Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 16, Image 16

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unrSfrictcchoicc Any Ladies' Tailored. Suit in Our Entire
Stock--No Matter What the Former Selling Price-Monday at
This offer includes the highest priced suits in our stock, many of which have been selling up to $100 and
oven $125. The earlier patrons will have the better selection. Perhaps the suit you have been wanting all
si. -? ; J
-- . - . 1 . - -t . 1
season is here and you can buy Monday at far less than its original price. Every suit must go, at $35.00
Monday We Offer You the Unrestricted Choice of
All Our : Women's Imported Gowns; Evening
Coats and Suits at Just One-Half Price
This is our semi-annual offer .that thousands of Omaha women await each season.. AH our elegant im
ported apparel at one-half tho prices that were asked just a few days ago. Here are some of the finer gar
ments and the names of the designers. . ' t , , '. : '
Faquln Meteor and Brocaded Velvet Coat
125. at
A. Felix Wistaria Embroldered.'Velvet Coat
1125, at..
Madame Feurty Black Meteor and Lace Coat. Former price,
1139, at ..
A. Felix Moteor and Brocaded Velvet Coat with Fox collar,
Former ' price, 1169,, at................ 981.50
Callot Beours Panne Velvet and 'Silk Crochet Coat. For
mer price, 198, at ..... k ipfJD
Madame Vlmont Duchesse Satin , Coat with Australian
Opossum collar. Former price $125, at 962.5U
Beer Duchesse Satin and Lace Coat. Former price, $119, at.
Francis 6 Co. Velour and Plain Embroidery Coat. Former price, $135, at
Beer Gold Brocaded Satin and Velvet Coat. Former price, $198, at
A. Felix Chamois Broadcloth Coat with white muflau collar Former price, $95, at....
Francis ft Co. Hand embroidered Chamois Broadcloth Coat. Former price, $89, at...
Doucet Velour Coat with heavy torchon collar. Former price, $95, at.....
Camllle Roger Chamois Broadcloth Coat, marten trimmed and hand embroidery. , Former price,
$150, at $75
Doucet $85 Printed Chiffon Oown over meteor, at .'. $
. Valentine About $75 Printed Chiffon down,' silk fringe and gold! lace over white meteor, at $37.50
A. Felix $135 Gray and. Coral Meteor Gown, crystal trimmed, at $07.50
Doucet $125 Light Blue Meteor and Chiffon Gown with crystal trimming, at $62.50
Madame Louison $155 Black and White Meteor and Marquisette Gown, at $77.50
Beer $125 White Embroidered Net Gown, at .. ..902.50
Drecoll $139 Black and Coral Marquisette Gown, gold crystal-and lace trimmed, at $G.50
" Cherult $95 Black Net Gown over coral, gold lace and fringe, at $47.50
. Callot Seoura $126 Light Blue Meteor Gown, marten edging and crystal trimming, at. .. .$02.50
Former price.
, . . $02.50
Former price,
. $00.50
. . .$00
Women's Dresses
and Gowns,'
Worth up to $35, sit v
t; v.. vt,
Odd lots of ' terjr
smart new 'dremie In
various . clever styles.
Beautiful Evening:
;' Coats, :
Worth op to $50, nt
Alio' stunning gowns .
In this lot about 80
garments, to select from..
Fino Heavy NoV
(elty; Goats,
Worth up to $80, at
Broadcloth, polo
root, heavy - double
faced cloth coats.
Women's Fine
Tailored Suits,
: Worth up to $30, at
garments are
In ,t tils, group. sample
New styles, worth up
to ia.M. at
Tailored Linen Waists.
Very pretty stylos, . 41 no
worth up to 14. at.!
In plain rolors or white, worth
Silk and Blanket ltobee. worth
if t0 $2.98
Furs that are Dependable in Quality and Style
A woman who selects fursmust trust in the integrity, of the houso.wheie she-buys.f , Most, OmaH .Women buy their furs hero
because they know they. buy,in(perfect saf ay. The reputation of Brancjeis Stores ia behCnd each fur J
. Black Fox Matched Sets
at $35 to. $150
Red Fox Matched Sets
t ..-817.50 to 875
Fine Black and Blue Matched Wolf
Sets, at 810 to 850
Popular Natural Raccoon Sets
t 825 to 805
Fine Natural Mink Sets
t $50 to $250
Blended Jap Mink Sets - '
t .......$35 to $08
Practical Brook Mink tiets ,
t 810 to 825
Matched Canadian Marten Sets
at ......87.50 to $20
Scores of Belgian Coney Sets
at 85 to $15
Children's and Juniors' Fur Sets
many novelty shapes, $1.50 to $12
6 2-lnch Genuine XXX Sealskin Coat at :V.: . '. '........'."........'.....$ 408
62-lnch Genuine Hudson Bay Beaver Coat, at..... I ......... ,.. .$109
5 2-lnch Genuine Hudson Sear Coat, stunning style, at..... ..$150
52-lnch Novelty French model Near Seal Coats, at.. $150
C 2-lnch Near Seal Coat, beaver trimmed, at -. $08
62-lnch French Dyed Selected Skin Russian Pony Coat, at.... $89
62-inch Near Seal Coats, beautifully made, at $o
62-luch Astrakhan Coats, very popular this season, at. $30
62-lnch Coney, black and blended. Fur Coats, at $3.50
- ZJ3M t w 1 f i '.'r w.svjfes . A wj&mm )
4$M w iiPiiiif A
. Balls
. Com.
Any Woman's Hat
This includes V
every hat ia y
our millinery
dept. Man 1 fflj.
of them are (, .
icnrfri oc V?vli SJ''
as $25 each.
4 i - .
m x w
; iw ji " iji r
17V V 1
Scores and scores of favors,
novelties, decorations, small
turkeys for place favors and
larger ones are In our Pom
pelan Room . at prices from
$1.50 down to 5c
Special Gingham Offer
Taken from our regular gingham department, all the Red
Seal zephyrs, all the Toile du Norde, all the Renfrew and
all the A. F. C. ginghams. Everyone knows the regular
price is 12 Vic per yard. Choicest styles and every bolt
new this season. .Every 'yard perfect and colors are abso-
lutely last, in order to clear away these regular 12 Vic
aud 15c ginghams quickly to make room for
our toy department, we offer them on bargain
square, at the extremely low price of, yard.
Various grades, and odd lots of bleached and .unbleached
muslin, 36 and 40 inches wide, from our regular: r
muslin department, on bargain square at, yard OC
121'C and 15c Flannelettes,
just the thing for school
and house dresses; pretty
patterns from the M
bolt at, yard O ,'gl
Persian Pattern Cotton Chal-
lies in desirable lengths for
covering comforters f-v i
sale price, per yard aj 2C
120 Dress Percales, .light
and dark styles, including
pretty Persian effects
from the bolt rji
at, yrd...' 2C
Outing and Tennis Flannels' that
are warm, firmly woven and
fluffy; will - make the best
sleeping gar
ments, at,
yard. t. . .
Women's Warm Underwear
Women's Fine Ribbed Union Suits Heavy 'lisle silk fin
ished; flesh color, blue and whtie; worth $3, (T- f-Q
at a suit ibJL.Oy
Women's Fleecy Lined Cotton Ribbed Union Suits and part
wool vests ana pants, wortu up to $1, r-r
at a garment
Boys' and Girls.' Heavy Fleeced Cotton Union
Suits all sizes, worth up to 75c, at a garment
Women's SI and $1.50 Neckwear, 50c
Laoe and net fichus, jabots, side frills and p!ats, yokes,
Dutch and sailor collars, fancy stocks, etc., trimmed with
oriental laces, embroidery, real cluny, also crochet and
Venise effects, worth $1 and up to $1.50 rA
Main floor, at J . . '.OUC
Women's and Men's Irish Linen Handkerchiefs fancy em
broidered corners, Aremninn and val. lace edges, -i r
new style initials; worth up to 35c, at each -LOC
Women's and Men's Fine Sheer Linen Handkerchiefs
Dainty hand embroidered corners, Princess lace corners,
Arememan and val. laco borders; hand embroidered in
itials with narrow hemstitched borders, pure linen;
values up to 50c, at, each . . . . ;
W sail
munity CUvsr
In Order to Reduce Our Stocks in the Base
ment .Quickly to Make Room for Our
Great Stock of Holiday Goods, We
Make These Unusual Bar
gain Offers Monday.
In Our Drapery Dept.
A great special lot of single curtains. Va
riety of attractive pattern and kinds
many worth up to $G.OO, QQr
a pair, at, each. OL
60-inch Wide Couch Covers. Very heavy
and worth $3. A Monday QO
special at P J-.O
Tapestry 50 inches wide, worth
up to 85c yd., at, yd
Cretonne dozens of new patterns, worth
up to 35c yd., choice, at yd 19c
Novelty Net and Hnow Flake Berlin, special, yd. 13c
ltope Portieres with wide tapestry bands, worth
up to 1 6, Monday at ijil.SO
Tapestry Portieres Endless assortment of new
patterns, at, pair $:J.0N, $1.08 and $r.D8
Shirt Waist and Kklrt lioxos covered with
fine Japanese matting new line Just received,
at S3.0H, $1.30, $5.08, $7.30 and $10.30
Best French Finihli Felt for peuuunts and pillows;
complete line of colors, at, yard.. 85c and $1.00
Silk Tapestry Squares, worth up to $3 a yard
your choice at, each 40c
Park City Odd Fellows Invite
Omaha Brothers to Initiation,
fcctfl Rl Maavas Will Hear
tare hf Or. r.dalas torn llaral
SclKhbora Pla Eater
' talaaavat.
I'ark City lodga No. $06. has extended
an Imitation to all Omaha Odd Feltowa
to vlblt thtra on Tuesday evening', Notm
Ur 2H. The I'ark City lxya will have five
tacididaWa (ur the Inlilutury drgree and
a: a making preparatluna to give the
victor an enieuainment they will loug
rrinrmber. The Omuha Odd Kellowa will
li.e-t at (Wa Kellowa' hall at I 10 p. ni .
Kov ember l3t. and go to Council liiuffe In
a ov iy. Tl.o InJi. atluna are that theie
i!i be a roi.uie vt iiL'uJrrd ut the Omaha
hi k on hand to enjuy the huiJUal!ty of
I k C iiy lxlge.
tijte todj$e ,Nu. 10, Uacutt lodge Mo. JO,
,v" 'dg No. 1S3, Boutli Omaha lodge
No. ltg and Beneon lodge No. Ml will elect
uUiceia at their meeting thla week to
aerve for the flret als months of the year
Omaha lodge No. 1 will have five candi
dal for the initiatory degree next Fri
day night.
Martin Chrlstensen of Dannebrog lodge
No. dltd Thursday afternoon. The
funeral will te held from the Danlah
Lutheran church. Twenty-sixth and Grant
streets, at I o'clock this afternoon. Dan
nebrog lodge will attend the funeral In a
Dannebrog lodge No. m elected the
following officers last Friday evening :
Anton Jensen, noble grand; Martin Keese,
vice grand; P. A. Hansen, secretary;
Louie MiChaelieu, treasurer; Bamuel Mil
ler, trustee.
Naum Baba left Omaha laat week for
Owen's . bound, Ontario, where he will
make his future home.
Bouth Omaha lodge No. 1st will have
work In the third degree tomorrow night
Uestg Q. Clark gcs to BU Joeepb's
hospital tomorrow, where ha will undergo
an operation for appendtcltla.
Ileaperlan encampment No. 1 has six
candidates for the Patilarchal degree on
December 1
Alpha Rebekah lodge No. 44 will have
degree work next Friday evening.
Uannebrog lodge No. 118 will confer
the initiatory degree upon three candi
dates next Friday evening.
Triangle encampment. No. Vt will elect
officers next Tuesday evening.
Canton Kara Millard No. 1 mustered In
two candidates laat night.
Crusader encampment No. ST haa elected
the following officers for the first six
months, of U12: Frederick Lush, chief
patriarch; Rence Aughe. stnlor warden;
Albert Hess, high priest; V. H. Nichols.
Junior warden; Lou Etter, secretary; A.
H. Miller, treasurer; George liousman,
Thomas Galloway and R. D. Young,
Canton Eara Millard No. 1 nominated
oftlcera last night and will hold lis elec
tion next Saturday evening.
Dagmar Kebekah Lodge No. Ill has
elected the following officers for the en-
suing term: Carrie Jensen, noble grand;
Minnie Kroh. vice grand; May Kroh,
secretary; Delia Jenaen, treasurer,
Itoyal Achatea.
Union . lodge No. , 110a, Royal Achates,
will give a dancing party next Thursday
evening, to which all membeia and their
friends are Invited. Good music has been
secured fur the occasion. Mrs. Vlathouser
Is chairman of the committee In charge.
. Omaha lodge No. 1. Royal Achatea, will
give a social dance Tuosday night at the
lodtre rooma, Nineteenth and Farnam
streets. Members are requested to Invite
their frlenda.
ealtlsh Hltea t Meet.
ScottlMh Rite Masons will hold a meet
ing Monday evening. After the bualneaa
session a social entertainment will be
given. Dr. Edgttigtun will lecture on the
degrees, and the work for the winter will
be announced.
Tribe ( Uts Har.
Mecca court No. IS. Tribe of Ben Hur.
bad a largely gtteuded meeting Thursday
evening. The degree team put on the
work, which waa greatly enjoyed by the
members. State Manager I-atky was
present and gave an address on the good
of the order.
Thursday evening will be the annual
Thanksgiving dancing party for members
and their frlenda On December 7 there
will be an election of officers.
Weeeaea of the World.
Alpha camp No. 1, Woodmen of the
World, on Wednesday evening wilt give
a stag party and amoker for members
and their friends to close up the )ear. A
program has been arranged by the enter
tainment committee which iusurea a good
time to all who take advantage of It.
Refreshment will be served. The enter
tainment will start promptly at o'clock.
eattlaa Claaa ta fiather.
Clan Gordon No. 63. Order of Scottish
Clans, held regular session Tuesday even
ing and nominated officers for MIL One
new man was Initiated and the balance
of the evening waa spent In aong. All
preparation are made for the grand so-
clal meeting at Eagle hall, 1410 Harney
street, Tuesday evening.
Womaa'i Hellef Carps.
George A. Custer Woman's Relief corps
No. S3 will give a progrea-sive high-five
party Tuesday night in their hall. Nine
teenth and Harney streets. There will
be prixea and refreshment.
Reyal Neighbors' Estertslsaest.
Ivy camp No. I will give A pie social
and literary entertainment at their hail,
Fifteenth and Douglas streets, Wednes
day evening.
Pytklaa Card Party.
Lillian temple No. 1. Pythian Sisters,
will give a card party Monday evening at
Myrtle hall. Fifteenth and Douglas
Most Faad la I'alsaa
to the dyspeptic. Electric Bitters cure
dyspepela, liver and kidney complaint
and debility. Trice Uc For sale by Bea
ton Drug Co.
ANNAPOLIS. Md.. Nov. 23.-For the
first time In the history of the Naval
academy four cadets have been caught
cheating at examinations. As a violation
of the code of honor, the matter was
turned over to the midshipmen for action
and the four cadots were forthwith pun
ished by th tir fellows with seventy-five
demerit marks and restriction for the
rest of the year.
MADISON. Neb., Nov. 2i. (Special
Telegiam.) Jury In th Stehr murder
triul after being out three end one-half
hours returned a verdict of manslaughter.
Council for defense will at once file
motion for new trial and court will not
pass sentence on defendant until sucU
motion Is disposed vt.
Key to the B.tuatlon Be Want .
I t