THE BKE: OMAHA. TTKSIUY. NOVEMUKH 2S. 1911. U MEDIC.V. hrat er for men. (irs Nene Food pills, II per box. prristd. itemia.i fc McCunnell Drug Co., Unmlit. .eb. MOKY TO MIAN ealarr and t battels. WHY USE OUR MONEY? TrCAt5E you cnn r-prroiv Jt on your HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS, AUTOMORILES. HANK BOOKS, WARE HOUSE RECEIPT, UK A L ESTATE and SALARIES In K lev hours' time, pri vately anj CHKAKKR than any othei concern. NO MAl'TBR UOW CHtAC THEY ADVERTISE. You may refund the loan In email w-cekly or monthly payment! that aooa get you out of debt. Our business is A private as a bank and your friends, relatives ami employer Know nothing about It. No delay. Each application given prompt attention. Call on uh for money to pay all your bills and you win find It uuiua and easy RELIABLE CREDIT CO. . Third Floor, 301 Paxton Rlock. !17 S. 16th. 'Phones; Douglas 14U and A-14U. $10 TO $i00 a LOANED s TO ANYONE it t, 9 Protu' a iouu lor any- W body wno owns furniture, pianos, M horses, wagons, or anyone holding M W a steady position at the most rea- If aohabie charges. All we ass. Is your M l f pay. No red tape. No it II delay. Quickly, privately, cheaply. It . w iu installments of 11. .W. tl 1 3j In installments of ll.Si. l loO ln installments if 13.40. I No other charges. I Loans maao irom una month to n tl one year. Terms to suit you. It GUAhANTKh LOAN CO., J 11 (Smull Loan Department.) ti 20 Wllhnell Btk. Over Nub. Cycle Co. II If N. E. Cor. 15th and Harney. U At fiougla 6i4n; 1 rid. A-Uiio. h 'AHA-NKoGlV 1NU iMU.Ntl'. YOUK CHED1T. la as good here as your employer's Is at his bank. YOUR PLAIN NOTE Is all we ask no security, no lndorser. We are making BPECIAL THANKSGIVING RATES. Borrow $10.oo, return 40o per week. Borrow KO.Oi, return toe per week. Morrow 130.00, return II. W per week. Borrow 140.00, return 11.60 per week, borrow i.oo, return 12.00 per week. Call and let us explain. OMAHA TRUST CO., 437 Hoard ot Trade Bldg. Tel. Doug. Kill. I I i t I I ( t ft ( M U it i EVERYBODY $10 TO $10J II ' . ' II It LOANS OiN I LKMi i UltiJ, HAKOS, II SALARIES, ETC., II at cr.arges you can riora, ana M without the red tap and delay you It experience with other companies. II ESTABLISH YOUR C it ii LI 1 I It HERE It's as GOOD A8 A BANK. II ACCOUNT IN TIME OF NEED. It NOTE THEbE RATES: If HO. you pay back tU.aO. It V15, you pay back 117.00. g lih, you pay back IWI.00. feo you pay back lutVOO. . NO OTHER CHARGES. Weekly or Monthly ir'uyiuents. OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., 109-lu brown Blk. Opposite Bran dela e. E. Cor. 16th and Dougias. 'Phon Douglas titttttrtti 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - USE OUR MONEY FOR cmasTMAs: We make loans on all kinds of chattel Quickly and privately. Phone Doug. IZia. HOME LOAN COMPANY. 3023 Far nam St. Room 8. Patterson Blk. Chattel Loans, AT TREASONABLE RATES. 1 Nebraska Loan Co., 30 Bee Bids. Douglas lr.'S. A-1XA MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping house and others, without se curity; easy payments. Offices in 67 prin cipal clued. Tolman, 503 Omaha Nat'l Jiunk Bldg.. formerly N. Y. Life bldg. BTAR LOAN CO. to TO 1100 Furnished salaried people without secur ity. Indorsement, delay, publicity, extor tion or deception. Terms to suit. 644 Paxton : DIAMOND loans ut 2V( and 5 per cent. W. C. i'latau. L1 Dodge. . Red bali. OFFERED FOil KENT Hoard and Hsouii. O. M. K. hauls trunks. I. 611. A-2611. Portola, family hotel, fc.tli Ave. and Har. WARM rooms and excellent meals. XU & 26th St. Phone Dougias im. 8t. James Hotel Sieum heat, bath, rorne cooking; winter rates to few couples at Io0 per mo.; dally, fl.&. Near ail theaters. MRS. MILLER. itt N. Zli, beat board and room In city. NICE place for nice people. THE MAD ISON, 2it and Chicago Sts. tl.00 and up. t nder new management. TO man and wue or couple to room together In fine new Kounlze Place home, atrlctly medem, hot water heated room. Call Webater 620. AN EVENING at the American theater with the Woodward Stock company is always a welcome treat. If Mrs. W. D. Reed, 140 No. 41st St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give tier a pair of tickets. Furnished Rooms. BRIGHT, warm room In private family; close to Creiithlon college; rea sonable. Phone Harney 63J8. FINE for two young lauiea; good fam jly: very convenient. Phone Harney 6:S. Dewey Euiopean Hotel. Uth Ac FarnainT I'M Capitol Modern furnished room; two blocka to rar. DESIRABLE liirninlied room, private famUy. S. frith. Phone Webster Utii. 906 N. 17th 2d floor, niodeiu, tuiniTlied Sleani-heaieu euoms. PLEA8AN1' loom, stiiutiy modern, pri vate home, esuelient location; Farnam and Cuming car lines; references. Vis N oth St. HO JONES Two suites furnished Tooms for light housekeeping, phone Douglas fciW. St. Mary's Ave., strictly modern, warm, front room. Red K77. LA ROE modern rooma, with board In private family for two gentlemen wishing good home. Harney (4.V0. MR. Hl.SBAND: If you ate for SoiMtthn.g to lake home for an extra fine dexsert. stop Into Dalzeil's. If H. E Xlurmon, 1 S. 4Jd Ave., will rome to The Bee office within three days we will give liini an order for a uuuit brick of this fine lee cream. Kl'llNlsllKl) room for rent; all con yenlences. 1 ouKlas 7I3. 714 N. luth St. FURNISHED rooms In modern private home; walking distance. Harney 13i. 621 PARK AVE , one large front room, team-heated, suitable fur three young men. Prices reasonable. M No. wTH bt., two nicely furnished front ruoma; nas raiiKe: reatonable. TWO very pleasant wi:rm rooiiTs! ZaJ C'hli sgo. ?I4 N. l'l'll Hie iilte furnished room, all modern, geiulemai. only. Tl. lKiislaj NK'KLY fiirnls,! trie lie-lit. t'. per bal.(i't lr-i l"o he.l room, n.oilern. ckc- liiotith: r.f..iMi.i...u I A lull.' -.... . , " - ' 7 7 .iuoi luuin, jiewiy I jriilBI.eU. littihcy CD. OFKEUEIl ttU ItENT Knrslakrtl Rooms. r.77 H ARNKT ST. Nloelv fitrnlshed front room: modern; furnaca heat; hot :uer; stiitaMp for ono or two gentlemen TWO benutlfui warm rooms, In new modern flut. prlvato family. References. 3w 8. 17th Ave. MnDEUN room, 107 . Doug. i"4. M Ave, Tel. I'orulahril Jloaar keeplas: Room. The Manuel and Howard, Jl & Howard. II srd 4-rm. apt". 133 to W. IVOJ 8. T I Modern housekeeping rooms. Harney 4f04 1 IN light b.-tseiuenl, coxy and warm; rbeap. 8. 27th. LIGHT housekeeping rooms; private family. 272 pratt 8t. TWO houi-eki epmg rooms; modem, f4 W; one hntiaekrepinfr room, 13 50. NICE large room with alcove, modern. Webster 6M. THRKK large furnished rooms, deslr ahle. modern except hent. Hnrnay 84K3. 004 S. 2th, handsomely furnished apart ment; four rooms; southeast; modern; waiaine; ntatnnce. Hood neighborhood 3 rooms for lla-ht housekeenink.-: ronth exposure; modern; gas range. 2.'U I louglas. 702 8. 17TH Nicely furnished rooms; walking distance; furnace heat. Hotels and Apartments. NICELY FfRNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen THE CHATHAM, 110 8. 13th St. Huh Hotel, sttam-neated. 130N Douit. ft. DODGE HOTEL, 13th and Dodge; all team-heated rooms: spec In I week rate. Kxcellent meals, 20i N. 2t.tli, 8o. Omaiia. Howard Hotel, elegant rs. 1002 Howard. HOTEL ALBANY: most elegant rooms; hot and cold water; fireproof; prices reasonable; both phones. 1111 Douglas. HOTEL Flomar. 17th and Capitol Ave. Burlington, nice rooms. 1 block to depot. CAPS HOTEU nice rooms. 1708 Cass Ht. W INDSOR HOTKI-Ronms bOo to 1M. OXFORD and Arcade, special w'kly rate. firrrlon H ntol Council Bluffs. Rooms Elk-hotel, rooms 36c and 6oc. 817 N. 16th. Apartments and Flats. SIX rooms, first floor, modern except heat.. 2il0 Rees t. Klx rooms, second floor, modern except heat, 2(WS Rees .St., 113 each. CHRIS BOY ER, 22d and Cuming Sts. 5-ROpM apartment in the Uintah. Ap ply 418 Omaha Nat l Bonk Bldg., or phone Douglas 18N6. Fully modern. 6-room heated apart ment In the excellent West Farnara dis trict; very choice. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1R02 FARNAM ST. i-room flat on Sherman Ave. Web. 8715. - HOT water heated, best system heat, 5-room new flat, all hardwood fltilBh, 117.00. 603 8. 22d. STRICTLY modern apartment, The Ihanan, olio a. 21st Ave. room flnt. second lloor of practically new buck; strictly modern, clean. In best con ditio mPJmneIjiney31W. BEAUTIFULLY arranged, newly decor ated, every modern convenience, fine location, 7 rooms and cement basement. 41st and Fainain. Telephone Harney 772, mot mots. taluruiabril Rooms. 1SC8 N. 17th 4 unfurnished basement rooms. lis N. 17th, 2d floor, unturnlshed looms; bath. ir urntaUed Houses. FOR ' RJCNT For winter, furnished house, eight rooms, modern, near Curtis Turner park, no children, referencea ex changed. Address F 7K6, Omaha Bee. Houses and Cottages. PAPRP painting, paper hang- t JJii i A-i4.t-in( Biasing,. picture framing. Monnon, 3 park Ave. H. 62o. 2197 DOUGLAS, rooms, inouern except heat; Uu, per month.. Tel.. Dougias IMS. Om. Van and Storage Co., pacKs, moves, stores household goods. Fireproof stor age. Hot S. loth. Bianco, tfols S. l.m. Tel.. D. 4163; A-1335. SMALL house tor rent to colored peo ple, 1 10 per month. Get key next door north or telephone Webster 6024. US N. lfth St. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, for warded: cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. uougias UH. city oirice. 20b S. nth bt . Bee Bidg. Huuaea, lna. Rlngwait. Brandeis Th. Bldg. llMilll 1.'. V P m in t w . w S ...0 UIIU storage. Trunks, baggage uel. D. ixt. iiu ii. ilia. TEN-ROOM house, modern. 2616 Dav enport, inquire T. F. Beard, liio Doug las St. l.Vll l'f'C r ..... heat, 24th and Pierce Sis., J5. fill I A 11U ITU U- . .ivr nr. - --v. u .11. 1' 111. 1 1 U11..1 11 . 1 Dl f IIIUV ....... 1. 1 . kt ..,,, r .ii . i .no. v. .U, w IWUIIIB, ll IllOUei ll, 64 N. 23d, 7 rooms; modern except heat, urn Blonrio, 6 rooms, til. house, modern excent heat; good neighborhood, 'lei. Web. I2ji. tutt HEAT -Seven-room house, mod ern except neat, 120; corner 27m and Fort. vveiibter jmi. 7-lril.l... Anlt.irit te4flr mnriam r laundry and electric ligliia. 224S No, mt'h et. Web. 3237. bltuC'iLY modem, nearly new, 7-room house facing Central Blvd. (710 N. 27th Ave.); lour nice bedrooms and bath up stairs; iiurawooa unisn ana elegantly polished floors downstairs; full ce mented ceiiar. A oargain if rented at once as party moved out unexpectedly. NINE-ROOM, strictiy modern, 4220 Far nam, 130. J. I. Kemp, 2il3 Leavenworth. 8-1 loo Al house, modern except heat, :4m N. Mill St.. 24). 7-room house, modern exceDt heat tin Charles St, til). rooms, 2d floor. Hoc N. 20tb St.. mod ern except heat, 111. 6-room cottage, modern except heat, 3334 N. 23d St., 120. 6-room house, modern except heat. 101S Corby .St., 1. 6-room, 1st lloor. JK02 N. 2th St., partly moaem. 1 16. 6-rooiii, 2d floor, 1902 N. 26th Bt.. toilet. 113. 7-room house, modern except heat, 2!HI3 Uard St., 120. i Hit l a hoter. y-'d and Cuming Sts. For Rent BncK House Four beuiooi,,., um.ii and toilet on sec ond, floor; large tamily room, dining room, buuer -kitchen, refrigerator room, ball and vestibule on first floor; full cement oaemem; furnace heat; every thing Hrst-o.ass and strictly modern. Lo cated ut 1611 Georgia Ave. eo the owner at IMt Georgia Ave., or 'phone liariit,, lims. MOD. 6-room cottage; tine rep r. H. Jou. 6 ROOMa, modern except heal, conve nient to car, cnurih and scnooi; modern i-.lte! range; also gas range and haud&u.i.a kitclien eablint. 3oCm Pratt St. 6-luolu iiuuite, laoD is. Lilt St. 0. C. RED1CK, 1. M7 Faitiam St. SEE THIS BUNGALOW at 151D S. fcth Ave. strictly modern, 7 rooma and bath. One of the best locations In diy. M3 6o. Hniiosi ,n 1111 Prts of the city. liuusLS Crelgh Sons at Co.. Bee Bl Bldg. 2i MAPLE ST., b rooms, modern, ex cept furnace. .-0. Hall, tij Raiuge. D. 14' JU. A 440;. CLOSE Tf B. ti M. DEPOT Iiik at i-JO Plerco St., an x-'room, strictly n.o. lei n hours. In a very desirable lot ut ion to keep n. oiner, 4o. PAYNE it SLATER CO.. Sole Agts.. tth pi., Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. I2I.-7 rms. J.s"7 271 h"TTll7"' PaVkA ve" rioJ., ; 324 N. 27lh, Jii Webster H.T7. FFEKEI hm 8AI.K Houses mill tottagrs. FIVII-ROOM modern latce rooms; fun c irr.ei lot. N. K. corner 12th and Castfllnr. 122.60 BRICK house, six rooma and larse atllc, modern except heat. 2i2 4 North 2utli St. Some cencesslon to right pnrty. Webster 1651. UNEXPECTEDLY VACATKD Pix-room cottage and stable, 21t Pt., 117. 0; modern. Nine-room home near high school, new furnace, etc. : 127 M. TEL. DOUOI.A8 12M. SIX-ROOM cottage, r.od'ern rxi'ept heat, II2 lecstur. IX) per month. Red 1tj. T E M house, large lot," a iTm oi lerti except furnace; desirable parties; cheap. 2603 Bristol St. 6-ROOM, etiH'Hy modern house. 24lu Jones. $31. J. I. Kemp. 2513 Leavenworth. Douglss !iS: Ind.. A-2S.T,'. YOUR MOVING EXPENSE PAID $11.60 J-room apartment on corner main floor, 2T12 North 21st. $13.00 4-room mod. apartment, No. 21st St. ' J16.00 5-room cottage, dandy shape. close In, 1M6 raul st. t!8.00-6-roim modern rottaee. 1531 No. 21st St. $i.C0-I-mom apartment, 1704 Clark St. ROBINSON & WOLF. 435 Taxton Block. Thone Doug. 2411 MODKKN six-room house, 2710 Capitol Ave. Harney 1404. 72 S. 2mii St.. 8 rooms, completely modern, S3u.o0. Hall, iS3 Unmge. D. 7404. A -4403. FOR RENT Four-room cottago on 2Mh Ave. between lodge and Dougias streets. See Dexter L. Thomas, 412 Bee Bldg. THINK Central, cheapest 7-room houe with bath, basement. In city. Apply 220 N. 23d. (-ROOM cottage, modern except heat, :23 S. lsth 8... sis. 'I'none Harney Z3.j. K)3 DoDUE, b rooms, all modern. $37.60. Douglas 6-ROOM modern House. 1751 S. Dili St., FOR RENT rour-rooni cottage with basement ut 206 S. 2Mh Ave. Call Dexter L. Thomas, Room 412 Hee Building. IEMIS Park, 1014 N. 33d; modem, 7 room house. Doug. 6i.M. stores and Oft toes. WISH to sublet suite of five rooms in Cltv National Bank Bldg. Call D 4128. Uiuitlj at 23us Cuming bl. Store at 2106 Cuming St. H;ore at 93.1 N. 24th St. Store at 1"i06 Harney St. Of tice and sales room, lath & Harney Bts. 4-room office suite. 1M7 Farnam St. O. C. RED1CK. 1M7 Farnain St. 816 S. mh St. Near Farnam St.. second floor. 12x25 ft. ..steam heat, oak finish, marble floor. Reasonable rent. GARVIN BR08.. 354 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. LARGE brick factory bulldinir with about IR.ooO ft. floor space, with complete power plant and about an acre of track age. Cheap at $20,000. Cash exchange considered. See J. W. Rasp Co., 689 1 riranneiB Miflg. $17.50 Large store room, especially good location for bakery. 2f75 Cuming St. ROBINSON & WOLF. Phone Dougias 2418. 4.I6 Paxton Block. Darns. BARN or garage In Bemla Pork. Tel. Douglas 2107. Halls. WASHINGTON HALL Lodges, dances, banquets. C. C. Sorensen. D 2.125, A 1320. OFFERED FOK BALE. Furniture. PIANO, slightly used, at a bargain. Begerstrom Piano Mfg. Co., ltli and Painam Sts. ECLIPSE gas ranga. good condition. Phone Harney 1685. Musical InilrasKsU, FOR SALE Violin cello, valuable In strument, In perfect condition. 343 Arthur St. Benson Typewriters. LIGHT TOUCH MONARCH VISIBLE for rent. THE MONARCH TYP1 WRITER CO.. 411 S. 15th- Phone D 4o. SMITH PREMiERSr models No. 2 or No. 4, in excellent condition, rented three months for to. SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO.. lKih and Douglas. RENT an Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter .Co. Douglas 21)19. WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE of all makes of typewriters, factory rebuilt; prices rignt; it will pay you to see us bet ore buying. TYPE A RlTER INSPECTION AND SUP PLY CO., lXOu FARNAM ST. Miscellaneous. KINDLING. 14 load. II. Gross. W 2SI, FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and buwilng alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. Thj Brunswlck-Ualke-Coliunder Co.. 4U7-409 b. loth St. SIX-FOOT bookkeeper's desk, oak fin ish, for sale at Mo. Apply George V. Wright, Bee Publishing Co. FOR SALE Two scholarships in the Omaha. Commercial college and one In lioyles college. Business office, Omaha Bee. AUCTION SALE of 175 lota of umedeeiued household goods, November 27, 2. 29. Omaha Van and Storage Co.. 1120 N. ltri St. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand sales, all sizes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St, Get In the Game Electric Pianos. $100 each. Slot Ma chines, Athletic and Peanut Machines and Scales, new and id-hand. Write fur our list of bargains. Better still Come and see um. We also do repairing. ACME MACHINE CO. $124L'venwoith. Phones: H. 243; Ind. A-24I1 FOR RENT Richmond electric vacuum cleaner. Webster 6621. FOR BALE One four-chair barber shop with three booths', cigar stand pays the lent: beet of furniture. D. F. Marfleld. 112 West Broadway. Council Blutts, la. FOR SALE House to be moved, north side. Webster 412H. DIAMOND RING; 1 carat; also cluster pin. B 72. Bee FlA'lLHES fur sale. 3 wall cases. 6 counter cases, with tables. S. V. Jjnd tay, lol6 Douglas. l'EIUSONAL DR. MAXWELL CURES PILES. 4Us Om. Nat. Bk. Llug. PAY WHEN CURED. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. GUdlah Phaiinocy, 12th and Dodge. Massage, Rlttenhouse, Uos Old Bunion Bid. NURSERY caie, small children. W. 64.0. BABlt.8 to care for. Webster uMl. YOUNG women ' coming to Omaha as strangers are tnvltod to visit the Young Women a Christian association building at Seventeenth und St. Mary Ave., where they will be dlierted tu suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look lor our travelers' aid at the Union station. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace. stiengthen. 6uc. BELL DRUG CO. WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing machines, in J. A. 1003, Douglas luuj. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., luth and Harney Sts. f A KX A ( 1 h'. Treatment. Mra. Steele. iUAOOAUXl llUtl 1 iotl ge. Ground floor. MASSAGE Swedish movement: nothing better for rheumatum; ladles, $1; gentle men, i. Apt. 2, M rarnam. u. 6240. THE SALVATION ARMY soilclia cast- off clothing. In fact, anything you do not li ed, we lollect, repair and sell, at 134 N. 11th St., (or coot of collection, to the worthy pour. Call phone Douglua 4124 and wtigohK will call. MAbSAUEri't1'' w aromatic ma. Allen Chicago, 09 8. l'.lli St., 1st floor. D 7w5. MAGNETIC ret"'''l- E. lirott, 710 rEiisovi, Rabies lionrdetl Call Webster f..i& GOOD HtlM r; Dr. Buike, men's i1i. use 41 Doug. Blk ETTA GOLDSlA RYrmaiucuilng. lia r dressing; new pallors, $02 Neville. D. S91 MBS BN Y i E R. B weiiish inassn e. bat h7 radiator and tbrntor treatment. Tho Dunsnny, Klat J. loth and Pierce. D. 43.-0. 1 1 A Z EL I. E A F pYl.rc ilNEfl Heau remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles: ("c postpaid: sample free. Sherman & MvConnell Drug Co., Omaiia. M Its. STEELE has removed-to17vvi Dodae street, ground floor. Miss Lang, manicuring, vibratory mas sage tieatinents. R. 1, 2d floor, ll. Dodge. I N FOR M A Ti 6 N "ofll ; , Ty M org anTaged 11. son ot oioce and R. William Morgan, to his advitmsge. Thomas G. Hnwkes, Attorney, 142H i hestnut St., Phllailelphls. ANY contiolssenr of contectloperv will readily tell you that there are no candles which can outshine O'Briens In purltv or daintiness. If Mrs. M. F.. Ilasklns. 4M0 N. 4oth St.. will come to The Re olflcc. within (liree days we will give her an order for a 60-ccnl box of OBrlen's candy. roi'LTKlANlfiET STOCK ROUP easily cured by Bob White's Roup Cure, H)c box. If your dealer can not supply you, write us direct, sending dealers name. BOB WHITE CO., 2o4 N. lsth Kt., Omaha. Webster W17. FRESH GROUND BONE MAKES HENS LAY. VK HAVE IT. THE NEBRASKA PFED CO., ritONE P. 12il. Mil HOWARD ST- FIA)CK of homer pigeons for ralo at 24111 St. Webster 4S4 Screenings. $l.3ii per 100. Wagner, SOI N. 16. THOROUGH BRED Fox Terrier puppies. Pilce very reasonable. fl7 South 21th BU Douglas foOH, Independent A-35H3. HEAE ESTATE AHS'l It All OF 'II I I.E. Abstracts. M. T. Rrennsn, 324 Brandeis Th. Blll.DEHs' lM'OH)IAHOi, Electrlo gas fixturen. Omaha Silver CO. Ideal Cement Stone Co.. lTlit and fuming. Amer. Holy. Co., root g, paints. llimNloh. Fuclis, Son Ar Blind, pa i n ill i g, depurating. WAMED TO BUY. LIST your city property for sale with Vogel. 409 Karbach Bldg. CITY PROPER II FOR MALE. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. 1J ROOMS. ALL MODERN. We huva a two-apartment house, con taining 13 rooms, two oath rooms, seven bed rooms, with parldr, dining room and kitchen In each apartment, with new plumbing and good heating plant. This property Is too large tor personal owner and It Is a splendid proposition for some one who will buy It and divide It into four three-room apartments, owing to the arrangement of the house this work cnn be done at a very small ex pense and when completed the apart ments will rent for 26 each. The buyer ran live In one apartment, rent the rest and make a good Investment out of your home. The building Is well built and In good condition; only thirteen minutes' ride to the center of the city; one block from the Dodge street car line and In good teal deuce district. THE NUMBER 13 261 N. 20TH ST. It Is Just north of Ohio on the Flor ence Blvd. A good six or seven-rontn modern house will be taken In exchange at the right price. This proposition Is certainly worth looking at. NORRIS & MARTIN, 400 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4270. A -4270. A Real Bargain Close In We offer for sale a elx room, all modern home on Davenport Btt. only six block west of the High school. House 1e well built and Is heated by hot water; full size lot 60x132; newly paved street; paring paid In full. We are authorized to sell this property for $3,600, but think that price might be shaded a ' trifle if sold at once. The Byron Reed Co. Both phones. 212 South 17th. $1,950 BUYS A 5-R00M HOME House 1621 Manderson fit. all rooms are of good alsa. Has entry hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen on first floor; front stairway to second floor, where there are two good bedrooms and bath. Possession can be given In about 10 days. This is surely a good home In a good location, cloeo to car and stores. Will make easy terms; owner has cut the price down for uulck sale.' Hastings & Jieyden, 1614 Harney St A Snappy Snap Two-story suuaie all modern 6-room house with sleeping porckjoak finish first floor, all large rooms, south front lot, 4.1x132. This has been reduced from 14,000 to 13,750, small cash payment down. balance each month. Brand new, never been occupied. Go and look at It. Lo cated 3022 Seward St. Bemis-Carlberg Co. 210-312 Brandeis Theauir. I WANT OFFER 3003 Dodge St., 8 rooms all modern, room for another house or flat: well built end in good repair. Adjoins boulevard. Turner park and West Farnain district. I want 11,000 for my equity In this property, but will ronsldor any offer; or will take auto, vacant lot or cottage in exenange. IN VESTIGATE and make your offer. Owner, D-7h4. Care Bee. BENSON The rent you pay In Omaha will buy a better home In Benson, WELL BUILT HOMES. F.S.TllULLlNCJElt, UEXSON Modern 7 Room House Only $700 Cash New, all modern, 7 looms and attic: oak finish flint floor, maple second floor: cement walks. Price, IJ.itOO. Terms, 00 cash, balance easy. Large east front lot. 00X142. Benson & Cannichael HAHUALWS IN TltACKAUE Tm'ft U..A I ! i , s. 1.(1 Ii inA linnvl.. a,- on belt line in the new trscksicn dmtrici' 13,300 If sold at once. At Tenth and oavenport sts., 112x110 fui.1 uilli trHi-Ua f.i, nil hI,Im T..... ..... ary Improvements now bring u rental of l'J,200 per annum. The heal truckage In Omaha today; submit offer. KOlJiNtSON & WOLF 4I 1'rtXtuu Block. i'lions Douglas iUi. HKAI, Ksr.lTK mtv riini' Koit ir. NEW HOL'JSFi on PAYMENTS Seven rooms, 2i0 Spencer Bt.; brand new; will sell t salaried until on monthly payments, or rent to flrt cliiss tenant. C. S. KHKPARD, AH Wirt Kt. DUNDEE Bv owner, new, strictly ni xl crn house, rust front; 11.000 require!. Harney 4Wt. KKAL KSTATK FRM llll I tMl KOB MV. I rniKiln, 0 YOU want a farm In wesiern Can ada, where the crops this year are In nd vsnce of anything grown on the conti nent? For wheat growing, ilalryinv, mixed farming and cattle raising the province nf Alberta Is unsurpassed. I And are now offered bv the t'ANA Dl A.N PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY at prices ranging from $10 to MO an acre on 1AINO TERMS of payment or on the crop payment plan. Thlls Is paying for your farm with a portion of your crops each year. Land vnltira have Increased 50 per cent In two yoaia. Great opportunity for the homeseeker. Call or write for full particulars, book lets maps, etc. K. P. FLOU. General gent. Canadian Pacific Alberta Land Co., 440 Board of Trade Bldg. Fxruralon every Tuesday, See ma for rates. BRITISH COLUMBIA "My knowledge of land on uncompleted Ornnd Trunk can make you quick profits. Frank Crawford, S13 Homer Street, Van couver, or Omaha." Georgia. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTIC, BIRMINGHAM 6 ATLAN TIC RAILROAD. Inds adaptable to the widest range of crops. All tne money crops of the south f'lentlfolly produced. For literature treat, ng with this coming country. Its soil, climate, church and school advantages, write , W. II. Le'aIIY. DEPT. K. General Passenger Agent, ATLANTA. OA. Iowa. THK easiest way to find a buyer for your farm Is to Insert a small want ad In the Dea Moines Capital. Largest cir culation in the state of Iowa, 43.000 dally. The Capital is read by and believed In by the standpatters of Iowa, who simply re tuse to permit any other paper in their homes. Rates, 1 cent a word a day; 11.26 per line per month; count Tx ordinary words to the line. Address Des Moines Capital, Ties Moines, la. Minnesota. FOR SALE 200 acres; good buildings; will sell lees: inclose stamp. James Johnson, Owner, Bruno, Minn. Mississippi. "Go "South, Young Man" , Build yourself a home on th flulf Coast. No extremes of weather, either not or rota. "O aroutn. uood, rion lands from $10 up. We own them. Easiest of terms. We want farmers. Writ for our booklet COAST REALTY AND COLONY CO., Pascagoula, Miss. .Nebraska. SMALL RANCH ror sale near town, about 700 acres. Improved, li per acre; this Is a bargain. J. C. Berslna, Whit man, Neb. M IT.l4frl.lMK A anil llrh.ii,, lu rA ftv tin 194 Brandeis Blk.. Omaha. Neb. ' South Uakois. A PEW snsps In Brule county, South Dakota, lands; will pay railroad fare to buyers not satisfied. 3. A. tfTaifOty. pukwana, 8. D. Texas. EXCURSION to Monte Chrlsto (Texan), the beauutul, Tuesuay, Dec. 6. "The riant place" fur winter homes or investment. Write for booklet and other Information, a. K. Kellogg. Room 4, Hluart Biug., Audubon, la. Agents wanted. Utah. 320 ACRES FREE. Your homestead right good lor M acres, and no resiaenoe requited. We can locate you on some ot the choicest trams. 1 an also buy some choice tracts scnooi land cueap. Best land being rapidly laaen up. Act quick. Address Northwestern Lauus Co., 313 Dooly wk., Bait Lake City, Utah. REAL K8TATE LOANS WANTED City loan and warrants. W, Farnam bmlth c Co., liuo Farnam HL OMAHA Property and Nebraska Lands. O'KEEFE REAL EHTATE CO.. 10H New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. WANTED Ulty loans. Peters Trust CoT $100 to tlo.ooO made promptly. F. l. Weed., Wead Bldg., loth and Farnam. MONEY to loans on business or resi dence properties, l.OO to Snou.uio. VV, H. THOMAS, 603 First Nat I Bank Bldg, WANTED FARM LOANls. vestment company, Omaha. Kloke la- LOW RATES. BEMld-CAHLBERU CO., 310-312 Brandeis Theater Bldg. OARVIN HROH U"'n''. io0 and up. LARUE LOANH, municipal bonds, mul t gages bought and sold. MTULL IIHUB. FARM LOANBj no ooinmlssion; optional payments; cheap money; quick service. Orin tl. Merrill, US City Nat'l Bank Blug. I'OIC KALE OH EXCHANGE WIS exchange properties uf merit. C. W. Welsh. SIMi O. N. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 7toi6. 13,01)0, t&iOUO, I'.OoO, tlO.OOO, 116.0110, 130.000 stocks of dry goods and groceries to ex change for land or town property. Fre mont 8. Uibsun, Charles City, la. TO EXCHANGE Piano for board and room for three; mjst be first class home cooking. C 7X3, Bee. FOR HA LE M), or exchange besl pay ing grocery business; living looms, barn, horsa and buggy: rent $10 per month. 17th and Curtis Ave. MOUT picturesque 40 acres in America, 14 miles south of Council Bluffs on main traveled road. Ideal summer or country home or club. Every natural advantage springs, shade trees, grassy valleys, wind ing roads Price 7,tio0. Also highly improved 40 acres 4 miles from Glenwood. 15 acres orchard, bal ance cultivation; rolling, but not rough. Price Id.OfO. Address ii, Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs, la. ONE-HALF BLOCK FROM HANSCOM PARK. Will rent first floor of all modern house to young couple, owner employed during day, reserving second floor for self, and share cost of heating, or will rent entire hocse of It rooms, 3 baths, oak floors, large porch and yard to desirable tenant. Call Xunday or after tl In evenings. 1U17 H. list Ht. W ANTED TO IIUV 2d-hand goods. Kieser. 103) Center. I). IVWA. LMrotTBhsmee F"ur Co., 700 N. lblh, 4. Ulio omaiia. We buy all kinds of raw furs; pay high prices 'fry us. TmjN'T miss seeing Miss Lang at the American theater. If Mrs. C. W. Mc Knlght, IIS No. 40th Ht., will com to The Bee oflfce within three days we will give her an order for two tickets. WANTEle TO KENT FAMILY of four seeks high-closa board ing place; must be suitable for cultured people, neighborhood and house must be lilgh-claaji: near West Farnain bt. Ad dress D ICO, care Bee. THREE adults und 4-year-old want completely furnished apartment. Please do not teply uiiIkms neighborhood and all else qualifies for refined people; West Farnam district. Audreys C (, care Bee. ' WANTED Furnished sulie near good boarding place, suitable for family of lliiee adult and child. No objection to outskirts if near Furnem Ml. Oniy high giade place tulinlUered. Address N )&d, care Leg. WANT!.!) HITfATlOXR PHACTTCAI. nurse, t n'l H MK). A .lil I'tiPI'I'ION- by" thlKl-Tcar lilwh "echonl bo ; will ork from 12 to D.30 p. in. M. 4V. Bee. Vol NO man, uood ruihlt, wants pom Hon In Keneial store rr office work for " 'i hv;. E 7v.V B. e. liisiriuN wnnlml b- moving pldurn opeiator. steady, expcrlenued. Addreoa O 7i. He. WHITE Woman desires day work, neat and clean. 'Phone D. 7)0. eM TP A T ION "w snt ed A' "7naTig7r of general store, country lown; experienced. O t'.U. Bee. "in- high school guiduate. slenograplier, clrrlcnl or . bookkeeping; unexperienced. L 10. Roe. AN (tliicaied wonnin riestree work in Omnlia or elrewhere In Institution or fam ily to ssiiKt in keeping and taking cars fif children. Webster 177. YtU'.NO man wants position as bar temtei ; expevlenced. (t fllfi. Bee. .1 A l-'A N KH K wlsocs position as gnneral useful man. O 7T2. Bee. WHIlINi alid ctu tains done. T. II. 74M. Ht 'OK K e El i'lfti iTnd cTcTiTal w-SriT evenings ami 8a(urdays; use typewriter. Address 1. 741, Bee. REFINED young lady wants position In good family ns companion, or other pleasant work for the Inter, In or out of the city. Addroes II 7TS cure Bee WANTED Bundle wssTiliig, or work by the day; while woman. F. 771 Bee. COLORED women wants general house work by the week. fV: N. At. Re.16747. ELDERLY lady wishes position In goo() home as housekeeper for an elderly widower on farm. Wrlto to ltKM N. 27th Pt., or Telephone Webster 3135. VUl. Nil man working way through col. lege would like a place to work out room and board. O 77, Bee. ' EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, corre- OOlllleril. cm ImIh. b n.l ull rnilnil ittfin man Is mien for i-maii i.,n w ?wi POSITION wanted by lady stenog apher; take rapid dlctallon. N T7K, Bee. a ili 1 1 1, ,i . ; i.. .. . i i . i '' luii'i'i.n m''u imiy uesires iHipirion as housekeeper for widower. References exchsnged. IMS N. 27th 8t. YOUNO lady with one year s experi ence us stenographer wishes it position In a firm; sulary according to ability. O 763. Bee. THREE young ladles, piano player nnd singer, want position In picture show, ex perienced. Douglas ttfc'iS. K 77ft, Bee. GOOD, reliable, sober man wants posi tion as janitor or watchman; can give good references. George Fuller, til u Min ster, Council Bluffs, la; i OI NO MAN wants to work nights andSuiiday, or either. H 77, Bee. WANf KIJ-A position Tni Some nice family as nurse girl for one or two chil dren by a nice young colored girl. Ad dress Miss Iivetta Martin. W3 N. 7th Ht., Ave, t. Nebraska Clly, Neb. MU8T HAVE WORK while attending school or quit; will do any honest work for board and room. Phone Douglas 4194. WANTED Position as housekeeper bv respectable middle-aged lady. prefer home with children. Also experienced as nurse. Address Mra. Maris Turner, gen eral delivery, Council Bluffs, la. A NEAT colored alrl desires lxisltion: general housework. Phone Douglas fuliU. WHAT Is Christmas wlinuut a nice box of tho famous candy made bv D. J. O'RrlenT If Mrs. George Hcott. 301! Ames Ave., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a mi-cent box of O'Brlon'a randy. live sixkriTlmtkEToixvE Khln Vol I e I nclr iA m.m , , k. , t . n . .. mileage and ghrlnkage; your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. LIVE 8TOCK COMMISSION MER CHANTS. Byera Bros. A Co. Ptrong and responsible. WOOD BROS.. t34-aH Exchange Bldg. Great West. Com. Co.. Omaha At Denver, W. R. HMUH At HON just ham.. shoep. W, F. DENNY .CO., tig Exch. Bldg. TAGG BRQ8. handl cattle, hogs, siiesp. Clay, Robinson At Co., HQ Exch, Bldg. Interstate Co. Better results, tihlp to ua. BURKE-RU.KLy tO.. m Exch. Bldg. L. E. ROBERIH A CO., 1J Exoh. Bidg. Cox A Jones Com. Co., bunch of hustlers. I aimers U H. Com. Co., HQs Exchange. Deposit proceeds of shipments In Muck Yards Nat 1 balik. Only bank at yarda. Martin Bros, at Co.. Ajj-4 Ex. Bldg. Alex O. Buchnnan At Hon. tM-ooKs7 Blug. OMAIIA, XUU7xTtAlN AUlUiEXTT Nebraska-Iowa Oram Co., 764 Brandeis. VVTCEIiH GRAIN CO., grain mercliaiiU,' consignments solicited. 7U3 Brandeis. .RUBER! 8 GRAIN CO., grain consign, menta solllted, grain bought to arrive. ,2H Brandeis. VOL'H husband and son are looking for ward to dessert time they know that you have ordered some of DaHcll's Ice cream. II Mrs. F. Tablnr, 203 N. 44th St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart, brick uf this cream. HAILWAY TIME CAKO UNION STATION TentU and Maao a Union I'aclfle San Fran. Overl'd L..a It.ib am a 7 40pm China & Japan F. M...a 4.0a pm a B:4o pin Atlantlo Express a 0:4fi am Oregon Express all . If) pm a 6:10 pm Los Angeles i,im a....sjJ:o pm a 8:30 pm I lenver MoerlMl s 7 '114 am 7-97 u ... Centen'al Htate Hp'oT.all 80 pm al2ai am Cinrmia Fanrss .a 8:30 nm l in Oregon-Wunti. Ll't'd..all:&0 pm a 8:ao pin riuriii i muo imiriimb am m i:m pm Grand Island Local. ..a S:30 pm a 10: 30 am otromsuuig &joia ui.ii iiu u 1:20 pal 1 nillXO, Hues. J 1 II 11 w I HGI 1 11! EAST. l.tsi Vn 1 1 11 a n l.trf u "fl am a1A.1T . Chli-Hgo Ixical Paas....bl0:3& am blO lO pm Chicago Day Ex a B:46 am a 4:30 pm Chicago Express a 4:10 pin a 1:10 pm Des Moines Local Paa.a t:27 iiiti al3:13 urn Chicago-Neb. Limited.. a t us pm a 7.47 am WEST, Chl.-Neb. Lmtd to Lin- coin a 8:01 am a I It pm Chi. -Colo. Express a 1:15 pin a 4:00 pm UKl. at rex. ciyrn.,,i o.w put ail am Rocky Mountain Ltd..al0:46 pin aU:30 am Missouri Pacific K. C. Sc. Ht. L. Fx. ...a 9 .70 am a 7:40 am K. C. & Bt. L. Ex....all:l5 pin a6:Mpm f blcaao, Mllnaskcs At g. Paal Overland Limited a 7:W pm :13 am perry Local a 6:30 am 11 ou pm Colorado Express a 1:00 pm i.tb pm Colorado special u.a 7:43 am 6:60 am Perry Local , b S4& pro 12. u6 pm Ibtcago A Aorlkntmrra NORTHBOUND. Mlnn.-Ht. Taui Ex. ...b 7 00 am Minn.-Ht. l'aul L t d. ..a 6:00 pm a 1:00 am Twin City Express. ...a 7:4s aiu alO 20 pm Hloux City Local. ..'...a 3:4i pm a 3 i8 pm Minn. 4 Dakota Ex. .a 7 :) piu t V 16 tm Twin City Limited. .. .a U:4o pm a 7:30 am Minnesota Kxpicua alLoo am EAST BOUND. Carroll Local a 7:00 am a 6:10 pm Daylight Chicago a 7:40 am alO 40 pm Chicago Local alii : 00 pm a 3:28 pin Colurado-Chli ugo u 6:10 pin u S:i pin Chicago Hpecial a 6.03 put a 0 4J am l'ac. uoust-Clilcugo a 6.36 pm a K .'.l pm Loa Angeles Limited. . a b.M pin all:30 pm Overland Limned a 7 bo pm a v:16 am Carroll Local a mi pm alo oo a:n Post Mall a .W piu a 1:36 pm Cedar Ruplds, tiloux ic Omaha a 3:35 pm Centennial State l.ltii. 13.40 am 11:15 pm WESTBOUND. Long Pins a l oo am all 00 am Norlulk-Dallas a k tio am al0:li pm Long l'iiie-Liiicolu..,.a 2:lj pm a &:-' put lluallngs-Huperlor ,...b !H pm a 6,-0 pm lHalwood-llut Sp'gS..a 3 66 pin a pm Casper-lander a - pm ull:00 pm Freuiout-Aiblon b l.M pm u i.U pm Wal.asb Omaha Ft. Louis Eg, .a 0 20 pin a 9:15 am Mail and Expris.1 a 7:0.' uin ulLiA pm Stunb'y L. (from C.H.)b t.iri pm blu:li am Illinois tealral Chicago Express a 7:00 am a 3 46 pm t.'hicugu Uuuivd a 6.00 pm a 1.00 am It UMVAV TIME ( Al(l I lili'siin (.rem W estern Chicago Llnilleil a 8 ?i pm .... Tv l Clly Liniied a S SIS pm a 7 4 am Twin city i-:siues....a 14 am n s .v) pm Chicago ExpieNs a 1.15 pm Ical pnsscnger a t:16 pin Hnrllnntoit Matlon Tenth A Ua llurllaglou- Denver California.. 1'UK' t Sound Express. Nvlr.ikt points Bl.ick Hills Lincoln Mull Nottlnvem Express.., Nebraska points Nrhiuhku Express.... Lincoln Local Schuyler-l'lattuniouth Lincoln Local Piattsmouth-lowa .... ltcilevue-l'lsltmontn Chicago Hpecial lenver Hpeclul Chicago l'.xpress Chle. Fast IlxprcMs., Iowa laical CreMnn (la ) I oc.1... Pt. Louis Express K. C. & 8t. .Icw-pU..., K. C. & Ht. Joseph. .., 1C C. At St. Joseph... I'epnrt. a 4 10 pm a 4:14 pm n V) am n 4 10 pm b 1 :S0 pm all:3.i pm a a .20 am a 1 lii am b SM pm Arrive, a I.4.1 pm a 3.4.1 pin n 6.10 pm n 3 45 pm ft.12 15 pm ii "AO am a 1.10 pm a 6:10 pm a I:fl1 am MO 20 am b 8 0S am a tl :.') nn; a 3 40 pni all:lA pm a 7:t pni n S lfi pm a l:) am alO so am hl0:4r. am all:.4) am a 6:45 am a 6.10 pm a l) lx at: so a 7:l.i nil a 4 i a :M a :lf. b a 4 sr. al04S a 1:15 a 4:30 am pni am pm pm pm am Pm pm pm am pin Webster station nth nnd Webster. MlssniM-1 , Pacific nivr, Ieparx, b 1:50 pm bll:55 am l'aul, Minneapolis Auburn Local I lllt'MgO, g, Omaha Arrive. ...b 6:1S pm . ...h 6:4a am Depart. blJ oS pm c ii 15 pm c 9.2u pm Sioux City Expres. Cmaha lcal Hloux City Pass.... Twin City Pass Emerson Ixical (b) dally except only, ta) dally. b l:M pm b 9:10 am Sunday, (c) Sunday (KEAN STEAMSIIira 20,000-Miu Cruise lty Ih 8.S. BLntCnER LeaTlngt New York Jan. 2D, 1112 Flirts f esll t Fort of attain. i'ernasaco . . lantoa, i5i eiffBH Aires isrrnas Arenas (thre'isk the ( - mr Straits ( Maa-el- last, Yaloaratso. El Janeiro, Itabla. Para, rldgetowa, and a visit to the PANAMA CANAL Optional Bide Trips Ererywlwr, ZZlZ M DAYS c-. $359 A Us Oral, a, tn tU Orlesf, Wnt lnt, Jrossg lAs Worn, Hals sad g;rl,Oa. Bead for Illustrated booklets. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE IjO W. Randolph bu, Chicago, or local ag.. i GOVERNMENT NOTICES GOVERNMENT HALE INDIAN LANDS Absolut Title Given the unalloted lands of th Choctaw and Chickasaw Na tions of the Five Civilised Tribes In Ok lahoma, and not Including the coal and timber segregations, will be sold at pub lic auction to the highest bidder at th following terma, times and plaoea t not less than th minimum price stated In th advertisement: Grady county, Chlck asha, 5-H3 tracts, 37,500 acres, November 2, 1, 4; Htephens county, Duncan. 730 tracts, (9,300 acres, November; 6, 7 8; Jefferson county, Ryan, 701 tracts, 49,400 acres, November , 10, 11; Love county. Marietta, b!A tracts,- 75,500 acres, Novem ber 13, 14, 16, 111; Carter county, Ardmore, 1,1,8 tracts, R3.309 acres, November 17, If, 10, 21. -a. 23; Murray county, Sulphur, 3.4 tracts, 26,000 acres, November 24, 35; Gar vin county, Pauls Valley, til tracts, fc,500 acres, November 27, 11. 2D; McClaln county. Purcell, 2S5 tracts. 14.000 acres. December 1, 2; Pontotoc county, Ada, 5!ft) tracts, 45,300 acres, December 4, 5, 6; Johnson county, Tishomingo, 564 tracts, 30,200 acres December 7. 8. V; Marshall county, . Madlll, 271 tracts. 18,500 acres, December 11; Bryan county, Durant, 50g tracts, 16,100 acres, December 13, 13; Atoka county, Atoka, 1,300 tracts, 124.000 acres, December 14, 15, 10, 11, 111;' Coal county, Coalaate, (KH tracts, 54,600 acres, Decem ber 20, 21, 22; Hughes county, Calvin 437 tracts, 50,700 acres, December 26, 27; Pitts burg county, McAlester, 1,630 tracts, 167, 100 acres, December 28, 29 10, litll; Janu ary 1, 2; Haskell county, Hllgler, 411 tracts, 30.300 acres, January 8, 4; Latimer county, Wllburton, 191 tracts, 15,000 acres, January 5; Leflore county. Poteau, 276 tracts, 21,soO acres, January 6; Pushma- -taha county, Antlers, 641 tracts, 62,000 acres, January 1, 9, 10; Choctaw county, Hugo, 5til tracts, S7,5o0 acres January 11, 12, 13; Mccurtain county, Idabell, 771 tracts, 64,500 acres January 18. 16, 17. 18, 19)2. Not mor than 160 acrea of agri cultural and 640 acrea of other lands will be sold to on person In any on nation, minimum valuation of 18.00 or mor per acre. Verms ar 35 per cent at th time of sale, 36 per cent In twelv months, and 50 per cent In two years, with t per cent Interest. Payments must be mad In th form of draft or certified check, payable to J. G. Wright, commissioner. Upon full payment being made at any time deed will Isnu. Immediately after approval of sale certificate ot purchase will Isau and possession ba given, but cutting of timber or drilling or raining for minerals thereon will not be per price. Right la reserved, to relent ,apg,or all bids. For Information si'uly to th Commissioner to th Flv Civilised Tribes. Muskogoe, Oklahoma, or any ot the Dis trict Agents as to lands within their re spective districts. Lists of these lands have been prepared by counties, showing the terms of sale, the description of th various tracts and minimum price. It will be Impracticable to furnish each In quirer ell of these lists, and It la sug gested that persona desiring such Infor mation specify th locality In which they are Interested. Blua prints of the various counties, showing the location of th land to be sold, will be furnished upon appli cation to the undersigned upon th pay ment of 10.60 for each county In the form of draft or postal money order. J. O. WRIGHT, Commissioner to the Flv Civilised Tribes, Muskogee, Okla homa, August 1, 1911. LECAL NOTICES. NOT1CK TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids wilt be received until noon, December 1, 1911, at the office of th undersigned, for th construction ot a building at Curtis. Nebraska, for th School of Agriculture. PI sua. specifica tions snd bidding blanks are ou til at th otflc of Buid F. Miliar. Architect. 734 Brandeis Theater Bldg.. Omaha, and th office of secretary of state, Lincoln. ADDISON WAIT, N14-d-lGt becrolary of biat. AUCTION OF SCHOOL LAND. Notice la hereby given that on the 14th day of December, lull, at 1 o'clock p. ni . at the office of thu county treasurer of Douglas county, th commissioner ' ut public lands and buildings, or his au thoilned representative, will offer for at puMta auction all ertucutlonul lands within said county upon which for feiture of contracts li been declared, as follows: Ne' ne',; rrV4. !' nw'i BVi 30-15 J. Thomas Murray. Fructlonal sw'i ne'i ',; 19-16-11, Ida A. JurgeusoD. E. B. COWLEK Commissioner ot Public Lands und Build ings. Dated November 18. 1911. X3l-S30o TILE OMAIIA BEE The Omaha Bee reaches word readers in Ouaaha than any other paper. " 4 . ' mm ni u. mil