Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA HUiSDAi' BLL: KUVhiluhit 26, lull-
rropcxilioa h Now Being Consid
ered tj ths Dimtott.
nnunio b hot payetq otjt
Ctrx T V Ak4 e In BanOa
to Take Ot lk Strartarw tm
Vwm as a rafclle
1 The city o Omaha roy be asked to
; tJt ornr the Auditorium.
For lom time It has been known that
! the AodJlprlnm flsanrva l,ave txon In a
I mora or ten embarrasslnc condition.
rwc.'ejly since the In bis hern opened
I fr public entrrtalnwem. It Is un.lfr-
sloo4 tbat tie directors are considering
propaaJtlon for the city to take over
! the A:nl!lorli)Tii and that the scheme will
j te ftimrolafsi twfnre Ion.
U Is arcocd that If the cltr took over
lha bnlMinj; tb people would hava mora
ol a cLanne to ret their money's worth,
aa th batMlns rouM ba usfd tor publlo
, mretlnts aa wefl aa rented out.
A prorlalon of tha citjr charter permits
' tha cfty to Issue hoods and tak over the
fculUlBK. Tha ooot was about 27S,U.
Masked Man Steals : ,
; Registered Letters '
From Line Car
COLUMBIA. B. C. Not. 24. A maakad
while man lata tonlxht robbed the mall
car of Atlentlo coast lino train Xo.' E8
betwoen Royster and this city, took tha
reclitrrcd letters, stopped I he train and
Jumped off Just before the train reached
tba eftr Units.
' Tba rains of tha registered mall stolen
Is not known, but tba letters ara said to
contain several thousand dollars. Thera
ts no cine to tha Identity of tha robber,
Tha train, westbound front Wilmington,
reached tha Royaler blockhouse, two
ml lea from-Columbia, at 11:16. It stopped
there a moment, than proceeded toward
ths city. Tha robber Is supposed to hava
boarded tha train at Royster.
With lo few moments after tha train
started ha, mad his appearanoa In tha
mull car, held up tha two mall clerks
with a revolver and took tha registered
letters. Its then pulled tha bell cord and
leaped aft aa tha train stopped.
No attempt was mads to pursue la tha
darkness and tha train continued on Its
way Into this rlty.
WINNIPEG, Nov. 34. -An express pack
age containing JlO.000 was stolen from the
office of tha Canadian Northern Express
company at Keglna today. Night Clerk
Cameron waa absent from the office.
When ba returned ba found tba package
tons, , , ,
John F. Dryden Dies
at Home in Newark
NEWARK. , N. J.. ' Not. S.-John F..
iJryden. former member ' of the United'
States senate and multimillionaire, died
at his home here tonight. Death waa
attributed to pneumonia, developing after
an operation which he underwent a week
ago for tha removal of gallstones,
Mr. Dryden was 71 years old. He was a
native of I'armlngton, Ml. After leaving
college be modelled an Industrial Insur
ance company, bring the first to Intro
duce this ' system of Insnrsnos In the
TTnlted Btates. His beginning was "The
Widows' and Orphans' Friendly society."
which later became the Prudential Insur
ance Company of America.
Mr. Dryden was elected to the senata
as a republican In 190J and four years
later was ths choice at the primaries for
1 re-election. Ills health broke down dur
Ing a deadlock In the atata legislature,
1 during which he was Induced to with
draw, Mr. Dryden married In 1W4 Cythanla
KaJrchild, who aurvlvea him, with two
children, Forest T. Dryden, vice presi
dent of the Prudential, and Mrs. Anthony
R. Kuser of Trenton,, N. J, ,
Omaha Councilmen
See Bluffs Lights
Members of the Omaha city council,
City Clerk Dan Butler, City Engineer
Craig, city Electrician Mlchaelsen end
several Omaba business men and Com
mercial dub members visited Counoll
Uluffs Thursday night to see that city's
Hew street lighting system In operation.
Aldermen Mlnnlck and FWher of Council
R luffs assisted Manager A. I... English
ef the lighting company In allowing tha
visitors about the city, lighting on
Pearl, Bggway; Main and llrst streets
wss Innpected. The Omaha men praised
Council Bluffs for having Installed what
appeared to be an excellent system.
There waa some talk of the, advisabil
ity of establishing a similar street light
ing system In Omaha, but It was of a gen
eral nature and did not look toward any
immediate action of any kind.
Tba new lights are of the flaming ait
type and are held highly satisfactory by
the Council Uluffs men.
Moore Arrested as
Result of Shortage
PITTSBURGH. Nov. 25.-Elmer W.
Moore, treasurer of the Federal Oil and
ius company, was arrested late toduy on
a capias Issued by Judxe ChurU-s V. Orr
tf the United states circuit court. It is
alleged there ts a shoitujie of tluu.OiiO In
thi account? vt the company. Moore's
bor.d was placed at which a friend
Moore was taken Into custody at his
boms by United States Marshal Purter.
Minself a director of ths concern. Tils
raplas was ssked fur by ths Common
wealth Trust company of Pittsburgh and
Secretary W. A. Chase of the Federal
Oil aad Gas company, who Is also ancil
lary receiver for the company.
About eight months ago, It Is said, tha
stockholders of the comutny discovered
thst the funds were short SlUO.OOi), but
nous of tha otfictal could explain the
discrepancy. Audtluis verified the short
age, it is sa-'d.
OIUKKELL. Ia., Nov. K.-U was an
nounced tonight that lbs faculty of Grin
rell college bus refused the Grlnnell (out
ball eleven permiselun to meet the Cornell
train at Muunt Vernun tomorrow. The
jeMn given waa cutting of classes by
the students In ortl.'r that they might
taku part in a "routing demonstration."
(!. wa 'iil of tlio limvriaiil ut
tJiiit of the -ui, tliu btcuud
Pioneer Physician Celebrates
His Seventieth Birthday
Dr. Richard C. Moore, the man
who established tha first system of
placing births and deaths on record
In Omaha, and who also eetabl:ahed
tha tuberculosis section of the
county horpltal was TO years young
yesterday. Dr. Moore, telling briefly
of his career, says: "I came to
Omaha In ISfiS on a little steamboat
from fit. Jnarph. I gut off at the
Douglas street bridge with about
00 other people, tha majority of
whom were tonderfeet like my
self, making my way up Karnarn
street, where my first purchase In
Omaha was a meal. I remember
that meal, for I paid U cents for
It snd got ss much buffalo attak
aa I could get away with, be
sides ail the other trimmings. I
bad Just left the Union army, the
civil war having closed, and I
entered the office of Dr. J. P.
Peck, now deceased. In a few
month wo entered Into a partner
ship which lasted for about ten
years. Afttr Dr. Peck passed away
I bumped along alone. In those
flays the young doctors got all ths
hard work and In most cases no
pay. I generally got mine, however, for I was a pretty good student of
human nature."
Dr. Vnore, although one of the best known physicians In the west, has
never had any other ambition except to be a gcod man In his profession.
Under Mayor Chase'a regime. In 'TO. Dr. Moore was given his first and only
polltlcnl nfflcn If the Job of city physician could be called a political
plum at that time.
Vara Beet 1 rial XV
Omaba Qaaaral Sos-pltal, XMmg. S&S.
Xryytlaa Ckeoeiates goa. Myers-Dillon.
Oaa, Blaa. Rxtajrea, Hojgesa flmaiw.
. Oaa. Maafc. Wka. Cxpart aoto repairs,
sUlrar rutlaf, Ota. fisting Co. D-iili.
Sees Tor Koaey and Yatoabiag in ths
American fiats Deposit vaults tn tire
lies building. Boxes rent fur $3 per year.
Setter Write tbat Cheek for tha liar
fcrd Memorial church, Nineteenth and
Lothrop streets, arid man it tooay. They
are raising 110,000, Sunday, the 2th, for a
Greater Omaha. ,
Mrs. Osorga Wants Divorce Anne S.
George has -started suit for divorce
against Clarenoe II.. George.
ffndgsa and Clerks to Bs Bald Claims
of Judges and clerks of election who
served at the general election of No
vember T have been allowud by the
Hoard of County Commlsslunere and
will be paid Monday. They total $1,610.
. JXallsr Baa Bear J 9b F. U Mailer has
been commies. oned by ths executive
committee cf the Commercial club to
work out some plan by which the club
can. assist the movement for the study
of civil government' In the Omaha pub
lla library. Mra. Hanchett is at the
head of tha movement i
Jlfty' Years cf Wedded Ufa Fifty
years ago, on November It, Mr. and M-s.
James w. Ram eu Hurt street, after
a three days' courtship, were married In
Oskaloosa, la. One evening he attended
a country dance and met hi present
wife, who waa then l.ydla A. Mott. Three
days later the two were happily Married.
Obvrob Sector BanaAy Mm. Mpant
foid Will lecture again on Sunday
evening at tbe Trinity Mutiodist-KpiBre.
paj ebnrch. The course ef lecture) given
by Madam Mountford at this church, on
"Late In the Holy Iaod." hare
been so wen xeurlTed tbat she has been
Invited to gY another lecture on flun
day night, which will be her (among lec
ture, "The True lilt of Jacob, u It U
Handed IXjwti by Tradition Amunssl tba
Natives tn Palestine Today."
Brand Oct (ra Boad Edmund C
Francis, former manager of the Lla.
coin division of tba Omaba brancb
office of tha Underwood Typewriter
company, who was Indicted several days
ago on fifteen counts, charged with
using the malls to defraud, haa been
admitted to bait Next April bis case
will come to mal. The United Rut
The first step toward poor health is a weak stopiach. From this
arises all such ills as Heartburn, Bloating, Vomiting, Indigestion,
Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Headache, Billiousness and Malaria Dis
orders. Therefore be wise in time and get a bottle of Hostetter's
j Stomach Bitters. A
will save much suffering later on. Thousands know this to be true. We
urge a trial today All Druggists and Dealers.
- ; -v. .'
IP '
- it
'' -A- - -ir- f -- - r ,
commissioner at Lincoln fixed the
bonds at 13,000. which were furnished
by his relative".
Replies to Report May Be Candidate
for' President
Replies to I'nltrd States genator
Whe Offers flopport, Hopes AVI 11
Itefrala from Aetloa LoukV
Ing; to Nomlnattoa,
NEW YORK, Nov. 25,-Theodore Roose
vent, when a.ked toitsy regarding tha
report that he may again be a candidate
for president, told a 'World correspondent
that a statement might be made as fol
lows: .
Colonel Roosevelt finds It difficult to
understand the oomment that has fol
lowed. upon his article In tho Outlook rs
gardlng national laws and business In
terests. He has said exactly the same
thing many times befdVe; 1 lie cannot see
why It should be assumed that this article
indicates that he Is ready, to take any
peraonal part In the coming campaign.
"It can be stated that Colonel Roose
velt hat received many 'letteTa Indicating
the willingness of the writers to give
him political support If such Is desired,
It can ba stated that Colonel Roosevelt
today received a letter from a certain
United Slates senator offering the full
political support of the senator In case
Colonel Roosevelt should wlah to be
candidate In the national campaign'. To
thla letter Colonel Roosevelt hss replies'
that be earnestly hopes that the senator
will not only refrain from any action
looking to the nomination of Colonel
Roosevelt, but also will prevent his
friends from taking any such steps.
"No comment would be made by Colonel
Roosevelt upon this announcement, which
ha Insisted should be made In the third
person. He would not name the aenator
to Whom ha referred."
Awl Ail Oalllslea
means many bad brulHcs, which Buck
len'a Arnica Salve heals quickly, aa It
does sores and burns. ' 2Sc For sale by
Utaton Drug Co.
The key to success in business la the
J judicious and persistent use ot newspaper
few doses at the first sign
- M I
. X X
- w v. r
''111 1 h ''- . -e t-JHIt
S 2
Customers Muit Bubmit to Two
Drops of Hair Tonic.
Will He Opts from Eight to
Twelve In the Morelng
Kearly All Jela la. '
Practically all the barber ahops In the
city will be open today from t to 12,
but If one wants only a ahtve he will have
to take something else anyway, that the
barber may get around the city ordinance
by charging him for the other service,
nstrsd of the shave.
Two drops of tonlo on the hair Is all
that Is necessary," said one of the master
barbers. "We can't charge for haircuts
or shaves. Of cuurs. If a man really
wants a hair tonlo or a shampoo ws will
give It to him and charge a price that
will Include the ahave or haircut.
"Hut if a man wants merely a shave,
he will have to stand for a couple ot
drops of tonlo on his hair. That will
cost him 15 cents and he gets Lis shave
free. We have several kinds of tonic,
so he ran probably aelect one that will
please him. And a oouple of drops won't
muss him up very much, anyway."
Practically all the barber shops have
posted signs that they will keep open,
Even Adam Morrell, one of the staunch-
est fighters tor Sunday closing, has put
up the sign. Adam's Bhps were closed
last Sunday, though a number ot shops
were open that had been closed Sundays
since the new ordinance was passed.
List at Investor to Whaaa Letter
Pa teats Hava Bees Isaaed frasa
lha WaahtaaTtvia Office.
Official Sat of letters patent In rnren-
Uons issued trora tba United States pat
ent oOTce at Washington to inhabitants
ef Iowa sad Kebraakh for tba week end
but November a. aa reported from the
offlca of wrilard Eddy, solicitor a!
polenta and cooaaolor ba patent censer.
1O0 City Xaecnal basic bullcUns. Omaba.
To Peter Cast rill ef Cararr. la., for
aiuomauo gmce tor railway crosa-ars.
jo loariee a. xi or Lwlv la., for
trirjuiy oooiecncBj rorewpa.
icoooora 10J1 of Nora Krrrlnya. la.,
for furniture caster. No. 1.0C8.2JS.
To Theodora Doll a Xorm Knrtnv 1..
iur lumunre camier, IXO. l.lB.m.
j o Jisjpn e. CTennUen of W laner. Neb.
for team nrotector.
to Adoiph W. rrtta ; Darllnstoa. Ia.,
for pneumatic spring.
To Virgin M. Haildon of Louisville,
fieo., ior counting aevlre.
To Karl M. Hamilton of Davenport,
is., ior car irucx.
lo Frederick Hansen of Woodbine, la.,
for mail crane.
To James A Harding of Iowa City. Ia.,
for mixing machine.
To Reginald W. Johnson of Spring
neia. Men., tor mechanism for supplying
angine tenders with water.
To Frank J. Kopal of Buxton, I a., for
aingioie lamp.
To Owyllm & Lodwlck of Mystlo, la
for forming wells.
To Frank J. Manington of Fort Dodge,
ior switon ior sparsing aevtcea
To Henry Marshall of Lincoln, Neb.
for switch.
To William C. McFsddsn of Fairfield,
Ia.. for dlnp.ay shelving.
To Samuel D. Page and 3. C, Hedges
or ues juoines, to., tor loose-tear book.
To Garrett W. Sohreurs of Muscatine,
Ia.. for button black outtlng machine. .
To Otis N. Terry ot Lincoln. Neb., for
grease plug.
To William Tlernan and II. M. Schrlber
of Rolfe, la., for draft appliance.
To David R. Way of Fairfield, la., for
acetylene gas generator.
Brewer Case to Jary Roes,
MASON CITY, Ia., Nov. 24.SpeoleJ
Telegram.) Prosecuting Attorney Telford
Is to conclude 1.1a address tomorrow. When
the case of Thomas Brewer, charged with
the murder of Morrell Severns, will be
submitted to the jury. The state scorsQ
well when It showed In rebuttal that
Drewer had plenty of time to get away
from Severn and call the police when
he went after his billy and gun. Drawer's
claim la tbat he shot In self-defense.
Dlsgrraeefal Coadset
of liver and bowels, In refusing to act.
Is quickly remedied with Dr. Klng'a New
Ufa Pills. 25c. For sale by Beaton Drug
of stomach weakness j
70 IS o)Mz
WYouTopf' Stove r'rO)
Taken in p Exchange
nest values
All Omaha.
In either golden oak v
or mahogany finish;
four large drawere,
square bevel mirror.
Other big dreaser spe
cials this sole at v
11175. 1 14. 711 snd
124.71. Price say jo
of dresser a
here shown f
Is only "
faa M JJKM.J
A most unusual value!
made In beautifully pol
ished mahogany finish or
in golden, has divided
top drawers, wood draw
er pulls, a large square
French bevel plate mir
ror. A very
dresser, and
price is only
i laaiimn inn iiirimn 1 1 1 I
L .Pimm J m
Holiday Jewelry
Our stock waa never mors com
plete. We invite you to come and make
selections now.
Fmz mndwall!
305 So.
Doug. 119; Ind. A-2119
Ectail Dealer)
'Office-803 S. 7th St.
C L A R K' &ilt;m f C R U I S E
ri. a. twa s. f " iscluaus all kor
ii.miuu, i,u siMiiB. algien. Uimi. Tr,
Hoi L4. fcDP, Hail', kiu. S kvrue ttm.
'UANti 1". I'l-AKH, aids, Nw Tixk.
V. . aiMb. bli A uwa SLXt. llBMlfc
in mi in
for nearly half a century acknowledged
THE BEST the make your parents used and
your grandparents before them. Don t experiment
with less favorably known heaters when the "Penin
sular" costs no more. They have Urer and longer
Cars in bta than other makes have staler ra
diating surface, which enables one to heat any given
number of rooms with one-fourth lejt coal than any
other make of Heaters you can buy.
-is one of our great Penin
sular Base Burner Specials,
it is a cowerful base heater:
it is a perfect self-feeder; large coal magazine with
alr-ticht eas-proof cover;. has hot air flue for heat-
upper floors, extra large case tiues, cesx noor
warmer, everlasting firebox, large ash pit, su
perior in every detail, elegantly trimmed in
nickel, full nickel dome. Better see this splen
did Heater it's a value that can't be equaled.
sU ST a IH'tJCI.'IlP vgaaT , ay
Solid quarter-sawed oak, rich
fumed oak finish, genuine leather
cuahlona. Positively the best Mor
ris chair we ever knew to be sold
at an equal price; a heavy, sub
stantial chair, patent adjustable
back, back and seat with oil tem
pered steel springs and
, In iinu.
a m -fs
lne leather. This
the famous "Peninsular Bteel
Hangs and the price Is only t-7S. It
ts a six-hole range, with high warming
closet, made throughout of heavy gauge
cold rolled steel plate, riveted together
like a steam boiler -guaranteed to heat,
cook and bake to your entire satisfac
tion is a big fuel saver, scientific con
struction, smoke consuming flue, ven
tilated firebox, duplex grate for coal or
wood, large oven, steel even back, as
bestos oven lining, balance oven door,
making a shelf; broad flue bottom,
circulation ef hot air around entire
oven, handsome nickel jjsesv jJaV 7S
trimmings all over. 'JJ fO
The biggest value fZLiZD
you ever aaw aw
Solid Oak Extension Table
Extends te feet, made ef solid oak.
tarly Englteh or goldsn, sgav .TTS
i ..... wil si .
mgde and finished.
A 115.00 value.
dale price.
80LID fcL
isms in in nmaiei, njijainu ' 1 ' . lyi n.
i nri rin ai nh f vfo jr
w m ' w ai a a H a mm a ..a a . u a. i
1C0 rianoB, rianolui, Pianola Planog; also Electric . Player
Pianos with coin attachment, at S3, K, $5 and up. One year's
rental allowed on purchase price. ,
Phone Douglas 1625 or Independent A-10-5. " '
Schmollcr & LlucIIer Piano Co.
Jteprvwntativee for Stein way & Song and the Aeolian Co.
Free Land
The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet th,e demand
of its readers for land information, has gathered and
compiled data on soils-, climate and farming conditions
in all parts of the country. It is willing to give out this
information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry.
Do You Want to Know
About government land laws, location of land of
fices, etc
How to get irrigation lands, location of projects,
laws governing same, etc
Best sections for fruit growing, general farming,
stock raising or dairying.
Your questions will get prompt attention. State
plainly and specifically what you want to know. Write,
Land Information Bureau
The Twentieth Century Farmer
I Omaha,
Quartered OakButfet
A rloh appearing, -novel
design. In solid quarter
sawed oak, fumed or
Early English finish. Ut
iles work over glass
doors, large rencn rev
el mirror. a ara EQ
made, I a J
Oak Heater
A handsomely
designed - beater,
full nickel trim
med, most durable
firebox, patent
draw center grata,
screw draft regis-,
:er. airtight; swing:
top. Absolutely
guaranteed. - Price
only . , .
Hot Blast
An abaolute
smoke consuming
Hot Blast, burns
alack coal, soft
coal, hard coal,
coke, wood or rub
bish: moet eco
nomical stove
mode, many new
features. h a n d
eornely nickel
trimmed, at, only
eat1eMr f