t TOE HEE: OMATTA. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1911. New Books FLotlna. thb nxxornors AOr. Br Ksrin Hlchaeits. 11 Pp. H- John Lens ccra-l-any. V. Tha story relates by mean of letters nd entries In a diary, the Inner history of a woman whose, limitation of intel lect, character and health drive her suc cessively Into a divorce, an exile, an offer to lecome the mistress of a young ad mlrer. and an attempt effort a re conciliation with her husband. When her offers are rejected by both tha men, h ia left deftated and full of spite, but earrely, as aha starts of around tht world with her maid, an object of pity certainly not a trsrlo figure. THB REASON WIIT. By Elinor Olyn. 178 Pp. tl.ao. D, Appleton Co. Tha book describes the married life of a nobleman whose wife Is heiress to a rich uncle. A crippled half-brother, of whose existence the husband Is unaware, absorbs the interest of Ms wlfa and arouses Jealousy. Tha discovery by the husband of his wife's disinterested devo tion clears her In hla n.lnd of the selfish cynloism which appeared to dwarf her character, and tha two become for tha first time happily united. THIS MAN IN TUB BROWN UK RUT. Tty Vs'..s IlasUncs. 3tf Pp. II. tt. Uobbs Merrlll company. Mason Ellsworth, a penniless younj man, well-born, college-bred, but mado desperate through his repeated rebuffs by tha world beianso of hla horribly dis figured hand seen a strange advertise ment In a newspaper and It leads Mm te Nancy Bond. A vista of evtraordlna, y vent opens up. The adventures are of exciting nature, but all ends happily. acquired a broad charity, a wider h or I ion of view, from which he never asperated himself In later life, and which stamped lilm a friend of men of all creeds." Among- (l.e Incidents of this period there la one which contracts strangely with the assertion recently heard In Omaha: 'Catholic, priests do not take part In re ligion services In which they do not believe no matter under what auspices hey are held." Owing to the acarclty of Cat hollo churches. Mr. Will relatea. Bishop Olbbuna often "preached In Protestant churches, court houses, public hUls and even in Masonic lodge." At Greenville, "when It was learned that be Intended to preach, the local Judge of fered him the use of the court house, and the trustee of the Methodist church put their house of worship at hla dle- pusal. He chose the church and preached there at night to large congregation, nearly all of whom were Protestants. The people were summoned by the church bell. the choir waa the regular one of the church, the bishop read from a I'retest ant Bible and the omy part of the service that waa of his own faith waa the sermon." The great public accomplishment of the cardinal at home and abroad are treated In detail. Illumined with numer oua Incidents and anecdote. Accuracy waa the great aim of the author. No uncon firmed statement, tradition or reminis cence are Incorporated in the volume, and luudatlon Is scrupulously omlttnil. Sim plicity of style and frcshneos of narrative marks the work as a notable addition to American biographies. A LIVING WITHOUT A EGHS. 231 Pt. ft. Harper A Uros. This la the true account of a man hear ing 40 loKlng hla Job and how he left the city and tamed a decant. I no living a ADRIAN RAVAGE. By Lucas Malet. 470 r. l. Ji. Harper b Broe. Savage U a distinguished young man of letttert, the son of an English father and a French mother. He If ardently In love with a young and bewitching French woman. An English girl, lacking beauty nd charm awaken Adrian' Innate chiv alry, and Bavage'ls placed In the awk ward position of decllulng a lady'a un spoken love. The, ending la quite satis factory, however, and tha story I well written.' TV TTTFJ BHAPOW-Or" ISLAM.' Ty Ie metra Vakl. SIS Pp. Houghton-Mifflin Company. The story of what happen to an Amer ican girl who got out to Constantinople In vim a relative In the dlplomatlo aerr Ice there. She makea many friend among the Turks, a well as among the Ureeks and other Kuropeana, and I pas sionately loved by a Turk, ot good family, a leader In the Young Turl movement The book Is a study of the cleavage of reoea and the part played by race In fcfouelng and In mining a woman love. VICTOR OIJ.NEKB WdflPUVR. Py Itamlln Oarland. Pp.- 11 du. Harper it Victor Dllnee, a healthy, normal youth, catcher of the university base ball team. learns that hi mother, whom he had keen out little since hi childhood, I a famous medium. Lucy oilne la a delicate re fined little woman, who hae perfect faith In her ufiusUAl psychic powers. Victor determines to make her break away from her profession, and the story work out vim destiny of the boy, hi sweetheart and his mother. Tirn piNorcn. op tub kootenav Pv Robert Knotvles. 3M I'p, II. 20.. Klein lux 11. Uevell Comuunv. . The scene of aotlon for this etory Is lam in the Crow's Net poaa of the Koo tcnay mountains of Drlti.h r-..inmhi. The author take full advantage of the total, color, and pictures the different pusses 01 lire. TARANTELLA. Hy Krtlth Maovane. I P. I Lift. llouahton.Mlifiln i'i.mi,nv This tale concerns an American girl, the rvlrtim of an unfortunate marriage In thla country, who later. In Italy. Is loved by an Italian nobleman. The story move to a happy conclusion through a series of moving and dramatic episodes. Jkf taaella st ooaa. LIKE OP CARDINAL OIBRON8. By in, tiunn murpny company. The volume, bound In red, forms an appropriate memorial nf tha dmni. churchman' jubilee, celebrated by the laity in Baltimore last June and by the ciergy in October, on both occasion r.uiB were maae fsmlllsr with the mem ucn in tne cardinal s life. The author presents these facta and epochi in proper perspective as well m t).. r.. ops for hi rapid rise from parish prleel to bishop, archblahop and cardinal. These promoiiona are typical Illustrations of the democracy of the church, which I quick to see and appreciate merit i gurdloW f antecedents. A a young priest just ordained, rather uiuuons m juiy. jwi. gin hi labors In an outlying district of Usltlmor. a city "iuuux mvioea on the tseue of thu war. A chain of forts on th city' iro.n were occupy by the union troops. r,ul'r wiuuone was chaplain of two w.uenry and Marshall. Martial ..w prevai.ea. oples tr .ommon du .vcpitsu, ana every one who could secure a weapon went armed. In this critical and stirring times ths tact resourcefulness. a kindliness of the priest ere drawn upon to th, mt, . ... rquai to the test and """'ra " tie ravages of war ' r apected and reverenced Lv h.i. Mr, Will credit, th, broad catholicity of the cardinal to his experience as a ; no" "r Nertli Carolina, wh U-h beg... in iKl , ,hl. f , were two prteM. and about 200 member, of the cl,urch. All oth... were of oPl.. I.ig creei. cr ,,o crecj.. "Hi. experience " hu author, "coming at a comp.ra. tlvely ImMts.lojmble ,,,rlod v hu ,,f exercttd a great lnuec. over h l Previous w t;m. ,ot h. ordinary on, vt prl, ...hoole(, the reprt5.,v. dUclpline of th, seminary nd then thrown out to the a.-tlv, .n0 suou. labor cf a piirtoh wlth t.me to come In contact with th. world "J If," 'ie " u'ld' thrust Into a different atmosphere. The people were not only nearly ,! Protest.,,,., put ten. of thou.nd. of them .had no con ception vf what the Catholic church waa or w,t it Irpreaented. From the banning bl. ,.ril,0 m t r.t to calm antugini,tIu opluloa. a then Uy tb. f0una.uu0 ot hl. fliUn work largely Ww jt-tan J gave him a hr Ui.. . . "uyreaatiaion than the acra;, prW.t recelv.. of wh, Uy ...ud for la matter, of religion .nd t.r mimmrit, of vie. By forc, of cuinataocea he had te desire e.4ual to hi. own for the truth, of Chrhilian feJtb, He wa. not les, a Caih. oUc when l.e left Carolina than when be lounaanon oc bis ptiuf fc.a reiis;heuel by vi-pocltion, but he Lad Ms own master In the country. He dldn t farm and he dldn I raiae chlckena-tbere are other way. And it Is an true a fascinating record of what one can do. it shows a new way out. VEHICLES CF THK A IK. Ry Victor Lougheed. 477 i'p. 2.60 iteilly & Britten company. This book contains half-tone Illustra tions, drawing, and working plans of all successful modern aeroplanss, and the author presents In a comprehensive msn ner one of the most alluring fields of sn-gineering. ..... m , t r.- t.. am n.i ailtu1. I nr. nii'ni iiirrt tc nrin..'- TON. By Wayns Whipple. Two volume. II. The John C. Winston company. Tha author has fitted tocether many authentlo stories of Washington, showing real man. The volume is uiustraiea with engravings from portraits, drawings and manuscripts TUB TEACH Kit') PRACTICAL PHIL OHOI'HT. Uy iorge Trumbull Ladd. wJ pp. li.fc. i'unk . Wagnalls company. The author emphaslxes the Importance to the teacher and the cause of educutlon of the personal and moral elements In teaching. He magnifies the ottice of the teacher and shows wherein the highest development In character and profession 1. possible. H10HT OFF THF3 TIAT. Ily William F. Kirk. 73 I'p. (V cents ' U. W. Dilling ham company. A collection of base ball poems which will filve the "fnns" n genuine treat. Keariel Slaauhter of deadly microbes occurs when throat and lung disease are treated with IT. King's New Life Discovery. tOc and $1.0). For sale by Beaton Drug Co. ERRORS OF YOPG MACHINES M"je Discrepancies Are Discovered in Recording: the Votet. RAT.TiT.Tt L0SX5 AT ONE PLACE Mare Votes Are Recorded for asne Were Vetera Registered fa the Preeteet. A fresh discovery of failure of a rating machine to do ita work correctly In the election of November 7 wa made by the official canvassing board thla morning. It wa on th machine of the First pre cinct of the Sixth ward. Faulty adjust ment of the endorsing bar on the state regents' ticket forcejl republican and peo ple's Independent voters alike to endorse and vote for J. Pj. Miller, a democratic candidate, the result being a tie vote for Miller and Victor O. Lyford, a repub lican candidate. The machine recorded Ul rotes for Hal ler, republican, and DO for Knapp, his opponent, giving Haller a plurality of 2i. Together they received 2SS votes. Lyford, Mailer's running mate, received 2SS votes, and Miller, Knapp's running mate, re ceived a like number, the sum of their vote being C76. L ford rucelved 130 more votes than hi republican running mate, and Miller received 138 votes more than his running mate. The sum of all th, votes recorded for candidates for stat, regents on the machine Is 8M. As each voter was privileged to vote for two can didates this flpure would Indicate that 149 voters operated the machine, but the total jrote register shows It was operated by but 306 voters. No Need for a 3 Past icy Flow Special Offerings for Saturday Only PHE three articles priced at special prices for Saturday are of more than usual interest to the week-end shoppers. One of them, a smoker's tray and equipment,' makes an ideal Christmas gift. The price is so low $1.35 that one cannot resist the temptation to buy. The other specials are a curtain rod of superior quality, and a beautiful Kashmir rug. ' n $2.25 Smoker's Outfit, $1.35 This smoker's equip ment is mud in either copper or brus, and includes a heavy tray, mutch holder, cigar holder and ash tray. Tha lowness of tho price and the quality of the article mako a bargain that is irresistible.. , , . , 1 . $2.50 Kashmir Rug, $1.35 This Kashmir rug is 3Gx63 inches. It is reversible and very serviceable. The weavo is fine and the quality the best. The price, is von-; tlerfully low. ' 1 25c Curtain Rods 10c This curtain rod is made in' white enamel and golden oak. It is four feet long, com plete with ends and brackets. The bargain quality must appeal to all. , Christmas Furniture Suggestions For the Christmas shoppers who wish to make presents that will be highly appreciated not only for their beauty but also for, their substantiability and durability, the following articles should be ati inspiration: Solid Mahogany Sewing Table Built along pretty and . graceful lines, drop leaves, one spacious drawer $17.00 Solid Mahogany Desk Chair liuilt up to endure, and made with neat Hues of grace and charm $5.00 Turned Oak Smokers Stand Pretty model, equipped with ash trays, match holders, etc $2.25 Solid Mahoy&ny Book Blocks Weighted with metal, very pretty and durable ........ $0.00 Mahogany Tea Trays These are modeled after ancient designs and are us attractive as any seen in the furniture centers of the world. .$5.00 Up. Silk Lamp Shades Imported from France, uuo 1G inches, all colors, gold galloons, highest qual ity ..... $8.00 Silk Lamp Shades Sire 12 inches, beaded galloon, gold fringe, Imnd Eomo imported from Franco $0.00 Italian Marble Pedestals One of the most beautiful in the store, handsome marble $14.00 Italian Marble Pedestals Hich looking marble, pretty model, dainty 'decorations . . '. $7.50 Beautiful Italian Marble Bust "Laura," by (Jeruiai, the best marble, extremely artistic crea tion $10.00 Italian Marble Bust "Pansy," by Gennai, a model that will add . beauty to any home $10.00 Italian Marble Bust "Neridc," by Gennai, beautiful and artistic model $7.50 $7.50 - Mahogany Dining Chair Genuine leather slip seut; very ex- . quisito chair with every propor tion gracefully detailed ......... .$6.00 $21.50 Mahogany Serving Table One large drawer; sizo lZjfll ins.; heavy article; very well con structed; neat design $18.00 $75.00 Mahogany Dining Table Size 54 inches, 8-foot extension; heavy base; attractive model; built up to endure and give excel lent service $55.01) $50.00 Oak Buffet Large linen drawer; 48 inches wide; French plate mirror, 42x10 iucheB, roomy and dignified , . .$38.00 $5.00 Fumed Oak Dining Room Chairs Genuine leather slip beat; strong legs, graceful back; durable, $-4.00 $40.00 Oak Table Heavy base; diameter, 54 inches; 8-foot exten-. mom; highest quality and very pretty model $32.50 $40.00 Fumed Oak China Cabinet Four wide shelves; beveled mir ror in top bhelf; cabinet is 50 ins. wide; and one of tho best bargains in store $32.00 $4.50 Dining Chair Genuine Spanish leather slip seat; comfort able; graceful lines . $3.50 Remember -Cood furniture may be cheap, but "cheap" f furniture cannot be good. K Her, Stewart '& isatoi Co. THE TAG POLICY HOUSE Established 1884 413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street If you buy flour from low grade wheat Flour imperfectly ground Flour not properly sifted .Then you'll need another flour a better flour when you come to make dainty desserts. But, if you buy Gold Medal Flour ade of premier wheat 20 times ground sifted 1 0 times through sills . You'll need no better flour for anything. You can't get any better. It's fi bad mistake, for any purpose, to get inferior flour. You save nothing by it You get- less bread ---immensely poorer bread. And part, of it can't digest v Flour is all-important If you knew, as we know, all" the vast dif ference, you would always insist on the leading flour of the world WASHBURN-CROSBY'S 38001113 Jhl V J L. A IvGCLD Mrr.iL FLCtf ? 4T SSSaS-B -rrnn rfsfrfiii Candy Specials For Saturday at Omaha's Big Drag Store Where They All Go For Candy For MvsrsJ y.srs w. hY bssn pro ducing- s.ml manufsoturiKs our own CAMJY nn wona.nui success- u further den.onstrs.ts ths quality of our guoUs and tli. (act thai nitkt our good in clean, mm.ry, pn . ar. ffolnt to-put on a special sals on DIVINITY rL'tJQK and manufacture It In our north show window. We want you to try thla dainty correction, wnicn fa mads In PECAN, WALNUT. AL MOND and CHEHHT flavor, ana sold at 1 ctnts par bar; larger t'aokagsa. iu and d tents. 40c Aseorted Nut Brittle, per lb....t5o oc "MilNCEaS BWKKTS" Chocolat.e, per lb ao SCHOOL 1AY CHOCOLATK8. lb...80o (A PENNANT well worth He, flveil FRKE with each pound bos.) (.O Y PT IAN CliOexLATE. per lb. "Oe (Packed in 1 and 3 pound boxes only ) FCRK VKKMONT MAl'LB BUGAll. per lb Orlslnal ALLEGRETTl Choeolat.s, ler lb d'aik.ii In lb. to 5-lb. boxej.) Hl'VLtll'9 Chocolate, per lb 600 (Packed In to i-lb- boxes) Salted Almonds. P' lb Salted 'ecne, per lb...... Oo Salted Cashew Nuts, per lb Oo Salted plstacnlo Nuts, per lb.,... -Mo Salttd rlU'srts. per lb Boo ailed Peanuts, per lb 0o (All nuw crop.) -nL-iir rallfornia Violets sery Sat urday until Clirlsf.ua. Also a special shipment for ThaiiasKlvloi; oa sals r.sxt Wsdneaaay. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., ISth ft Taraasa Its. f Si' ' I Let L' Protect Your Valuables efty aad Btorars Vaalu are D poait Safe, Flrsj and Waterproof. mrmoiAi, oovrow Ay person presentlnsT this cou pon aod II rail cet a It It safety deposit box for one year. The safety deposit and stores vaults. sl o. lta ui k.s, . B. HolUc-aa, sUxtfW' For Indoor Lighting: Particularly in factories, stores, and meeting halls The Intenso a 500 candle power Gas Arc which consumes only 14 feet of Gas in an hour Is Unsurpassed Merchants add to the selling value of their stock when it is shown under good light. Landlords add to the actual value of their buildings when they show a prospective tenant the best lighting appliances. Merchants and Landlords should examine The Intenso today at office or send for our representa tive who will give you all details. Sold on attractive terms if desired. OMAHA GAS COMPANY The Bee for All the News