Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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Tllli ItKK:
Tv Tr rrlat It.
Oa-nha Ocncrsl Hatpltsl, Dour. 855.
Errptiaj Caocolrts CCc Al 'rrs-LiKlun.
, Tltr. rixtur, fliu jtis-Oranilsn.
C:n. ICno'i W. Kx'wrt auto I epuli s
SUr riBtlnt, om. I'IuMiik Co. D.SiSo.
Mrs. Gere; Vax:t Divoio Anna S.
'.p.igo Ftni'tcl suit fir divorce
n:,lnst Oarnice II. iJeorgv.
-' tol'i!i Will Dnno Tlie illn
Uu nltl (?Ue a (liindng puny at Cham
lrr!' awule-ry Ttienlav evening.
Keep Tcnr Money and Trsltiatij la the
AincrioHii riu'o rpos.t vaulta la tlia
lipo ti!i!c3 !! if. Uuxea int for S3 per yaar.
Batter Write that Check for the liar
fiiil i1iii.iiial I'lmivh. Nineteenth and
l.othrn'n sireyf. nri niti it loSay. They
are raltir.s $i'X, Sunday, the 2Ctti. fur a
Urt-ater Omaha.
Juaas ar.a Clerka to Be raid Claim
of Judges and clerks of election who
served at the general election of No
vamber 7 liuve been allwid by the
Hoard of County Commissioner and
will be paid Monday. They total $1,510.
Benaoa Camp Benefit Renson camp
cVo. 288, Woodmen of the World, la mak
t7jng arrangements to furnish JiD candi
dates for one floor of the new eighteen
! story skyscraper. To do this, the camp
will the a benefit dance Tuesday night
Saloon Han Rued Anton Baznr, 1 a
South Omaha aaloonkeVper, Is made de
fendant in a suit filed In the district
court y Anna Spokes, who aske 110.0W
damage. She allege that her husband
haa been made an habitual drunkard by
liquors aold and given him by Bazar.
Baaaar X.04; Electa Banner lodge
JCo. 11. Fraternal Union of America, held'
lta annual election of officer Thursday
evening, and the following were elected:
Fraternal master, A. I-riKfe!t; Justice,
Nellie P. Van Horn; secretary, J. B.
Mason; treasurer, Cora Carrtngton:
mercy, Clara Curtis; truth, Minnie lng
Wt; guide, Arthur C. Van Horn; guard,
Harry Downs; sentinel, Frank Robertson;
musician, Emily Oore; assistant musician,
Florence Green.
f Pew Nebraskans . :
wouia sailors
if yN'eve
f JlOHtofl
Never during the six years the naval
King station has been here In the
Jiostoffice building hits business been so
poor as It was last week. Twenty-four
aspirants to btcome sailors and ride the
rough,' roiiBh sens far from home took
I the examination, but none was enlisted.
" But three of the twenty-four passed the
examination, and thenc were prevented
from enlisting by their parent.
Itecords show that never before lias
thero been a week that there has nut
lcn at least three or four taken Inro
the service at the local station. The
officers In charge of the station are all
eellng blue over last week's poor record,
iVt state they are going to work over
time uxt week to make up the deficit.
, .
Miss Florence filmnis of New Tork City,
national Industrial secretary of the Young
Women's Christian association, waa a
guest of honor at a luncheon given at
the Omaha Commercial club Saturday by
Young Women's. Christian association
Sommlttee composed of Mrs. Clement
Phase, Mrs. George Tilden, Mrs. C. C.
George, Mrs. Kmma F. Byers and Mlas
A number of business men were present
to meet Miss Blmms, at the Invitation of
the committee. They were: Arthur C.
Krultu, Charlca II. Pickens, J. II. Millard,
W. Wattles, M. T. Barlow, C. C. Bel
den, W. 8. Wright, J. E. Ba'um, George
A. Joslyn, C. JI. Wllhelm, Charlea T.
Kountze, Arthur Brandels, F. P. Kirken
fdall, C. N. Diets, Henry W. Yaies, T. C.
i-Byrne, N. II. Loomis. Clement Chase,
U'harles C. George, O. M. Hitchcock,
Joseph Polcor, C. K. Yost, Joseph Hayden,
W. J. Monaghau and Otto H. Barmettler.
A,ellevuegets big
i The friends of Bellevue college are re
1 juicing over a recent addition of 10,0rt0
to the endowment fund. The donor is a
prominent Nebraskan, who promises It on
condition that the proposed 3u0,CKX fund
be completed. During the last few days
the autn of 12. OX) haa been added by local
dehors to the current funds. Recently
the pastor of one of the Nebraska
n:uuri;nes nouriea me college that he
would be responsible for S1.000 to be used
m any way the trustees mlirht nrw.
Letter from prominent churchmen In
Nebraska Indicate a widespread Interest,
not only In the completion of the fund
for the willing but the debt ofthe college,
hut also in the program for endowment.
DKI MOlNKH, la., Nov. i.-Mr. L. J.
Parmenter, aged 76, is still In her long
sleep at her home here. Her condition
tonight remains the fame as It has been
since she fell asleep at 1 o'clock last
Tuesday merning. Eho looks entirely nat
ural and Is breathing regularly. How
ever, physicians say tnat she cannot live
much longer. I
14,009 acres of f'laho s Debt Jand will be
sold under the Carey act at Jerome De
cember U. 181k Theso lands are part of
the Great North Side Tract (a Kuhn en
terpri&e). and are considered especially
choice tor apple and general fruit cul
ture. Small cufh payment and long time
J on deferred payments; low rate of Inter-
a'miI. For an iniunnauun wrue or wire
w,be xwtn rails North Bide Land and
Water Co., MUncr, Idaho.
Huve you a cold with
10 --'o
LlLrn. lioRraenss
'uncLIti. c?rfniw rrn
aathmatlo or pulmounry
co null with sore ohc-Kt 9
liun tbo baby croup.
wnoopiDg cotifa or
ineualos cough?
sampue. nuot.
Tbea test tlio oli
reliable 1)h. jBcu.'-
Oouoa BvBcr, free.
WriUto A.C. WktebA Co.,l?a!
tluiore, MJ. Minion tliis paper.
(T A m 1.4 MM ...i ...... K
I and one boum of Ir. Lull's I wikti l-yrus uurnl ui
1T. HuirsCoiigbHyriipconuin nomurjiUine
er nuoiuiurui. m 1 Mivq iui4 UM,
Happenings of the Week t Varioui
Urstlei-akle 1'orea ef Kleallaa1
aobbers ' Pointed Oatr-tll-
raae'e cheul fee "l.lttle
The Kearney State Normal was eie
clally foivd Friday by a visit from
Prvaldeut John It. Kirk of the Ftnte
Norma) school of Kirksvllle, Mo. The
chapel KTlod was postponed from W:V
until ,i:l."., thus enabling Dr. Kirk to be
present ut the assembly. He gave a ver
inspiring address to the students. He
was en route to Bait' I.ake City, where be
wan scheduled for an uddress In the
Mormon tiibernacle Sunday.
The State Board of Kxamlners. consist
Ing of Superintendents Waterhouse of
Kremont, Bodwell of Beatrice and Flatter
of Aurora, visited the normal Thursday
Tbo "A'ot-a-8how." an annual evert
gntten up by the Young Women Chris
Dan association and the Young Men's
Christian association, occurred In the
normal building Friday evening. Th
different events of the entertainment
were very creditably presented and the
evening Immensely enjoyed by the student'
Dr. A. R. WlnKhlp. editor of the New
England Journal of Education, delivered
a lecture at chapel upon "Ureat American
Authors." His address was exceedingly
Instructive and entertaining. Dr. Wln
ship'e personal acquaintance with many
of America'! great literary lights made
his addresa extremely Interesting. Hi
also addreesed the senior later In the
Wednesday morning Father' Muenster
mtin of ft. Jamea' Catholic church was
present In ohapel and with him were
Fathers Welsch and tark, .who have
been conducting a mission In the Kearney
church. Fathers Welsch and Ptark made
very Interesting talks to the students.
President Thomas went to Alma to de
liver a lecture at the county agricultural
and domestic science exhibit.
Thanksgiving day and the day follow
ing. November 80 and December 1, the
normal students will en.loy a vacation,
resuming their work Monday, lei-em-ber
4. '
WATKB N on M A I..
Brief Mention of the I W eek's llap
pealnns. President Conn made a business trip to
Norfolk Bat ui day.
Tho fire escapes that were ordered by
tho board for the Women's dormitory have
been received and will be put In place
at once.
As was originally planned the school
will have two days' vacation at Thanks
giving time. However, a Saturday ses
sion was held In order to dismiss Tues
day evening and allow the students tc
leave for their home on Wednesday.
The Wayne Normal quartet will give a
concert at Wausa under the auspices
of the Ep worth league of that place. Miss
MoBeth will accompany the quartet and
give a number of readings.
Prof. Brltell arrived home the last-of
the week after a ten days' visit to other
state normal schools. On this trip he
visited the State Normal school at Man
kato, Winona, Ia Crosse and Cedar Falls.
Carpenters .are at work removing
partitions in the east dormitory, which
la to be converted Into rooms tor the
model school. The temporary partition
placed in the gymnasium during the sum
mer will new be removed and the first
floor of the auditorium building again
used as a gymnasium.
The improvements provided for at the
last session of the legislature are
progressing In a very satisfactory manner.
The sewer and water system with the
exception of a few minor details is now
complete. Two weeks more of good
weather will enable the contractors to
have the new building enclosed. This
will permit the workmen to proceed with
the interior finishings during the wintei
and It Is expected that the building will
be ready to occupy about May 1. Students
and members of the faculty are looking
forward with a great deal of pleasure
to the time when they will be permitted
to move from their present cram pec
quarters into this splendidly equipped
Tuesday was senior day at the Normal.
The class took charge of the regular
chapel exercises of the school. Imper
sonating members of the faculty. Gerald
E. Crops Impersonated President Conn
and made some good hlta In making an
nouncements and In introducing the, othei
parts on the program. Among the
distinguished visitors present was Jane
Addams of Chicago, who gave a talk on
woman's suffrage. A sextet furnished
special music and the performance was
enriched by class songs and class yells.
Maslc Department Receive
Stelaway Plaaa.
The music department of the Chadron
Normal school is delighted with the new
11,100 iitrmway piano received this week.
At chapel Mies Elliott gave several in
strumental numbers, also vocal selec
tions, thus giving an Illustration of the
powr and quality of the piano both as a
fcolo instrument and for accompaniment.
The orchestra la practicing faithfully
and expects to be able to furnish music
for chapel and all entertainments and
gatherings held In Normal building after
the holidays. "
Plana ar- being formed for the Instruc
tion of the young women in physical
training. A competent -teacher will be
secured who will have charge of this
work and of the oral expression. It is
hoped that regular training in gymnastics
and coachli)g In Indoor work may be given
to the young men soon. A competent di
rector of this work for the young men Is
now here, but no suitable place can be
found as yet.
Public speaking and debating la receiv
ing attention in the Kjigliah classes and
the librarian of the Chadron public
library is kept busy trying to ;ij-ly ihe
demands of tV.3 students, t'.ic library at
the Normal not having yet been opened.
The couimcrc'lal department Is growing
rapidly. It received four new typewriters
last week.
The faculty hold monthly meeting", en
deavoring to hold each member to the
tlve-mlnute limit of talk. At one luit
week, so many good ti pica having been
brought home from the State Tea,r'
association that convened in Omaha last
week, the five minutes had to be ex
tended. Next week President Sparks will
speak on "Normal 8choo Relationship."
More than a ton in weight was the first
consignment of apparatus received this
week for the science department. Tt la
being unpacked and pat In place prepaia- !
tury to a aeomd shipment to be made
trom the supply house of Boston, which
is expeftc-il very soon.
The rresvnt warm weather has allowed
the lui-UllHtion of the gas plant. The
machine Is of the latest type and has a
capnclty of 1 burnem.
The otie-mlnut program clock Is here
ready f,,r Installation as erwn as the
electricians got the wiring done. Tints
will i automatic program elgnale la each
one of the looms.
Tho model school, under the auuorvls'.on
of Mrs. Rustln and Mies Drlcill, la be
ing taken advantage of by all practice
tcarhers in the highest grade of Uie Nor
mal. tVwlng to lack ot room, halt the
grariea had to be omitted this year, at
least until the holidays '
Normal Quartet (a Haklsg a Wrrk'i
Trip la rttei-M Krltraaka.
The Peru Normal male quartet left
Thursday morning on a week' series of
concert engagement tinder the direction
of the National lucrum bureau. It rang
Nin Scrlbner, Wlsner, Ainsworth and other
points on the Northwestern line. Th
quartet this year is composed of Profi.
Homer and Rosshouse and Messrs. Ander
son and Wlckland.
Dr. B. L. Shellhorn of the State Foard
of Kducatlou haa Just let a contract for
th building of a fine residence la Peru.
Miss Muu of the art department ha
purchased the property of Prof. L. B,
Olmstead. who leaves for Washington,
D. C. December l. to take up work In
the I'nited States Bureau of Standards.
Prof. Howie was In Nebraska City yes
terday refereelng a game of foot ball.
Agreeable to the custom of a number
of the faculty giving an address at the
Tuesday morning convocation period
Trof. R. H. House spoke last Tuesday on
"Interesting Boys and Girls In the Best
President Hayes addressed the open
meeting of the Peru Economical club
Tuesday evening on the subject, "Co-Operation."
Another Important address at
this meeting was one by Prof. Duncansen
on the' cost and plans for paving th
streets leading from the Burlington depot
to the Slate normal grounds. A com
mittee was appointed to dram- up prac
ticable plans for financing the paving
lTof. C. H. Weeks la In Alma this week
Instructing In stock judging e. the Harlan
county short course In agriculture. He
ddresxed the teachers of the county yes
terday on the teaching of agriculture In
the public schools.
Colombia's President Deplore Ten
deacr Asaons; Teachers.
Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, president
of Columbia university. In his annual re
port, attacks educational snobbery. He
ays that in American schools and col
leges there lias developed a demaad for
teachers who have a Ph. D. tacked to
tWlr names, and that this haa caused
what 1 term a deplorable form of edu
cational snobbery.
"This fact," he says, "has given to the
degree of doctor of philosophy a commer
cial value which it ought not have, and
It has sent to Columbia university and to
all American universities no Inconsidera
ble number of students whose aim Is not
graduate work or training in methods of
research, but simply the acquisition of a
higher degree. LJke the candidate for
admission to the bar of England, who
muat eat so many dinners at one of the
designated Inns of the court, the candi
date for the degree of doctor of philoso
phy, who approaches hi work from this
very practical point of view, regard him
self as entitled to receive the degree when
he has been in residence so many terms,
or has attended so many coarses, or Jias
gained a given number of point, or ha
paid a designated minimum fee."
Educational Note.
Columbia university ha arranged a
erica of lecture on agriculture to be
''veil by sixteen exnerts on farm science
during December.
Among the reforms Initiated In New
Jersey by Governor Woodrow . Wilson i
t sweeping revision of the common
chools, and to this end he appointed
ifter careful Investigation Calvin N. Ken
lull as commissioner of education.
Thirty . little girls, lesa than 12 years
)ld, and two boys less than 19 year old
re pupils In the first school for "little
nothers and fathers," an enterprise, th
'rat of Its kind, just started by a Chi
cago tiettlement. Incidentally attention
i thuw called to the unpleasant fact that
houMtnds of babies have to take car
f other babies while the mother arc
t work.
James J. Ryan, a retired builder of
'hliudelphla. haa placed in the band of
Cardinal Gibbons securities valued at
W.OiO for the establishment of a choir
lu scripture In the new Gibbons memorial
hall of the Catholic university at Wash
ington. Hellevae College Nate.
Among the Omaha people who attended
tho Doane-Hellevue game Saturday Were
Mr. and Mr. Charles M. Wilhelin, Mr.
ind Urn. C. F. McGrew. Mr. and Mrs.
Henry E. Maxwell, Dr. and Mrs. Nesbit
of Tekamah. Dr. and Mrs. Ijlchtenwalner
and Alias Ryale of Omaha.
Friday morning at charwl service Dean
A A Ti.1.. In un n .4 .... . L - .............
... ... ... ... i 1 1 , T niuurim
and faculty, took occasion to Inform them
(. ft.... l .w. .-. . . . t .
alumnus of the college, who delivered the
commencement address here last June,
has bean elected mayor of Hohenectadv,
N. on the socialist ticket by the "arg
ent plurality ever given a candidate lor
that office In Schenectady.
With the close of the foot ball season
attention at Bellevue is being turned to
debating. The question selected for this
year's triangular debate between Bellevue,
Doane and Cotner I as follows: "It-
Finest Beer
Ever Brewed
Tell "Ceonrew to hzlne I
you Elatz. Watch for
the label the triangle
It stands for quality.
"Atwaym thm sama
Good OU Blatz" '
from MUwaukots
aoj-ioni Mmctsim, ata.
rkMI IMf Lm Mil
, yr Ujaiii titter.
solved. ThM ell jurt" ohr then fVoVrel
j'mgr ptioiiiii i mimrei io ine rC(lll.
Although the final contests do not come
err until March S. l:n, preliminary de
bates and thorough preparation will br
the onU-r of thrnm fnun now on In this
department. Five of lest veers Inter
C' debaters aradiiHted with the
cls of ln. but there Is abundant mat-rial
tn select from for the two fnms.
an under h leadership of Prof. Hutke.
ciptam nt the mi Harvard debating
team, s successful yenr la assured.
STANTON. Neb.. Nov. M -tSpeclnH-Th
new high school building wa dedi
cated Friday. Th afternoon program
tKn with some most excellent music
by h high school orchestra. Following
i his Mrs. I., V. Frelday rendered a vocal
olo, after which Rev. J. F. poucher
pronounced Ihe Invocation. Mr. J. K.
Nye and Mis Irene Feyerlierm rendered
the duet, "Th Sinking Ship," after which
Prof. T. J. Slechta gave a clarinet solo.
George A. Kberly made a. short talk and
Introduced Chancellor AVery. who deliv
ered a deep and Interesting address. Th
closing number of th nfternoou was
mtiflc by the Stanton ladles' quartet. Th
evening program opened with music by
the high school orchestra. Following this
wa a drill ty the fourth and fifth grade
and an action song by th primary room.
Rev. J. J. Klopp then made an address
on "Completeness In Education." Th
fifth and sixth grade sang sn action
song In a very pretty manner. Th second
primary then rendered a very pretty
motion song. Superintendent A. L. Burn
hnm delivered an address "The School
ahd the Community." The seventh and
eighth grades gave pantomime and the
second and third grade gave a dramatiza
tion of Hiawatha. Rev. J. F. Pourha de
livered th address, "Schools for Pupil
Against Pupil for Schools. A Collection
of school work w on display in the
lower room for th inspection of th
public. Some most excellent work wa
A Serloaa Breakdown
result from chrotilo constipation. Dr.
King's New Uf rill cure headache,
stomach, liver end bowel trouble. ;,"c.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
i hi) g iiimniisi 'in mmjsglf ii nii'i'i iiiimiiuii imiiiii i ui siimiiwii n, n.i.u n numi mmmih m uim.i 'M 1 "1P n"" in 1 1 imn j .. l i
Get a Can of "WHIZ" FREE!
This coupon is yours. Cut it out. Take it to your dealer and lie will hand you a' full eizo
10c can of "WHTJS" free of charge.
It's our treat. We want you to get acquainted with "WHIZ." We know you'll like it.
YouH say it's the 'best stuff you ever used. It's not like any ncouring eoari you ever used.
It's different. Good for the hands as well ns pans. Tho name tells tho story. It sends dirt
"Whizzing." Dirt and "WHIZ" have a fight whenever they meet, and "WIIIZ" always
gets the championship belt. It grabs the dirt nnd drags it out. , x ;
Most dealers handle "WHIZ." If your's doesn't, he'll get it for you. Take this coupon,
to some dealer who does handle it. Don't miss this chance to get a big can of "WHIZ" at
our expense.
it gets down into the cracks and pores of the skin
and drags the dirt out nodlly. Leaves the skin sort
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"jiffy." Tskes off stains no other soap can touch.
For scouring pots and pans, for windows, general
housecleanlug, for klichen and bathroom use "WHIZ;"
works like magic. No waste to It; saves time, saves
labor, saves money. Fine for sinks or bath-tubs.
Ucats anything you ever used. ;
A "WHIZ" bath Is delightful. Removes dead
cuticle; opens and cleanses the pores and brings a
glow to the skin. No skin too tender for 'WHIZ."
Mukes hot, tired, burning feet feel like new.
For Sale by
ASk 'Sk
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f - -. i ..... - f . F
The Knock-out Blow
The blow which knocked out Corbett was a revelation to the prize lighters.
From the earliest days of the ring the knock-out blow was aimed for the jaw,
the temple or the jugular vein. Stomach punches were thrown in to worry
and weary the fighter, but if a scientific man had told one of the old fighters
that the most vulnerable spot was the region of the stomach, he'd have
laughed at him for an ignoramus. Dr. Pierce is bringing home to the pub
lic a parallel fact;' that the stomach is the most vulnerable organ out of the
prize ring as well as in it. We protect our heads, throats, feet and lungs,
but to the stomach we are utterly indifferent, until disease finds the 9olar
plexus and knocks us out.
Make your stomach sound and strong by the use of Doctor
Pierce Golden Medical Discovery, and you protect your:f
In your most vulnerable spot. " Golden Medical Discovery"
cures weak stomach. Indigestion, or dyspepsia, torpid liver,
bad, thin and Impure blood and other diseases of the organs
of digestion and nutrition.
The "Golden Medical Discovery" has a specific curative effect upon all mucous surfaces
and hence cures catarrh, no matter where located or what stage it may have reached.' In
Nasal Catarrh.' it is well to cleanse the passages with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy fluid
while using the "Discovery" as a constitutional remedy. Il'hy the "Golden Medical
Discovery" cures catarrhal diseases, as of the stomach, bowels, bladder and other pelvic
organs will be plain to you if you will read a booklet of extracts from the writings of
eminent medical authorities, endorsing its ingredients and explaining their curative prop
erties. It is mailed free on request. Address Dr. R. V, Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. This
booklet gives all the ingredients entering into Dr. Pierce's medicines from which it
will be seen that they contain not a drop of alcohol pure, triple-refined glycerine teing
used instead. . '
It's foolish and often dangerous to experiment with new or but slightly tested med
icines sometimes urged upon the afflicted as "just as good" or better than "Golden
Medical Discovery." 'The dishonest dealer sometimes insists that h knows what the
proffered substitute is made of, but yea don't and it is decidedly for your interest that you
should know what you are taking into our stomach and system expecting it to act as a
r.aiivcV To Aw its onIy a difference o'f profit. Therefore, insist on having Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery. If not promptly supplied trade elsewhere.
Send 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing onh on a free copy of Dr. Pierce's
Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, cloth-bound. Address Dr. Pierce as above
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and strengthen Stomach, Liver and Bowels.
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Grocers, Druggists, Hardware
When properly signed below and presented by an adult to any Grocer,
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Notice to Dealer This Coupon is to be accepted In exchange for one
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other article will be prosecuted. -
A'ecJcc to Jobbers Kou are authorized to redeem Coupons to amount
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Coupons redeemed must r.ot exceed number of cans of dealer's original
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tor cash.
(K)l) O.M.V IS
Benson, Dundee, Houth Oma.
ha and Omaha.
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with "WHIZ" Premium Coupons
A Premium Coupon Is packed with each can of
"WHIZ." 8end us that Coupon with 10 cents to
cover cost of mailing, packing, etc., and we will mall
you FREE, postpaid, a handsome Rogers' Silver Tea
spoon. For each additional spoon send one Pre
mium Coupon and 10 cents.
We have six other Rogers' Silver Premiums sam
With your first order for a teaspoon we will send
your our Bpeclal Club Offer, telling how to get a full
set of this silverware absolutely FREE.
and other Dealers.
Address , .
(The drali r Is to stn Maiiuuie on ti l line
Rogers' Silverware
Premiums. French
Gray Finish. Free
of Advertising,
with "WHIZ"
Premium Coupons.
Coupon in each can