Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1911, SPORT SECTION, Page 3, Image 45

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TUB only loud noise along the
Western circuit of lata wair the
news of Dear Ducky Holmea' re
turn, painful as It was noisy.
Ducky Is again to be manager of
Eloux City, as tho prints havo already
stated. That displaces Babe Towne, show
ing what a big movement It la, for Babe
is some big:. Holmes has had some- hard
luck runs since letting go of the Sioux
a couple of years ago. His escapade at
Mobile was a complete failure and that
is tho biggest thing he had tackled. The
only reason why fans on this, circuit
do not exult aver Ducky's return la that
he has always been a hard man to get
on with, but at the same time he Is a
kaso ball man, with a Ions career as a
major league player for a background.
He Is a good fighter and will undoubtedly
put Sioux City back on tho ' Western
league map. from which, however, It has
.not been absent any great length of time.
George Huff, who as a scout for tho
Cnbs, unearthed some of the mort famous
players of that famoua team, has quit
Murphy and gone to work for Cleveland
at what Is reported to be tho
(alary ever paid a scout. There can never
be any discounting Huff as a finder and
Setter of new material. Ho is there.
that's all, and when he gets on the t: ail
of a man he wants the man might as well
surrender, as Ruelbach can testify. A
Half dozen different names will not rave
him. The Cubs are trying to get Billy
Hamilton, the old-time player, aa Huff's
successor. He ought to be a good one.
Boston National have first claim on
him, though. A scout Is an Important
poke in the wheel of a base ball machine
these days.
Pa Rourko already has larded three
promising young players for next year in
Pitchers Vavlt and Loudel of Minneapo
lis and Catcher Beckendorf of Cleveland
and he Is, of course, still on the trail.
Laying aside all boost talk, your pa is
down to the brass-tack determination
of landing a team In 1912 that will win the
pennant. Nothing has done mere to in
spire this determination than the two dis
appointments ho has encounte: ed in the
last two seasons. In 1910 he began with
what looked like a winning team, and
some of the men who were first to go to
pieces have since made good In faster
company, Shottcn for one. But all that Is
In the past, eyes and hopes now center on
the future.
Murray's fall down In the world's
series proves hla downfall in New
York, for he Is to go to Boston for Mike
Donlin, with a few thousand thrown
in by McGraw. At least, that is the report.
Home thpre be who still adhere to the
notion that Muggsy never really let go
of Handsome Mike, except to help out
Boston and find whether or not the
thesplan could come back. Seeing he can,
McGraw bags him. It will seem like old
times to have this rantankerous Giant out
in the garden again. Now, let the fans
KO to speculating on whether the Giants
would have beat the Athletics had they
had Mike. It will make a good winter
The case of George Stovall la a queer
one. He goes In and managea Cleveland
and the team lands higher than It has
for years, but Harry Livls having al
ready been engaged to run the team,
tltoval limes his Job. Then It appears
three teams seek him, now he Is out and
apparently unsought by any. Bomers of
Cleveland, anxious to land him a good
berth, la trying to get waivers on him
to make him manager of Toledo, whose
control has panned from Armour to Bom
ers. This la a case of a man being pena
lised for making good.
Connie Mack haa done a handsome thing
in making Danny Murphy captain of the
Athletics to succeed Harry Davla. Danny
lias been a grand old spoke In that grand
,ld wheel t 'T many years, having starred
In tho Infield as well as the out and he
is there yet. as Ma work In the recent
world's series proved. He can lead the
way and that la what la wanted.
The veneral Walter Camp used to in
dulge the hallucination that no western
foot ball team could ever defeat an east
erner. Since the recent Chicago-Cornell
and Michigan-Pennsylvania games, hi.
doubtless Is not sj Indulgent. 1'robably
the west might triumph much more If
given the opportun tv.
The rulo of reducing the number of
players a team may carry la nothing new
and If It la nut enforced any better than
similar rules have been, It might us well
have been omitted.
Another old time favorite, Jake Btafcl
return next year aa manager of Bos
ton and will doubtless g?t a glad hand
from the fans everywhere.
Some good ship la bringing another
cargo of Italian fleah over here to wres
tle Uotch. Better turn It over to UIH
Jlokuf first.
Nebraska la not much on foot ball this
year, only the best in the va'ley, that's
Four Teami Will Battle on Gridiron
at Benson Eagle Park.
Amateurs of Omaha anil Vicinity
rinn Manx Battle to Bo Pulled
Off on Thanksgiving Day
Acar Oinaha.
A lively doutle-hoaCer will be on the
bill of fare at tho Benson Ragles' park,
which Is opposite Krug park, this after
noon, when tho Swifts and Athletics meet
in the opener and the Shamrocks and
Exceptors put on the finishing bout.
So far this seison tho Ghainrocks have
have only dropped one gamo and they
expect to finish the ceason in that man
ner, so the Excelsior will have to step
some to walk away with the sweetmeats
Good officials will be on the Job, so a
good, clean game will b the outcome.
Firs-t game called at 2 p. in. Second at
3 p. m. Following Is the lineup lor the
second came:
,..c. c...
i-.lxUj .
cody ..
L.O..K O.
LI. K.T.
n.K. UK.
y.B.,Q f)
Tutli F.B.lF.B.
wo Utmtl nipfruti,
A double header attraction is booked
for Florence this afternoon. The first
will be between the Monmouth
Park Reserves and the Somebodys, and
the second argument will be Monmouth
Parks vs. Belmonts. The first game
should be an exciting affair as both teams
enter the ring about even In every re
spect. The second game will be a nip
and tuck Affair, with the odda In favor
of tho Monmouth Parka.
A recently organized squad known as
the Columblas will Journey down to
Papilllon today and endeavor to thrash
the plow followers that reside there. The
Omaha boys will not be as beefy aa the
farmers, but as they are a fast, clever
bunch an Interesting bout Is looked for.
Toumi wishing games with the Colum-
bias call Art Newman, over Harney
Gossip for the Warriors.
Th Shamrocks and the Omaha High
school are dickering for a post season
After their severe drubbing last Sunday
the Dodge Light Guards threw up the
Now the Diets team ought to reorganise
and play the tiuperiora for the cham
pionship. Rudle Thener has signed up with the
Monmouth Park Reserves for the balance
of the season.
The Belmonts want a game for next
Sunday. Call Webster 2340 and ask for
Ueuigo Hagcrman.
Several of the Elm wood Parks are on
the hospital list and as a consequence
they won't play today.
The Williams brothers, Harry and Ous,
played with tho Omaha combination that
played Valley yesterday.
Lately the South Omaha Ramblers have
been taut forging to the front as a
team of championship caliber.
Thursday the Belmonts will board a
cl.oo-choo car for Danlup, la., whcjre they
will mix witli the high echool team.
Last Sunday Harry Williams grabbed
one of the Shamrocks' forward passes
and ran fifty yards for a touchdown.
Frank Quigley playtrd center for the
"Ail Stars" aga:nst Crelghton last Thurs
day. In this position he proved u wlaurd.
Looks as if the Superiors are the un
diluted champions of the three cities,
v.t: Umaiiu, feoutli Omaha and Council
The Excelsiors wish a game for Thanks
giving day. Address Gus Klmmel, man
ager, 24111 Cuming street or call Independ
ent B-24b.
Last Sunday Edward O'Connor played
a grand game tor the Shamrocks, on
grabbing forward s lie was espe
cially good.
That famous Woodbine team met Its
Waterloo last Tuesday when It bucked
up against the fast Valley, Nob., squad.
Scotv, a to .
Those Missouri Valley boys handed the
Dndxe Light Guards a large, big, luiry
gooxe egg for their share of the Dodge
Light (juaidB-.MIrsoui'l alley bout.
For some unknown reason the Joe
Smiths failed to show up at the Benson
blagles' park to play their game scheduled
wtlh the Kxcelsiors for laat Sunday.
The Shamrocks are without a game for
Thanksgiving day. Any uam wishing
this date address Frank gulgley, Sill
llaple, or telephone Webster liOM or
Douglas 441.
O'Brien and Phillips, two of the Sham
rocks' best playris, (ailed to show up for
the ehauipionahlp battle, consequently the
Miamroika had to pick up two men be
fore they could play.
Frank Qulfcley had the foot ball fever
right laat week. He artl"ipated In four
games with f Mir different teams, viz:
Keliuonts, f-han. rocks, All Stars uni the
Omaha combination thai played Valley
Today ends the seasnn for the Superiors,
as they, have no 'i'haiiktgivliig day gums
and furthermore they don't want one.
On a tackle McCiu-g is alwuys In the
limelight for the Monmouth l'aik. -acrvea.
He plucks 'em right and left.
Across the waves this afternoon the
Superiors will bump up agulnt the prida
of Council liluffx, namely the Joe Smiths.
I'p to date the Suerurs have only lat
one game, that to Woodbine, la., after a
grueling content by the score of 7 to 0.
Thankrglvlng day Frank Quig'.ey will
pick up a from the three teams that
hava no games lor that utt-), nai.'.ely tn
Superiors. Bharr.rorks and Kxiel-.iora, and
take thrm to paplhicn to p.ay the huskii-o
ai trai bi rg. Tun Omaha team wll, be rio
1 oueo aflair. Many f-ier.uu of tne dif
ferent pUyera wul uiae U Uip( about
Good Shooting in the
-' - . i, h.i kn,) Hkniii iik
Left to
Pollard, Max
Right Fred Peterson, James
200 In all. They leave on the Papilllon car
at 1 p. m., from Sixteenth and Howard
streets. , , .
The Shamrocks are just aching for an
other chance at the Superiors and they
are willing to wager money, marbles or
chalk that they can trim them. Last
Sunday the Shamrocks had a badly crip
pled lineup, but regardless of the fact
they showed their pluck when they played
a tie game.
Next Thursday, Thanksgiving day, the
Monmouth Parks will run a special train
to Valley, Neb., where their teams will
clash with the looal pigskin Warriors.
Their first team will play the Valley
town team and the seaond team will
clash with the Valley High school squad.
Last year approximately 20 made the
trip, but this year their expectations will
bo more than fulfilled, as about 800
tickets i.ave already been disposed of.
School Lads
Ready for the Big
Cross-Country Run
The cross-country squad of the high
school will put In Its final practice this
week for Its annual run with the Council
Bluffs team, which will be held as a
preliminary stunt to the game between the
local high school warriors and the Wen
dell Phllilpa High school eleven of Chi
cago. Omaha's chances have been greatly
strengthened this week by the return of
two star runners to the squad. Halleck
Rouse, last year's atar quarter mller and
relay runner, haa Joined the squad end la
sure to show up well. Rouse recently re
turned from the wilds of Canada, where
ho haa been roughing It, and Is In excel
lent condition for running. On account
of the monthly attendance eligibility rules.
Rouse waa not allowed to go out for foot
ball thla year, as he had not been en
rolled in echool long enough this semes
ter. Charles Robel, who pulled off fourth
place In the run last year, haa also Joined
the squad, and Is showing up well In the
semi-weekly practice runs. Flnley Jen
kins and Gilbert Kennedy, both members
of last year's team, are also showing up
strong In practice and are likely candi
dates for the team this year. Lynn Sack
ett, captain of the squad, Is one of the
steadiest distance runners the school has
ever produced.
The run will start and end In full view
of ths crowd at Ruurke park and will be
over the same course as that of last year.
The route goes from Rourke park, zlg
sags down to the west entrance of River
vlow park, and then returns to the park.
Tho distance thus covered Is about two
and one-half miles. The run will start at
2:3d, so that It will be finished before the
foot ball game starts at 3 o'clock.
Each school will enter five runners and
points will be awarded for the first five
men who get places.
NEW YORK. Nov. 25.-Tournament
dates and for the closing of entries have
bnen announced for th first national
amateur pocket billiard championship
under the direction of th National Asso
ciation of Amateur Billiard Player. The
tournament will begin on Monday, March
4, and continue for two weeka. While tho
place for holding It has not yet been
d finitely decided uon. It Is more than
likely that the eccne of the competltlona
will bn In this city, the New York Ath
letic club, ths Hanover club of Brooklyn
f(nd the New Tork club being prominently
. ,T.fc..:
Alnaoow, Ray Pegau, Charles McDonald, Charles B1ak,eIejV J aeH Davison, Ray ,
' - .' -! -
Wendell Fhillipi Team Outweighs
Them Three Founds to a Man.
Comparison of the Two Teams la
Made by the Doylit Uonman
and Hector Hack in the
Game. .
When the Omaha High school eleven
and the husky Wendell Phllilpa High
school team of Chicago clash at Rourke
park Thanksgiving afternoon -tho local
warriors will be outweighed fully six
pounds to the man.
The average weight of the Omaha
eleven la 1M pounds and that of Wendell
Phillips 110. The lines of the two teams
are about evenly matched, although the
Windy City lads have some three pounds
advantage. Wendell Phllilpa sums up an
average of 153 In the back field, whllo
the purple and white has but 143 pounds.
Derplte tho fact that Omaha la out
weighed ten pounds In their back field
Coach Burnett will rely on the npcedlnoss
of Rector at fullback, Carlson, left half,
and Bowman, right half, to overcome this
advantage. s
This trio Is cupable of pulling off sev
eraf baffling trick pluya and forward
passes which Burnett has "Ttept up' his
sleeve all season In preparation for this
game. Omaha will rely largely on the
open style of foot bull, and the spectators
need not expect a rough and tumble af
fair. Cummlngs at quarter and Alberts, left
guard, are the stars of'the Windy City
team, both having already been picked
for the All-Cook County High school
eleven for'the lull season. Alberts weighs
112 and la playing his second year on the
Five of the Wendell Phillips eleven that
will play hers Thanksgiving Wore on the
team last year, Sherman, left end; Pethy
brldge, left tackle; Alberts, left guaid;
Keenan, center, and Stern, right half.
Keenan played left guard last year. Sher
man is touted as a star open-field run
ner and Is a wonder on intercepting for
ward passes.
Following la the lineup and weights of
the two teams for the big Thanksgiving
Millard (1331. ...L.K.
Ua.hman (172J..LT.
Mtser (15) L.i.
R K (14H) (Ionian
JCT (Pj6 Deveny
K U Uttii Hart
ltaldrlgc (210) (
C Keenan
Balinian (l.'.li). .K.. I L.G (IHifl Alberta
linesman ilfa) H.T.I 1,.T..(1M fethyb'g'e
Munneke (142). .U.K. L.K. .. .116) tthermao
rielby 13H) 'J H I (J 11. .(Hi) Cummliigs
Carlson (14H....LH. H.H C,jL) Stern
B'wm n, c (ll).lt H.lL H (Uk) Mooney
Rector (l&4) P.U.I F.B O'W) Koehler
Total weight: Omaha High, l.sstj;
Wnnd-ll Phillips High, 1.7(10.
Subktltutrs: Omaha, Durkee, fullback;
Pltilnger, right half; (iould, lift end;
Llndell, left guard; lvteison, right guurd,
and I'm I.aniatre. left half and quarter.
Wendell IhilllpH, Klatchfurd, right half:
Crist, fullback; (iarku, right tackle, and
(i ret n man, left guard.
Comiskey Backs Big
Bowling Tournament
CHICAGO, Nov. Z. For the first time
In their hlMury bowlers will play fur the
world's title at the International tourna
ment w hich Is plunned to be held here In
March. The tourney will be played early
In that month, but as yet no dates have
been arranged. Bark of the project la
Charlie Comlfkey. president of the Chlf
tgo Amerlcau league buao ball club.
Sand Hills
w..i.A , , -Z, ...C ?,.T.TT,..i ...I . -..
Tl itUoiXJ Ml'
Kellom is Leading
All Other" Schools
in Running Jumps
it i'h.i ,.r . ; ..
Kellom school, ( seems to have the edge
on all othsr' competitors in the running
high Jump tests now going on In the
grade schools under ths direction of Ray
mond L. Cams, superintendent of ath
letics. The school leads them all with a total
of 103 boys who have passed the tests
In the three classes. However, Lothrop
Is a close second with 103 who have fin
ished the Jumps. Lake Is third with ST
and Ixng next with 85.
Lothrop has walked away from ths
others In the first class which requtrea
a high Jump of four feet four inchea.
Nine youngstera at Lothrop have passed
this test and some of them are Jumping
as high as four feet nine Inchts. With
more training It Is expected that some of
the youngsters will be In form to go over
the bar at five feet In the big out-door
meet next spring.
By ths end of the week It Is expected
that all the running high Jump tests will
be finished. The tests In sprinting will
be held during December and with brisk
weather some good records should be
The following list shows the rank of
the first six schools that have passed
the required, tenta In each chins. To pass
In the first class, the liny must Jump
four feet tour Inches, In the second class,
three feet 10 Inchea and in the third, three
feet four inches:
M. 3d. Total
1 M los
27 103
li til 07
K 75 S.i
IS M 83
10 M SD
Kellom .
Lothrop .
Jike. ....
Ixmg ....
Central ,
CHICAGO. Nov. ?5.-fPpeclal.)-Wendell
Phillips High school eleven will hold Its
final practice on Monday and Tuesday
of thla week In preparation for the gum
with Omaha on Thanksgiving day at
The team will leave ror umaha on
Wednesday and la In the very beat of
condition. The lade are expecting to de
feat Omaha thla yeur and avenge their
defeat of laat season, but they expect
their hardest game of the season never
theless. Fifteen mn will make the trip
In addition to C. 8. Gardner, student
manager, and Ixiuls Koarlnl, faculty
Wendell PMlllps recently held the fnat
Oak Park eleven, the ilnteracholastlo
champions of Illinois, to a low score, and
were th first to sror on them for th
last two years. They have also defeated
the much touted Knglewoud High school
eleven by the score of 2i to 0.
Two of this year's team already have
been picked for the All-Cook County High
tchoo eleven of Illinois, Cummlngs, quar
terback, and Alberts, left guard. Alberta
Is th heaviest mui on the team, weigh
ing 1!2. Cummlngs Is playing a star
gam at quarter this year and Is very
adept at forward passing.
Had Her boler.
"Bobby," said the mother of a preco
cious youngster, "did you let your little
sister have her choke of apples as I told
"Yes, mamma," replied Lobby, "I told
her she could hava the little on or none,
so she took the llttl one."
By "Bud"
Thanksgiving- Game with Hastings
Wil Be Test for University.
From Standpoint of Ganira Won
V'nlvrrslt jr Has Not Had 8 access
fat Season, bat Games Metier
Than Scores Indtrntr.
The t'nlverslty of Omah" lasting
foot ball game at Hsstlngs on Thanks
giving day la arousing a great deal of
Interest. It will really be the only game
of the season which will give other
schools In the Nebraska association a
chance to draw a line on the strength
of the local eleven.
Hastings this year has raptured sec
ond place In the race for the champion
ship of Nebraska. In meeting thla aggre
gation Omaha will have a rhnne to show
whether or not It Is plnylng foot ball
of university caliber.
From the standpoint of games won the
Gate City lads have not had a very suc
cessful year, but they have been play
ing a much better gume than the scores
Indicate. They have been handicapped all
season, and have had enough discourage
ments to cause the average team to dis
band. I ' Players Show I n W ell.
I Parish, star quarterback, will be bat' of
the game. His place Is being taken by
Dow, who Is showing mighty good gen
eralship and speed In getting orf th
plays. Larsen Is taking Dow's position
at left half and is hitting the line like
a demon. He Is fast on his feet and
shows much ability In skirting the ends
and tackling, and aa a defensive player
la adding a great deal of strength to ths
If' Omaha wins, or holds Holsts's pro
teges to a low score they will be entitled
to be looked upon as one of ths best
teams In the state, outside of Crelghton
and the University of Nebraska. Last
year In basket ball Cotner came her
claiming the championship, and expected
to win by a large score. Omaha upset all
dope by winning, and they ballev that
unless Hastings plays stellar ball dur
ing the entire game that they too are
In for a surprise.
Liberal Donations
For Olympic Games
NEW YORK, Nov. 26.-That matters In
relation to the American Olympic team
fur next year's sports In Htockholm are
fast taking shape Is attested by the
liberal donstlons to further the world's
greatest athletes. Closely following this
Is the Information to th effect that th
American committee has cabled for reser
vations for 100 men In the hotels of
Hlorkholm and vicinity.
This vast aggregation of the muscle
and brawn of the United States shows
an Increase In numbers over th great
est team ever sent abroad, that of 11MA,
by over thirty, as seventy men com
prised the u,u ud which corralled the
points and th trophies at that time In
In order to further Increase American
athletic Interest It has been almost defi
nitely decided upon to have the scenes
of the "Iryouts" for positions on the
learn In the following places: Harvard
Stadium, In Cambridge, for the eastern
contestants; Chicago university field
for those of the middle west, and riolden
Clate park, Kan Francisco, for the can
didates of the Puclfio and Pacific north sections.
Fencing Rules Are
Materially Changed
NEW YORK, Nov. K.-Oii of the most
radical change In years In fencing rules
has been adopted for the coming season,
according to the announcement mad by
the Amateur Fencers' league of America,
which outlined Its plans, scope, additions
in membership and championship dute.
For the first time In the history of the
organisation it haa been voted to fix a
limit to the number of points that may
be scored In a folia competition. Instead
of permitting a bout to go four minutes
as heretofore, the match will end as soon
as one swordsman has earned four
touches. The fencers shall change posi
tions on the strip after three louche, or
after two minutes In can threo louche
have not been mude In that time.
Forty -two open tournaments with folia,
subers and dueling swords will be con
ducted by the leugue In seven different
cities this season. The majority will take
place at Chicago, where sixteen competi
tions are dated, thirteen of them under
the auspices of the Illinois Athletic club.
NEW YORK, Nov. 25.-The second of
the International regattas of Europe will
next season be sailed In German waters
at Kiel on June X and 27. I.ast summer
t,hs first of thes International ' affairs
waa sailed In Rrltlsli waters. Tho Dover-
to-Hellgolandfracea for the German m-
li:rur's pri will b aalled on June li.
College Considers Severing Rela.
tions with Wesleyan.
Methodists Are Accused of SpylasT
on Presbyterians sad frith In
sisting I'pon Incompe
tent Officials. '
HASTINGS, Neb.. Nov. 25.-(Speelal.)
The rport that Wesleyan university majr .
sever athletic relations with Hastings ,
collego Is cauFlng no concern among ths
athletlo authorities of the local Insrltu-
tlon. In fact, the directors of athletic
here have considered taking ths Initiative .
In this direction.
The attitude assumed by ..esleyan haj
prompted th following statement by one '
of the supporters of athletics at Hosting
col logs:
"Spies were sent here befor th gams
by their coach to Interview popl and
obtain evidence regarding ths scholastic)
standing of th men on th team. ThlJ
Is a practice not resorted to In any re
spectablo institution in the country. Wes
leyan would not consent to officials of
experience and th work of some of thoso
Ulectea disgusted everybody. For proof
of this assertion we refer to any out- '
elder who witnessed th game, and par-
tlcularly to the newspaper accounts pub.
Ilshad at Lincoln.
"Wesleysn's two touchdowns wer both ,
nuke, th first th result of a deflected
punt on Hastings' thirty-yard line and
th second an interrupted pass In the last
few minutes of play, Th first would
hav been Impoislbl If it had not been
for a glaring foul on Marvel of Hastings,
with ths field Judge not mors than five'
yards away. This foul was so gross that
outsiders on the side lines called to ths
field Judge for a penalty. At ths end of
th third qusrter Hastings had th ball
on Wesleysn's one yard line, third down.
When the ball was taken to the other end
of the field It was given to Wesleysn.
W again refer to th newspaper accounts
for proof of this.
"Hastings outplayed Wesleyan and
should have won. They made on touch
down and carried th ball twlcs to Wes
leysn's one-yard line, wher It was' once
unjustly taken away from them. Wes
leyan could not hav scored excepting on' '
"Schllck of Hastings was not In th
lineup because Wesleyan Interposed a .
technicality to his registration. Johnson, '
right end, was out of the gams on ac- .
count of Injuries. With ths full team on "
th field victory would hav been very 4
easy In spit of Weslcyan's luck and th
poor officiating. -
"Hustings' squad consists of sixteen "
men. The team Is composed of four of ;'
last yeur's men, four former subs slid :
thre of lost year's Hsstlngs High school
team. It Is unusually light, averaging X
leaa than 1W pounda to ths man. The A
material was th poorest Hastings ha J
had for year. Th first six weeks of 3
practice was devoted to th fundamental ;
of th game, scarcely a thought being;
given to signal work. Finallyi4h team C
began to Improvo by leaps and bounds
snd cany victories were won against -til
and island, Rellevue and Doane." 1
Yachts to Assist
at the Panama Expof
NEW YORK, Nov. 3.-'Kffort are be-5
Ing made to have a big gathering of r,
yachta when the Panama canal la opened .
and the opening celebrated with the."
Fanama-Paclflo International exposl-f
tlon In 1015. The commltte 1 working
hard planning all sorts of events, and one
suggestion Js that a race for th:
America's cup be arranged and sailed for.
on the Pacific. Just what the New York:
Yatch club will say to that Is something
no one can say, but it Is very certain that"
aa long aa thut cup la in the cuatody of.
the New York Yatch club the racea will
be sailed on these watera. Mills, Free-:
man, a wealthy tk-attl yachtsman, la re
sponsible fur the many plana being made
for yachting. It la expected that thera
will be ocean racea from all polnta and
Bit- Thomas Llpton has already promised
to enter a yacht.
Wray Experiments
With Varsity Crew
HOSTON. Mass.. Nov. 25 Jim Wray is
making another experiment in ths Har
vard varsity eight and if he la auoceseful
Newton, who alroked th crew in ths race
with Yala last June, will be a fixture at
No. T. A yar ago Wray tried exactly
the same experiment with Roger Cutler,
who had stroked the crew for two years.
In his last year Wray decided that he
would try him out at No. 7 and despita
th chang from port to starboard h did
ao well that he waa kept there through
out the season. Roth Cutler and With,
tngton, who rowed No. t last Juns, hav
been graduated, but Wray haa ths other
six men back. Qoodale'a preliminary
work as stroke was not altogether pleas
ing and Wray has put In ('harder, who
stroked the freshmen crew .last year
until his standing acholaatlcally I com-
vli4 bliu to glv up row lug for ta yar.