Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 10

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Tllfi OMAHA HUXDAY l.CTJi .-XOVEMHKli 2(3. 1911.
Fourteen Can Will Conpeta for
Vaaderbilt Cup Tomorrow.
IVIaarr of Foer Haedre rt'MIW
Ereat Will Get 'Grand 0b1
leare Cob and Four Tnoa
a ad la Cans.
SAVANNAH. Ga., Nov. p. Tiro
classics of the oiled roadway the Van
1 derbllt cup and Grand Prize raceswill
b. run here during Thankeivln( weok.
, The former will take place on Monday
and the latter on Thanksgiving day.
The race course, which la reported to
be In perfect condition, will be patrolled
l by state troops and the chances of ac
; cldent will thua be greatly minimis).
While there are fewer entries for the
" two races than had been antlrtfiated It
;; mut be taken Into consideration that
'. thia la the first time that two events of
;: auch Importance have ever been held
within one week.
Two racea lor imall cars also will be
' run on Monday. One la for the Tledeman
trophy and the other for the Pevannah
Challenge cup.
Fourteen care have been entered In
; each of the two big races, of which 'the
' Grand Prlr.e event la considered the
, more Important. The American care are
expected to make a good showing In the
; race, but It to generally conceded that the
. flnt money will be taken by one of the
foreign entrants. The great Flat fao
torles of Italy and the famous Bens
factory of Germany always are the great
est rivals for this prise and both will
start three new cars.
Grnad Frlae Kn tries..
The entries for the Grand Prise race
re as follows:
Flat (90 H. P.), It. Rrucp-Brown,
Flat ! 11. P.l, Caleb K. Hragg.
Flat (W H. P.), Louis Wofimr,
Hons If. P.), Victor Homery.
Bens OJO H. P), Krwln J'rrcloll.
Bens U30 H. P.). I'.ihlle Utarn. ,
Lnsler 11. P.), Italph llulfo-d.
Abbott-l-etrolt (44 If. p.). L. A. Mitchell.
Ahbott-Detrolt ( II. P.), Carl A. IJin-
terg. x
Marmon (Sfl If. P.), Cyrus T'atsclike.
Marmon 3s H. P.), Joe linweon.
Pope-Hart ford, 1 A. Dlabrow.
Bukk tino H. P.), Harry Cobe.
Bulck (1U0 11. P.L Charloe U. Basle.
Twenty-five times around the seven
teun-mllo course, making a total distance
of 408 miles, the racers must go. The
flirt prise Is possession of (he grand chal
lenge cup and 14,000 In cash; the second
prise, $2,000 In cash, and the third prlie,
II 000 In cash.
Vanderbllt Cap Entries.
Following are the entries In the ,Van
',. iSerMlt cup race:
Abhott-Petrolt. I,. A. Mitchell.
Abbott-l'ctroU, Carl A. Umbtrg.
Jucksun, Hurry 11. Cobe.
F!at. F. Jf. Taiker,
Flat, )). Hmo-Urown.
Flat, Joe Hateoa.
Losler, Hairy tltant.
I.ot er, l(.al"h yulfntd,
Mtioedee, fc:rn. l' Wlshart.
Mercer, IIi'Kh'a Huiehes,
Marmon, ivm D'-wson.
Marmon, Cyrvn Pt.irh1e.
Mercedes. Falph Pe Pslrra.
Pops' Hat tf Ol d, I A. Dlelrow.
Seventeen time around the course.
making a distance of I'D miles, the four,
teen cars wlil rac for the Vanderbllt
cup and I3.W0 In ea-li. A second prise of
tsco and a third pr'.te of ::) t'.sa have
been offered.
The Tledeman trophy race Is ten laps
approximating 170 miles for the trophy
and 11.000 cash and second and third
prizes of $250 and 1123 re-pectlvely.
The Savannah challenge trophy race
s thirteen laps, an approximate distance
of 221 miles for the trophy and 11,003
csh. Second and third prlzee of 2S0 and
$12u, respectively.
Entries la Tropfcy Races,
Entries In the Tledeman trophy race
are as follows:
Abbott-Detroit (?27), II. L. Hartman.
Abhott-netmlt (2271. Mortimer I(obertS.
K. M. F. "SO" (2W), Robert Evans.
E. M. F. "JO" 22), Frank Witt.
B. M. F. "80" (228), Jack Tower,
Flgurea In parentheses indicate piston
Entries for the Bavanran challenge
trophy are as follows: '
Csse (00.7, J. D. McNay.
Case (SW.7), no driver named.
fclrnr 4i0.8), Huirhle Hughes.
Mercer (), W. F. Barnes, ;r,
Merger . Billy K nipper.
Martnon "), Joe Nlkront.
Marmon (2W, Cyrus Patschke.
FiRiiree In parentheses Indicate piston
1 he small car races on the first day
will start at daybreak and the Vanderbllt
cup race will start when these events
are concluded, probably about 9:V o'clock
In the morning. The Grand Prlte race
will start at o'clock on the morning of
Thanksgiving day.
Defend American Title Against Invaders'
The Roy to success in business Is the
Judicious and persistent use of newspaper
Indians Wot Dylna; Out.
Exclusive of Alaska, the Indian pontile
tlon of tho United States In 1910 was. In
round figures, J05.000, .as compared with
il3,009 in ism and ZTd.COO In 1M9. Contrary
to the popular notion, the Indian Is in
creasing. His sVn In numbers, moreover.
Is far loss surprising than Is his growth
In Industry and Intelligence.. The J.470
Indiana residing In New York, ' chiefly
remnants of the old Iroquois, follow the
some pursuits as their white nnlahhors.
dress the same, ami, save In complexion,
dltfer from, the whites In no essential
particular. Much more thun a third of
all (he Indians In the !inlt"1 Stoles, or
1l7,0fi0, re'ldo In Oklahoma. Most of these
are members of the old Five Civilised
Tr!be (Cherokeen, Creeks. Chodtaws.
Chlckasaws and Pemlnolee), each of
which. In the old Indian Territory which
whs part of the present state of Okla
homa, had a civil government of Ha own
for two-thirds of a century, with snhools,
rkiirehex minea. factories, mercantile
houses, banks and ether aeoassnrles of
the highest olvlliiation. Icslle's Weekly.
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Of AiilAftiobilta and Acoeaaories
FREELAXD AUTO CO., 1122-24 Faraam Street.
Nebraska Buick Auto. Company
Wneol- .ranch, Wtt ffifVSXZg'Btvmm WVTT. W
Buick 1 11 i
Welsh Cars.
tHWSOn THE l&0Vi
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SAVANNAH, Ga., Nov. 28. Preliminary
practice for the Clrjuid Pruso race to 'be
run November $0, and tho Vanderbllt
cup race with the Tledomann trophy and
the Savannah Challenge cup to be run
November 27. over the famous Grand
Prise course, haa developed the fact that
the great 'yellow-bonneted Marmon
squadron of racing cars Is depended upon
to uphold the honor of America against
the foreigners the Hens and Flat teams.
Other American racing teams are en
tered, but tho Marmon ycllow-Jackets
have shown supeilor speed qualities and
havs proved that thoy are fit contenders
for the care of 'royal parentage to cope
with. Piloting the Marmon mounts are
Joe Dawson, winner of the Savannah
Challenge trophy last year, second fin
isher In the M10 Vanderbllt, fifth In the
600-mile race at Indianapolis this yoar;
and Cyrus Patschke, holder of the major
ity of the twenty-four reuprds made In
this country, and relief driver for Hay
Harroun, who won the great race at the
Indianapolis speedway Decoration day.
The extra drivers on the Marmon squad
who will be called upon In coso the reg
ulars are incapacitated are Joe Nlkrent,
the Paclflo coast star pilot, and Bruce
Xeene, One of the winners at Santa Mon
ica last October, when he sot a new class
rtoord. Ray Harroun, who has been
speedway' champion - for. two years, Is
manager of the team, but has retired
from active drlvlnc. The entire Marmon
crew Is camped near Savannah on the
course and Is ready for the two great
speed battles.
Turkey Travesties.
A turkey goes hungry all his days, and
gets stuffed when the operation no longci
appeals to him. That's life for you.
The three children of the family com
plain because a turkey has only two if
Not so with the farmer who had to cap
ture It.
It's a poorly roasted turkey that had no
Tho peacock may be a beautiful bird,
but It s the turkey that commands the
The fact that a turkey uses fowl lan
guage Is no sign he's tough. Judge.
2052-54 Farnam St, Omaha.
Jtyk Wallace
Automobile Co.
2203 Farnam Street
mm k
Prices $1,150
Marlon Auto Company.
c. w. Mcdonald, Mgr.
2101-2103 Fnnuun St.
4T? Inevnnm Cnr Tanfh nnfl KnWitrrf Stfi.
Omaha, Nebraska.
HUDSON 2205-2207 Farnam Street
II.. E. Fredrickson Automobile Go, Chalmers
1044-40-48 PARKAM STREET
Overland and Pope
Hertford Council Blnffe 1
Omaha. Heb.
Apperson "Jack Rabbit
A.i i
11 02 Farnam St.
.Baker Eleetrge
Electric Garago
2218 Farnam Street
A Marvel of Workmanship.
T. 6. Korthwall Co.,
914 Jones SL
To) 7o)h Y is T?
s j v litis i" 1 is ri l v ss
"The Tire Perfect
Dlstrllbatlog A
I MaaaHw
g e o cy v S e got e dl by
apply vompaey
THE most important announcement that has been made to dealers or owners
.in this territory since the beginning of the automobile business. v
It means that right here in Omaha you can draw upon a complete stock of the
highest grade tires in the world the Republic.5 '
It means that your requirements will be met promptly! It means that every de
tail of your tire-transactions from the day you put the new Republic tire on
your car until it has performed its full duty is handled by us here in Omaha.
. ... . . ' I .. : ; ' . - .
We secured this agency because we realized that motorists in this territory were anxious
to escape the troubles incident to the use of ordinary makes.
We want every motorist, whether dealer or owner, to investigate the Republic tire and con'
vince themselves that it is beyond question the best tire made.
You will find here every size casing, in both plain and staggard tread and in the different-
types of bead; also every size of inner tube, in both the regular Republic quality and the
' special "Black Line" Republic grade.
' You know our reputation in the tire business. Our judgment has been shown to be good,
. and we state positively that we consider the Republic tires the best that can be secured
by the motorist at any price.
Remember, we stand back of every Republic tire and tube that is sold, and carry
out fully the strong guarantee put upon them by the factory.
Call on us or write for prices and full particulars. Send in your orders.
The Pioneer Supply House of the Central West
Present Location 2020 Farnam St. ' New Building 2119 Farnam St.