THE OMAHA SUNDAY BE 10: NOVEMBER 'JU, ltm. r Nebraska GOVERNOR PARDONS INDIAN JLouis mest, Sentenced to Two . Years for Treating Friend. UNABLE TO SPEAK ENGLISH '""" Hoard Took View Man C'otld Tint (omprrbfnd Uwi of Slate and Merely Copied . MMte Men's Acta. ' (From a Stnff Cor. LINCOLN, Nov. 23. (Special.) Louis Priest, an Indian of tha vinn.ks. i. dlan reservation in Thurston county, who was sentenced to two years In the state jienuenuaiy on the charge ot treating an other Indian to liquor, was pardoned to day by Governor Aldrlch. The pardon lon of Judge. Q. T. Graves, the trial Judge, and E. G. Maggt of the Hoard of j Hrnona. Information wa's'cl Veil thn irnvomnr In. dloatlng that Priest was unable to speak or write Lngli and that he was unable to oomprehend the laws ot the state, lie saw white men treating each other to Intoxicants and he sa wno wrong In his doing the same with h!s Indian friends. Priest was convicted under the law for bidding the sale or gift of liquors to In dians. He was not prosecuted under the general anti-treatlng law, which applies also to his white brothers. Priest was sentenced May 4, 1310, and wouia nave been released next January. Cnlhollr sinii.iii. m.. After deciding to hold its next annual convention at Ames, la., the Association of Catholic Students of Journed this morning. The convention had ueen in session here since Wednesday. The officers elncted Goodman, ex-Minnesota, Fargo, N. D., president (re-elected): Ml son, Nebraska, of this city, vice president; T. C. Taff. Ames. uorlnrv.iiiaiir Two other members who will constitute ine executive committee together with the three officers were elected. They are Irvln-M. Lowe, Boulder, Colo., and S. L. Barber. Madison. Wis. Tha following resolution endorsing the peace treaties now pending between this country and England and Franca was In n k m 1 1 .'ti a v, r . t . - , SUST.1.""" iiave, asked tn Catholic SVh h of An:erlt'a tor an opinion on arbitration treaties between. France. mgiand and America, which a:e now ud betore the senate for ratification: be it resolved that ihi -.i,ii .' t'onveniion MHPembled, believe that the UL nnr is one or tne greatest 5hV ?" ihai can De rendered to mankind and we do heieby express the huartv on. onerntlnn nnH . r. ... ; j . . Hait of the arbitration between the countries mentioned. The committee on the resolutions was maae up of J. E. Gibney, Lincoln; J. Desmond, Champaign, 111.; Frank Gal- jagner, Minneapolis. Johnson Mettles Tl Harold D. Johnson of University Place was this morning fined 2i bv JnHn Mungcr of the federal court. Jnhn,,n pleaded guilty to the charge of seeding a dunning communication thiough the ma.l on, a postal card. He had undcrsooreo. me. words instructing the rinhtnr tn ,.!.. as 'per agieement. The tine was paid iiumcaiaieiy. To Test Tradlna- Staun it. The- anti-trading stamp act paesed by me. last legislature will nrobablv ti tled soon by quo warranto proceedings to me instituted by. County Attorney Strode. Mr. Strode has been in con sultation with Deputy Attorney General Ayres and E. J. Clements, the lawyer employed by a number of Lincoln re tailer who oppLse giving trading stamps. in matter was brought to th at. tention of the district couit n.i ih. murrer of the defendant of the infor mation In the case of the mat ir.n. J. K. Burleigh. Tho latter was charged with having sold a packaee In which 'was, a library slip issued . by the Magazine and Book company, good in part payments for books or ma co sines. The giving of this sliD wn ai. leged to be In violation ot the tiadlng stamp jaw. 1 FORMER NEBRASKA MAN JOSHES STATE OFFICERS ' (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Nov., J5.-(Speclal.)- H. U. Cook, secretary of the state tail board of Kansas, but formerly a mem ber of the Nebraska board, thinks that the' group picture of the- officers ot the Nebraska board should be recalled rom circulation, his ground being that It would be for the benefit of the state, MY. Cook has written Secretary Mellor, Informing him that he saw the group picture of the Nebraska men in an east' em publication. The officers in the pic ture are President O. P. Hendcrshot, j- irst vice President I. W. ' 11 awes of Minden, Second Vice President Joe Rob erts of t remont. Treasurer Goorge H. Dickman of Seward, Chairman C. II JHudge of Lincoln, .L. W. Leonard of Paw nee City, E. Z. liuasell ot Blair and J. A. Ollis, Jr.,. of Old. This is what Mr. Cook says of tha picture: "Here is a picture that I cut out of a magazine a few days ago. 1 wonder if this couldn't be stopped. If thai picture keeps going around the country It is go tug to ruin Nebraska. Uu you Know that Dick looks as, though he uouid hold up a train, and that mun Hatvea oujiiit to bt placed so he would lake a isido view in steud of a trout view, and tnose three fellows on the top row above and iludge, they are all rl'iit outbiue of the p.ciuie, 1... 1 .... I I' . uuw ujr juvo i wouia issue an oruer mat no more camera should come on the giuunds dunns'fair ween. And good oid Heudersuot seemed to huve a ray ' ot jibui uim iiiui it me tune he was snapped tliat gives .iim a .ibaveniy ap pearance cnuai io tne aiviue flatter The only rtueeming feature is tnai smile that Charley wears that ner come oit, I can account for your appearance o.i account of 'the hay tever. if ou have any way of calling tins plate in; dj it. I love the whole bunch or I wouldn't write w freely." rchard Wilhelm Carpet eompany (? -rt Pi if 11 1 tilfCk NevtT loses its price mark. Every time you ilL1 1 u IHtUl C:lmy M "rUp" piece of furniture you buy disappointment. There is no economy in putting money into "cheap" furniture eveu though it is to be u?ed but temporarily." . " , AVo are offering many pieces of low priced furniture, but none of it is "cheap" in quality. Here are some excellent values in Thanksgiving Dining Room Furniture. ehina Cabinet (To Match Buffet.) Cabinet 33-ineh long. Special ...$21.00 Cabinet 46-inch long. Special ...$33.00 Dining ' Table To match China Cab inet and Buffet, round top 54 inches in diameter . . .S33 Dining (Ehair (Like Illustration.) High grade select oak, fumed finish, has full box frame, Spanish leather, slip sent. Each .$5.50 V' Buffet (Like Illustration.) ' Soft brown fumed finish. Scroll design postal Has large mirror. . Comes in three sires. ,Buffet, 60. inches long. Special $49.00 lluffet, 54 inches long. Special S37.50 Buffet, 48 inches long. Special 320.00 $S7.00 Buffet, Early English Oak) rich design. Special $56.00 China Cabinet, solid oak, Rarly English finish. Special 154.00 Buffet, Early English finish. Special 14 5.00 China Cabinet; Early English finish. Special $45.00 Set, Six Dining Chairs, leather seat, Early English finish. Special, $44.00 China Cabinet, fumed oak. 182.00 China Cabinet, fumed oak $80.00 Buffet, golden oak $85.00 Buffet, golden oak $64.00 Buffet, golden oak $65.00 Buffet, golden oak $9.00 Arm Chair, golden oak $5.00 Dining Chair, golden oak, leather seat. Special $28.00 Set, Four pining Chairs, golden oak. leather seat, high-grade. Special, $8.76 Diner, leather seat, golden oak. Each... $8.00 Diner, leather seat and buck, golden oak $5.50 Arm Chair, golden oak, leather seat Special 58.00 37.50 30.00 27.50 27.00 20.50 55.00 O.OO 05.OO 40.00 $10.00 85.50 3.00 S 19.00 2.25 .-S5.50 $3.25 Lace Curtains Curtains of real value that are elegant, appropriate and fashionable, moderately priced. All made up on the best quality of net. Scrim Curtains, plain and plaid, some trimmed with insertion, edge ' and colored borders. , Complete line, the pair, from. .$2.75 to $6.25 Ciuny Curtains in white, Arabian, or cream, with edge and insertion, complete assortment. Prices the pair, from $2.75, $3.50 to $6.75 Duchess Lace Curtains, new champagne color, dainty and Herviceable. Prices the pair, from. . . . . . . : . . . .$3.75, $3.95, $4.50 to $7.50 Bedding dur Bedding Department is receiving a great deal of attention just now. Everyone is pleased with the assortment. Blankets from $1.25 to $10 pain Comforts from $1.50 to $8.75 each. , Bed Spreads from $1.50 to $10 Bet. Store will be closed all day Thursday Thanks jiving Day. Cornerstone of New Catholic Church : at Hastings is Laid HASTINGS, Neb., Nov. 25. With im pressive ritualistic ceremony the corner otane was laid Wednesday, November 22, lor St. Cecilia's rtoman Catholic church. which is expected to be the finest church of this denomination in the Lincoln dio cese The ritual was conducted by Right UcV. J. Henry Tlhen, blnhop of Lincoln, assisted by Rev. Father Fltrpatrlck of Omaha and twenty priests of the see of Lincoln. The church will cost complete about and probably It will be ready for uedicatlon next July. It is strictly fire proof Tho eilorlor facing Is mown Persian tapestry brick, with. white -tcuo for all cornices, doprs and window traceries. It will have a sealing capacity of 1,000. In the interior all column and pedestals will be white morbta and nioaulc tloorB will be laid in the smaller moms. .he desi$n is Uolhle throughout., liy uiiit,' neuvy lroutvorit uie sranna utui voiued using columns between the nave ..m the Bide aisles. In their place marble ,,cniiiints will hang from above and .'rom inese will be suspended cluster electric inps. The eficct of both interior and j.ur.or will be one of inasulvenesa and .iciiuess. i.iie iron work and most of the oilier .iiaiiulaoiuied materials used in the au ue- ! Mere inuJe ui in lla.liiig and the i'lans were urawn by a' llaot.iitfs arclil- n.ct, C. V. Way. The Hastings foumlfy ui.piled the iron, iieiupci Kealy of . tuiauiiti and Uruiid iuiand are llui con- actum. . . New Church at Hastings m 4 51 M. ST. CECELIA CHUP.CH. IN COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION, TO COST S.(;C0. Ing and toilet articles, neatly arianged. Not a word of writing or printing. He held a revolver in his hand when found, having shot himself In tha right temple. Ctrl Killed. Uoy lujnred. NEWTON. la., Jov. U-Lavena Jonu. aged 18, was k.Ued, and her brother, a young lad, waa badly injured In a run away accident near Coitax last night. im youn woman, ner broiner and a hired man were driving to a party when the boy. who was driving, dropped ine tines, causing tne , noises to run away. The girl Jumped from the buggy, was thrown upon her head and broke her neck. While reaching for the reins the boy waa thrown from the buggy and his bead was erukhed, but ha will live. The hired man remained in the vehicle and escaped unhurt. JODY FOUND AT CHADRON IS Si ILL UNIDENTIFIED CHADRON, Nov. 25. (Special.) Lying la the morgue at Chadion la the Dody of an unknown man, who coinuilitaed sui cide south of tha Normal school grounds, in a cauyon. He la 6 ieet 7 iticues high. weights about 1W pounds, about 3j years u.a. liaht ha.r and oompleKlort. A scar Just below the left ear, evidently caused from a burn. Wore a blue serge suit. Mucit hat, Ehoe No. B. In his pocket were a Canadian railioad watch, Elgiii iimke; tl.2s In money, a nearly full box ji cartridges, a Chiuago tt Northwestern rullioad ticket from Chicago to Casper, Wyo., stamped In Chicago, November U, llill, and a card bearing nains and ad- uress In Chisago. . The party has been telegraphed to, but knows nothing to help .dentify tha man. On his hand was a gold ring, with ini tials R. M. A. on outside and Inside was MiKpah." A tan colored suit euse at railroad dtLot is thought to have belonged to tha deceased, but contains only good cloth- NOTES FROM NEBRASKA CITY Two lira iajurvit When Automobile I'ysets Three Weddings Celebrated.' NEBRASKA CITY, Nov. K.-(Spoclal.)-Albert Keoppel and John WeFord were coming to town from the horn of Herb Slillwell, eight nivles northwest of the city, last evening, and when turning a sharp coiner while going at a high rate, of speed tne car skidded and upset. Uutl, men were thrown out. DeKord was pin ioned under the tar and suxtuined a broken rib, while Keoppel was thrown Into a nearby field and suffered a broken ankle. They were brought to their homes in this city last evening and given medi cal treatment. Mrs. William Hay ward of New Yoik City, arrived her yesterday to attend the funeral of her grandmother, Mrs. luaic Coe. The funeral was held In the Ciir.a tian Science church, the deceased being one of the builders of the same. Cards are announcing tha coming mar riage of Miss Zula, daughter of Mrs. John K. Blckel, to Mr. Joseph R. Carter of Sidney, la., on Wednesday evening, De cember e, at the home of he bride's mother In this eity. Poth of the young people are well connected. William Jay Judd of Thurtnan, Ia and Miss Nellie Adams of Sidney, la., were married In this city yesterday and left for their future home at Thurman. Howard Lambeth and lilts Mabel Zc era, former residents of Syracuse, are to be married In Grand Junction, Colo where the bride's parents are m.ikln their home for the present. Both ai well-to-do young people and were bur and reared In this county. Kenneth Williams of Red Cioud and Mltis Laura A. Walker of Talmugu wei married in Ihlw city yesterday and lel'l this morning for their future home a Red Cloud. Hay 11 urns tpoataneoasly. AUBURN, Neb., ..ov. Hi (Special.) i ne Darn oi nooeri ieper, a tanner, residing four miles north of town, was completely destroed jy lire. He lost In the fire one horse, one eow and thirty tons ot alfalfa hay. Ths fire was evidently of spontaneous origin, as it started In th hay loft, where Mr. Leeper had recently put in about twelve tons ot alfalfa hay which was green. Better spend your l Thanksgiving in a ; King-Swanson overcoat King Kwnnson Overcoats arc fascinating in atylo and not frivolous in quality. They're safo from year to year. "Without a hitch or halt thcf'vo marched into popularity and wiao fellowi in preat numbers are seen in our Overcoat section dally trying on and looking themselves ovejr in our overgarments. Better como in yourself, land If ilucs j . a ' . ar see about that coat you'll wear on Thanksgiving day. $10.00 to $60.00 ! Wonderful coats at $15.00, $20.00, $25.00 OMAHA'S OXLV MODKKN CLOTUIXG 8TOUK. i.j mi - -a.S; ' a.iiiut-uriMTmji HOMli OP Qt'AUTV CLOTHES. ' Brandeis Stores Great Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Ware Sale The remarkable savings our annual sale of Dinner Ware offers has.been taken ad vantage of by hundreds of Omaha women. Right at a time when a new service is most desirable we offer you, new up-to-date Dinner Sets, many of them just, out , of their wrappings at prices far below our usual low prices. Every set is from our regular stock and can be replenished year after year. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we of-. fer broken lines from last week's sale at remarkable reductions. ' I I ... aW rrvrrrw. -sV-ajw. II Hi.. ,T f 100-plece rrsnoh China Sinner lata -I'ull coin tcold treatment, S39.50 Dinner Seta $38.50 a yery handsome service regu lnrlv worth S,"i9.o0: at 100-Pleea rrench China Sinner Seta Regularly worth 6K ntieclal. at ........... JOO-Placa rranoh China Sinner Vets wortn leguiariy rnc nil 18, speolal'at '. .' . .5aiaUU 100-lMaoe Austrian China Sinner lata Lavishly treated, with gold coin, worth $35.00, sals C0K flrt price, only VtOsUW 100-risoa Snrllah Sinner Beta White and gold, worth ri J DC 119.K5. apeclal at WlHiOJ LOO-Fieos Syraouaa China Slnnar ta Iteautlfully decorated, regu lar price $39.50, sale CIJ OC price only &LIt09 10O-Piaoa gyraonse Slnnar Rets Worth regularly 4U, C9Q Kfl aln nrlne only .iHaiWsaU 100-risoa Somastio Sinner Seta Hl( h coin gold, sella reguiariy t 1X1.60. sale filO.RR I prlca Cut Out This Coupon . te onday wa will 1 give dainty Japanese , pica, nan i .yn AU UptU 39cV (Stock During LZ ! This Sale. 100-rtaoa Qerman slnnar Beta With Dresden Flowara, regular prtca r'K.V $29.50 X0O Fleoa rina Somestip roreelaln Slnnar Rata Whlta and gold, regu lar price was llJ.85, ft AC sale prlca only,,. 100-Piaea ngltsn Sinner Beta Con- ventlonal decorationa, Xonner price J..'l;..p?.;. $13.50 Condiment dets tray, tooth pick, aalt I nd pepper worth 11.00 coupon and and set, mustard. for this i G rmai Casserole Spscial , 7 or 8-lnch la with heavy nickel1 plated frames and genuine Guernsey Casserole Lining. A A nt) ' Thanksgiving 'XfOQ Special at This Week SPECIAL DEMON JTRA flON and SALE Next , Week Primo Vacuum Freezer Requires no labor freezes cream in 10 minutes This Freezer marks a new era in the making of frozen dainties as it is simple a case of "put in the ice and cream" and the freezer does the- rest delicious, ice cream and ices being made in ten minutes. It requires no labor, cannot break or get out of order, uses snow , or ice and just V the amount formerly required. It soon pays for itself in saving of ice and labor. During . demonstration a remarkably low price will be made. .v West Arcade 5" PIMOISa STOKES jj -r-r'' SJiiy I U tff Will U SIT am Ml W niiBi. MOTMMaMM iMWMiiMMMMiMBMMsj I Nebraska Central College Installs -New President CENTRAL CITV. Neb., Njv. 3.".. (Sneclal.) The Hov. Htf'iilien Hlanton Myrlck, formerly head muster of Old hum Hull, un-Anglo-ChlnHO hoarding school for boyn, Kinupoie, Struita Hfttlenif ills, AkIu, u TufHiluy nUht inaugurated peventh prepldent of Ne braHka Central (Villcne. the flourlslilag CJuaker liistllution hunted in the sub urbs of Central City. the principal udJiOHS of tho occaHlun was delivered by the Hev. V. K. HIilrH y of the Clmu tuuuua platform. Albert K. lllladley, chairman of the Board of Trimtcea, ex teudud his right hand In greeting to Air. Myrlck nnd conducted him to the vai-unt presidential iliair. where he received Hie tharse to the president. At the cloKe of the cliuirman's cliarge fie-ildenl MjilcU '.iose and re ;ponu;oJ with his inoii'.ci ai address. Illrts theme was "The College and the Na tion." The loading toought developed by the new president v-u a plea for cosmopolitanism. llo tspeclally ar rulgned tho of excluding ( liinese. and pointed out tliut the Bu'istltiitloii of welcome Instead of exclu.sioa would cor.tiibulj to the cauie of wond fed eration and International prosperity financial, intellectual and social. One of the students In by uuiology provided an orlijliial hymn for the occuBion.' After tho program the faculty ten dered a pupbllc reception to President and Mrs. Myrlck. The student body gave sunns and college yells, addinf zest to the good llnien. FREMONT REPUBLICANS ARE FORMING TAFT CLUB LEGE INSTALLED THURSDAY. NEW PRESIDENT NEBRASKA COL- IM.imiuimi.i.i i ..i . .. hi..-' " ii ii ' my- 0 4 ? m t . fj yif : '.' mi i.i 1 l.n ki t.n,i nun inn in. REV. WEST POINT COUPLE' MARRIED AT ST MARY'S STEPHEN 8TANTON MYRICK, Central City. Smallyoz Upldetule at Gaudy. QANDY, Neb., Nov. S5.-(epecial.)-An epldemlo of smallpox Is vlatling this community and has succeeded In captur ing a large number of citizens as Its victims. The spreading of the discuss has progressed to such an extent that It was thought advisable to close the public schools for two weeks. Services are not being beld In any of tha churches and dance are cot allowed to be held In Qaiidy. FREMONT, Nob., Nov. 23.-(Speclal.)-A meeting of voters Interested In the oi ganlzitlun of a Tuft club was held at the county court room last evening and was well attended. A committee was ap pointed to circulate petitions and another to stlect officers and draw up a brief constitution. An adjournment was taken f-i- twi veel-.s whin officers will be Chosen and organisation perfected. Those present last evening expect the club to be one of the lurgtst lu the state I CONDIT WILL SELECT L0WRY AS HIS DEPUTY FREMONT. Neb.. Nov. S5. tBpeclal.) Klierlff-elect W. C. Condlt has given out that William A. Lowrey will be his deputy. Mr. Lowry is the owner of a number of bloodhounds which have been used successfully In tracing criminals and will use them for that purpose without expense to the county. Sheriff Bauman, at the end of his nine years service in that office, expects to move to the state of Washington, early In January. Josephine Wuetrao Gets Daiuairrs. DAVID CITY. Neb., Nov. 25.-(Speclal.) In tha session of the district court here lusting three and one-half days, before Judge B. F. Quod, Josephine Wustrao re covered damagea to the value of II, 736. M from Beit M. Hall. The ease was an action for damages resulting In a false representation In an exchange of a farm In Merrick county for a Mock of land In David City, a stallion and some land in Missouri. The plaintiff asked for 3,2uO, but the Jury after being out about three hours, brought a verdict for 11,736. W. WEST POINT, Neb:, Nov. 26. (Special.) 8t. Mary'a church at West Point waa the scene of the marriage -ofl, 'Bernard Freachauf and Miss Gertrude Schiferl Wednesday morning, the nuptial mass being celebrated by Rev. EL A. Klemens, . assistant pastor. The bridal pair was ac companled to the altar by Joseph Schiferl . and miss Theresa Fischer. The groom .. Is the son ot John Freachauf of Lindsay . and the resident agent of the Nye-Schneider-Fowler company at St. Charlen, S. D., where the newiy married pair will make their future home. Under the direction of Grand Patron Benjamin Terry ot Uucoln, a lodge ot the order of the Eastern Ular wa organ ised at the Masonio lodge room at West Point on Wednesday. The name of the new lodge Is Rose star, in honor ot A. M rtose, one of the oldest Masons in the city. Ihe officers chosen were: W. M., Mrs. Elisabeth Muihn; W. P., A. M. Hose; A. M., Mrs. 1m. a Summers; Con., Mrs. Matilda Uowen; A. C, Mm. Dlllliui Beneuicl; secretary, Mrs, Susan Krause; IruabUier, Mrs. Dlxzlo Black; Ada. Miss Blanche Shearer; Ruth, Mrs. Ada. Bhearer; Esther, Mrs. 'Anna Bass; Martha, Mrs. Augusta Tharp; Electa, ' Mrs. Kate Moodle; chaplain, Mrs. Anna Neligh; warden, J. G. Benedict; sentinel, J. D. Romlg. The marriage of Paul Brehmer and Miss Ida Oiese was solemnised af Bt. Paul's German Lutheran church at West Point on Wednesday by Rev. A. R. E. Uelrtchlaeger, pastor. The bride Is tha eldest daughter ot William Glese. an old pioneer settler, and the groom la a resi dent of Winner. They will start houe- i keeping at once on their 'farm in Bis marck township. The adjourned September term of the dibtrlct court for Cuming county will convene at the court house on next Mon day, judge Guy T. Graves ot Pender on the bench. This Is a Jury term continued over from September. Paul Blelmaster and .Mlee Mary Lanke nau were united in marriage at the home -ot the parents ot the bride, southeast ot the city, by Rev. A. R E. Ovlschlaeger, pastor ot the German Lutheran church at. West Point The couple waa attended by Mist Mary Blelmaaur and Otto Krlenke. They are. young and popular people ot Cuming township., Key to the SHuaUoo-Bea AdverCUlnsV . f, .. . v ,