Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Guaranteed Furs
1 ..r-r.'t
In pnrrh(Hn(t fort It I of tH1
Im-por-tanc that yon make jjonr
sHex-tion where the merchant
hlmwlf Is Ihoronithljr fwmteri npon
the many different kind of fan
whtrJi t market offer.
Krery fur here bag lxen rare-1
fully selected because of Its par
ticular excellence the Bklr.g. the
linings, trimmings and workmnn
thip are the very best.
Kvery fur Is guarantee 1 to be
exactly an w represent or the pur
chare price will be cheerfully re
funded. Our rfrcvi 's lis neucn Is Vm
rvort cctnrlele r tire trcr raj-?
thr rne riiT 1XU r:it of
v-feita ermine rid t!tS tnr tiu
falka, priced tt !o . 5.7r
Crcy trimmer Beta xi t.25. So.O)
bid $14.50.
rqufrrel or Wbrte fYx,
tt Ji.oo.
Anstrmllan Opposam at J3.S0.
VMle Thibet at U.76, aui
17.75. -Hirer
Mink at 7.00 anl 1.73.
Moufflon at 18.50. 19.78 and 114. SO.
White Ermine at 13.75. 10.75 and 110.00.
tuonaea squirrel at 117.60.
Tor Misses and V.'omen, beautiful acts of Summer Ermine,
Orey Squirrel, Australian Opposum, Fox and Allnk. Prices
ranM $14.75. $16. GO $18.75, $20. $22.75. $2.', up to $47.60.
Pome of the very finest Mink Ploceg from $70.00 up,
A handsome showing of Tony Coats at $4 5.00 and up.
mr yduro rtopirs
w STeirt
t!on comprised the cardinal deacon. He
hlnd th cardinals war ths patriarchs,
archblahnp. bishops, heuds of order,
ether high peraonates and various per
tons familiar to the papal oourt.
Ills HoIImu Appears.
Ttestntly the door at th resr of ths
hall was opened and ths nobis guard In
their brilliant uniforms appiarsd. making
way for the whlte-clad flgur of his holi
ness. Followed by Swiss guards and Ills
eult ths pontiff paused for a moment a:
th threshold wbll thune present ben;
th knee. ' Ulth a smll hs greeted them
and thsn walksd to ths throne.
Ths procession before th throne fol
lowed immediately. Each dignitary, a
tordlng to precedence, approachsd In turn
and kneeling klxsad th papal ring. It
waa it long and tiresome ceremony, which
Plus X bore with great patience.
As the lat of th ; numbtr paying
humane returned to his place th master
of reramonles ! loudly proclaimed "extra
omnia." and gradually ths greater num.
Pr withdrew until the pontiff and the
ostdlnala wer left alone for th duties
which hsd brought them together.
Plus X broke the silence that followed,
voicing a slmpl prayer, and then, still
silting, delivered a brlf allocation.
Year of Movratna: for Chare,
in this th pop bKSit by saying that
th present year had hoen a year of
mourning for th church. Alt f1t this
a luded to ths clamorous; commemoration
of th Italian Jubilee; which, It was felt.
Wfsnded ths rights of the Holy 8ee.
The liijticst point ot woman' hap.
Ilnesa ia reached only through tuoth
rr.iood., ia the claaninir of her rhilrf
within her anna. Vet the mother-to-
i oiten tearful ol nature's ordeal
a:id ahrinks from the sufferinjr icj.
lent to its consummation. But for
nature's il$ ond discomforts nature
rrovides remedies, and In Mother's
l'riend is to be found a medicine of
fTTiit value to every expectant mother.
It is an oilv onutlKion f,.
---- -........ vivrrxiti
cppHcation, tomposed of jpffrcdieuts
wmi-H aci wjia Dt-ntucial and Booth
I3ff effect on thoee portions cf the
6teta Involved. It is intended to
prepare the system for the crisis, and
t ius relieve, in great part, the suffer
in jf through which the mother usually
Tasea. The regular use of Mother's
l'riend will repay any mother in the
comfort it affords before, and the help
ful restoration to health nnd strength
it brings about after baby cornea.
Mother'B rriend '
I for sale at f ,ry. rV
drug stores.
Write for our r -v
free book for
expectant moth- - 'J
et which contains much valuable
in formation, and tunny suggestions
ol a helpful nature.
LB.LiCCOt i! ;o,
South End 16th St.
Homo of tho
4Long Ton"
Through th manifestations of sectarians,
(evidently hlntlne i it... ,
hatred to th t'athollo faith, th allocu
tion continued, waa promoted, thus of
fending the faithful of the whole world.
wnne me supreme erestnese of Italy n
this faith which had tnnplred every civil
progress and which alonn la ti. ..-...
peace and laxting prosperity.
me evils of modernism and naturalism
ere counterbalanced, th pop con
Inued, everywhere by th iv. r ih.
holy euchurlvt. as wan ni-.,v.i , i,.
CoiiRresses held at Cologne. London, Mon-
r.a 1 o rt .1 ll.l. 1 .1 . i .
.uauiiu. niam eipccittiiy had,
i said, demonstrated Ita tru r.iiiri,.,..
sviitlmenl. Ha ended ulih n, h.,... ..
iod would prrsen It from th. n
threatening Its peace and happiness.
ine creation of the cardinal and the
onflrmatlon by his hollnena of i .r,H.
blshoi and bishops already iiipolnted by
onei followed. Jn all Instances th pro.
enure was I Me name. The name of each
hospn for honor waa read. tli , in
quiring of the cardinal lu turn whether
uiry. upproveq the nomination. Assent
was glv.n by raising their red akull oapa.
A suiprls cam when it was mad
known that the pop had created still an
other cardinal "In pretore." that Is, "jn
nis orrstt. th Identity of th one so
honored not bains rsvealed. tm.
an addition of nineteen to the cordlnalate.
ArrhkUhop IreUnil Mentioned.
This depittture ftom the known program
gar rls to all soeta ef rumors. Including
on that Aichblshop Ireland; would re
ceive a red hat. Official denial of this
purpose or thst any other American pre.
late In addition to those proclaimed
would be elevated was authorised at th
It Is supposed that th unnamed car.
dlnal Is Mgr. Flllppo Olustipl. secretary
of th congregation of Sacraments. Tho
name, however, will pot e revealed until
a later consistory at the option of the
pope, and It Is poeslhl this may net be
until after th death of th reigning pon
tiff. Th confirmation completed the matter
of ceremonies threw open the door and
th Noble snd Swiss guards re-entered
and escorted the pop to his apartment.
Th cardinals lingered a few moments,
snd then, returning to their waiting car
rlagea, wee drlvento their residences or
temporary stopping places, where tha
usual reception war held.
ntabo TIfcea Confirmest.
Among th archbishops and bishops
confirmed In their offices were:
J sine J. Keane, archbishop of Iu
buipie; Peter J. Muldoon, bishop of Rock;
ford, HI.; Kduiund M. Ounne. bishop ol
Peoria. 111.; Jnmea O'Reilly, bishop of
rsrgo, N. 1M John W. Khaw, eoadjutoi
b:ah( p of Han Antonio, Tex.; Drn'a O'lkiu
aghue, coadjutor bishop of Uiulavllls. Ky.;
Thomas F. Ullle. coad.lutor btBhop of
Kansas City; Vincent Wetrhrlle. bishop
of Hlemsick, N. If? Joseph F. P.h.
bishop of Lead. 8. !.; John Ward, bishop
of I.eavnworth; J. II. Tlhen. bishop of
Lincoln, Neb., and Nell MacN'ell, arch
bishop of Vancouver.
Th new cardinals confirmed In con
slotory today are:
Cardinal Coa y Jticho, archbishop of
t'ardlnal Paloonl, apostollo delegat at
Cardinal Avleo, papal nuncft at
Cardinal Ptgnttalll, a-papl nuncio at
Cardinal Parley, archbishop of New
Cardinal Pourne, archplahnp of West
minster. Cardinal BniiT, archblHhop of Olseutg.
Cardinal Amlett. archblahop of pari.
Cardinal U Connell. arehblanoo of lt.ii.
Cardinal plblllar, archbishop of Cham
be ry.
Cardinal Nagel, archblnhop of Vienna.
cardinal l Cabrlera, archblnhop of
Montpellvr, Prance.
Cardinal Dlnletl, -apal n sjor domo.
Cardinal lAixart. aaaessor of (he holy
Cardinal Pom pel. secretary of th con.
grrgatlonal oouncll.
Cardinal Jilllot of th Jesuit order.
C aid Ilia I Hoaalum, iUUemplariat.
Jore Tettimonr to This Effect ia
Trial at Des Moinea.
Vonasr Woman Krstan Omaha Will
aire t3vldene (n nefeslf of Ue
fendaBt Ran Pat t'pna
damn of Ckaare,
(From a Btaff Cormtpondent.)
DEB MOINKH. Ia.. Nov. J7. Mor evi
dence t show that Dr. Harry B. Davis
was Insane prior to his coming to !es
UMn.i aa offered todsr In court. One
of the beet witnesses of the day was Mra
William Oreen of Council niuffs, a phy
sician, who told of tho craxy antics of
Kelly at her home a week before he was
sent away. He had been brought there
from Omaha. Her friends found him at
a reaort, and when brought to the Oreen
homo he waa In a distressed condition and
dirty. He remained there three daya. and
then went away without leave, saying he
was going to get some clean cmtnes.
While at th Green horn lie acted in
sane. II started In to dress In the
kitchen, where Mrs. Oreen was, but she
left. When she offered him posched eggs
on toat In the dining room he went to
the kitchen. thrw the knife and fork
away and spread the aoft eggs on the
toast with hui bare hands. He took the
books out of the library shelves, and
when ha atarted to put them back he
merely got some mor books. Vr. Oreen
also gsv similar testimony as to me
defendant's queer conduct.
If. L. Tenny gave evidence about Kelly
coming to his hou lata at night as If
called there to see a patient, ann ne
talked of seeing persons following him
and then ran away In fright.
J. C. Roblneon of Waterloo. r.D., tow
about Kelly'e lit ther and how he had
changed befor leaving ther.
James Russell, an Intimate friend of
Klly, tUld the Jury tb prisoner was In
sane, and to substantiate his statement
told of an Incident In Council Dluffs when
Knlly persisted In using a dummy waiter
to communicate with a friend, thinking
It a telephone.
JnHa. h. P. Snlvder of Council hiuiis
nid of having committed KcHy to the
Institution for Inebrlstes, at Knoxvllle.
it- .. followed on the stand by K. .
AtWIn.nn. a Council Uluffs newspaper
man. who told of his acquaintance with
vaiiv-a aweetheart. a resident of Omaha.
Is Included In the long string of witnesses
aubpoenaed from Council Bluffs and
Omaha, and will testify In behalf of the
prisoner. Mr. and Mra. Kelly, parents
of the accused man, atsi will take the
stand and attempt to show that their son
Is of unsound mind.
War on Game of Chanee.
uun.rtntnmlent MacVlcar. new head of
h. nniii- flenartment. will conduct a
relentless war against dice throwing and
candy raffles, which h rays wer allowed
to operate under Councilman no re-
time. . .
Through Instruction from th head 01
ih ilenartment. Chief Day. today Issued
general orders to patrolmen to clean
up candy raffles and stop an nice games
on their beat. Th orders wer read
to th pstrolmen at roll call, Th cap
tains Ild particular etrer upon the
point that the order are to be carried
out to th letter. Th patrolmen were
niatructed to arrest merchants who per
mitted th gam of chance to operate In
their places of business.
( nmmltrr on War Patn. '
Th Oreater Pe Moines committee
mrf.v want Into court to securs a court
order compelling th city school board
to remove Its ofrlces from tn renting
block, where It has temporary quartera.
Th basis of th elslm Is that one of
tho persons owning th block Is a mem
ber of th school board end thrroro
the board had no right to use offtcos
In that building.
Insva Trade Mark.
Am nffl.-lal Iowa tiiule mark was resla-
tered with th secretary of slat here
todsy and In th futur the products of
th factories pf th slat will be stamped
with a design of a hawk head within a
cogwheel and th words "Mad In Iowa."
Iowa la aald to be th first and only
stst to bve an official trad mark.
This was authorised by the last session
of th legislature and the manufacturer's
association had it registered.
Homier t Dee Mela.
Several hundred five. men bowline teams
will participate tn the Mid-West bowling
tournament which opens here nest Sat
urday, according to an announcement of
tha association officials today. St. Louis,
It la suld, will hv more than 100
bowlers hsre. Chicago wll have fifteen
teams. Omaha elalil. Kanaaa City ten.
Ht, Paul five and Minneapolis six.
Cin.tti.iJa.. c. xr:-.-.- T-f -- I
Are Being" Frozen Out.
Cbararea Are Made that lnprarf.
menta Have lleea Made In fhe
St. Joe ftood la Interest of
th tnfon Pacific.
In .Vew Tcrk certain stockholders and
creditors have askrd a receivership for
the 3t. Joseph A Giand Island road, si
leglng that minority Interests are being
frozen out.
Here In Omaha Union ' Pacific officials
combat the charges. They say thst whlis
a vbsI amount of Improvement along the
line of the St. Joe road Is contemplated,
there Is no disposition to freer out any
person or make any stockholder or In
tercut bear more than a Just proportion
of the cost of Improvements.
The Ht. Joseph Grand Island road Is
a part of th original Union Pacific sys
tem. For years It was operated as such,
hut during the hard times of some twenty
years ago with the old Union Paclflo it
went Info the hands of receivers. Later
when K. H. Hsrr'.man bought th Union
Pacific property In a measur the t. Joe
road becam Independent In name, though
owned principally by the Union Pacific
Keoently important Improvements hav
been planned and ome of them carried
Into effect. The roadbed has been prac
tically rebuilt, curvea have been cut out,
grades reduced snd fills made. Hrldges
have been rebuilt and new equipment put
in servlc until now, when the line from
Grand leland to St. Joseph has become
physic ally one of the best In the country.
The applicant for the receivership ad
mit that the Improvements have been
made, but contend that In making them
the entire earning of the road have been
absorbed for the benefit of th Union
Th Union Pacific has made its surveys
and la preparing to construct an exten
sion of th H. Joiteph road from Hast
ings to Gibbon, a distance of twsnty-slx
miles, where connection will be made
with the main line. This will probably be
done next year, and to this the minority
stockholders object, asserting that this
fcxpens. about l,2,00t, will fall on the
St. Joseph company and come out of their
pockets and that when the line is built,
It will be taken over and operated by the
Union Pacific
Writ of Ouster to
Dissolve the Gould
Merger is Denied
The supreme court of Missouri, In an
opinion by Chief Justice Valllsnt, today
danleld tha writ of oueter asked by the
attorney general to dlHsolve the merger
of tha Gould lines In Missouri. All Judge
ooneurrcd. except Judge Kennies, who did
not sit In the case, because of huvlng been
The defendants In the esse were the
Missouri Paclflo. Rich HUI Coal Mining
canmpany, Missouri V Kansas Elevator
ronmpany and the Webster Coal .'and
Mining company, '
What Aib You?
Da yea feel weak, tired, despondent, ive frequent bead
aches, coated tonjue, bitter or bsd taste in snorniei,
"heart-barn," belching ol get, acid risings la throat after
ceiiof, stomscb gusw or burn, loul breath, dissy spells,
tsor or variable appetite, aaasea al time aad kiudrcd
symptom ?
If yon ksv aay eooatJtrable aaaeber ef ifeo
efeeve symptoms yon are aufleriag front pillows
nets, torpid liver wirb, indigestion, nr ttyepepti,
ir. rWree'e laoldaa MJial Discovery is aiada
of the SB oat valaable sndiiaal principle
known to ra actio a oine for fb permanent
our f sack abnorossl eeaditioa. It k a aaost
e&eiottt User iavigerelnr, stomach tonle, towel
realuf aa4 nerve etreagtaco.
is )
Tli "Gold Ms if! oal Discovery" I pot S patent snedicine or secret aostram,
a full tt at (t in(rediit kln printed oa its bottlo-wrepper and ettestei
tiatUs owb, A glene et the will altuw that it eootuic bu alot'iol, or harm
ful habst-lormint; druja. It ia a luid ennstt snd mk'i pure, Iriple-rcftoed
lyosrio, et arie streegtb. bon h roots ut nsti AmsrKe mejiual,
plavta, Vterld's Lpvtry Msdtvat Asaocialiuu, Pio:l . lluflalo, N.
(Continued from Page OnJ.
eublc Inchee and 4"! to DM) Inches displace
Condition of Raee.
The rourae, which Is 17. H miles around,
waa required to be circled seventeen
times for a distance of is. 51 miles.
Interest In the Hevennah challenge
trophy and the Tledman' alone was ex
ceeded by that In th Vanderbilt cup race,
tils driver ot well known racing ma
chines entered In th Pavannah challenge
trophy race. In this !23-mli event th
winner took th cup and a cash prts et
11,000, Th driver running second gets IS
and th third prls Is
Seven ear wer entered In th Tledman
trophy. Th dlstaaoo Is IT) mile. Baald
th eup and prise ot U.OtiO te the winner
there is saoond and third plaoa money.
Th dlst snce of 171.40 miles require th
circling of th course ten times. Manu
facturers' prises also were offered In
the two races,
Th total amount of csab prlsee for th
races offered by th manufacturers wa
CLEVELAND), Nov. tT.-tn v'ew of
many pedestrians Jacor Horwlts, a
painter ot this city, wa shot and kilted
in the street today by Mrs. Koae
Dworktn, who said she came to Cleve
land front Iwrencevlll. Mass., to kill
"H ruined my If and I hav ruined
his," shs camly said to a byatander,
who dlaarmed her and called th po.
TU riMK A tULU l ONli lp) AY
Tsk Lasstlv Bromo Quinine tabieta
jruagi.a i eland inuimy If u f a urn to cur.
L.V.Ciro us nature Is en each box. Ja
Minralrr "renal rtnc NennweU.
eupreuie court of Missouri today rvduced
the flue asalnM th iutemalluiial liar.
(!- coiiiuaiy fi-nl ) to l:.o.k.
I Jurats Uravr and YVwdivn dlntetl.
Hint at Attempt to
Tamper With Jury
in 'Show Girls' Case
NEW YORK. Nov. IT.-The trial of Lll-
llnn Orahani and Kthel Ccnrad, the show
girls who are charged with shooting W.
U. P. Stokes, was halted abruptly today
by the withdrawal of a Juror at the In
stance of 'the court. It had been rumored
about the court room throughout tha
morning that the trial would be delayed
became some one had discussed the case
Rev. John P. Clyde, pastor of the
Plymouth Congregational church. Twen
tieth and Spencer streets, preached his
farewell sermon to his congregation yes
terday morning. Rev, Clyde was re
cently appointed superintendent of tho
Ames college Young Men's Christian as
sociation. He leaves Wednesday to talcs
up his new dutls.
II referred feelingly to his pas
torate of three years at the Plymouth
church, of the earnest support the people
of the church have given him and the
hermonloue relations thst hav existed
between the members of the congregation
and himself. In closing, he expreaaed the
hope of a brighter and bigger future for
th church.
No FSrtor has yet been chosen to lake
nv. Clyde' place. Rev. Dr. Jenkln of
th University of Omaha will occupy ths
pulpit temporarily.
PARIS, Nov. :7. Notwithstanding ths
strictest eenrorehlp In Italy over war
news, a dispatch has com through from
th Hooolo, of Milan, stating reports are
current In Rome' thst an action has com
menced In. the Aegean sea and that a
bombardment Is actually In progress.
Officials maintain the strictest silence
but th fact that telephunlo communlca.
tloit abroad has completely stopped and
telegrams are subjected to long drisy
la taken to Indicate thut tho gravest
events are afoot.
TRIPOLI. Nov, J -The Italian advanos.
It Is announced, was a complete success
al vry point. The fighting, which lasted
all day, terminated at nightfall by the
Turk retiring from all their positions.
CHICAGO, Nov. J7.-Mrs. Louise Ver
milya, charged with having poisoned Aithur ll.aonnta, waa unable
to attend the lnqust Into his death today.
An abscess, caused by arsenic, which she
Is believed to have tsktn with suicidal
InUnt, prevented her being taken from
the county Jatl hospital.
Mies Jeeale Wtaetnan, the nurse who at
tended Mrs. Vcrinllya, wss th flrat wit
nm at tha lmiuM. Other to be culled
ar Atthur Mlsonelta, father ot th dead
policeman, end Archie and Peter, his
brothers, and Mls l.yd a Klvard, hla
Appollinarlea Watur ha been awarded
th Grand Prix at the IrJn exhibition.
UN, Alt Miller.
URAI'FUAW. Neb.. Nov. Irt.-tSpaH ,!.
-The dlh ef Mis. Alt MtUer occurred
Mot Ble
That creamy-white flour in Gold
Medal bans is just v as Mature
made it.
No chemicals have touched it
The flour is not bleached.
But that flour, Mrs. Housewife,
is just the heart of choice wheat.
It isn't the whole flour
It's the cream of the flour.
It is sifted ten times, through
ten ' sheets of fine silk, to pick out
the daintiest particles.
That's the secret of it.
When you simply say "flour" you are likely to
get the cream mixed with the rest.
To get the cream only, say "Gold Medal Flour."
It costs you nothing extra.
Then you get the flour which has come to out
sell every other flour in existence.
If you paid $10 a sack for it, no man could
supply you a choicer flour than this.
.ae", ,,..; , .,. , ,.. ;,..,. ,
hi i r t r t rv a i
IV Iff ) . 1
. J I Li I A I S 3 IJ I 1
Suits Overcoats to Order
at Greatly Reduced Prices
Friday morning, after a lingering Illness
of seve:al weeks, at her home In thti
city. Mrs. Miller was one of the early
settlers In this community and was pan
10 years of age. The funeral as held
from the l ite residence at I o'clock Sun
day afternoon, Mr. K. 11. Longman,
pastor tf the Christian church, offici
ating. The pall bearers were selected
from among the civil war veterana, the
same pcieons that acted at the funeral
cf her lute himbur.d. who proci'ded her,
some eight yeaia ago. The interment was
made In the cemetery west of town, he
side her late husband.
J, P. Loach,
NORFOLK. Nb.. Nov. n.-8peolal
Telegram ) J. Y. LoacX a ploneor Iuwyer
snd capitalist of Wcet Point, who came
here thirty-five year ago. tiled at mld
lualit Ust night after having ben In
(ailing health all sumirer, It was II
years old.
( aplal Joke Sehllllaa.
8T. JOSEPH, Mo., Nov. ST. Captain
tohn 81 hilling ef Hiawatha, a ploneor of
Wanna a, for many years prominent It
politics, I dead at hi home. It wa ;t
ear old and a natlv of Germany.
M. D. lineal.
IH'MUOLDT, Neb , Nov. I.'. tBpacial -VI.
p. Ilurat, one of th oldeat aettler
tn this community, died at his, horn hare
at an early hour this morning. Death
waa due to asthma of lung standing, and
of which the deceased wss a sufferer for
a number of year. H wa bora tn
Ohio la November, IK!?, emigrated to
It makc;i no difference WHO aa.t
your gluHHoa are RlOHT If they are
NOT comfortable, soothing and cool
ing to the t-yes T K Y AUK WIloNil,
WHO PU iSCltlllKI) TI1KM. Con
to t'S, an'1 wo will Blve you relief.
Satisfaction Oaaraatd.
Auction Sale
of ITS lot of unredeemed household
(foods, November 27, 28, 20. Omatii
Van and Storage Co., 1120 N. lOtli St.
Q-bu&t&J C9ECrvT2i CdJ
Trklo. Ma. In 1K7, came to Tables Itoclt,
Nab., n 1H79. and shortly after-ards to
Humboldt. The body will b ehlpped to
Tarklo fur burial. He leaves a widow,
four brother and one slater to mourn
hi loss.
A. t air
should b covered with clean bandages
aturatd with Qucklen's Arnica Halve.
Ileal burns, wounds, sores, pile, tie.
For sat by Deaton Prug Co.
1-11). and S-lb. cans Plum Pud
ding SOo aad 90
Plti.n Pudding Sauce, per bot
tle 33o, 4o and OOo
Johnson's Sweet Cider, per
Jug 30e and Mo
CluMter Ilalslns tin canon , v
at Sc te 40 fi
Imported t ltron. Orange and ol
Lemon Peel, per lb 30o U
I'auiy Colored Imported and 4
Domestic Fruit tSaskets, 1 rc f.'
to S3.03
Imported and Loinestlo tan-
died Fruits, per box, E0c m
to , .63.00 M
l-lli. IJox Stuffed Candled H
Prunes 6Qo 61
Tresh Pralt t gUbt Dept. Q
100 boxes Uood rating or ol
Cooking Applsa, per box... it i
llellevue Celery. pr bunch .5
25c and SOo It,
Cranberries, par quart, tuc T
and taVse O
lairy KnulUh Walnut, pe- fi
ran, Urasil Nuts, per Ib.lSe ?J
Stuffed I'ates and Figs Un 1
Hark). Vic, aUo and BSo J
Fancy Imported Flga, at. per
pubud Sue and 85 f i
fancy Oianges, per dus. SOf.
.il: ami too t
I'an'y Head Lettuce, t'aull-
t lower, vpiuach, Freah Mint, (j
TanKerlnea. Strawberriea,
U'lialie,' New Carrota. f
Hoeta, Turnips. Ontona, d
Kamy Applea, Fresh Toma- i
tj !-'icati I'eas. ,j
C5 Cawi Qssv
Vor -5c The Bee, evening ami
Sunday, delivered nt your homo