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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1911)
nrE BEE: OMATIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1011. A Tltoroisgiifored Coat This Imperial Made by Fampeck, the best posted young men's tailor in America. It's a big, comfortable coat, with a convertible col lar that really fits your neck. The fabrics are as exclu sive as the inimitable Sam peck tailoring browns and grays in mixtures, diagonals and rich color combinations. Other coats with medium shoulders still others in the rakish and ever popular rag Ian styles there 'b n Sam peck model made just for you, no. matter what your tasto $18.00 to $35.00 Mark Cross Hand Sowed Gloves $1.50 T TJOKO PEOPITS own mtomx niS-lKO TARilAU 6TH2ST TELL OF KELLY'S ACTIONS Witneuei in Murder Trial Seek to Show Hit Condition. CARELESS ABOUT 1113 LIFE IIRS. PATTERSON ON STAND ' (Continued from First Pare.) 1 My noil, 1 mean." , 'Did It com our ' ','No, but It'll cotnlmt off now.", At lllllon request Mr- Patterson ex hibited th injured numbtr to th Jury, walking up and down peat tha double row of her Judges with tha lacerated digit lield plaint to vlw. After Another attack by Pattaraon. wh pea declared aha -went to I'latrlct Attor ney Elliott. ''My fao wa fcrul.ed and swollen, fln irer print were atlll upon my throat, and I could not turn my head," aald tbn'fiarr rat or. . (. Throuth Elliott aha filed a, autt for dt ore. When her husband; wa notified at tha eult, aha said, ha remarked: "I'm going to $10,000 out of titfa, or I'm going to hav blood."' v . "' '-' ' "Yaa; w had walked on from the Peck School, where wa met. because Chlo aald t waa too public. I noticed that a man was following ua." By thla Urn tha ooupla had reached tha sidewalk In front of tha llendiie home, where tha homicide waa committed. , Coming to tha actual homtotd, Mra. Patterson aald that on Monday, the day of. tha a hooting, aba had a, clerk cat Patterson on tha telephone. They met that morning. "Why don't you withdraw thla divorce lull and sign over that deed to me. and I'll withdraw my autt against Blrouaa and com horneT" her husband asked lier. '.'Then ha atkad me for 130. I told him wouldn't alfn ovar anything to blm." "Do ypu jemember anything In ' partie s' r that you observed at thla timer" lked Attorney Hilton. : ,. , "He waa atlll perflating that I algn rver all my property to hlra, and ha aald; You will algn or I'll choke the life out of tou.' Then ho seised my by. the throat ind bit ma on the ahoulder. 1 aoreamed tnd he let ma go. He pulled a clipping trojn hi pocket and asked: "Have you cen thlr and he banded It to me." "What waa Itt" Attorney Hilton a iked. "it was about a eult for tl'S.OUO, dem ist which Mr.' Patterson had filed Ualnat Mr. fttrous for alienation." "I) LI Mr. Patterson say anything then?" "Yea. K said he would, drop tha ault f I would deed the bungalow to him and turn my bank account over to him and rop my divorce ault." '"I'll do nothing of the kind.' I replied. Then he at ruck me a blow In the face and t staggered back." "What then took place T'" 'He struck me again and knocked me to the ground and kicked me.", "What then?" " "I opened my bag and got out my re volver and fired." "How many times!" "I don't know." . , "More than onoaT" " "Yes." , "Well, how many T" "I don't know." - "Don't you remember anything, after that?" '.' . "No." , ' ; ; i '"0111 when?". ' ' , ( , , "Not until I' awoke In jail the next day." f ', Wltne "here waa turned over to the Stat. JUEY CONVICTS TWO IN TAR CASE v (Continued from First Page.) mony alone. "None considered for a moment the al leged bad reputation of Mary Chamber lain when he com to make up hla ver dict." Mr. Bandore could not remember how mart', ballot were taken, but he aald they1 were numerous. ' Mary Chutnberlaln waa not present. It waa aald she had thought a verdict Impossible, and had left town today for Beverly. CUMMINGS GIVEN INDETERMINATE TERM NEW YOItK. Nov. H-Wllilam J. Cum mlns; the Nsshville (Tenn.) banker, and the head of the suspended Carnegie Truat company of thla city, recently con victed of tbe theft of IHO.OOO from a trust fund held by the Carnegie company,, today waa sentenced by Justice Davis In the supreme court to an Indeterminate term In tbe atate prlaon of from four yera and eight month to eight years and eight month. DEATHJUECORD Kuarea Co. OXFOIID; Neb.. Nov. J4.-(8pec!aL-Eugene Co died at :S8 yesterday morn ing of typhoid fever after an lllnes of sixteen daya. He waa SI years of affe. He was one of the main support of Irla widowed mother and hla death la a aad blow to her. Services were conducted at the home Thursday morning by Itev. Clark and the remains were taken to Edison ixtr burial. uniors' Small Women's : COATS . Reduced for Saturday After several weeks' heavy selling we find that we have about "100 beautiful coats in odd sizes for juniors and small women. Because of their odd sizes we have made price re ductions which will tell every coat Saturday. Your f-ize is doubtless included, and this is an unusual op portunity to secure your coat at far below its real value. Every coat is of the samo high grade material and exclusive style which has made our coats "so popular this season including the Polo, Reversible and Sailor Collar, styles, , in .beautiful plain colors . and fancy mixtures. We urge an early selection. Size..for juuiors and small women up to feize 3S. At Om Tim harn4 Tablets, Oac rlin and the Other Net, and Swallowed Uae by baaee. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DEo MOINES, Nov. 84 (Hpeclal Tele gram.) befenee In the Kelly murder trial ha auhpoenaed W. K. Burna of Omaha, who will tfll of Dr. Kelly a astlona whil he was an In inte of the Keeley lm.itut a year ago, also , Frank Capell of Council Dluffs, who waa present when he was committed to the Inebriate hospital at Knoxvllle. The defence will also ask for several wltnesRes In De Moines, who will glv evidence of Insanity In Kelly Jut before the 4redy of March 21 Dr. MacDIarmld of Omaha gave testi mony today In defense of Dr. Kefly In line with other evidence to ahow how the defendant had broken down mentally early this year and the effect of hi long career of drinking and using drugs. When Kelly waa practlolng In Water loo, Neb., h cam to MaoDlarmld'a offic twice a month and waa generally intoxi cated. Once when the wltnea was called to conduct a post-mortem he prevented Kelly from Incurring great danger from Infection by deliberately placing hla bare hand upon tha gangrened parts of tha body. Dr. Btephens of Treynor told on th stand how Kelly had on on occasion mixed up several tablets of poison and on that wa not polaonoua and had then shuffled them about and shutting his eyes selected on, which ho swallowed. It proved to be of cocaine and th wltneia saved his life. The court adjourned the case until Mon day morning when It will b continued. At Plates Barred. Automobile plates are not conaldered a printed matter and cannjut b sent through th maila at thlrd-cla rate. Th Potofflc department haa mad a ruling to thla effect In answer to a r Quest made by Postmaster Kurts on ap plication for a ruling mad by Sedretary of Stat Hayward. ' It wa th hop of th State department to secure permission to ntr th plate as third-clas matter and cut the aXDensa of delivery of the plates In two. Notice ( gate Rabbery. Th headqusrtera of the State Banker' association here waa notified today of the robbery of $4,000 from the Derby State bank of Derby, Lucas county, and de tective have bean sent to work on the case. The safe wes blown oon. " The Fort Dodge, Des Molnos dc Southern railway haa bought the abandoned New. ton A Northwestern railroad. It plan to electrify the Newton line. In a ahort time from Colfax to Newton and It will be operated by, the De Molne Inter- urban. Iowa Engineer. Will Help Make Plan for Railway Valuation IOWA. CITY, la., Nov. M,-(Speclal.)-Dean William U. llaymoud of the collese of engineering of the University of Iowa, haa just been anoolnted a member of a special committee selected by th board of direction of th American So ciety of Civil Engineer, th purpoa of hloh will be to formulate principle and methods for the valuation of rail road property and other public utilities. Every county of every atate In th union Is to be affected by the report of the committee. Other member will be Alfred Noble, who waa In charge of the rennylvanla railroad tunnel under th Hudson river, Nw Tork; T. 11. John fpn, consulting engineer of the Penn sylvania line wet f Pittaburgh; J. p. BnoW, chief engineer of the Boston Maine railroad; C. U Strobrf, president of th trobl Steel Construction com Pvxy, Chicago; Frederick F. 8tearn. conauttlng engineer of Uoaton, Mas. Leonard Motoalf, consisting engineer, Boston, Mais. Choyenne Men Pay Thirty Thousand for ' Territorial Rights CHETENNE, Wyo , Nov. l.Speclal.) A number of prominent business men are mourning the loss of sums aRtrVecat Uig .10.000, n4 the men who. "worked" them have departed for greener fields, al though they cannot be prosecuted even it their victims wished revenge. , Last summer two men appeared here as agent of a pressed metal kitchen cabinet. They did a land offic business, and after disposing of 00 cablneta In Cheyenne In terested local business men In outside ter ritory, which wa disposed of at from $UoO0 to tl2,O0, according to th size of the aald territory. A retired ranchman purchased the atate rights for Idaho, paying 112.000 for aame; a dairyman pur chased Natrona county, this atate, for M.W0; a physician purchased rights In another county In the state for $3,000, while a well known postal clerk running between Cheyenne and Pocatello paid 14,000 for the Utah state rights. In ad dition to this the purchaser advanced ti per cabinet on a certain number of cabinet which they contracted to buy. Agent of the local kitchen cabinet magnates wr placed In th field, but with Indifferent success. In some In- stancee they found their territory had been sold to others, who had already can vassed tarn. Japanese Warship Goes Down in Storm; Forty-Five DrQwn TOKIO, Nov. 21-Th Japanese de- atroyer Harueame foundered oft Shlma province In a torm today and forty-flv of the crew of lxty perished. BEATTIE ADMITS MURDER OF WIFE (Continued from Page One.) Pwavral ef Kaalaeer Havtlaad. FORT DODOK. la.. Nov. .-(8peclaL) -The funeral of W. J. Havtland, Illlnota Central engine- killed In the Logan wreck, was held Thursday In this city and A special train with a great dele gation of railroad men from Waterloo and Fort Dodge and with relative and other friend went to Cheroke at noon, wher th body waa to be Interred be side that of Mr. and Mr. Havlland child. Superintendent Down haa not given out hi decision about. th caus of the wreck. He held an Investigation all day yesterday. Bankers Meet in Detroit Next Year NEW ORLEANS, Nov. H.Detrolt to day waa selected as th meeting place of the 1BU convention ,f the American Bankera' association her. The time of the next convention will be named by the executive council at ita meeting la the aprtng. $17.50 and $23.0) Coa s, Saturday 014.75 $22.50 and $25.09 Coats, Saturday $19.50 1518-1520 FAPJIAM STREET HYMENEAL. lark-Seerley. CEDAR FALLS. la.. Nov. .-6peclal.) In the beautiful home cf President Homer II. Seerley of the . Iowa Stat Teachers' college, hla younger daughter, Mlaa Helen C. Seerley. wa last evening united In marrtgae with Atherton B. Clark of Cedar Rapid, son of Colonel Charlea A. Clark, a prominent attorns "d grand army man of Iowa. The of ficiating clergyman waa Rv. E. K. Dy of th First Congregational church, and about 109 guests wr present New 1'ostal Isrlsti Bsski. (From a Staff CorresjKindent ) WASHINGTON. Nov. 21 -ISneclal TW gram.)-Poaiai savlncs banka -m k. established on 'December tt as followa: Nebraska-Dlller. L'llwood, Stratum Iowa-Howe Dalla. Center. Pauliiaa, Rlcevllla, Itichmond. IfoutH Dakota-Hecla, Voir. Heater Lt l Day. t-ASFfc.ll, Wyo., Nov. U. tBpeclal.) wora nas oeen received that B. H. Allen who got lost while hunting big game In me iisction uoie country, uX been found, although hi handa and feet are uaaiy lron. Allen wandered away dur. ing a atorm and was without food or shelter for six daya Oaly Oit "BMUMO Ql'ISINE" That 1. Laxative Bronio Quinine. Look tor tti. aiiiaiiire of k.. W. Uruv., Lsed tb urM wvr 10 vui. a voiti lu op si. Xm. nesse to th execution tolled ' through th 'murky dawn up th hill to the peni tentiary, that look down on the city. They wsr quickly conducted, single, file, through gate of steer bar to th cham ber where Seattle waa to offer hla atone ment. There waa no conversation. ' Within the chamber all wa in readi ness. The chair, a solid structure of oak, would ordinarily have appeared like the chair teen In libraries. In th somberly bar chamber, however. It wa sinister. Straps dangled from ita arm and back, and shining steel clamps appeared in tha light of th electric like tentacle out stretched to clasp a victim. The witnesses were seated six abreas In an angle of the room. They shuffled their feet uneasily and -when one leaned forward to speak to another, hla action waa received with frown. Major Wood, with , two deputy war dens, addresaed the witnesaea, going through some small formalities demanded by law. Then, with hla two men trooping behind, he paascd out Into th building, wher Beatr.e awaited the' summons in hi cell adjoining. i 't " . Death March I Short. lu th death chamber, the voice of th warden could be heard plainly reading to thja doomed man th final summon. Tha warden's vole droned on. It seemed to tb witnesses Interminably. In reality th eompltanc with, the law occupied only a brief moment. Then, with BeatUe between them, the deputy warden began tluelr progress toward th chair, only a few feet away. When the. 'procession, followed by Superintendent Woods started, a signal wa given which plunged the death cham ber Into blackness, save for a single light Immediately over th chair. Thla waa so hooded that It outlined the chair In a circle of biasing radiance so intense that the "remainder of the room seemed In utter darkness. Th witnesses scare could see each other. The prisoner saw nothing but th chair. Thar waa no de lay In preparing for the end. BeatUe took his place, th prison surgeon and lectrlclan adjusttd the straps, a half dosen clamp were quickly thrown Into place and snapped. The cap, resembling a leather foot ball head harness, wa adjusted, and th men stepped back. The warden raised his hand. Instantly Seattle' body tiffnel with such vio lence that th crtrapa creaked with the train, the clamp rattled a though tb.y war cast nets In th hands cf death, and then that which once had been Henry Clay Heat tie, Jr., relaxed. - It wa Just 7:SS a., m. when th shock was applleflj On rtilnut later BcatUs waa dad. ' Th surgeon had gon forward and with a stethoscope had listened for an other faint beating of th heart that less than sixty second befor had lived. He stepped back. "He la dead." The witnesaea fUsd out One or two were ghastly pal aa they stepped Into th early morning light. History at Crime. The crime for which. Usury Clay' Seat tle. Jr.. was executed today was one of tb most sensational in th criminal his tory of Virginia, Interest In th murder waa country-wld owing to ita unusual feature and th swift movement of Justice. On th eight of July 18 last Beattl drov hla automobile Into Richmond, car rying with him th body of hla wife, which had a gaping ahotgun wound In the head. He declared that a tall bearded man had accosted him on th Midlothian turn pi k five mile from Richmond, and when be had requested the man to make room for htm In the road the stranger without warning had fired the shot which killed Mr. ' Seattle. He added that he had grappled with th man. but wa over powered and that th murderer had fled, leaving th gun behind. This story of th crlm was maintained by Beatti t th and. For a brief time Seattle' story was given soma degree of credenoe, but within a day or two, suspicion began to point to htm aad he was kept under closest ur- etllance. Bloodhounds taken to th scene of the crime refused to Have the place, circling around tbe blood spot on th road. Beattla. It eventually transpired, bad thrown ths shotgun Into th topneau of his automobile after th hooting, but In pasrlng over th same railroad tracks not far from th acen it had been Jolted out and waa picked up later by a negreas. This gun, which UoatU alleged had be longed to the mysterious highwayman. proved th means of aendlng th young man to th lectrlo chair. At th coroner' inquest th wespon was Identified by aul Seattle, a sccoitd il fi if If Here's an Opportunity to Bay l lhrh1fh( Browning, King & Co. Clothing For iVlLJUHk,M O Your Boat a hDecided Saving. Oar Boys Clothing Stock Must Be Reduced Prior to Taking Inventory Saturday Note These Redactions Carefully Then Act. $6.50, $7.50, $8.00 Suits and Overcoats Jaunty styles in all wool fabrics Overcoats, sizes 3 to 8 years; Suits 9 to 17 years splendid assortment from QC Aft which to choose; special sale price vtJtvv $8.50 and $9.00 Suits An exceptional valuo in Boys' Two-piece Suits sizes 9 to 17 years all wool fabrics; for Saturday,. dJJ Aft your choice, at $8.50 and $10.00 Overcoats For the little fellows between 3 and 8 years of age; here's Over coat values you seldom see equaled jaunty styles, Q fi CA well made all colors; choice, on sale vUotlv $10.00 and $12.50 Suits and Overcoats J)ozens of garments in this lot of Boys' Two-pieco Suits and Juvenile Overcoats best of styles; our special t?Q CA sale price vO.tlV R. S. WILCOX, Mgr. "FOLLOW THE BEATON PATH it OMAHA people, generally, are agreed that Beaton's Is the bft drug store In the city, and a large number of them have found out that It is cheapest as well. We have buying facilities that are not available to the average "corner" store that is one reason why we consistently un-, dersell all competition. We are sort of - cranks about proper servlce we believe In giving our patrons the very best kind of atten- j QUVE OIL - "on promptness courtesy and anything and everything else that w guarantee our olive we can think of to help make Bea ton's a pleasant place to buy. For pted. nt-if iS; Saturday we are offering several standard articles, at price, that you nh .vy SpV'ffi can SEE are unusual, as follows; It back and the money T Z Funded? srohferrfUw,yharve. 2Bc Nail Enamel (stick) lm- Kn Rsnltol Llauld 10 not been asked to r- ported lOf? S55c B?ato J- botti. sso 2fo Dido Rice Powder. Paper. 1 6c De Mar's Glycerine Soap. . .10 l-pt. bottle... ...... so imported ................ .J.O? lie Be Mar's Tooth Powder. . .101 Sa,onquart- --R3o 3 ot; bottle G1ertDe Bnd -n. 25c De Mar's Tooth Paste 10 I ter V : 10 1 pint bottle Household Ammonia 10 . . Velvet Cream, particularly recommended - , i a . ,, Ai.hhi ttj. for rough skins and chapped hands 10 1 pint bottle denatured Alchohol 10 25c Tooth BruBQ .'..ilOc V4 pint Witch Hal ......10 25c -oz. bottle Rose or Violet Perfume.. 10 4-ounce package Rochelle Salts 10 1 pound Epsom Salts. .....10 Large Chamois. l0 2 Be Flexible Nail File 1Q Beaton Drug Company ISth and Farnam Streets mli in ... Patek Watches The finest watch made is the Patek-Philippe watch, which is manufactured in Geneva, Switzerland. That this time piece excels , all others with absolutely no exception-may '.be news to you. It is convincing evi dence to state that only the leading jeweler in every city in the world is permitted to sell this watch, as, for ex ample: Tiffany, Kew York; Spaulding, Chicago; Shreve, San Francisco ; Hudson, Minneapolis; Jaccard, Kan sas City; Edholm, Omaha. .Whn you think of Chritroa pres ents ren.wmber the Pstek watch. Xoa't Merely ujr Tavest. ALBERT EDHOLM. JlWIIiIS glxUeatfe and Karnsy. Suits and Overcoats to Order $20 t . ii. ; A suit or overcoat made to measure to fit yon not a wooden modelflt bett'r,, feels better, holds Its shape andwears 'longV .. ' thamready mades.. tv . ." ' ' .. h . ?? .- Our store and show windows are filled with choice patterns' of all wool goods which we offer made to order at $20 to $40. ,',', COME EARLV 8ATURDAV. . i; ' Every garment guaranteed perfect In fit and style. -v MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co. 804-306 South 16th Street. Mve Steps South of Farnam. ' HSlSESssmsCE Comic Section The Sunday Bee With Happy Hooligan. LittUy Nemo, the Katzenjammer Kids and th whole interesting fatniJ Buy Vour Sherman sx m aT AVehandle every line of goods properly belonging in a drug store. Wo aro purchas- ers in large quantities irom uutuuiav;tuic.o "r""ui r r nisn the items we nanuie in pure quamjr Boon's Emulsion . 3yomel Hay' Hair Health Standard Drug Store Goods at Deeply Cut Prices rugs Saturday McConneli Store: Clears by Oox Do you know that ours U th lar eat and moat widely asortd retail tore of Clsara In Omaha, and that our prices we leas by the box than the resular Jobbing price! ro you know that our Humidorea hold over hair milliou cigars, and contain nearly 300 brands and sisesT Try ua. nms sieiruiT VKICXS. n.f un fi into 15c si so. for.:9S.OO ii.. Kn vi fnr i.St. O Box t9 Manilla. 1 for llJo six., fa.60 Ilox 69 Official Beal. I for c..i.M box viarcia Lablnata k09 rrajroAKS vatbstt msicxaxa at cur rsxozs. Rexall Mucuton ........ . . . fJo-S Usterine 16-S5o -So h.xaii Kidney Cure t"i"2?? porden' Malted Milk . . . .4ao-76e II 00 I.ydla iMnkham a Coinpoumi.S 1.00 Kell L.teranoa Olyoothyuiuline M,"fi? Newbro s Herpiolde - Hexall Hair Tonlo J00"! ?! Kellow'a Syrup, for -la? i mt iirav'm (ilrcerln Tonlo So ya.ww -w Big Candy Sale Saturday We handla Tar Food Candy only an! in sealed packages. Saturday la "Bargain Day" on candy Not our prices on fresh Stand ard roods. . . too Barr s Saturday Candy for. Mo 0c Allesrettl'a Chocolates for S Woodward's Candles, sealed pack- ase 6o to .-0 15o lkr. Velvet Candy for ..- O'Briens Choice Confections fir to S9-0O Voeuele & Uinnlnir'e Maxeppa ljo coratea and Maple Creams 30 Vstta BMCii V wj" iresb J'rinie balled la null " Eakay'. I'ood 11.00 Win ot Cardul. for. ...... Dr. Cooper' Medicine 11.00 Ho.tetter' Ultter. ..... ... I-uU lip of Goodrich' ramlly Medi cines and Toilet Articles. 11.00 Squlbb's Barsaparilla f"r. To bsomulslon for ........... . . .4So-M Armour Malted CUw. bott0 e5a Rexa'li ' Order'llei Yoo-Sfco-oo it ....... '4SO-SSO ....... .4B0-B9O 450-890 ranle Condrneed Milk, can Five cakes Ivory Heap ... 7Ru Colguu Alcohol btove....... i6o Mention's Talcum, for ....... 25o lraves' Tooth Powder All iPc Sar.ltol preparation...., Mule-Team Borax, lb. pks lOo can Potash I. ye Three cakes Wool Soap ........ S5c bottle Japanese Hand Lotion. 2io . croxide for .154 .10 .40 .150 .100 .140 . .SO . .40 .10a .ISO ,.7o sTearly BOO Items of Colgate's Soaps. Perfuses aad Toll.t Water at cut prlc. 11a Murray Water for tOo Malvlns Cream Ltnmu't tor". Florida 4 So 89s k .r- fames and Batohet Speolal at en cy a our tore. ShermanaraoeonHellBrBgCo: Five Good Drug Stores in Omaha. ! cousin' or youns Henry, a' th weapon he had purchased for Henry wim money furnished by the latter, w.aio. wa. rested lmnedlately after the inauesu This waa oa July 21. and on Aususi is, .... nmnth a.nd a day from th tlme'of th murder, the trial was begun befor Judg Walter A. Waton. in in turesqu Utile Chesterfield county house, sixteen, mile from her. Jery Mad t of Fsrn. Th Jury wa mad up almost entirely of farmers, and on thla fact Beattl based hie clan that he had been coe vlcted, not for the murder ot hi wlf. but becauv of bis relation with Bautah litnford, notorlou yours woman. H m.ut. t th. last that a Jury com pose 1 of city men would hav freed h.u Beat ti waa defended by II- M. Bmlth, jr.. and Hill Carter. Th prosecution was conducted by l O. Wendfoburs and X U. UrMory. Th Uial moved swiftly, though many witnesses testified, and on Beptembc- . after fifty-lsbt minutes ot eon.ld. ration and prayer, the Jury In chorus Instead ot through Us foreman, declared BeatUe to be guilty of the murder of bis wife. Mo tion for a new trial waa denied and No vember 84 set a the day for' the execu tion. On November 11 the Virginia supreme court of appeals refused to grant an ap peal on a writ of error, and two daya pnniTfini LEW KALEii H BX.DO. Xr.irc a Coart 1' u. ivi imrrrllj P later Governor Mann, who had been ap pealed to for commutation or reprieve. Issued a statement declaring that th In terest of th people of Virginia it m.nded tltat Beatti should dl la tt electric chair. V X 5 uMSSBaa.