T1IK UF.K: OMAHA, SATUHPAY, NOVUM HUH 25, 1911. 5 WE ARE NOW LIVING IN VERHAPID STYLE Li Had Bosh for Success Nature's Limitations Are Exceeded. THE RESULT SPELLS SICKNESS Specialists Waa Are Introdaclngt Hew Dlirutrrr at Loral Dri( Store Give Many Reason for -NrrTonn Debility "The sooner the city man roaches a tate of mind that keeps constantly be fore Mm. as a living, . active, Impelling forco the fact that good health means real happiness, the better oft he will be," say the specialists who are here to in troduce the remarkable new tonic, "Tona Vita." "A great majority of those who have called at the drug store to have us ex plain the nature of jur prcparntlon," con tinued one of these specialists, "have frankly said that they wore suricniw from nervousness and were all run down, with no cnrgy or ambition. These ymp tonis Inulcute only one thing, and that U that they arc suffering with the same trouble that-affects more -than one-half of the population. "We are now living In a fast ace. A high state of civilization makes us ani bitious, and In our mad rush to achieve success wo find ourselves carelessly ex ceeding nature's limitations. We do not top for repairs until our conditions are serious and alarming, and we can not go any further along. . Finally, In the grasp of debility, we lose our ambition and In its place assume a state of languor, de cline and depression. "Nervous debility is a miserable and most dreaded condition of the body., The ergons are all disordered and nine times ut of ten the system needa a completo rejuvenation. Nerve food ' is required, new blood' is needed, and buoyant spirits are necessary to make us feel that we are once more in a healthy original con dition. "We have a preparation that .will ac complish this very thing. 'Tona Vita", will relieve those suffering from such complaints as nervousness, stomach and bowel trouble, poor digestion, headaches, pains in the back, constipation, poor cir culation, cold feet, depression and de spondency. The preparation la pleasant to take, its effect is -immediate and It proves a lasting source of benefit and relief. "Those of the public, whether man or woman, who are debilitated, can see us between the hours of 9 a. m. and 0 p. m, at Brandels Drug Dept., 16th and Douglas fits., south side main floor. "A free trial will be given to the flr3t five hundred callers, provided their symp toms Bhow them to be sufferers from nervous debility." Adv. ' Sahlin Perfect Form and Corset Combined OMAHA MAY BE OIL CENTER Wyoming Oil Men Ask for Help to Get Rates. WOULD BUILD WAREHOUSE HERE Are Ilnlldla Refinery at rasper and Bar They Would Make Omaha Distributing t en ter for Ontput. That the Franco-Wyoming OH company. operating In the Salt creek fields near Casper, Wyo., proposes to make Omaha Its distributing point and erect a large warehouse here, was the statement of two representatives of the company to the special committee appointed by the Omaha Commercial club to encourage any development In Wyoming oil fields that may be advantageous to Omaha. The men are Leon J. A. l'hllpott of Casper, Wyo.. assistant general manager, and Frederick Palathe, Ph. D. The Com mercial club's committee Is composed of O. W. Wattles, John I.. McCague. F. D. Wead and E. A. Benson, oil of whom were present at the conference except Mr. Uenson, he being In Florida. Mr. l'hllpott and Dr. fcalathe asked the assistance of the Commercial club In pre senting to the I'nlon Taclflc and North western rallronds the need of an estab lished rate on oil' from the Palt creek fields to Omaha. The special committee will present the matter to the executive committee, with the probability that the oil company will get the assistance it seeks. The committee has already built a forty-mile pipe line to Casper, on the Northwestern, and Is now bulldlns a re finery there. It has plans for a pipe line to Medicine Bow, Wyo., according to Mr. l'hllpott, which will give it an outlet by the Union Pacific. The company has from France all the money It needs for the development of the business, says Mr. Phllpott, and does not ask Americans to buy a dollar's worth of stock. He says It controls the entire field and now has thirty-eight wells, flowing or developed. If tho proper railroad rates are made, according to Mr. Phllpott. he can put on the market in Omaha a distillate that will afford a fuel for manufacturing pur poses cheaper than any aver used here. Omaha Is the logical distributing center for several states for the Wyoming oil, say the representatives of the company, and they wish to build a large warehouse for storing their distillate and other products. We Specialize Kuppenheimer, Schlosa Bros., Stein-Dloch and Society Brand Clothes We Are Exclusive Agents far Senile Waists. $1.50 to 5.00 Mall Orders Promptly Filled. WEINLANDER & SMITM 31T SOUTH 16TH. South Omaha Live Stock Men to See Game at Lincoln , The live stock Interests if South Omaha will be strongly represented, as usual, at the big game In Lincoln. Ar rangements have been made for a special train to carry the South Omaha1 sports to Lincoln and back. The train will leave ThIrty-sUth and L streets. South maha, Saturday ' morning at 8 o'clock, hen It Is expected 150 men will be on , and for the trip to see Nebraska and . . lchigan contest on the gridiron. A special jseat section has been re el ved by the live stock and commission nen, whol will be armed with pennants, canes, megaphones and noise makers of . n i lous kinds. ...Last . year- the South muha bunch was the liveliest at the ,aino and from the moment they arrived a Lincoln until they came home they iept things . humming. A visit to the -,'el'ranka Farm school is part of the an .iual stunt of the live stock men and they ire always warmly welcomed In Lincoln. For 25c The Bee, evening and Dartmoor Sheep at the Sheep Show The only flook of Dartmoor sheep In Hie United States, owncd-by John Raw iiigs of Forest, 'Ont., will be shown at lie Mld-Wlnter Sheep show In Omaha cut month. Mr. Ilawlings will bring fifty heep, ten of which are Dartmoors, which .ave been sold to the University of Vyomlng and which, will be delivered to aat school after the Omaha show. The .beep show management will make a special class, that 'Mr. Rawlings may enter his Dartmoors. . Sunday, delivered at your home Big Return.. - tTsa YVT I T vve strongly recommend VV Pflk I aIITICI AVer's Cherry Pectoral We yv cun Ajuuyz hkw itprevcntsprotects soothes. What does your doctor recommend? Take only the medicine he approves. Trust him every time: f AperCo., M This Store Stands Unrivaled Today As y tl TTT7 1 - fVHa; Apparell inleaciloiuiaoer.s p 11 11 Not Only the Biggest, But tho Best of Its Kind THIS enviable position has been attained by reason of MERIT, on the basis of winning and holding public favor; the record-breaking vol ume of business for the year 1911 so far, is unquestionable endorsement by the great mass of the clothing buyers; valucivin& has been an important factor in this store's progres sion; but, above that a store service of the highest efficiency, merchandise of so high a stand ard, prices that have no comparison, as to establish absolute confidence and at all times, a spirit of friir dealing in every transaction. . y Greatest Overcoat Stock You will sec in this store every imaginable style of overcoats that are considered the proper thing Raglans, Ulsters, Great Coats, Slip-ons, Belted Overcoats, Norfolk Overcoats, Box or Body Tracing Overcoats, Fur Collared Overcoats, Fur Lined Overcoats. The whole range of good models is here. Many distinctive novelties in weave and style. We offer unmistakable values in Overcoats at $10-$15-$20-$25-$30-$35-$40 and Fur Lined Overcoats up to $250.00. e . . i... .; .' .- r ..." .." 1 W if Fur Caps If you nro contem plating buying a fur cap, bco ours first, na tho stock is the largest and most complete in Omaha. Seal 8kin, Coney and Muskrnt are the fav orites $1.50 to $18.00 Imported and domestic cloth caps in Eng lish Golf, Togos, Brightons, etc at 50c to $1.50 K. A. Mallory's "Cravenette" hats, all styles and dimensions $3.00 Jno. White & Co., London, guaranteed non breakable stiff hats $3.00 Illll .'' V.' ' i', . "'i'-eh SATURDAY SPECIAL Another lot of broken line of Boys' Russian Dlouse and Sailor Blouse Suits, worth up to .00; on sale Saturday at $2.05 Broken lines of Boys' Overcoats and - Double Breasted Suits, worth up to $6.00; on sale Sat urday at ...k............. ..... .33.45 FRANCIS INDICTED FOR FRAUD Typewriter Man Accused of tf&ing ' Mails in His Peculations. BILL COVERS FIFTEEN COUNTS Chamrd with Sellln Macblnea to Individual at Foil Price, Re l porting Thru Hold at School Itatca. Edmund E. Francis, former manager ot the Lincoln division of tho Omaha branch office of the Underwood Typewriter com pany, who waa Indicted on fifteen counts by the apeclal federal grand Jury, has been arrested by the United State mar shal at LJncoln and 1 being held In the county jail there In default of 13,000 bonds. Francla la alleged to have worked a scheme to defraud the company through the malls and the government officials have cited fifteen Instance in whrfli he Is alleged to have cheated his employers. Francis' scheme waa to send In orders for typeyrlters which he claimed he had sold to business colleges and schools, which are given a low rate benauso of the amount of advertising the machine gets by reason of the number cf new persons who become acquainted with its mechanism. Pockrls the Difference. The typewriters thus secured were sold by Francis ot the full rate to individual purchasers, which Is something over $10 more than the special school rates. This money the manager of the Lincoln branch Is said to have kept for his own use. In his reports he used the names of schools that do not exist. He will be tried some time in April. The Francis case and the case against John Aiken, Indicted for using the malls to defraud, wore the most Im portant to come before the special grand Jury for Investigation. John Walroth, C. A. Henderson and James Sullivan, who were Indicted for introducing liquor on Indian reservations, pleaded guilty and they were taken to the Iiavenwortn penitentiary with Alfred Slnnet, the youth sentenced several weeks ago for forging an Indorsement to a postal money order. More Names Placed on Call for the Taf t Meeting in Omaha One hundred additional name were placed on the list for a call for a Taft meeting In Omaha, making a total of 600 names on the list. Following are the new names: W. J I. Hatteroth, C. Y. Smith, Franli Crawford, J. E. George. F. I'. Marnonnlt, H. N. Howes. A. A. Kendltr, Charles C. Helden, Kdward T. lleyden. C. 11. Helden, M. 11. Palmqulst, O. A. Wilson, J'TatlK (JOPIB, lit, " 'A ''A '"by i U.MMIUU niPILI inv'SMt ligiuMf ''aai ""V m om iv Think clothes ran't be good unless they are expensive. We prove that clothes can be good and at the same time inexpensive. ANY SUIT OR OVERCOAT made to your measure at 111 1 n x rr i. 'eneci 111 guaranteed. YOUR WINTER SUIT or O'COAT MUST BE MADE TO ORDER. Picture In your mind Just the kind of a Suit or Overcoat you want, then come to us. We save you at least $10.00. Why pay $25.00, $30.00 or $36.00. Our price U 15 DOLLARS made to your individual measure and UNION MADE at that. Your money refunded If not satisfactory. FIVE BIG FEATURES No extra charge for fancy pocket, double treated coata. fancy cuffs on sleeves cuffs vn trousera or ex tra length o'co DUNDEE . 1 WOOLEN MILLS Northwest Corner 15th' and Harney, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. OOWCZZ. BLVrrS STOBB, 4 09 W. Broadway. r fto N. J. Belme, John It. Btine, s J. E. Cramer, Julius Waxenberg, W. F. Kellogg, C. F. Mi-Grew, J. C. Pulver, M. 11. llnrbank, J. C. Kruger, Albert M. t. arson, I j. D. Callahan, A. B. Biiri-h, Harry N. I.usk, F. K. Bollard, R. W. Baker, Clinton Brome, W. A. YonBen, L. D. Miller. J. T. Shanahan. Dr. Frederick Macon, South Orauha. Ieslte H. Kranx, K. S. Bwartzel, J. It. Bell. J. K Hall, (. L. Hoffman, James Gotils, T. B. Uysart, Charles ISlelger, N. G. Thompson, J. A. Kebagn, M. O. Hhune. C. Z. Gould. T. A. JohiiNon, IT. IJeberman, V. F. King, I. A. Medlar, J. M. Ulllln, A. Uleruks. MANY CAUGHTIN LAND DEALS Omahans Invest Money in Worthless Florida Swamps. PUHCHASER3 CO INTO COURT Demand that Com pan r Be Compelled to Live I p to Contract Made with Those Who Iloa-ht Ibe Land. David Anderson, Charles Cum trigs, lw T. Etter, T. J. O'Neil, U. K. Happ, H. Elsfeder, U C. Uibon, Jacob Levy. U. 11. Brewer, A. Bora-quist, U. M. Hi-evee, (). V. Iteeves, H. B. hlt'Kelt, T. M. Conway, Jodoph BeHChok, W. f. Adktns, J. W. Gulllon, C. O. T. Tobin, F. A. Cressey, W. A. Berry. Z. B. L'dall, O. K. Bruce, J. A. Hull. N. K. Carter. K. ii. Howlalld, F. J. Tralnor, AuEust Miller, John C. Klha, Ueorgo VV. Roberts, J. J. Kaspar, James 1. Bush, Austen Hurrle, George Houseman, H. W. Heed, N. Adamsoit. Several Omaha men were "stunx." one of them fur $2,000, by the operations ol the Florida Fruit Land company,, whoa, lands In the Florida everglades In Dmi and Palm Beach counties are tied up b. a suit In United States circuit court a. Kansas City. Trustees representing- 12,000 purchasers J ask the court to prevent any further Bales or payments on past sales until the company haa compiled with Its prom ises to purchasers. It would take an airship, the plaintiffs aay, to set to some of the land, which J. B, Bolles, organizer of the company, bought at ti an acre and Is selling at lib. Payments by purchasers were to be made through a period of two years, at the end of which time the company guaran teed the state would have drained the land. Land Still Untrained. Every purchaser was given, a town lot in ProgroKso, far out In the grassy marshes. The company has paid to stock holder all it ha received from purchaa- ers, the plaintiff allege, and baa done nothing toward draining the land. They aay that Bolles sold 180.000 acres of his holdings for $800,000, more than enough to pay for the entire 1,000,000 acres he bought. The company Is a Colorado company, with headquarter In Kansas City. 8hctcctlcw$! AT rOdNTAINa.HOTKLS.OR RkaEWNCRS) v Gat the Original .nd Genuine EIOEILIGECS MALTED HI I Lit The Food Drink f orAll Ag es RICB MILK. MALT CRAM EXTRACT, IK P0WDU Not in any Mflk Trust I Insist on MHORLICK,S8 pcoaaja bos Passerby Saves Child from Fire Fire breaking out at 8 o'clock yueterday morning destroyed the home1 of Roy Sweeny, Belleuve boulevard and Chand ler's crossing, and but for the timely ai rival of a passing mnn would have burned the Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Sweeny, who was asleep in an upper room. The fire Htarted In the upstairs portion of the houbo while Mr. and Mrs. Hweeny were In the, kltrhcn eating breakfast. A man driving past w Ith a load of hay no ticed the f!umen IsHiiins from the roof und run Into the houe and called Mr. and Mrs. Kweuny's attention to the fire. Mrs., tiweeny ruuhed upstairs and can led the baby out of the room aa the fire broke throunh the partitions of the room. The bouse was the properly of the Wolfe estate. The loss on the building and furniture will amount to about ,$t,100, which Is Inmired for $'i00. ASK TO SEE OUR CORONATION BROWN SHADES. VJA m -4. TT Y',! T7 1 ''r mi lux m m m w Yrrr "'A SOME TRUST COMPANIES HAVE CHANGED NAMES All the coni erna In Omaha that Include the word "trust" In their name and are not strictly trust companies have either changed their name or are preparing to change, In compliance with the new Ne braska trust company law. The Prairie Trust company has changed It nam to the Prairie Park company and the Midland Guarantee and Trust company lias given, notice that It will take a new name. The PeUrs Trust com pany, the First Trust company and the City Trust company are the only con cerns now authorlted to use the word "trust" in their name. Take Warning;. Don't let stomach, liver nor kidney trouble down you. when you can quickly down them with Klectrlo Bitter. Wo. For salo by Beaton Drug Co. AMCSUME.NTS. Matinee 2:80 Tonight 81 15 ROBERT HILLIARD ta Sis Tremendous loooes "A rOOi VXXBJi WAS." ITS STOAT rom TbTBKB DATS VSCIAIi VUZI, MATIKCB One of these 10,000 MISSION CLOCKS Is yours If 70a will secure two subscriptions to weekly mngazlne. rx ,W .fcf, WHO m.AM Maa . 1 I x 1 1 W, i 1 P ft PerKlstent Advertising 1 the Road to Big ltoturns. w. To Oct Its Beneficial Effects; Always Buy the Genuine r m srsKn. m m w nM. M mm an manufaclurcd hytlxo Sold by oil leading Vrvqqists One5ize Only, MM o Doillo ,'iift MOVING PICTURE SHOW ON WEST FARNAM STREET Edward F. Klley has closed the contract with A. P. Tukey A Bon for the erection of a moving picture theater, with a seat ing capacity of 650 oh the east thirty feet of Riley's ground at the southeast corner of Twenty-sUth and Farnain. It will be leaned by A. O. Clune. Persistent Advertising Is tha Road to Big Return. Drink Craving Dsstroyed No more terrible affliction can come to any home than the craving for strong drink of husband and fathnr. We aptwal to wives, mothers and sisters to save the huabaiid and father or brother wltb Orrlnn, a oiiruinu treatment. oitKINK Is prepared in two forms: No, 1, aeoiet trealuinnt. a powder, absolutely tasteless and odoilcss, given amretly in fuod or dnuk: ( urine No. t. In pill form, Is f r thoee who duxire to lake voluntary treatment. OUKINK cot only 1 J0 a box. Call at our store for a free book list, telling all about this meritorious article, which we have been selling fot a number of years. Hherman at McConmll Drug Co., lth and loljfe, and itili and Farnain, Ml-t N. 10th bt., Owl uiug Co., it,m ana itar ney, Oualia. IBOYDtHKAmi AsUKN ENGUSI CRAN0 OPEkA 10. Tonight X.nola SI Lsmsuraoor Bat. Mat. The Tale of Koffmaaa Bat. Might n TrOTator KIXT BUBTBAY All, Will Popular Matinee Wed. and Bat, Xxtra Mat. ThanksgiTlng Say BABY MINE . Dueot From a Bolld Tear's Sua at Daly's Theater, slew York. g rloes a bo to S1.SO BEATS now. KKOG THEATER Home of ramlly Barlesqua, Mat. SUO. Jllgbt Si30. Best Beat' SOe NEW CENTURY GIRLS Ladles' Dally Matinee. Any Beat 100. Chorus tilrls' Couiuai lonikiit. Beautiful Silver Tea Hpoon pre nented to each lady attending the la4e' l'iiiie Mat. today. Tomor row Mat., Hat Pius. Amateur NlKlit, Tonight. AMiiKlUAN THEATER Tonight and All Week, Mat. Tuss, Thursday and Hatnrday miens a so oslt MIBB IV A 1-Aaio and the - WOOOWAKD STOCK OOMArT "ARE YOU A MASON" Next Weak aiorlou Betsy." n Tllia -UY MISSION CLOCK of black flemished kiln dried urn wan ralaed metal numerala, laiga brass peuduluui uluk and ornaiiittiiiai aide weight, cup bell atrlkea the half Lour and catnedral song on the hour. biZK Is yours si ua mss iuic to you. . A Superb Xmaa GlfU A 1'erfect Tiinekeoper A UandMome object of American art, suitable fur the lineal noma If we hetu- from you before Nov. Ii. tills cluck will be shipped Uvo. 1. build us your name and ad dress and we will tell you what to do, to get Ik It i worth iua asking for. WRITS TOKZOXT TO MISSHN CLOCK DEPT. Blau Building, Borantoa, Fa. OKABA'B TVm CZSTTBK'1 Another tlM) Attraetloa at Oar Vrloee STAR ANil CARTER SHOW tXTSATlOAStt AID YAUDBYrn.! liurry lister Mason; Kloise Matthews Jack Conway Buperlor t:aat; The Aviat ing "Kagie A '"rl," nights over audi ence; Loluter Hij. Chorus. Xadlee Pima Matinee Every Week Day fn)OoiVvcAvm.Do-r"ii. V w V - "Xa. A-144, ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Matinee Today 2:15 Note: Early Curtain Saturday Night, 8:15 SUarp, Cured in One Day A few doses of Munyon'a Cold Rem. edy will break up any cold and prevent pneumonia. It relieve the head, throat and lungs almost Instantly. Price iii cent at any druggist's, or sent postpaid. If you neud Medical Advice write ta Munyons Doctor. They will carefully dlugnose your case and give you advice, by n.ail absolutely free on any disease. Ud and Jefferson 81., Philadelphia, pa. HAIR BALSAM Pruutuissl aV hnuiLaul Kivvth. itaviT o im louuimi uriiar. '. , xr.i j. iM ot 1,-