V it 4 SPEEDING AUTOJNJURES MAN Abraham Weimtein, Omaha Feddler, Left Lying on Country Road. DAVID CITY MAN DRIVE3 CAB D. D. Ilmer, I'Iim Deafer, ar Wflwtfl, Started t Raa la Vnut of Car lllaa't Kitn II Struck lllm. Abraham Welnsteln, n Omaha psddlor. was struck and seriously Injured by an automobile speedily driven by David V. Hsrsey, a David City, Neb., piano dtaltr, a halt mile east of Valley, Neb., Thurs day evenl'nn at aouut i o'clock. With out turning back Mersey erove on aa tar Fremcnt, ifi he Hopped for the nleht. Ho ray he did not know he had struck Welnsteln. Welnsteln was plckfd up by W. E. Sim mons and Dr. Talbot, both of Uroktn Bow, Neb., who Were In an automobile not Tar behind Hersey'a car. Two cf his ribs were broken and he was badly bruised about the hrad and body. Sim mons and Talbot took V.elnstein to Valley, where he was attended until morning, when ho was brought to Omaha and placed In the county hospital. Later he ww taken to the Wire Memorial hospl UL Aa soon as they bad secure J proper care for Weihstein at Valley Simmons and Talbot went In pursuit of the dMver and car that bad caused hla Injury, having; noted the number of the car as Neb. 21.784. At Fremont they located Mersey, , who appeared to be surprised when told be had injured a man. ' Welnsteln to Omaha. Clato Nichols of Valley, brought. Weln steln to Omaha yesterday morning and reported the accident to the county com missioners.; ' Immediately Henry T. Ostrotn, clerk of the county commis sioner, telephoned to the secretary of ' state a office at Lincoln and learned that automobile license No. H.7M ts held by Hersey. v . ' Interviewed by telephone last night, Mr. Hersey said: ' "I guess there is no' doubt I hit the man. -I was on the tight of the road. He was on the left: When I was within about fifty feet of him I tooted my horn and he ran ever to the right side. I aaw he was going to run In front of my car so I turned further to the right and went In the ditch, almost tipping over my oar. I think my left rear wheel must have hit him. The Jar of going In - the ditch waa so great I didn't feel the jar of hitting the. man. My car waa closed In tha back and I couldn't see. J dldnt know I had hit him. "When Mr. Simmons and Dr. Talbot told ma about It In Fremont I was sur ; prised. I went back to Valley this morn Ins to see Welnsteln and floe It with him though I was not to blame; but when 1 got there I found he had been taken to Omaha." Welnsteln and his partner were on the - road with a horse ' knd wagon. ' THE. KIND OF COAL TO USE , Do Not Think Ileeanso It lias Lost Its Gloss the Quality Is j. .: . Inferior. . , i ,-t- . - i ; ; The secret of success 'in the economical use 'of coal. s, to uee'as large a else of coal a you can. In 'addition to the sav- hng fn,nonej-vthlchi will' result, the fire will require far less attention. In many ' cases the writer finds that a small-sited coal la being used simply because It is not known that to do so ts uneconomical, anl aJeo because a fire will come up quickly where It la employed. A fire will r come up In a very short time with small : coal, but consider hot: fast the small coal will burn throughout the entiro day. On ; Ironing and baking days, if nut coal Is used, the amount consumed ' Is simply . astonishing. . The difficulty can be over- ' Tome with no trouble by using nut coal to start the. .fire, and stove 'coal for the balance of the day. ' . Careful 'isata . have also, shown fliat many people who have been burning stove coal In their hot air furnace can make a jrood saving in the amount of the coal .bill, and also need give the furnace a ( far less amount of attention, by using one size larger, or egg ctal. Frequently, i these same people can also use one site larger In their ranges, II they have been ' burning- nut coal, anil stove coal so em ployed will be found to tend to economy and to labor-saving In addition. Mix tures of - coal,'. ay stove and nut, for example, can often be used to advantage, , and will also make a saving of money and labor. .Never Judge coal by Its outward ap pearance. It Is commonly supposed that if It la bright It Is good. This does not follow at all. If It has been rained or snowed upon all coal will lose its bril liancy. After it has been wet, dust will cling to it, no matter how carefully It . Is screened . There is only one test for coal. Burn It. The writer has Just fin ished a shipment of twenty tons which was purchased for his last winter's sup ply for furnace and range. There have been practically no clinkers. When pur chased the coal was dull In appearance', having undoubtedly been wet a number of times. But Its burning, qualities were - admirable. It should be remembered, in this connection, that coal may be wet in transit or In tha mine. If It comes from a perfectly dry mine, or It the weather ts dry until It reaches your cellar. It will be porfectly bright. Floor sweeping's, garbage, crockery which has been broken, glass, paper, etc, are substances which. If put upon any fire (aa often is the case), will cause clinkers and. often makt the user think a poo quality of 'coal has been given him. All such matter should be placed dlreotly tn Its proper receptacle, ' anl never under any circumstances thrown on a tire. The Housekeeper. ftoaf lower Philosophy. Nothing Is as important us a ol.ill.,r must make it appear. Most n.un who cm of free lunch pay for it all right. It takes a woman to loaf as If nothing else should be expected of her. -"aiy Liucuce agents are necessity If a sucker is born evern minute. You have heard the scientists tell what ruulum coulu do, but it hasn t done It. ben a man starts bacs he is likely to go mors tepidly than he raine for ward. No man should stay out nights enough to wear out his louge uniform or full , dress suit. Kver hear what a woman who doesn't raise her baby on a bottle thinks of a woman who does? We love the woman, but many of them weep too much for ornery devils who u. m.iv both barrels. Atchison Globe: Tarkey Feathers. Alas, poor turkey! All the world loves Thanksgiving ex cept turkeys and folks wno can't afford turkeys. While father gravely asks the bless ing. Johnnie eyes tne oyster dressing It lsn t alwayi the fellow who ha a choice" in this world who cets the best uleoe of turkey.-Judge Hie BeeS Idler Box u" D: rrofeetlonal Women vs. 9mt I ragettes OMAHA, Nov. CS.-To the Editor ot The Bee: I saw In The Bee a report of state ments recently made to the Woman's club, so ridiculously Incorrect that they will only do the cause of woman suffrage harm. The writer believes in woman suffrage, voted at the first school election tn her native state, when we were allowed the privilege, and votes here In Omaha. But in regard to hospitals. Dr. Dalley. In Jjer long absence from the city, must cer tainly have been misinformed. Nearly fifteen years ago a woman doc tor was chosen resident physician to the county hospital and had the position for sixteen months. She Is now on' the staff. , . Dr. Wlnnlfred Ward Is now one of the Internes at the Methodist hospital. Dr. Nora Falrchlld was connected with the Swedu-h Mission hospital. As to only two hospitals welcoming the woman doctor, I never heard of such a thing. True, at one or two' the nurses were apt to be impudent, but the men on the staff stopped that if they knew It. Dr. Mattle Arthur was on the faculty of the Omaha medical department branch of the state university and Dr. Cuscaden waa vice president of the Omaha-Douglas County Medical society a very few years ago. Also for several years a woman doctor has been associate In obstetrics at Crelgh- ton Medical college,' this year helping in struct a .class of fifty-three seniors, mostly men. She has met with courtesy and respect from the rest of the faculty. The writer can vouch for the truth of these statements, ' aa she happens to be that woman doctor herself. The opposition to women in medicine notoriously comes from women, several of the speakers at that meeting being particularly known In that way. They call for votes for poor oppressed women, and then do all they can against women 1n the profession. Woman suffrage Is all right and la surely coming, but Its cause will never be advanced by such gross misstatements. MARY STRONG, M. D. Let Illin Disclose Himself. OMAHA, NoV. 84. To the Editor ot The Bee: It waa with very great personal pleasure that I observed on .the editorial page of your newspaper a few mornings ago the poem "The Highland Heather" (to the members of Clan Gordon) over the signature of "Scannell O'Neill." There Is so fine a sense of the true poetlo feeling, a rhyme so musical and therefore pleasing, ' an . appreciation evinced of the glories of "Bonnie Scot land" so thoroughly! complete that I am constrained to believe this poem will be one of the very few poems of modern days that will live. It was ray pleasure to call on a mem ber of Clan Gordon at our regular meet ing this week to read this poem to the clansmen. The poem waa recited capably and waa. received with acclaim. The de sire waa expressed on all sides that we know the Identity of the writer. As chief of that clan I would appreciate most sincerely If "Scannell O'Neill" would communicate with me that I may thank him personally and introduce him bo those other clansmen who-so heartily appreciate his exquisite dedication. " JAMES CAMERON, Chief Clan Gordon No.. 63. Trlbate to General Misjdrmoa. DALLAS, Tex., Nov. 17,-To the Kdltor of The Bee:. I am today. In receipt of the cuttings so kindly sent, me. In re sponse to my. request, concerning 'the death and funeral of General Manderson, for which please - accept my sincere thanks. His life, character and lovable personality were such as to bring forth, as might have been expected, expressions of admiration' and endearment. , ' r . The night .beforo' they sailed my daugh ter and myself spent probably an hour with Generar Manderson and Mrs. Man derson at their -hotel In 'London and ha was then all cheerfulness and hopefulness and little did we dream that for the last time we' had looked upon his kindly face and heard hla cheery, voice. He 'was a race character and his death Is a distinct loss to his state and to the nation. FRANK B. KNIGHT. From ' a Gratefol Father. . . OMAHA, Nov.. 24. To .the. Editor of The Bee: Very recently there came Into our home a little baby boy, and, a few days later one of the large stores of the city sent a little token, a first birthday pres ent, to the new-born. I do not want to deprive the giver of the Joy of giving by publishing hla name, but the spirit shown here is so beautiful that I cannot help publicly to express my thanks for an act so kind. .The little present might have been bought toe $1 or less, but the Joy that such a little act of kindness and re gard brings to a convalescent mother cannot be bought at any price. Of course, there, are those who would say that this Is only an advertisement scheme, - and I sincerely .hope that it Is, because I can see a natural and beautiful reform In our cold business methods when the depart ment heads of a busy store begin to rea llxe that the best way to advertise ts to spread out a . little ' love and sunshine among their fellow beings at a time when It Is . most needed. ' I am, ' A GRATEFUL FATHER. A Remleder and a Free Ad. OMAHA. Nov. To the Editor of The Bee: Without reference to my per sonal esmpa'.gn for congress, which is merely an Incident to the general Interest In national politics. I wish to remind the voters of all parties that, so far as Nebraska ts concerned, the presidential contest Is now on not next spring or summer but this winter. ' Nebraska votes for president direct only once next year and that is April 13, 1312. In November we vote for presidential electors, but In the April primary every toter, republican, democrat, aoclallst and prohibitionist, expresses his personal choUe for president and the delegates to the several conventions will be Instructed at that prims ry for whom to cast their ballots In the party convtntlons. A little less than five months will In tervene before ,Aprll 111, 11112. and every voter who would Intelligently make his choice for president must Inform himself as to the merits ot candidates during that pet tod. It is a matter of history that we Ameri cans are Indifferent upon the matter of national politics until Hie presidential campaign reaches white heat. Hitherto, this has meant a whoop and a. hurrah from June until November.' We shall experience this form of excitement as usual, but the individual voter then will make his choice between parties and not between eandldstea. It has seemed to me that this tact has oot been aufflciently emphasised In any of tha newspapers. THOMAS W. BLACKBURN. TUK OMAHA OMAHA DEFEATS THE BLUFFS Uie of Substitutes by Omaha Makes Game Close. ROBINSON MAKES 'fITLD GOAL Coanell Blnlfe Man Makes Most Sensational I'lar Dave Densiaa tars for Omaha and nb atltntea Know Well. Previous Prorrs. 190-Omaha. 10: Council Bluffs. S. . IDoJ Omaha. 0; Council B.uffs. 17. Omaha, 0; Council llluffw. 0. 17 Omaha. 11; Council H.utls. a Omaha, 14; Courtc'l M lifts, . Omaha. ; Council Blti'fs, 0. mi-Omaha, C; Council Bluffs. S. The Omaha High school foot I all war rtors scalped the Council Bluffs High school eleven In a game devoid of un usual Interest by a score of 0 to S at Rourke park Friday afternoon. Omaha played the game with largely a substitute team, four regulars bclnjr out of the lineup Ve:gil Rector, the star full back; Baldrige, center: Crocker, left end and Gideon, right end. The purple and w!i;te made Its only score early In the first quarter, when by a series of Una plunges and short end runs on the port of the back field the bail waa advanced to Council Bluffs' two-yard line, and "Olo" Carlson, full back, went over the line. Munneke kicked an eaay goal nnd the score stood: Omaha. ; Council Bluff, 0. So it re mained until the fourth quarter, when Robinson, the Iowans' speedy little quar ter, booted a perfect drop kick between Omaha's goal posts from the- twenty yard line. Score: Omaha, 0; Council Bluffs, I. Dow man Brlshteat Star. "Dave" Bowman, Omaha's speedy little captain and right half, ' was the star of the game, and had he hod better Inter ference Omaha would have run up a much larger score. llownian featured In end runs and open field running. He also used the stiff; arm to good - advantage nnd shook oft many tacklers by his "high knee" action. Rachman, at left tackle, and "Ole" Carlson, fullback, also played woll, both getting away for good gains. Raohman advanced at least five yards every time he carried the ball and showed his ability to play low despite his size and weight. Carlson was especially good on running back punts and waa a consistent line plunger. s Selby, at quarter for the locals, pulled off . several good end runs, which might have developed Into touchdowns had there been enough Interference. Ballman, center, always was active In breaking through the Bluffs line, spoiling several well planned forward passes which the Iowans attempted. "Bud" Gould, who has been on the squad all season, got his first chance to play this year, holding down right end throughout the entire game. Gould Is tha lightest man on the team, but played a good game. Robinson at quarter for ' the Bluffs eleven was their bright and shining star, working forward passes and getting away for good Individual gains. He brought the entire crowd to Its feet In the final quarter by his perfect drop kick from Omaha's twenty-yard line. Underwood, left end, snowed, well In Interference and In his offensive play. Whitman at right half also- played a consistent game. The Council Bluffs lads were adepts on the forward paaj and pulled off several plays, or this nature to good, advantage. Omaha' did not resort much to this style of play, and Coach Burnett was careful not to let' any 'of "the ' new trick plays which will be used against Wendell Phillips High of Chicago 'on Thanks giving slip out.-, Omaha's Line Holds. Omeha's line waa strong on both de fensive and offensive work and the Iowans never were able to gain more than three yards on line plunges. Council BUFFERED EIGHT YEARS RESTORED BY PERUNf yf i V" ' 'V jiJI7;'-::-v;':' '':;' '.'? aW I T&.tSL'h ..iMWa. MARY S. FENNE3SEY. U I V A3 MANY. THOUSAND PEOPLE SUFFER FROM OA TARRH OF HEAD IN WINTER, MRS. FENNESSEY'S PERMANENT RECOVERY SHOULD CREATE GREAT PUBLIC INTEREST. . , Mrs. Marry . Psnnesssy, X.ske Benton, Minnesota, wrltesi "X was af " fllcted with a bad case of catarrh In the bead, and was unable to breathe through nty nose for eight years. Six bottles of Feruna cured me entirely and 1 have not been bothered with catarrh since.' A llelplett Invalid. Mrs. Annie Bpalno, Ualnsvllle, Arkan sas, wrltcn: "I was helpless in bed tor eight months, and part of the time would not have weighed over rixty pounds. Foi would do me no good. "I had catarrh ot the head and atom ach and internal catarrh, and also h '' heart trouble so bad I could not be any one to talk In the room where was. The doctors snd everybody th saw me said I would not get well. B Cud saw (it to spare me tud sent reli' I SUNDAY 11KK: NOVKMBEK 'M. 1JM1. PRIZE CORXIIUSKSK MAKES A REMARKABLE RECORD. 1k- sJfirV',..,V ' V '.. -' ? EARL NKELKY. Bluffs' Hue was weak on the offensive. No one was Injured, the lineup remained the sntno throughout all four quarters ex cept when Fullmer went In at right guard for Council Bluffs lit pluco of Busse In tho last few minutes of play. Only n small crowd was on hand to witness the game and the Iowans nnd nearly as many rooters as Omaha. An Interesting feature of the fifteen minutes between halves waa a lively and somewhat heated discussion between the officials of the game on acoount of a penalty Inflicted on Council Bluffa bo causo one ot the Bluffs contingent per sisted In coaching hla favorites from the sidelines. Council Bluffs won the to.s and chose the north goal. Munneke kicked oft to Council Bluffs. Council Bluffs failed to gain and kicked. Atfer a series of line plunges and end runs, Omaha advanced the ball to the Bluffs two-yard line, where Carlson was pushed over for a touchdown. Munneke kicked goal. Boore. Omaha, ; Council Bluffa, 0. From this point until the end tho game was featured by hard playing, marked chiefly by consistent use of the forward pass on the part of the Iowans. It was not until the last few minutes of play thftt Robinson waa able to score a droit kick. :The lineup: OMAHA. CO. BLUFFS. Crabtree Giles Busae Fullmer ....Weinberg Parody i Crowi Millard ..L.E.R.E. Rachman Moser ... i..Jj.i. R.T. ..L.O.I H O R.U. Baltman C.C Llndell R.Q. Breesman R.T. Gould Iltf. Pelby Q.B. Munneke L.H. Bowman (o)...H.H. Carlson F.B. L.O. L.T. L.E. ,....Underwood Q.h. Robinson (o) L.H .....Officer U.M Whitman V.U.. Barton Touchdown i Carlson. Field goal: Robin son. Goal from touchdown: Munneke. Hoferee: Potter of Union college. Umpire: Devoll of Council Bluffs, lioid judge: Montgomery of Wisconsin: Head lines mam Mitchell of Council Bluffs. Time of quarters i Ten minutes. Attendance, 460. Deep Strategry. "They tell me that old Busby Is the foxiest coach In tho buiiness." "Sure, he Is. You know Billy Barnes?" "Yep." "Well, you've seen it In the papers that Billy's got a skull fracture and a broken wlngT" "Yep." ' ' "Well, there's nothing In It. All he's got Is a twisted ankle and a busted slat.and old Busby Is going to spring him on tli' ginks In th". fourth quarter!" Cleveland Plain-Dealer. The key to success In business is the Judicious end persistent use of newspaper advertising- through your wonderful medicine, I'e runi." After Kffetts ot Uilp. Mrs. C. H. Eagerser, lii-T liellef ontaln Ave., Kansas City, Mo., writes:' "I feel It a duty to others that may be afflicted like my self to speak for Peruna. "My t'ouble first ratne after la grippe, t gathering In my hi ad and neuraljda. ! suffered most all the time. My noie, cri and eyes were bndly affected. Noth ing ever relieved me like I'eruna. It keeps hi from taking cold. 1 feel that words re Inadequale to express my praise for . erungk" We nre goiiifr to mako Divonibor the greatest month in our fifty-two years in the piano business. AVo have had a most won derful year. AVe want to hhare some of our good fortune with you. AVe are willing to make n very small profit on each in strument and sell four times Pianos during this December anv former December. Have You an instru ment in Your E-iome? If not, you are depriving yourself and fani- ily of the joys and pleasures of life. Use this Coupon as tho first $50.00 payment then have the instrument sent to your home for thirty days' trial, seo the joy and happi ness it brings then when you have proven to yourself the wonderful bar-' gain you have secured, pay us $1.00 A WEEK FREE STOOL FREE SCARF FREE LIFE INSURANCE 25 YEAR GUARANTEE FREE M'JSIC A free copy ot the latest musical hit, the "Schmol der & Mueller Triumphal March," wlli be given free to each customer. . Good for 50 1 Bring this Coupon with you and we will accept same as first pay ment on any New Piano or Player Piano in our warerooms, if pre sented on or before Jan. 1, 1912. m HSa'SBOBBB Workmen's short day Saturday made it utterly impossible to get Silk Section in order for Monday business in the new addition as compensation to you, for inconvenience in trading we will continue TEE TOEfflEMl SILK' All Day Monday, November 27th More silks Marvelous Values Thomas CCilpatrick &;rd-' One Chance in 100,000 He Took That Chance and Got His Watch Back. Mr. H. R. Berry, of Rome, Georgia, while vis iting in Omaha a short time ago lost a valuable watch. We inserted the fo. lowing want ad in The Dee with instructions to send the watch to his home in Georg a if found: LOST f.aily' kM wstrh s.n1 fob; M. J. R on li'k of waii'h. Hvturn to Jiee office. Hewrl. This ad cost him 36c and found the watch. The let ter expresses hi appreciation: 2) as many Pianos and Player than we have ever sold iu SI 3 M L J Select from the Aeolian line of Pianola Pianos -Weber, Kteck, Wheelock, HtnyveMnt nnd Techonla Aleo our own Mchmoller & Mueller Player llanos, mnde In seven styles. m. w 117 slightly used llanos, from SOO to $135. Every in strtiment sold fully guaranteed for 25 years. If you are unable to call in person, write for our Free Illustrated Catalogue and Price Lint. SGIIOLLEIt I KLLEil PIANO CO. Manufacturers, Wholesalers, Retailers, 1311-1313 Farnam Street, OMAHA,.: : : ; : : NEBRASKA. Mi IjpiS.etatieis!: added to the 2 Gr and Don't Miss Looking! ROME HOSIERY MILLS Romer Georgia Rome, Ga., Nov. :20th. !);.. ' Tho Jk'o Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb. Gentlemen: Your letter of tho 9th received Uuixng tho writer's absence and we want to express our ap preciation of tho nd placed in your paper and we herewith enclose you check for $2.50 to cover the reward and express on the watch which is about thirty to fifty cents. If there is any difference you can return the difference in stamps to us. The writer has always known that Omaha was a wide awake town and usually got every thing they started after for they deserve tho best in the world, but it seems to be the paper is more wide awake than the city of Omaha and not only has been one cf tho chief factors in building your grant city, but also looks after the small items as well. I want to sincerely thank your paper and compliment your city and the paper of Omaha. Again thanking you very kindly, I beg to remain, Yours very truly, Rome Hosiery Mills, Per II. R. Berry, Sec. & Trens. Diet. II. R. B. B. S. mm i i ' " J - To Every CcrJ: of This Paper. - Lra (La Instru ments Marked in Plain Ficuros IT IS EASY TO DO DUSiriEQG WITH US. NO RED TAPE ADOUT OUR PLAN. Select from these famous makes of pianos U 7a STEINWAY, 7 STEGER & SON, WEBER EMERSON HARDMAN MEHLIN & SONS McPHAIL SCH0LLER & MUELLER T - , Si! - at Lots .yard H fs (' jj ! ', t