Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1911, EDITORIAL, Page 3, Image 19

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    Till; OMAHA Si 1.V KViK: Nl KM I.KK itf. ;! 1 .
Women Are
Doing in the World
.1.11! nflairs hip conwnlcuoim
th,3 xvcek clilef'y by their
fewness. TiiankKiJivintT d'vy
hus thinner! out the chih cal
tiidar und r ill lake preced
ence over the r;';riilar Tiiurs-
ilny clnb meetings. Turkey and cran
berry sauce and pumpkin pi" t!l take
the place of addresser, and iarc..-f tliat
Amona: t::o meeting pompon's! ona
veek niv those of the llunflce Wicnaii'!
i lub and of the licrmohold economics de
partment of tho v'umun'f club.
tl-weekly cluba v.hleh havo pushed their
jchedule abend a week to innk-! way for
i he annual national fea:;t ilay are t'l.j
Society of Fine Art.", the Henwn Wo
man's club and tho Story Tr'.k i f' lerfna.
The llterat'jro department tii? Mo-
man's club will meet V'luiitsuny rooming)
vltli Mrs. George C ;oniKr a. ' lender.
Mrf. V, K. rinle will rend a paper dm
"The Threefold Influence on the Form
of Drama." She will take up the thro;
nhaaea the demands on the actorr, the '
charge of the program, which Include
several musical numbers. Vocal wdos
will be given by Mr. T. V. MeMullen.
contralto, nn.l by John I'. Hopkins, tenor.
I I'liino number will be played by Cecil
i Itcrryiiin.i.
The P. IT. O. sisterhood give a musical
at thr home of .Mis. .7. C. Weeth Satur
day afternoon, NovcidIht ut 2 o clock.
Tho if-'chumann program wus under tho
direction vf Mr. V, .1. llummlll of Conn
cll Tlhiffs, assisted by Mis. 1". V. Kehn
hol'f. Miss tlertrudo Wieth and Mr. N.
15. I'pdike. The proceed will be used In
the philanthropic work of the society.
r I iiiu.'d from Cage Two.i
-ine and eircimntaneeji of the theater and
i ho chatiKimr pre.judico of the audience.
at the I'aming party Monday given by
M. and Mr--. S. f,. lichen for Miss liej.rn.
Mrs. ( M. Martin, who lias been lure
for the lan month with her son, Mr. .
K. Martin, und Mrs. Martin, leave next
wee!: for I.os AngelvK. Cal.. to spend the
winter i' 1th her grandson. Mr. Alex Han
son. v.!-.i iua taken n bungalow there.
Jklif-A Trance-) Till all of IVtrolt. who
vi-'fed Jud;re und Mrs. (Icorge lono
and Mr. and Mrs. John Flack lai sum
mer, mane hrr debut Tlmrrday at a tou
given by Mrs. Ooorge Thrall nl their
home on Jefferson avenue In 1'etroil.
Miss Norma. Marei, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. llenton Meret, of Spokane, formerly
of Lincoln in an accomnlislied society
Mrs. V. 1.. J temple will thOiuhl who 1 taklmr n i; iimin. nt nurt in
musical circles. M'.sm Maret
thy Miller went to Lincoln Saturday to
visit their aunt. Mrs. ("reen. Miss Ureson
will remain until after Thanksglvtn. and
MIm Miller will not return to tlmnln
until after Christmas In time for Mlbs
lleeson'.i debut dance, lvoemhcr J.
Mi. mil Mrs. John Kouse, who he
bcoTi Iti Honolulu on their wedding trip,
sailed from there last Saturday and were
duo In San Francisco yeeterday. Kroin
there they will go to Coronado i.each and
will stop In Omaha on their way taut
aliout tho second week In Ieeeniber.
Miss Tiivie Frtganta, who will be en
at tho flrandelsj this week In "Tho Smart
est tllrl In I'arls." will arrive Sunday and
be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. I.eo Orotic
during her stay here. This popular actress
ami Mrs. tlrotte have known vieh other
for many years. Mrs. Crotlo is planning
an afternoon lea in hr hdnor Monday.
Dr. and Mrs. ltoKer Ttiroop Vaughn In
vited the members of t'.icir wedding party
to ChlcHKO last week for a hnnste. party
at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John C. Vaughn. lr. and Mr. J. V,
Irf.rd. Sti Alice Cwy Mc(?rew, Mis
Kll2abetli Plokens. Miss tiladyn IVter
and Mr. Way land Mattec are the puct
from Omaha, who went over Wednesday
to Join the party to remain until Mon
duy. Mr. and Mrs. I4nard Vaughn of
Chlcaco and Mr. and Mis. KllloU llartletl
of Itockford, 111 are also of the parte.
''Festival of lemottr und Piony: ius"
with th "Passion Day" and Maetei llnclt'a
' I'eleoa and Melisande."
li. J. Tate leported to tho police thai
his home ut 113 South Thirty-hex cutti
picture was Utreet was entered by bitrirlara Frldav
used In last Sunday's issue of the Spokes- j afternoon and robbed of M worth of
man. i,.Welrv. F.ntranee xvas calned bv ralslnu
Anollior "rtal daugtlitot'" xi;i be added
to the roster oi tho Nebraska DauahterH
of 1812 when the society meets Saturday
at the home of Mr Fllgabetlt B. Stearns.
This is Mrs. M. A. Morton, xvhose father
xv as an active participant in tho war of
Mrs. Slorton will be initiated into mem
bership Saturday, as will also her daugh
ter, Mrs. IV. A. Dilwnrth, and her grand
ilauKhter, Mrs. C. K. Conley. At this
inoetliiB tho annual election of officers
will be held and a letter from Mrs.
Herbert Oatea, the organiser and first
president of the organisation, will be read.
Atrs. Gates Is spending t!-e winter In New
York. Her letter xvill be about her recent
trip abroad.
There will be two "real daughters' at
Saturday's meeting, for the hostess. Mrs.
Stearns, is also tho daughter of a soldier
or 1812.
Mis Katherine Ileeson uud Miss Doro-
v lndow in tho kitchen.
i h
Mrt diaries Oliver Norton of Kearney,
state recent of the Daughters of the
American Revolution, was In Omaha
Thursday with tho local rejrent, Mrs. J.
.1. Stubbs, on her way home from Co
lumbus, whero she organized a nexv
chapter of the society. This new branch
of the state organization Is called Platte
chapter. Mrs. V. H. Zunder Is the
Plans for tho Pan-Hellenic nraanizu- t
Hon of the alumnae chapter of natlonul f
Ireek letter societies represented in i
Omaha, ore crystallizlntr. Saturday morn- j
In:; ut 10 o'clock the presidents and pecrc- j
taries of all local alumnao sorority chap- j
tors ana ueiepates rrom those sororities
which have not yet formed alumnae
chapters, will meet In the assembl yroom
of the oun? Women's Christian assocla- ,
tlon to develop plans for the Pan-Hel-',
lenlc and to iloclde upon the character j
4nd date of tho social function to be I
given durtnf,' the holiday when tho '
young women who ure in college and unl- '
versity V.IU be home,
How to Keep Young and
Pretty : Care, of the Feet
Mile. Jk'slys' atlvit'e today concerns tlic cure of t lie i'eet
find the way to wear shoes. Here are a few extracts
from her striking story below, which should he of utmost value
to all women:
It astonishes me to see how the average American girl can
be so totally unconscious of the fact that she lias any feet.
One docs not see young French girls sitting with their legs
crossed or wrapped around the legs of chairs.
Dancing is the best wav to teach grace to any girl.
All dancers have small feet; that is because they know how
to use them properly. ,
People get big feet when the arch of the foot is broken by
unintelligent use or badly made shoes.
Discount on all our
W omen's
High Grade
Wi-h-i -'l in Omaha.
! til Janu;
The lecture of Prof. Paul -A. Gtummanii ;
of the L'nlven-ily of Mtb:-a-ska at the i
Young Women's Chr'titlan association j
Monday afternoon v.ill bo on the "Baldr"
of German mythology ir.d on the rcla- '
tlons between classilcul and Cliiistitiu
inytltology, fir&t hour. 'Waaner'i! "The '
Master Singers of Nurembers," will be '
Intrepreted the second hour.
Meuts and sravlea cooked In various
ways will be domoiitrated at the meet- i
lug of tho household economic depart-
inent of the South Omaha Century Liter-
ary dub, ut Tuesday's meeting ut the '
home of the president, Mr-t. K. A. ISoyer. !
The hostess will be assisted by Mrs. C. '
H. Orchard and Mrs. C. W. Sears.
Mro. Ida Hitnchett's cl u -t-.s in Perbiun t
and French history v HI meet Tuesday i
aud Friday mornings 'm V) o'clouk, re- ;
epectlvely, in the public lluraiy.
The oratory department of the
Woman's club will meet Tuesday niondiig !
at 10 o'clock at the htudio of Miss l.ll- :
Han Fitch, the leader.
Charles A. Alden of the University of I
orraha will address tho Woman's club !
.n "Modern Patriotism" Monday after
noon. The current topics department, of
i En. i i'.i
l . BESS m
P ' i ,! - - . I
W! ".'..XT- . 7
HiQ l -y-w fevLvyv RAM v . "mr -
yyj ',. .-s ' . . S . Otf ,:V r Mi I $f Vj 1 !
""" 'iisfj-.t i i ' tfc .. J 'f Ml L
fit .'!(. ;
s - L
v .. r-
. I y: . AIM
Wo hnve left about 100 of the handsomest
rii ' ' w -
yF! and most exclusive suit models ever shown.
in Omaha, and we are not going to wait un
ary to sell them but will sacri
fice' them right now in the heart of the
season and beginning Monday morn-
ing you can ouy any ouir in our
store that sold from $35 to $75 at a
bonafide reduction of 50 from our
i regular all season's prices.
The materials are Broadcloth, Velvets,
$ Corduroys, Scotch Tweeds, Zibelines, i
I Etc., Etc.
"Remember" in this store every
garment is marked in plain figures
so you can figure the discount
5. I
'Fake Doctor Plying
His Trade in Denver
which Mrs. C. Vincent is leader, lias
i'.y OA11V DESLV.-.
For Christmas -a Diamond!
The approach ol' C-hristmaii livings
up again the gift question: "What
hall I buy?" Thousauds are in a
(juandry over this jiuzzJe. A visit to
this store and an inaction of the
beautiful stock of diamonds and dia
mond jewelry will tfh'e many fiugjres
tions for sohiug this vexing Christmas-gift
probhin. 'Hie Kdholm stock
itf diamonds is so large, and is so re
plete with fine, white, brilliant stones,
giving a selection that for quality i
tjfldom equaled and certainly not siir
passeVl, that one is tffered a rare op
portunity of finding a liand.-oni" gifi
at a price most mixlest foi' the quality.
.For more than twenty years we have
been selling diamonds, and each suc
ceeding Christmas period has found
our trade showing a large increase
nil in t fitet that, we have eslab-
lished :t reputation for reliability. Our
t 'htitttnui v li:iiiiotul siitrtiestion-x will
please all who wish the best at the most rea-oiiable prices.
Don't Merely Buy Invest.
Sixteenth and Harney
Every day I niuryel at your beautiful
American Hhof s. When I no back to Paris
I shall take a whole trunkful of them
with mo, for eopially on the Btase they
make the feet look ao small and dainty,
.In France, by mat I mean in Tarls,
our fcllMK-rs are made much longer and
more pointed than they are over here,
and I think they make the feet look
larger, too.
lint the Parisian Is very vain about
her feet, und our slippers and shoes
are of beautiful materials brocades und
velvets und satins, and most of all we
are taught at a very early ago how to
nmnaK" our feet so that they look grace
ful, no matter how lare the shoes.
it astonishes mo fco much to see how
the averaco American Klrl can be so
totally unconscious of tho fact that sho
has any feet. The Frciy h woman, who is,
I think, wonderfully irraoiful (you agree
with me, don't you?) begins when she is
a very little ulrl to learn the proper way
to n'uee her V et, and you d' not see
.A. I. l.lli.i. nltV .hull. lurr. miicpH 1
j.iii. 1,11 i.i ruling "in.
i or with their feet In queer twisted posl
11. in ', wuipped around tho lens of the
'chairs, fnr Instance. They are always con-
sciuus of the "expression" of the feet
and of t;u: lefsons ftlilih have been
' tu'ilit Hi. in.
I I think (hiiiciiit; Is the besi way of
I ti u'.hiuB itracs to any Kill, and a course
I of tlani Ihb will tfvu the fe't what I call
I intelligence, nit that they don't sprawl
I ul.out and make themselx-es c onsplctous
by their unKtaceful attitudes.
I Learnlrm the old-fashioned dames, like
I the minuet aim the pavaune. Is t plendld
t,-uliiir. and d.-llKiitful exercise, and
' lhe.u stately dam es will Impiove the
' carrlaKe as well as teaching the. feet
how to behave. I have studied nil kinds
of Caiicliu? what we call clusnlc dann
lug, and wnat you i all fancy dan. In
and to it i oxe my reputation for cro.-e,
'and aIo tho fact thut I hnve fwrft-ct
' feet, f'.r da tic ing i lie best tnms c.f
' Murrolous Veno," Wln mulcted liun
.ilreds of residents of Omaha, South
Omaha and Council Bluffs of many
thousand dollars, and who finally left
Omaha and several hundred dollars'
worth of debta an a result of The Bee's
f'M"MUre, ia now suid to bo practicing Ills
nefarious buslneSH In Ienver.
Whenever he starts a canipuisn In a
new town he generally buys several hun
dred dollars worth of advertising npace
In the papens, thereby attracting oonutd
rable attention, which attention is -.
coined Into dollars, but also haa the f-
feet of cloving the editorial column
against bad reports. In Omaha, however,'
his game could not be worked becauaa
of the editorial policy of The Bee. Denver ;
papora have followed Tho Bee'a example
and have refused to take his advertise
ments, so Veno Is resorting to the use of
hand bllla and "sandwich men." Reports
from Denver stuto that he is not meeting
with the suoocbs that greeted him net.'
und It Is thought that ha will skip Denver ;
before his Omaha creditors ascertain hi
culllvaling a hlgh-ai . 1 eil, wril.ii
All dancers ha-e small feet, you know,
that Is bccauFo they know how to cse
them properly. I'oople'jtet preat Mr flHt
feet when tho arch of tho loot is broken
by unlntellRent use or badly made vhnc.4.
Dancers always have hlKh' insteps, und
I advUie any ono wlmse feet arc nuly ;
or awkward, and who oeH not know how I
to walk gracefully, to l"ii n tor lcthlnn
of thn art of dancing.
With tight Kklrts that xvu liaic
wearing for the last year. It Is rully
pecesfary to think about your f.'t, for
when you don't you aro apt to stand or
sit In a position which would be all
right In long, trailing skirts, but with
your feet exposed us they are now, the
result is aure ludicrous, and in older
women It Is anything but dignified.
A treat many women bulunce tln ni- j
nelves badly anil their flfiires ef entirely
out of shape, became tliey hubltually
Ktand with their f.s-t In the wrong po.-l-
tlon. !
Then the Ic-tls of the sinus set tiodden
down, and ti e entire IkhI lo-s Its I
poise. Many wonn u lmvc mn h!p hir
than the other, or one ahoulilcr hly.ier
than the other. I
My shoemaker in 1'uiis ai-.-i'irc.l n.' t!i,it
such perron's shoen wire alxvays trodden ,
down at the heel or ut one t-idc of th"
role, and tluit It xxas Isw ausc thew didn't
stand pri".pcrl' that their I'luu-s weie
DO bud. This seems a dreadful pi Ice to ny
for the neglect of so Impoiltint h thlim 1
as proper attention In the feet, ilncxn'l (
it? j
If we Wdiit to look trai f-il und have '
good llKUi es, let us c iltlviite luK llik'. nt 1
feet, not for running away, but for w-.ilk-lng,
rtandlng and sitting.
I'rult llanUela.
Have PlA)e liafket.s to fill witli dainties
and see whut iharming Chilstmas gifts
can b jnade. Line the buskets with dark O
green tlhsue paicr und fill them w Itb I Hmall s of I I v. hf.ini liiado Cookn ,
oranges, red apples, nuts, clusu rs of ! holix idual mince plei or plum p.Jdlug'
raln?. fiijs. dates, n apes : i nl i sn,v. 1 add to the v ' j"
16th and Farnam Streets
Second Floor, Over McCrorey's S Cent
and 10 Cent Store.
Two Big Specials
Fall and Winter Millinery Must Go
100 beautifully trimmed hats. Space will not permit to
describe them. Tho trimming alone worth more than re
a-k. Come and nee them. Your choice Monday-.
150 Suits, real $18.00 and $'750
$20.00 values, Monday.... 9
Take the Elevator and Save Money
IReixaoval Sale
Men's Wntcti Specials
J4K.O0 tiolid gold case,
17-jewi'l movement
uow M.0
$68.00 aolid gold case,
17-jewl adj. inove
Ulfcllt, uow . . . f 5.t0
$J8.0u solid told case,
17-Jwel adj. move
mont, nov . . .I45.WI
$80. uu solid gold caae,
17-Jewel adj. move
went, now . . .9H0.WQ
ID. 00 filled raae, El
gin movement 10.25
$4 8. GO solid gold fuse,
15-jcwel movement
now as.oo
46.75 solid gold case.
17-jewel adj. move
meut, now ...$a8.00
$4 4.60 solid gold case,
15-Jewel motfement
now W35.0O
$44.00 solid gold case,
17-Jewel movement
$50.00 solid Kold case,
17-Jewel movement
now $at.00
$04.00 solid gold cae,
17-jewel sdj. move
ment, now . . . fM.OO
$4C50 solid gold case,
15-Jewel movement
uow fiiU.OO
$16.00 filled case, El
gin movement 912.75
lluy Your Xuiaa CJifU for MEN Now.
. W. LINDSAY, Jewelry
1SIQ Douglas Ntret.
$21.00 filled case, 7-jl.
hard Elgin movement,
;lo ed