RKK: OMAHA. TUKSDAY. NOVKMHKIl "JS. mil. . mmmmmm I ' . Nebraska DEATHS ON jlTATE'S ROADS Eighty-One Killed Besides Those ia Indianola Wreck. CANVASSING BOARD IN SFS3I0N Dob Strphpns Anxlons to et Certifi cate of CWtlon, lint Stnte Offl- ' Ilnvc ot Blank Itmdy for Inning. ( (From a Staff Coirrspoiuient.) LINCOLN, Nov. 27.-(Speclnl.)-A sum ttiary of person. Injured and kllW by railroads In thlK state htm Just been com pleted by trip ,M1e Itullnay commission. Tht rrcord inelud. . all Injured and killed up to June Si l'-Il. The total Iru-ludc thirty-three railway employes, five pas- enKera. one portnl clerk and forty-two others, a grand total of eighty-one. The Injured number 7:0 employe?. 129 pnmetifrers. th!rt;--one postal clerk ond other employes, and 111 other persona. The total was 1.K4 persons. The nvrrass tolal number of railway rrnployea rn thi load In that time Was Sit.Si'!. while the total number of revenue passengers car ried was 10,447.fW. Of th ral w-ay cmp'oyrs kl:ird B?veneen were employed by the I'nlon l'nelflc, one by the Hock Island, six by the north western, eight by the BurllnRton and one by the Missouri racltic. Of the five pas sengers killed three were killed by the Viilon Pacific and two by the Missouri Taclflc. Owing to an error In the rerort the Bur niiKion wrecK at lnfllanola May 2!, was not included. In this wreck fourteen per Sons were killed or di.-d from Injuries later, and there were twenty-two Injured. (anvnln Ilonrd Sleets. The Mate canvassing board met today. as provided for by-law, and went through the formality of canvawsin 'the returns of the late stnto election. The returns ns sent In by the county clerks fcnd as tabulated by T. W. Smith of the aecre tary of state's offlco were found to be correct. A sligrht difference In the Xemaha county returns on railway com missioner was found, b.it a telephone call to the county clerk of thut ciunty righted the matter, th5 figure as recorded originally being found correct. State Treasurer Oeorge and Governor Aldrtch, other members of the board, were absent and pending their return no certificates of election will be Issued to the successful candidates. Dan Stephens, who was elected to succeed J. V. Latta In the Third district and who has been very anxious to obtain his certificate, may have to wait a few days longer, because theer are no blanks on which to fill In the certillcute. It la probable that an Improvised one, however, will be given the new congressman In vlow of the fact that he la desirous of trains to Washing ton and getting nettled before congress opens December 4. . T. L. Hall, elected as railway commis sioner, has not yet asked for his certifi cate, and It is understood that he Is not In a hurry to take his placo, as he has business Interests to clear up before he can settle down to the duties of the com mission. IVhlten's Salary Tlntied. Walter Whitten, who has been acting as secretary of the Lincoln Commercial club for some time past, has been en gaged Coranother two years. Vy action oj ftlie board of directors vVhltten's salary has" been raised from J3,6) to J4.20O per year-. It ia believed by a well known local capitalist that Theodore Stanlsics, the miser, "who was facing a penitentiary sentence because of n conviction on the charge of arson, and who hung himself her In the city Jail last week, cu.me to Ms death because he could hot obtain t95,000, which ho had on deposit in a Sew York bunk. The inability of any of the officials of the bank in which the local man had his money tn hloutify him, it Is thought, was the thing, which preyed on Ills mind alid finally caused him to end it all after his return here. ' Stantslcs ' upon ' leaving here converted all his property into cash, it Is under stood, and then sent the drafts forward to New York, where he, later knew he would . be. ' Failure to obtain anyone to Identify blm there and tho fear of arrest If he tried to get communication, with Lincoln men it Is thought made him feel that his money woo gone and that It could never safely be recovered. C. H. Imhoff, a former Lincoln banker, who la now a New York City capitalist, asserted in a letter whicn. has jugt reached her that a man purporting to be Stan islas called upon him there and anked him to identify him so that ho could gel money out of a bank there. Later -the man called at his bank, he said, but he was usable to tell that he was tho same man who had done business with him years bufore in this city. NUMEROUS CASES UPON SUPREME COUHT CALENDAR (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. 27. (Special.) At the next sitting of the state supreme courttho following cases will be called for hearing: Monday, December 4 fthanuhan, ad ministrator, aKaln.u Chicago, ISurllngtou & yuiucy Railroad company, Kearney ; Schrader against iloduin Jiiothurliood ot' America, Logan; Vtaw against Votaw, Lincoln; Steinke against Dubsun, Lancas ter; Armstrong Clothing company ugulnst Botes, Lancaster. Tuesday, December 5 AVhltford against Ktniel, Cuming; Deck against Kautl, Wayne; Dee against Gillen & Honey, Dodge; Illlle against Hille, Cuming; Cas ter against .Estate of Frederick Uu.ter, Cuming. Wednesday, December 7 Montgomery against Dresher, Douglas; City of South Omaha against Omaha HilOge & Terminal Hallway company, Douglas; litirman Against Fisher. Furnas; Kirk at'ilust State Board of Irrigation, Knox. Friday, December b Nebraska, Trans fer company against Chicago, Iiurliii--ton & Quiiu y Hailroad -conn anv. Douglas Mstte. ex rel. Barton against Farmers' & Merchants' Insurance company Lancas ter; State, ex rel. Tyrrell against Lincoln -Traction company, Lancaster. GIRL DIES OF TYPHOID FEVER AT BEATRICE BEATRICE. Neb., Nov. 27. Special.) illss Bernlce Bohnstedt, one of the steno grapheru at the Feeble Minded Institute, died Saturday at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bohnctidt. six miles northeast of i'likreli, after mi Illness of five weeks with typhoid fever. She was Is years of age. A Ian-rroaa Vt'oa du Is rendered antiseptic by BurkJea's Ar nica Salve, the hraling wonder for surra, burns, piles, ocaenia and aalt rheum. Zx. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Persistent Advertising ia tue Hoad U Elf Ktturas. Nebraska Nebraska Law Suit Grows Out of Broken Bow's Fight for School BrtOKKN" HOW, Neb.. Nov. M.! Spe cial.) Intense public .Interest Is being tikeu In the civil suit of 11. M. Sullivan, O. I Turner and others, who constitute an executive committee of citizens against James Lcdwlch, real estate agent and mayor of Broken Uw. The case Is the outcome of the efforts of the town to secure the State Agricultural college, which was located a few months ago at Curtis. In making the showing to the state locating board It was necessary to secure a certain quarter section of land aojoining the city owned by parties In New Hampshire and represented here by Mayor Idwlch. The executive committee of Broken Bow cltlxens found H necessary to purchase this land In order to make the proer showing, $1,000 being paid down and the balance being due at the. time of transfer. Iedwlch furnished a warranty deed and, it is alleged, cashed the chock for JI.CM), which was held In escrow at the bank, JH.iO of this amount oemg his commission. The contention was made by the citizens' committee that the title was not a mer chantable one and not such as the state of Nebraska would accept. Up to the time of the location of the school the parties conveying the iund had failed to furnish a good title. Mayor Lodwlch is assisted In his case by W. II. Thompson of Orand Island, while the cltlitns' committee Is represented by Judge Homer M. Sullivan. Judge C. L. Gutterson, Jmlgo A. H. Humphrey. K. K. Squires, A. V. Johnson and other local members of the bar. Most of Saturday was spent in nn effort of W. II. Thompson to set the case post poned. Judge HoBtetler at first refused to entertain the motion, stating tho case had twice been put over to accommodate the defense, but later on affidavits were tiled that made It Imperative to continue tho case until the first day of the Janu ary term. It la exnected that more In terest will be taken In this case thun any civil action of recent years. Putnam and Butler Get Along Nicely SCHUYLER, Neb.. Nov. 27. (Special Telegram.) Harry Tutman and Kenneth Butler, tho two Omaha men who were Injured In an automobile accident near Schuyler Saturday, are both-doing well under the care of Dr. J. C. Woodward. Mr. Futmnn had his shoulder dislocated and sustained severe bruises on the back and abdomen. Mr. Butler sustained a fractured scapula and severe bruises on his head. Both men received many other minor bruises. Dr. Woodward reports that both men will bo able to return to Omaha In threo or four days. . leaving for parts unknown. She is with out suppoi t and needs tho funds for which the lot In Tecumseh could bo sold. Mr. Hesse, who Is charged with murdering his wife and stepdaughter, l.avern Me Master, and burying their bodies In an old well here, went to Ogden, where he was married to a Miss Harrington. HI marriage occurred a short time before the bodies were found here and the t'rirati ngiilnst him discovered. He got away from the officers at Ogden and left his young wife, then In a delicate condition, unprovided for. This was In August. On November 1 a son was born to Mrs. Hesse. MOTION FILED FOR NEW TRIAL IN WYMORE AUTO CASE PRATRICE, Neb., , Nov. 27. (Special. ) U W. Colby, attorney for Mrs. Anna 1!. Hocrr, who claims to bp the owner of the automobile attached by Sheriff Schick last winter, supposed to be the property of the Kansas bank robbers, filed a motion for a new trial In the district court yesterday. The case was decided in court last week against Mrs. Hocrr and favor of the National Surety com pany, which attached the car soon after it was found by the officer. The attorney for Mrs. Hoerr alleges that the pro ceedings In the case were Irregular and that new evidence has been discovered which will have a bearing on the case. The motion for a now trial will be argued this week. TAFT BEARS DOWN ON TRUSTS Former Attorney General W. T. Thompson Discusses Situation. LIST OF PROSECUTIONS ON FOOT Never Time AVheii o Mnch Under taken In I. In of Federal I. bit Kn torvrturnt Irni In Kast and Meat. WILL HAYWARD JOINS NEW YORK LAW FIRM (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Nov.. 27.-(Speclal.)-Wlll Hayward, formerly a well known Nebraska politician and ' at present a resident of New York City has Just be come a member of the law firm of Wlnjf &i Russell. Burt D. Whedon, a son of Charles O. Whedon of this city, has also become a member of the same firm. All of the members of the new concern, Tom Wing. Phillip Russell and the two new additions, are graduates of the University of Nebraska and are well known In this city. The men are located at Zl Wall street and according to local ' men who have made Inquiries upon visile to New Vork have been making a distinct suc cess of their Wall street practice. MRS. HESSE ASKS TITLE TO LOT IN TECUMSEH TECUM SEH. Neb., Nov. 27.-(Speclal.)- Mrs. Louisa Hesse of Ogden, Utah, has begun proceedings in the Johnson county district court to have the title of the Hesse lot in this city upon which stood the former home of E. E. Hesse and family made In her name. In her petition Mrs. 'Hesse states that her husband has abandoned herself and their Infant child. Woman's Struggle in New York Ends By Taking Poison NEW YORK, Nov. 27.-Alico Tristram, 38 years old, said to be the daughter of n prominent clergyman in Dublin, Ireland, committed suicide in the tlolf club house nt Van Corlandt park today by drinking poison while sitting alone at a table. She camo to this vountry lust September and at tho Young Women's Christian associa tion, where sho lodgod, told acquaintances that her father was Canon Tristram of Trinity church, Dublin, and that she was married lo a wealthy mineral water manufacturer named Shanks. She decided to resume her maiden name, she said, after her arrival here, although she had a H-year-old son in school In Ireland. The woman's principal reason for leav ing home, according to her story, was because her father had married a second time and that it was Impossible for her to be companionable to her stepmother. Miss Tristram had a sweet and well culti vated voice shid had sung here on several occasions, at mustcales and dinners. Bhe had been unsuccessful, however, in an effort to obtain pupils and It Is believed by somo of thoso who knew her that she was pressed for funds before she took her life, although she had spoken of an engagement she had secured to go on the stage. President Attends Services for Peace WASHINGTON, Nov, 27.-Presldent Taft, who usually ottens All Saints' Uni tarian church, because today was peace Sunday, worshipped at the Episcopal Church tof the Ephlany, where the rector, Rev. Dr. H. R. McKlm, preached In advo cacy of the arbitration Jreaties now pend ing between the United States and Great Britain and France. Dr. McKlm criticised the position taken by the senate committee on foreign rela tions, which has opposed the treaties on the ground that they usurped the senate's constitutional powers. He said that Inas much as many senators have expressed faith Iq the principles of the treaties that It ought to be possible to obtain their ratification. With President Taft was Mrs. Taft and Major Butt. Ambassador Bryce of Great Britain and Mrs. Bryce were also among those in the congregation. NKW YORK. Nov. 27.-Peace Sunday was generally observed today In the churches of New York In accordance with the request of the American Peace and Arbitration league that religious services throughout the United States be devoted today to the movement for International peace. Key to tne Situation isee Want Ads. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Nov. 27. tSpeeial.l-Aeeord-Ing to W. T. Thompson, former attorney general of the state of Nebraska and at present solicitor of the United States Treasury department, the TnTt adminis tration needs but the honest considera tion of the thinking people of this country to secure their approval. The acts of this administration In the enforcement of the laws against the big Interests have been unparalleled In the history of the country, Mr. Thompson declares. "The position occupied by President Taft in the minds of the publio of the different sections of tho country Is unique," Mr. Thompson said today. "In the east, among those composing the so called big Interests, nnd especially among those connected with the trusts, which have feared the power of the administra tion In the vigorous enforcement of tho anti-trust laws, the president Is regarded as distinctively, and In fact altogether too progressive; while In the west, among the Insurgents, he seems to be regarded as a standpatter. He Is, In fact, both, but In the best sense In which (hose terms are to bo understood. He Is a 'stand patter' In that he stands pat on the propo sition that the law must be enforced and obeyed by the great as well as the small, the rich as well as the poor; and he Is a progressive In that lie believes In all rational, practical and necessary prohibi tory and remedial legislation, and also, In tho vigorous and fearless enforcement of existing laws. enforcing Anti-Trust l.nirs. "Never in the history of this country has an administration In the same length of time undertaken so much In the line of federal law enforcement as has the Taft administration In Its first three years. Never before lias so much been begun and consummated under prosecutions for the enforcement of the anti-trust laws, as during the Taft administration. Not only has there been a most determined elfort made to dissolve trusts, but their pro moters have been Indicted and prosecuted criminally. "I mention a few of the suits begun and terminated in the Taft administration: United States Steel corporation, suit begun. Sugar trust, Indicted July 1, 1909; pend ing. fa per board trust, defendants pleaded guilty and fined $57,600. Vi induw glass trust, defendants pleaded nolo-contendere and fined $10,000. Beef trust, criminal case pending. Southern Wholesale Grocer a' associa tion, dissolved. Great Lakes towing trust, pending. Chicago Butter and Egg board, pending. Cotton corner, James A. Patten and otheis indicted, 1H10; case before supreme court. Bathtub trust dissolution decree, under consideration. New England hide and rendering trust, demurrers sustained. Electric lamp trust, dissolved. Trans-Atlantic steamship pool, pending. Eastern Retail Lumber Dealers' asso ciation, pending. New England milk trust, pending. Retail lumber' trust, pending. Shoe machinery trust, pending. Standard Oil company, dissolve-! by su preme court May 15, 1911. Tubaoao trust, dissolved by supreme court May 2. mi. Wire ttust, sulwldlnry of steel corpora tion; a number of defendants entered plea of nolo-contendere and were fined $l,0uu each. Federal Income tax. knojKn as the cor poration tax, advocated and successfully defended by the Taft administration, anil approved by the supreme court of the United States on March 13, 1911. People Need Information. "If our newspapers would advise the people fairly and honestly as to the ac complishments of the Taft administra tion I believe the president would secure the unanimous support of the delegates from the western states to the republican national convention. "It Is a matter of prldo to the Ne braskans In Washington to know the advanced and progressive standing which Senator Norrls Brown has attained In the United States senate and with the administration. He has the entire confl dence of his colleagues in the senate ond of the president and his cabinet. "It Is also gratifying to know that there Is a lively Interest being manifested on the part of a goodly number of the republicans of the state In the Interest of the renomlnatlon and re-election of Presi dent Taft." V ' if TheMihfsForWe HPH E confection of honey-like sweetness, with the tang of mint. A sweet tingle; a rare smack, and a taste like a cool breeze, in your mouth. Mintulips Delicate, Creamy and a piquant spur to digestion. Clean Wholesome Pure. Never sold i bulk. 10 cents box. FARLEY CANDY CO. CIUCAC0 Convict-Banker Morso Now in Army Hospital ATLANTA. ... Nov. :7.-( harlea W. Morse, the New York banker, today cn rhanged his bam crll at the federal prison here for u nnro commodious ward In the army hcsp'tnl at l'urt McPh.ron. The change wns crdeied by Attorney (leiieral Wlckcrshnm, wiio recently made a special visit to Atlanta to Investigate the cciiHlItlon of Mr Morse. The transfer was made about $ o'clock this mottling, Morse making the trip of several miles In an ambulance, accom pnnled by Major linker, chief surgeon at Ihe fort. It was stated nt the fort that his physical condition did not permit ut an examination today. Tho banker-con-vlct Is expected to go through this ordeal tomorrow. According to a statement by Warden Moyer Morso Is suffering given out yesterday t the penitentiary, from kidney trouble. It hns been reported to the Department of Justice that Morse's life was In danger if kept under the depressing Influences of Ihe prison and his removal to tho army hospital was ordered to ascertain Just what such a change would accomplish. In his new quartets Morse will be under the tare of Ma lot Bilker and a staff of four trained nurses, who arrived In Atlanta last night. His ward Is cheerful and comfortable and he will have the privilege of receiving frleit.ls and rela tives whenever he wishes. The Constitution will say tomorrow It has learned from reliable sources that Morse's condition Is such that he will never be returned to the federal prison lo serve out his sentence, but that, after remaining under the care of surgeons nt Fort Mcpherson for a time, lie will be given his freedom, or a full pardon. either under a carols WIFE OF CAPTAIN CLINTON FILES SUIT FOR DIVORCE SIIKRIDAN, Wyo.. Nov. S7.-(PperlaI.) Mrs. Isabel Howell Clinton, wife 0f Captain Clinton of the Twelfth Infantry, stationed In Manila, P. I., has filed suit In the local court for divorce. The couple was married In Denver July T2. 1S97, and lived together until October, 1910, when Mrs. Clinton left her husband In Manila and returned to the United States. For several months she resided at Fort Mao kentle, hut Is now residing with relatives here. Sho asks for divorce and the cus tody of their 0-yoar-ohl boy, who Is now with his mother, rnpera will be served on the officer In the Islands. Xey to the Situation Bee Want Ada, Substantial Creations for the Home PSMMlMalMMV f slBBnaaMi TIHEN the heads of the family discuss the furniture W question they should always consider prices first. That is just what we want people to do in looking over our furniture consider the prices. We guarantee the quality, so'never worry about it. The price is the thing. During this pre-holiday season we are making some special inducements to shoppers. The prices are very low, quality considered, and we challenge" compari sons. We want you to look at our offerings, always remembering that we are showing furniture of substan tiality, beauty and exclusive designs, which will go into your home to stay there for a lifetime. It is not furni ture of months, it is furniture of years. $47.00 Davenport Bed Upholstered- in green denim, Bolid oak frnme, roomy and comfortable. . .$32.50 $100 Mahogany Davenport Up holstered In pnnne plush, eubstah- - tinlly made , . $G5.00 $50.00 Turkish Rocker-Full of comfort and ease, upholstered in panne plush, Harrington springs $39.00 $63.00 Turkish Leather Rocker Made for great comfort, Harring ton springs $8.00 $55.00 Solid Mahogany Arm Chair Upholstered in panne plush, high back, comfortable $35.00 $16.00 Oak Cellerette Roomy compartments, well made, attrac tive $12 00 $62.00 Wing Rocker Upholstered in blue denim, very handsome, roomy, high back $35.00 $25.00 ' Rocker Upholstered in pretty denim, excellent quality, high back, strongly made $17.50 $50.00 Oak Buffet- Large linen drawer, roomy compartments, largo mirrors, handsome $38.00 $45.00 Mahogany ClockColonial and Queen Anno period, height 7 feet, 0 inches, accurate and beauti ful $35.00 .w wax umna uaDinei Mirror iii upper shelf, four wide shelves, " double doors ; $27.00 $4.50 Leather Slip Seat Dining Chair Strong and attractive, dur able $3.50 $25.00 Dining Table--Quarter-sawed oak, size 48 inches, 6-foot extension $20.00 $25.50 China Cabinet Five spa cious shelves, quarter-sawed oak, curved front, durable $22.00 $2.50 Mahogany Smokers' Stand Strong, well equipped, just the ar ticle for every smoker $1.50 $45.00 Table Desk Solid mahog any, neutly arranged compart ments, graceful legs, very pretty $32.50 Mahogany Desk. Chair Fine quality, very graceful lines, durable $5.50 Mahogany Desk Chair Built for service and durability, graceful lines $8.00 Big fl H'tltiJ' Linoleum Sale All Week Great crowds came to our linoleum sale Monday morning. The wonderfully excellent values sold the goods without many sale statements. The prices and the quality are by far the best ever offered here. Some prices are below cost; many are just at cost. It is a pre inventory sale, and the goods must be sold. That is the reason for the little prices. All this week the sale will continue; there are hundreds of excellent values here now, for the stock is large and the range of prices wide: PRINTED AND INLAID LINOLEUMS $1.75 Grade Inlaid Linoleum Square yard $1.50 $1.65 Grade Inlaid Linoleum Square yard $1.40 $1.50 Grade Inlaid Linoleum Square yard $1.25 $1.35 Grade Inlaid Linoleum Square yard $1.00 Remnants, per square yard 50t 85c PRINTED LINOLEUMS Printed Linoleum 12 feet wide square yard , ; 80c Printed Linoleum 0 feet wide square yard 65c Printed Linoleum G fret wide square yard 50c Printed Linoleum a feet wide square yard Remnants per square yard 9e 55 45c 39c Oil Cloths Per square yard 20c Remember Good furniture may be cheap, but "cheap" furniture cannot be good Miller, Ste wart & Beaton Co, "THE TAG POUCY HOUSE' " Established 1884 413-15-17 South Sixteenth St. -Jf