "republican con
spiracy" to mulct the taxpayers by
throwing 150,000 worth of Toting
machines Into the Junk heap.
It goes without saying that our
democratic friends are fooling no one
Who does not want to be fooled. The
reason they wanted the voting ma
chines retained a year ago waa In
order to get the benefit of the
straight party lever, which they knew
would be pulled for the benefit of
Mayor Dahlroau's candidacy for gov.
ernor. To have ditched the voting
machine laat year, when the party
lever meant a straight democratic
ticket, would have been a terrible
crime, but this year when the party
lever advantage went to the repub
licans, the democrats Invent an ex
cuse for getting rid of the voting
machines on the ground that they
register Inaccurately. Of course, the
machines registered this year Just as
accurately or Inaccurately as they
did last year, but they registered re
publican this year instead of demo
cratic, as they did a year ago. That
explains the sudden somersault of
the democratic glooms on the voting
machine question.
The Drink and Opium Becords.
The report of the commissioner of
Internal revenue fails to support the
belief that this country is decreasing
its use of alcoholic drinks. The total
Internal revenue receipts for the year
were 1322, 518,299. the greatest In
the history of the country. Some
7,000,000 gallons more distilled
liquor waa manufactured than ever
before. All along the line similar In
creases are recorded.
In the face of the activity in re
strictive legislation this showing can
not furnish reassurance for the hope
that the American people are getting
way from their Indulgeuce In intox
icants. Yet some other recent sta
tistics showed that, while our
aggregate consumption of beer waa
increasing, cot so our per capita
consumption, but whether thla la
also true of spirit liquor drinking Is
not disclosed.
But another and more distressing
feature of this statistical report is
that it reveals a widespread use of
opium In this country. This Is one
of the most degrading forms of In
temperance. It has been borrowed
from the lower element of Chinese
and under the spur of American In
fluem-e, China has been aroused to
the awful consequences of the habit
and la now carrying on an ant!
opium warfare. Our prattlce In this
country has, of course, not yet as
sumed like proportions as In China,
but It Is extensive, enough o put
Americans on their guard. It calls
for a more Intelligent resistance than
has yet been offered to It.
Safe and Sane Foot Ball.
. Only nine foot ball players killed
this season only. Some forty-ceven
others were Injured.
Many foot ball devotees "point
with pride," aa the politicians say,
to this record, forgetting, perhaps,
that it Is an average of about two
fatalities a week. The 'foot ball
season Is very short, about a month
of actual playing. This record, then,
while it la an Improvement over
previous years, still offers nothing
to boast about.
There should not be nine deaths
on the foot ball field In one season.
There would not be It the rules of
the game were safe and sane, If
they were whst they should be. Foot
ball men need not fly off Into a
tirade for being reminded of this;
they must not blame fathers and
mothers for shuddering with anxiety
every time they see their sons go
into a game. Nor must they try to
consider the casualty list a closed
merely with the dead. It counts a
little to have another, list of forty
seven Injured. How many of these
may die? Four of the 1910 Injured
have Just recently died. These are
referred to In the reports as "bold
overs." How many 111 hold overs
will show up In the death rolls xf
1912? How many of these forty-
seven will be crippled or Injured for
A great many people not ordinarily
classed aa mollycoddles are of the
oplplon that foot ball may be made
it whole lot safer without losing any
of Its sporting qualities. At least
another effort should be made.
The Dividing Line of Unionism.
The Atlanta convention of the
American Federation of Labor haa
served to mark a widening breach
between tho socialist and anti-socialist
elements In organized laboi
and to make certain an ultimate
divorcement of relations. Through
out this convention a division of
spirit and action has been apparent.
The socialists tried to force Gompers
and others to retire from either the
National Civic Federation or the
American Federation of Labor, as
the socialists in control of tha Mine
Workers' union had done with John
Mitchell, but the conservatives de
feated them. The socialists at At
lanta tried to have the federation ap
propriate money out of the federa
tion' treasury to defend the Mc
Namaras, but the conservatives pre
vented that. The miners, In the
Western Federation and the Mine
Workers union threaten to withdraw
from the national body of union la
bor. The Western Federation has
not affiliated with the national or
ganization for many years, and both
miners' associations have steadily
gone toward socialism and are laid
to be now dominated by It.
If this divorcement is to come
about, the conservative forces of
unionism have nothing to gain from
concessions to the socialists. Many
level-beaded union men are ready to
believe that such a separation cot
only Is desirable, but la actually
necessary to save organized labor.
Perhaps socialism, Itself, might be
better oft outside of these ranks.
Sooner or later such a division, it
seems, will come, and this Atlanta
convention evidently has done much
to draw the line of cleavage.
Only a year ago Senator Hitch
cock's democratle organ was tearing
Its hair and shrieking with all Us
lungs over an alleged republican
conspiracy to throw $50,000 worth
pf voting machines into the junk
pile. Now, lo and behold, a demo
cratic county board Is undertaking
to put the very same voting machines
out of commission. What a chance
for the rescue act by the former
faithful guardian of the chee-lld.
Omaha has six theaters and about
twenty-five moving picture shows
catering to the amusement-loving
public. In fact, no one who wants
to go out for the evening now haa
even an excuse to stay , home any
People Talked About
A village official in New Jersey given
tha Job of checking automobile Joy rides
through town, perched himself at tha
window of a church steeple and with a
spy glass spotted the rushing crowd. A
polite note by mall Informed tha sur
prised speeder where he could hand In
tha fine and avoid further trouble. One
dose reached tha spot.
Mary Pugh, U yea re old. of Bkowhegan.
Mkh , last week aocorapllshed a feat said
to be unsurpassed by any other woman
of her age In the country by walking
(mm her home to F.ast Madison and
back, a distance of thirteen milts, in on
day. Lst winter Mlsa Pugh made It a
habit to walk one way between the two
towna at least twice a week.
Lvi P. Morton, vice president duilng
tha Harrison administration, railed at
the New York City tax department laat
weak and cancelled aa asitassment on
po.tO) worth of personal property by
showing that ha la a resident of Wash
ington. 1. C Mr. Morton la the senior
In term and years of the three former
vice presidents now living Theodore
Roosevelt and Charlea Warren Fairbanks
being the others.
Booking Backward
HihRiv fnOmnlin
rmUDiirn r unit n-r 1 1
vrs syrssi' m hwiti sa-J a ua. 'v
I 1 NOV. 811
Thirty Years Ago-
Tha second annual reception and ball of
Omaha telegraphers took plaoe at Cen
tral hall and In addition to tha local
dignitaries of tha profession a large num
ber of out-of-town visitors ware present,
as follows: Alexander Washington, chief
operator: Mr. UcOowsn. Miss Katie
Johnson, Visa Anns Wilson, Miss Oeb of
St. Joseph. Mr. C. K. Annette, chief
operator, Cheyenne; M. M. Runyen, oper
ator Clerk Creek, Neb.; B.' H. Josalyn,
Union Paclflo manager, Orand iHland; M.
C. Hope, superintendent, 8t. I'aul; Miss
Oohaney, Council Bluffs; U. J. Brann. R.
C McDonald, Alex A. Stevenson, Chi
cago. '
Judge Savage Is holding court In Wash
ington county this week.
Governor EL John of Kansas sneak a In
Omaha December IS on temperance..
Colonel Harry Brownson 1 rapidly re
covering from his stroke of paralysis.
The t. IS. Kimball hunting party re
turned from Ogallala leaded down with
game of all kinds.
Tha new atreet cars for Captain Marnb'a
trunk lino have arrived from tha east.
one for tha red line and one for tha green
line. They are of the old bandbox pat
tern. The weather now is moro like Mav than
These delegatea to the Chlcaaro Land
league convention left a? follows: Messrs.
drove. Rush, Brennan, Nichols and Pat
rick Ford.
Meaera, Charles K uhlman it Cn. h,v.
Just opened a magnificent etoek of druga
at m Douglas street., northeast corner
of Tenth. The proprletora apeak English.
German, French and Scandinavian.
Tha second commerce party given by
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett to Miss Hnvt an.
tertalned the following. The Mtsaea
naunaers. wuriey, sharp. Dora and Nalla
Lehmer, Carrie and Lou IJama. Wood.
Mlsa Etta Wells and Messrs. Lehmer,
Stebblna, Bharp, McCormick. McMillan,
Jewatt. RlngwaJt, Mose Barkalow, Rem
ington, Redlck, Oarllchs end Harbaugh.
tt la explained that It Is catled ."com
mence" because there la so much trading
of seats during the evening.
Twenty Yeara Ag
The Misses Hoagland entertained a few
friende at even dinner.
Alexander Wygant, formerly of Minne
apolis, took a position as night clerk at
the Murray.
Mrs. Charlea Block and daughter of At
lantic, la., ware vleitlng Mr. and Mrs. M.
Block, 2304 Davenport atreet.
The approval of the bond of City Treas
urer Henry Bolln In the city council
chamber led to a free-for-all, hnock-down-and-carry-out
fist fight In that
auguat assemblage, whereupon much
gocdly gore Was ahed. President Lowry
finally called the council to order by suc
cessfully pounding hie desk and the bond
of l,eS0.000 was ealled up with these sura
ties, qualifying In various suma: William
Gentleman, W. T.Lerensen, L. D. Fow-
ler, i. Brown, Ouaa Andreen. Hbv
Voea, John F. Ooad, g. a Rogers. Fred
wets, sr., Louis Schroeder. W. H. IJama,
A. B. Huberman, Ed Wit tig, J. M. Couna
man, Fred Krug. Heery pundt. Max
meyer, u. KaapKe. C. J, Karbaoh, H. J.
Meyer. W. A. Paxton. C. Hanson. (.,
Helmrod, T. C. Bruntr, Wrs. W. Peunian,
Ed Meadlmbar, John. II. Eck, George E.
Barker. Councilman
bond be approved end ail except Burdish.
morearty and Blumor voted aye. Before
tha vote waa announced Chaffee rh,n,
to "No,M and Bechei ui Oathoff followed
suit. Chaffee then moved for a reoonsld
oration and all but Burdish, Morearty and
Blumer supported the motion, which car-
nea, witn nine arflrmatlva votae. Davis
wanted a roll call: denutwu war
moned to bring In the absentees. Morearty
waa Insisting that soma of the sureties had
qualified for more than they were worth.
ine piot thickened, the clouds gathered,
tha wind came up. IlKhtnlnat
thunder roared and rain fell In torrenta,
The real combatanta were Chria Specht
and Flits Blumer and thav hat . h
banged each other good. Once while Bpecbt
waa uown, Morearty aimed a kick at hie
head, mlssir.g goal, lis waa about to be
penalised by a aiectator atandlng on tha
lines, when ex-Councilman nronnnr
pushed his way onto the gridiron, whereat
W. A. Grant threw him Over tht ralllnv
hand O'Connor, pussled to know what had
happened to him, glared at Grant, da-
manaing to Know what waa up.
Ten Yean Ago
The Omaha High achool foot ball team
beat the Genoa Indiana la Omahu n n a
Crelghton university beat the Lincoln
iea lea s to 11'
Blehop Bcannel returned from the esat
While In Washington he attended the
ceremonies Incident to tbe elevation of Dr.
Conaty to the Episcopacy. Whiu th.,. ,h.
bishop preformed the delicate task of ef
fecting a reconcllatlon for Father Crow
ley, s priest who had been disciplined for
George P. Cronk was reported aa .ln.
lug ateadlly In his race for the highest
office the Elka have to give.
The North End Improvement club an
nounced It would promote a olan ta hava
a publio library established at Twenty-
lourtn street ana Ames avenue.
A simple ceremony attending tha tin.
veiling of a tablet to tha memory of
Charlea Henry Gardner. D. D., former
dean of Trinity cathedral, was observed
there. The ceremony opened with a creed
and prayer by Dean Fair, whe then called
on Senior Warden Henry W. Tatea for an
address. ,
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Macomber of Carroll,-
la., spent the day with Judge and
Mrs, J. H. Macomber.
Mrs. J. C Cortelyou and family left
for Los Angeles to make thalr borne.
Tha Metropolitan rlub gave an unique
entertainment Thanksgiving evening. It
was a take-off on a beer garden, la
vaudeville. Some of the principal contrib
utors to tha program were Abe Handel
berg, Mrs. Hugo llrsndels; and the actors
were Henry Rosenthal, Harry u Cohn,
Morton Hitler, Mrs. Henry Hitler, Mrs.
A. Simon, Mlsa Rebecca Eplesberger, and
Mrs. Ray B. Cohn. Carroll Johnson of
the Orpheum waa a guest who helped out
by request.
Perils ef Abaeat Treatment.
Philadelphia Record.
The Postoffl- dertmaiit la forging
to the front as one of tbe greateet
forces in tbe moral uplift. Pretty much
everybody who la doing aay sort of
erooked business ran, be held for fraud
ulent use of the malls, and the postal
eftlelaki are so vigilant that anyone who
tries to set money from others by the
absent treatment U pretty aura to tall
Into tiir hen-
The BecS Ldlcr Box
tt BJ
Tkeae Swell Dola's.
OMAHA, Nov. 17. Mister Edtter: I am
a great feller fur perllte savslety. I
think that It Is duraed site better to be
perllte than It, la ter be honest.
I swan a feller whot la real honest
must git awful lonesome In the real swell
circles like what I move In.
I'm a great feller fur the artistic, so
when I heered tell that Gertrude Hoff
man wus cumlng tew town I M said to
myself, I'm going to see her dldoa If It
costa I1M. No feller what has any idea
of eddlcatlonal values kin afford to mlsa
sleh a htferlutin, spectakular, emotional,
varlgated doins. e
I got to the box office mlty early so
aa to be sure and git a good aeat. I
wus dound aartln to git the full benefit
of the artlHtlo end educational value of
this here show. I got one of them thar
front eeate where I wuddint miss nuthln'.
I tell you. Mister Edlter, that thar wua
some awell dolns.
That thar Cleopatra wus a mlty slick
tookln' gal and I don't blame that thar
Amoun feller el tin stuck on her. But I
awan I can't list see what made her make
him take thut thar plzen. So fur as I
could aee he didn't da nothln' but alt
on the floor and hug her all night while
she reposed on that thar lounge. If that
wus all he done what did she want to
kill him fur? Or did she want .ira to do
something else?
I awan I hain't right sure whether I
got the artistic meaning of some of them
thar capers: they wus too elusive fur
me to'gIL My mind kept trying to won
der away from the artistic. I wunder
If any other feller's mind trieu to do
that. Or la It becus I wussen't brot up
right T
I wus brot up on the farm, and when
that thar gal come out prancing around
with nothing on her lega a representing
spring, I tell you right now there was
aomethlng what I cud appreciate. The
feller what ftggered that out got r'fht
back close to nature. Them are the fel
lers what have the real artistic ldear.
I nate like blasea to aee the artistic
clouded and dimed by any kind of duda.
It seems so blamed coarse and spoils the
real spirit of the occasion. '
That thar harem scene wus almost to
much fur me. Them thar folks laying
around there on them thar ostermoor
mattresses wus jlat a Utile more than I
oud fathom. . I wussen't Jlat sure what
they wus a-glttlng at. I jlat got a hunch
that my artistic eddlcatlon ain't complete
somewhere. v
But I tell you right now, mister edlter,
t am going to keep right at It until thsj
hain't nobody what can git thead of ma
when It comes to interpertlng the artistic.
Tke Serosa Seattle Bfvardier.
OMAHA. Nov. 27. To the Editor of The
Bee: Henry Clay Beat tie, jr., committed
a terrible crime,' and every sane man and
woman ahuddera at the thought of com
mitting auch an act But the crime of
Henry Clay Beat tie, jr., dwindles into
Insignificance bealde the more atrocious
crime oommltted by a nation and sanc
tioned by the cttlsens of that nation.
I refer to the electrocution of Henry
Clay Beattle, jr.
Henry Clay Beattle, jr., waa a moral
pervert, a morej Imbecile, we may aay,
If the history that has come to light of
his life and hie habits Is correct. Look
In any large Institution for feeble-minded
children and you will find the same moral
type in abundance. We protect the Other
cases from them and ws protect the
publio from them by keeping them under
the care of competent guardians. We do
not electrocute them.
For Henry Clay Beattle, jr., there Is
the excuse of a perverted and degenerate
mind. Must we advance tbe aame excuse
for a nation when it commits the same
From among all the lawa, just and un
just, of a great nation, capital punish
ment stands out aa the deepest stain, a
relic of barbarism. In the past it has
been claimed for capital punishment that
It tended to lessen the crime of private
murder through the fear of death which
thf example thua afforded Instilled "Into
the mtnda of partlee who ahould contem
plate Jhe crime. Thla we know to be an
erroneous hypothesis and it Is no longer
claimed by even the moat enthusiastic
advocates of capital punishment. A mur
derer commits the crime In cne of three
mental attltudea: In the first he la actu
ated by the Impulse of the moment, anger.
jealousy, or whatever It may be, and haa
no time for the weighing -of oonsequencea
to himself, or for the consideration of
penalties which he may Inour as a result
of bis action. In the second he meditates
tha crime for money greed, revenge, jeal
ousy or any one of the numerous causea
for which such crimes are perpetrated.
But In all hla premeditation the thought
that he will poaaibly have to pay the
death penalty for hla act never enters
Into consideration. His belief that ha
will escape, any penalty, or at least the
death penalty. Is absolute from the ftrat.
That Idea being firmly fixed In hla mind
It cancels absolutely any Influence that
might be expected to be exerted by laws
for capital punishment. Third, and laat,
there Is a class who are willing to give
up their lives If necessary If first they
can have accomplished the death of the
proposed victim the cauae of their real
or fancied wrongs. AH three types are
unquestionably but types of Insanity, but
whether they are or are not does not
concern us here, except to emphasise the
brutality of capital punishment. The
faot. however, re mams that in no one
of the three la the queatlon of possible
or probable capital punishment a factor
of any weight whataoever agalnat th
consummation of tha crime. In the last
type cited it Is even possible that tbe
murderer sees a justification - for his
erlme In the fact that he Is willing and
will probably have to pay the penalty by
forfeit of his own life,
tone other claim la advanced for cap
ital punishment. Thla la to tha effect
that the people would be at an added
expense by taxation for support and
maintenance of institutions were cap
ital punishment abolished. In illustra
tion: A murder la committed by some
Individual as a result of his lnaane
gresd tor money, for a few dollars or a
tew hundred dollars; then tbe capital
punishment advocate sanctions a sec
ond murder the murder of the first of
fender tor the aama cause that brought
about the first murder, with only the
exception that the money for which
the second murder Is committed Is of
smaller amount, being for a few mills
of a cent, or a few cents, or rarely, a
few hundred rents. But tbe second
murder Is laudable, and the ftrat remains
a "horrible crime."
Before the days of correct a sepals
and antisepsis surgeons spoke of
"laudable pus." Today the term Is ob
solete except as used to a reference) to
the past. By the efforts of the sclentlfle
members of the profession It haa been
demonstrated that there is no such thing
as "laudable pus." Likewise when mod
ern peoples have thrown off the re-
manenta of barbarism It will be re
cognised that there can be no such
thing as laudable murder and capital
punishment will be a thing of the past.
The responsibility for the death Is
easily shlited to the "government?" but
the shame, In that a severnmeot of a
supposedly civilised people Is allowed
to continue with lsws that countenance
such barbarity, rn'ist rest upon the
shoulders of the people
2108 Cuming 8t
That foot bnll game waa a wild and
exciting occasion."
"Yes. but you ought to have seen the
celebration afurward." Washington Star.
Visitor So you've had three doss.
eleven cows and two horses killed by
autos so far this year. Why don't you
put In a complaint?
Farmer Never! I m willing to take my
medicine. I was one of the yaps that
kept hollering for good roads. Puck.
"Is It n good show?"
"One you would wish your daughter to
'Well er not exactly, but why should a
girl of J8 go to a theater, anyhow?"
Chicago Kecord-IIerald.
'ThA French cnmntaln that we Ink our
nlmtaureii sniilv." remarked the nlav-
"Yes, a gooa many oi our comeaies are
To have pure and wholesome
food, be sure that your baking
(A powder is made from cream
B of tartar and not from alum.
Tho Labci villi guido yots
Royal is the only baking
powder made from Royal
Grape Cream of Tartar
II o Alum iSo Limo Phosphates
tliey are geftuig tke test Leer
, BlueRibbon
TLs Bear of QuaKty
It xm ricK tut not lieavyani just enough
nf 'the delieioua
&t oi Kops wxtLout tee
a case
-j' iw4 A !; J. 'JV -V. '.; f- - V$ivll r ilr -Ft
s'rvV-t t'.'-ra n on . i'i'm -in m it . . i ... i , w iwriT-ir-Ttf-1" -"i-,al ' irvinioiat His i
In the New Home
You want the best when starting in the new home. Above
all, you want that home to be snug and warm and comfortable.
You are sure of warmth and comfort with a Perfection
Smokeless Oil Heater.
The Perfection is the best and most reliable heater made.
v It is a sort of portable fireplace.
It is ready night and day.' Just strike a match and light
the wick. The Perfection is all aglow in a minute.
The Perfection Oil Heater does not tmefl nor smoke a patent
automatic device prevents that It can be carried eaOy from room to
room and is equally suitable for sny room m the house. Handsomely
Biushed, with nickd trimmings; drums of either turquoise-blue enamel
or plain steel
yj Smokcles r1 1
taken from the French." remarked the
dramatic critic Philadelphia Record.
Mabel S. Freer In Ainalee s.
With bare brown legs and faded gingham
1 aaw her first-a lovely little girl.
Her slender fingers clasped within my
With low. sweet laughter, et my heart
From out her wondrous eyes of darkest
Shone forth a eoul all pure and unde
tlled. .
And all tnlnga youns and beautiful took
An added charm because ahe was a
Again T saw her as n maiden grow,
A half-ope'd blossom, whose raro t;race
The promise of the bud, and yet cave
Of greater Blrles, when, If God ho
The half-grown rose should ope to fullest
I brought my glfta of frankincense and
To lay them at her feet; and evermore
I reverenced Womanhood, because of
Her. ,
And now I watch her rorklng to and fro.
And crooning low within the dimming
A tiny hend la pillowed on her arm.
A tiny form la cuddled warm and tight,
A glow la on her face a light, mcthlnks,
That never In the land or sea did reet.
AH Motherhnod Is sacred now to me
Because It is my baby at her breast.
you eerve
acnetizind flavor
excessive titter.
Tbe raaet Ceaisany
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Standard Oil Company