TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BICE: NOVEMBER 2G, 1911. M'KEEN CARSJO AUSTRALIA Tint Shipment Will Start Over Mil waukee Road Tuesday. snumo ntoBLEM involved IWore making the purchase of the McKeen cars, the Australian railroad peo pie visited motor car shops all over "the world. They Inspected the machines and tried them out, ultimately deciding that those msnufactuied In Omaha by the locnl company per superior In every re spect x Especially Coastracted Cars Hare Derm Provided and it Wilt lie Xeeeaearp fa Hemodel Skip that Carrlea Them.. Hamer Writes a Letter of Thanks T77 14 The McKeen Motor Car company will sttlp oo Tuestlay two motor car to Mel lotirne. Australia, where they will go Into service on tho Victorian railroad. This la the first shipment of ten car that hava been purchased by tha Austra lian railroad company. The other eight win follow at Intervals between now and rxt fprlng. the McKecn cars cost the Australian road approximately 122,000 each, making a;total of tC-.WO that will come back to' Omaha In payment for Omaha manu factured machinery, the output of one l.i.ory during six months. from Omaha to Tacoma the McKecn motor cars go over the Milwaukee road and how to handle them has beon some thing of a problem, but It has been aolved to the satlsrnctlo.i of all concerned. The curs are seventy feet long ao long that one cannot be loaded on a flat car. To overcome the first obstacle, each motor wl)l be loaded on two flat car securely fastened together. The two that go from Omaha next Tuesday are due to leave Tacoma January 6. They will be placed aboard the Hendrlck Isben of the Aus trian mall line. But how to make room for a car seventy feet In length on a steamship haa beon another problem. Kt-en on one of the largest of the steamships there Is no space seventy by twenty feet that la unoccupied, conse qucntly to load two of the McKeen motors on the Hendrlck Inben the upper deck has to be entirely rearranged, gang Ways cut out and railings removed. Die; Problem la solved. The loading of the motor cars ha been worked out by Agent Bchofleld, tho Chi cago agent of the steamship company, who haa been In Omaha during the last week, looking after the details. When the contract for taking the Mo Keen motor cars to the Paclflo coast was given to the Milwaukee road, the local agents here had some doubts about whether or not the flat cars would pass through the tunnels and over the covered bridges on the Pugot Sound line of the road. Consequently,-, measurements had to be secured, and when this was done, the deal was quickly closed, and specially constructed cars ordered for the haul. Supreme Judyo-eloct Hamer has ad dressed a letter of thanks to the voters, In which he savs: My. first letter to you was before the primary, my second letter was Just before the election, and now this Is my last letter to you, because It Is Just after the election. I am elected. That Is the climax of the struggle. I sm very thank ful to everybody for the , generous sup port received. I hope to deserve the ap probation of all good people. My nomination was alrgely due to tha activity of republican friends In all parts of the state, although they were ably assisted by a few democrats who urged their republican frlon.ls to voto for me. Many of those democrats wore lawyers, and I am proud of the fact that the lead ing democratic lawyers of the state gave me a most cordial support en election day. As I had all my life voted the repub lican ticket, the support mentioned could only have come from the expression of a sturdy belief In my unflinching integrity as a Judge. "An effort was made to take away from mo the support of the Methodist and Tresbyterlan ministers. It was partly successful, but tho preachers stampeded were of the younger class and they did not personally know me. The old presid ing elders of the Methodist church, who knew mo, stood by me with unshaken confidence. flo also did tho older preach ers among the llaptinta and Presbyte rians. I lost nothing from other denomi nations because of the attack made by the aritl-saloon people. A I had. never been Intoxicated In my life, I could not understand this attack unless It came as part of the plan of certain democrats to defeat the republican ticket, or as much of it as possible. "And now I am going tf make you alt a good judge; even the cranka and fanatics shall- have no Just cause of complaint. I shall be unflinchingly fulr and Just every whore along the line and, ably assisted and directed as I shall be by the learned and conscientious men already upon the bench, I hope to make but few mistakes." J Is. & U. Green Trading: Stamps Free Witbfr 1 J All Purchases at This Store. ' I J Your Thanksgiving dinner should come from the largest Pure Food Store in' either Iowa or Nebraska We have made our grocery store the largest In the Middle West simply . throuxh tho part "I'ure Koixla" have played In every transaction.' The iHiaranty of the pure iod law doesn't satisfy ua. We go even further and tioif ratine I'or ourse-lves the exact nature of every Item we offer for your table, ltest assured that when you buy from our Dig Pur at food Urocery you get only PUllin lOODd. A Monev-Savinir Combination for! mm r .... . I T I . monaay ana i uesaay TY Bennett's Capitol mince meat f. 10 Hoitle olives stuffed with almonds ....... .18 'Can H. t Country Oentluiiian corn , I 'an B. C whole totnatoea ( li. it tie Geo. Ualtiiet s maraschino cherries , . .89 .( an Hatavla axparague tip 88 Can Franco-American plum pudding ....... .30 llottle tinlder's salad dresalng ....... , .... .. .14 ( an HrfM'kport sliced pineapple ,10 ;Can H. O. early June pas 10 I I , Dry slurry Wine byatsr Soup Olerr (.Hires Roalted Tut? Olblet Sues Crenherrjr Jelly IfHt fttSlO Croquettes Creamed Onions Waldorf Salad Water Tbtas Mince I'M Pumpkin PI Crackers . Cheeee Coffee 100 S. fi. . Stamp Gtien fre $1.85 WUh ThU Offmr Monday and Tuday Only. The Fruit Store's Special Offerings New navel oranges, per dosen, flSo, ! 30o, 36a, 4Se and oOo Cape Cod cranberries, uart ...lOe 'Fancy Uellevue or Michigan heart celery, bunch 6a il'xtra fancy Crown Imported figs, i lb BOo , llitra fancy Missouri Jonathan ,pple, peek B8e Fancy home-grown Jonathan ap- plea, peck 38o Fancy apples for nilnco meat or cooking .too S large Florida grape fruit . ...So New Kngllsh walnuts, lb 920 Kxtra fine mixed nut, lb. ....Boo Kxtra fancy Magala grapes, lb. goo r THE PERFECT BEEft Overshadows every g thing on the table. ood 'lb IBP Up: Family trade supplied by: South Omaha WILLIAM JETTER 2502 N Street Dell 868; Auto. F-1868 HUGO F. BILZ 1324 Douglas St Phones: . f Douglas 1542; Auto. A-1642 4 - Council Bluffs- LEE MITCHELL 1013 Main Street j Doth Phones 80. Oyster Boaa) Brmt.gtlcks RoesteA Turkey Olblet saoea betters Beer Cranberry Jelly Rice Croquettes Creamed Onions Crackers Cbssss Plum Podding Hard gases Coffee Should Do Bea':ST0K tier The fuel poking days ' are over COOKING LI LABOR and gas ranges should be., a part - of every thoughtful home. .,.. . " Such consideration is due mother, Wife or maid who endures the toil: that frequently kills the appetite. Cream at Tsraataae Ollme Celery rtckles Boast Loll ot Beef sa Jos Baked Turkey, DresilBg Cranberry Jelly Combination Salad tweet Potstses Ifaehed PoUtoee Wklpped Cream with Almonds Mew BncUnd Pudding Mtnoe Pie CoKso IV: A OAS RANGE 0 AIT BE INSTALLED IN TIME TO COOK THE THANKSOIVINO DINNER NEXT THURSDAY. ma!ia Has Hosiipany " .... X W - J 11 I 1 T Mr ,' I I N. " V t -VV.eb- ssaa Thanksgiving Offerings mmmammmmmmammkm'm'tmmmmKmmmkWkm .wsaaMaTMUsBmmsAMs Do you want your dinners for special occasions a little better than usual? A little daintier? A little more varied? A little better every way? It is because Courtney's appeals and caters to those who wish to live well, and have thinjs a little better than the ordinary, that this Store is known all over as Omaha's Best Grocery. . ! Your dinner won't cost any more because it is better Courtney's prices are moderate MENU Cream vt Chicken iirurta tf Celery , halted Almunds Roast Yuuog Turkty Stuffed Oynter Irrrsiug Cape t'ud Cranbrry 6auc Ylupptd r"u(atoe Kokt hucklliig l'lg With (.'hmtiiut Lr ng Caiifl.td bweot t'otatoes Roa-nl Lotiiebtlo Q'une (tuSe4 and A ile Fauct Kartjr June Pras Aararu Tips on Toast Uyait-r PtiUiea a La telii.ojvii.o Comblnatittn r.ld. French Dreaalog Pumpkin Pie CM Faahluned W'riee Pie 'rsriterrr pie Kw KnslAiid rluro Paddlna Afsurted Nuts Cuffei A ppla Cider Courtney's Turkish lTolt Cake Bits of welcome news for women are: Our Figs, Raisins and Dates are de lightfully good. The little things that make a dinner "different" are found at Courtney's, such as F.nif I Uh 1 lothovse Crapoa. Froah Strawberries and Plncapplos, Brussels Sprouts. New Beets. Now Turnip. E 11 erne Celery, lleewl Lettuce. Freeh Mushroorae, French Artichok.cs. imported tnJIre, Freah Mint, New F-ifg Plant, M.nce Meet. Cranberries, l urkeys. Chickens, Sucklisg Piga, Squaba, top Corn. Plum Pud ding, New Nuts, Ducks, Ctese. In. fact all the customary delicacies and rare dainties will be found only at Courtney'a. Mail orders will re ceive prompt and careful attention. f&ourtncy & Go. 1 7T1! AND DOUGLAS STREETS rhocee DoufUs 64 7 Ind. A.1215 Prirste Licfaxage Conacct all Deeertoteiiti Special Thanksgiving Dinner Serred In Very . Prettily Decorated and Homelike Hamilton Cafe 1 to 3 oclock Special ana Dallolous Tnsnkictvtni Dinner Will Be Bemd ' '; Hera. . Mens ' Raerr4 . ss . Surprise Tr Ouesta . Reservations and Hour Requested. . , Special Attention Given to Private Parties. . j Let the Hamilton Cafe Serve Your Family or Party -Dinner on Thanksgiving.'; pass I aassg3aaB' tHERE! The Only MUTT ' and JEFF See Sport Page. Oysters oa fUlf Shall Crackers Tometo ' Soap Croutons toasted Turkey Olblet Bauee Store Beer Cranberry Jelly Masbea and Browned Potatoes Onions Celery ana Apple Salad .Water Thlas Plum Pudding Hard Baaos CeUee Triumph Beer v "The delicious artesian brew' , No matter how good the dinner this appetizing f No matter how good the dinner this appetizing healthful . beverage will make It taste better. Purity, Quality, Delicious Flavor Are three marked characteristics of Btora I leer. y More of it brewed and sold than an? other beer brewed ia Omaha .or the middle west. Your order will be promptly delivered If phoned to CHAS. STORZ, 1827-29 Sherman Ave. Consumers' Distributor. fl (ill .