Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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Unusual Efforts Are Made by Bean
to Cause Break in Wheat.
Country llnMrn Remain nIHli
rrrlod of lad Weather Woold
(liil Situation. Corn
Fatnree Hold Firm.
OMAHA. Nov. rT. 111. waa Ki'nK today, early cable
siarung Hie maxlist lower. L'niwial ef
foris on the part t li-mllng Dears me
LoIns msde to break the market.
Th enuiruvue vlaitil supply being the
chief tHr aiV-imunt.
Iula sis iuiifiutit that value will
rurr.ii alter th new year aa a re
markably larga portion of tha crop ha
iuixnuy le.ii mat kotid anil Ihey predict
u sponger cash situation.
) icj.uii..oih ior a voiy heavy run of
lie w cura ,.a Weakened the cum futurei.
At the ram ttrti the Had will do well
tu rumeiiioer ti e fact that country holder
are eiy buMsn on ah corn and iuj
tiled at the present are light. Ihe
titration would than: II there Ihould
ne a peiiod of bad wctri.
'I r.u Ltavy Increaae in the visible aupply
and heavy aiutce with a dull caah do-inai-.J
enecd the wheat rnarkej today.
Ctsh Whiat wa 'n- lower.
Corn future held fairly firm, being
wail supjorted, but .ah corn weak
up (I olletli.K w t in bctigmg, value beiiiK
t'.il'nc lowir today.
CI. amine were 12.200 bushel of corn,
C0,ft pueliel of oals and wheat and floui
eiiual to J'.J.niO bushels.
Liverpool closed Srt lower on wluat and
unchanged to lad lower on corn.
Primary wheat receipt were 1.643 0l
bushel und ehlpment were l.ttifcOdW buHh
ne, against receipta laxt year of 1.1:U,
bulif, and ahljimenta of H.l.OcO buahcln.
Primary corn receipt were l.iw.vw
Luafiel and shipment were 611.000 bun
tie, against receipt last year of UTi.OOu
bt'h. ca..1 shipment of n.Hi,ow) bushel.
The following cah ale were reported:
WH Wf So, 3 hard: 3 cars, . No.
9 lard, i cara. Sc; 1 car, Kc. No. 4 hard:
1 tar, IHc; rejected: I car. We; No. I
spring: 1 car, .UL No. I mixed: 1 car, Dec;
1 cur, tVfcc..
CORN io. I white: J core. eo'c. No. 4
white: 1 car, 69'4c: 1 car, 6o. No. I yel
low: 1 car. etc; 1 csr, W",c. No. 4 yerlow:
1 car (old), Kc; 1 car, oMc; 1 car, oJ.Vto;
4 car, i'.'tc .No. I mixed: 1 enr, 61c; 1
car, 0s. iso. 4 mlxel: cara,, blc. No.
trade: 3 rare, 66c; 1 car, Otc.
OAi'H Mandurd: 3 care, 47r; No. 3
Vliite, e cara, 4f4aC. No. 4 white: 1 car,
tnc; I cara, 4tVo. No. 3 mixed: 1 car,
ho. No. grade: 1 cara, 4c.
OmaU nh frier.
WHEAT No. I hard, 74cifl.01t4j; No.
5 hard, Viciil.MH: No. 4 hard, tH(".iNC.
COllN No. II white, eotiouVc; No. S
White, eO&oOHo; No, 4 wmto, VSt c ;
iso. i yellow, wtffuc; No. t yellow, O'linOc;.
No. 4 yellow, 67tttio'tc; No. 2, 6utuc;
No. t, .'Jjouc; No. 4, t;67Vtci no itrado,
HA'J'14 No. I white. 47474o: itandard,
4nri47oi No. S white, 44i4tic; No. 4
white, 44j4ie.
HAKLKtr-Maltinff, f 1.141.24; No. 1
feod, ai.tk4fl.17.
UklO-Nv. X, WUMa; No. t, BjS3o.
Lartot avit,ta.
Wheat. Corn. Uat
t lileano 16 Z70 107
Minneapolla 1,01 ... ...
l.iiiana St 74
Uumtn 66
Kentarea of the TraeUaar and Cloalas
I'rleea aa llourd ( Trade.
CI11CAUU, Nov. Mi. Ug receipta nortli
wm ana fine weather in me Argentine
ne. pea torce down toaay the pnc ol
.Mitl, itie oloee wae heavy, So tu o
iuwkc thuu tMituraay mut. Corn aui-it-ied
a net aenne of tto. 'ihe end
i( tue Ouy ieil hog prouuuta viuynig
nom oa oi f to an of lo.
Car lot arrlvaie of wheat at point
iiomiweal of Chicago were on a huge
acfue. Ailnnettpolla and Winnipeg eucli
hau a total of moie than 1.KW loads. Le
pieneion. oue to true taut, teoelved grean-i
empnaata owing to tne United rHaiee via
io. auppiy allowing an increase that
tarried tne amount available nearly to
'iu.uuu.uuO buaheia. Nothing encouraging
lor higher Jiricea 5eveloiU. but on the
tuntiaiy the hardrat aeinng preeaure of
the oay was feit Jut at tue cioae when a
Oeteinuned efiort was niauo to force the
Aiay option uuuer a doiiax. lunng tne
emrlou a a wnnie, Aiuy ranged from
i.ui to ei", with lat aaiea net
lower at 4i.wnj1.001.
Increaelng' conaignmenta of corn acted
ae an offset for a Inrecaet of rain and
now. May Iluotuateu between t4o and
MV, Clor-lcig tfeaa at t)4o, a net loaa of
UkiSo. Casii graiiee were In poor du
ln.ind. No. 1 yellow was quoted at 74u
lor old.
A few of the lamer longa unloaded
oata and Irounht about weHkneaa In the
market for that cereal, 'lop and bot
tom litfures touched by May were ivo
und '''4j, with the close hie off at
l i'ovisiona were reasonably ateady to
In in. in the (Intel trading, the market
t'omiwred lavorably with forty-eight
hour belore, had not altered either way
to xceed 6c.
Leading futurea ranged aa following:
AiOc'll Open. ( Ulgh."l Low. C'rosaJriaVyT
Nviirali I
lt.o..lWil ou
Ccni. I
July.I MSI
Oat. I i
I. . A
SB V41i
1 "S 1 0
1 ooVii l ou
J Ul V
04 I (4 MVU
46-J 46'Ji47rv;
i i
18 174, 16 17V! II 10 1 18 10 I 10 07V,
lit ti-'V lit is eU 110 0U-6Z It H
-w B "-TBI v w w lr W. , . up
Jul'i'.j'siftV,' Twl til Mu I07H
May. IM lli 4;V 9 47V.I
liH. I I I
8 42 'i 47V 40 I 40 , 4aai
u i is s.i ,u M 70
t'sh quotation were aa follows:
tf'LuL'K bleady ; winter patents?
6(j; winter sliaiKhta. IJ.TtKa't1 .78; iprlns
patents, 'j.75yiou, aprlue straights, HJu
JiJ; likknm, 1 1.7 . (tH.00.
Hr-Nii. 2, yjyWK;.
BAllLtV-Kenl or mixing-, 75cS41.08:
fair to choh;e lualtinK. 11 Uo'l 84.
Hi:k,l eJ iT.iolhy, i3.tMt lo.;i; clover,
fj J. iiu-j.M i5.
HhoVlblONS Ms pork. per bhl.,
.11.. ;uv;ij. I.ard, pr luo lbs., 'j.nb. Short
rib, sides (loose), lyU'ifc.
'lolal cisaxauces of wueat and flour
equal to hioujO bu. i'rlmary re
clpts Were 1.MS.UUO bu. compared with
1.U.XAM bu. the corresponding day a
year ago. The visible auppiy of wheat
lit the I'ntt.d bis to increased l.tM.uiiO
bu. for th Wf.ik. ilis utiount of biiad-
tuff on ooaii passage Incnased 1. ;..!.
I'M. L-stlniuied receipt for tomorrow ;
heat, 48 cars; curu, bTE care; vats, lag
iajn;, is.Ooo head
Chicago Cash I'iKee Wheat : No. t
red. n.i;tc! iu. 8 red, W:vo; No. 3
hard, KutfU-Cs: No. I hard. tvvU 02; No.
1 nuilhern, U-U7itfi.l0; No. t nortnern, ll.oi
tulok; No. northern,'; No S
' l'i lugT. ILOUiffl ; No. I spring, 6cu$i.u5
No. 4 spring, ui.ilW; vtstvet chaff, -a
iut; durum, Doctfll.07. Corn: No. i. old
i.'iiTZV; No. 1 yellow, old. 7tc; No. J.
ld. 7vj:2c; No. I. (UaV,o; No. I white.
t-;Wc; No. 3 yellow, lVsl4c; No.
4., U-c; No. 4. WviAc; No. 4 white, ttuS
tjtic; No. 4 yellow, eoStftiSo. Oats: No
t. 4.c: No. 2 white, ihuooc; No. I 47V-:
No. I white. 7io,',c; No. 4 while. Hi
ko; a'.aiidaid. sSSottf. Ky; No. 1
Viific Ttmuthy: tiXv-jlXii. Clover'
13!o.3. barley: 12.. , v over.
liLT'l'tK r'trtu; creameries, SbiffMc'
duls, l.'&;. '
tOUeV-lim; receipts, i486 cases; at
mark, rases Included. l'lj)ac; firsts IbJ
ordnary flists, Xrio.
t'HtWK Meady; dalslas, 14;3l5c
twins. lVjlHV:; young America. l4Voi
to; long horns, 14ill. w
i'tjl ATOW-Weak; choice to fancy so
4.'i; fair to gouil, kjbio.
hOC'LTKY ot.ady; turkeys. 176ilV4c
il.lcktiis, ejc; aprliira. cVxJluc '
Xt.Al bieady; to'c.
VlalkU aepelr ef Ural a.
NEW TORK. Nov, n.-The visible gup
ply uf (rata lu the 1'clted btates Novem
ber 'X. as compiled by the New York
l'roduce chang waa aa follows: Wheat,
iw.scT.OuO busnei: bicrai., 1.44 uuo tiueh
tie, Corn, Lil,w4) bustieU: Increase,
M Lusf.els. Oats, bushels; ds
"twi IwA pajtU. Lil,uw busU-
rl: Increase, lS.ftkl bushels, parley, 4,411."
oiw buahela, decreaso, IH.nuO biihela. The
visible supply of wheat In Canada lent
Mitiirdny was ll.190.uOl) buahela, a decrease
of l,M.OU0 bushel.
Caotatlone of the Day o Yarloae
NKW YORK, Nov. Z7.-FI.Ot.'R-Qiilet;
"prlii patents. fS 2.1fit.4&; winter etralnht.
M-i'; winter patents, 4.i.'u4.70; ap.lng
client.; winter extras No. 1,
Ui3.; wlnier extras, No. 2, i,l4fty2.66;
Kaneirs etrslKht. H.WrH ). Itye flour,
st-Hdy; fxlr to good. l.,".j4.3fi; choice to
fancy, l.".ivtri.jn. Huckwheat flour, quiet,
l-iw or Pi Ilia.
t'OH.NMKAl-Hteady; fine white and
yrllow, l 1 5; coatse, tiStiQlM; kiln
dried. $.16.'. 70.
HVK-yulet; No. 2 Cc, nominal, c. I. f.,
Iinffalo to arrive.
WHKAT hpot market, eaay; No. 2 red,
9:r, elevator, export baaea. and c, f.
o. b. afloat ? No. 1 northern, I'uluth, I1.IJV4
f. o. b. afloat. Future market wa easier
tinder local selling on the cable, larger
wnrld'a exiKirt. favorable Argentine
news, further liberal receipt In the north
west and the Increase In the visible, do.
Ins; He net lower. Kxportera took twenty
five load of Manitoba low grade. De
cember, closed Imiiiej May, ll.04'4.
t'UUN St mmket. easy: export new.
?Hc, f. o. b. afloat to arrive. Futures
market wan nominal.
OATH hpot market, steady. Futurea
market wa nominal
FKK1 Bteady : western bran, lfilb.
sacks. Ie.lii; elandnrd middling;, 100-lu.
a ke. .7.0; city, liAMb. sacks, S1 Ih.
iia tjiiiet; prime, l.; No. 1 II. 25;
No. 2. tl.ltal.20; No. , 50tt.OO. .
HOI'S Firm; atate common to choice,
Itll, 6zr.iC7c: 1M0 nonilniil.
HIUKH-Hti.ady; Cential America, SlVic
llogota 2:'tik3ic.
J.KATH Kit Hemlock firsts. l"I27r: sec.
oinl. 2:"i:4c; third. lDyJlc: reject, 16a.
PHOVIMIO.NK I'ork, steady; me,
17.7talKS; family. tJ0.UWo Z1.00; short
clears. t!7.2&ft Pi Z.i. Keef. eteariv: me
JU.fWjn.W); family. 111 OOflH W; beef hams,
M.uotiai.tO. cut meat, steady; pickled
bellies, 10 to 14 pounds, tlO.VOtf 10.2S; pickled
iiaiiis, sii.ayuii.tiu. iaro, steady; middle
west prime, J9. inff 30. refined, ea-y;
continent. t!t SO; 8011th America, tlO W;
compound. t7.1i:Vti7.iriVi.
TAUA)W-Kasy; prime city, tc;
country, tiV,iOc.
1 ol. 1.1 hi Alive, irrrttular: wertcrn
chickens, Virile; fowls, Hillc; turkeys, la
tilsc; dreraed, steady; western chicken,
0'(iU:c; fowl, efylHc; turkeys, dry packed.
iV?"; Iced, i;i22c.
HUTTKH-FIrm; creamery ipeclal. 3
6'nc; extras, Ho'c; first, itc; cream
cry, held spectaln, JUVrfiUc; extras, ;t2'd:
32'nc; firsts, ; process speclaia,
iCo: extras, 2iWi;c; first, MrUc; fao
tory, current make, first, 22'Voilc.
I'HKKSR-Firm; skims, 2fi I3c.
F,JU8 Kteady; fresh KAthered, extras,
ti'uVc: extra first. 37'; firsts, iia'Mc,
held fresh, poor to fair, 2Ka27c; fresh
gathered dirties, No. 1, Wii'lSc; refriger
ator, special marks, fancy to local stor
age charges paid, ZtVfcc; firsts, local stor
sge charge paid, ZiUibci Bathered whites,
at. Lonl Ueaeral Market.
8T. LOUIS, Nov. 27. WHBAT-Cash,
steady: track No. 2 red. W44f87o; No.
3 hard1. Mc&tl.U7V; leceiner, MVxo;
Mnv, W,o.
CORN Lower, track; No. 2, 74oj No. 1
whits. 74c; December, 64 ",c.
OATS-Hlgher; track No. 2, 4!k?; No. t
white, MXuoovto; December, 47V.C.
KYrV-Cnchanged, Dlo.
KLOURUull: red wlhter patent, tt.SS
(f( 4.7B; extra fancy mid straight, ii.HWip
4. CO; hard winter clear, 13 4" 3,70.
8KKle-Timothy, tH.WS 15.60.
l'OKNMKAI tJ.30.
H HAN Higher; sacked, east track, 1.1
ifl I".
HAY Pteady; timothy, t21.00i32C.00; prai
rie. tl2.rVi16X').
PROVIHIONS rorki unchanged; Job
bing, 16. 10. ard, unchanged; prime
team, tJi.luS W. lry salt meats (boxed),
lower; extra shorts, 18.50; clear ribs, tlt.50;
short clears, f.s.Tf. llacon thoxed), lower;
extra short, SU.ZD ;. clear rib, ttf.M); short
clears, tf.75.
FOULTKY Firmer: chicken. 7He;
springs, SVio; turkeys, 16c; ducks, llo;
geese He.
ltiriTKR Hull: creamery, tOfjiMo.
EOOa Firm. 3UO310.
Kansas Vtiy Orala aad Provision.
Caah stesdy; No. hard, WVUitl Oo; No. 3,
',r7Vc4)1.0; No. I red, MKiiKo; No. 3, Kip
Mc; Keoemher, 7S'l'Ic; May, tl.OOH;
July. DiS-imiNc , .
CORN Unchanged to He lower; No 3
mixed. 721t72Vo; No. 3. 2Mt7IVc; No.' 3
white, 73Vw4c; No. 3, 6tmt-;c; Uecember,
ttlc; May, 4c; July, Mijirfio.
OATH Unchanged; No. 3 white. 60
50'4c; No. 3 mixed, 4Stj&0c.
HAY Hteady; choice timothy, I19.501
20.O0; choice prairie, tl3.2r013.".
XlUTTEIl-Creamery, 8lc; flraU, 80c:
eennda, 2c; packing- stock, 21a.
EOUS Extras, 83c; firsts, 32c; second,
Receipta. Shipment.
W hoat 47.000 bu. ID.OnO
Corn 1(13. uoc) bu. 47,iliiO
Outs 13,000 bu. 4,ouO
Minneapolis Grain Market.
recrmber, tl.2; Msy, tl.07T1.0K; July,
tl.tV4; cash. No. 1 hard, tl.M'dl.04Vi; No
I northern, tl 03V,l'l.WS; to arrive, tl 03V4
tl.Ult; No. 3 northern. tl.01Vstt4.01S: to
arrlvo, tIM'4,il.t)lV4.
HARLKY 7Xcfit1 10.
COKN No. 3, vellow, KK4!c.
OATS No. 3 white 4&fd4tc.
RY K No. I. M''i8Tc.
RltAN22 (W123.O0.
FU)l'R-fhere wa no material change
in the flour market today. Demand wa
only fair at best and price were un
changed, shipments. M.lia bbl. First
patent, fi -Wis V second patents, U 70
clear,' t3 Utf3.; second clear, tl.50
I'lilUdelphU rrodaee Market.
Finn; wcatern creamery, special, 8c; ex
tra. S.V; nearby print, extra, tea.
KOCH-Firm; 1'ennsyivunla and nearby
first, fre oases, lpi.10 per case; current
recolpto, free casesj 1 10 20 per case; west
ern firsts, free cases, tl0.Su per case; cur
rent receipts, free cases, 310.20 per cuse
CH K KH K Firm ; New York full creams,
fancy, 10116Vic; fair to good, IfnaifiVxC.
Liverpool Uraln Market.
easy; No. 3 Manitoba, 7s 10d; No. 3 Mani
toba, 7 Id; futures, easy; lecember. 7a
Nu; March. 7 11d; May, 7s Sd.
CORN spot, steady: American rulxcd
9 4M; futures, dull; January, &- 8sd.
February, f 7Vi!.
FLol'li Winter patent, 37 ....
I'eorla Market.
PKOHIA. HI.. Nov. 27 -CORN -Lower;
No. 3 white, tic; No, 4 white, OOVko. No. 3
yellow, 62ii!VC; No. 4 yellow. 600; No.
3 mixed, u-'i'l No. 4 mixed, dun : unn.1.'
6k'u (. '
OA'l H-Hteady : No. 3 while, 4SVic; aland
aid. 4ic; No. 3 white. 4c.
Mllwaakee Uraln Market.
T northern, tlxHrt 1.01 No, I northern.
tl.iW'A'ul-W: No. i hard winter, tlOlJ
1W; l'ecember, H6V.OI lav, tl.Uo.
tjATs .-tan.liinl, s'jvSa.
IlAHLKV Malting, f.l2Ul.S5.
Omaha liar Marks. "
OMAHA, Nov. 2T.-HAY-NO. t tUCO;
No. 3. tlllK: coarse. l2.go; iacktnjr stock.
tti.jxKU'J.wui alfalfa, tli.w. rlraw; Wheat.
kl.OU, rye and oats, 17. 40.
Klals Hatter Market.
EI1IV. Nov. CT.-UUTTKH-rUeady; S5c,
an advance of 3 centa. Output, etl.suu
List, u Whole Falla Back Steadily,
Wiping Oat Early Advance.
Strength ,( London Market Kxer.
rises aastalnlas; laflaenre Bail,
nes la London Chiefly
n Baylngr Bide.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK, Nov. 27. M KT A LB
Btandard copper, irregular; U3.uti'l3 10;
futures, tU.;V.HS.3a. London markst
uteady; spot. a.i 5; futurea, 410. Iks
copper, tiJ IS'ViiU 36; electrolytic, tlt.UVttf
HJi casting, iU.UVkvl3.74. Tin, firm;
spot t4S.0Otf44.uu; futuros. til 70 C 46 W;
Ixindon tnsrknt, steady; Kit. HAri lv;
fi-ILres, all. Iad, firm: H4oi 4.11, New
Yora; 14.eVu4.37Vk. test Bt. Louis; Lon
don. allS li td. The leading produccra
have advanued their price for lead from
M Si to 44 4k. Hpelter, nominal: tt.7tu.W.
New York; 9,1n4 sO, Kast St. Louis.
Id rdon. ti'it 17 txi. Antimony, Cookson's
ti.V7VtJtw. Iron, Cleveland warrants. 47s
6.1 In London; locslly unsettled; No. 1
foundry northern, tl&.tXd-l6.2b; No. 3 tlt.7i
tjlLOu; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern
soft, tli W.
ST. Id. Nov. r MKT A I Ji-Lead,
(Irm; i.S7V. tsxiter, tilfhcr, H-r
NEW YORK, Nov. 27. Rujing orders
which accumulated over the week-enil
stimulated th illicit market for a time
todav. liut the dMy's movement a a
whole fll back steadily until nttle wa
leit or the advance. Pome stock. In
cluding United HUtte Pteel, Reading atrl
lihlgh Valley, fell to below Haturday
close. The action rf the market seemed
to Indlcato that It wa at 1 1 1 of a trnsitory
Union I'aclflc wa the most conspicuous
stock on the advance and gained two
points. Ita advance was equalled by that
of Ht. Paul and a few of the Inactive
Issues, Including American Canadian pre
ferred, which rose to KV the highent
price at which this stock ever sold. On
the recession the pressure wa most se
vere against the coaler and both Head
ing; and Lehigh Valley lost mora than a
point m the day's movement.
The strength of the London market ex
ercled a Histamine; Influence. The busi
ness In London wa chiefly on the buy
Ins; aide, with transaction In Uniteu
Mtate Hteel making up the bulk of the
The strength of the American Tobacco
Issues brought these stocks Into promi
nence again. Th preferred stock roq
24. and on the curb the common stock
Increased It recent large advance by
twenty. one point, selling at bit, the high
est price reitched since the final decree
of dissolution appeared against the com
pany and within nine" nlnt of the record
iigure for that issue, jmro Avenue reii
another point to 2. a low record. This
slock once sold at 242.
Call money hardened today and some
loans were made at 3Vi per cent, the
highest rate since the opening; of the
year. ,
Hunker said that there was a fairly
steady demand for money for commer
cial purpose, both In New York and In
the Interior and that the cneii reason
why rate had been low wa tha light
requirement of Wall street.
The bond market became weak after an
early display of firmness. Total sale,
par value, x2.s7x.0uo. cnitea mate ouna
were unchanged on call.
Number of rales and leading quotation
on stocks were a follow:
BtlM. High. Low. tnm.
Alll-Cblmr efd 0'i
AnMlmtl Copper ... t,4oo 4454 41' H'
Ameriraa Agricultural 46
Am. Reel u,r M0 t MH MH
Amarlras Can 4.01 lit HV4 "H
Amarlcan O A F 400 ti 44 MS
Am. Cotton oil . M't
Amarlran H. b. P'O
Americas Llnaesd ....... 100 t t
Amarirs Locomotive ... 4O0 17 SH
American g. K 4.i0 74H 7V4 ."'4
Am. . at R. pfd.... MO HUH V'i 1
Am. tllMl roundrlc 4 S44 XM,
Am. uir Raflnlng .... I. M0 lit lift lmu.
Amrtrn T. T 4,1 141 1S91, 1M;4
Americas Tohaceo pt... 4.W0 HU r?4 im'a
American Woolen 1"0 X1 27,
Anaconda Mining Co.... S.UM) 19V, l 74
Atrhiton .we ln mm
Atchison pfo
Atlantle Coaat Lin 1.400 1SKV4 l.t7Vg 117
Ualllmor Ohio 0 l'UH HVa 10t
lihl.n.m Hteal 100 1 to to
Hrnoklrn Rapid Tr T1 1 1
Canadian Pacific I,K I42t I41H 141
Central Lswthw 1" Vi
Central LMthar pfd 100 M M M
I 'antral 01 w jnraey
C'heank st Ohio 1.400 7414 71 76
Ohloais a Alton f"
Chicago u. w., new "
Chlcaio O. W, pfd 400 It V Vi
Chicago c N. W H6
Chicago, M. at Bt. P..., 16.S0O 1114 W M
C. (.'.. C. 4k t. Ij 7
Colorado F. At 1 100 IS 14 17
Olorado gontharn ' ,
Conaoltnatad Mas 700 141 Vt 140V4 140 '4
Corn Products 600 11S4 HVi 11
Palaarars H , x-dlv 1J
tnvsr at Hlo Ora1
Denver kH.ll. pfd ,
Dtatlllsn' BMurttl .... 0 ?S M4
EM I.000 (3 11 114
Erl 1st fd 700 6
Brie Id prd 100 44 44 414
Oanaral fcleetri 6o Ut4 H(V 1U
Oraat Nnrthara pfd l.OoO 11 127 Vi 1170,
Oraat Northara Or etf. to 424 424 H
llllnal central "0 144-4 144 144
lnl.r borough Mst 1.704 144 MS HH
Int. Met. pfd l.0 4
International Hanraatar.. tee 107 107 10
Inl.r-alarm pfd 1.400 1 li 1H
International Paper 1
InUniatlonal Pump 1V0 14 44 U4
low Cantral "Mi
Kanaa City Houtbarn... loo l Si t
K. C. to. pfd loo 4 44
t-cled Oaa loo Phi's HUj 106 -4
Lehigh Vllr II. too ntH.muj 177'4
lxiulavlll A Kaahvlll.. I,u0. 140V4 1MV4 l''74
Mian, at st Loula 66
m . at. p. At a. a. M... v ivt imo, utn
Mlsaourl. K. A T 60 II S1V4 11
at., K. A T. pfd 44
Mlasnurl Pacltlo 404 40V, t IK '4
National Ulacult ; l"
National Lead 1.000 61 HV4 44
N. R. R of M. Id pfd V4
N.w Tort Centr! 1.700 10Vi lirl4 174
Norfolk Waatarn 1,00 111 1104 110
North Amarlian 7J
Northern Paclflo i.000 1144 111 114
Paclflo Mall I."" '
Pesnfylvanl 1,00 1214 1124 lla'i
PavDls' Oaa 104 1" )0r 1044
P.. tl. C. it. L to WV4 64 4
Plttaburgti Cosl II
Pleaaad steel Csr 14
Pullman P' " m lf,1 ,f'1"
R.llwir ileal Spring.... 100 tl 11 I24
Heading I7.600 ltjt, ltlVt 1MV4
R.nubllo Steal 1 "0 "4 "
B.publln Steal pfd 100 MVi MV1 61
Rock laland Cb 1.0O3 r4 17 t
Rock Island Co. pfd mo 614 II 60V.
St. L F 14 pfd... 400 41V4 43H
t, Loula g. W J
84. L. . W. pfd... U
Bloaa-Rimld . 4V I !
gouthara Pacific 4.000 11414 UlVt HIV
southara Railway 1 000 II II I
go. Hallway pft t l" H 'I
Tannesse Copoor 1.100 IIV4 l "4
Texas at Paclfle IV4
T . St L W 1 II
T.. t I.. W. pfd TOO 4!. 414 41
fnlon Paclfla s.wi iio" i"'w
t'hlo Paclflo Ptd. l.oo NV. 41Vi IIV4
fnlted tal Vralty ... 80 4w 44
Unltad gtate Rubher.... 400 47V4 44 4;
t'sttad Btatea tel 141,000 U 44 44
tl. B. Slaal pfd I 104 10HV4 1"4
lHh CoMr ...1 0 61 61
Va -Csrollna Chamioal .. 400 64vi 64 611
wth 10 1; 1"4 14
Wabsab nfd 4 'H t'S
Waatarn Maryland 100 It 414 1 H
Wetlnihot Blaotrle stu,
Wasters Vnlon Tf Tl't Tl Tl
WheMtn I K .
Total aale tor th day, 604.4ft share.
Hank flenrlagra.
OMAHA, Nov. 27 Bank cleft rInK for
today were 32.4S4.7U.W. and for the cor
responding day laat year :.t:i1.7S.
New York loner Market.
CALL Firmer; 2HsV1 per cent; ruling
rale. ? per vent; closintf bid, 3 per cent;
ottered at at per ceuL
Tl Mr. lXiANts Bieaay; wi-uay, V4t)i
per cent; so-day, 3V per cent; six months.
jVii per cent.
1'Kl.M E. MI.IU.AflliUli ivii
actual business lu bankers' bills at t Ni6
for to-day hills, and at t-') for demand.
SlVfcH lr, &uc; Mcxkuu dullars,
LON DS Government, steady; railroad,
steady. -Closing
quotation on bond today were
a follow:
U. g. rt. Is, rf ..l"-t ir.t. M. at 4Vi 4414
do eoupoa 1004 Japan 4 M
I', g. lu, rag 10K li 64V4
do wupou ..UIK. C. Ko. l.t a .. -J
II. a. 4a, rag 111 L . dab. a UhU.. k34,
do -eoupoa H'A L at N. uni 4a fa
Allla-Ckal 1st to... fUH'M K. at T. lal a 1Vi
Am.r. AI 4. 1014 do 4a M
A. T. c T. a, 4..11'I t. Pacls 4a 14
Ala. Topacvs MHN. R. H. sf U 4Va 1H
du'4 liaN 'Y 1'. g. IVha.... M-
Arawur at Ctt. 4Va. MS do dao. 40 lit
Atrhlaus . 4a ... WH'.N. V. N. It. U.
4a . 4a. llW cv. ta 11
do (IV. 6 ltN. at W. let a. 4.. M4
A. C 1.. lat 4a.... Hi so c aa 11
Dal. at Ohio 4a MSNo. paclflu 4s
do Hs ' do la M
do . W. IVta.... PJlPana. CT. IVa Ull. 47
Brook. Tr. e. 4a... MH do eos. 4. 11114
IV. of t.a 4a Pw Raadlut sen. 4a ...
III. tathar 4.... MVt. L. at . T. f 4a ''
C. of N. i f. 4a... in o ges 4a
Chea. a Uklo 4va..U.I4 St. L S. !. a 4a.. 7t4
Ao raf. 6a 4 d l4 (old 4....
Okara at A. I4a- k A. U 4 II
C B J1. 4 ... Pso. Pau. rut. 4a.... M14
do a do c 4 !'
C M I I. M 4a ll do lat raf. 4a iV
C H. 1. A P. 4. TJ 4 So. Itallaay 4 Ju
da rtf ta. 4S. o ao. 4a rV,
-ok. lod. as lit "' Paclflo 4....h'a
alld. 4a ct. 4 lok
C At t. p. A . 4 lrt4 m rat. 4a.. ;ta
D. at H. a. 4.... rV. g. Huober a....l4
P. at R. O. 4 klaol Id 4
la raf. 6a ITVa -'r. Ckw U. ..wt
Platlllor' 6 14 W'abwsk lat aa li,
Ert p. L 4a I'4 so lat a, aa... I14
gaa. 4.. U4Wtra 344. 4s..., 174
do e. 4a. ear A. H Weat. Flee. ee. Is.. W4
do aerlaa II lt Wla. rVntral 4a W
1. Klec. CT. ts....m Mo. far. ct. 6a 't
III. t en. 1st raf. 4. fsna.-n I IOJ14
int. sief. 4vs 7Va
B.d. jffered.
London "fork Market.
IsONDoN, Nov. 27. American securities
were quiet and ateadv during the fore
noon. Price advanced from l to 4 on
goon nuytng.
Indon closlna; stock quotations:
Cnsaala, money . .71 414 Imnlavllle at Nash. .14
do account ....71 I II Mo., Kan. Tel.. Jii!4
Amal. t apper New York Central . Ill
Anaconda I '4 Norfolk at eat are 114
Atchlaon 114 do pfd It
o pfd 107 Ontario At Wester. 41
Rltlmor 4V Ohio.. .104 Pennsylrsnl 42'4
Csnsdlsn Pacific ,.l4ltand Mine
Clmapeak Ohio. 77 Heading 71
Chi. (treat Western. rfl souther Rf a
(hi . Mil. at Bt. P IM'i do pfd 76
f Aeera 1S Pnnthern Pacin ...117S
Denver at Rla a... ttiil'nion Paclfla 1
do pfd 4H do pfd M4
Erl SV. B. Steal 17
do 1st pfd 644 do pfd 1114
do Id pfd 4'Wahh 11
Grand Trunk ?4 do pfd zt4
Illinois Central ...141
KILVER-Mar, quiet at 25 11-lCd 'per
MONEY 2'4'?2 per cent.
The rate o frilacnuiit In the nnen msrket
for short bll is 34 per cent: for three
month' bills, 3 7-ltfUaVi per cent.
New York Mlnlnar Stork.
BOSTON. Nov. 26 Closlna- auota
on hock were as roiiows.
Alloueg u Mohawk
Amal. Copper w Nevada Con
A Z. L. St. 8 MViNlplsalns Mine ...
Arloo Com North Butt
A C. t:. 4 1. M. tK North I.aka
Butte Coalition .... 17v()ld Domlnloa ....
Cal. At Arltona Sic, (hx-enla
'I Heel IM parrolt B. at C...
Cmtannlal u U'llncy
Cop. Rang C. C... 64 Phannon
East Hutt C. M... ll4fliipartor
I Superior at B. M.
4'4 Tamarack
11 I', a. .. ft 'A t..
do pfd
tOt'tall Con
I t'lah tapper Co..
44 H Winona
Olrout Con.
Oranhy Oon.
Orean Cananas ..,
fal itnrale Coipcr.
Kerr Ike
lake Copper
Hall Copper...,
Miami Copper
Offered. As't paid.
12 4
. 4V4
. 41
. 17
. 14
. 47
. 10
. 14
. 14
. rf
. 1'4
. 61
. 6
. It
Boston Mlnlnar Storks.
NEW YortK, Nov. 26 Closing quota
tion on mining stocks were:
Alice 00 1. 1111 Chief S
llmnnwlck Con. .. 6 Meilraa MO
Onia. Tunnel stock.. 21 Ontario 100
do hoonda II Ophlr 10
Con. Cal. at V.... Tl 8tndard 100
Iron Sliver no Yellow Jacket 40
J,ea4Tlll Con 10
toffee Market.
NEW YORK, Nov. 27. COFTEE-Fu-ture
opened firm at an advance of 8'nlO
point In response to higher European
cables, smRllcr Interior Brazilian receipt
and talk of bullish crop development In
Brazil. The market aold up another 3 or
3 points on some of the active month
during the day, but turned a shade easier
after receipt of the closing; cable from
Havre, which showed a ellght reaction
and aa a result of realizing of liquidation
by trailing longs. Near month were
relatively easy and it waa reported that
firm offers from Brazil were a shade
lower In the' ring during the afternoon.
The market closed barely steady, 1 point
lower to 10 point hitcher. Kale were 6.S.-
000 bags. November and December, 11.44c,
January, ia.iuc; reDruary, lt.w.c; March,
13.70c; April, 12.13c; May, 1215c; June,
12.64c; July, 13.52c; August, 13.51c; Septem
ber and October, 13.4Sc. Havre waa Vtt
14 f. higher early, but reacted partially.
closing at a net advance of 1'iilVj f. Ham
burg wn ViOl pig. net higher. Hlo -was
76 rels higher, Bt 8t775. Pantos wa un
changed; 4s, Kt7'5. Receipts at the two
Brazilian ports were 51,0u0 bags, agalnat
jtfi.ufiO bags laat year, jundlahy receipts
were 37.000 bags, against 3ii.!iOU bag lust
year. Fine weather waa reported In all
district of Bao Paulo. New York ware
house deliveries Saturday was &.S42 bags.
against 9,822 bag Inst year. Today'
special cable from Ranto reached, 4s, 50
rs higher at the opening this morning.
BAo Paulo receipta were 49,000 bags,
agalnat 4K.0U0 bags the previous day.
Spot coffee ateady; Rio No. 7, 15c; Santos
No, 4. lHVtc; mild, dull; Cordova, 16vt(fj
MVfcc, nominni.
BUTTER No. 1. 1-lb. carton. 36c: No.
1, In 00-lb. tuba, WVc; No. 2, tic; pack
ing, ic.
CULKSE imported Bw!sa, 22c; Ameri
can Bwltt. 22c: block Bwiss. 18c. twin
tiVic; daisies, 18c; .triplets, lac; young
Americas, lsc; blue labul brick, 18o; lira
bergor, 2-ib., 1M; 1-lb., 14c.
POLLTKi lirolieis, isc; spring, llVic;
hen. liVzc; cock, iou; duck, lsc; geeaa,
1 ,u, , t a"avv.., , mv,., a. .
Alive, bi oilers, L!yo. hen, sc; old
rooatera ana stage, c, old ducks, tun
teatneted, llsc; geese, lull teaiheieu,
U)Vhc; tuikeya, lot; guinea lowis. 160 each;
pigeun. pur do., 00c; hooier, per do.,
tU-oo; aquau. io. 1, 1.W; .o. i, ooc.
F18H r-tuaeiai, llo; white, lsc pike,
ltc; trout, n.ic; laige c.iappieo, lo-uiso
epanUh mackeral, lieu; eel, lSo-, tiaddocks,
lac; tiOundvr, i..o, aietn catnah, 1)60;
roe viiao, al.uu each; snad roe, per pair,
uoo. ' suimon, lav; iiauoui, i-c, yeaiow
perch, c; bullato, 6c; buliueads. 14c.
liLLr' CU'io ifcba. No. A, 100; No. t,
iHw. No. 3, SftO. Loins, iSo. 1, l)to; No.
4, ii-mv. No. 3, cuueks, .so. 1, ;vc;
No. i, tic; No. 0. orc. Houud, No. 1, 11c;
NO. 2, '); No t. atV.Plates, No. ' b'u,
,o. i, pc. No. t, 4Vo.
FRUllti. LIU-Apples, cooking vaiie-
tiei, per bbl., 14.75; Jonathan anu Qi lines
UuiUeu, per 001., at. ao, ixiu uavl, per
bbl.. 4-.0O; Cutilornla, Belletlower, per box.
4L, Coiuiado Jonatlian, ox 11 a isuicy, ir
box,; tvaauuigiou Bpttaeiioerg, per
boa, 4.00; Waeiui.sion IC ceauiy, per
box. U.w. Wavshinauin Hlaman VVinesapa.
per box, ti.eO. Lauaiiaa, lancy seievt, per
bunch, tA.Jnti.bu; J umbo, per bunch, ,
4,4. CiattucriUa, Wlsuonaln lancy. per
out., ts.iw. per vox, so-w; exua large
J umbo, per bbl., Latea, Anchor
brand, new, otJ 1-ib. pkg. lu boxes, per
box, liS, Cailioi ma, per case) of
U 11-0, pkg., hue; per cus of 3o li-o.
pkg., W-4u; per cuse of bu s-ox. pka., t ,
New 'iuikun, e-crown lu sib. boxes, per
10., lwo; w-ciown in W-to. boxes, per Id.,
lot; 7-ctown in 3D-lb. boxes, per tut, l in.
Otape fruit, i'iouua, 4u-3o sizes, per crate,
4.'iU..ou; eU-4-b4 sixes, per crate, a.4.
uiapes, Calltomia ioaas, per t-basket
vratv,; iktaiaga grape in bbl., u.avi(
t.ot. Lemons, Liinoneua uranU, extra
lancy, M siae, per box, tu.76; aiO sute, per
box, a.uu; Lohia Linionelra, lancy, 300
0 sues, per box, 4u.0u; -W anu ajo alxea,
tou per box Icsa. Oranges, .Mugaia tied
lanus Vatencias, ke-ljo sites, per box.
e&25; laV-lik-Jou-Hlli-Uio sizes. Per box, 46.60.
i eais. t-aiuoiuiit ii. Ciaiigcau, per W-ID.
box, ad.uu.
VibCt-LLANEOUS Almonds, Tar
ragona, per lb., loVtu. In sack iota, la 1.
itiuxu not, per lu., loo; in sack lota, lc
leak. (Jucoanuca, per back, 65.50. iTliberi,
per lb., leu; In sack lots, lo leas, peanuts,
loaiiuu. per lb., sVc; raw, per lb., 7viu.
pecaus, mi ge, per lb., lie; lo sack, lots,
10 Iocs. Wainuis, new crop Uui, cab
fointa, per lb., liHo; In sack lots, lo less,
Cldur, Nsw Nehawka, per l-gai. V bbl.,
U.ou; per to-gai. bui.. ta.60; fsew York
Atcil's, per lo-gul. V bbl., tJoO, per
gal. bol.. tu-oo. iloncy, new, 24 Iraikces,
iio. Krout, per la-gal. keg. S-i; per 6
gaL ktg, H-IO; WUuoiisiu. pet Vk-bhl., ti-dO.
Kraporated Apples and llrled Fralt.
APPLES inuctlve but ateady; on the
sfuit tancy,, 10c: choice, Vwc; prime,
1'KIE JDFRUITS-Prunes. quiet and
eaay ou sellihg on the part of local hold
er: (imitation ranae nom fv. niir.
California up to 4o-oua and MvuUc for
wiegons. Apricots, auil put steady wltn
email offering, choice. 16 i live: antra
choice, li"rlhvc: fumy, lJ4jlc. Peaches,
quint and atcutty; choice, HVairllVvc; ex
tra cnoice, jiiu.'c; lancy, 12V,n 13c.
Halslns, dull with buyer well supplied,
loose mus.-atflH. t)V.ir7ViC: chnica to lim'u
seded, ISt'VgC aerdless, bo'ic; London
.-Hi e,
' Dry tiaaoAa Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. .27. DRY ntvnn
The cotton goods market was ateady
during the day, with orders of fair pro
portions recorded. Jobbers ars doing a
quiet house trade In consexiuenre of the
near approach of the holiday. Haw ailk
is tugner here and In foreign markets.
lre goods are still In ateady demand.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 27.-X)TTON-flpot.
closed qulol, 10 points lower; middling up
lands, P.JOc; middling gulf, 5oo; sales, luo
Cotlon futures closed steady: November.
t.OJc; December. D.Htc; January, t.Kte;
reoruary,; March, i.imo; April, s.yTc;
Msy, Vc; June, txv; July, B.Osc; August.
i.lOc; bepletnber, 9.13c; October, P. 17c.
lA'atol Market.
BT. LOL'13. Nov, ZJ. WOOL-Bteady;
territory and western mediums, llyjoc;
flue uiedluuia, lot, lsc; due, Ula,
Lightett Cattle Run for Monday
Since July.
Ran of tkeey and Lamb Contlnne
mall, a I to Bo Expected at
l b la Reason, and Price
Hold Bteady.
POLTH OMAHA, Noi 27, 1M1.
Ifenelnle, . . . . . . .
e1" "wit-. cs'iis. nog, oneep.
Lstlmate Alonday 4.0D thOf) .0o0
m j weea.. g,tsj .z,s J5.t
Bame day 3 w'k ago.. g.72 l.Hkt lt.iM
rsn,rfa gilt IP msw-k. . ... , . at. a... ... j
PMnil Hllf at tass'U- -
or caui, hofi and stiMp at South On.Aiia
t year. ,. j,n. jui. 1Uc. Dec
V,"' t,C7,7n 1,113,1 IT 27.1
w . - ii.B.ictv.cii A.IW.VWV 449r4TJ
P m t3l.U ZH,2v
I n. eni 1 .
.... eu.iwwiiig taoi siiusr tu avers
prices paid for hogs at Houtb Omaha tor
the last few days, with oouip4urisoiia.
Nov, It. I
Nov. 1.
Nov. 40.
.NOV. 21.
NOV. 22
ov. ZU.i
Nov. 2t.
Nov. 25.
Nov. 2k. 1
Nov. 27.
23 m
I Ul
1 2u)
' I
7 u&i
t 77
? 4
7 P4
1 Vi
7 SSi
7 k
7 V.
I 041
til I 4 04
j; u4 4 63
e 4 U
t TIN 4 44
s 14 Li
k id) 4 4 8 101 4 M
4 32( L. 4 trt
i 17 osi Lsi 4
I i I ' 0o 4 tW
I ttti 3 iki 4 7.
I 4 0i t 00
t Ml 4 to oa 4 67
ounday. Holiday
Recelnt and nlmn.uun n .
tha Union Mock Yards. Month Omaha, for
th twenty-lour hours ending at 3 p. m.
Cnttl. II , ...
C, M. & St. P....
abash 1
Union Pacifin 1
C. At N. W., east.. 8
C. tc N. W., west.. 83
C, Ht. P.. M. AO.. 2
C, B. & Q., east.. 6
C, B. At Q., west
C, R. 1. ft p., east 2
Illinois Central 1
C. ti. W 2
Total receipt... 200
Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
6 5..
12 13
2 3..
2X 6 2
69 20 6
2 2
80 36 2
Omaha Packing Co.... 400
cwiri and company 466
Cudahy Packing Co.... 6D3
Armour eV Co 614
Morrell 9
Cudahy, from country..
Armour, Sioux City
W. B. Vansant 7
Benton, Vansant it L. 123
HUI & Hon 1J2
F. B. Lewis ,233
Huston Ac Co 82
J. B. Root A Co 91
J. If. Bulla ,.. 89
L. K. Hus A
L. Wolf 1B2
AlcCreary & Kellogg.... 66
Werthetmer A legen.. fi9
H. P. Hamilton 353
Lehmer Bros 2
Leo Rothschild 54
Mo. Ac Kan. Calf Co... 123
Clin Christie 1.1
Other buyers tot
Total 4,995 6,344 .9,310
CAT! LE Receipt of cattl this morn
ing were the smallest that they have been
on a Monday since July 17. AJ1 told only
latl car were reported and the quality of
the receipts wa very unsatisfactory It
buyer. Really desirable cattle of an
kinds were very scarce, and as a result
the trade was alow and dull throughout,
largely for the reason that the cattle
were not of the right kind to attract
Beef steers generally commanded steady
price, but the movement wa slow and
the trade as a whole without any new o
interesting features.
The market on cow and heifers began
the week about where it left off laai
week, but the trade wa dull and no one
eemed particularly anxloua for the kind
of stock on sale.
The feeling in the feeder market wn
that anything strictly good would have
old quite freely at possibly strongei
prices, on, the other hand the general
run to trash, which constituted the bulk
of the receipts, was slow and dull at no
mure than ateady prices.
Quotations on native cattle: Good to
choice beef steers, 36. 6097. 76; fair to good
beef steers, t6.2iVq4S.50; common to lair
beef steers, t4.40ju6.00; good to choice
heifers, tt.50u6.25;.. good to choice cows,
t4.2i'Ku4.85; fair to good cows, t3.60ti4.25,
common to fair cows, 32. 76.23.50; veal
calves, t3.607.60.
guotationa on range cat tin: Good to
choice beef ateer, t5.77.00; fair to good
beef steers, 3500.75; common to fair
beef steers, t4.4uu4.00; good to choice
cow and heifer. H2u.i4.;o; fair to good
cow and helCura, t3.50myi: common to
fair cows and heifera, ti.7633.5t); good tu
choice stockers and feeder. to.Ouii.OO,
fair to good stocker and feeders, 64.30
5.00; common to fair Blocker and feed,
era, 3X2444.80; stock heifers, f3.25&4.2a;
bulls, stags, etc. U.OO.oo.
Representative saies:
No. At. Pr.
10 1(14 4 44
14 170 4 46
At. Pr.
...1160 I II
....1076 I 64
....lot. 4 I M
.... U7 I II
....1000 1 to
.... Mi H
....loao I 16
....llras 40
....104 4 10
.... sol 4 IS
,...1111 4 40
..13:i0 I Tl
.. 140 I TS
. .120 I 16
..1600 160
.. IM 4 II
.. IM 4 to
.. M 4 11
,. 4I 111
..loot 4 40
..64 IN
..16 16
.. Ill I 40
T 104 f II
6 44 1 00
1 744 I 04
4 til I 10
t 140 I 1
I MO I 16
4 104T I 10
6 1060 I M
14 110 I 60
I A0 I 26
1 10U I 44
1 . ,1AM I H I
1 M0 I 64 1. ......
1 mo I 40 ' 1
1 11) I 40 1
I... 474 I 45 1
14 IM I 66 I
4 tut t 46 14
II 441 I 6 I
I..., ! I 71 4
4 TO I 40 , 4. ..'...
2 40 3 45 t
4..... t!l I tl 1
II 441 4 M 1
I u.. 4T 4 6
1 631 4 00 4 6a 4 tl
14 7 4 1 6 tf.0 4 II
1 64 4 16 !... 74 4 10
4 10 4 IS 4 714 4 61
1 407 4 16 . 10 1010 4 N
HOGS Ail buyers in the hog yards
were lined up on the bearish side, au at
titude entirely consistent with conditions
at other points and the market broke 5
lOu all along the line. Some little early
business, especially In shipping grades,
merely showed the leaser decline, but the
demand from all quarters was dull and
the bulk of sales after first rounds In
dicated the- greater loss. Movement
proved draggy throughout and trade wort
along to a very tame finish. Yards were
not completely cie&rea unm alter 10.30
Shipper and ' speculator furnished
pretty good support at the start, buying
between fifteen and twenty loads of
staple butcher, and lard averages. Total
receipt amounted to only eighty-two
loads and variety ranged from cholc
heaviea down to common pigs, the same
as recently.
The beat lard animals on sale broucht
6.20, a dime under the high price at last
week close, while Putctier offerliiK
landed largely at I6.10rrr4.lli. Bacon hogs
sold from tt-05 down to 8590 and less,
spread being more closely bunched than
was the cane last week. Pig receipts
were limited to a few scattered bunches
and uaual price were paid for anything
No, At. . Bt. K. . At. Bit. Pr.
101 14 lu I 71 -' M 1W 6 lt4
lu4 lo ... 4 14 44 Ut MO 12V
77 tl ... I OS t l ... 4 IIS
41 1S ... 104 14 Ml SO 4 1S
14 Is 4 41 J1 M 4 1S
It it ... IM 14 Ill 40 It's
Ti Jo IK 104 M lit M 4 i;v,
!lt t 4 OS 4T tst ... 4 list
It M4 4 4 04 4 11 ... 14
tl Mi 40 4 14. ttl ... I 16
.7 t.) ... 4 44 44 t 1(4 16
40.. lit 44 4 04 4S tS4 10 4 14
41 1 ... I Oi 1 tl ) 4 14
41 ' ... 4 04 ti ft 4 16
4t S'.l ... 4 04 24 114 ... 4 II
11 IM ... 4 01 W 2 4 li
IM ... 4 V4 It 2vl 1: I 16
S4 Ill H 111 a I 140 4 16
T Ill ... 4 1 to 90S 44 4 16
64 Ill 44 4 M 16 US 40 I 16
1 tT ... I 14 M I 14
1 4 ... 4 14 U In IS 16
1 ttl 140 4 1 04 rit I 174
4 .Ut M I It II HI 1st 111
4 .!7 44 4 )0 47 JM 130 I 17c,
7T 40 4 10 71 J .t to in
74 11 SO I HI st S9 ... to
7" J.I ... 4 14 61 370 ... I m
J" o 10 i 24 10 1 at
JM 10 I 1 Hi StO ... I til
47 5 10 I 14 a. nl 110 4 W
217 1 110 34 !? ... I to
3 2)4 HI 110 4.1 il til I to
0 M4 so I in H 91 11 I Id
7 21.7 40 I 1I 41 JJl 210 I to
PIUt4 tiut3 ANU KMs4.
II 11 ... 4 n 1I7 ... I n
HO ... 4 to 4 140 ... 1
14 104 ... 4 0
SHEEP A very fair supply of sheep
and lambs arrived, but quiilltv on an
average proved common and ho small
slice of the run was either poorly con
ditioned or penltlvely unfit for slaughter.
Fed and warmed-up classes made up the
bulk of the csono-head estimate, and
scarcity a! good dressing stuff naturally
served to stimulate the packing demand
for better quality string. Trade opened
about steady in all lit branches and pens
holding the mettv fair In iroorl cmH..
were all cleared on this basis by 9.30
Some western wheatfleld lamb, almllar
to th tubble-fed at laat i, i,..
sold early at to. 50. the highest price paid!
u.,;. ihiub coming unaer corn-belt
billing moved In small himcii,, ti;
5.35 and fed yearlings that weie fairly
en iinisned moved at tt lO. Ueslrable
heavy sheep were hard lo fln4 1..,, .
minis ut iihio wemers reacnea t3.75 and
loppy ewes landed at t3.30.
There was nothing much doing In feed
er early a offering lacked variety and
country outlet waa rather restricted and
uncertain. Only the better kind of
strong-weight stock can be placed with
finishers at present, and even at that
the task of selling Is more or less dif
ficult. In general. It appears aa If the
1U feeder sea h in Is in itp final stages,
producing a scale of values subject to
decided and erratic changes. In addition
to seasonable dwindling of the demand
the fact that thla week include a
national holiday. In also regarded aa an
Influence tending toward a small, back
ward Inquiry.
guotations on sheep and lambs: Good
to choice Inmbs, ti".25'&,5.66; fair to good
lambs, to.fcr5t5.2.;i; feeder lambs, 33.50ru)
4.65; fair to choice yearlings. tZ'fyxi.ia;
feeder yearlings. f3.2D(aS.63; good to choice
wethers, t3.40f((J.7S; fair to good wethers,
t3.20j3.40; feeder wethers. S3. 004. 35; good
to choice ewes, t3.1fi'it3.35; fair to good
ewe, t2.o3.15; feeder ewes, S2.25ift2.0;
cull ewes, tl.16ffl.75.
Representative sales:
No. Av, Pr.
23 fed wether ; 114 3 75
231 fed ewe 115 8 80
20 fed lambs 78 5 25
2 fed lambs 70 4 50
279 fed ylgs. and wethers 81 4 10
43 western ewe and ylgs.... 66 8 10
70 western ewes, feeders 75 4 01
24 Idaho lambs 88 6 60
133 fed wethers 11H 3 75
47 fat ewes Ill 8' 40
2D0 fed yearlings 93 4 10
tllan steers, HOikjT.OO; cow and helfcra,
H 5"
III. MJS Receipts. IB. head; market
steady, lower plus and lights, S4.50(u.2&
puckers. IH; butchers and best
heavy. Sti.ltifi6.4b.
SHEEP ANU I.AM US Receipts, L300
head; marked Ki.Sc higher; native
muttons, t-l.Wii3.7.: lpn:b, tl-uU7E;
cu 1 In and bucks, l.&rQ-i.; Blocker, f-M
Bt. Joseph Live Stock Market,
ceipts, 2.000 head; market Bteady; steers,
t4.5038.2o; cows and heifers, t2.66nii.O0;
calves, 330067.50.
HOGS Receipts, 6,600 head: market
low; top, 36.45; bulk of sales, t6.05i&6.40..
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,000
head; market steady; lambs, 34.5035.50.
Bt. Lonl Live Stock Market.
ceipts 2,500 head Including 1,400 Texans;
market steady? 10c lower; native ship
ping and export steers, S7.6Wf9.00;
dressed and butcher steers, S5.0OiJj7.OO;
Bteer under 1,000 lbs., t-1 0o(r7.00; stockers
and feeders, S3.0oru6.(; cows and heifers,
S3.OOtj7.00; canners, tl.0Ca3.O0; bulls, 33-75
4,3.25; calves, SL0OjS.25; Texas and In-
Demand for Cattle 'Weak Hog
Lower Sheep Strong. .
CHICAGO, Nov. 27. CATTLE Receipts,
IS.OOO head: market weak, at early prices;
beeves, S4.5fvsiS.O0; Texas sleorR, t4.(t'u5.70;
western steers, $4.4tr.i7.30; stockera anil
feeders, ti!rOin.n; cotv and heifer, 11.80
t?5.M; calves, t5.nttrj4i.2r,.
HOGS Receipts, 47.(iO head: market 60
lower than early; liuht, t."..5O'(i6.20; mixed,
to.ttf6.40; heavy, t5.DOii6.45; rough, Sn.Wt)
6.10; good to choice heavy, I6.1imiH.4i,;
pigs, S4.2'6.50: bulk of sales, 16.066.30.
SHEEP AND LA MBS-Receipts, 32.
00 head; market strong; native,
S.6fi; western, S2.40fr3.JO; yearlings, S3.bVf
4.60; Inmbs, native,'.n-o.oi; western,
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 12000 head. Including M0 southerns;
market steady to 10c higher; dressed
beef and export steers, Si.oOfiOI. 75; fair to
good, 85.00tuti.i5; western steers, S4.0u(i6.65:
stockers and feeders, S3. 75ii6.65; southern
steers,' t4.0txq6.o0; sou t t ern cows, ta.OOdD
4.25; native cows, 12 .aUfrS.iiO; native
heifers, S:i.7536.a0; bulls, S;i.iiOiU'4-60; calves,
S3. 754(7.00. "
HotlS Receipts, 13.000 head; market
steady: Ji-ilk of salpt. tS.sri'(it.45; packers
and butchers, tn.lottrt.tO; lights, t5.i5iiti.30;
pigs. tl.O04i5.23.
SHEEP' AND LAMBS Receipts 7.0W
head; market steady to strong; muttons,
t4.OtVTr5.60; yearlings. S3.3V(fl.2o; wethers,
t3.otyi.50; ewes, t2.5ft3.15; stockers and
feeders, S2-0Oii3.75.
Stock In Sight.
Receipts of livestock at the five prin
cipal western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha a... 4,o0 6.o"0 9,000
St. Joseph 2,000 &,&) 1,0)0
Kansas City 12,0 13,000 7,000
St. LoulB 28,000 47.0TO 1.300
Chicago 21,000 47,O0i) Sl.OOO
Chicago 2S.000 47,O.H) 32,000
Totals 'P0 Saeo 50,300
Sugar Market.
NEW TORK. Nov. 27. SUGAR Raw,
quet; Muscovado, 89 test, 4.56c; centrif
ugal, 96 test, 5.06c; molasses sugar, 9 test,
3.91c; refined, quiet.
Louis J. Klebba, clerk In the office of
County Judge Leslie, has been offered 160
a week to join the Aborn English grand
opera company, which appeared at the
Boyd theater last week. He refused tho
offer because he already partially has
perfected plans to go to Europe to study
next spring.
Nicolo Nicosia, director of the Aborn
company, who tries out promising voices
In every city his company visits, gave
Mr. Klebba a hearing Saturday night and
said he. possessed an excelent tenor voice.
After a conference with tho company
manager he made the offer.
of CThlef Attractions aad Tnlnga of Interest
Seen at the Land Show
Booth of the big duck and the loud noise; where
they gave away five acres of orange land to the
lucky guesser on the jar of nuts. The land of
flowers, oranges, grape lrult, lemons, figs, dales,
nuts, oil van and alfalfa the year round. Address,
North Salt River Valley irrigation Co.. Pboenlx. Ar.
California i
Angelea, San Diego. The Booth where you
everything worm while and then aome!
eluding climate and opportunity. Address .
Angeles Chamber of Commerce, or ban
ego Chamber of Cjmn.erce. Better still, go
out and see for yourselves.
Where you saw the famous Sacramento Valley
Exhibit. Inquire about the next excursion to
thla beautiful country, Nov 16. Trowbridge
A Bolster, 404 City National Bank Building.
Omaha, Nebraska. v
At the Tulare County Booth you saw the big
peaches, potatoes, cort. - pumpkins, prunes and
plum. Also the fine oranges, lemons and citrus
fruits. You can farm tor pleasure and profit In
Tulare County, Addross, Tulare County Board
of T raise, Vlsalta, California.
"Patterson in the Famous Ban Joaquin V'al
Icy. Why not go with ua and gee this I'axa.
dise for Plain People. Payne Investment
Company, Omaha, Nebraska.
Where you saw the Platte sUver Valley Exhibit,
mowing wneat, oats, liax anu corn raiaeu on tun
rrigated soil; land that pays (or ltsslf la two
,yar.. We sell this laud on terms 01 oue-tnira to
one-nair casn, dsuuic s tu d rtara. Auurtu
Platte River Valley Land Co., (Men ing, uoiorauo.
Apples, Apples, Big Red and Yellow Apple, nice
clean potatoes, sugar oeet, grains aa grown at
Xtotohklss, Delta Count?, Colorado. "You remem
bert Remember also rands from t&o per acre
and upward. Address Oould and WUloughby,
Uotcbklss, Colorado.
"whara vou aaw tha San Lula Valley Exhibit-
showing especially the big grain and field peas,
unequalled for hog feed; heard about the new
sugar factory; and vhere you learned that you
can buy Irrigated land In this rich valley on
terms of one-tenth. Address C. A. Robinson. 1st Nat'l Bank. Denver. Colo.
A at AnRntt' The Rio Grande Home Co., of Alamosa, Colo., oc
f"lll fill ft If fl cupled Booth No. 1. This la where you saw the
J UlilJ Al i lUU fine cabbage, celery and othe.' vegetables; also
w SO varieties of Colorado grasses oats that ylelued
Itlfe bushels per acre. 73 H bushels of wheat, wonderful alfalfa, choice
potatoes, etc., from the Sunny ban Luis Valley. Colo. Write them todayl
Where you saw especially the fine Apples, Poiawcs
and grain raUed in Marsh Valley, the "Garden
Hpot of Idaho." Address Downey Improvement
Co., Downey, Idaho.
Where you bought those T Bo Cos tor a
Wlokel and the J-a Trudaa for a Dime. . You
Remember! Tracy Stroa. Co- who aell v more
cigar In Omaha than any other house. Why 7
Quality. All first class dealers sell our good a
Tracy Bros. Co., 1416 Doug. St., Omaha, Neb.
"biiliin LdghtjtiDx Ktulg, the booth that In
terested mauy showing the (Trade Mark)
of the test in Lightning Protection.
Address. W. C. Shlnn, Lincoln, Nebraska.
aw tho beautiful alfalfa and
? exhibit, lou retiiemoer: uarge
cattle and sheep. If Interested
Where you
stock raUin
. fn alfalfa raising .vrite to Oeneral Paasen
Omaha. Nebraska.
. K.,
for pamphlet dealing
Wnero you saw Ihe attractive cyotoronu or in vnj
Aaent. Chicago nd
xuiiy w
1th the supject.
ri c autism and the WUianiatt Tuuey created oy ceo.
I Irrinrnn L fcthreiber. The artiat la Identified with leading art
lllHUIIll clubs-iii Chicago and the country. He Is also super
Ill U2LUII vlbor of drawing In the fcalem grado and high schools.
W0 Address Oeo. U bchrelber. OH Pi v. tit- balem. Ore.
rr.M,l v fertile Willamette valley Booth was the
blKgcst agrlcultutal and horticultural display. BToa
Irritated fruits, nuts and vege.ables. No blizzards,
storms or drouths. No crop lailures. Five new rail
roads. Write to Commercial Club (secretary at Corval-
lis, Albany or Palem. Oregon.
Let u explain to you how 10 own a 6 or 10 acre fruit
and garden tract. Albany, Oregon, one of the best
town In Oregon, and In the very heart of the famous
Willamette Valley. 11.250 00 for the entire tract, oil
ea-sv monthly tiiyncntt No tajtes, no iniereti. gooa marseia t,aii or
wViM Hecker & liaui, 821 Brandels Theater Building, Omaha.
Where you saw the two-beaded calf,
the large cabbage, tha flax grown on
sod, and the wheat grown without
Irrigation Address Ardmote Commer
cial Club, trdinort. South Dakota.
South Dakota
Ko boom price
410 Newhouse 1
The booth with the six-foot wheat: the 100 bushel oats;
the perfect apples; the national sliver trophied won In
competition against the fruit and farm section of th
world. The famous Uu unison vaney in me nesri or uian.
spsiuirg, MVintaiun iqt. t-O-
y Nat. UK. niag., 1 'mana, nso.
No boom prices yet. Alfalfas natural home.
410 NVwhiuse Uldg . lt Lake City. 812 Clt
You don't have to be rah to start farming
Land sold on crop payments. Remember the
fine products of this year's crop. Address
C. L- Beatty, Pine Bluffs. Wyoming.
"The Wylle Way." where the ticket
was given away dally. Our nsw
folder will be published Deo. 1. No
rhars-e. Write for It toiler
W-IX.U1 EAJri:n? cajcpiho couAir. UTiaasTojr. stoTTAiA.
Yellowstone Park